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⟦1c0b47f0e⟧ TextFile

    Length: 5780 (0x1694)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »INFO.T«


└─⟦e0c43619c⟧ Bits:30005797 CR80 Disc pack ( Vol:FNJ1 861029/EC CR80 S/W Package II+III+IV+V+VII )
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »CSP004_V0801.D!CSS7201.D!INFO.T« 



             M O D U L E      I N F O R M A T I O N


Information about the submittal to SWD/SCL of the module:


Version :                   05
Release :                   01

Date :                      860908

Title :                     MX-DEBUGGER

Responsible Programmer :    AR

Programming Language :      C
Prefix(es)  Included :

Special Requirements :      none
Bindings to Other Modules :
                            MX-AMOS kernel          - CSS/7302
                            MX DEBUG SUPPORT MODULE - CSS/7310 V0201
                            C-PARSER                - CSS/210

Name (including volume name and all directory names) of
the directory, which contains the released module:


Below is given a complete file list of this directory with
explanation  of the contents of each file.

Name and Suffix:            Contents:

   CC.J                     Job file to compile a C module
   CC_ALL.J                 Job file to compile all modules
   DEBUG.C                  Load file
   DEBUG.COM                Command file to linker
   DEBUG.J                  Job file to generate the load file
   DEBUG.L.P                Link print file
   LCC.J                    Job file to compile a large C module
   LOG                      Log file from DEBUG.J
   PRINT.J                  Job file to print all relevant files

   INFO.T                   This file.
   RELDESCR.T               Release description.

   CONFIG.I                 Include file common to several modules
   DEBUG_INFO.I              -       -    -     -   -       -
   DEBUGSUP.I                -       -    -     -   -       -
   FILE_IF.I                 -       -    -     -   -       -

   DEBUGGER.D               Directory containing DEBUGGER submodule:
     DEBUGGER.S             Source file
     DEBUGGER.P             Compile print file
     DEBUGGER.A             Assembler source file
     DEBUGGER.A.P           Assembler print file
     DEBUGGER.L             Link module
     DEBUGGER.SYM           Symbolic debug info

   DEBUG_IF.D               Directory containing DEBUG_IF submodule:
     DEBUG_IF.S             Source file
     DEBUG_IF.P             Compile print file
     DEBUG_IF.A             Assembler source file
     DEBUG_IF.A.P           Assembler print file
     DEBUG_IF.L             Link module
     DEBUG_IF.SYM           Symbolic debug info

   DEBUG_INFO.D             Directory containing DEBUG_INFO submodule:
     DEBUG_INFO.S           C source file
     DEBUG_INFO.P           Compile print file
     DEBUG_INFO.A           Assembler source file
     DEBUG_INFO.A.P         Assembler print file
     DEBUG_INFO.L           Link module
     DEBUG_INFO.SYM         Symbolic debug info

   FILE_MAN.D               Directory containing FILE_MAN submodule:
     FILE_MAN.S             C source file
     FILE_MAN.P             Compile print file
     FILE_MAN.A             Assembler source file
     FILE_MAN.A.P           Assembler print file
     FILE_MAN.L             Link module
     FILE_MAN.SYM           Symbolic debug info

   INIT_INFO.D              Directory containing INIT_INFO submodule:
     INIT_INFO.S            C source file
     INIT_INFO.P            Compile print file
     INIT_INFO.A            Assembler source file
     INIT_INFO.A.P          Assembler print file
     INIT_INFO.L            Link module
     INIT_INFO.SYM          Symbolic debug info

   PROCESS_COM.D            Directory containing PROCESS_COM submodule:
     PROCESS_COM.S          C source file
     PROCESS_COM.P          Compile print file
     PROCESS_COM.A          Assembler source file
     PROCESS_COM.A.P        Assembler print file
     PROCESS_COM.L          Link module
     PROCESS_COM.SYM        Symbolic debug info

   SEMANTIC.D               Directory containing SEMANTIC submodule
     SEMANTIC.S             C main source file
     PROCS.S                C source file (Utility functions)
     SEM1.S                 C source file (Production rules  1 - 34)
     SEM2.S                 C source file (Production rules 34 - 51)
     SEM3.S                 C source file (Production rules 52 - 71)
     SEM4.S                 C source file (Production rules 72 - 97)
     SEMANTIC.P             Compile print file
     SEMANTIC.A             Assembler source file
     SEMANTIC.A.P           Assembler print file
     SEMANTIC.L             Link module
     SEMANTIC.SYM           Symbolic debug info

   SYNTAX_TABLE.D           Directory containing SYNTAX_TABLE submodule
     SYNTAX.J               Job file to generate (source) parsertable
     SYNTAX.S               Syntax description (input to Parsergenerator)
     SYNTAX.P               Print file from parsergenerator.
     SYNTAX.O               Parsertable (output from parsergenerator)


     SYNTAX_TABLE.S         C source file
     SYNTAX_TABLE.P         Compile print file
     SYNTAX_TABLE.A         Assembler source file
     SYNTAX_TABLE.A.P       Assembler print file
     SYNTAX_TABLE.L         Link module
     SYNTAX_TABLE.SYM       Symbolic debug info

To generate the module use : DO DEBUG.J

To install the module:

    COPY the file: DEBUG.C
    into:          @**DEBUG

Pertinent Documentation: CSS/7201/PSP/0107
Other Information:

End of INFO.T