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CR80 Wang WCS documentation floppies

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⟦17a651644⟧ Bits:30006115 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0184A, 8" Floppy Disk

    Length: 315392 (0x4d000)
    Description: Bits:30006115 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0184A
    Types: 8" Floppy Disk


name artifact - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1163A CPS/DBD/001 dhh JBS 1 - 5.4. 21-08-81 09:10 1 57 5264 22-01-84 15:00 14 563 22-01-84 15:17 12-03-85 14:18 0184A 71 42 40 1032 102331 1163A ⟦049b1e0a8⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/DBD/001
1273A CPS/TPR/008 sdv URH Appendix B 17-09-81 14:41 6 14 12387 15-06-84 08:30 24 230 15-06-84 09:01 15-06-84 09:09 0184A 89 21 58 648 35664 ` 1273A ⟦5903d7b46⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/TPR/008
2273A CPS/TPR/008 ja URH 3.9 08-06-82 14:35 16 410 15-06-84 08:15 02 95 15-06-84 08:17 15-06-84 08:22 0184A 41 3 13 404 4528 2273A ⟦bcdd0ad2e⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/TPR/008
2283A CPS/TRP/008 de URH fra TEST NO 7/e)4 10-06-82 10:51 8 12 10417 15-06-84 09:04 00 10 15-06-84 09:05 15-06-84 09:10 0184A 32 15 58 336 25422 0 2283A ⟦ffaa2a791⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/TRP/008
~ORPHAN01.05 ⟦512d6841c⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN01.13 ⟦35ed9208c⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN33.11 ⟦6c4455f98⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
1163A CPS/DBD/001 sdv NJ 1 - 5.4. 21-08-81 09:10 1 57 5264 09-11-82 16:48 01 8 23-06-82 12:27 09-11-82 16:49 0184A 71 41 42 984 100558 ~ORPHAN63.00 ⟦a0b5e7f50⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
2273A CPS/TPR/008 ja URH 3.9 08-06-82 14:35 16 410 15-12-82 14:40 20 616 07-02-84 09:09 08-02-84 14:57 0184A 49 46 456 1121 ~ORPHAN63.08 ⟦cd37ece41⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
1163A CPS/DBD/001 sdv NJ 1 - 5.4. 21-08-81 09:10 1 57 5264 23-06-82 12:09 17 376 23-06-82 12:27 24-06-82 12:13 0184A 71 41 41 1128 100550 ~ORPHAN65.08 ⟦f98350715⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked

Disk picture

  Document Body
  Document Head
  Marked Free
  Content List


0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0)   Sector 01844130313834 ┆  A0184A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x00200…00300 (0, 0, 2)   Sector ff00f8f8ffffff ┆  xx                                                               `                                                                                                                                                                                            ┆
0x00300…00306 (0, 0, 3)   WangDocument {d00=0x11, d01=0x63, d02=0x41, ptr=(53,0, 8), d05=0x00}
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0x003e0…00400             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18   ┆                                ┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5)   Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1                                                                                                                                                            8      7  Q? > 7                                        d d 0 N N ~<d N ^<) 0uH  &4'>( 1c5 & &    ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6)   Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A['      S   X%   %) PO P    ;     cA=?   C g x g V WD  O 8 :}8  =:    1163A  g     L         < {C < { ; 3    ;j      PK        iQ          9 8 :     t   xQ     . 2289A2292A1451A         =>=:3<4#B    E                                                  ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0)   WangDocumentBody
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5)   Sector 00006400127341 ┆  d  sA AOPS   ORIGINATOR LT. SMITH   TEXT  TEST      THIS IS TESTMESSAGE NO. 73     (VDU DISPLAY)   ming Message from SCARS II   13 BT   14   15 H   16 NNNN ET  12B SIC DCJ  12C EXER  12D FOR  PASS   12E  TEST  12F  THIS IS TEST MESSAGE NO. 54  12G  (Entr┆
0x01600…01700 (1, 0, 6)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8)   WangDocumentBody
0x01d00…01e00 (1, 0, 13)  Sector 010eff00227341 ┆    "sA 1                                                                                                                                                 1                                                                      1 VZCZC SHY 0008  2  00 RXFPSHA┆
0x01e00…01f00 (1, 0, 14)  Sector 010f6f00227341 ┆  o "sA  3 DE RXFBA 0130 2531130  4 ZN Y TTTTT  5  R 201130Z AUG  6 FM ATOC MAASTRICHT  7 TO SHAPE  8 INFO BOCCAG. TYPE Plaindress  2 CLASS. UU  3 SPEC. HANDL. BB  4 MSG. HANDL. INSTR.  5 PREC. ACTION PP  6 PREC. INFO RR  7 COORD.   8 ORIG SCD OSA  9 ORIG ┆
0x01f00…02000 (1, 0, 15)  Sector 0000e700227341 ┆  g "sA  9 XMT  10 GR  11 BT  12A  COSMIC TOP SECRET  12B SIC BEX  12C EXER  12D FOR  PASS  12E  TEST  12F  THIS IS ACP127 MESSAGE A8   This Month   Classification:  COSMIC TOP SECRET 12G    13 BT  14  15  16 NNNN    FIGURE 9/a)-18   BB.     Prepared :  VD┆
0x02000…02100 (2, 0, 0)   WangDocumentBody
0x11000…11100 (17, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(17,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41127341}, f00=»1273A «, f01=»CPS/TPR/008               «, f02=»sdv                  «, f03=»URH                  «, f04=»Appendix B           «, f05=17-09-81 14:41, f06=»   6 «, f07=»14 «, f08=» 12387 «, f09=15-06-84 08:30, f10=»     «, f11=»24 «, f12=»   230 «, f13=15-06-84 09:01, f14=15-06-84 09:09, f15=»0184A «, f16=» 89 «, f17=»  21 «, f18=»58 «, f19=»  648 «, f20=» 35664 «, f21=»  «, f22=» ` «, f99=860010000110062710110280aaca1505000000000000003703fd00df}
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0x20800…20900 (32, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(32,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41228341}, f00=»2283A «, f01=»CPS/TRP/008               «, f02=»de                   «, f03=»URH                  «, f04=»fra TEST NO 7/e)4    «, f05=10-06-82 10:51, f06=»   8 «, f07=»12 «, f08=» 10417 «, f09=15-06-84 09:04, f10=»     «, f11=»00 «, f12=»    10 «, f13=15-06-84 09:05, f14=15-06-84 09:10, f15=»0184A «, f16=» 32 «, f17=»  15 «, f18=»58 «, f19=»  336 «, f20=» 25422 «, f21=»  «, f22=» 0 «, f99=030000000110052710110280aaca15050000000000000042037500df}
0x20900…20a00 (32, 0, 9)  WangDocumentBody
0x21000…21100 (33, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(33,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41227341}, f00=»2273A «, f01=»CPS/TPR/008               «, f02=»ja                   «, f03=»URH                  «, f04=»3.9                  «, f05=08-06-82 14:35, f06=»     «, f07=»16 «, f08=»   410 «, f09=15-06-84 08:15, f10=»     «, f11=»02 «, f12=»    95 «, f13=15-06-84 08:17, f14=15-06-84 08:22, f15=»0184A «, f16=» 41 «, f17=»   3 «, f18=»13 «, f19=»  404 «, f20=»  4528 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=210010000110052710110280aaca15050000000000000042039000df}
0x21100…21200 (33, 0, 1)  WangDocumentBody
0x21b00…21c00 (33, 0, 11) Sector 210cff00228341 ┆!   " A 1                                                                  TEST OVERVIEW     TEST NO. 7/e)4  FUNCTION:  Off-line diagnostics SRS Reference:                                                                      Test Case/ Referenc┆
0x21c00…21d00 (33, 0, 12) Sector 210dff00228341 ┆!   " Ae  Action   SRS Reference                                                                       a SMD (Disk #2) diagnostics  b MMD (Disk #1) diagnostics  c MMD (Disk #3) diagnostics  d Floppy disk diagnostics  e  LTU diagnostics  f  CPU/CACHE diagno┆
0x21d00…21e00 (33, 0, 13) Sector 210eff00228341 ┆!   " Astics  g MAP/MIA diagnostics  h RAM diagnostics  i TDX diagnostics  j WDP diagnostics     Test setup:   The off-line diagnostic programs are booted and executed from the maintenance position (VDU OP) as described in CAMPS SITE LEVEL MAINTENANCE MANU┆
0x21e00…21f00 (33, 0, 14) Sector 210f7500228341 ┆! u " AAL (CPS/TCM/005, para.4.7)   Disk dualization has to be finished before the following test steps are executed. <6;!#<6 !&<6 !  "$<! <6 {M;(s!  9"c=!  "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 !  "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC  I! <6 !  "(=  <q#p!"<6 !#<6 !  "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7   ┆
0x21f00…22000 (33, 0, 15) Sector 2100ff00228341 ┆!   " A 1                                                                  TEST STEPS      TEST NO. 7/e)4a FUNCTION:  SMD (Disk #2) diagnostics  SRS Reference:                                                              Case Test Step No. Station ┆
0x22000…22100 (34, 0, 0)  WangDocumentBody
0x35800…35900 (53, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(53,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41116341}, f00=»1163A «, f01=»CPS/DBD/001               «, f02=»dhh                  «, f03=»JBS                  «, f04=»1 - 5.4.             «, f05=21-08-81 09:10, f06=»   1 «, f07=»57 «, f08=»  5264 «, f09=22-01-84 15:00, f10=»     «, f11=»14 «, f12=»   563 «, f13=22-01-84 15:17, f14=12-03-85 14:18, f15=»0184A «, f16=» 71 «, f17=»  42 «, f18=»40 «, f19=» 1032 «, f20=»102331 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=400010000110062710110280aaca15050000000000000137034301df}
0x35900…35a00 (53, 0, 9)  WangDocumentBody
0x36000…36100 (54, 0, 0)  Sector 3601ff41116341 ┆6  A cA1163A CPS/DBD/001               dhh                  JBS                  1 - 5.4.             21 08 81 09 10    1 57   5264 22 01 84 15 00      14    563 22 01 84 15 17 24 01 85 09 25 0184A  71   42 40  1032 102331      @      '    *J         7 C _┆
0x36100…36200 (54, 0, 1)  Sector 36024700116341 ┆6 G  cAB    6   6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 / / / / / / / . . . . - - - , , , + + + + + + * * * ) ) ) ( ( ' ' ' ' ' & & & & % % % % $ $ $ $ # # # # " " ) k * ^ ] ] ] ] ]  %                                 * " (Z  ( ! - # $ + * / ( , # " /            ┆
0x36200…36300 (54, 0, 2)  Sector 36039600116341 ┆6    cA 1                                                                         CPS/DBD/001   850201  DATABASE DESIGN DOCUMENT  ISSUE 2.1 CAMPS      <~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x36300…36400 (54, 0, 3)  Sector 3604ff00116341 ┆6    cA 1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS     1                                                                                                                                              1  PURPOSE AND ┆
0x36400…36500 (54, 0, 4)  Sector 3605ff00116341 ┆6    cASCOPE .............................    1   2  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCES ...........    2    2.1  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ......................    2   2.2  PROJECT REFERENCES ........................    3   2.3  TERMS ........................┆
0x36500…36600 (54, 0, 5)  Sector 3606ff00116341 ┆6    cA.............    3   2.4  ABBREVIATIONS .............................    3   3  DATA DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS ..............    7    3.1  DATA TYPES ................................    7    3.1.1  Standard Types ........................    7    3┆
0x36600…36700 (54, 0, 6)  Sector 3607ff00116341 ┆6    cA.1.2  Scalar Types ..........................    8    3.1.3  Subrange Types ........................    8    3.1.4  Structured Types ......................    9  Array Types .......................    9  Record Types ........┆
0x36700…36800 (54, 0, 7)  Sector 3508ff00116341 ┆5    cA..............    9     3.1.5  Pointer ...............................   10    3.1.6  Reference .............................   10    3.2  DEFINITION OF VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS ....    11    3.2.1  Definition of Variables ...............   11    3.2┆
0x36800…36900 (54, 0, 8)  Sector 3609ff41116341 ┆6  A cA1163A CPS/DBD/001               dhh                  JBS                  1 - 5.4.             21 08 81 09 10    1 57   5264 17 12 84 13 39      03     71 17 12 84 14 21 22 12 84 13 00 0184A  71   42 26  1064 101768      b      '    *J         7 C _┆
0x36900…36a00 (54, 0, 9)  Sector 360a4700116341 ┆6 G  cAB    6   6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 / / / / / / . . . - - - , , , , + + + + + * * * ) ) ) ( ( ( ' ' ' ' ' & & & & % % % % $ $ $ $ # # # # ) k * ^ ] ] ] ] ]  %                                 * " (Z  ( ! - # $ + * / ( , # " /            ┆
0x36a00…36b00 (54, 0, 10) Sector 360b9600116341 ┆6    cA 1                                                                         CPS/DBD/001   850201  DATABASE DESIGN DOCUMENT  ISSUE 2.1 CAMPS      <~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x36b00…36c00 (54, 0, 11) Sector 360cff00116341 ┆6    cA 1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS     1                                                                                                                                              1  PURPOSE AND ┆
0x36c00…36d00 (54, 0, 12) Sector 360dff00116341 ┆6    cASCOPE .............................    1   2  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCES ...........    1    2.1  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ......................    1   2.2  PROJECT REFERENCES ........................    2   2.3  TERMS ........................┆
0x36d00…36e00 (54, 0, 13) Sector 360eff00116341 ┆6    cA.............    2   2.4  ABBREVIATIONS .............................    3   3  DATA DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS ..............    7    3.1  DATA TYPES ................................    7    3.1.1  Standard Types ........................    7    3┆
0x36e00…36f00 (54, 0, 14) Sector 360fff00116341 ┆6    cA.1.2  Scalar Types ..........................    8    3.1.3  Subrange Types ........................    8    3.1.4  Structured Types ......................    9  Array Types .......................    9  Record Types ........┆
0x36f00…37000 (54, 0, 15) Sector 3600ff00116341 ┆6    cA..............    9     3.1.5  Pointer ...............................   10    3.1.6  Reference .............................   10    3.2  DEFINITION OF VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS ....    11    3.2.1  Definition of Variables ...............   11    3.2┆
0x37000…37100 (55, 0, 0)  Sector 3701ff00116341 ┆7    cA 1                                                                   c) MDCO CONFIDENTIAL    As above for Incoming Messages of classification    CONFIDENTIAL   d) MDCO SECRET    As above for Incoming Messages of classification    SECRET   e) MDCO CT┆
0x37100…37200 (55, 0, 1)  Sector 3702ff00116341 ┆7    cAS    As above for Incoming Messages of classification    COSMIC TOP SECRET   f) CRISIS SWITCH    This switch specifies by TRUE that distribution by SICs shall be performed on basis of the CRISIS SIC TABLE.   g) QUIET HOURS SWITCH    This switch spec┆
0x37200…37300 (55, 0, 2)  Sector 3703ff00116341 ┆7    cAifies by TRUE that alternative distribution shall be performed to the DUTY OFFICER.   h) QUIET HOURS LOGICAL TERM NO    This field specifies the logical terminal number of the current Quiet Hours terminal position.   i) ATOMAL PRINT LOGICAL DEV NO  ┆
0x37300…37400 (55, 0, 3)  Sector 37045700116341 ┆7 W  cA  This field specifies the logical Device number of the current ATOMAL printer.     CP DATA: RECORD         CP NO: (1..150);         DATA: ARRAY (1..512)          OF INTEGER;            END;        END;   "The field RECORD TYPE DEFINES if the record┆
0x37400…37500 (55, 0, 4)  Sector 3705ff00116341 ┆7    cA 1                                                                  5.1.2 Channel Parameters   Three types of channel parameter records are defined:   - TRC POINT TO POINT channel parameters   - NICS TARE channel parameters   - SCARS CCIS channel pa┆
0x37500…37600 (55, 0, 5)  Sector 3706ff00116341 ┆7    cArameters   Each of the records are described in the following. TRC/POINT TO POINT Channel Parameters   The TRC POINT TO POINT parameter contains following fields:   a) TIME LIMIT INCOM    This field specifies the time limit before sending┆
0x37600…37700 (55, 0, 6)  Sector 3707ff00116341 ┆7    cA a selfaddressed channel check. If no message had been received on an Incoming channel within the time limit a selfaddressed channel check message shall be sent on the corresponding outgoing channel.   b) TIME LIMIT FLASH    This field specifies the┆
0x37700…37800 (55, 0, 7)  Sector 3608ff00116341 ┆6    cA time limit before a FLASH ASM shall be received on an Incoming channel after transmission of a FLASH message on the corre-   sponding outgoing channel.   c) IDENTICAL ASM    This field is a boolean, it specifies by TRUE that an ASM shall be generat┆
0x37800…37900 (55, 0, 8)  Sector 37091000116341 ┆7    cAction 4.  ile    FILE C    1    FILE B    2          3         4 eger used as an address. The range is 0..#FFFF.   Note that the pointer type is not supported in SWELL, where pointers are of INTEGER type.   Examples:   RETURNADDRESS:  POINTER;  NEXT┆
0x37900…37a00 (55, 0, 9)  Sector 370aff00116341 ┆7    cA 1                                                                    4  TYPE AND CONSTANTS   See Appendix A.  CPS PREFIX.D          5  SYSTEM DATA     The System Data are specific for the particular CAMPS SITE.   They can be divided into:   - Syste┆
0x37a00…37b00 (55, 0, 10) Sector 370b8100116341 ┆7    cAm Parameters   - Configuration Parameters   - Profiles   - Global Serial Numbers   - Reports   - System call error codes   ere the type or constant is defined, is denoted.   INIT and CONST definitions are only included where relevant.   Single type ┆
0x37b00…37c00 (55, 0, 11) Sector 370cff00116341 ┆7    cA 1                                                                  5.1 SYSTEM PARAMETER   System Parameters are parameters of various types maintained by TMP. The parameters may be updated or read by the packages due to their capabilities.   Follow┆
0x37c00…37d00 (55, 0, 12) Sector 370dff00116341 ┆7    cAing System parameters are identified:     Distribution parameter     TRC PTOP parameter     NICS-TARE parameter     SCARS CCIS parameter     ACP 127 parameter     Low speed print parameter     Medium speed print parameter     Special Handling parame┆
0x37d00…37e00 (55, 0, 13) Sector 370eff00116341 ┆7    cAter    Dedicated Punch parameter     Time of day parameter    CAMPS SW status parameter      Supervisor printer parameter    Security parameter   The PARAMETER ID TYPE in which these parameter IDs are specified is defined in section 4 CPS PREFIX.D*S┆
0x37e00…37f00 (55, 0, 14) Sector 370fff00116341 ┆7    cAYS PARAM MON together with the definitions of the parameter records. In the following the contents of each record will be described.    5.1.1 Distribution Parameters   This record contains the following fields.    a) MDCO UNCLASSIFIED    This is a b┆
0x37f00…38000 (55, 0, 15) Sector 3700fa00116341 ┆7 z  cAoolean which specifies whether Incoming Messages of classification UNCLASSIFIED shall be sent to the MDCO (TRUE) or shall be distributed normal (FALSE).   b) MDCO RESTRICTED    As above for Incoming Messages of classification     RESTRICTED    kpoin┆
0x38000…38100 (56, 0, 0)  Sector 38018400116341 ┆8    cAts    Example 2   VAR  CLASS TABLE:  ARRAY   0..127   OF       RECORD        GROUP:  1..10;        VALUE:  LONG;       END;   B   The rightmost end of the diagram shall represent the least significant bit, and the leftmost the most significant bit. ┆
0x38100…38200 (56, 0, 1)  Sector 3802a600116341 ┆8 &  cA 1                                                                   WORD LEVEL DIAGRAM:       0  CLASS TYPE          127        1  GROUP     2      VALUE    3  character strings, that is mainly keyboard or card input and CRT or printer output may b┆
0x38200…38300 (56, 0, 2)  Sector 3803ff00116341 ┆8    cA 1                                                                   EXAMPLE 3   TYPE CP TYPE = (LOG1, LOG2, CIF1, CIF2)    CONST MAX LOG = 5   LOG CHECKPOINT = RECORD       RECORD TYPE: LOG1..LOG2;       CP DATA: ARRAY  1..MAX LOG                OF┆
0x38300…38400 (56, 0, 3)  Sector 3804ff00116341 ┆8    cA INTEGER;         END;   CIF CHECKPOINT = RECORD       RECORD TYPE: CIF1.CIF2       CP DATA: RECORD         CP NO: (1..150);         DATA: ARRAY (1..512)          OF INTEGER;            END;        END;   "The field RECORD TYPE DEFINES if the record┆
0x38400…38500 (56, 0, 4)  Sector 38053700116341 ┆8 7  cA   "is of type LOG CHECKPOINT OR CIF CHECKPOINT                     3.4.3 Word Level Diagrams   Word level diagrams shall be used to enhance description of all data items of more than one word size of tables and of whole memory layouts.   The diagra┆
0x38500…38600 (56, 0, 5)  Sector 3806d600116341 ┆8 V  cA 1                                                                   WORD LEVEL DIAGRAM:       1  CP TYPE = LOG     2        CP DATA     6       1  CR TYPE = CIF      2   CP NO     3        CP DATA     512+2 e of the boxes shall as close as possible┆
0x38600…38700 (56, 0, 6)  Sector 3807ff00116341 ┆8    cA 1                                                                   EXAMPLE 4   TYPE START UP TYPE = (DEAD1, DEAD2, COLD, WARM1, WARM 2, WARM 3);    Specification of CAMPS start up types    EXAMPLE 5   TYPE PU COMMAND = RECORD       HEADER: COLD..W┆
0x38700…38800 (56, 0, 7)  Sector 3708ff00116341 ┆7    cAARM2;        TEXT:  ARRAY (1. MAX PU CMD TEXT LENGTH) OF INTEGER;        END    CONST MAX PU CMD TEXT LENGTH = 100;   Specification of PU command type.    EXAMPLE 6   CONST MAX VDUs = 32;   Maximum no of VDUs at any CAMPS site.   This const is in se┆
0x38800…38900 (56, 0, 8)  Sector 38094700116341 ┆8 G  cA  BFD  a file    FILE C    1    FILE B    2          3         4 eger used as an address. The range is 0..#FFFF.   Note that the pointer type is not supported in SWELL, where pointers are of INTEGER type.   Examples:   RETURNADDRESS:  POINTER;  NEXT┆
0x38900…38a00 (56, 0, 9)  Sector 380aff00116341 ┆8    cA 1                                                                  3.5 Declaration of Variables   Declarations Variables are specified by use of the following notation:   VAR  IDENTIFIER   : TYPE       Reference to type def.  INIT  IDENTIFIER = INI┆
0x38a00…38b00 (56, 0, 10) Sector 380bff00116341 ┆8    cATVALUE   CONST IDENTIFIER = CONSTANT EXPRESSION   narrative description   For common types and constants:   the section, where the type or constant is defined, is denoted.   INIT and CONST definitions are only included where relevant.   Single type ┆
0x38b00…38c00 (56, 0, 11) Sector 380cff00116341 ┆8    cAdefinitions are defined directly.   For arrays and records, word level diagrams may also be used.   For records containing different formats the different records are defined separately. A general type definition is specified at first. Refer to exam┆
0x38c00…38d00 (56, 0, 12) Sector 380dff00116341 ┆8    cAple 3.     Common types are specified by use of the following notation:   TYPE IDENTIFIER = TYPE  CONST IDENTIFIER = CONSTANT EXPRESSION       "Reference to constant def.of       "narrative description   COMMON CONSTANTS are specified by use of the ┆
0x38d00…38e00 (56, 0, 13) Sector 380e8500116341 ┆8    cAfollowing notation:   CONST  IDENTIFIER = CONSTANT EXPRESSION       "Reference to constant def.of       "narrative description     identifier = constant expression   Examples:   LASTINDEX = N - 1;  MIL       = - 1;  AREA      = LENGTH * WIDTH;    ND┆
0x38e00…38f00 (56, 0, 14) Sector 380fff00116341 ┆8    cA 1                                                                   Common types and constants are always defined at the level where the type/const is used at the level and/or in 1 or more places at the next lower level, and where the type/const is┆
0x38f00…39000 (56, 0, 15) Sector 3800ff00116341 ┆8    cA not used in parallel or higher levels.   Types/Constants common to CAMPS packages are specified in section 4 of this document.     Example 1   VAR  MAX FREE CP:  1.  MAX CPS;   CONST MAX CPS=4   INIT MAX FREE CP  = 1;   No. of outstanding checkpoin┆
0x39000…39100 (57, 0, 0)  Sector 3901ff00116341 ┆9    cAg form shall be used to enhance the description:   15              10  9                   0       FIELD A              FIELD B   The rightmost end of the diagram shall represent the least significant bit, and the leftmost the most significant bit. ┆
0x39100…39200 (57, 0, 1)  Sector 3902ff00116341 ┆9    cA  Bits shall be numbered from 0 to 15 with the lowest number designating the least significant bit.    3.4.2 Character Level Diagrams   Data items consisting of character strings, that is mainly keyboard or card input and CRT or printer output may b┆
0x39200…39300 (57, 0, 2)  Sector 3903ff00116341 ┆9    cAe described by diagrams of the following form.   1 2 3 4 5 ...........                                  n   FIELD A     FIELD B    FIELD C          FIELD D   The character appearing first in the input or output string shall be shown in the lefthand ┆
0x39300…39400 (57, 0, 3)  Sector 39047800116341 ┆9 x  cAend of the diagram.   The characters of the string shall be numbered consecutively beginning with number 1 (one). #0000..#0FFF  ARRAY  'S'..'Z'  OF INTEGER  ARRAY  WEEKDAY  OF WORKHOURS  ARRAY  WEEKDAY  OF RECORD              BREAKFAST: INTEGER;    ┆
0x39400…39500 (57, 0, 4)  Sector 3905ff00116341 ┆9    cA 1                                                                  3.4.3 Word Level Diagrams   Word level diagrams shall be used to enhance description of all data items of more than one word size of tables and of whole memory layouts.   The diagra┆
0x39500…39600 (57, 0, 5)  Sector 3906ff00116341 ┆9    cAms shall have the following form:   0                                   ITEM I   3   4                                     ITEM II     m   m+1                                   ITEM III   n   The relative size of the boxes shall as close as possible┆
0x39600…39700 (57, 0, 6)  Sector 3907e100116341 ┆9 a  cA resemble the relative size of the data items illustrated.   The numbering shall be per word and range from 0 through n illustrating in total n+1 words.   The lowest number shall be placed at the top of the drawing.    on Serial Number (Identical to┆
0x39700…39800 (57, 0, 7)  Sector 3808ff00116341 ┆8    cA 1                                                                  3.4.4 Graphical Presentation of Relations Between Data Structures (Example only)         1                                                                   NAME       0 SFD FILE A ┆
0x39800…39900 (57, 0, 8)  Sector 3909ff00116341 ┆9    cAARRIED: BYTE  END    3.1.5 Pointer   A pointer is an unsigned integer used as an address. The range is 0..#FFFF.   Note that the pointer type is not supported in SWELL, where pointers are of INTEGER type.   Examples:   RETURNADDRESS:  POINTER;  NEXT┆
0x39900…39a00 (57, 0, 9)  Sector 390aff00116341 ┆9    cA ELEMENT:   POINTER;    3.1.6 Reference   A reference is an indirect address of some object. It is used to identify the object to the unit which is responsible for the object.   A reference is an unsigned integer in the range 0..65535.   A short ref┆
0x39a00…39b00 (57, 0, 10) Sector 390b3a00116341 ┆9 :  cAerence is an unsigned integer in the range 0..255.   types of SWELL represent the units accessible in one instruction of the CR80.   a) BYTE    BYTE is an unsigned integer, which can be held in one byte (8 bits) and therefore lies in the range  0:25┆
0x39b00…39c00 (57, 0, 11) Sector 390cff00116341 ┆9    cA 1                                                                   Examples:   QUEUE ELEMENT:  REFERENCE;  SUBQUEUE ID:    SHORT REFERENCE;    3.2 DEFINITION OF VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS    3.2.1 DEFINITION of Variables   Variable definitions consis┆
0x39c00…39d00 (57, 0, 12) Sector 390dff00116341 ┆9    cAt of a list of identifiers denoting the variables, followed by their type.    variable declaration  ::=  identifer  , identifier  :   type   Examples:   I,J : INTEGER  OPERATOR: (PLUS, MINUS, TIMES)  CLASSTABLE: ARRAY  0..127  OF CLASSTYPE    3.2.2 ┆
0x39d00…39e00 (57, 0, 13) Sector 390efd00116341 ┆9 }  cAConstant Definitions   A constant definition introduces an identifier as a synonym to a constant.    constant definition  ::=      identifier = constant expression   Examples:   LASTINDEX = N - 1;  MIL       = - 1;  AREA      = LENGTH * WIDTH;    ND┆
0x39e00…39f00 (57, 0, 14) Sector 390fff00116341 ┆9    cA 1                                                                  3.3 NAMING CONVENTION FOR DATA ITEMS   Data items shall be named with data names describing the content/use of the item. If the name consists of more than one word, the words shall ┆
0x39f00…3a000 (57, 0, 15) Sector 3900ff00116341 ┆9    cAbe separated by underscore ' '.    3.4 GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF DATA    3.4.1 Bit Level Diagrams   Whenever a computer word or register is not used as an entity but split into fields, possibly to the level of a single bit, a diagram of the followin┆
0x3a000…3a100 (58, 0, 0)  Sector 3a016000116341 ┆: `  cAase of a subrange type is INTEGER.   Examples: 1..10      'A'..'Z'      MONDAY..FRIDAY    (Identical to QEL)  RAM Random Access Memory  RF Radio Frequency  RI Routing Indicator  RLQ Message Release Queue  ROP Receive Only Printer  RRQ Retrieve Reque┆
0x3a100…3a200 (58, 0, 1)  Sector 3a02ff00116341 ┆:    cA 1                                                                  3.1.4 Structured Types   A structured type is characterized by the types of its components and by its structuring method.    structured type  ::= array type   record type┆
0x3a200…3a300 (58, 0, 2)  Sector 3a03ff00116341 ┆:    cA Array Types   An array type is a structure consisting of a fixed number of components, which are all of the same type, called the component type.  The elements of the array are designated by indices, values belonging to the so-called index type.   ┆
0x3a300…3a400 (58, 0, 3)  Sector 3a04ff00116341 ┆:    cA array type  ::= array   index type  of  component type   component type ::=  type   Examples:   ARRAY  1..10  OF #0000..#0FFF  ARRAY  'S'..'Z'  OF INTEGER  ARRAY  WEEKDAY  OF WORKHOURS  ARRAY  WEEKDAY  OF RECORD              BREAKFAST: INTEGER;    ┆
0x3a400…3a500 (58, 0, 4)  Sector 3a05ff00116341 ┆:    cA          LUNCH:     INTEGER;              DINNER:    INTEGER            END Record Types   A record type is a structure consisting of a fixed number of components, possibly of different types. The record type definition specifies for eac┆
0x3a500…3a600 (58, 0, 5)  Sector 3a06ff00116341 ┆:    cAh component, called a field, its type and an identifier which denotes it. The scope of these field identifiers is the record definitions itself.    record type  ::=  RECORD  field list  END                                        1   field list   ::=┆
0x3a600…3a700 (58, 0, 6)  Sector 3a076000116341 ┆: `  cA  fields  ;  fields  0   fields       ::=  field identifier  ,  field identifier :  type  TOC Time of Occurrence  TP Tele Printer  TRANSID Transaction Identification  TRC Tape Relay Center  TS Time Stamp  TSN Transmission Serial Number (Identical to┆
0x3a700…3a800 (58, 0, 7)  Sector 3908ff00116341 ┆9    cA 1                                                                   Examples:   RECORD     DAY       :  1..31;     MONTH     :  1..12;     YEAR      :  INTEGER  END   RECORD     NAME, FIRST NAME: ARRAY  1.. NAMELENGTH  OF CHAR;     AGE: BYTE;     M┆
0x3a800…3a900 (58, 0, 8)  Sector 3a09ff00116341 ┆:    cA 1                                                                   3  DATA DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS     This section defines general guidelines for the definition and conventions which apply to the database design document.   The subjects which┆
0x3a900…3aa00 (58, 0, 9)  Sector 3a0aff00116341 ┆:    cA are specified are:   - data types:   - standard   - scalar   - subrange   - structured   - constant and variable definitions   - graphical presentation of data:   - bit, character and word level   - logical relationships between data structures   3┆
0x3aa00…3ab00 (58, 0, 10) Sector 3a0bff00116341 ┆:    cA.1 DATA TYPES    3.1.1 Standard Types   The standard types of SWELL represent the units accessible in one instruction of the CR80.   a) BYTE    BYTE is an unsigned integer, which can be held in one byte (8 bits) and therefore lies in the range  0:25┆
0x3ab00…3ac00 (58, 0, 11) Sector 3a0c7000116341 ┆: p  cA5 .    CHAR is equivalent to byte.   b) INTEGER    INTEGER is an integer, which can be held in one word.  r  MCB Message Control Block  MCQ MDCO Queue  MDCO Message Distribution Control Operator  MDP Message Distribution Package  MIA Map Interface A┆
0x3ac00…3ad00 (58, 0, 12) Sector 3a0dff00116341 ┆:    cA 1                                                                   c) LONG    LONG is an integer, which can be held in two words (32 bits).     The type is "declared" as:     LONG = RECORD               LEAST, MOST:  INTEGER            END    3.1.┆
0x3ad00…3ae00 (58, 0, 13) Sector 3a0eff00116341 ┆:    cA2 Scalar Types   A scalar type defines an ordered set of values by enumeration of identifiers which denote these values.    scalar type  ::=(  identifier   ,   identifier   )   Example:   (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUND┆
0x3ae00…3af00 (58, 0, 14) Sector 3a0fff00116341 ┆:    cAAY).   The values of a scalar type are equal to the constants 0, 1, 2, ..., i.e. the identifieres of the example could have been declared as   CONST MONDAY = 0;    TUESDAY = 1  etc.    3.1.3 Subrange Types   A type may be defined as a subrange of an┆
0x3af00…3b000 (58, 0, 15) Sector 3a00ff00116341 ┆:    cAother scalar type by indication of the least and the largest value in the subrange. The first constant specifies the lower bound, and must not be greater than the upper bound.    subrange type  ::=  constant expression .. constant expression   The b┆
0x3b000…3b100 (59, 0, 0)  Sector 3b01ff00116341 ┆;    cA (Identical to QUEL)  QER Queue Element Reference  QMON Queue Monitor  QUEL Queue Element (Identical to QEL)  RAM Random Access Memory  RF Radio Frequency  RI Routing Indicator  RLQ Message Release Queue  ROP Receive Only Printer  RRQ Retrieve Reque┆
0x3b100…3b200 (59, 0, 1)  Sector 3b02ff00116341 ┆;    cAst Queue  RSN Release Serial Number (Identical to SSN)  RTCM Real Time Clock Module  SAR Storage and Retrieval  SCARS Status Control Alerting and Reporting System  SCD Staff Cell Designator  SD&T Software Development and Test  SDL Standard Distribut┆
0x3b200…3b300 (59, 0, 2)  Sector 3b039c00116341 ┆;    cAion List  SDS CAMPS System Design Specification  SEL Synchronization Element  SFD Directory types within SFM  SFM Storage and File Management Package  Information System  CCITT The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee  CH Cha┆
0x3b300…3b400 (59, 0, 3)  Sector 3b04ff00116341 ┆;    cA 1                                                                   SIC Subject Indicator Code  SID Segment Identifier  SOTF Start of Transmission Function  SRS System Requirements Specification  SSC Status System and Control  SSN Station Serial Nu┆
0x3b400…3b500 (59, 0, 4)  Sector 3b05ff00116341 ┆;    cAmber (Identical to RSN)  SSP Support Software Package  STA Statistics Package (Identical to STP)  STI Supra-TDX Bus Interface  STP Statistics Package  SUPV Supervisor  SVQ Supervisor Queue  SW Software  TARE Telegraph Automatic Relay Equipment  TBD ┆
0x3b500…3b600 (59, 0, 5)  Sector 3b06ff00116341 ┆;    cATo Be Defined  TC Transfer Counter  TD Terminal designator  TDX Telecommunication Data Exchange  TEMCO Terminal Monitoring and Control  TEP Terminal Package  TG Table Generation (Software in SSP)  THP Traffic Handling Package  THS Terminal Handling ┆
0x3b600…3b700 (59, 0, 6)  Sector 3b07ff00116341 ┆;    cASystem  TIA TDX Bus Interface Adapter  TM Terminal Manager  TMP Table Management Package  TOC Time of Occurrence  TP Tele Printer  TRANSID Transaction Identification  TRC Tape Relay Center  TS Time Stamp  TSN Transmission Serial Number (Identical to┆
0x3b700…3b800 (59, 0, 7)  Sector 3a087d00116341 ┆: }  cA CSN)  UGI User Group Identification  VDU Visual Display Unit  WDP Watchdog Processor  X25 Protocol Name  Z80 Zilog 80  Data Terminal Equipment  DTG Data Time Group  EDC Error Detection and Correction  EMI-racks Electromagnetic Interference  EOL End┆
0x3b800…3b900 (59, 0, 8)  Sector 3b09ff00116341 ┆;    cA Of Line  EOLF End Of Line Feed  ETC Et Cetera  FIFO First In, First Out  FMS File Management System  HDB Historical Data Base  HDLC High Level Data Link Control  HQ Headquarters  HW Hardware  ICB Item Control Block  ICD Interface Control Document  ┆
0x3b900…3ba00 (59, 0, 9)  Sector 3b0aff00116341 ┆;    cAICHSN Incoming Channel Serial Number  IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame  IF I/F Interface  IID Item Identification  IMQ Incoming Message Queue  IO I/O Input/Output  IOC Input/Output Control Package  IOS I/O System  ISQ Incoming Storage Queue  ITA ┆
0x3ba00…3bb00 (59, 0, 10) Sector 3b0bff00116341 ┆;    cAInternational Telegraph Alphabet  ITEM REF ID Item Reference Identity  KER Kernel Package  LAPB Link Access Protocol B  LF Line Feed  LOG Log and Accountability Package  LSI Large Scale Integrated Circuits  LTU Line Termination Unit  LTUX Line Termi┆
0x3bb00…3bc00 (59, 0, 11) Sector 3b0cff00116341 ┆;    cAnation Unit Wired to the TDX bus  MAP Memory Mapping Unit  MBT Main Bus Termination Module  MC Master Clear  MCB Message Control Block  MCQ MDCO Queue  MDCO Message Distribution Control Operator  MDP Message Distribution Package  MIA Map Interface A┆
0x3bc00…3bd00 (59, 0, 12) Sector 3b0d6900116341 ┆; i  cAdapter  MID Message Identification  MMON Message Monitor  MMS Message Management System within SFM S/024  Message Management Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/025  Table Management Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/026  Input Output Control Detailed Design ┆
0x3bd00…3be00 (59, 0, 13) Sector 3b0eff00116341 ┆;    cA 1                                                                   MRQ Message Routing Queue  MSG Message  MSO Message Service Operator  MSP Medium Speed Tele Printer  MSQ Message Service Queue  MSTP Medium Speed Tele Printer  MTBF Mean Time Betwe┆
0x3be00…3bf00 (59, 0, 14) Sector 3b0fff00116341 ┆;    cAen Failure  MTTR Mean Time To Repair  M&D Maintenance and Diagnostics  NA Not Applicable  NAK Negative Acknowledgement  NICS NATO Integrated Communication System  OCHSN Outgoing Channel Serial Number  OLP Off-line Software Package  OMQ Outgoing Mess┆
0x3bf00…3c000 (59, 0, 15) Sector 3b00ff00116341 ┆;    cAage Queue  OU Off-line Utilities  PLA Plain Language Address  PLA# Plain Language Address Reference Number  PM Page Manager  PSU Power Supply  PTP Paper Tape Puncher  PTR Paper Tape Reader  PU Processor Unit  P-to-P Point to Point  QEL Queue Element┆
0x3c000…3c100 (60, 0, 0)  Sector 3c010b00116341 ┆<    cA.    6   9.2  Response Text Table (Direct Access) .......  276   9.3  TEP SEQUENCE TABLES .......................  277   9.4  MMI CONTROL TABLES ........................  278   9.5  OPERATING SIGNAL TABLE ....................  278   9.6  SPECIAL HAN┆
0x3c100…3c200 (60, 0, 1)  Sector 3c02ff00116341 ┆<    cA 1                                                                  2.4 ABBREVIATIONS   1                                                                   ACP127 Allied Communication Procedures No. 127  AIG Address Indicator Group  APP Applications┆
0x3c200…3c300 (60, 0, 2)  Sector 3c03ff00116341 ┆<    cA  BFD Directory types within SFM  BFD Basic File Directory  BPS Bit Per Second  CAMPS Computer Aided Message Processing System  CCIS Command & Control Information System  CCITT The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee  CH Cha┆
0x3c300…3c400 (60, 0, 3)  Sector 3c04ff00116341 ┆<    cAnnel  CHPT-IRATE Check Point Incoming Message Rate  CHPT-ORATE Check Point Outgoing Message Rate  CIA Data Channel Interface Adapter  CIF CAMPS Information File  CMI Command Interpreter  COPSY CAMPS Operating System  CPS CAMPS  CPU Central Processin┆
0x3c400…3c500 (60, 0, 4)  Sector 3c05ff00116341 ┆<    cAg Unit  CR Carriage Return  CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check  CSF In CPS/SDS/001 is the abbreviation used to identify the CAMPS System Functions, but CSF is also used to identify the Central Supply Facility in logistics of CAMPS  CSN Channel Serial Numbe┆
0x3c500…3c600 (60, 0, 5)  Sector 3c06ff00116341 ┆<    cAr (Identical to TSN)  CSSI CAMPS Software Support Installation  CTS/A Cosmic Top Secret/Atomal  CU Channel Unit  DAMOS CR80D Advanced Multiprocessor Operating System  DCB CR80D Control Bus  DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment  DCN Document Contro┆
0x3c600…3c700 (60, 0, 6)  Sector 3c07b000116341 ┆< 0  cAl Number  DD Device Designator  DEC Data Exchange Channel  DEV Development  DMA Direct Memory Access  DMB CR80D Main Bus  DM&T Distribution Monitoring and Test Equipment    7.2.5  MDP Queue Description .................  149    7.2.6  SAR Queue Desc┆
0x3c700…3c800 (60, 0, 7)  Sector 3b08ff00116341 ┆;    cA 1                                                                   DSMT Development, Software, Maintenance, Test  DTE Data Terminal Equipment  DTG Data Time Group  EDC Error Detection and Correction  EMI-racks Electromagnetic Interference  EOL End┆
0x3c800…3c900 (60, 0, 8)  Sector 3c09ff00116341 ┆<    cA "CAMPS S/W Interface Control Document, CPS/ICD/009" in defining all aspects of interaction between packages.           2  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCES   2.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS   CAMPS System Requirements  CPS/210/SYS/0001   User Procedures┆
0x3c900…3ca00 (60, 0, 9)  Sector 3c0aff00116341 ┆<    cA and Associated Formats   CPS/230/ICD/0001   Supervisor Commands and Procedures  CPS/230/ICD/0002   ACP127 NATO Supp. 3 Procedures  CPS/230/ICD/0003   NICS/TARE Interface Control Document  CPS/ICD/004   SCARS II Interface Control Document  CPS/ICD/0┆
0x3ca00…3cb00 (60, 0, 10) Sector 3c0b3c00116341 ┆< <  cA05   ACE CCIS Interface Control Document  CPS/ICD/006 8    7.3.13 MSOS Command Queues ...................  159    7.3.14 MDOS Command Queues ...................  159    7.4  DEFINITION OF ALL QUEUE CAPABILITIES ......  159    7.5  DEFINITION OF MAIN┆
0x3cb00…3cc00 (60, 0, 11) Sector 3c0cff00116341 ┆<    cA 1                                                                   TRC, Point-to-point Connection Interface Control Document  CPS/ICD/007   OCR Interface Control Document  CPS/ICD/009   1                                                            ┆
0x3cc00…3cd00 (60, 0, 12) Sector 3c0dff00116341 ┆<    cA         CAMPS System Design Spec. CPS/SDS/001  CAMPS System Functions Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/024  Message Management Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/025  Table Management Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/026  Input Output Control Detailed Design ┆
0x3cd00…3ce00 (60, 0, 13) Sector 3c0eff00116341 ┆<    cASpec. CPS/SDS/028  System Status and Control Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/029  Storage and Retrieval Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/030  Statistics Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/031  Logging Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/032  Traffic Handling Detail┆
0x3ce00…3cf00 (60, 0, 14) Sector 3c0fff00116341 ┆<    cAed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/033  Message Distribution Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/034  Supervisor VDU Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/035  Supervisor Printer Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/036  MDCO VDU Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/037  MSO VDU Detailed┆
0x3cf00…3d000 (60, 0, 15) Sector 3c00ff00116341 ┆<    cA Design Spec. CPS/SDS/038  User VDU Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/039  OCR Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/040  Printer Detailed Design Spec. CPS/SDS/041    2.2 PROJECT REFERENCES   N/A.    2.3 TERMS   Please refer to CPS/SDS/001 section 1.3.1 "Terms"┆
0x3d000…3d100 (61, 0, 0)  Sector 3d01ff00116341 ┆=    cA.  276   9.2  Response Text Table (Direct Access) .......  276   9.3  TEP SEQUENCE TABLES .......................  277   9.4  MMI CONTROL TABLES ........................  278   9.5  OPERATING SIGNAL TABLE ....................  278   9.6  SPECIAL HAN┆
0x3d100…3d200 (61, 0, 1)  Sector 3d02ff00116341 ┆=    cADLING TABLE ....................  279   10 CAMPS FORMATS .................................  280   10.1 CAMPS INTERNAL MESSAGE FORMAT .............  284    10.1.1 Administration Field ..................  287    10.1.2 SCD List Field .................┆
0x3d200…3d300 (61, 0, 2)  Sector 3d03ff00116341 ┆=    cA.......  305    10.1.3 Address Field .........................  308    10.1.4 Text Preamble Field ...................  312    10.1.5 Text Field ............................  315    10.1.6 PLA/RI Field ..........................  318    10.1.7 Queue ┆
0x3d300…3d400 (61, 0, 3)  Sector 3d04ff00116341 ┆=    cAList Field ......................  326    10.1.8 RI Assignment Field ...................  333    10.2 CAMPS EXTERNAL MESSAGE FORMAT .............  340    10.2.1 Text Field ............................  341    10.2.2 ACP127 Parameter Field ..........┆
0x3d400…3d500 (61, 0, 4)  Sector 3d05ff00116341 ┆=    cA......  341    10.2.3 ACP127 Header Field ...................  350    10.2.4 ACP127 Correction/Text Preamble Field .  350    10.3 CAMPS INTERNAL INFORMATION FORMAT .........  351    10.3.1  LOG Records ..........................  351    10.3.2  Stor┆
0x3d500…3d600 (61, 0, 5)  Sector 3d06ff00116341 ┆=    cAage and Retrieval catalogue        Display ..............................  357    10.3.3 Message Status Formats ...............  363    10.3.4 Statistics CIF Information ...........  409   11 FILES ........................................   419   12┆
0x3d600…3d700 (61, 0, 6)  Sector 3d073e00116341 ┆= >  cA TRACE AND PERFORMANCE MONITORING RECORDS ......  483   107    7.2.3  LOG Queue Description .................  135    7.2.4  THP Queue Description .................  138    7.2.5  MDP Queue Description .................  149    7.2.6  SAR Queue Desc┆
0x3d700…3d800 (61, 0, 7)  Sector 3c08ff00116341 ┆<    cA 1                                                                   1  PURPOSE AND SCOPE     The purpose of the CPS/DBD/001 is to define all tables, files and data areas shared by more than one S/W package.   The CPS/DBD/001 is complementary to the┆
0x3d800…3d900 (61, 0, 8)  Sector 3d09ff00116341 ┆=    cA155    7.3.3  User VDU Release Queues ...............  155    7.3.4  User VDU Response Queues ..............  155    7.3.5  Printer Command  Queues ...............  156    7.3.6  Printer Print Queues ..................  156    7.3.7  Channel Command┆
0x3d900…3da00 (61, 0, 9)  Sector 3d0aff00116341 ┆=    cA Queues ................  157    7.3.8  Circuit Queues ........................  157    7.3.9  User VDU System Queues ................  157    7.3.10 Printer System Queues .................  158    7.3.11 Transport System Queues ...............  158┆
0x3da00…3db00 (61, 0, 10) Sector 3d0bff00116341 ┆=    cA    7.3.12 Supervisory System Queues .............  158    7.3.13 MSOS Command Queues ...................  159    7.3.14 MDOS Command Queues ...................  159    7.4  DEFINITION OF ALL QUEUE CAPABILITIES ......  159    7.5  DEFINITION OF MAIN┆
0x3db00…3dc00 (61, 0, 11) Sector 3d0cff00116341 ┆=    cATYPE AND SUBTYPE      FOR ALL Q ELEMENTS ........................  182   8  SUBPROCESSES AND PROCESS PROFILES .............  248   8.1  SUBPROCESS CONCEPTS .......................  248   8.2  ACCESS PROFILE ............................  248   8.3  D┆
0x3dc00…3dd00 (61, 0, 12) Sector 3d0dff00116341 ┆=    cAEFINITION OF ALL SUBPROCESSES ............  250    8.3.1  TEP SUBPROCESSES ......................  251    8.3.2  THP SUBPROCESSES ......................  259    8.3.3  MDP SUBPROCESSES ......................  266    8.3.4  SAR SUBPROCESSES .........┆
0x3dd00…3de00 (61, 0, 13) Sector 3d0eff00116341 ┆=    cA.............  267    8.3.5  LOG SUBPROCESSES ......................  268    8.3.6  STP SUBPROCESSES ......................  269    8.3.7  SSC SUBPROCESSES ......................  270    8.3.8  TMP SUBPROCESSES ......................  273    8.3.9  ┆
0x3de00…3df00 (61, 0, 14) Sector 3d0f3300116341 ┆= 3  cACSF SUBPROCESSES ......................  274 ..........   31    5.2.2  H/W Configuration Tables ..............   31    5.3  PROFILES ..................................   31    5.3.1  User Tables ...........................   36    5.3.2  Terminal Ta┆
0x3df00…3e000 (61, 0, 15) Sector 3d00ff00116341 ┆=    cA 1                                                                                                                                              9  OTHER TMP Table ...............................  276   9.1  TEP COMMAND TABLE ........................┆
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0)  Sector 3e01ff00116341 ┆>    cA..   46    5.5.1  Application Reports ...................   47    5.6  System Call Error Codes ...................   60   6  CAMPS ROUTING AND DISTRIBUTION TABLES .........   79   6.1  SIC-Tables ................................   80   6.2  SDL-Tabl┆
0x3e100…3e200 (62, 0, 1)  Sector 3e02ff00116341 ┆>    cAe .................................   83   6.3  SCD-Table .................................   84   6.4  AIG-Tables ................................   84   6.5  PLA-Tables ................................   85   6.6  Local PLA-Table .................┆
0x3e200…3e300 (62, 0, 2)  Sector 3e03ff00116341 ┆>    cA..........   87   6.7  RI-Table ..................................   88   6.8  Local RI-Table ............................   89   7  QUEUES ........................................   90   7.1  QUEUE CONCEPT .............................   90    7.1.┆
0x3e300…3e400 (62, 0, 3)  Sector 3e04ff00116341 ┆>    cA1  Queue Structure .......................   90    7.1.2  Queue Attributes ......................   92    7.1.3  Queue Groups ..........................   92    7.1.4  Queue Capabilities ....................   93    7.1.5  Queue References .........┆
0x3e400…3e500 (62, 0, 4)  Sector 3e05be00116341 ┆> >  cA.............   93    7.1.6  Queue Elements ........................   96    7.1.7  QEL Attributes ........................   97    7.1.8  Queue References Examples .............   97 ......................    2   2.3  TERMS ........................┆
0x3e500…3e600 (62, 0, 5)  Sector 3e06ff00116341 ┆>    cA 1                                                                                                                                               7.2  DEFINITION OF ALL QUEUES ..................   98    7.2.1  SSC Queue Description ................. ┆
0x3e600…3e700 (62, 0, 6)  Sector 3e07ff00116341 ┆>    cA  99    7.2.2  TEP Queue Description .................  107    7.2.3  LOG Queue Description .................  135    7.2.4  THP Queue Description .................  138    7.2.5  MDP Queue Description .................  149    7.2.6  SAR Queue Desc┆
0x3e700…3e800 (62, 0, 7)  Sector 3d08ff00116341 ┆=    cAription .................  150    7.2.7  STP Queue Description .................  154    7.3  DEFINITION OF ALL QUEUE GROUPS ............  155    7.3.1  User VDU Command Queues ...............  155    7.3.2  User VDU Receive Queues ...............  ┆
0x3e800…3e900 (62, 0, 8)  Sector 3e09ff00116341 ┆>    cA.2  Constant Definitions ..................   11    3.3  NAMING CONVENTION FOR DATA ITEMS ..........   12   3.4  GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF DATA ............   12    3.4.1  Bit Level Diagrams ....................   12    3.4.2  Character Level Diagra┆
0x3e900…3ea00 (62, 0, 9)  Sector 3e0aff00116341 ┆>    cAms ..............   12    3.4.3  Word Level Diagrams ...................   13    3.4.4  Graphical Presentation of Relations        Between Data Structures (Example only)          3.5  DECLARATION OF VARIABLES .................   15   4  TYPES AND CO┆
0x3ea00…3eb00 (62, 0, 10) Sector 3e0b2f00116341 ┆> /  cANSTANTS ...........................   21 5Cq5M 2M[- RA5Cq5:^=~ BL5C`5M{) RV5Cq5M . R`5Cq5M@1MI1:h= Rp5Cr4IMM.:^=~ B}5I:g=~ J 5IC$3I      > S C_*                                                                                                         ┆
0x3eb00…3ec00 (62, 0, 11) Sector 3e0cff00116341 ┆>    cA 1                                                                                                                                               5  SYSTEM DATA ..................................   21   5.1  SYSTEM PARAMETERS ........................┆
0x3ec00…3ed00 (62, 0, 12) Sector 3e0dff00116341 ┆>    cA.   22    5.1.1  Distribution Parameters ...............   22    5.1.2  Channel Parameters ....................   24    5.1.3  ACP127-Parameters .....................   26    5.1.4  Device Parameters .....................   27    5.1.5  Time Paramet┆
0x3ed00…3ee00 (62, 0, 13) Sector 3e0eff00116341 ┆>    cAers .......................   29    5.1.6  CAMPS S/W Status ......................   29    5.1.7  Network Parameters ....................   30    5.1.8  Security Parameters ...................   30    5.2  CONFIGURATION TABLES ......................┆
0x3ee00…3ef00 (62, 0, 14) Sector 3e0fff00116341 ┆>    cA   31    5.2.1  S/W Configuration Tables ..............   31    5.2.2  H/W Configuration Tables ..............   31    5.3  PROFILES ..................................   31    5.3.1  User Tables ...........................   36    5.3.2  Terminal Ta┆
0x3ef00…3f000 (62, 0, 15) Sector 3e00ff00116341 ┆>    cAbles .......................   38    5.3.3  Device Tables .........................   41    5.3.4  Channel Tables ........................   42    5.4  GLOBAL SERIAL NUMBERS .....................   46   5.5  REPORT FORMATS ..........................┆
0x3f000…3f100 (63, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(63,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41116341}, f00=»1163A «, f01=»CPS/DBD/001               «, f02=»sdv                  «, f03=»NJ                   «, f04=»1 - 5.4.             «, f05=21-08-81 09:10, f06=»   1 «, f07=»57 «, f08=»  5264 «, f09=09-11-82 16:48, f10=»     «, f11=»01 «, f12=»     8 «, f13=23-06-82 12:27, f14=09-11-82 16:49, f15=»0184A «, f16=» 71 «, f17=»  41 «, f18=»42 «, f19=»  984 «, f20=»100558 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=020010000110062710110290aaca15050000000000000137033f01df}
0x3f100…3f200 (63, 0, 1)  Sector 3f024700116341 ┆? G  cAB    ?   ? > > = = < < < ; ; : : : : 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 / / / / . . . . - - - - , , , , + ) k * ^ ] ] ] ] ]  %                                 * " (Z  ( ! - # $ + * / ( , # " /            ┆
0x3f200…3f300 (63, 0, 2)  Sector 3f038e00116341 ┆?    cA 1                                                                         CPS/DBD/001   820607   DATABASE DESIGN DOCUMENT   CAMPS      =6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3f300…3f400 (63, 0, 3)  Sector 3f04ff00116341 ┆?    cA 1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS     1                                                                                                                                              1  PURPOSE AND ┆
0x3f400…3f500 (63, 0, 4)  Sector 3f05ff00116341 ┆?    cASCOPE .............................    1   2  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCES ...........    1    2.1  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ......................    1   2.2  PROJECT REFERENCES ........................    2   2.3  TERMS ........................┆
0x3f500…3f600 (63, 0, 5)  Sector 3f06ff00116341 ┆?    cA.............    2   2.4  ABBREVIATIONS .............................    3   3  DATA DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS ..............    7    3.1  DATA TYPES ................................    7    3.1.1  Standard Types ........................    7    3┆
0x3f600…3f700 (63, 0, 6)  Sector 3f07ff00116341 ┆?    cA.1.2  Scalar Types ..........................    8    3.1.3  Subrange Types ........................    8    3.1.4  Structured Types ......................    9  Array Types .......................    9  Record Types ........┆
0x3f700…3f800 (63, 0, 7)  Sector 3e08ff00116341 ┆>    cA..............    9     3.1.5  Pointer ...............................   10    3.1.6  Reference .............................   10    3.2  DEFINITION OF VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS ....    11    3.2.1  Definition of Variables ...............   11    3.2┆
0x3f800…3f900 (63, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(63,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41227341}, f00=»2273A «, f01=»CPS/TPR/008               «, f02=»ja                   «, f03=»URH                  «, f04=»3.9                  «, f05=08-06-82 14:35, f06=»     «, f07=»16 «, f08=»   410 «, f09=15-12-82 14:40, f10=»     «, f11=»20 «, f12=»   616 «, f13=07-02-84 09:09, f14=08-02-84 14:57, f15=»0184A «, f16=» 49 «, f17=»     «, f18=»46 «, f19=»  456 «, f20=»  1121 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=020010000110052710110280aaca15050000000000000042039a00df}
0x3f900…3fa00 (63, 0, 9)  Sector 3f0a3100227341 ┆? 1 "sA     ?   ? ?                                                                                               ent nr:   Dokumentnavn:   Operat]r:   Forfatter:    Kommentarer:       STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprettet  / /   :   :   ┆
0x3fa00…3fb00 (63, 0, 10) Sector 3f0bb400227341 ┆? 4 "sA 1                                                                         CPS/TPR/008   840102   FUNCTIONAL SOFTWARE TEST SPECIFICATION AND PROCEDURES ISSUE 1.1 CAMPS        I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3fb00…3fc00 (63, 0, 11) Sector 3f0cff00227341 ┆?   "sA 1                                                                  3.9 TESTGROUP NO. 9    3.9.1 General Description   This testgroup will give a verification of the following functions:   a) Statistical Data on Messages    1) Incoming Messages   2)┆
0x3fc00…3fd00 (63, 0, 12) Sector 3f0dff00227341 ┆?   "sA Outgoing Messages   3) Rejected Messages   b) Storage Occupancy  c) Channel Availability and Occupancy  d) Message Distribution  e) Use of Message Formats    1) Formats A, C1, Gl, M, O   2) Formats B, D, F, G2, H, I, N, P1, P2, Q    3.9.2 Test Cont┆
0x3fd00…3fe00 (63, 0, 13) Sector 3f0eff00227341 ┆?   "sArol   Execution of this testgroup will consist of an analysis of statistical data generated during execution of the specified testprocedures. Input Data   Input to the system for statistics is done either by preparing messages at a local ┆
0x3fe00…3ff00 (63, 0, 14) Sector 3f0f7f00227341 ┆?   "sAVDU (outgoing messages) or by transmitting ACP127 messages through an external channel. Input Commands   N/A  <6 !  "$<! <6 {M;(s!  9"c=!  "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 !  "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC  I! <6 !  "(=  <q#p!"<6 !#<6 !  "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7   ┆
0x3ff00…40000 (63, 0, 15) Sector 1e08ff00227341 ┆    "sA 1                                                         Output Data   Statistics output will be presented on the supervisory printer. Output Notifiction   All Statistics output shall regarding to contents be in accorda┆
0x40000…40100 (64, 0, 0)  Sector 4001ff00116341 ┆@    cA155    7.3.3  User VDU Release Queues ...............  155    7.3.4  User VDU Response Queues ..............  155    7.3.5  Printer Command  Queues ...............  156    7.3.6  Printer Print Queues ..................  156    7.3.7  Channel Command┆
0x40100…40200 (64, 0, 1)  Sector 4002ff00116341 ┆@    cA Queues ................  157    7.3.8  Circuit Queues ........................  157    7.3.9  User VDU System Queues ................  157    7.3.10 Printer System Queues .................  158    7.3.11 Transport System Queues ...............  158┆
0x40200…40300 (64, 0, 2)  Sector 4003ff00116341 ┆@    cA    7.3.12 Supervisory System Queues .............  158    7.3.13 MSOS Command Queues ...................  159    7.3.14 MDOS Command Queues ...................  159    7.4  DEFINITION OF ALL QUEUE CAPABILITIES ......  159    7.5  DEFINITION OF MAIN┆
0x40300…40400 (64, 0, 3)  Sector 4004ff00116341 ┆@    cATYPE AND SUBTYPE      FOR ALL Q ELEMENTS ........................  182   8  SUBPROCESSES AND PROCESS PROFILES .............  248   8.1  SUBPROCESS CONCEPTS .......................  248   8.2  ACCESS PROFILE ............................  248   8.3  D┆
0x40400…40500 (64, 0, 4)  Sector 4005ff00116341 ┆@    cAEFINITION OF ALL SUBPROCESSES ............  250    8.3.1  TEP SUBPROCESSES ......................  251    8.3.2  THP SUBPROCESSES ......................  259    8.3.3  MDP SUBPROCESSES ......................  266    8.3.4  SAR SUBPROCESSES .........┆
0x40500…40600 (64, 0, 5)  Sector 4006ff00116341 ┆@    cA.............  267    8.3.5  LOG SUBPROCESSES ......................  268    8.3.6  STP SUBPROCESSES ......................  269    8.3.7  SSC SUBPROCESSES ......................  270    8.3.8  TMP SUBPROCESSES ......................  273    8.3.9  ┆
0x40600…40700 (64, 0, 6)  Sector 40073300116341 ┆@ 3  cACSF SUBPROCESSES ......................  274 ..........   31    5.2.2  H/W Configuration Tables ..............   31    5.3  PROFILES ..................................   31    5.3.1  User Tables ...........................   36    5.3.2  Terminal Ta┆
0x40700…40800 (64, 0, 7)  Sector 3f08ff00116341 ┆?    cA 1                                                                                                                                              9  OTHER TMP Table ...............................  276   9.1  TEP COMMAND TABLE ........................┆
0x40800…40900 (64, 0, 8)  Sector 4009ff00116341 ┆@    cA..   46    5.5.1  Application Reports ...................   47    5.6  System Call Error Codes ...................   60   6  CAMPS ROUTING AND DISTRIBUTION TABLES .........   79   6.1  SIC-Tables ................................   80   6.2  SDL-Tabl┆
0x40900…40a00 (64, 0, 9)  Sector 400aff00116341 ┆@    cAe .................................   83   6.3  SCD-Table .................................   84   6.4  AIG-Tables ................................   84   6.5  PLA-Tables ................................   85   6.6  Local PLA-Table .................┆
0x40a00…40b00 (64, 0, 10) Sector 400bff00116341 ┆@    cA..........   87   6.7  RI-Table ..................................   88   6.8  Local RI-Table ............................   89   7  QUEUES ........................................   90   7.1  QUEUE CONCEPT .............................   90    7.1.┆
0x40b00…40c00 (64, 0, 11) Sector 400cff00116341 ┆@    cA1  Queue Structure .......................   90    7.1.2  Queue Attributes ......................   92    7.1.3  Queue Groups ..........................   92    7.1.4  Queue Capabilities ....................   93    7.1.5  Queue References .........┆
0x40c00…40d00 (64, 0, 12) Sector 400dbe00116341 ┆@ >  cA.............   93    7.1.6  Queue Elements ........................   96    7.1.7  QEL Attributes ........................   97    7.1.8  Queue References Examples .............   97 ......................    2   2.3  TERMS ........................┆
0x40d00…40e00 (64, 0, 13) Sector 400eff00116341 ┆@    cA 1                                                                                                                                               7.2  DEFINITION OF ALL QUEUES ..................   98    7.2.1  SSC Queue Description ................. ┆
0x40e00…40f00 (64, 0, 14) Sector 400fff00116341 ┆@    cA  99    7.2.2  TEP Queue Description .................  107    7.2.3  LOG Queue Description .................  135    7.2.4  THP Queue Description .................  138    7.2.5  MDP Queue Description .................  149    7.2.6  SAR Queue Desc┆
0x40f00…41000 (64, 0, 15) Sector 4000ff00116341 ┆@    cAription .................  150    7.2.7  STP Queue Description .................  154    7.3  DEFINITION OF ALL QUEUE GROUPS ............  155    7.3.1  User VDU Command Queues ...............  155    7.3.2  User VDU Receive Queues ...............  ┆
0x41000…41100 (65, 0, 0)  Sector 4101ff00116341 ┆A    cA.2  Constant Definitions ..................   11    3.3  NAMING CONVENTION FOR DATA ITEMS ..........   12   3.4  GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF DATA ............   12    3.4.1  Bit Level Diagrams ....................   12    3.4.2  Character Level Diagra┆
0x41100…41200 (65, 0, 1)  Sector 4102ff00116341 ┆A    cAms ..............   12    3.4.3  Word Level Diagrams ...................   13    3.4.4  Graphical Presentation of Relations        Between Data Structures (Example only)          3.5  DECLARATION OF VARIABLES .................   15   4  TYPES AND CO┆
0x41200…41300 (65, 0, 2)  Sector 41032f00116341 ┆A /  cANSTANTS ...........................   21 5Cq5M 2M[- RA5Cq5:^=~ BL5C`5M{) RV5Cq5M . R`5Cq5M@1MI1:h= Rp5Cr4IMM.:^=~ B}5I:g=~ J 5IC$3I      > S C_*                                                                                                         ┆
0x41300…41400 (65, 0, 3)  Sector 4104ff00116341 ┆A    cA 1                                                                                                                                               5  SYSTEM DATA ..................................   21   5.1  SYSTEM PARAMETERS ........................┆
0x41400…41500 (65, 0, 4)  Sector 4105ff00116341 ┆A    cA.   22    5.1.1  Distribution Parameters ...............   22    5.1.2  Channel Parameters ....................   24    5.1.3  ACP127-Parameters .....................   26    5.1.4  Device Parameters .....................   27    5.1.5  Time Paramet┆
0x41500…41600 (65, 0, 5)  Sector 4106ff00116341 ┆A    cAers .......................   29    5.1.6  CAMPS S/W Status ......................   29    5.1.7  Network Parameters ....................   30    5.1.8  Security Parameters ...................   30    5.2  CONFIGURATION TABLES ......................┆
0x41600…41700 (65, 0, 6)  Sector 4107ff00116341 ┆A    cA   31    5.2.1  S/W Configuration Tables ..............   31    5.2.2  H/W Configuration Tables ..............   31    5.3  PROFILES ..................................   31    5.3.1  User Tables ...........................   36    5.3.2  Terminal Ta┆
0x41700…41800 (65, 0, 7)  Sector 4008ff00116341 ┆@    cAbles .......................   38    5.3.3  Device Tables .........................   41    5.3.4  Channel Tables ........................   42    5.4  GLOBAL SERIAL NUMBERS .....................   46   5.5  REPORT FORMATS ..........................┆
0x41800…41900 (65, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(65,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41116341}, f00=»1163A «, f01=»CPS/DBD/001               «, f02=»sdv                  «, f03=»NJ                   «, f04=»1 - 5.4.             «, f05=21-08-81 09:10, f06=»   1 «, f07=»57 «, f08=»  5264 «, f09=23-06-82 12:09, f10=»     «, f11=»17 «, f12=»   376 «, f13=23-06-82 12:27, f14=24-06-82 12:13, f15=»0184A «, f16=» 71 «, f17=»  41 «, f18=»41 «, f19=» 1128 «, f20=»100550 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=020010000110062710110290aaca15050000000000000137034001df}
0x41900…41a00 (65, 0, 9)  Sector 410a4700116341 ┆A G  cAB    A   A A @ @ ? ? > > > = = = < < < < ; ; ; ; : : : : : : 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 / / / / . . . ) k * ^ ] ] ] ] ]  %                                 * " (Z  ( ! - # $ + * / ( , # " /            ┆
0x41a00…41b00 (65, 0, 10) Sector 410b8e00116341 ┆A    cA 1                                                                         CPS/DBD/001   820607   DATABASE DESIGN DOCUMENT   CAMPS      =6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x41b00…41c00 (65, 0, 11) Sector 410cff00116341 ┆A    cA 1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS     1                                                                                                                                              1  PURPOSE AND ┆
0x41c00…41d00 (65, 0, 12) Sector 410dff00116341 ┆A    cASCOPE .............................    1   2  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCES ...........    1    2.1  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ......................    1   2.2  PROJECT REFERENCES ........................    2   2.3  TERMS ........................┆
0x41d00…41e00 (65, 0, 13) Sector 410eff00116341 ┆A    cA.............    2   2.4  ABBREVIATIONS .............................    3   3  DATA DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS ..............    7    3.1  DATA TYPES ................................    7    3.1.1  Standard Types ........................    7    3┆
0x41e00…41f00 (65, 0, 14) Sector 410fff00116341 ┆A    cA.1.2  Scalar Types ..........................    8    3.1.3  Subrange Types ........................    8    3.1.4  Structured Types ......................    9  Array Types .......................    9  Record Types ........┆
0x41f00…42000 (65, 0, 15) Sector 4100ff00116341 ┆A    cA..............    9     3.1.5  Pointer ...............................   10    3.1.6  Reference .............................   10    3.2  DEFINITION OF VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS ....    11    3.2.1  Definition of Variables ...............   11    3.2┆
0x42000…42100 (66, 0, 0)  Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆


Reduced view