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0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 8 7 Q? > 7 d d d 0 N ~<d N N ~<) 0u &4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' n X% % PO P ; 38AM C h x h V W O 8 :{ { 3338A h b | {C < ; 8 b b bI P 9 8 : I 6363A6580A r r r v ┆
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0x15f00…16000 (21, 0, 15) Sector 1500bc00339541 ┆ < 3 A W 5 PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY Please refer to: FIKS S/W Configuraton Control Lib. Descr. Doc. FIX/1000/EWP/0080 s called by: LON ref. 3.1.2 LOF ref. 3.1.3 TEP INIT REST ┆
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0x29f00…2a000 (41, 0, 15) Sector 0000af00450841 ┆ / E A List CSD/005/TCM/0006 1 791026 DMA I/F CSD/005/TCM/0078 3 820809 Std Floppy Drives DRAWINGS as specified in FIX/0000/LST/0023 * Not available from supplier 1 870512 SDS for FIKS-VDU Surveillance Proc. FXA/SDS/007 1 880525 SDS for 'Ex.Ad┆
0x2a000…2a100 (42, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
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0x2e700…2e800 (46, 0, 7) Sector 2d08a700458141 ┆- ' E AB Please refer to ref. 6, sec. 3.3.9. 3.3.10 INSERT QE Please refer to ref. 6, sec. 3.3.10. 3.4 DATA ORGANIZATION Please refer to source-listing. dkvarter HQ The operator will then be interrogated for the new term id, Dan┆
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0x33c00…33d00 (51, 0, 12) Sector 330dff00451341 ┆3 E AIX/008/EWP/0035 Test Requirement Specification 1 780710 FIX/071/EWP/0036 ESP S/W Product Specification 1 780829 FIX/008/EWP/0037 Acceptance Test Requirements 1 780830 FIX/020/EWP/0038 FIKS File Management System 1 780914 FIX/070/EWP/0039 FIKS Crypto┆
0x33d00…33e00 (51, 0, 13) Sector 330eff00451341 ┆3 E A I/F Specification 790118 FIX/072/EWP/0042 Dev. Spec. for the TDX Frequency 1 780925 FIX/060/EWP/0043 Preliminary H/W Configuration 1 780928 FIX/072/EWP/0044 FIKS Frequency & Timing Specification 1 780928 FIX/010/EWP/0045 Design Analysis Report 1 ┆
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0x33f00…34000 (51, 0, 15) Sector 3300d400451341 ┆3 T E AP/0055 FMECA Interim Report 1 790227 FIX/0000/EWP/0056 Disk Drive Load Estimates 1 790404 FIX/3131/EWP/0058 Use of the TDX Ctrl. in the FIKS Program 1 790429 FIX/0000/EWP/0059 VDU for FIKS Network 1 790429 ┆
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0x34200…34300 (52, 0, 2) Sector 3403a900451341 ┆4 ) E A 1 4513A/ktd ktd/840120 # OVERSIGT OVER FIKS ORIGINALDOKUMENTER ILS/FIKS M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
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0x34700…34800 (52, 0, 7) Sector 3308ff00451341 ┆3 E A0127 FIX/1165/DSP/0015 Off-Line SCC Subsystem Design Spec. 1 800717 FIX/1160/DSP/0016 Inter SCC Handshaking Subsystem 1 801219 FIX/1161/DSP/0017 Network Supervision & Control 1 801005 FIX/1162/DSP/0018 Network Statistic Subsystem 1 801005 FIX/1164/D┆
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0x38700…38800 (56, 0, 7) Sector 37089c00459241 ┆7 E A 3.8.4 MTCB Monitor If CC () 0 after having called: - WRITE the pseudo MTCB is released 3.9 LISTING REFERENCES Ref. to SOURCE LIBRARY e Work area of 21 words: WORK ^ TYPE ^┆
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