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⟦9ebb9aa07⟧ TextFile

    Length: 35990 (0x8c96)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »PACKINFO.T«


└─⟦e0c43619c⟧ Bits:30005797 CR80 Disc pack ( Vol:FNJ1 861029/EC CR80 S/W Package II+III+IV+V+VII )
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »CSP002_V0701.D!PACKINFO.T« 


                       *                            *
                       *           C R 8 0          *
                       *                            *
                       *       S O F T W A R E      *
                       *                            *
                       *        P A C K A G E       *
                       *                            *

                       *                            *
                       *             II             *
                       *                            *
                       *    BASIC UTILITY PACKAGE   *
                       *                            *
                       *                            *
                       *                            *

                                  VS 07.01

                     ****            **            ****
                     ** ***          **          *** **
                     **   ***        **        ***   **
                     **     ***      **      ***     **
                     **       ***    **    ***       **
                     **         ***  **  ***         **
                     **            ******            **
                     **            ******            **
                     **         ***  **  ***         **
                     **       ***    **    ***       **
                     **     ***      **      ***     **
                     **   ***        **        ***   **
                     ** ***          **          *** **
                     ****            **            ****

                            SOFTWARE DEPARTMENT
                         COMPUTER SYSTEMS DIVISION

                     CHRISTIAN  ROVSING  A/S  AF  1984
                     LAUTRUPVANG 1   -   2750 BALLERUP

                               D E N M A R K

                             PHONE   02-651144


             P A C K A G E    I N F O R M A T I O N


Package id               :   CSP/002

Title                    :   BASIC UTILITY PACKAGE

Package description      :   Disk file maintenance utilities and
                             text editing tools.


Current  version         :   07
         release         :   01
         date            :   861005

Previous version         :   06
         release         :   01
         date            :   860522

List of changed modules
since last version       :   CSS102  EDITOR
                         :   CSS190  HELP (new)
                             CSS931  DISK SALVATION
                             CSS934  DIREC3
                             CSS166  RCOPY

Environments             :   AMOS, XAMOS, MX-AMOS and DAMOS


Special requirements     :



Compatibility to
other packages           :   Compatible to all packages.


Prerequisite             :


            I N T E R M E D I A T E   C H A N G E S

 date/      package   module    module    module  compatibility problems
initials    version    id       name     version    and other comments
----------  -------  -------  ---------  -------  -----------------------
830728/SMA     0102   CSS928  DISKPATCH     0102
830728/SMA     0102   CSS931  SALV          0501
831125/SMA     0103   CSS931  SALV          0502
831212/SMA     0104   CSS150  BACKUP        0107
840305/HLH     0201   CSS102  EDIT          0303
840305/HLH     0201   CSS124  FINGERPRINT   0201
840305/HLH     0201   CSS520  TIME          0202
840305/HLH     0201   CSS930  DISKINIT      0301
840305/HLH     0201   CSS166  RCOPY         0203
840309/HLH     0201   CSS521  SET_TIME      0202
840601/SMA     0202   CSS150  BACKUP        0108
840601/SMA     0202   CSS928  DISKPATCH     0103
841219/SMA     0301   CSS102  EDITOR        0304
841219/SMA     0301   CSS166  RCOPY         0301
841219/SMA     0301   CSS176  INSPECT       0301
841219/SMA     0301   CSS177  LISTDIR       0106
841219/SMA     0301   CSS520  TIME          0203
841219/SMA     0301   CSS930  DISKINIT      0302
841219/SMA     0301   CSS934  DIREC III     0101
850426/SMA     0401   CSS159  BITMAP        0201
   "            "     CSS931  DISK SALV     0601
   "            "     CSS934  DIREC3        0201
850910/HKJ     0402   CSS187  SORT          0102
850910/HKJ     0402   CSS931  DISK SALV     0602
851105/MBN     0403   CSS102  EDITOR        0401
860118/MBN     0404   CSS150  BACKUP/COMP.  0109
860118/MBN     0404   CSS192  LISTA         0102
860118/MBN     0404   CSS931  DISK SALV     0701
860118/MBN     0404   CSS934  DIREC III     0202
860118/MBN     0404   CSS936  CLEAN/CLEAR   0201
860120/MBN     0405   CSS166  RCOPY         0501
860120/MBN     0405   CSS930  DISKINIT      0303
860122/MBN     *****    Release of V.05.01     *****

860520/HKJ     0502   CSS102  EDITOR        0402
860520/HKJ     0502   CSS166  RCOPY         0502
860520/HKJ     0502   CSS191  VDUCOMPARE    0202
860522/HKJ     0502   CSS936  CLEAN/CLEAR   0301
860521/HKJ     0502   CSS931  DISK SALV     0801
860521/HKJ     0502   CSS934  DIREC3        0301
860522/HKJ     *****    Release of V.06.01     *****

860706/MBN     0602   CSS190  HELP          0201
860706/MBN     0602   CSS931  DISK SALV     0802
860831/MBN     0603   CSS102  EDITOR        0403
860831/MBN     0603   CSS934  DIREC3        0401
860930/HKJ     0604   CSS934  DIREC3        0501
860930/HKJ     0604   CSS190  HELP          0301
860930/HKJ     0604   CSS166  RCOPY         0503
861005/HKJ     0701   **** RELEASE  OF V0701 ****


                          I N D E X


       CSS/102    EDIT
       CSS/124    FINGERPRINT
       CSS/138    CONCAT
       CSS/143    MERGE
       CSS/150    BACKUP
       CSS/159    BITMAP
       CSS/166    RCOPY
       CSS/176    INSPECT
       CSS/177    LISTDIR
       CSS/187    SORT
       CSS/190    HELP
       CSS/191    VDUCOMPARE
       CSS/192    LISTA
       CSS/520    TIME
       CSS/521    SET_TIME
       CSS/928    DISKPATCH
       CSS/930    DISKINIT
       CSS/931    DISK SALV
       CSS/934    DIREC III
       CSS/936    CLEAN/CLEAR


    Module   id: CSS102               Module name: EDITOR
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0403

    Module description: On line editor.


    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
    ----                           (use v.04.02)
          to install           :

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS102.D*EDIT.XA.C
    -----                          CSS102.D*BIGEDIT.XA.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   EDIT.XA.C     into @**EDIT
                                   BIGEDIT.XA.C  into @**BIGEDIT
                                   if the terminals connected are
                                   typewriters (#0000).

                                   EDIT.XA.C     into @**EGT
                                   BIGEDIT.XA.C  into @**BIGEGT
                                   if the terminals connected are
                                   GT400 terminals (#0001).

                                   EDIT.XA.C     into @**EANSI
                                   BIGEDIT.XA.C  into @**BIGEANSI
                                   if the terminals connected are
                                   ANSI terminals (#0002).

                                   EDIT.XA.C     into @**E
                                   BIGEDIT.XA.C  into @**BIGE
                                   if the terminals connected are
                                   VT52 terminals (#0003).

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   CSS102.D*EDIT.MXA.C
    -------                        CSS102.D*BIGEDIT.MXA.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   EDIT.MXA.C    into @**EDIT
                                   BIGEDIT.MXA.C into @**BIGE

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
    ----                           (use v.04.01)
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS102.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/102/USM/0021
                                   CR80 AMOS ONLINE EDITOR


    Module   id: CSS124               Module name: FINGERPRINT
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0201

    Module description: Generates an 'extended' checksum of a file.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS124.D*FINGERPRINT.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   FINGERPRINT.C    into @**FINGERPRINT

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS124.D*FINGERPRINT.XA.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   FINGERPRINT.XA.C into @**FINGERPRINT

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS124.D*FINGERPRINT.D.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   FINGERPRINT.D.C  into @**FINGERPRINT

    Related release description:   CSS124.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/0006/USM/0113
                                   MISCELLANEUOS UTILITIES


    Module   id: CSS138               Module name: CONCAT
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0104

    Module description: Concatenates a number of files of any kind.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS138.D*CONCAT.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   CONCAT.C     into @**CONCAT

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS138.D*CONCAT.D.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   CONCAT.D.C   into @**CONCAT

    Related release description:   CSS138.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/0006/USM/0113
                                   MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES


    Module   id: CSS143               Module name: MERGE
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0105

    Module description: Utility to merge a number of text files.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS143.D*MERGE.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   MERGE.C      into @**MERGE

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS143.D*MERGE.D.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   MERGE.D.C    into @**MERGE

    Related release description:   CSS143.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/143/USM/0024
                                   CR80 AMOS MERGE


    Module   id: CSS150               Module name: BACKUP/COMPARE
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0109

    Module description: Boot module to make a copy of a disk to
                        one or more other disks.

    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
    ----                           (use v.01.08)
          to install           :

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS150.D*X_S_HDBOOT.C (CR80S-controller)
    -----                          CSS150.D*X_D_HDBOOT.C (CR80M-controller)

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   X_S_HDBOOT.C into @**BACKUP_BOOT
                                   X_D_HDBOOT.C into @**BACKUP_BOOT
                                   (the output file must be a
                                    contiguous file size C/190)

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   CSS150.D*MX_HDBOOT.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   MX_HDBOOT.C  into @**BACKUP_BOOT
                                   (the output file must be a
                                    contiguous file size C/190)

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS150.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/150/USM/0073
                                   CR80 XAMOS/MXAMOS BACKUP/COMPARE


    Module   id: CSS159               Module name: BITMAP
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0201

    Module description: Displays available disk resources.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS159.D*BITMAP.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   BITMAP.C     into @**BITMAP

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS159.D*BITMAP.D.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   BITMAP.D.C   into @**BITMAP

    Related release description:   CSS159.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/0006/USM/0113
                                   MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES


    Module   id: CSS166               Module name: RCOPY
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0503

    Module description: Copies all files in a directory and
                        underlying directories to a new directory
                        with the same structure.

    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :▶1b◀

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS166.D*RCOPY.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   RCOPY.C      into @**RCOPY

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   Not available ( Use v0501 )

    Related release description:   CSS166.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/166/USM/0110


    Module   id: CSS176               Module name: INSPECT
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0301

    Module description: Inspects text files.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS176.D*INSPECT.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   INSPECT.C    into @**INSPECT

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS176.D*INSPECT.D.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   INSPECT.D.C  into @**INSPECT

    Related release description:   CSS176.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/176/USM/0054
                                   CR80 AMOS INSPECT


    Module   id: CSS177               Module name: LISTDIR
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0106

    Module description: Lists entries in a directory to a user
                        specified level.

    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS177.D*LISTDIR.C
    ----                           CSS177.D*BIGLISTDIR.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   LISTDIR.C      into @**LISTDIR
                                   BIGLISTDIR.C   into @**BIGLISTDIR

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS177.D*LISTDIR.D.C
    -----                          CSS177.D*BIGLISTDIR.D.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   LISTDIR.D.C    into @**LISTDIR
                                   BIGLISTDIR.D.C into @**BIGLISTDIR

    Related release description:   CSS177.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/0006/USM/0113
                                   MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES


    Module   id: CSS187               Module name: SORT
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0102

    Module description: The program is used for sorting of records.


    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS187.D*SORT.C
    -----                          CSS187.D*LARGESORT.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   SORT.C        into @**SORT
                                   LARGESORT.C   into @**LARGESORT

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS187.D*SORT.D.C
    -----                          CSS187.D*LARGESORT.D.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   SORT.D.C      into @**SORT
                                   LARGESORT.D.C into @**LARGESORT

    Related release description:   CSS187.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :


    Module   id: CSS190               Module name: HELP
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0301

    Module description: Online version of the UTILITY GUIDE HANDBOOK.


    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS190.D*HELP.C
    -----                          CSS190.D*HELP.DESCR.T

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   HELP.C       into @**HELP
                                   HELP.DESCR.T into @**HELP.DESCR.T
                                   HELP.LIST.T  into @**HELP.LIST.T

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS190.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :


    Module   id: CSS191               Module name: VDUCOMPARE
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0202

    Module description: Compares two binary files.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS191.D*VDUCOMP.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   VDUCOMP.C      into @*VDUCOMP
                                   HEXCOMP.C      into @*HEXCOMP

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS191.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS191.D*RELDESCR.T
                                   (Contains the user's manual)


    Module   id: CSS192               Module name: LISTA
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0102

    Module description: Lists filenames sorted after various

    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS192.D*LISTA.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   LISTA.C      into @**LISTA
                                   and ENTER it under the name L

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS192.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS192.D*LISTA.USM.T
                                   (Contains the user's manual)


    Module   id: CSS520               Module name: TIME
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0203

    Module description: Displays system time.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS520.D*TIME.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   TIME.C       into @**TIME

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS520.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/0006/USM/0113
                                   MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES


    Module   id: CSS521               Module name: SET_TIME
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0202

    Module description: Sets system time.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS521.D*SET_TIME.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   SET_TIME.C   into @**SET_TIME

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS521.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/0006/USM/0113
                                   MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES


    Module   id: CSS928               Module name: DISKPATCH
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0103

    Module description: Used to list and change the contents of one
                        or more sectors on a disk.

    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS928.D*A.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   A.C          into @**DISKPATCH

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS928.D*X.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   X.C          into @**DISKPATCH

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS928.D*D.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   D.C          into @**DISKPATCH

    Related release description:   CSS928.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/928/USM/0087


    Module   id: CSS930               Module name: DISKINIT
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0303

    Module description: Disk initialization utility.


    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
    ----                           (use v.03.02)
          to install           :

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS930.D*XAMOS.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   XAMOS.C      into @**DISKINIT

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS930.D*DAMOS.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   DAMOS.C      into @**DISKINIT

    Related release description:   CSS930.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/930/USM/0034
                                   CR80 DISK INITIALIZATION PROGRAM


    Module   id: CSS931               Module name: DISK SALVATION
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0802

    Module description: Disk salvation.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS931.D*A.C
    ----                           CSS931.D*BIG_A.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   A.C          into @**SALV
                                   BIG_A.C      into @**BIGSALV

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS931.D*X.C
    -----                          CSS931.D*BIG_X.C

          to install           :   Copy:
                                   X.C          into @**SALV
                                   BIG_X.C      into @**BIGSALV

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
    -----                          (use v.08.01)
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS931.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/931/USM/0035
                                   DISK SALVATION PROGRAM


    Module   id: CSS934               Module name: DIREC III
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0501

    Module description: General utility for file manipulation.


    Available on   AMOS [x]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [ ]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   CSS934.D*DIREC3.A.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   DIREC3.A.C   into @**DIREC

                                   and ENTER it under the names:

                                   CREATE      REMOVE      RENAME
                                   ENTER       RESET       SETSIZE
                                   PROTECT     BFDN        ATTR
                                   LIST        COPY        APPEND
                                   DCOPY       DENTER      DRESET
                                   DREMOVE     DPROTECT    DLIST
                                   DLISTA      BLIST       BLISTA

    XAMOS module(s)            :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as AMOS
          to install           :   Same as AMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   not available
    -----                          (use v.03.01)
          to install           :

    Related release description:   CSS934.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   CSS/934/USM/0112
                                   DIRECTORY UTILITY PACKAGE III


    Module   id: CSS936               Module name: CLEAN/CLEAR
                ---------                         -----------------

    Version    : 0301

    Module description: Removes a file directory subtree.


    Available on   AMOS [ ]   XAMOS [x]   MX-AMOS [x]   DAMOS [x]

    AMOS  module(s)            :   not available
          to install           :

    XAMOS module(s)            :   CSS936.D*CLEAN_CLEAR.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   CLEAN_CLEAR.C        into
                                   @**CLEAN     and     @**CLEAR

    MX-AMOS module(s)          :   Same as XAMOS
          to install           :   Same as XAMOS

    DAMOS module(s)            :   CSS936.D*DAMOS.D*CLEAN_CLEAR.C
          to install           :   Copy:
                                   DAMOS.D*CLEAN_CLEAR.C  into
                                   @**CLEAN      and      @**CLEAR

    Related release description:   CSS936.D*RELDESCR.T

    Related document(s)        :   A user's guide is included in the
                                   release description.