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⟦4bc3ed402⟧ Bits:30006259 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0166A, 8" Floppy Disk

    Length: 315392 (0x4d000)
    Description: Bits:30006259 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0166A
    Types: 8" Floppy Disk


name artifact - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2048A AIR CANADA PROPOSAL pc JRV DOC. III Chap.1,2 21-04-82 09:53 08 368 16-07-82 14:16 00 39 28-04-82 05:27 02-08-82 11:08 0166A 102 18 20 1884 89116 2048A ⟦372f014cc⟧ Wang Wps File, AIR CANADA PROPOSAL
2063A Air Canada kk FR Prop. Note No. 4 23-04-82 08:52 1 01 4867 23-04-82 11:13 05 130 23-04-82 11:19 05-05-82 10:10 0166A 5 1 06 84 4997 2063A ⟦909b8f565⟧ Wang Wps File, Air Canada
2048A AIR CANADA PROPOSAL pc JRV DOC. III Chap.1,2 21-04-82 09:53 08 368 28-04-82 05:25 02 351 28-04-82 05:27 05-05-82 10:09 0166A 102 18 20 2388 89077 ~ORPHAN44.08 ⟦562c94524⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked

Disk picture

  Document Body
  Document Head
  Marked Free
  Content List


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0x27000…27100 (39, 0, 0)  Sector 2701ff00204841 ┆'    HArolling the flow control parameters and invoking the facility for multiplexing one session over multiple virtual transport and real transport paths  - an operator controlled facility for allocating necessary resources to particular sessions   When h┆
0x27100…27200 (39, 0, 1)  Sector 2702db00204841 ┆' [  HAosts are collocated and are front ended by collocated dedicated CR80 based front end processors the high speed interprocessor bus on the CR80 and the supporting Basic Transport Station facilities can be utilized. etrieved for as long as they reside ┆
0x27200…27300 (39, 0, 2)  Sector 2703ff00204841 ┆'    HA 1                                                                   The addressing method utilized in the identification of end points in a host to host transfer is part of an overall resource addressing scheme.   The applications at the end points┆
0x27300…27400 (39, 0, 3)  Sector 2704ff00204841 ┆'    HA qualify as logical units under SNA, DCA and DSA.   It is feasible to implement a mainframe vendor independent file transfer protocol. However, it is not part of current proposal.   The protocol employed and currently supported is the HASP for IBM a┆
0x27400…27500 (39, 0, 4)  Sector 27054700204841 ┆' G  HAnd NTR for Univac with the necessary cross emulation facilities.     External networks:   - SITA  - ARINC  - CNT  - TELEX  4. Messages formatted according to ATA/IATA or Telex formats will be supported fully including mnemonic addressing for Telex. ┆
0x27500…27600 (39, 0, 5)  Sector 2706ff00204841 ┆'    HA 1                                                                   RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS    REQUIREMENT REFERENCE  :       R.1.1.5                               REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION:       New Traffic Growth                     I┆
0x27700…27800 (39, 0, 7)  Sector 2608ff00204841 ┆&    HACT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S).  IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE!   The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development.  DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED:             ┆
0x27800…27900 (39, 0, 8)  Sector 2709ff00204841 ┆'    HArmal magnetic tape alternative means for long term storage is recommended.  - One approach is to use High Density Digital Tape Recorders which allow for 2750 Mbytes to be stored on one tape of 14 channels.  Christian Rovsing has implemented a number┆
0x27900…27a00 (39, 0, 9)  Sector 270aff00204841 ┆'    HA of archiving systems using this advanced technology.  7. For each output device (i.e. terminal Host channel, external network line) there is allocated a priority output queue of 6 precedence levels including those of ATA/IATA.  No hard limit is put┆
0x27a00…27b00 (39, 0, 10) Sector 270b5800204841 ┆' X  HA on the queue size, however a queue threshold may be specified by the supervisor. s limited to that required for managing and mapping the logical device structure on to the physical device. The response times for individual logical-device-sessions w┆
0x27b00…27c00 (39, 0, 11) Sector 270cff00204841 ┆'    HA 1                                                                   RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS    REQUIREMENT REFERENCE  :           1.1.4                             REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION:           Host to Host Traffic               I┆
0x27d00…27e00 (39, 0, 13) Sector 270eff00204841 ┆'    HAT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S).  IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE!   The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development.  DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED:              ┆
0x27e00…27f00 (39, 0, 14) Sector 270fff00204841 ┆'    HA  The fundamental view of HOSTS by the ACDN is that they participate in the network and utilize its transport facilities to transfer data amongst themselves.   The features that the network has to support bulk data flow between the hosts are:   - tr┆
0x27f00…28000 (39, 0, 15) Sector 2700ff00204841 ┆'    HAaffic type determination based on the parameters present during session establishment   - a priority allocation procedure at the session-conversation level  - a mechanism to gain necessary bandwidth at the data transmission level by dynamically cont┆
0x28000…28100 (40, 0, 0)  Sector 2801ff00204841 ┆(    HA                    EMH)  DOES THIS REQUIREMENT AND/OR YOUR SOLUTION TO THIS REQUIREMENT ADVERSELY AFFECT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S).  IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE!    NO   The response must clearly distinguish between exis┆
0x28100…28200 (40, 0, 1)  Sector 2802ff00204841 ┆(    HAting functionality and custom development.  DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED:               1. The EMH will provide for store and forward message switching as required.  2. The messages may be retrieved for as long as they reside ┆
0x28200…28300 (40, 0, 2)  Sector 2803ff00204841 ┆(    HAon the long term storage.  The long term storage is implemented as wrap-around files sufficiently sized for 8 hours of peak traffic (200 Mbytes).  3. The EMH has interface to the following terminals, hosts and external networks:   Terminals:   - Dir┆
0x28300…28400 (40, 0, 3)  Sector 28047d00204841 ┆( }  HAect connected teleprinters (TTY)  - Concentrator Switched terminals (CRTs, printers)   Hosts:   - RES  - VIA  - SUPPH  work users - there does not exist a unique physical path between these users. This is due to the underlying datagram technology th┆
0x28400…28500 (40, 0, 4)  Sector 2805ff00204841 ┆(    HA 1                                                                   External networks:   - SITA  - ARINC  - CNT  - TELEX  4. Messages formatted according to ATA/IATA or Telex formats will be supported fully including mnemonic addressing for Telex. ┆
0x28500…28600 (40, 0, 5)  Sector 2806ff00204841 ┆(    HA ATA/IATA routing indicators from 7 to 11 characters will be supported as specified - including the special coding for VIA.  5. Functional equivalence of existing PMS services is provided concerning:   - Device handling  - Delivery control  - Alarm ┆
0x28600…28700 (40, 0, 6)  Sector 2807ff00204841 ┆(    HAsupervision  - Repair function  - Table handling  - Priority delivery  - Retrieval functions  6. The capability limits of the PMS traffic is determined by the disc size (300 Mbyte) which is sufficient for 8 busy hour traffic.  The software is able t┆
0x28700…28800 (40, 0, 7)  Sector 2708ff00204841 ┆'    HAo handle up to 600 Mbyte disc devices without any change.   The proposed EMH includes support for normal magnetic tapes for long term storage.   However, in view of the anticipated large volumes of type B traffic and limited storage capacity of a no┆
0x28800…28900 (40, 0, 8)  Sector 2809ff00204841 ┆(    HAnt of users, the translation is performed by HAS or TAS in co-ordination with the Network Control Centre (NCC).   The NSS provides facilities for multiple connection to the same user or device. The multiple connections will be resolved as simultaneo┆
0x28900…28a00 (40, 0, 9)  Sector 280aff00204841 ┆(    HAus user-to-user sessions in HAS and TAS to provide services that share the same device. In this sense, HAS and TAS will consider a particular physical device to house a number of logical devices, each having the capability of establishing and mainta┆
0x28a00…28b00 (40, 0, 10) Sector 280bff00204841 ┆(    HAining logically independent sessions.   The overhead incurred in sharing devices is limited to that required for managing and mapping the logical device structure on to the physical device. The response times for individual logical-device-sessions w┆
0x28b00…28c00 (40, 0, 11) Sector 280cff00204841 ┆(    HAill be affected solely by the strategy employed to map the responses onto a physical device and not by the internal communication facilities provided within the ACDN.   The NSS bases the connection services on the end-to-end protocol employed in its┆
0x28c00…28d00 (40, 0, 12) Sector 280dff00204841 ┆(    HA Data Transmission Environment. The protocol is based on ECMA-72, a standard produced  by the European Computer Manufacturers Association. This standard is very similar to the one considered for standardization by International Standards Organizatio┆
0x28d00…28e00 (40, 0, 13) Sector 280e0f00204841 ┆(    HAn (ISO). traffic will be carried through the network by the datagrams in the ACDN transport system. The ACDN transport network is functionally isolated and therefore will not have any bearing on the interface protocols used to communicate with hosts┆
0x28e00…28f00 (40, 0, 14) Sector 280fff00204841 ┆(    HA 1                                                                   RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS    REQUIREMENT REFERENCE  :  1.1.3                                      REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION:  Type B - Assured Indirect Delivery          I┆
0x28f00…29000 (40, 0, 15) Sector 2800ff00204841 ┆(    HAS REQUIREMENT SATISFIED BY THIS PROPOSAL?       YES              IS CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED?             YES              ESTIMATED EFFORT REQUIRED FOR CUSTOM DEVELOPMENT: 36 manmonths                                (includes entire             ┆
0x29100…29200 (41, 0, 1)  Sector 2902ff00204841 ┆)    HACT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S).  IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE!   The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development.  DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED:             ┆
0x29200…29300 (41, 0, 2)  Sector 2903ff00204841 ┆)    HA   The Type B traffic will be supported by the Virtual Transport Connection services (VTCS) provided by the Network Switching Software (NSS) in the ACDN. This service provides a stream oriented data transport service with end-to-end guarantee. The s┆
0x29300…29400 (41, 0, 3)  Sector 2904ff00204841 ┆)    HAervice is defined in more detail in 6.5.   A connection in this context is a logical relationship between a pair of network users - there does not exist a unique physical path between these users. This is due to the underlying datagram technology th┆
0x29400…29500 (41, 0, 4)  Sector 2905ff00204841 ┆)    HAat is used to support the service. This means that a connection servicing a given pair of ACDN users (devices) has survivability in spite of numerous topological changes that may occur in the physical linkage of the ACDN.   The actual interface to t┆
0x29500…29600 (41, 0, 5)  Sector 2906e900204841 ┆) i  HAhe ACDN users or devices is provided by the Host Access Software (HAS) and the Terminal Access Software (TAS) which reside in ACDN node. These, in turn, communicate with each other via the above mentioned connection services.  d to implement the ACD┆
0x29600…29700 (41, 0, 6)  Sector 2907ff00204841 ┆)    HA 1                                                                   The Network Switching Software (NSS) will receive requests for connection establishment from HAS and TAS. A request will contain the appropriate network addresses. The responsibili┆
0x29700…29800 (41, 0, 7)  Sector 2808ff00204841 ┆(    HAty of translating the user or device oriented addresses to the corresponding ACDN network-addresses lie with HAS and TAS. For predefined "well-known" users or devices, this translation may be performed solely by HAS or TAS. In more dynamic environme┆
0x29800…29900 (41, 0, 8)  Sector 2909cd00204841 ┆) M  HAtal capability to provide the necessary services in each node. The operating system provides efficient means of scheduling and communicating in both the Process environment and the Task environment.  forward concentrators to node;   - full duplex to┆
0x29900…29a00 (41, 0, 9)  Sector 290aff00204841 ┆)    HA 1                                                                   Thus, load sharing within the node software is total. As for the internode lines, the primary aim of the datagram technology is to optimize the transmission resources by "loadshari┆
0x29a00…29b00 (41, 0, 10) Sector 290bff00204841 ┆)    HAng" them between the network users. The datagram sublayer of the NSS uses a split-routing technique to spread the outgoing traffic from a node to the next node on Multiple Link Groups (MLG). Each MLG consists of a number of Logical Links (LL). The l┆
0x29b00…29c00 (41, 0, 11) Sector 290cff00204841 ┆)    HAink level software which controls the LL's again may share load between multiple physical trunks by using Multi Link Procedures (MLP).   On the access lines to hosts, the load sharing is achieved by invoking the relevant Host Access Software (HAS) f┆
0x29c00…29d00 (41, 0, 12) Sector 290dff00204841 ┆)    HAunctions, such that the incoming traffic is shared between a specified number of host-applications.   The NSS provides eight levels of priorities. These levels can be supplemented by invoking Process-priorities provided by the operating system.   Th┆
0x29d00…29e00 (41, 0, 13) Sector 290eff00204841 ┆)    HAe Type A traffic will be carried through the network by the datagrams in the ACDN transport system. The ACDN transport network is functionally isolated and therefore will not have any bearing on the interface protocols used to communicate with hosts┆
0x29e00…29f00 (41, 0, 14) Sector 290f1800204841 ┆)    HA or terminals.    erly growth.   The growth is perceived both in terms of increased number of terminal users and hosts and in terms of a more than proportionate increase in data traffic.   The sizing of this requirement results in:   - support for a┆
0x29f00…2a000 (41, 0, 15) Sector 2900ff00204841 ┆)    HA 1                                                                   RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS    REQUIREMENT REFERENCE  :     R. 1.1.2                                 REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION:     Type B traffic                           ┆
0x2a000…2a100 (42, 0, 0)  Sector 2a013900204841 ┆* 9  HAinal user, result in a given set of response time. b/ps) inter-nodal trunks. As a switch, the node is required to switch through 600 packets/second. As an interface the node is expected to channel attach to a main frame and behave as an orthodox mem┆
0x2a100…2a200 (42, 0, 1)  Sector 2a026500204841 ┆* e  HA 1                                                                   2.3 Compliance Statements  support up to 30 access lines and support interfaces to concentrators, multiplexors and stand alone terminals.    As a component of the backbone network,┆
0x2a200…2a300 (42, 0, 2)  Sector 2a03ff00204841 ┆*    HA 1                                                                   RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS    REQUIREMENT REFERENCE  :     R.1.1.1                                 REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION:     Type A Traffic                           I┆
0x2a400…2a500 (42, 0, 4)  Sector 2a05ff00204841 ┆*    HACT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S).  IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE!   The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development.  DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED:             ┆
0x2a500…2a600 (42, 0, 5)  Sector 2a06ff00204841 ┆*    HA    The Datagram Service (DGS) provided by the Network Switching Software (NSS) og ACDN is ideally suited to support the Type A traffic. The service provides a direct interface to the underlying datagram technology which is used to implement the ACD┆
0x2a600…2a700 (42, 0, 6)  Sector 2a07ff00204841 ┆*    HAN. This service is described in more detail in 6.5.   The structure of the ACDN software is such that load sharing, to exploit the system resources, can be tailored by suitable parameterised software packaging. The software is logically built as "ho┆
0x2a700…2a800 (42, 0, 7)  Sector 2908ff00204841 ┆)    HArizontal" layers. Each layer consists of a number of Tasks performing similar functions. Now, for optimal functionality, the software is also partitioned "vertically" into Processes. This results in parallel Processes (multiserver structure) with to┆
0x2a800…2a900 (42, 0, 8)  Sector 2a09ff00204841 ┆*    HAtors and multiplexors.   Consequent to meeting the above needs, a formalised requirement arises for a new store and forward concentrator with:   - an X25 protocol on access lines connecting store and forward concentrators to node;   - full duplex to┆
0x2a900…2aa00 (42, 0, 9)  Sector 2a0aff00204841 ┆*    HA obviate performance constraints;   - speed conversion, code conversion, protocol conversion to exploit variety of offerings from the market place;   - configuration requirements of 2.4 kb/ps linking remote (remote to the concentrator) terminals, 24┆
0x2aa00…2ab00 (42, 0, 10) Sector 2a0b4200204841 ┆* B  HA terminals per remote line, remote line utilization of 25%.                                                               CHAPTER  2                                     Page #    DOCUMENT III          TECHNICAL PROPOSAL           Apr. 29, 1982    M2┆
0x2ab00…2ac00 (42, 0, 11) Sector 2a0cff00204841 ┆*    HA 1                                                                   The stategic needs for the host access network are:   - freedom to choose a host system based on available application programs and productivity aids in support of airline operatio┆
0x2ac00…2ad00 (42, 0, 12) Sector 2a0dff00204841 ┆*    HAns;   - an ability to exploit inevitable developments on price performance of raw computing power.   The above needs give rise to the requirements for:   - standard consistent interfaces;   - an architectural compatibility with major discernible arc┆
0x2ad00…2ae00 (42, 0, 13) Sector 2a0eff00204841 ┆*    HAhitectures like: IMB's SNA, Univac's DCA, and Honeywell's DSA. Growth Requirements   In tune with the strategic requirements and in recognition of the time involved in meeting the strategic requirements, there is a need for equipment that ┆
0x2ae00…2af00 (42, 0, 14) Sector 2a0fff00204841 ┆*    HAfacilitates an orderly growth.   The growth is perceived both in terms of increased number of terminal users and hosts and in terms of a more than proportionate increase in data traffic.   The sizing of this requirement results in:   - support for a┆
0x2af00…2b000 (42, 0, 15) Sector 2a00ff00204841 ┆*    HA minimum of 8 hosts in 3 centers;   - support for 12000 CRT's and 4500 printers;   - transaction volumes in the range of 540,000-900,000/hr.   The above requirements, coupled with a requirement for minimum level of performance as perceived by a term┆
0x2b000…2b100 (43, 0, 0)  Sector 2b01ff00204841 ┆+    HA connectivity is accomplished via high speed (156 kb/ps) inter-nodal trunks. As a switch, the node is required to switch through 600 packets/second. As an interface the node is expected to channel attach to a main frame and behave as an orthodox mem┆
0x2b100…2b200 (43, 0, 1)  Sector 2b02ff00204841 ┆+    HAber of the main frame determined architecture. As a terminal interface, the node is expected to support up to 30 access lines and support interfaces to concentrators, multiplexors and stand alone terminals.    As a component of the backbone network,┆
0x2b200…2b300 (43, 0, 2)  Sector 2b039d00204841 ┆+    HA the node is configured as a fully redundant unit with a line switching subsystem to effect a switchover from a catastrophically failed active part.   f this section is to demonstrate an understanding, at the strategic and implementation level, of A┆
0x2b300…2b400 (43, 0, 3)  Sector 2b04ff00204841 ┆+    HA 1                                                         Hosts   Within the scope of the network are included certain "Hosts" that provide administrative functions for network management, electronic mail services.   The conception┆
0x2b400…2b500 (43, 0, 4)  Sector 2b05ff00204841 ┆+    HA of network management host based services coexisting with traditional host based application services necessitates adherence to OSI principles of niewing applications in a network context. Gateway   Recognition of the need that migration ┆
0x2b500…2b600 (43, 0, 5)  Sector 2b06ff00204841 ┆+    HAinto an independent data network from the existing network raises the requirement for a gateway. The gateway approach itself is a principle tenet of various inter-networking approaches that are evolving. In the context of coexisting with external ne┆
0x2b600…2b700 (43, 0, 6)  Sector 2b07ff00204841 ┆+    HAtworks such as SITA, ARINC a gateway based on emergency international standards such as X75 is needed. Access Network   The strategic requirment for the terminal access network is that future trends in high function terminals, future trend┆
0x2b700…2b800 (43, 0, 7)  Sector 2a08ff00204841 ┆*    HAs in DTE standardisation, future trends in main frame vendors' adoptation of OSI model must be exploited.   Concurrent with the above requirements is a need to exploit communication cost-saving mechanisms at the local access level, such as concentra┆
0x2b800…2b900 (43, 0, 8)  Sector 2b09ff00204841 ┆+    HAonment. This is seen in the requirement for a gateway. Such a gateway approach in the context of a generalised, inter-networking method  is utilized for supporting interfaces to external networks, and solving future migrationary problems within the ┆
0x2b900…2ba00 (43, 0, 9)  Sector 2b0aff00204841 ┆+    HAIBM and Univac environments.   The requirements for the concept network in the 1986-1991 time frame indicate a need for integrating different types of traffic originating from a variety of users and devices. Fulfillment of this need necessitates pri┆
0x2ba00…2bb00 (43, 0, 10) Sector 2b0b0e00204841 ┆+    HAmarily:                                                                                                                   CHAPTER  2                                     Page #    DOCUMENT III          TECHNICAL PROPOSAL           Apr. 29, 1982    M2┆
0x2bb00…2bc00 (43, 0, 11) Sector 2b0cff00204841 ┆+    HA 1                                                                  -  a network access procedure that homogenises user differences and recognises a complex priority scheme;   - a switching architecture that distinguishes traffic types and responds ┆
0x2bc00…2bd00 (43, 0, 12) Sector 2b0dff00204841 ┆+    HAby dynamically allocating needed bandwidth and control resources.    The prime concerns mentioned above warrant the use of a simple data transport technology like DATAGRAMS with additional end to end stream oriented transport facilities like virtual┆
0x2bd00…2be00 (43, 0, 13) Sector 2b0eff00204841 ┆+    HA connections. Backbone Network   The backbone network is conceived as a value added network to be seen in the context of current private network technology. Provision for services like the Electronic Mail Network management are interpreted┆
0x2be00…2bf00 (43, 0, 14) Sector 2b0fff00204841 ┆+    HA as value added items in the above context. The generic elements of the backbone network are seen as:   - Nodes  - Hosts  - Gateways.   The nodes are conceived as high availability pure entities throughout the network and are required to behave in a┆
0x2bf00…2c000 (43, 0, 15) Sector 2b00ff00204841 ┆+    HAn amalgamated manner. The required behaviour of the node is an amalgam of a network controller, a packet switch, network management aid, network list centre and a host/terminal interface unit.   The nodes are networked as a fully connected mesh. The┆
0x2c000…2c100 (44, 0, 0)  Sector 2c01ff00204841 ┆,    HAAFFECT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S).  IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE!   The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development.  DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED:         ┆
0x2c100…2c200 (44, 0, 1)  Sector 2c020d00204841 ┆,    HA       "<~ B 4C#4*.;:i=>B#4IM?.IM?.  MD ! m":="<=!;=4!A=6A:g= RK4Cg4:^=~ BV4C75:g=~ Bf4 ZMo Ck4 KMo   Mj ~ B 4:g=~ J 4Cq5M")IMy,M1' R 4 'M, CV4:g=~ Bg4M73~ B)4Cq5! ="(=*(=N#FMC 2.=M ':>=V V  u:A=!>=  AH1 R^4 ]M, C 4:>=2A=Ms!:g=~ Jr4Mj2:g=~ B}4C75!  ┆
0x2c200…2c300 (44, 0, 2)  Sector 2c03ff00204841 ┆,    HA 1                                                                  2. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS AND COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS   2.1 Introduction   The scope of this section is to demonstrate an understanding, at the strategic and implementation level, of A┆
0x2c300…2c400 (44, 0, 3)  Sector 2c04ff00204841 ┆,    HAir Canada's requirements.   The understanding is made visible in the form of commitments given to questions in part 8 of the RFQ.   In section 2.2, an analysis of the requirements is presented. This analysis has two major parts. The first part is at┆
0x2c400…2c500 (44, 0, 4)  Sector 2c05ff00204841 ┆,    HA a conceptual and component level and is in tune with part 7 of the RFQ. The second part is at a functional level and is in tune with part 6 of the RFQ.   In section 2.3, specific answers to questions in part 8 of the RFQ are presented.   2.2 Requir┆
0x2c500…2c600 (44, 0, 5)  Sector 2c06ff00204841 ┆,    HAed Analysis   2.2.1 Overall System Requirements   The network concept as enunciated in the RFQ is in line with one major trend in the telecommunication industry. The trend is that there is a migration of intelligence or synonymously computing power ┆
0x2c600…2c700 (44, 0, 6)  Sector 2c07ff00204841 ┆,    HAfrom the traditional Data Processing sites to the "Network".   At the second level, the inclusion of host access facilities and terminal access facilities as part of the concept network supports the above mentioned trend. It also provides a unique o┆
0x2c700…2c800 (44, 0, 7)  Sector 2b08ff00204841 ┆+    HApportunity to simplify the network access procedures from the end user's point of view.   The concept of network also represents a structured approach to solving the problem of migrating from the existing environment to the common data network envir┆
0x2c800…2c900 (44, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(44,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41204841}, f00=»2048A «, f01=»AIR CANADA PROPOSAL       «, f02=»pc                   «, f03=»JRV                  «, f04=»DOC. III Chap.1,2    «, f05=21-04-82 09:53, f06=»     «, f07=»08 «, f08=»   368 «, f09=28-04-82 05:25, f10=»     «, f11=»02 «, f12=»   351 «, f13=28-04-82 05:27, f14=05-05-82 10:09, f15=»0166A «, f16=»102 «, f17=»  18 «, f18=»20 «, f19=» 2388 «, f20=» 89077 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=100000000110056610110180aaca15050000000000000042033f02df}
0x2c900…2ca00 (44, 0, 9)  Sector 2c0a6600204841 ┆, f  HA     ,   , , , + + * * * ) ) ) ( ( ' ' ' & & & % % % $ $ $ # # # # " " " " ! ! !                                                                                                                                     TETETETETET TETETETET TETETETETET TE┆
0x2ca00…2cb00 (44, 0, 10) Sector 2c0bfd00204841 ┆, }  HA 1                                                                                                                        CHAPTER  2                                     Page #    DOCUMENT III          TECHNICAL PROPOSAL           Apr. 29, 1982    M2┆
0x2cb00…2cc00 (44, 0, 11) Sector 2c0cff00204841 ┆,    HA 1                                                                   LIST OF CONTENTS                                 Page  2. REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS AND COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS    1 2.1 Introduction                                       1 2.2 Required┆
0x2cc00…2cd00 (44, 0, 12) Sector 2c0dff00204841 ┆,    HA Analysis                                  1 2.2.1 Overall System Requirements                        1 Backbone Network                                   2 Hosts                                         3 Gateway             ┆
0x2cd00…2ce00 (44, 0, 13) Sector 2c0ed700204841 ┆, W  HA                            3 Access Network                                     3 Growth Requirements                                4 2.3 Compliance Statements                              5 0!$<6 !&<6 Mc&!  "(=6   E    '<M% !  "2<┆
0x2ce00…2cf00 (44, 0, 14) Sector 2c0fff00204841 ┆,    HA 1                                                                   RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS    REQUIREMENT REFERENCE  :                                             REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION:                                               ┆
0x2d000…2d100 (45, 0, 0)  Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆


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