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CR80 Hard and Floppy Disks

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⟦ef65339dc⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4284 (0x10bc)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »CPR.P«


└─⟦b21be6f3b⟧ Bits:30005082 8" CR80 Floppy CR80FD_0036 ( CR/D/3143 KLP & KMO C-KURSUS + C JOBFILER 861127 Volume MOVEFL RAM TEST css/709 #0000-7fff V24+SCM )
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »GR1.D!CPR.D!CPR.P« 
└─⟦c25823ad8⟧ Bits:30005089 8" CR80 Floppy CR80FD_0044 ( @*FLOPPY C )
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »GR1.D!CPR.D!CPR.P« 


C Compiler     Version 0301        1986.11.25      13:32:58     Page:    1   Source: CPR.S

00.00001: #include <std.h>
01.00001: /*%NOLIST*/
00.00003: main ()
00.00004: {
00.00005:   BOOL ok;
00.00006:   char cpr [10];
00.00008:   readcpr (cpr, ok);
00.00009:   if (ok)         /* cpr no numeric */
00.00010:   { checkcpr (cpr, ok);     /* check date, month, year */
00.00011:     if (ok)       /* cpr no valid */
00.00012:     { modcpr (cpr, ok);
00.00013:       if (ok)
00.00014:         putfmt ("CPR no okey-dokey\n");
00.00015:       else
00.00016:         putfmt ("CPR no NOT ok\n");
00.00017:     }  /* end brace */
00.00018:   }    /* end grace */
00.00019:   return (1);
00.00020: }     /* space */
00.00021: /* internal PROCEDURES */
00.00023: readcpr (cpr, ok)
00.00024:   char cpr [10];
00.00025:   BOOL ok;
00.00026: {
00.00027:   int count = 0;
00.00028:   putfmt ("Enter cpr number\n");
00.00029:   while (count++ < 10)
00.00030:   {
00.00031:     cpr [count] = getch();
00.00032:     ok = isdigit (cpr [count]);
00.00033:     if (!ok) break;
00.00034:   }
00.00035:   if (!ok)
00.00036:     putfmt ("Invalid digit in number\n");
00.00037: }
00.00039: checkcpr (cpr, ok)
00.00040:   char cpr [10];
00.00041:   BOOL ok;
00.00043: {
«ff»C Compiler     Version 0301        1986.11.25      13:32:58     Page:    2   Source: CPR.S

00.00044:   /* chec«fs»k day  format yymmddnnnn */
00.00045:   int index = 0;
00.00046:   ok = !(cpr [index] > "3");
00.00047:   if (ok)
00.00048:     if (cpr [index++] == "3")
00.00049:       ok = !(cpr [index++] > "1");
00.00050:   if (ok)     /* check month */
00.00051:   {
00.00052:     ok = !(cpr [index] > "1");
00.00053:     if (ok)
00.00054:       if (cpr [index++] == "1")
00.00055:         ok = !(cpr [index] > "2");
00.00056:   }
00.00057:   if (!ok)
00.00058:     putfmt ("Invalid birthday in number\n");
00.00059: }
00.00061: modcpr (cpr, ok)
00.00062:   char *cpr;
00.00063:   BOOL ok;
00.00065: {
00.00066:   static int check [10] = {4,3,2,7,6,5,4,3,2,1};
00.00067:   int sum, count;
00.00069:   for (sum = 0, count = 0; count < 10;
00.00070: sum += (check [count]
00.00071:  * (cpr[count] - '0')), count++);
00.00072:   ok = !(sum % 11);
00.00073: }

No. of preprocessing errors = 0

No. of pass 1  errors = 0
C Debug Table:

SOURCE                             STORAGE         STORAGE DATA-ALLOCATION
    LINE  NAME               TYPE  TYPE            CLASS   OFFS. BASE SIZE
01.00094  STDOUT             var   short           extern 
01.00094  STDIN              var   short           extern 
01.00094  STDERR             var   short           extern 
00.00004  main               func  func=>short     extern 
00.00005    ok               var   short           auto      -1    R6    1
00.00006    cpr              var   []char          auto     -11    R6   10
00.00026  readcpr            func  func=>short     extern 
00.00026    cpr              arg.  *char           auto       5    R6    1
00.00026    ok               arg.  short           auto       6    R6    1
00.00027    count            var   short           auto      -1    R6    1
00.00043  checkcpr           func  func=>short     extern 
00.00043    cpr              arg.  *char           auto       5    R6    1
00.00043    ok               arg.  short           auto       6    R6    1
00.00045    index            var   short           auto      -1    R6    1
00.00065  modcpr             func  func=>short     extern 
00.00065    cpr              arg.  *char           auto       5    R6    1
00.00065    ok               arg.  short           auto       6    R6    1
00.00066    check            var   []short         static   117    MB   10
00.00067    sum              var   short           auto      -1    R6    1
00.00067    count            var   short           auto      -2    R6    1