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⟦4e33c5594⟧ Wang Wps File
Length: 9037 (0x234d)
Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: Protocol Converter
Names: »2034A «
└─⟦62d458081⟧ Bits:30006246 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0154A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »2034A «
DN # SRS CR Comment
1 1.2 OK
2. 2 OK
3. 2.2 95% value
4. 2.7 CR text incorporated
5. 2.10 incorporated with modifications
6. 2.12 Warranty is addressed in contract
7. 2 General OK
8. 3.1.2.b If CR shall provide cable this cost
9. 3.1.2 OK-refs included
10. 3.1.3 OK
11. 3.1.4 We talk about SHAPE line test equipment
and possibly a V24 signal analyser.
12 3.2.1c
3.2.2.c Link is Asynchronous
13 3.3.1.e incorporated
14 3.3.1.f "
15 3.3.2 Line length check not included in
16 3.3.2 Why is length definition required
17 3.3.3 Shape should deliver log on procedure
during system design
18 Only relevant fields should be checked.
Ref to CR new statement
19 3.3.5 To be provided during System Design
20 3.3.6 CR have provided new statement for
SHAPE review
21 3.3.6 Ref. 20
22 3.3.8a
23 3.3.8.a incorporated
24 incorporated
25 counters defined in 3.3.8.b
26 SHAPE comment incorporated. What
is meaned by man driven command
27 3.4.3.b incorporated with CR comment
28 3.4.4.b incorporated. but CR think it is
29 3.4.5.b CR suggest a rewording of the text
30 3.4.6.e ok
31 CTSA incorporated. What is meant
by "Obey the operating conventions
DN# SRS CR Comment
32 Ref. DN 22
33 "
34 incorporated
35 Ref DN 22
36 3.1.3 incorporated with a date May 15
37 3.1.3 OK
38 3.1.4 Cables as used in CAMPS
39 3.1.5 incorporated
40 3.1.6.a3 incorporated
41 3.1.6.c.3 ok
42 3.2.1.c its a VDU with KB not a position
43 3.2.2.C Ref DN 12
44 3.3.1.b ok
45 3.3.1.c CR believe list is complete
46 3.3.1.e incorporated
47 3.3.1.f bust messages is a DINDAC control
message and as such included in
the DINDAC protocol specifications
48 3.2.1.g CR will detail in the software specification
49a 3.3.2 OK
b Please explain
c throughput in section 3.3.6
d Susdup message is a standard E1
type message. PC shall handle this
as a normal message.
49A a 3.3.3 ok
b 3.3.3 ok
50 3.3.4.b refer to DN 18
51 3.3.5 precedence table will be included
in software specification
52 3.3.7 ok, if stanag 5036 is equal to the
CAMPS defined NATO 7-bit code.
53 3.3.8 Text to be discussed with SHAPE
54 3.3.8.a Ref. DN 53
DN# SRS CR Comment
55 a) ok
b) Display of received messages? security?
56 3.4.4 ok
57 3.4.5.b ok
58 3.4.6 ok
59 3.4.6.f one check covering all software
60 CR cannot coordinate with SCARS/CCIS
61 buffers will be cleared after receipt
62 a) incorporated
b) PC notifies the other system by
use of X25 level 2 messages and
DINDAC/RCI messages
63 3.4.6 Refer to section 8
64 4.1, p.1 ok
65 p.2 definition of R & M terms are given
in para 4.2
66 4.2.e not accpeted. Software defects
cannot be treated as hardware failures
67 4.2 f&h Preventive maintenance for dust
filters etc. will be included in
H/W documentation. There is no
special preventive maintenance aspects
in the R&M models. (No disc and
68 4.2.g. The actual distribution of MTTR
is not important in this case.
Conservative estimates of MTTR values
have been used for all modules.
Preventive maintenance has been
69 4.2.g the R & M plan only covers Christian
Rovsing supplied equipment, hence
the links are not included
70 4.2.l not accepted, refer 4.2.e
71 4.2.m refer 4.2.n
72 4.2.n not accepted, refer 4.2.e
73 4.3 R & M model and block diagram have
been included in para
74 4.6.1 not accepted refer 4.2.e
75 4.6.1.a accepted, the model will be included
in sec. 4.5
76 accepted, the PIP will be updated
77 " " " " " "
Due to the highly reliable equipment
used (MTBF 3500) and the conservative
estimates of MTTR (MTTR 45) analytical
analysis will suffice. The SRS
has been updated accordingly.
DN# SRS CR Comment
79 5.1.3.b accepted
80 5.1.3.c partly accepted, "seek to" has been
It is impossible to provide total
isolation and independence in a
81 5.1.3.e ACCEPTED
82 5.3.a PC will support dataflow in both
direction simultaneously, hence
multi-programming etc. might be
83 5.3.a accepted
last paragraph has been deleted
84 5.4.b accepted
85 5.4.c not accepted. A swell programming
course is only one out of many factors,
which are required in order to understand
a module. General programming experience,
specific AMOS knowledge and detailed
knowledge to the content of the
application is also required.
The 250 source statement limitation
has been removed in this small system
in order to better optimize the
system and in order to contain any
related functions in the same module
86 ?????
87 6.1.2 Equipment is identical or similar
to CAMPS equipment. The same criterias
will be used to measure the quality
of PC equipment.
88 6.2.1 As stated in the second paragraph,
PC hardware will operate in an environment
found in commercial use.
89 The PC will operate in the same
environment as CAMPS, hence the
same requirements.
90 6.2.2 The PC will be constructed by using
identical equipment as used in CAMPS,
hence no special testing is needed.
91 6.2.3 No utility socket will be provided
inside the racks.
92 6.2.5 Cannot be answered
93 6.2.6 Not accepted. The module is pivoting
on a corner
94 6.2.7 Not accepted, physical constraints
must be considered
6.2.8a Deleted, not applicable to PC
95 6.2.8b More than one option might be used
in PC
96 6.2.8.c accepted
97 6.2.10 The cooling air will be normal room
temperature air
98 Accepted, consumeable parts will
be specified in the RSPL.
99 accepted
100 Detailed design specification will
have to await actual design
DN# SRS CR Comment
101/102 No, not part of our original proposal,
but can be supplied as an option
103 ????
104 partly accepted "in accordance withCAMPS
specifications" has been added
106 7.1 Due to the fact that PC equipment
is similar to CAMPS equipment, no
inspection and testing by ACE COMSEC
is needed at factory premises.
ACE COMSEC can perform all tets
and inspection on sites.
7.1d Electrical interconnections are
made in accordance with CAMPS specifications.
7.2 Paragraph removed. H/W will be
similar to CAMPS H/W and S/W design
requirements have been stated in
107 8.2.1 Is renamed to Maintenance Philosophy
and new text added.
108 8.2.2 Is renamed to Maintenance Plan and
new text added
109 8.3.3 CR has replaced text with new tools
and test philoshy. Section 8.2.4
is deleted as it is superfluous
in this SRS.
110 8.3.2 No change to paragraph. The subject
in question to be converted in section
112 ok
113 Refer to DN 119
DN# SRS CR Comment
114 Refer to DN 119
115 Refer to DN 120
116 Refer to DN 107
117 Refer to DN 108
118 Refer to DN 109
119 8.3 Section 8.3 is replaced with new
120 8.3.2 Refer to DN 119
1.2.1 9.1 Section 9.1 has been modified.
9.2 Training as proposed does not include
software and depot repair training.
This training will be offered as
an option. (For further clarification
refer to SRS section 9.2 as amended).
Section 9.2 has been amended
122 9.3 SHAPE should consider that the personnel
to receive training already is familiar
with the CAMPS hardware from participation
in the RST and MT courses. This
assumption has benefitted the converter
program. Consequently, CR has included
only limited funds for development
and conduct of training ref. LI
8 of Appendix B.
CR suggest no change to section
123 CR confirms that all operating instructions
will be described.
Delete subsections c) and a)
Rationals: The Operating Instructions
will cover all necessary information.
DN# SRS CR Comment
124 10.5 The maintenance documentations will
contain only the information needed
for site maintenance which is to
replaceable subassembly.
CR suggest no change.
125 10.5.1 Contractor will cover only site
126 10.5.2 level maintenance