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⟦4fa58ab54⟧ Wang Wps File
Length: 22349 (0x574d)
Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: CPS/SDS/001
Names: »1349A «
└─⟦e53c2fc59⟧ Bits:30006055 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0087A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »1349A «
1̲ ̲ ̲G̲E̲N̲E̲R̲A̲L̲
1.1 P̲U̲R̲P̲O̲S̲E̲
The system design specification has the purpose:
- to establish the design baseline for all future
- to provide the operational and development personnel
with an overall understanding of the product to
be developed
The purpose of this system design specification is,
furthermore, to establish a correspondence between
the software and hardware components, functional design,
and the system requirements.
The system requirements are expanded to include all
important derived software and hardware requirements
and those associated with good design practices.
A separate Verification Control Document is produced
in order to keep track, that all system requirements
have been mapped correctly and completely to the system
design and what components they have been associated
The CPS/SDS/001 must reflect the contents of the CPS/210/SYS/0001.
Remote terminals and their connectivity requirements
are not part of the original CAMPS-contract (nor of
the CPS/210/SYS/0001) and are subject to separate verification.
However, being a part of an integral system, they may
be mentioned in the CPS/SDS/001 too.
1.2 P̲R̲O̲J̲E̲C̲T̲ ̲R̲E̲F̲E̲R̲E̲N̲C̲E̲S̲
1.2.1 A̲p̲p̲l̲i̲c̲a̲b̲l̲e̲ ̲D̲o̲c̲u̲m̲e̲n̲t̲s̲
The following documents are applicable to the CAMPS
System Design Specification to the extend specified
Contract Document.
Contract No. CE 80-9009-INF
CAMPS System Requirements
CAMPS Maintenance Plan
User Procedures and Associated Formats
Supervisor Commands and Procedures
ACP127 NATO Supp. 3 Procedures
NICS/TARE Interface Control Document
SCARS II Interface Control Document
ACE CCIS Interface Control Document
TRC, Point-to-point Connection Interface Control Document
OCR Interface Control Document
Software Interface Control Document
Database Design Document
Message Management
System Status and Control
Table Management
Input/Output Control
Storage and Retrieval
Traffic Handling
Message Distribution Package
Terminal Package
VDU Supervisor Package
Supervisor Printer Package
VDU MDCO Package
VDU MSO Package
VDU User Package
OCR Package
Printer Package
Recommendations V24/V28
CCITT, Orange Book, Volume VIII, 1
Published by ITU, 1977.
EIA STANDARD, August 1969
EIA STANDARD, April 1975
1.2.2 R̲e̲f̲e̲r̲e̲n̲c̲e̲ ̲D̲o̲c̲u̲m̲e̲n̲t̲s̲
The following documents are listed for reference purposes
only. The listing does not constitute the contents
of the documents as System Requirements but is intended
to serve the Contractor in providing supplementary
information in cases of interpretation of the requirements
specifically stated in System Requirements Specification:
ACP131, Jul 79
ACP117, Sept. 1977, ACP117 Supp. 1G. Dec. 79
ACP121, Supp. 1A. Jan 1970, 121E Jul 1970
ACP100, NATO SUPP, 1E May 1978
ACP127 NATO Supp. 3, May 1973, 127 (E) OCT 79
ADatP-3 JAN 1975
1.3 T̲E̲R̲M̲S̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲A̲B̲B̲R̲E̲V̲I̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲S̲
1.3.1 T̲e̲r̲m̲s̲
Access Control Control of specifically delegated
access rights before access is
allowed to an object.
Access Control List Structure associated with catalogue
objects. Contains access rights
of user groups to the objects.
Acknowledge Abbreviated service message con-
Message taining an acknowledge for a previously
transmitted message.
Active Terminal Active terminal profile is
Profile determined from terminal profile
and user profile.
Associated (Shared) Medium speed teleprinter, low
ROP speed teleprinter.
Auxiliary Terminal Lineprinter, PTP/PTR and OCR.
CAMPS Functions Denotes the following groups of
CAMPS services:
Supervisor Function
Message Distribution Control Function
Message Service Function
Preparation Function
Release Function
Reception Function
CAMPS information…02…A part of disc volume which is
file logically structured into a number
of variable length strings called
Catalogue Objects may be made accessible
to other user groups by entering
them into a catalogue.
Channel designator Identification of an external
Checkpoint Point from which restart/recovery
can take place.
Child Process A process is child of the process
having created it.
Circuit CAMPS to node connection for the
appropriate Network. A circuit
may consist of one or more channels.
Claim A resource management term specifying
a number of objects of a given
type that a process has the right
to create.
Close-down Action taken to bring processing
within the system or a part there
of to a stop - can be either an
ordered sequence of steps or an
abrupt termination.
Cold start-up Initialization from the on-line
Device Start-up Initialization from the off-line
Device Designator Identificaton of a stand-alone
Device Profile To each device a device profile
is associated.
Directory A file containing identifications
and control information about
files or items.
Designator A designator is a logical representation
of a line. The designator to line
connection is subject to change
during a reconfiguration.
Duty Officer Person located at the supervisor
specified terminal position during
Quiet Hours.
External Channel A channel in a telegraph circuit
or non telegraph circuit.
File An unstructured, logically contiguous
part of a disk volume.
File Management Part of SFM handling Files
File Time Julian day as derived from format
line 3 of ACP127 formatted messages.
Historic Data Data which have been completely
processed and subsequently kept
for retrieval purposes.
Initial Start up System Start up based on initial
Initialization The definition in the CPS/SDS/001
and subsequent documents are described
as follows: Brings the system
from cold or dead start into operational
use. No recovery actions are included.
The definitions replace the one
used in the CPS210/SYS/0001: Brings
the system from cold start into
operational use.
Intermediate Storage areas for items within
Item Refer CAMPS information file.
The term will be replaced during
next SDS update.
Item Control Block A control structure within SFM
used to reference and manage an
Item Identification The key identifying an item within
Logical Line The software aggregate representing
a physical connection to an external
device, network, or system.
Long Term Storage Storage areas for items within
Low Speed Media Low speed teleprinter (PTP, PTR,
ROP), Point-to-point connection
and TRC.
Main Queue A structured queue with a set
of sub queues.
Memory Segment Part of virtual memory. The memory
object to which security and access
control is applied.
Message Control A control structure in CSF descri-
Block bing a single message version.
Message Distribu- Denotes the total group of
tion Control Func- commands/procedures which may
tion performed from a VDU with Message
Distribution Control capability.
Message Identi- The key used to identify a message.
Message Management Part of SFM handling Items
Message Monitor The part of CSF acting as interface
to message management system within
Message Record Standard format used from IOC
Format TEP
Message Service Denotes the total group of
Function commands/procedures which may
be performed from a VDU with Message
Service capability.
Message View A subset of fields within a message.
Non Telegraph CCIS and SCARS.
Object A resource to which security and
access control apply.
Off-Line Storage The part of disk storage residing
on removable packs.
On-Line Storage The part of disk storage which
is permanently mounted.
Operating System A process making high level decisions
about dynamic allocation of resources
to a set of descendant processes.
Operational Data Messages, comments etc., the processing
of which is the principal objective
Operator a) Person with responsibility
for operating the central
equipment from the maintenance
position and/or control panels
(i.e. the technicians and
b) Person with responsibility
for maintenance and repair.
The term operator is identical
with Engineering in CPS/210/SYS/0001
and replaces it in the CPS/SDS/001
and subsequent documents.
Originator Identification of the process
which originally created an item.
Page A block of 1024 16 bits words.
Page Manager The part of kernel responsible
for memory management.
Parent Process A process is parent for those
processes which it has created.
Plain Language The PLA representing a
Address Headquarters.
Preparation Denotes the total group of
Functions commands/procedures which may
be performed from a VDU with Preparation
Priority An attribute of a process used
for scheduling purposes.
Procedure Special part of a program. It
must be called with a "procedure
call" instruction which automatically
saves the return point.
Process Execution of a specific program
operating on a specific set of
data. The active components of
the system to which security and
process control as well as resource
management is applied.
Program A sequence of instructions.
Protection The complete set of mechanisms
assuming that only the processes
authorized by security and access
control can access a given object.
Queue Process communication tool within
Queue Element The elements which can be in a
Queue Element The same as queue element. Used
Reference when emphasizing the function
of the queue element as the basic
reference to objects.
Queue Monitor The part of CSF supplying Queue
Quiet Hours A supervisor specified parameter
for alternative distribution to
a Duty Officer.
Reception Function Denotes the total group of commands/procedures
which may be performed from a
VDU with Reception capability.
Release Function Denotes the total group of commands/procedures
which may be performed from a
VDU with Release capability.
Request Message Message type that requires receipt
of an acknowledge message to be
considered as transmitted.
Restart Reestablishes the dynamic behaviour
of the system based upon recovered
data. Restart may refer to cold
or warm start-up from the on-line
Recovery Reestablishes continuity in memory
and file contents.
Security Control Control of classification and
special handling categories before
access allowed to an object.
Security Profile The data Type containing classification
and certain special handling categories
for an object.
Short Term Storage Storage areas for items within
Split Separately addressable part of
Staff cell The SCD is the smallest addressable
designator unit in one CAMPS site.
Stand alone device Medium speed teleprinter, low
speed teleprinter (PTP, PTR, ROP)
Start up Includes all aspects of initialization,
recovery and restart.
Sub queue Part of a Main Queue.
Supervisor Person located at supervisor terminals
in CAMPS central equipment room
Supervisor's Person with responsibility for
Assistant special Message Service.
In the CPS/210/SYS/0001 supervisor
means both supervisor and supervisor
Supervisor Denotes the total group of
Function commands/procedures which may
be performed from a VDU with supervisor
Switchover Relates to a dualized configuration
containing an active and a stand-by
part. Switchover is the actions
of bringing the stand-by device
into active state and the other
active device off-line.
Synchronization A process communication tool used
Element as basis for high level mechanisms
such as queues.
System Control Data Tables, system parameters etc.
used to implement and control
the operation of CAMPS.
System Parameter A simple variable, holding part
of the system state, and controlled
by TMP.
System User A distinguished user group with
special privileges.
Telegraph circuit NICS TARE, Point to point and
Terminal VDU, Medium Speed Teleprinter,
Low Speed Teleprinter, Line Printer,
In DAMOS TMS sense a Terminal
defines one connection on a shared
channel. E.g. in the X25 protocol
a set of terminals are multiplexed
on one channel.
For VDUs, one split is considered
to be two terminals, one for fields
input, and one for function keys.
Terminal Device VDU, Medium Speed Teleprinter
and Low Speed Teleprinter.
Terminal Designa- A code identifying the terminal
tor sition.
Terminal Position VDU and associated (shared) ROP.
Terminal Profile The terminal profile contains
information about a VDU and identifies
a shared ROP.
Tester Software module used to simulate
the environment application.
Time Slice The amount of CPU-time that a
process may use before it must
give other processes the opportunity
to execute.
Time Stamp Time allocated to a transaction,
for example a storage process
or release of message.
Timer monitor The part of CSF supplying timer
Tracing Retrieval of specific log records.
Translation Table A table used by Memory Map Module
to perform logical address to
physical address translation and
determination of access right
to memory locations.
User a) Person with responsibility
for input and output of messages.
b) Person located at the user
terminals in the staff cells.
The user is identical with the
term operator in the CPS/210/SYS/0001
and replaces it in CPS/SDS/001.
In DAMOS terms, a USER is an application
process (See User Group).
User Group A set of processes. A vehicle
for access control each process
belongs to exactly one user group.
User Group Unique identifier for a user group
User process Process within CAMPS representing
a logical line.
User profile To each user a user profile is
associated. (Identical to operator
profile in the CPS/210/SYS/0001).
Virtual Memory The total amount of information
that a process may address, either
directly or indirectly via Page
Manager functions.
Volume A named entity which can either
be a complete disk pack or a specifically
addressable part of a disk pack.
Warm start-up Start-up from the online disks.
It includes recovery/restart actions.
Switchover is a type of warm start-up.
1.3.2 A̲b̲b̲r̲e̲v̲i̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲
ACP127 Allied Communication Procedures
No. 127
Addr. Address
AIG Address Indicator Group
App. Application
BFD Basic File Directory (within SFM)
BPS Bit Per Second
CAMPS Computer Aided Message Processing
CC Completion Code
CCB Configuration Control Bus
CCB Change Control Board
CCBA Configuration Control Bus Adapter
CCIS Command & Control Information System
CCITT The International Telegraph and
Telephone Consultative Committee
CH Channel
CHPT-IRATE Check Point Incoming Message Rate
CHPT-ORATE Check Point Outgoing Message Rate
CIA Data Channel Interface Adapter
CIF CAMPS Information File
CMI Command Interpreter
CMON Coroutine Monitor
COMCEN Communications Center
COMMCEN Communications Center
COPSY CAMPS Operating System
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Carriage Return
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSF In CPS/SDS/001 is the abbreviation
used to identify the CAMPS System
Functions, but CSF is also used
to identify the Central Supply
Facility in logistics of CAMPS
CSN Channel Serial Number (Identical
to TSN)
CSSI CAMPS Software Support Installation
CTS Cosmic Top Secret
CTS/A Cosmic Top Secret/Atomal
CU Channel Unit
CUCP Channel Unit Control Panel
DAMOS CR80D Advanced Multiprocessor Operating
DCA Disk Control Adaptor
DCB CR80D Control Bus
DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment
DCN Document Control Number
DD Device Designator
DEC Data Exchange Channel
DEV Development
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMB CR80D Main Bus
DM&T Distribution Monitoring and Test
DSMT Development, Software, Maintenance,
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTG Date Time Group
EDC Error Detection and Correction
EMI-racks Electromagnetic Interference
EOL End Of Line
EOLF End Of Line Feed
ETC Et Cetera
FIFO First In, First Out
FL Format Line
FMS File Management System
FW Firmware
GNS Global Number Series
HDB Historical Data Base
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
HQ Headquarters
HW Hardware
ICB Item Control Block
ICD Interface Control Document
ICHSN Incoming Channel Serial Number
ID Identification
IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame
IF, I/F Interface
IID Item Identification
IMQ Incoming Message Queue
IO, I/O Input/Output
IOC Input/Output Control Package
IOS I/O System
IS Intermediate Storage
ISQ Incoming Storage Queue
ITA International Telegraph Alphabet
ITEM REF ID Item Reference Identity
KER Kernel Package
LAPB Link Access Protocol B
LED Light Emitting Diode
LF Line Feed
LIA-N Line Interface Adaptor, Non Switching
LOG Log and Accountability Package
LP Line Printer
LSI Large Scale Integrated Circuits
LSM Low Speed Medium
LSP Low Speed Teleprinter
LSP Least Significant Part
LTS Long Term Storage
LTU Line Termination Unit
LTUX Line Termination Unit Wired to
the TDX bus
MAP Memory Mapping Unit
MBT Main Bus Termination Module
MC Master Clear
MCB Message Control Block
MDCO Message Distribution Control Operator
MDP Message Distribution Package
MIA Map Interface Adapter
MID Message Identification
MIN Minutes
MMON Message Monitor
MMS Message Management System within
MRQ Message Routing Queue
MSG Message
MSO Message Service Operator
MSP Medium Speed Tele Printer
MSP Most Significant Part
MSQ Message Service Queue
MSTP Medium Speed Tele Printer
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTP Medium Speed Teleprinter
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
M&D Maintenance and Diagnostics
NA Not Applicable
NAK Negative Acknowledgement
NICS NATO Integrated Communication System
OCHSN Outgoing Channel Serial Number
OCR Optical Character Reader
OLP Off-line Software Package
OMQ Outgoing Message Queue
OU Off-line Utilities
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCB Process Control Block
PCF Process Communication Facility
PD Preliminary Design
PLA Plain Language Address
PLA# Plain Language Address Reference
PM Page Manager
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PSU Power Supply
PTP Paper Tape Puncher
PTR Paper Tape Reader
PU Processor Unit
P-to-P Point to Point
Q Queue (also used as suffix)
QEL Queue Element (Identical to QUEL)
QER Queue Element Reference
QID Queue Identification
QMON Queue Monitor
QUEL Queue Element (Identical to QEL)
RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RI Routing Indicator
RLQ Message Release Queue
ROP Receive Only Printer
RRQ Retrieve Request Queue
RSN Release Serial Number (Identical
to SSN)
RTCM Real Time Clock Module
SAR Storage and Retrieval
SCARS Status Control, Alerting and Reporting
SCD Staff Cell Designator
SCM System Call Monitor
SDA Shared Data Area
SDL Standard Distribution List
SDS CAMPS System Design Specification
SD&T Software Development and Test
SEH System Error Handler
SEL Synchronization Element
SFA Standard Floppy Disk Controller
SFD Directory types withing SFM
SFM Storage and File Management Package
SIC Subject Indicator Code
SID Segment Identifier
SOTF Start of Transmission Function
SP Sub-Package
SRS System Requirements Specification
SSC System Status and Control
SSN Station Serial Number (Identical
to RSN)
SSP Support Software Package
STA Statistics Package (Identical to
STI Supra-TDX Bus Interface
STP Statistics Package
STS Short Term Storage
SUPV Supervisor
SVQ Supervisor Queue
SW Software
SyncEl Synchronization Element
TARE Telegraph Automatic Relay Equipment
TBD To Be Defined
TC Transfer Counter
TD Terminal designator
TDS Test Drive System
TDX Telecommunication Data Exchange
TEMCO Terminal Monitoring and Control
TEP Terminal Package
TG Table Generation (Software in SSP)
THP Traffic Handling Package
THS Terminal Handling System
TI Transmission Identification
TIA TDX Bus Interface Adapter
TM Terminal Manager
TMON Timer Monitor
TMP Table Management Package
TOC Time of Occurrence
TOS Terminal Operating System
TP Tele Printer
TRANSID Transaction Identification
TRC Tape Relay Center
TS Time Stamp
TSN Transmission Serial Number (Identical
to CSN)
TTY Teletype
U Units of 1.75 inches
UGI User Group Identification
VDU Visual Display Unit
WDP Watchdog Processor
X25 Protocol Name
Z80 Zilog 80