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Length: 45214 (0xb09e) Types: TextFile Names: »HELP.DESCR.T«
└─⟦e0c43619c⟧ Bits:30005797 CR80 Disc pack ( Vol:FNJ1 861029/EC CR80 S/W Package II+III+IV+V+VII ) └─ ⟦this⟧ »CSP002_V0701.D!CSS190.D!HELP.DESCR.T«
GENERAL_SYNTAX <file_id> ::= @[<file_system_name>]*[<volume_name>] | <file_name> | <file_id>*<file_name> <file_system_name> ::= <file_system_process_name> -<port_group_name> <volum_name> ::= <name> <file_name> ::= <name> <file_system_process_name> ::= <process_name> 3 <port_group_name> ::= <letter>{<letter> | <digit>} 3 15 <name> ::= <letter>{<letter> | <digit>} 0 5 <process_name> ::= <letter>{<letter> | <digit>} 0 <letter> ::= A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M| N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z| a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m| n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z| .|-|<NULL> <digit> ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| <NULL> the null character (value 0) 3 <device_id> ::= <letter>{<letter> | <digit>} 0 <user> ::= <integer> <user_id> ::= <name> <directory_id> ::= [@[<file_system_name>]* [<volume_name>]] 10 {*<directory_name>} 1 <directory_name> ::= <name> <mask> ::= [+] [-] [<align>]<mask letters>[<align>] <align> ::= # (the mask must be aligned with the front or the back of the file-name) <mask letters> ::= {<letter>|?} + = or mask - = minus mask <target computer> ::= 1 .. 8 1 2 3 4 = AMOS 5 = DAMOS 6 = XAMOS 7 = MXAMOS type 1 8 = MXAMOS type 2 & APPEND Copies the contents of one file into another by appending the former to the end of the latter. SYNTAX: APPEND [I:<file_id>] "file to copy" [O:<file_id>] "file to copy into" [B:<buffer_size>] "number of words" PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <file_id> ::= see GENERAL SYNTAX Defaults for I-, and O-file are current input and current output. <buffer_size> ::= integer DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the APPEND program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & ARCHIVE An interactive program which implements all the necessary functions for manipulating magnetic tape files and for mounting and dismounting of volumes. SYNTAX: ARCHIVE LARGEARCHIVE COMMANDS: CONVERT [<number>] MOUNT <volume_id> [<number>] INIT <volume_id> [<number>] LIST [<file_id>] WRITE [<file_name>]<file_id> WRITEALL [<file_id>] READ [<file_name>] <file_id> [<number>] READALL [<file_id>][<number>] DISMOUNT QUIT DELETE <file_name> [<number>] BLOCKSIZE <number> RECORDSIZE <number> CONTINUE FILL NOFILL For full description of the ARCHIVE program please use ARCHIVE user's manual (CSS/161/USM/0046). & ASM An ASSEMBLER translating assembler program module from source text to link module. SYNTAX: ASM I:<source_file_id> 3> O:<object_file_id> [<user_parameter>| 3> <test_parameter>| <command_parameter>] PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: default comment <user_parameter> ::= P:<file_id> curr print file L:<integer> 0 list level 3> W:<integer> 30 Warning level X:[YES|NO|ALL] NO cross reference 3> V:<version> 0 version 3> N:<modulename> - module name 3> 3> <test_parameter> ::= 3> T:<file_id> - test file 3> M:<integer> - test mask option <command_parameter> ::= /V - verify option 3> /O - optimized option 3> /L - Long forward jump and 3> long forward constant 3> option. 3> /LS - Long forward S2 jump 3> option. 3> /LJ - Long forward L8 jump 3> option. 3> /LC - long forward C16 constant 3> option. /X XAMOS XAMOS option /A XAMOS AMOS option /D XAMOS DAMOS option /M XAMOS MXAMOS option DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: NOTE! A large version is called LARGEASM. For full description of the ASM program please use ASM user's manual (CSS/425/USM/0105) (Issue 3). & ATTR Gives the attributes concerning the specified file with name <file_name> in the specified directory (default : current directory). SYNTAX: ATTR {<directory_id>*}<file_name> For full description of the ATTR program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & BACKUP The BACKUP program performs backup between two floppy disks or between two hard disks. The hard disks may be of different types. The BACKUP program is activated when the BACKUP is boot loaded. DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the BACKUP program please use BACKUP/COMPARE user's manual (CSS/150/USM/0073). & BFDN Displays the BFD entry number of the specified file in hexadecimal and decimal notation. SYNTAX: BFDN <file_id> PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <file_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the BFDN program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & BINHEX/HEXBIN Binhex converts a binary file into printable hexadecimal format (May be edited). Hexbin converts files generated by Binhex back into binary form. SYNTAX: BINHEX I:<i_file_id> O:<o_file_id> HEXBIN I:<i_file_id> O:<o_file_id> <i_file_id> ::= <o_file_id> ::= <file_id> For full description please use BINHEX user's manual (CSS/114/USM/0027) or HEXBIN user's manual (CSS/113/USM/0028). & BITMAP Program that lists the status of a disk (May be used to find out how much space there is left on the volume and the distribution of the free space). SYNTAX: BITMAP [I:]<file_id> EXAMPLE: BITMAP I:@*VOL*BM For further information please see Release Description (CSS/0159) in CR80 BASIC UTILITIES package. & BLIST The names of all files of the directory having the specified BFD number are listed, one name per line. The file names may be subjected to masks. SYNTAX: BLIST [D:<directory_id>] B:<long_integer> "BFD-number" {M:<mask>} PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX Default is current directory. <mask> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the BLIST program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & BLISTA The names of all files of the directory having the specified BFD number are listed, four names per line. The file names may be subjected to masks. SYNTAX: BLISTA [D:<directory_id>] B:<long_integer> "BFD-number" {M:<mask>} PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX Default is current directory. <mask> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the BLISTA program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & BOOT BOOT file generator (for XAMOS only). SYNTAX: BOOT I:<Load Module file_id> O:<Boot Module file_id> P:<page number> F:<first load address> B:<base of process loaded> For full description please use CR80 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES (CSS/006/USM/0113). & BOOTGEN Generates a boot module for segmented DAMOS operating system on a floppy disk or on a disk file. SYNTAX: BOOTGEN COM:<file_id>/I:<file_id> [H:<file_id>] [N:<file_id>] [O:<file_id>/D:<device_name>] [F:<file_system_name>] For full description of BOOTGEN program please use BOOTGEN user's manual (CSS/0393/USM/0085). & C The C compiler is capable of translating C program modules from source text to link modules. SYNTAX: 3> DO CC.J <c_file_id> [D] [S] [X] [CT] [NR] The C compiler will compile the source <c_file_id>.S and output the link module <c_file_id>.L. The CC.J command file covers the three passes of the C compiler, which can be activated individually. CPP -[c d* i* o* p? s? x 6]<files> C▶10◀P1 -[a b# c e l m n* o* r# u]<file> CP2 -[o* p s x# m]<file> 3> PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: 3> [D] : Produce line debug information. 3> [S] : Produce symbolic debug information. 3> [X] : Invoke the cross ref. program CX 3> [CT] : Invoke the CTRACE program before CPP. 3> [NR] : Don't remove temporary files. DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: 3> NOTE a large version is called LCPP, LCP1 and LCP2 For full description of the C compiler program please use CR80 C user's manual (CSS/427/USM/0118)(ISSUE 4). & CEDIT The program is a sequential offline character editor, used for text files. SYNTAX: CEDIT I:<file_id> "source file" O:<file_id> "object file" C:<file_id> "command file" V:<file_id> "verification file" COMMAND SUMMARY: I/<string>/, I.<string>., |INSERT <string> IL, IP |or char. | /<string>/, .<string>., |SEARCH for <string> C, L, P, E |or char. | D/<string>/, D.<string>., |DELETE until <string> DC, DL, DP, DE |or char. | S/<string1>/<string2>/, |SUBSTITUTE <string1> S.<string1>.<string2>. |with <string2> | B |BACK to before last |char. read. | Q |QUIT For full description of the CEDIT program please use CEDIT user's manual (CSS/137/USM/0059). & CLEAN Removes directories. All directories upto 10 levels below the specified are removed by removing one file at a time starting from the bottom most directory. The specified directory is retained. SYNTAX: Default Comment CLEAN <directory_id> - [G:<garbage>] No Handling of not removable files [L:<links>] Retain Handling of links PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX <garbage> ::= Y | N Y = Yes. Not removable files are left as garbage. N = No. Not removable files and related directories in all the above levels are retained. <links> ::= I | R I = Ignore. Multilinked directory files are removed like all other files, no message is sent to the user. R = Retain. Multilinked directories and all related directories in the path are retained. A message is flashed to this effect. Nondirectory files are treated independently of this option. DOCUMENTATION: (CSS/936). & CLEAR Removes directories. All directories upto 10 levels below the specified are removed by removing one file at a time starting from the bottom most directory. The specified directory is deleted, too. SYNTAX: Default Comment CLEAR <directory_id> - [G:<garbage>] No Handling of not removable files [L:<links>] Retain Handling of links PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX <garbage> ::= Y | N Y = Yes. Not removable files are left as garbage. N = No. Not removable files and related directories in all the above levels are retained. <links> ::= I | R I = Ignore. Multilinked directory files are removed like all other files, no message is sent to the user. R = Retain. Multilinked directories and all related directories in the path are retained. A message is flashed to this effect. Nondirectory files are treated independently of this option. DOCUMENTATION: (CSS/936). & CMI Command interpreter. Used to start other programs one at a time from a terminal or from a command file. A number of commands (listed below) are executed by the CMI itself. All other commands are assumed to be requests for invocation of programs. SYNTAX: To create a CMI process with the name <user_id> do: TO: S LOGIN <user_id> [<password> [<new password>]] COMMANDS: ACCOUNT, CONTINUE, DEFINE, DELETE, DEUSE, DO, GOTO, IF THEN, KILL, LABEL, LOAD, LOGOUT, NEWOUT, ORGOUT, READLN, RUN, SHOW, START, STOP, SUBMIT, TASKS, USE, WAIT, WAIT UNTIL, WHAT, WRITE, WRITELN PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <user_id> ::= <password> ::= <new password> ::= <name> <name> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the CMI program please use Command Interpreter user's manual (CSS/381/USM/0037). & COMBINE The program combines all the files found in a directory to a single file, which may be split by EXTRACT. The file may be copied to tape by ARCHIVE for backup purposes. SYNTAX: COMBINE D:<file_id> O:<file_id> For full description please use CR80 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES (CSS/006/USM/0113). & COMPARE This program compares two files of any kind. All differences are reported. SYNTAX: COMPARE <file_id><file_id> For full description of COMPARE program please use MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES (CSS/0006/USM/0113). & COMPARE_TEXT Compares two text files and prints the differences on an output file. SYNTAX: COMPARE_TEXT A:<file_id> "file a" B:<file_id> "file b" 3> [O:<output_file>] "default is COUT" 3> [L:<integer>] "default is 3" (CSS/135). & CONCAT The program concatenates a number of files as specified in an input file. It may be used as a preprocessor to FORMAT. SYNTAX: Default Comment CONCAT [F:<file_id>] Curr.input Input file [O:<file_id>] Curr.output Object file [D:<directory_id>] none Default dir. PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <file_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX. The default directory specifies where to search if the input files are not found by the first look-up. DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: The input file must contain one <file_id> on each line, possibly preceded by a '$' character. NOTE! MERGE utility might also be used, but it is much slower. For full description of the CONCAT program please use CONCAT user's manual (CSS/138/USM/138). (Exists in the file CONCAT.USM.T in the same directory as the program). & CONTROLLOG This is an on line TEST OUTPUT CONTROL PROGRAM. It receives commands from current input and generates requests for controlling the test output process. SYNTAX: CONTROLLOG For full description please use ON LINE TEST OUTPUT FACILITY (CSS/341/PSP/0015). & CONVERT Pascal to C prefix converter. Translates Pascal prefixes, i.e. certain constant and type declarations to equivalent C code. SYNTAX: 3> CONVERT [ <parameter> ] 3> PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: 3> <parameter>::= default comment 3> 3> I:<file> curr. input SWELL or PASCAL 3> prefix 3> O:<file> curr. output C prefix file 3> C:<case> C style Typing case 3> L:<language> Pascal Input prefix language 3> T:<types> Quasi C types Basic C output types <case> ::= N | U | L | C N = Normal way. All identifiers are copied with no change in spelling. U = Upper case. Identifiers are spelled in upper case letters. (Default) L = Lower case. Identifiers are spelled in lower case letters. 3> C = C style. Identifiers are spelled in both upper and 3> lower case letters according to a 'certain' C 3> standard. 3> 3> <type>::= S | Q 3> where 3> 3> S = Standard, means that the output uses C standard 3> types. 3> Q = Quasi, means that the output uses CR80 C quasi 3> types. 3> 3> <language>::= S | P 3> where 3> 3> S = SWELL prefix conversion. 3> P = Pascal prefix conversion. DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: It is still possible to activate the program using CIN: and COUT: as I: and O:, respectively. For full description of the CONVERT program please use user's manual (CSS/202/USM/0121). & CONVERT_INTEL The program converts INTEL Z80 ASCII files to binary files for bootloading of LTU devices. SYNTAX: CONVERT_INTEL I:<INTEL input_file> O:<boot_file> [AMOS:NO] For further information see CONVERT_INTEL release description (Module number CSS/184). & COPY Copies one file into another. SYNTAX: COPY [I:<file_id>] "file to copy" [O:<file_id>] "file to copy into" [C:<copy_mode>] "mode of O-file" [B:<buffer_size>] PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <file_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX Defaults for I- and O-file are current input and current output. <copy_mode> ::= [C] [L] [A | R | E] C = Create non-existing output file with contiguous organization. 3> L = remove-mode. If the outputfile exists and it's too 3> small it will be removed and a new larger one is 3> created. A = Append non-existing file. R = Replace existing file. (Default) E = Extend. Existence of file is irrelevant. <buffer_size> ::= <integer> "words" DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: NOTE! To copy to a non-existing file requires the C parameter to be specified. If <copy_mode> is A or E the file is created with the same organization as the I-file. For full description of the COPY program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & CREATE Creates a file with name <file_name> in current directory (default) or in the specified directory. SYNTAX: CREATE {<directory_id>*}<file_name> <organization>/<size> <organization> ::= D (directory) | R (random) | C (contiguous) <size> are in sectors. EXAMPLE: CREATE source.s R/1 CREATE large_print.p R/10 For full description of the CREATE program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & CTRACE CTRACE is a C preprocessor that inserts source language debugging code into a program before the compilation. Tracing can be limited to particular statement by explicitly writing "CTROFF" (or "ctroff") and "CTRON" (or "ctron") to turn the tracing off and on, respectively, at execution time. If nothing is specified "CTROFF" is default. When using CTRACE the prefix <ctrace.h> has to be included. CTRACE is activated by typing the C-command ( see CR80 C user's manual (CSS/427/USM/0118)) with option CT as mentioned below: DO CC.J <file> CT DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the CTRACE program please use CTRACE user's manual (CSS/0202/USM/0120). & DCDB An interactive program which displays the logs in the cyclic debug buffer of currently running or just terminated processes. It can also analyze the dump file produced by the CDEBUG. SYNTAX: DCDB COMMANDS: Help Select [M:<list>][L:<list>][P:<list>][S:<list>][C:<list>] FOrmat [H:<bool>][C:<bool>][R:<bool>][B:<buflen>] Process {<process_name>|<offset>/<pageno>} File <filename> HEader Display [<constant>] [*] DUmp Log [<filename>] Quit PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: M = Module no, L = Log no, P = Procedure no, S = Serial no, C = Completion code; H = Hexadecimal, R = Register dump and B = log Buffer dump. <list> ::= <range> | <range> , [<contd>] <list> <range> ::= <constant> | <constant> : <constant> <buflen> ::= <bool> | <constant> <bool> ::= YES | NO <constant> ::= <hex number> | <decimal number> <contd> ::= - "continuation of line" DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: The commands can be abbreviated to the first few letters shown in capitals. For full description of the DCDB program please use DISPLAY CYCLIC DEBUG BUFFER user's manual (CSS/216/USM/0124). & DCOPY Copies the files of an input directory into an output directory. Sub directories are not copied. SYNTAX: DCOPY [I:<directory_id>] [O:<directory_id>] {M:<mask>} [PRompt:YES|NO] [C: [C] <copy_mode>] [B:<buffer_size>] Default input and output directory is current directory. C = Create all nonexisting files with contiguous organization. <copy_mode> ::= [L] A | R | E 3> L = Remove-mode. If the outputfile exists and it's 3> too small it will be removed and a larger one 3> is created. A = Append only non existing files in the output directory R = Replace only existing files in output directory. E = Extend. All files in the input directory are copied into the output directory (default). <buffer_size> ::= <number> of words used as buffer (default 2048). EXAMPLE: DCOPY O:@*floppy C:C PR:YES M:myfile The user can now decide which files including the text string 'myfile' should be copied. For full description of the DCOPY program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & DEBUG DAMOS SWELL debugger. Invoked by SYNTAX: DEBUG [L:<log file_id>] For full description please use DAMOS SWELL DEBUGGER user's manual (CSS/701/USM/0060). & DENTER Program that enters files from an input directory into an output directory. SYNTAX: DENTER [I:<directory_id>] [O:<directory_id>] {M:<mask>} [PRompt:YES|NO] Default input and output directory is current directory. For full description of the DENTER program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & DIABLO The program enters one or more files into the print queue to the daisy wheel printer. (Only available in SE-SWD). SYNTAX: oo DIABLO {<file_id> [<parameters>]} 1 Default Comment <parameters>::= [C:<copies>] 1 Number of copies to be printed. [Q:<printq>] The file is placed into the <printq> file. [RS:YES] NO The file is reset after being printed. [IT:<number>] 0 Left margin indentation. [SE:<number>] 11 Character spacing in units of 1/120 inch. [LE:<number>] 8 Line spacing in units of 1/48 inch. [FT:<number>] 1 First page to print. [LT:<number>] 32767 Last page to print. [PH:<number>] 67 Number of lines on a page. [AR:<number>] 24 Character set selection. 0 = Danish char. set. All others = ascii char. set. PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <copies> ::= <integer> <printq> ::= <file_id> <number> ::= <integer> <file_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: The program is identical to the PRINT program, in many ways, therefore use the LINE PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAM user's manual (CSS/006/USM/0033) for full description. & DIREC Allows you to manipulate the file structure in a conversational mode. SYNTAX: DIREC [<C:file_id>] [O:<file_id>] The program prompts for commands. POSSIBLE COMMANDS: CREATE, REMOVE, RENAME, ENTER, RESET, SETSIZE(AMOS only), CHSECP(DAMOS only), PROTECT, BFDN, ATTR, LIST, COPY, APPEND, DPROTECT, DLIST, DLISTA, BLIST, BLISTA, Q. For full description of the DIREC program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & DISASM The DISASM program disassembles SWELL-, PASCAL-, or assembler-object files to symbolic assembly code. SYNTAX: Default Comment DISASM [I:<file_id>] curr. Object file. input [O:<file_id>] curr. Output file. output [F:<integer>] 0 First word in object file. [L:<integer>] "eof" Last word in object file. [/M] MXAMOS MXAMOS instr. set. [/X] MXAMOS XAMOS instr. set. [/D] MXAMOS DAMOS instr. set. [P:YES | NO] YES Object file with or without program header. PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <file_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX The M, X and D options specify which instruction set to use in the assembly code. DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: The DISASM is also able to disassemble the alternative instruction set. If no object file is specified an online disassembly is performed. Here an alternative instruction is disassembled by first typing: ALT and <RETURN>, when the program prompts for a CR80-instruction. The next instruction is then disassembled as an alternative instruction. For full description of the DISASM program please use DISASM user's manual (CSS/440/USM/0045). & DISKINIT Used to initialize disc volumes. SYNTAX: DISKINIT DEV: <device_id> VOL: <volume_name> Optional: FSN: <file_system_name> BFDISIZE:<initial_BFD_size> BFDASIZE:<BFD_areasize> MDASIZE: <MD_areasize> MDISIZE: <initial_MD_size> ASFSIZE: <no_of_alternative_sectors> FORMAT: YES(default)/NO DETAILS: YES/NO(default) EXAMPLE: TO: S RESERVEDISK FDXX FOR NN TO: NN DISKINIT DEV:FDXX VOL:MYVOL DETAILS:YES when done: TO: S RELEASEDISK FDXX NB ! Use only file system console when using this program on a system with separate file processor. For full description of the DISKINIT program please use Disk Initialization Program user's manual (CSS/930/USM/0034). & DISK_PATCH The program is used to list and change the contents of one or more sectors on a disk. SYNTAX: DISKPATCH DEV:<device_name> [FSN:<file_system_name>] [P:<print_file>] <print_file> ::= <file_id> For full description of DISKPATCH program please use DISK PATCH PROGRAM user's manual (CSS/928/USM/0087). & DISK_COPY Copies a floppy disc placed in <dev_name1> to another floppy disc placed in <dev_name2>. Both floppy disc drivers must be reserved for the user. SYNTAX: Default DISK_COPY [FSN:<file_system_name>] Current file system. [SOURCE:<dev_name1>] FD00. [DESTINATION:<dev_name2>] FD01. PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <file_system_name> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX <dev_name1> ::= <dev_name2> ::= <device_id> <device_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: EXAMPLE: TO: S RESERVEDISK FD00 FOR NN RESERVEDISK FD01 FOR NN TO: NN DISK_COPY when done: TO: S RELEASEDISK FD00 RELEASEDISK FD01 NB ! Use only file system console when using this program. (CSS/151). & 3> DISPQ 3> The command display the print queue. 3> SYNTAX: 3> DISPQ 3> or 3> D ( In EDITPQ ) 3> DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: 3> For full description of the DISPQ program please use LINE 3> PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAMS manual (CSS/006/USM/0033) (Issue 3> 4). & DLINK DAMOS linker. Capable of transforming a number of link modules to a single load module. The linker is activated by DLINK {<link parameter> |<resource parameter> oo |<command switch>} 2 For parameter lists and full description of DLINK please use CR80 DAMOS, LINKER user's manual (CSS/417/USM/0068). & DLIST Lists the names of all files in the specified directory, one name per line. The file names may be subjected to mask(s). SYNTAX: DLIST [D:<directory_id>] {M:<mask>} PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX Default is current directory. <mask> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the DLIST program please use utility DCOPY user's manual (CSS/111/USM/0050). & DLISTA Lists the names of all files in the specified directory, four names per line. The file names may be subjected to mask(s). SYNTAX: DLISTA [D:<directory_id>] {M:<mask>} PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX Default is current directory. <mask> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the DLISTA program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/111/USM/0050). & DPROTECT The program protects all files in the specified directory by giving the specified user rights corresponding to the <acc_rights>. If a '+' or a '-' is placed in front of a symbolic access right this access is added to/removed from the access rights already given. Directories are not protected. SYNTAX: Default DPROTECT [D:<directory_id>] Current directory U:<user> R:<acc_rights> {M:<mask>} [PRompt:YES|NO] YES PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX <user> ::= <integer> | SYS | PUB | PUBLIC <acc_rights> ::= <acc_mask> | [+|-]<symb_acc> {/[+|-]<symb_acc>} <acc_mask> ::= <integer> <symb_acc> ::= REAd | MODifybytes | APPendbytes | ENTer | LOOkup | REName | REMove | RESet | GETfileinformation | OFFer | PROtect (Capital letters are mandatory). <mask> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the DPROTECT program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & DREMOVE Removes non directory files in a directory. The file names may be subjected to mask(s). SYNTAX: DREMOVE [D:<directory_id>] {M:<mask>} [PR: YES(default)|NO] NOTE! Unless PR:NO is specified, each removal must be acknowlegded by the user. For full description of the DREMOVE program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & DRESET Resets all non directory files in a directory. The file names may be subjected to mask(s). SYNTAX: DRESET [D:<directory_id>] {M:<mask>} [PR: YES(default)|NO] NOTE! Unless PR:NO is specified, each reseting must be acknowlegded by the user. For full description of the DREMOVE program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & EDIT/E/EGT/EANSI Line oriented editor. SYNTAX: If your terminal operating system is AMOS, XAMOS or DAMOS the Line Oriented Editor is invoked by: [BIG]EDIT [<file_id>] hard disk copy terminal [BIG]E [<file_id>] screen terminal; VT52 terminal [BIG]EGT [<file_id>] screen terminal; GT400 terminal [BIG]EANSI [<file_id>] screen terminal; ANSI terminal If your terminal operating system is MXAMOS, you only have to invoke the Line Oriented Editor by: [BIG]E [<file_id>] all terminal types, i.e. hard disk, VT52, GT400, or ANSI terminals PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <file_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: EDIT, E, EGT, EANSI are to be used for editing small files, i.e. files with maximum length of 1400 lines. BIGEDIT, BIGE, BIGEGT, BIGEANSI are to be used for big files, i.e. files with maximum length of 2791 lines. For full description of the CR80 editor program please use On-line editor user's manual (CSS/102/USM/0021). & EDITLOG Off Line Editor for edition and printing LOG-file generated by test output process. SYNTAX: EDITLOG <number> [<qualifier>] [USE:<text file_id>] I:<log file_id> [O:<output file_id>] For full description please use ON LINE TEST OUTPUT FACILITY (CSS/341/PSP/0015). & 3> EDITPQ 3> This is an interaktiv program, which can also take commands from 3> a file. 3> SYNTAX: 3> EDITPQ {I: < file_name> } 3> COMMANDS: PRINT, REMOVEPQ, LISTPQ, DISPQ, INITPQ, CHECKPQ, 3> FORM, DEFINE, UNDEFINE, QUIT. 3> PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: 3> <file_name>::= See GENERAL SYNTAX 3> DOCUMENTATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION: 3> For full description of the EDITPQ program please use LINE 3> PRINTER UTILITY PROGRAMS manual (CSS/006/USM/0033) (Issue 3> 4). & ENTER Enters the specified <existing_file> into the specified <existing directory> with the name <new_file_id>. SYNTAX: ENTER <existing_file_id> [<existing_directory> *] <new_file_id> PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: <existing_file_id> ::= <new_file_id> ::= <file_id> <file_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX <existing_directory> ::= <directory_id> <directory_id> ::= See GENERAL SYNTAX DOCUMENTATION: For full description of the ENTER program please use Directory Utility Package user's manual (CSS/934/USM/0112). & EXTRACT The program provides four different extraction facilities. a. SYNTAX: EXTRACT I:<file_id> O:<file_id> F:<file_id> The F file is extracted and placed in the O file. b. SYNTAX: EXTRACT I:<file_id> [D:<file_id>] [N:<file_id>] The files listed in the N file are extracted and placed in the directory D (default current directory). c. SYNTAX: EXTRACT I:<file_id> [D:<file_id>] F:<file