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Length: 15376 (0x3c10)
Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: Standardbrev SHAPE
Names: »0328A «
└─⟦daa99b8e3⟧ Bits:30006185 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0401A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »0328A «
…00……00……00…B…0a…B…86…1 …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02…
- # -
A/S af 1984
A/S af 1984
A/S af 1984
A/S af 1984
A/S af 1984
As of November 1st, 1984 a group of Danish investors
have taken over the entire remaining assets of the bankrupt
Christian Rov- sing A/S. These assets are the Systems
Group, the Information Handling Division, the Aerospace
Division and the Data Centre.
The activities will be organized in a new company, Christian
Rovsing A/S af 1984, with initially more than 500 employees
and a paid in share capital of 225 mill. Danish kroner.
Danish Pen- sion Funds, Insurance companies and commercial
banks hold 56 percent of the share capital, whilst 44
percent is held by Standard Electric Kirk A/S (SEK),
a Danish subsidiary of ITT.
Mr. Knud Jakobsen, President of SEK, will be chairman
of the Board. The shareholders have concluded a management
contract with SEK, and Mr. Richard W. Pryor, President
of ITT World Com- munications Inc., has been appointed
President of the new com- pany.
We take the opportunity to thank you for the cooperation
we ha- ve had in the past, and hope to continue this
relationship in the future.
kind regards,
Christian Rovsing A/S af 1984
Richard W. Pryor
Lene Refsbech
Magleh]jparken 78
3̲6̲0̲0̲ ̲ ̲F̲r̲e̲d̲e̲r̲i̲k̲s̲s̲u̲n̲d̲
V̲e̲d̲r̲.̲:̲ ̲A̲n̲s̲]̲g̲n̲i̲n̲g̲
Idet vi henviser til din ans]gning af 27.3. samt vort brev
af. 3. ds. skal vi hermed anmode dig om at komme til en
personlig samtale tirsdag den 23. april 1985 kl. 10,00.
Du bedes henvende dig i "Den gamle reception", hvilket
vil sige indgangen n`rmest Frederikssundsvej (hvor bussen
holder); her bedes du sp]rge ef- ter undertegnede Anne
Marie [rum.
S>fremt du skulle v`re forhindret i at komme p> det n`vnte
tidspunkt, bedes du kontakte undertegnede p> telefon 65
11 44 l. 363 eller 319.
Med venlig hilsen
Anne Marie [rum
Trine Majdrup-Kristensen
Nyvej 51, 1. tv.
2̲7̲5̲0̲ ̲ ̲B̲a̲l̲l̲e̲r̲u̲p̲
V̲e̲d̲r̲.̲:̲ ̲A̲n̲s̲]̲g̲n̲i̲n̲g̲
Idet vi henviser til din ans]gning af 1.4. samt vort brev
af. 3. ds. skal vi hermed anmode dig om at komme til en
personlig samtale tirsdag den 23. april 1985 kl. 13,00.
Du bedes henvende dig i "Den gamle reception", hvilket
vil sige indgangen n`rmest Frederikssundsvej (hvor bussen
holder); her bedes du sp]rge ef- ter undertegnede Anne
Marie [rum.
S>fremt du skulle v`re forhindret i at komme p> det n`vnte
tidspunkt, bedes du kontakte undertegnede p> telefon 65
11 44 l. 363 eller 319.
Med venlig hilsen
Anne Marie [rum
Fr. Ulla Egelund Petersen
B]gevej 5
3̲6̲5̲0̲ ̲ ̲[̲l̲s̲t̲y̲k̲k̲e̲
V̲e̲d̲r̲.̲:̲ ̲A̲n̲s̲]̲g̲n̲i̲n̲g̲
Idet vi henviser til din ans]gning af 14. april 1985, skal
vi her- med anmode dig om at komme til en personlig samtale
mandag den 6. maj 1985 kl. 10.00. Du bedes henvende dig
i "Den gamle reception", hvilket vil sige indgangen n`rmest
Frederikssundsvej (hvor bussen holder); her bedes du sp]rge
efter undertegnede.
S>fremt du skulle v`re forhindret i at komme p> det n`vnte
tids- punkt, bedes du kontakte undertegnede p> telefon
02 65 11 44 lokal 132.
Med venlig hilsen
Vini Hauris Nielsen
Flemming Enevoldsen
T>strupvej 30
43̲7̲0̲ ̲ ̲S̲t̲o̲r̲e̲ ̲M̲e̲r̲l̲]̲s̲e̲
1985-05-19 HJJ/am]
Det bekr`ftes hermed at du f>r tildelt en fri bil, Ford Sierra 1.6 L snarest muligt dog senest
15. maj 1985.
Din l]n vil herefter forblive u`ndret kr. 30.500,- pr. m>ned.
Med venlig hilsen
Hans J]rgen Jakobsen
26 Rue Gallieni
952500 Rueil-Malmaison
A̲t̲t̲.̲:̲ ̲W̲.̲ ̲C̲z̲y̲c̲h̲o̲l̲l̲,̲ ̲D̲e̲p̲u̲t̲y̲ ̲G̲e̲n̲e̲r̲a̲l̲ ̲M̲a̲n̲a̲g̲e̲r̲
1985-01-23 GJ/am]/LET/013
S̲u̲b̲j̲e̲c̲t̲:̲ ̲ ̲N̲H̲P̲L̲O̲/̲C̲h̲r̲i̲s̲t̲i̲a̲n̲ ̲R̲o̲v̲s̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲A̲/̲S̲ ̲a̲f̲ ̲1̲9̲8̲4̲ ̲a̲g̲r̲e̲e̲m̲e̲n̲t̲
Ref. 1) Your telex hk/jur/61262
a) hmo/jur/4.84.94/2594/84 dated 20. dec. 1984
b) Our telex hawk prod. 253 dated 9. Jan. 1985
Enclosed please find one copy of you above contract duly
signed by Mr. Richard W. Pryor, General Manager.
With regard to the above ref. 1) we can inform you that
we fully agree to the content of your telex.
Kind regards,
Gert Jensen
Lyoner Strasse 11 A
6000 Frankfurt/M71
W̲e̲s̲t̲ ̲G̲e̲r̲m̲a̲n̲y̲
A̲t̲t̲.̲:̲ ̲M̲r̲.̲ ̲K̲l̲a̲u̲s̲ ̲V̲e̲l̲l̲e̲r̲
1985-01-09 SYS/LET/201/SM[/pan
Dear Mr. Veller,
1. In response to CSID letter of 19. December 1984,
we have the following comments to the letter and
your proposal for RUBIN-2
a. We have not included any risk factor in the exchange
rate between Danish Kroner and Deutsche Mark. We
are therefore not in a position to lower our price
by accepting payment in Danish Kroner.
b. On page 4 of your proposal, you have stated that
CAMPS provides multi-level security in accordance
with US DoD requirements. This is not correctly
translated, as our proposal states that CAMPS is
d̲e̲s̲i̲g̲n̲e̲d̲ in accordance with US DoD requirements,
which means that it is not fully compliant with
these requirements.
c. On page 4 you state that additional disk units are
delivered in tempest versions. This is not correct.
The disks are normal commercial disks, which have
been made tempest by installation in the already
existing tempest racks.
d. On page 223 your remarks concerning configuration
changes, we would like to add a paragraph stating
the following:
If CR during system design and optimization
of the hardware configuration for RUBIN-2 or
for technological reasons change the configuration
without sacrificing the required functionality,
CR has the right to do so without impact on
the price.
CR is continuously developing new modules and
improving the CR-80 hardware. New production
items can be made available to BWB during the
project implementation and will be offered if
- 2 -
e. On page 228 you have stated that CR is willing
to accept a price control in accordance with VOPR
30/53. This clause was deleted from our proposal,
German part, page 15, paragraph 2.10. It was discussed
on the telephone and a correction to para 2.10
was submitted to you by telex sys/tlx/612 of 4.
December 1984, although not specifically stating
that it had been deleted.
However, we are willing to let BWB compare the
hardware prices with prices for other projects
such as LKSAA and CAMPS prices.
f. On page 229 you state that the maintenance of the
CR equipment until start of warranty is without
cost to BWB. We assume that you mean that the maintenance
cost is included in the price and therefore no
additional cost is foreseen.
g. On your correction page 20 A for our proposal,
you have offered Siemens T1000 as computer console
in stead of Siemens T1500 KSR. T1000 is operating
at maximum 100 bps, while we must have at least
1200 bps for interfacing the computer console.
We suggest to use Texas Instrument Model 820 KSR,
which can be delivered from CR for 10.100 DM each.
Further on page 20 A, para, 4th line, please
correct text to read: "9 KSR keyboard printer (tempest)".
Please also correct para, second line to:
"2 KSR (tempest)".
2. As discussed on the telephone with mr. H. Schmidt,
CR suggested that if a separate AFDN I/F computer
is a firm BWB requirement, we confirm that we would
be willing to let another competitor, i.e. AEG Telefunken,
deliver this.
3. Finally we should like to mention, that if we get
a contract with Ausw…15…rtiges Amt for a message switching
system (LKSAA), we would be in a position to lower
our price provided commonality between LKSAA and
RUBIN-2 can be achieved.
Kind regards,
Svend M]ller Nielsen
SHAPE Host Nation Management Office
Contracts Section
Att.: Contracting Officer
B-7010 SHAPE
A̲t̲t̲.̲:̲ ̲C̲o̲m̲m̲o̲d̲o̲r̲e̲ ̲ ̲L̲.̲B̲.̲M̲.̲ ̲E̲l̲f̲r̲i̲n̲k̲
1985-04-03 RWP/GJ/am]
CC: NATO: Mr. J. Loveland, US Delegation
Mr. B. Jacobsen, DK Delegation
S̲u̲b̲j̲e̲c̲t̲:̲ ̲C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲
1. Even though the nationwide strike in Denmark has
seriously impacted or curtailed CAMPS activities
such as total shut- down of transportation and mail,
we are making every effort to meet the schedule mutually
agreed to on 15. March.
2. Two areas of concern raised by SHAPE, and previously
iden- tified by Christian Rovsing as requiring improvement
are Quality Assurance and Configuration Management.
I have had executive searches under way for several
months and are pleased to report some progress.
Q̲U̲A̲L̲I̲T̲Y̲ ̲A̲S̲S̲U̲R̲A̲N̲C̲E̲
I have just restructured the QA program and have assigned
the top QA job to a senior executive of CR. Further,
two additional software QA personnel have been hired
since 15. March. I believe you will see immediate improvement.
C̲O̲N̲F̲I̲G̲U̲R̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ ̲M̲A̲N̲A̲G̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲
I have made an offer to a Configuration Management
executi- ve to structure a top-down Configuration Management
pro- gram. I am awaiting his reply. Other candidates
are on-hold. Additionally, we are bringing in a Contractor
to conduct an intensive seminar on top-down software
configu- ration management. I believe you will see
improvement in this area by late summer.
- 2 -
Neither action was taken solely to support CAMPS, both
QA and Configuration Management are company wide programs;
CAMPS simply shares some of the benefits of the actions
ta- ken.
3. Regarding the overall CAMPS effort, I must admit
I am ap- prehensive, in fact "grave concern" would
be a more appro- priate phrase to describe what I
fear is the potentially long delay in system implementation
and cost increases that will result if more than
250 new or modified requirements must be incorporated
into the baseline.
CAMPS can be operational next year, providing a capability
far in excess of any current military messaging system
in the world. If we must go back and readdress more
than 250 new requirements, regardless of their individual
merit, I fear the delays in implementation will cause
concern throughout the NATO/SHAPE community. As a supplier
I of course welcome new requirements, as a pragmatist,
who over the years has watched military airplane designs
such as the B-58 prove financial disasters as changing
operational re- quirements doomed the project. I would
hope that is not the case with CAMPS. Perhaps operational
procedures could sup- plement or replace software automation
at least to permit us to field the system with necessary
operational changes to that baseline occuring over
time. This would allow a phased implementation and
installation of the new features.
In order to meet the wishes for an early installation
of an operational CAMPS a phased implementation is
The advantages of a phased implementation are:
- CAMPS can be fielded early in order to meet operational
- Errors and inconveniences will be discovered early.
- Benefits will be obtained earlier.
- Early user experience can be taken into consideration
for later phases.
The proposed sketch for a phased implementation represents
the most cost-effective solution for an early implementati-
on of CAMPS.
- 3 -
Based on phase 1 a user experience can be gained and
form a baseline for later improvements.
Yours sincerely,
Richard W. Pryor
- 4 -
1a CAMPS As-is Site 1 limited No Verification
of interfaces
made until
May 1985
1b As 1a 3 sites limited No Verifications
of interfaces
made until
May 1985
1c Option 5 Plus incl. CR84 All Yes OCR and
some security enhan- In-plant I/F in
cements SW test
1d As 1c Site 1 All Yes All interfaces
opera- terminals
1e As 1c All All Yes The above
sites SPA's 3 sites
to be
the first
for SPA's
1f ISSC Systems CR84 All Yes
SW test
1g As 1f ISSC All Yes
2a New CPU's CR84 Partly Yes Load test
at CR84
+ simu
2b As 2a Appli- All Yes Field
cable "Mini-SPA"
3a Enhanced SW ISSC All Yes "In-plant"
SW test
-Additional on ISSC-site.
Security features Changes
on AIG
-Msg. Addressing SCD scheme
3b As 3a All All Yes "Mini-SPA"
4a Other enhancements ISSC All Yes SW "In-plant"
SW test
test on ISSC-site
4b As 4a All All Yes "Mini-SPA"