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⟦4129e4027⟧ TextFile

    Length: 8670 (0x21de)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »INFO.T«


└─⟦e0c43619c⟧ Bits:30005797 CR80 Disc pack ( Vol:FNJ1 861029/EC CR80 S/W Package II+III+IV+V+VII )
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »CSP007_V0501.D!CSS7004.D!INFO.T« 



             M O D U L E      I N F O R M A T I O N


" N O T E :
"             This release do not support:
"                 LTU FW and CR80 check to test of LIA X22

Information about the submittal to SSD/SCL of the module:


Version :                   03
Release :                   01

Date :                      850918

Title :                     CR80MX LTU TEST PROGRAM

Responsible Programmer :    CGR  (JFH/KTO/NUJ)

Programming Language :      SWELL
Prefix(es)  Included :

Special Requirements :      none
Bindings to Other Modules :

    Requires 2 object files (INTEL format)
                              from    CSS-MIC/490 ver. 1.1
    Requires TPE prefix files from    @**MX.D*TEST.D
    Requires TPE link files from      @**MX.D*TEST.D
    Requires RAM TEST link files from @**MX.D*TEST.D

Name (including volume name and all directory names) of
the directory, which contains the released module:


Below is given a complete file list of this directory with
explanation  of the contents of each file.

Name and Suffix:            Contents:

INFO.T                      this file
RELDESCR.T                  release description file

TEMP                        work file
GLOBAL_PREFIX.S             common prefix source file

COMPILE.J                   compile job file
PRINT.J                     print job file

LINK.J                      link job file MX-AMOS version
                            and stand-alone version
LINK.T                      link command file MX-AMOS version
LINK.P                      link print file MX-AMOS version
LTU_TEST.C                  object file MX-AMOS version

STA_LINK.T                  link command file stand-alone version
STA_LINK.P                  link print file stand-alone version
STA_LTU_TEST.C              object file stand-alone version
STA_LTU_TEST.B              boot file

BOOTGEN.J                   boot generation job file stand-alone version only
BOOT.F                      boot control file
GEN.LOG                     sysgen log file
GEN.CIN                     sysgen command file

CONTROL.D                   directory of CONTROLE module
  TEMP                      work file
  PREFIX.S                  local prefix source file
  VAR.S                     local variable source file
  CONTROL.L                 local link file
  CONTROL.I                 local file
  CONTROL.P                 local print file
  COMPILE.J                 local compile job file
  COMPILE.LOG               local compile log file
  CONTROL_MAIN.S           CONTROLE module main source file
  CONTROL1.S                CONTROLE module first source file
  CONTROL2.S                CONTROLE module second source file

Z80TP.D                     directory of Z80TP module
  TEMP                      work file
  LTUTPNCS.C.PDP            local LTU obj. code for LIA type N and CS
  Z80TPNCS.BIN              local binary file for LIA type N and CS
  Z80TPNCS.HEX              local hex file for LIA type N and CS
  Z80TPNCS.P                local print file for LIA type N and CS
  Z80TPNCS.L                local link file for LIA type N and CS
  Z80TPNCS.S                local source file for LIA type N and CS
  CONVERTNCS.J              local convert job file for LIA type N and CS
  COMPILENCS.J              local compile job file for LIA type N and CS
  LTUTPV35.C.PDP            local LTU obj. code for LIA type V35
  Z80TPV35.BIN              local binary file for LIA type V35
  Z80TPV35.HEX              local hex file for LIA type V35
  Z80TPV35.P                local print file for LIA type V35
  Z80TPV35.L                local link file for LIA type V35
  Z80TPV35.S                local source file for LIA type V35
  CONVERTV35.J              local convert job file for LIA type V35
  COMPILEV35.J              local compile job file for LIA type V35
  LTUTPX22.C.PDP            local LTU obj. code for LIA type X22
  Z80TPX22.BIN              local binary file for LIA type X22
  Z80TPX22.HEX              local hex file for LIA type X22
  Z80TPX22.P                local print file for LIA type X22
  Z80TPX22.L                local link file for LIA type X22
  Z80TPX22.S                local source file for LIA type X22
  CONVERTX22.J              local convert job file for LIA type X22
  COMPILEX22.J              local compile job file for LIA type X22
  EDIT.T                    local edit temp file
  INTEL_BIN                 local binary file converting from
                            INTEL hex-format to CR80 binary format.

LOOP.D                      directory of LOOP     module
  PREFIX.S                  local prefix source file
  TEMP                      work file
  VAR.S                     local variable source file
  LOOP.L                    local link file
  LOOP.I                    local file
  LOOP.P                    local print file
  COMPILE.J                 local compile job file
  COMPILE.LOG               local compile log file
  LOOP_MAIN.S              LOOP module main source file
  LOOP1.S                   LOOP module first source file
  LOOP2.S                   LOOP module second source file
  LOOP3.S                   LOOP module third source file

SUPPORT.D                   directory of SUPPORT  module
  TEMP                      work file
  PREFIX.S                  local prefix source file
  VAR.S                     local variable source file
  SUPPORT.L                 local link file
  SUPPORT.I                 local file
  SUPPORT.P                 local print file
  COMPILE.J                 local compile job file
  COMPILE.LOG               local compile log file
  SUPPORT_MAIN.S           SUPPORT module main source file
  SUPPORT1.S                SUPPORT module first source file
  SUPPORT2.S                SUPPORT module second source file
  SUPPORT3.S                SUPPORT module third source file
  SUPPORT4.S                SUPPORT module fourth source file
  SUPPORT5.S                SUPPORT module fifth source file

SYNTAX.D                    directory of SYNTAX   module
  SYNTAX.T                  local text file
  SYNTAX.S                  SYNTAX module source file
  SYNTAX.P                  local print file
  SYNTAX.J                  local job file
  PARSERTABLE.J             local job file
  PARSERTABLE.S             PARSERTABLE source file
  PARSERTABLE.L             local link file
  PARSERTABLE.P             local print file

TEST.D                      directory of TEST     module
  PREFIX.S                  local prefix source file
  TEMP                      work file
  VAR.S                     local variable source file
  TEST.L                    local link file
  TEST.I                    local file
  TEST.P                    local print file
  COMPILE.J                 local compile job file
  COMPILE.LOG               local compile log file
  TEST_MAIN.S               TEST module main source file
  TEST1.S                   TEST module first source file
  TEST2.S                   TEST module second source file
  TEST3.S                   TEST module third source file
  TEST4.S                   TEST module fourth source file
  TEST5.S                   TEST module fifth source file

To generate the different LTU F/W modules use :
         Load the F/W obj. files into
           and Z80TP.D*LTUTPX22.C.PDP respectively.

         DO CONVERTNCS.J  for LIA type N and CS
         DO COMPILENCS.J  for LIA type N and CS

         DO CONVERTV35.J  for LIA type V35
         DO COMPILEV35.J  for LIA type V35

         DO CONVERTX22.J  for LIA type X22
         DO COMPILEX22.J  for LIA type X22

To generate the module use :
         DO COMPILE.J
         DO LINK.J     both MX-AMOS version and stand-alone version
         DO BOOTGEN.J

To install the module:
   a) Stand-alone version. Boot module on floppy disk (ex. disk name: LTUTEST):

   b) MXAMOS version:
      COPY the file LTU_TEST.C
      into @**LTU_TEST

This release closes  C P E C O  NO: none

Pertinent Documentation: CSS/7004/PSP/0084  iss. 2 (release expected 8510xx)
                         CSS/7004/USM/0091  iss. 2

Other Information:

End of INFO.T