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⟦227d6f7f1⟧ Wang Wps File
Length: 1510 (0x5e6)
Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: Spelunked
Names: »~ORPHAN34.00«
└─⟦704904495⟧ Bits:30006007 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0042A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »~ORPHAN34.00«
Number (Identical to SSN)
RTCM Real Time Clock Module
SAR Storage and Retrieval
SCARS Status Control and Reporting System
SCD Staff Cell Designator
SD&T Software Development and Test
SDL Standard Distribution List
SDS CAMPS System Design Spcification
SEL Synchronization Element
SFD Directory types withing SFM
SFM Storage and File Management Package
SIC Subject Indicator Code
SID Segment Identifier
SOTF Start of Transmission Function
SRS System Requirements Specification
SSC Satus System and Control…86…1 …02… …02…
SSN Station Serial Number (Identical to RSN)
SSP Support Software Package
STA Statistics Package (Identical to STP)
STI Supra-TDX Bus Interface
STP Statistics Package
SUPV Suervisor
SV Supervisor
SVQ Supervisor Queue
SW Software
TARE Telegraph Automatice Relay Equipment
TBD To Be Defined
TC Transfer Counter
TD Terminal designator
TDX Telecommunication Data Exchange
TEMCO Terminal Monitoring and Control
TEP Teminal Package
TG Table Generation (Software in SSP)
THP Traffic Handling Package
THS Terminal Handling System
TIA TDX Bus Interface Adapter
TM Terminal Manager
TMP Table Management Package
TOC Time of Occurrence
TOS Time of Occurrence
TP Tle Printer
TRANSID Transaction Identiication
TRC Tape Relay Center
TS Time Stamp
TSN Transmission Serial Number (Identical to CSN)
UGI User Group Identification
VDU Visual Display Unit
WDP Watchdog Processor
X25 Protocol Name
Z80 Zilog 80