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(RST's Training Guide)…02……02…CAMPS
(RST's Training Guide)
Bj]rn Stender Petersen
Ole Ren} Petersen
…0e… ILS Manager 840207
…0f… 1
…0f… 840207…0e…
Conf. Mgmt. 840207
4583A/ktd…02… CPS/TMA/030
…02… BSP/840207…02……02…ii
(RST's Training Guide)…02……02… CAMPS
840207 All Original Issue of
4583A/ktd…02… CPS/TMA/030
…02… BSP/840207…02……02…iii
(RST's Training Guide)…02……02… CAMPS
T̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲C̲O̲N̲T̲E̲N̲T̲S̲
1 SCOPE ........................................
2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .........................
3 INTRODUCTION .................................
1 S̲C̲O̲P̲E̲
This Operator's and OJT Training Guide applies to the
Resident Site Technician (RST) who will act in the
role as On-the-Job Training (OJT) Supervisor for the
personnel what will require the training necessary
to become the operator of either Supervisor Position,
MDCO Position, MSO position, or Maintenance Position.
The RST will also be the OJT-Supervisor for the personnel
that will have to be acquainted with the Video Display
Unit (VDU) and the Medium Speed Printer (MSP).
The OJT-Supervisor (Instructor) will receive the quidance
- via this manual - on how to carry out his duties
as a supporter for the personnel to be trained. Each
main section will give an extract on how training should
be conducted using the specific OJT-package. These
main sections will outline the OJT Supervisor's role
as a monitor, too.
This manual should be used prior to and during a session
with the personel invloved in working through any of
the OJT manuals provided for the users of the CAMPS
system. As the instructions in the specific OJT manuals
are selfpaced, the OJT Supervisor will have to adapt
to speed and skill of the individual person he is monitoring/
The personnel that might require training will be the
personnel manning the following positions in the CAMPS
- Supervisor Position
- MCDO Position
- MSO Position
- Maintenance Position.
Additional personnel will require training in order
to perform maintenance on the following peripherals
in the CAMPS system:
- Video Display Unit
- Medium Speed Printer
2 A̲P̲P̲L̲I̲C̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲
The following documents are used for On-the-Job Training:
o Supervisor, MDCO, and MSO
On-the-Job Training Manual
o Video Display Unit
On-the-Job Training Manual
o Medium Speed Printer
On-the-Job Training Manual
o Maintenance Position
On-the-Job Training Manual
3 I̲N̲T̲R̲O̲D̲U̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲
The personnel to be trained by the OJT-package(s) is
assumed to be relatively new to the CAMPS system. Hence
the RST will be placed in the role of OJT-Supervisor
for this personnel and he may support and monitor the
learning process. The OJT-Supervisor should be very
familiar with the OJT-package(s) as well as with the
CAMPS system, since he will be responsible for the
system running uninterrupted during the training sessions.
The On-the-Job Training package consists of four manuals:
- Supervisor, MDCO, and MSO OJT Training Manual
- Maintenance Position OJT Training Manual
- Video Display Unit OJT Training Manual
- Medium Speed Printer OJT Training Manual
The Supervisor, MDCO, and MSO OJT Manual refers to
the three positions in the CAMPS system: The Supervisor
Position, the Message Distribution Control Operator
Position, and the Message Service Operator Position.
The Supervisor terminal may comprise all three functions
(the Supervisor, the MDCO, and the MSO) on one position
- or the Supervisor function may be comprised in the
terminal on the Supervisor Position and the MDCO and
MSO function may be comprised in the terminal of the
Supervisor Assistant Position. The Supervisor, MDCO,
and MSO will communicate with the CAMPS system from
their terminals in Block Mode via the TDX-net.
The Maintenance OJT Manual refers to the position in
the CAMPS system: Maintenance Position Operator. The
Maintenance Position will communicate with the CAMPS
system from its terminal in TTY-Mode via the CAMPS
The Video Display Unit OJT Manual refers to the peripheral
VDU which will be used as a terminal for communications
purpose on positions as Supervisor Position, Supervisor
Assistant Position, Maintenance Position, or User Operator
Position in the CAMPS system.
The medium Speed Printer OJT Manual refers to the peripheral
MSP which will be used as a terminal for Hard Copy
purpose on positions as Supervisor Positions, Supervisor
assistant Position, Maintenance Position, or User Operator
Position in the CAMPS system.
The set-up for the Supervisor, MDCO, and MSO OJT Manual
and the Maintenance Position OJT Manual is quite identical
to each other.
In the introduction section, the scope of the manual
will be given. An overview will describe the layout
of the manual with respect to the contents of the manual.
Throughout the Supervisor, MDCO, and MSO OJT Manual
and the Maintenance Position OJT Manual, the remaining
chapters are divided into sections describing the Learning
Objective, listing Study References, giving Assignments,
providing a Multiple Choice Self-Quiz, and providing
Multiple Choice Self-Quiz Answers.
Each chapter will be displaying a figure that gives
an Overview of the On-line Operator Commands. Pointer(s)
on this figure will indicate the submenu and/or command
that will be described and used in the individual section.
The Learning Objective describes what the trainee will
be introduced to and what is expected of him after
being through the individual sections.
The Study References list the section(s) in the particular
operator manuals that will provide the trainee the
necessary information in order to perform on the CAMPS
system in the Operator Position.
In the unit assignment, the trainee is assigned to
work with the referenced commands. He will have to
study the referenced sections (thoroughly) and when
time is ready, he is going to perform the step-by-step
procedures outlined in assignments. Now is the time
for the OJT-Supervisor to initiate the trainee to get
started on his task. It might be difficult to a trainee
(with limited knowledge of the CAMPS system an the
particular commands used on the individual operator
positions) to attack his assignment correctly, hence
the OJT-Supervisor (with his knowledge of the CAMPS
sysem) shall aid the trainee in getting the most out
of the OJT manuals. …86…1 …02… …02… …02… …02…
When the trainee is going to perform the step-by-step
procedures for the particular comments, the OJT-Supervisor
will have to monitor the trainee to see that he is
performing the commands correctly and that the responses
from the system are perfectly valid and expected in
order not to crash the CAMPS system.
A Multiple Choise Self-Quiz is provided to check the
penetration of the newly learned knowledge. The trainee
will be given number of questions each having four
possible answers. Only one answer is correct. Two of
the possibilities might be close to the correct one,
and the remaining possibility will be way off. The
OJT-Supervisor will hand out a Multiple Choice Self-Quiz
Answer Sheet that the trainee should fill in by darkening
the circle corresponding to the answer he finds to
be the correct one.
A Multiple Choice Self-Quiz Answer is provided to outline
the correct answer.
Furthermore, the OJT-Supervisor has the possibility
of submitting extra Multiple Choice Self-Quiz questions
from this manual.
The set-up for the Video Display Unit OJT-manual is
more or less the same as the set-up for the above mentioned
(operator) manuals.
In the introduction section, the layout for the VDU
OJT Manual is describeld. The manual is divided into
three sections: The Terminal Configuration, Operation,
and Diagnostics section, The Print and Communications
Facilities section, and the Module Level Repair section.
Each of these sections are divided into 6 units describing
the learning objectives, working through the Programmed
Unit, working through the List of Important Terms and
Concepts, providing a Multiple Choice Self-Quiz and
providing Multiple Choice Self-Quiz Answers, and finally
working with the Sample Troubleshooting.
The contents of the indivicual section are as follows:
The section Terminal Configuration, Operation, and
Diagnostics will outline the methods of operating and
configuring the terminal.
The section Print and Communications Facilities will
give an introduction to the print and communications
facilities available from the terminal.
The section Module Level Repair is intended to aid
the Military Technician in isolating terminal faults
to the module (board) level.
The particular unit in each section has the purpose
as follows:
The Learning Objectives describe what is the intention
of the section the trainee is going to work through.
It also outlines what the trainee is expected to be
able to do after having been working with the section.
The Programmed Unit consists of a preview of the text
material and will establish some of the key ideas and
concepts presented in the text (that will be referred
to after having completed the Programmed Unit). The
trainee should read the Programmed Unit before reading
the text material and solve the questions in the unit.
The appropriate sections of the text material are then
referenced and will have to be studied carefully.
The List of Important Terms and Concept is quite similar
to the unit described above. It consists of a view
of the text material just worked through, and questions
should be solved the same way as in the above unit.
If there are any difficulties in completing this unit,
the OJT-Supervisor should regard this as an indication
that the areas involved will have to be revised.
A multiple Choice Self-Quiz is provided to check upon
the level of knowledge the trainee has gained through
working with the material. In the Self-Quiz, a number
of questions are presented with three possible answers.
Only one of these answers is the correct one. The OJT-Supervisor
will hand out a Multiple Choice Self-Quiz questions
from this manual to the surprise of the trainee.
Finally, a Sample Troubleshooting Problem is presented
theoretically to the trainee. He himself will have
to solve the problem described from his present knowledge
of the VDU. At this point, the OJT-Supervisor will
have to discuss with the trainee what the mode likely
cause of the problem would be and what action should
be taken etc. The much more experienced OJT-Supervisor
should support or aid the trainn in the process of
learning by asking adequate questions related to the