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Length: 17280 (0x4380) Types: TextFile Names: »DATABASE.PAS«
└─⟦74e5ee6fb⟧ Bits:30002683 PolyPascal-86 v. 3.11 - Piccoline └─⟦74e5ee6fb⟧ Bits:30003934 SW1402 PolyPascal v3.11 (dk) til Piccoline └─ ⟦this⟧ »DATABASE.PAS«
PROGRAM database; æ$A+,C-,R-,V-å æ***************************************************************å æ å æ PolyFile Version 1.10 å æ å æ DATABASE Example å æ å æ Copyright (C) 1985 å æ PolyData MicroCenter A/S å æ å æ***************************************************************å æ DATABASE demonstrates how to use PolyFile to create and main- å æ tain a simple customer data base. DATABASE allows you to add, å æ find, view, edit, delete and list customers of a predefined å æ type (see the CUSTREC type definition below). å æ DATABASE maintains three files: A data file (CUST.DAT), a å æ customer code index (CUST.IXC) and a name index (CUST.IXN). å æ The customer code index does not allow duplicate keys, å æ whereas the name index does. When DATABASE is run for the å æ first time, it will automatically create an empty data base. å æ The main menu offers three functions: U)pdate, L)ist and å æ Q)uit. U)pdate is used to add, find, view, edit and delete å æ customers. L)ist is used to list customers, and Q)uit is used å æ to terminate the program. å æ On the U)pdate menu, The A)dd function is used to add new å æ customers. F)ind is used to locate a customer, either by cus- å æ tomer code or by last (and first) name. To search for a spe- å æ cific customer code, simply enter it when the cursor moves to å æ the customer code field. If it is found, the customer's data å æ is displayed and you may, if you wish, E)dit or D)elete it. å æ To search for a name, enter an empty customer code. Then å æ enter the last name and optionally the first name. Note that å æ if a first name is specified, the first 15 characters of the å æ last name must be entered in full. The scan will locate the å æ first customer of the specified name or the first customer å æ that follows the specified name if no exact match occurs. You å æ may then use N)ext and P)revious to move forwards and back- å æ wards in alphabetical order. Once you have located the wanted å æ customer, enter Q)uit. You may then E)dit or D)elete the å æ record shown on the screen, or simply leave it unchanged. å æ L)ist is used to list customers. Listings will show the cus- å æ tomer code, the name and the company. They may be output to å æ the P)rinter or to the S)creen, and they may be U)nsorted or å æ sorted by customer C)ode or N)ame. å æ For further comments, read through this source code. å LABEL stop; CONST æ Data record size definition å crsize = 342; æ Customer record size å æ PolyFile constants å maxrsize = crsize; æ Max record size å maxksize = 25; æ Max key size å nodesize = 16; æ Node size å nodehalf = 8; æ Half node size å nbufsize = 5; æ Node buffer size å maxdepth = 5; æ Max index depth å æ Include PolyFile modules å æ$I DATMANå æ$I NPFKEYå æ$I ADDKEYå æ$I DELKEYå TYPE æ Various string types å str5 = STRINGÆ5Å; str10 = STRINGÆ10Å; str15 = STRINGÆ15Å; str25 = STRINGÆ25Å; str80 = STRINGÆ80Å; anystr = STRINGÆ255Å; æ Character set type å charset = SET OF char; æ Customer record definition å custrec = RECORD status: integer; æ Status å ccode: STRINGÆ15Å; æ Customer code å cdate: STRINGÆ8Å; æ Entry date å fname: STRINGÆ15Å; æ First name å lname: STRINGÆ30Å; æ Last name å cmpny: STRINGÆ40Å; æ Company å addr1: STRINGÆ40Å; æ Address 1 å addr2: STRINGÆ40Å; æ Address 2 å phone: STRINGÆ15Å; æ Phone number å pextn: STRINGÆ5Å; æ Extension å rmrk1: STRINGÆ40Å; æ Remarks 1 å rmrk2: STRINGÆ40Å; æ Remarks 2 å rmrk3: STRINGÆ40Å; æ Ramarks 3 å END; VAR æ Global variables å datf: datafile; idxc,idxn: indexfile; ch: char; æ CAP converts a character to upper case å FUNCTION cap(ch: char): char; BEGIN IF (ch>='a') AND (ch<='z') THEN cap:=chr(ord(ch)-32) ELSE cap:=ch; END; æ CPAS converts a string to upper case å FUNCTION caps(s: str80): str80; VAR p: integer; BEGIN FOR p:=1 TO len(s) DO sÆpÅ:=cap(sÆpÅ); caps:=s; END; æ CSTR returns a string with N characters of value C å FUNCTION cstr(c: char; n: integer): str80; VAR s: STRINGÆ80Å; BEGIN IF n<0 THEN n:=0; sÆ0Å:=chr(n); fill(sÆ1Å,n,c); cstr:=s; END; æ BEEP sounds the terminal's bell or beeper å PROCEDURE beep; BEGIN write(^G); END; æ INPSTR is a generalized string input routine which supports å æ on-screen editing. S is any string variable. L is the maximum å æ input length. X and Y are the display coordinates. TERM is a å æ set of valid terminator characters, and TC returns the char- å æ acter that terminated the input. On entry, S is displayed at å æ X,Y on the screen, padded to the right with underscores. The å æ string may then be edited using standard control keys: ^S and å æ ^D for left and right, ^A and ^F for beginning and end of å æ line, ^G to delete the character under the cursor, ^H or DEL å æ to backspace, and ^Y to delete to end of the line. When a å æ character is typed, it is inserted at the cursor at the re- å æ mainder of the line is moved to the right. When a terminator å æ character is typed, the trailing underscors are removed, and å æ INPSTR returns with the edited string in S and the terminator å æ character in TC. å PROCEDURE inpstr(VAR s: anystr; l,x,y: integer; term: charset; VAR tc: char); CONST fc = '_'; VAR p: integer; ch: char; BEGIN gotoxy(x,y); write(s,cstr(fc,l-len(s))); p:=0; REPEAT gotoxy(x+p,y); read(kbd,ch); CASE ch OF @32..@126: IF p<l THEN BEGIN IF len(s)=l THEN delete(s,l,1); p:=p+1; insert(ch,s,p); write(copy(s,p,l)); END ELSE beep; ^S: IF p>0 THEN p:=p-1 ELSE beep; ^D: IF p<len(s) THEN p:=p+1 ELSE beep; ^A: p:=0; ^F: p:=len(s); ^G: IF p<len(s) THEN BEGIN delete(s,p+1,1); write(copy(s,p+1,l),fc); END; ^H,@127: IF p>0 THEN BEGIN delete(s,p,1); write(^H,copy(s,p,l),fc); p:=p-1; END ELSE beep; ^Y: BEGIN write(cstr(fc,len(s)-p)); delete(s,p+1,l); END; OTHERWISE IF NOT(ch IN term) THEN beep; END; UNTIL ch IN term; p:=len(s); gotoxy(x+p,y); write('':l-p); tc:=ch; END; æ SELECT display the prompt string PR on line 22, and waits å æ until the user enters a character which is contained in the å æ TERM character set. The character is then returned in TC. å PROCEDURE select(pr: str80; term: charset; VAR tc: char); VAR ch: char; BEGIN gotoxy(0,22); write(pr,'? ',clreol); REPEAT read(kbd,ch); tc:=cap(ch); IF NOT(tc IN term) THEN beep; UNTIL tc IN term; write(ch); END; æ CLRFRAME clears the display frame, i.e. lines 3 to 20 å PROCEDURE clrframe; VAR i: integer; BEGIN FOR i:=3 TO 20 DO BEGIN gotoxy(0,i); write(clreol); END; END; æ OUTFORM displays the entry form on the screen å PROCEDURE outform; BEGIN gotoxy(6,4); write('Code:'); gotoxy(28,4); write('Date:'); gotoxy(0,6); write('First Name:'); gotoxy(28,6); write('Last Name:'); gotoxy(3,8); write('Company:'); gotoxy(1,9); write('Address 1:'); gotoxy(1,10); write('Address 2:'); gotoxy(5,12); write('Phone:'); gotoxy(28,12); write('Extension:'); gotoxy(1,14); write('Remarks 1:'); gotoxy(1,15); write('Remarks 2:'); gotoxy(1,16); write('Remarks 3:'); END; æ CLRFORM clears all fields in the entry form å PROCEDURE clrform; BEGIN gotoxy(12,4); write('':15); gotoxy(34,4); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,6); write('':15); gotoxy(39,6); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,8); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,9); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,10); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,12); write('':15); gotoxy(39,12); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,14); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,15); write(clreol); gotoxy(12,16); write(clreol); END; æ INPCUST is used for inputting customer records. The routine å æ assumes that the entry form is already displayed and filled å æ in with the default data contained in CUSTREC. Apart from the å æ control characters supported by INPSTR, the user may type ^E å æ to move to the previous field, RETURN, ^I or ^X to move to å æ the next field. INPCUST returns when the user types ^Z or å æ RETURN when the cursor is in the last field. å PROCEDURE inpcust(VAR cust: custrec); CONST term: charset = Æ^E,^I,^M,^X,^ZÅ; VAR l: integer; tc: char; BEGIN l:=1; WITH cust DO REPEAT CASE l OF 1: inpstr(ccode,15,12,4,term,tc); 2: inpstr(cdate,8,34,4,term,tc); 3: inpstr(fname,15,12,6,term,tc); 4: inpstr(lname,30,39,6,term,tc); 5: inpstr(cmpny,40,12,8,term,tc); 6: inpstr(addr1,30,12,9,term,tc); 7: inpstr(addr2,30,12,10,term,tc); 8: inpstr(phone,15,12,12,term,tc); 9: inpstr(pextn,5,39,12,term,tc); 10: inpstr(rmrk1,40,12,14,term,tc); 11: inpstr(rmrk2,40,12,15,term,tc); 12: inpstr(rmrk3,40,12,16,term,tc); END; IF (tc=^I) OR (tc=^M) OR (tc=^X) THEN IF l=12 THEN l:=1 ELSE l:=l+1 ELSE IF tc=^E THEN IF l=1 THEN l:=12 ELSE l:=l-1; UNTIL (tc=^M) AND (l=1) OR (tc=^Z); END; æ OUTCUST displays the customer data contained in CUST å PROCEDURE outcust(VAR cust: custrec); BEGIN WITH cust DO BEGIN gotoxy(12,4); write(ccode,'':15-len(ccode)); gotoxy(34,4); write(cdate,clreol); gotoxy(12,6); write(fname,'':15-len(fname)); gotoxy(39,6); write(lname,clreol); gotoxy(12,8); write(cmpny,clreol); gotoxy(12,9); write(addr1,clreol); gotoxy(12,10); write(addr2,clreol); gotoxy(12,12); write(phone,'':15-len(phone)); gotoxy(39,12); write(pextn,clreol); gotoxy(12,14); write(rmrk1,clreol); gotoxy(12,15); write(rmrk2,clreol); gotoxy(12,16); write(rmrk3,clreol); END; END; æ KEYN converts a last name and a first name to a key string. å æ The key string consists of the first 15 characters of the å æ last name (padded with blanks if required) followed by the å æ first 10 characters of the first name. å FUNCTION keyn(ln: str15; fn: str10): str25; CONST blanks = ' '; BEGIN keyn:=caps(ln)+copy(blanks,1,15-len(ln))+caps(fn); END; æ UPDATE is used to update the data base å PROCEDURE update; VAR ch: char; æ ADD is used to add customers å PROCEDURE add; VAR d: integer; cc: STRINGÆ15Å; kn: STRINGÆ25Å; cust: custrec; BEGIN WITH cust DO BEGIN fill(cust,size(cust),0); REPEAT inpcust(cust); cc:=ccode; findkey(idxc,d,cc); IF ok THEN BEGIN gotoxy(5,18); write('ERROR: DUPLICATE CUSTOMER CODE'); beep; END; UNTIL NOT ok; addrec(datf,d,cust); addkey(idxc,d,ccode); kn:=keyn(lname,fname); addkey(idxn,d,kn); gotoxy(5,18); write(clreol); END; END; æ FIND is used to find, edit and delete customers å PROCEDURE find; VAR d,l,i: integer; ch,tc: char; cc,pc,fn: STRINGÆ15Å; kn,pn: STRINGÆ25Å; ln: STRINGÆ30Å; cust: custrec; BEGIN IF usedrecs(datf)>0 THEN BEGIN cc:=''; REPEAT inpstr(cc,15,12,4,Æ^M,^ZÅ,tc); IF cc<>'' THEN BEGIN findkey(idxc,d,cc); IF ok THEN BEGIN getrec(datf,d,cust); outcust(cust); END ELSE BEGIN gotoxy(5,18); write('ERROR: CUSTOMER CODE NOT FOUND'); beep; END; END; UNTIL ok OR (cc=''); gotoxy(5,18); write(clreol); IF cc='' THEN BEGIN l:=1; fn:=''; ln:=''; REPEAT CASE l OF 1: inpstr(fn,15,12,6,Æ^I,^M,^ZÅ,tc); 2: inpstr(ln,30,39,6,Æ^I,^M,^ZÅ,tc); END; IF (tc=^I) OR (tc=^M) THEN l:=3-l; UNTIL (tc=^M) AND (l=1) OR (tc=^Z); kn:=keyn(ln,fn); searchkey(idxn,d,kn); IF NOT ok THEN prevkey(idxn,d,kn); REPEAT getrec(datf,d,cust); outcust(cust); select('Find: N)ext, P)revious, Q)uit',Æ'N','P','Q'Å,ch); CASE ch OF 'N': REPEAT nextkey(idxn,d,kn) UNTIL ok; 'P': REPEAT prevkey(idxn,d,kn) UNTIL ok; END; UNTIL ch='Q'; END; select('Find: E)dit, D)elete, Q)uit',Æ'E','D','Q'Å,ch); WITH cust DO CASE ch OF 'E': BEGIN pc:=ccode; pn:=keyn(lname,fname); REPEAT inpcust(cust); IF ccode=pc THEN ok:=false ELSE BEGIN cc:=ccode; findkey(idxc,i,cc); IF ok THEN beep; END; UNTIL NOT ok; putrec(datf,d,cust); IF ccode<>pc THEN BEGIN deletekey(idxc,d,pc); addkey(idxc,d,ccode); END; kn:=keyn(lname,fname); IF kn<>pn THEN BEGIN deletekey(idxn,d,pn); addkey(idxn,d,kn); END; END; 'D': BEGIN deletekey(idxc,d,ccode); kn:=keyn(lname,fname); deletekey(idxn,d,kn); deleterec(datf,d); END; END; END ELSE beep; END; BEGIN æUPDATEå outform; REPEAT select('Update: A)dd, F)ind, Q)uit',Æ'A','F','Q'Å,ch); CASE ch OF 'A': add; 'F': find; END; IF ch<>'Q' THEN BEGIN gotoxy(59,1); write(usedrecs(datf):5); clrform; END; UNTIL ch='Q'; END; æ LIST is used to list customers å PROCEDURE list; LABEL escape; VAR d,l,ld: integer; ch,co,cs: char; cc: STRINGÆ15Å; kn: STRINGÆ25Å; name: STRINGÆ35Å; cust: custrec; BEGIN select('Output Device: P)rinter, S)creen',Æ'P','S'Å,co); select('Sort By: C)ode, N)ame, U)nsorted',Æ'C','N','U'Å,cs); gotoxy(0,22); write('Press <ESC> to abort',clreol); clearkey(idxc); clearkey(idxn); d:=0; ld:=filelen(datf)-1; l:=3; REPEAT IF keypress THEN BEGIN read(kbd,ch); IF ch=@27 THEN GOTO escape; END; CASE cs OF 'C': nextkey(idxc,d,cc); 'N': nextkey(idxn,d,kn); 'U': BEGIN ok:=false; WHILE (d<ld) AND NOT ok DO BEGIN d:=d+1; getrec(datf,d,cust); ok:=cust.status=0; END; END; END; IF ok THEN WITH cust DO BEGIN IF cs<>'U' THEN getrec(datf,d,cust); name:=lname; IF fname<>'' THEN name:=name+', '+fname; IF co='P' THEN BEGIN write(lst,ccode,'':16-len(ccode)); write(lst,name,'':36-len(name)); writeln(lst,copy(cmpny,1,25)); END ELSE BEGIN IF l=21 THEN BEGIN gotoxy(0,22); write('Press <RETURN> to continue or <ESC> to abort',clreol); REPEAT read(kbd,ch) UNTIL (ch=^M) OR (ch=@27); IF ch=@27 THEN GOTO escape; gotoxy(0,22); write('Press <ESC> to abort',clreol); clrframe; l:=3; END; gotoxy(0,l); write(ccode); gotoxy(16,l); write(name); gotoxy(52,l); write(copy(cmpny,1,25)); l:=l+1; END; END; UNTIL NOT ok; IF co='S' THEN BEGIN gotoxy(0,22); write('Press <RETURN>',clreol); REPEAT read(kbd,ch) UNTIL ch=^M; END; escape: END; æ Main program å BEGIN writeln(clrhom,cstr('-',79)); writeln('PolyFile Customer Data Base'); writeln(cstr('-',79)); gotoxy(0,21); writeln(cstr('-',79)); writeln; write(cstr('-',79)); gotoxy(0,3); initindex; openfile(datf,'CUST.DAT',crsize); IF ok THEN openindex(idxc,'CUST.IXC',15,0); IF ok THEN openindex(idxn,'CUST.IXN',25,1); IF NOT ok THEN BEGIN select('Data files missing. Create new files (Y/N)',Æ'Y','N'Å,ch); IF ch='Y' THEN BEGIN makefile(datf,'CUST.DAT',crsize); makeindex(idxc,'CUST.IXC',15,0); makeindex(idxn,'CUST.IXN',25,1); END ELSE GOTO stop; END; gotoxy(59,1); write(usedrecs(datf):5,' Records In Use'); REPEAT select('Select: U)pdate, L)ist, Q)uit',Æ'U','L','Q'Å,ch); CASE ch OF 'U': update; 'L': list; END; IF ch<>'Q' THEN clrframe; UNTIL ch='Q'; closefile(datf); closeindex(idxc); closeindex(idxn); stop: write(clrhom); END.