DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: CR80 Hard and Floppy Disks |
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See our Wiki for more about CR80 Hard and Floppy Disks Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software. |
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Length: 554 (0x22a) Types: TextFile Names: »DISABLE_INT.S«
└─⟦17728abc9⟧ Bits:30005143 8" CR80 Floppy CR80FD_0130 ( CR/D/1422 FLERCPU Source ) └─⟦1815caf3d⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »DISABLE_INT.S«
PROCEDURE DISABLE_INT (R3;R6); "************************************************************************* "************************************************************************* VAR SAVE: ARRAY[0..7] OF INTEGER; BEGIN R7=>SAVE[7]; STC(6,ADDRESS(SAVE[7])=>R7); WAIT_MAP(R6); #9000=>R0; R0+R3=>R0; #009F=>R1; CIO(R1,R0); "WRITE CPU_RECORD FOR CPU# <R3> ", INTERRUPTS DISABLED, PRIO=F WAIT_MAP(R6); UNS(7,ADDRESS(SAVE[0])=>R7); EXIT(R6); END;