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Names: »0892A «
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- # -
Woodhaven Industrial Park
Cornwalls Heights
Pa 19020
Att.: Mr. Ted Gendelman
S̲u̲b̲j̲e̲c̲t̲:̲ ̲D̲E̲L̲T̲A̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲A̲ ̲7̲2̲6̲0̲T̲
Ref: Reference Manual for 7260T Video Display Terminal P/N
917M400A000 not dated.
Below we present a list of questions to the referenced document.
We would like you to forward the answers by telex or airmail
within 2 weeks.
P̲A̲G̲E̲ Q̲U̲E̲S̲T̲I̲O̲N̲S̲
1 1.10 How does Insert Mode work when the Split is
in Format Mode. Are characters shifted out
to the right in present field? What happens
in right justified fields?
2 2.8 Exactly how much does the Clear Memory function
2.15 clear? As an example, does it clear split setting
if the setting is not EAROM programmed (page
2-65)? After a clear, are data still in RAM
or is it overwritten?
3 2.8 - Setting of parameters for monitor. It is not
2.14 for options, configuration, split screen and
status, which information is kept in EAROM
and which must be set after power up? It is
not clear which of these parameters may be
set by the Host (e.g. Baud Rate)? In order
to prevent any user from modifying these parameters
must one mechanically block some or all of
Keys named "misc control functions" (on page
4 2.15 The Status Line Messages indicate that the
terminal is in a certain mode where p. 2-65
top indicates that each split can be in individual
modes. Does this mean that all splits are in
the same mode (= mode of split where keyboard
cursor is) or is it possible to operate with
the Keybooard cursor in one split, that is
formatted while the communications cursor operates
in a non-formattted split?
5 2.23 "LF". On memory overflow the first line in
memory will be deleted. Is this irregardless
of which split this memory is allocated?
6 2.29 Simultaneous use of keyboard cursor and communication
a) If the terminal is set for block mode transmission
and the communication cursor and keyboard
cursor are in the same formatted split,
is it then possible to let the communication
cursor read from/write to fields not within
current displayed window simultaneously
with the keyboard cursor operating in the
displayed window?
b) If the communication cursor is not in the
keyboard split, but in another formatted
split is it possible to read from/write
to this other split without affecting the
currents displayed part? Is it possible
to read from/write to a split, that is
not displayed?
c) The same as b, but with keyboard cursor
split formatted and communication cursor
split unformatted?
d) The same as b, but with keyboard cursor
split unformatted and communication cursor
split formatted?
7 2.33 Clear Split, Clear Line. Do these functions
actually delete (e.g. overwrite) or do they
only release reserved memory?
8 2.37 Please confirm that the characters from the
alternate character set may be mixed with normal
characters within one split.
9 2.37 Does the Load function actually delete memory
(refer 7)
10 2.44 Cursor Position (refer also question 6). It
appears to be impossible to position the communication
cursor relative to a start of a split while
the user is communicating with the same split.
It appears to be impossible to perform output
by the communication cursor without having
the actual lines displayed. Please clarify
if this interpretation is correct or explain
how the communication cursor can address any
line within a split allowing input/output to
a split independently of which part is displayed.
In any case it appears that this command is
for the keyboard cursor and consequently no
command exists for the communication cursor?
11 2.47 Video attributes. When the Host set up Video
attributes in an already displayed text must
the split then be in insert mode or will the
new attribute insertion automatically imply
a shift of text memory contents? Can the setup
be performed in format mode?
12 2.50 Required entry field. How is the user notified
when a block-mode transmission is employed
and this transmission is initiated by the Host?
13 2.51 Protected Fields transmittable. Does these
fields appear to the host as any non-protected
field for transmisson from VDU to Host, i.e.
they are separated from non-transmittable protected
fields by the same separator characters?
If a protected transmittable field is placed
immediately before or after a non-protected
field are they then transmitted as one or as
two fields?
14 2.53 Write to field. It appears that protected transmittable
fields cannot be addressed (refer question
13). So it appears that output-only-fields
do not exist.
In our application we have the need for reserved
parts of the protected areas to be modified
by the Host after an analysis of the User input.
In a big format (several hundred lines) we
would like to have the Host use the communication
cursor outputting these while the user is inspecting
the first part of the split (the first notifications
output by the Host). It seems impossible with
the cursor position commands available to do
this. Can you confirm? (Refer also question
15 2.63 Error when split overlap. Does this mean that
it is not possible to define two splits that
cover the same portion of the screen and then
switch from one to the other?
What is the use of no display if a split must
have reserved screen part.
16 2.64 "If the screen cannot display all splits at
once." How can this be interpreted since splits
cannnot overlap?
17 2.66 Link split A to top of split B or link split
A to bottom of split B. How does these function?
Does it move the data to split B or does it
only attach split A to one end?
In the latter case what is the effect of scroll
and page within B? Scroll and page within A?
18 2.68 The note. What is the effect of automatic overflow
in TTY mode and in block mode, in format mode
and in non-format mode?
19 4.1 It is not clear if the 7260 interface allows
transmission in both directions simultaneously?
It appears (page 4.2) that when in block mode
the terminal communication is a protocol controlled
half duplex communication. If this is true
how can the user request immediate attention
from the Host when the Host is transmitting
data to the terminal? Is it by using any function
key or only attention key or is it not possible?
20 4.2 Block mode transmission. The details for the
asyncronous transmission are not specified
(no. of start/stop bits).
21 XMIT DELAY. The explanation is not understood.
Which cases exist where the termianl has a
pending transmission when it has just terminated
22 4.4 Transmission from VDU split is format mode.
How is
4.5 exact format. How is the format when one protected
transmittable field is included between two
unprotected fields. How if more than one protected
transmittable field between two unprotected?
Cursor position. Is it the keyboard cursor?
Relative to what is the position given? How
do the Host know the position relative to split
start? How is exact format of transmitted sequence?
PF key definition. How is exact format? Tab
and margin setting. How is format? Which Split?
First displayed line number. Is it for current
keyboard cursor split or current communication
cursor split. Precise format?
Who are you, maintenance clock, status (long
+ short), search result, number of lines. How
is format? Data transmission. When cursor is
mentioned which cursor? What is screen position?
Is memory location the same as start of split
or what is it? Precise formats?
Modified fields only. Does this mean any field
with at least one non-space character or fields
modified since last output from Host or fields
modified since last input to Host or fields
modified since last input or output to/from
23 4.7 It is not clear, what is the last character
included in calculation of the BCC. Is the
summing similar to a parity for all bits of
the same number?
Kind regards,
Gert Jensen