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CR80 Hard and Floppy Disks

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⟦d2832ba83⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3894 (0xf36)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »RELDESCR.T«


└─⟦e0c43619c⟧ Bits:30005797 CR80 Disc pack ( Vol:FNJ1 861029/EC CR80 S/W Package II+III+IV+V+VII )
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »CSP003_V0701.D!CSS180.D!RELDESCR.T« 



         R E L E A S E   D E S C R I P T I O N


Module id number: CSS/180

Module name:      FORMAT/FORMATI

Actual release:   10.02            Release date: 860710
-----------------------            --------------------
                  10.01                          860516 (CHE, not SCL)
Previous release:  9.01            Release date: 860217
-----------------------            --------------------

New facilities:

1. If the CHANGE mode is I in the command :RR the number following the I
   has to be a decimal numeral, where there only can be 2 digits before
   the '.' and 2 after.


1. If the character $ is met in a title (only in headers) the
   actual date is printed out. (PR 86204)


1. If the character % is met in a title (both in headers and in
   footers) a new line is printed out.

2. If the pair of characters '%.' is met in a title (both in
   headers and in footers) a new line plus a line consisting
   of _ is printed out.

3. One backspace (or setting of current position minus one on
   OUTSTREAM) is the result if the pair of characters '-%'
   occurs in a title. Placed in the beginning of the second header line
   or footer line, it can be used to remove the blank line, which
   normally separates the two headers or footers.

4. If a update is starting on one page and ends on another
   page both beginning-page and end-page is now printed in
   list of updates.

5. Two new commands :RR and :IS
   are introduced.

   The first one generates a permanent log-file with the name
   REVISIONRECORD.S each time a new Issue or DCN is introduced.
   It is possible to attach a brief description of all the
   changes related to this and store this information in the
   log-file. When this log-file exist a new table head for list
   of updates is generated.

   :IS defines a text (max 12 characters) related to a certain
   update number. This text is printed in list of updates under
   the coloumn ISSUE. (only to be used when REVISIONRECORD.S



1.  The following command: :PL 67 has been removed from the revision
    REVISIONRECORD FILE. The actual values of :HI and :RM is stored
    before the revisionrecord file and list of updates is read, and
    then restored so that list of contens, list of tables and list of
    figures have the values which is set just before the the revision-
    record is read.


1.  If the same update is met in intervals several times on the same
    s▶16◀ame page then the update is found only once in the list of

Errors corrected:


1.  The :UE <NL> did not end the highest updatenumber, if that updatnumber
    was canceled. (PR 86239)

2.  List of updates was incorrect if the updates was nested. (PR 86243)

3.  The comment in list of updates was sometimes mixed together.

4.  In the old list of updates was the lines were folded, because the
    program used a fixed rightmargin instead of using the user declared
    one. (PR 86154)

5.  The column LAST PAGE in the revisionrecord did not includ the
    indexlist. (PR 86294)


1.  When :NF is switch on, lines longer than right margin will be cut
    off the very first time a blank space is met from the right. The
    resulting line will be placed directly below it having the same
    indentation. If the resulting line starts with spaces, (not ~ ),
    they will be removed.

Reported errors, not corrected:

CPECRs implemented in current release: PR86239, PR86243, PR86154, PR86294,

