0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0) Sector 00404130303430 ┆ @A0040A ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
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0x00340…00360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ ┆
0x003e0…00400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 ┆ $┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 8 7 Q? > 7 F( N m<\ N b<d N N ~<) 0u &4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' f X% %q PO P ; A ! C h x h V Wk O 8 : / k , @ 0602A h b | {C < ; 2 d PK dX d 8 9 : _ t x T $ G F G F J A1T ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
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0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5) Sector 00005400060441 ┆ T Apancy list showing the agreed date for clearance of each listed discrepancy. s and user connecting points. 2) loss of service to more than 50% of all operating positions or system reporting facilities. 3) Loss of ability to recove┆
0x01600…01700 (1, 0, 6) Sector aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ┆****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x01e00…01f00 (1, 0, 14) Sector 010fff00060141 ┆ Anged with ACE CCIS facilities. - Traffic exchanged with SCARS II. - Traffic associated with message service and operator distribution control facilities. c) The simulation shall be performed under the restraints defined below: 1) All of┆
0x01f00…02000 (1, 0, 15) Sector 01005100060141 ┆ Q A the following stores are loaded to at least 0.75 of the design capacity. program modules. Support Software a) The support software includes all off-line software required to support the implementation, modification testing and maint┆
0x02000…02100 (2, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x04e00…04f00 (4, 0, 14) Sector 040fff00060041 ┆ Ay erase function feature shall be provided. HW/SW techniques must be available to the accomplishment of this function. 7) All hardware shall be individually addressable by the computer. b) Software The following software features shall be pr┆
0x04f00…05000 (4, 0, 15) Sector 0400ff00060041 ┆ Aovided: 1) All programmes and data files loaded into the system shall carry block parity check sums to allow the detection of corrupted data. 2) Access to CAMPS data files shall be made through system calls which pass through the authorisation┆
0x05000…05100 (5, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x05300…05400 (5, 0, 3) Sector 0504ff00059941 ┆ Anize the precedence warning figs: JJJJJ SSSSS and cause this to ring a bell and illuminate a lamp at 2 to 4 flashes per second until cancelled by a push button control. 2) Recognize the start of message function VZCZC. Cause this to illuminate a ┆
0x05400…05500 (5, 0, 4) Sector 0505ff00059941 ┆ Asecond lamp which should glow steadily until extinguished by a push button control or automatically as in paragraph 3 below. 3) Recognize the end of message function, NNNN plus 6 or more letter shifts. Cause this to extinguish the lamp in 2 abov┆
0x05500…05600 (5, 0, 5) Sector 0506b200059941 ┆ 2 Ae and illuminate a third lamp which should glow steadily until extinguished by a push button control. h) Radiation: Tempest approved according to COMSEC requirements. llowing characteristics as a minimum: a) Printing format: 80 char. per line┆
0x05600…05700 (5, 0, 6) Sector 0507ff00059941 ┆ A 1 Floppy Disk Each CAMPS site shall be equipped with a Floppy disk unit. The unit selected shall be a dual-drive floppy disc and controller with removeable diskette m┆
0x05700…05800 (5, 0, 7) Sector 0000c800059941 ┆ H Aedia. Each diskette shall have a storage capacity of 256K bytes. Modems for Remote NICS/TARE A remote NICS/TARE link is connected to a CAMPS site via a 600/1200 baud FSK modem. Warning Signals: Audio alarm , paper out indicator, and┆
0x05800…05900 (5, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x19900…19a00 (25, 0, 9) Sector 190aff00060241 ┆ A 1 Data Base Design Document All commonly used data and files shall be specified in accordance with ACE Directive 007-3 Annex E "Data Base Specification" (Dated l4th Januar┆
0x19a00…19b00 (25, 0, 10) Sector 190bff00060241 ┆ Ay 1980). 3.6.10 Field Modification Documents General Copies of all modification advices shall be supplied giving full information as regards all modifications carried out on the equipment up to expiration of the warranty period for ┆
0x19b00…19c00 (25, 0, 11) Sector 190cff00060241 ┆ Athe equipment in question. The modification advices shall include the reason for the modification, tools required, time required, parts required, equipment to be modified and full instructions for the implementation of the modification. A master l┆
0x19c00…19d00 (25, 0, 12) Sector 190dff00060241 ┆ Aist of all modifications carried out on the equipment shall be provided. The modifications shall be presented consecutively showing the reason for the modification equipment modified and a short description of how it was carried out. Where a modif┆
0x19d00…19e00 (25, 0, 13) Sector 190eff00060241 ┆ Aication necessitates amendment of the documentation changed pages shall be provided in sufficient quantity to amend all affected documentation. Delivery The contractor shall provide 2 copies at each modification advice to the purchaser┆
0x19e00…19f00 (25, 0, 14) Sector 00004b00060241 ┆ K A and 2 copies to each site affected by the particular modification. CE Directive 007-3 is generated for software specifications only, and is consequently not adequate for a full System Design Specification. CR shall, however, use ACE Directive 007-┆
0x19f00…1a000 (25, 0, 15) Sector 1900ff00060141 ┆ A Flux ......................... 278 Soldering .................... 278 Ventilation and Cooling .......... 278 Electromagnetic Compatibility .... 279 Test and Repair ............┆
0x1a000…1a100 (26, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x28800…28900 (40, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(40,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41060241}, f00=»0602A «, f01=»CPS/210/SYS/0001 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»GJ «, f04=»3.6 ISSUE 3 «, f05=02-02-81 13:37, f06=» «, f07=»02 «, f08=» 86 «, f09=29-07-85 15:11, f10=» «, f11=»02 «, f12=» 51 «, f13=27-10-82 10:06, f14=01-08-85 09:58, f15=»0040A «, f16=» 25 «, f17=» 1 «, f18=»36 «, f19=» 568 «, f20=» 1394 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=110010000110052710110280aaca1505000000000000003803a900df}
0x28900…28a00 (40, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x29100…29200 (41, 0, 1) Sector 00003900060341 ┆ 9 A 9 should be masters suitable for offset printing. ions required by the maintenance plan. tents of each instruction phase and the time to be spent on each phase of the OJT. The contractor shall identify and prepare all training documents and materi┆
0x29200…29300 (41, 0, 2) Sector 2903ff00060341 ┆) Aits to a site will be made during the training period, to familiarize the student with site installations etc. After training the RST must be qualified to conduct OJT and supervise maintenance as well as undertake all the tasks as described in con┆
0x29300…29400 (41, 0, 3) Sector 2904ff00060341 ┆) Atractor's maintenance plan. Training Material Upon customers approval of the training program contractor shall provide each student with a complete set of training material. Additional sets (two) shall be delivered to customer for in┆
0x29400…29500 (41, 0, 4) Sector 2905ff00060341 ┆) Aformation. Depot Level Training (Optional) Training of customer's personnel in depot level repair of the CAMPS hardware modules will be carried out by contractor at customer's request. This option should be exercised when the final Dep┆
0x29500…29600 (41, 0, 5) Sector 29069b00060341 ┆) Aot Level repair method has been selected i.e. use of customer's universal test equipment (ATE) or contractor supplied CAMPS Module Test Equipment. 1 Training Plan a) The contractor shall develop a training plan for the software maintenance of th┆
0x29600…29700 (41, 0, 6) Sector 2907ff00060341 ┆) A 1 ANNEX A 1 of 3 pages Documentation Quantity Requirements The contractor is to provide training documentation in the following quantities: 1 ┆
0x29700…29800 (41, 0, 7) Sector 2808ff00060341 ┆( A Preliminary Version Purchaser NCS Optional site Total 1. Preliminary ver- sion of all do- cumentation list- ed below 6 months before commence- ment of the first course 2 2 0 4 Fina┆
0x29800…29900 (41, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x38000…38100 (56, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(56,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41060441}, f00=»0604A «, f01=»CPS/210/SYS/0001 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»gj «, f04=»Kap. 4 ISSUE 3 «, f05=02-02-81 13:40, f06=» «, f07=»06 «, f08=» 370 «, f09=02-11-82 09:08, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 48 «, f13=02-11-82 09:09, f14=26-07-85 13:13, f15=»0040A «, f16=» 14 «, f17=» «, f18=»27 «, f19=» 344 «, f20=» 927 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=410010000110052710110290aaca15050000000000000038036500df}
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0x41000…41100 (65, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(65,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41060341}, f00=»0603A «, f01=»CPS/210/SYS/0001 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»gj «, f04=»3.7-3.7.4 ISSUE 3 «, f05=02-02-81 13:38, f06=» «, f07=»05 «, f08=» 81 «, f09=14-06-82 13:08, f10=» «, f11=»12 «, f12=» 159 «, f13=14-06-82 13:31, f14=16-06-82 15:46, f15=»0040A «, f16=» 36 «, f17=» 2 «, f18=»14 «, f19=» 748 «, f20=» 2393 «, f21=» «, f22=» 0 «, f99=230010000110052710110290aaca1505000000000000003803da00df}
0x41100…41200 (65, 0, 1) Sector 41022400060341 ┆A $ A A A @ 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 / / / / . . - - - , , , + + * * ) ) ) DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / : : ┆
0x41200…41300 (65, 0, 2) Sector 41039f00060341 ┆A A 1 CPS/210/SYS/0001 810111 CAMPS SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ISSUE 3.5 CAMPS 6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x41300…41400 (65, 0, 3) Sector 4104ff00060341 ┆A A 1 3 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 3.7 3.7 LOGISTIC REQUIREMENTS .................... 321 3.7.1 Transportatio┆
0x41400…41500 (65, 0, 4) Sector 4105ff00060341 ┆A An and Installation ...... 321 Transportation ................... 321 Security ..................... 321 Packing ...................... 321 Marking ...................... 322 3.7.┆
0x41500…41600 (65, 0, 5) Sector 4106ff00060341 ┆A A1.1.4 Packing Lists ................ 322 NATO Shipping Documents ...... 322 Installation ..................... 323 Security ..................... 323 Standards .................... ┆
0x41600…41700 (65, 0, 6) Sector 4107ff00060341 ┆A A323 Grounding .................... 324 Mains Power Supplies ......... 324 Effect on Military Activities 325 Space and Access Dimensions .. 325 Site Surveys ........┆
0x41700…41800 (65, 0, 7) Sector 4008ff00060341 ┆@ A......... 326 3.7.2 Maintenance and Support .............. 327 Maintenance Plan ................. 327 Reporting System ................. 327 Software Maintenance Support ..... 327 Tools a┆
0x41800…41900 (65, 0, 8) Sector aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ┆****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************┆