DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: CR80 Hard and Floppy Disks |
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Length: 4030 (0xfbe) Types: TextFile Names: »SYNTAX.S«
└─⟦f81e11cf7⟧ Bits:30005196 8" CR80 Floppy CR80FD_0194 ( CR/D/2497 TEST-TDX VS0102 Source moduler Att. Holger Bay 820208/AEK ) └─⟦d066df9e9⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »SYNTAX.S«
" | # <identifier> <constant> <string> <error> DRIVER ASSIGN DEASSIGN CREATE DISMANTLE READ INITREAD APPEND INITAPPEND CANCEL CRID OPERATION PROCEDURE REPEAT BEGIN END DELAY WAITINIT CONSOLE IN OUT EXPECT PATTERN DEFINE DUMP BUFFER FROM TO LIST OPERATIONS ( ) ; , (:10:) = # " <commandfile> <procdecls> <body> <nl> | <body> <nl> | END <nl> " <procdecls> <procdecls> <procdecl> | <procdecl> " <procdecl> <proresword> <procname> <paramlist> <nl> <body> <nl> | <proresword> <procname> <nl> <body> <nl> " <proresword> PROCEDURE " <procname> <identifier> " <paramlist> ( <parameters> ) " <parameters> <parameters> ; <identifier> | <identifier> " <body> BEGIN <nl> <statements> END " <statements> <statements> <statement> | <statement> " <statement> <procedurecall> | <repeatstatement> | <simplecommand> | <error> " <procedurecall> <procname> ( <actualparams> ) <nl> | <procname> <nl> " <actualparams> <actualparams> , <const_or_var> | <const_or_var> " <repeatstatement> <repeatresword> <repeats> <nl> <body> <nl> | <repeatresword> <repeats> <statement> " <repeatresword> REPEAT " <repeats> <const_or_var> " <simplecommand> <driverdefinecommand> | <assigncommand> | <deassigncommand> | <createcommand> | <dismantlecommand> | <readcommand> | <initreadcommand> | <appendcommand> | <initappendcommand> | <consolecommand> | <definecommand> | <dumpcommand> | <delaycommand> | <cancelcommand> | <listcommand> | <waitinitcommand> " <driverdefinecommand> DRIVER = <string> <nl> " <assigncommand> ASSIGN <cr80adr> <hostno> <nl> " <deassigncommand> DEASSIGN <nl> " <createcommand> CREATE <protocol> <crid> <speed> <maxpacket> <nl> " <dismantlecommand> DISMANTLE <crid> <nl> " <readcommand> READ <readparams> <dump_at_completion> <nl> " <initreadcommand> INITREAD <readparams> <dump_at_completion> <nl> " <readparams> <crid> <noofbytes> EXPECT PATTERN <patternno> | <crid> <noofbytes> " <appendcommand> APPEND <appendparams> <nl> " <initappendcommand> INITAPPEND <appendparams> <nl> " <appendparams> <crid> <noofbytes> PATTERN <patternno> | <crid> <noofbytes> ( <integers> ) " <integers> <integers> <integer> | <integer> " <integer> <constant> " <consolecommand> CONSOLE IN <nl> | CONSOLE OUT <nl> " <definecommand> DEFINE PATTERN <patternno> = <pattern> <nl> " <dumpcommand> DUMP BUFFER <bufferno> FROM <startaddr> <nl> | DUMP BUFFER <bufferno> FROM <startaddr> TO <endaddr> <nl> | DUMP PATTERN <patternno> <nl> " <delaycommand> DELAY <time> <nl> " <listcommand> LIST OPERATIONS <nl> " <cancelcommand> CANCEL CRID <crid> <nl> | CANCEL OPERATION <opref> <nl> " <waitinitcommand> WAITINIT <time> <nl> " <cr80adr> <const_or_var> " <hostno> <const_or_var> " <protocol> <const_or_var> " <crid> <const_or_var> " <noofbytes> <const_or_var> " <speed> <const_or_var> " <maxpacket> <const_or_var> " <patternno> <const_or_var> " <bufferno> <const_or_var> " <startaddr> <const_or_var> " <endaddr> <const_or_var> " <opref> <const_or_var> " <time> <const_or_var> " <const_or_var> <identifier> | <constant> " <nl> (:10:) " <pattern> <integers> | <string> " <dump_at_completion> DUMP | # «a5»