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⟦4ff26a626⟧ Wang Wps File
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Notes: SD-pers. levnedsbeskivels
Names: »4450A «
└─⟦2448da4bc⟧ Bits:30006029 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0387A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »4450A «
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G̲E̲R̲T̲ ̲J̲E̲N̲S̲E̲N̲
Employed at Christian Rovsing A/S af 1984 as Senior
Vice President, Director, Programs and Projects Management.
Bachelors degree in Electronic Engineering.
Master of Computer Science, University
of Philladelphia, U.S.A.
1968-1970 The Boeing Company, Seattle, USA; Computer
1970-1974 Sperry Univac, Blue Bell, PA, USA
Operating Systems Design and Implementation.
1974-1978 Sperry Univac, Copenhagen, Denmark
Manager of Systems Department.
1978-1979 Christian Rovsing A/S
Software Development Manager, Spacelab
Program in Bremen, Germany
1980 - Program Manager, Camps project
1982 - Systems Division Manager including
direct responsibility for CAMPS and
1984 Director, Advanced Systems Operations
including responsibility for all the
projects and the administration of
the group.
1984 C̲h̲r̲i̲s̲t̲i̲a̲n̲ ̲R̲o̲v̲s̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲A̲/̲S̲ ̲a̲f̲ ̲1̲9̲8̲4̲
Senior Vice President, Director, Programs
and Projects Management.
C̲u̲r̲r̲i̲c̲u̲l̲u̲m̲ ̲V̲i̲t̲a̲e̲:̲
Name: Holger Aksel Nielsen
Education: Engineering Academy of Copenhagen Bsc.
EE (1972)
1982 - Present: With Christian Rovsing A/S, Denmark
as a System Engineer Manager. Developing,
design of CR8 personal computer and
design of a Private Automatic Branch
Exchange (PABX).
1981-1982: With Christian Rovsing International A/S,
Denmark, as a Project Manager of a process
control system, (PROCOS).
1976-1981: With A/S N. Foss Electric as Team leader
for micro computer development. The job
consisted of:
- Project management
- Hardware developing
- Software developing
1973-1976: With A/S Regnecentralen with responsibility
of Integration and test of RC4000 computer
1972-1973: With Dansk Cifferteknik, as Developing
Engineer on a project for Data logging
and access control. Developing of a
fast serial data bus.
Date of birth 31st March, 1944.
Languages: Danish, English, German.
- 1 -
C̲u̲r̲r̲i̲c̲u̲l̲u̲m̲ ̲V̲i̲t̲a̲e̲:̲
Name: Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen
Citizen: Danish
Born: October 30, 1948
1974 Technical University of Denmark, M.Sc.EE
1977 Copenhagen School of Economics and Business
Administration, M.B.A.
Speak/read/write English fluently.
Speak/read German, French.
Joined Christian Rovsing A/S in 1977, and is currently
employed as Senior Program Manager.
1985- Program Manager for turn-key communication
system to American Airlines. Contract value
approximately 500 Mill. D.Kr. Development
effort approximately 400 man years. Development
period 2,5 years. The Program Manager is
responsible for the total project performance
(financial, contractual, legal, technical,
and schedule).
1984-1985 System Division Manager responsible for
the overall performance of programs implemented
within Systems Division. The yearly turnover
was 120 Mill. D.Kr. Number of employees
approximately 100, out of which 70 were
1982-1983 Department Manager for turnkey systems
especially related to computer based communication
systems. Yearly turnover is 60-70 Mill.
- 2 -
1980-1983: Responsible for implementation of a turnkey
system to NATO (Please refer below). Contract
value approximately 350 Mill. D.Kr. Scope
of development was approximately 150 man
years. Overall program manager for NATO
program 1982 - 1983 and system engineering
and software manager for the total program
1980 - 1982.
1977-1980: Team leader for a number of projects to
foreign countries, including L.M. Ericsson
in Sweden (Gothenburg), Erno in Germany
(Bremen) and BTM in Belgium (Antwerpen).
1976-1977: S]ren T. Lyngs] A/S. System engineer, responsible
for the development and implementation
of software for micro- and minicomputers
used for automatic control systems in industrial
1974-1975: Lieutenant, Military Service with the Danish
Defence Research laboratories, developing
mini-computer systems for digital signal
processing, including systems engineering
and software development.
C̲u̲r̲r̲i̲c̲u̲l̲u̲m̲ ̲V̲i̲t̲a̲e̲:̲
Navn: Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen
Statsborger: Dansk
F]dt: Oktober 30, 1948
1974 Civilingeni]r (ET),
1977 HD (Organisation)
Taler/skriver/l`ser flydende engelsk.
Taler/l`ser tysk og fransk.
Ansat hos Christian Rovsing A/S i 1977, og
er pt. ansat som senior projektchef.
1985- Projektchef for turnkey kommunikationssystem
til Ameri- can Airlines. Kontraktsum
ca. 500 mill. kr. Udviklings-
omfang ca. 400 mande>r. Udviklingstid
ca. 2,5 >r. Projektchefen er ansvarlig
for projektets totale ]konomi,
samt opfyldelse af samtlige kontraktuelle
forpligtelser (teknisk, tidsm`ssig,
]konomisk og juridisk).
1984-1985 Divisionschef for System Divisionen
der implementerede turnkey systemer
til forsvar og offentlige myndigheder.
Divisionschefen var ansvarlig
for divisionens totale budget
samt ansvarlig for afviklingen
af divisionens ak- tiviteter.
Antal an- satte var ca. 100, hvoraf
70 var ingeni]rer.
1982-1983 Chef for en afdeling, som leverede
turnkey systemer specielt inden
for datamatbaserede kommunikations-
systemer. Afdelingen bestod af
55 ansatte, heraf ca. 40 ingeni]rer.
1980-1983 Ansvarlig for implementeringen
af et turnkey system til NATO.
Kontraktsum ca. 350 Mill. Dkr.
Udviklingsomfang 150 mande>r.
Total projekt ansvarlig ]konomisk
og kon-
traktuelt for NATO projektet 1982-1983.
System og software chef for NATO
projektet 1980-1982. Udover den
egentlige system implementering
indebar chefstillingen en total
organisationsopbygning inklusiv
administrative og tekniske funktioner/procedurer.
1977-1980 Gruppeleder for en r`kke projekter
til udlandet herun- der; L.M.
Ericsson i Sverige (G]teborg),
Erno i Tyskland (Bremen) og BTM
i Belgien (Antwerpen).
1976-1977 Systemingeni]r hos S]ren T. Lyngs]
A/S, ansvarlig for udvikling af
diverse datamatbaserede proceskontrol-
1974-1975 Milit`rtjeneste, L]jtnant af Reserven.
Aftjente v`rne- pligt ved Forsvarets
Forskningstjeneste med udvikling
af avanceret applikations programmel
til realtidssystemer.
L̲A̲R̲S̲ ̲S̲T̲I̲G̲ ̲N̲I̲E̲L̲S̲E̲N̲
1965 Graduated from the Technical University
of Denmark with a M.Sc.E.E. degree.
1965-1967 Worked for S]ren T. Lyngs] A/S, a Danish
elektronics company.
1968 Joined CRAS to develop software programmes.
Designed the first two generations of the
CR80 computer.
1977 Appointed Executive Vice President.
1979 He has been a senior officer of the EEC
microelectronics commitee.
C̲h̲r̲i̲s̲t̲i̲a̲n̲ ̲F̲.̲ ̲R̲o̲v̲s̲i̲n̲g̲
1961 Graduated from the Technical University
of Denmark, Copenhagen with a M.Sc.E.E.
1961-1963 Worked for IBM in Sweden, France, and the
1963 Founded CRAS and remains President and
chief executive.
Mr. Rovsing is a member of numerous external
committees and boards, including:
1970 Danish Academy of Technical Sciences
1970-1974 Danish Automation Society, as member of
Board of Directors
1970 Danish Data Processing Association, as
member of Board of Directors
1975 Danish Data Processing Association, as
1973-1978 Council for Scientific Policy and Planning
(appointed by the Minister of Education).
1978 Danish Space Board.
1974 Eurospace Council in Paris.
1977 EDP Council as member of the Board of Directors.
1978 Council of Data Surveillance Authority
(appointed by the Minister of Justice)
1981 Member of the Research Board of the Carlsberg
Flemming Enevoldsen M.Sc.C.E., MBA
1972 Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the Technical
University of Denmark. Specialization in Operation
Research, Statistics and Mathematical Programming.
1973 Military Service at the Danish Defense Research Institute
with responsibilities with war gaming systems development,
and infrared missile simulation.
1973-81 Position as Systems Engineer in a large multinational
shipping company, EAC with responsibility for developing
real time systems for typical shipping applications
(container tracking, agent monitoring etc.).
1981- Position as System Engineering Manager at Christian
Rovsing A/S with responsibilities within development
of military and commercial message processing systems.
Bjarne Berthold M.Sc. EE
Date of Birth: 31 January, 1944
Languages: Danish, English (spoken and written)
(German & French spoken)
Education: Technical University of Denmark
1971-1975 S]ren T. Lyngs] A/S, S]borg. Project
Development of Module Systems for Automation
and Remote Control
1975-1977 S]ren T. Lyngs] A/S, S]borg. Project
Designed and managed the Implementation
of Electronic Systems for Automation
and Remote Control.
1977-1980 S]ren T. Lyngs] A/S, S]borg
Department Manager. Head of Development,
Engineering and Installation of Computer-based
Systems for Remote Control and Process
1980 - Formed Christian Rovsing A/S in 1980
and is currently Engineering Manager
in the Systems Division. At present
Hardware Manager for the CAMPS Project.
Ole Eskedal M.Sc. EE
1972 University of Santa Clara, California M.Sc.
1964-1965 Teleteknisk Forskningslab., Copenhagen,
Position: Project Engineer.
Developed test equipment for push button
1965-1967 General Electric Semiconductor Syracuse,
New York.
Position: Project Engineer.
Developed special purpose test equipment
for Analogue Integrated Circuits.
1967-1969 Raytheon Semiconductor Moutain View, California.
Position: Project Engineer.
Developed production test equipment for
Integrated Circuits.
1969-1974 Hewlett-Packard Cuperino, California.
Position: Project Engineer.
Developed controllers for computer peripherals.
1974-1976 Christian Rovsing A/S, Ballerup, Denmark.
Position: Project Leader.
Designed and managed the development of
Micro Computer Based Data Collection and
Control Systems.
Author of several technical proposals for
commercial and military projects.
1979 - Christian Rovsing A/S, Ballerup, Denmark.
Manager ILS Department of Systems Division.
Uffe R]nnenkamp Holst M.Sc. EE
1975 Technical University of Denmark, M.Sc. EE.
Mr. R]nnenkamp Holst joined Christian Rovsing A/S
in 1980 and is currently Manager of System Engineering
on the CAMPS Program
1980- Systems Engineer on the CAMPS Program with
responsibility for System Test Planning.
1978-1980 Danish PTT, Radio Communication Service.
Position: Development Enginer.
Development of Microcomputer Systems for
monitoring and control of Microwave Communication
1975-1978 Danish PTT, Telephone Communication Service.
Position: Systems Engineer
Implementation of Widebank transmission
Date of Birth: January, 13th 1943
Languages: Danish, English, German
(spoken and written)
Jens J]rgen Serup B.Sc.,
1974 Aarhus Katedralskole, 8000 Aarhus C
1974-1975 Mechanical training at Odense Technical
Training School, Odense
1975 Practical trainee at Drastrup Radio & TV,
8900 Randers
1976 Practical trainee work at Electromatic
A/S 8370 Hadsten
1976-1980 Candidate at Aarhus Technical Engineering
College, 8000 Aarhus C, Graduated B.Sc.
for Electrical Engineering
1981 Employed by Christian Rovsing A/S on the
Computer Aided Message Processing System
Project, CAMPS.
February 1981 - August 1981
participated in preliminary design of CAMPS
application software.
September 1981- April, 1982
participated in design, coding and testing
of maintenance and diagnostic software
for CR80M disc and floppy disc computer
hardware and firmware.
May 1982 - November 1982
participated in coding and unit test of
CAMPS application software
Per S]ndergaard
Born: October 8, 1942 in Hiller]d
Languages: Danish, English, German
Education: Electronic Technician
Experience: 1965 - 1968: Military Service. Sergeant. Instructor
at the school for radio-telegraph maintenance
people within the army.
1968: S]ren T. Lyngs] A/S. Maintenance Technician,
Remote Control Dept.
1968 - 1976: Siemens Data A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Maintenance Technician, group leader.
1976 - 1982: SC Metric A/S, N`rum, Denmark. Maintenance
Manager. Project Engineer. Developed
smaller micro computers based on communication
equipment for military use.
1982 - Present: Joined Christian Rovsing A/S in 1982
and is currently Maintenance Manager
in the Integrated Logistics Support
(ILS) Department of the Systems Division.
Harold Kirk Wilson
Employment History:
BS Management (Minor in EE)
MS Management (Completion in 1983)
Experience: Mr. Wilson joined Christian Rovsing A/S
in July 1983.
1980-1983 Litton Systems, Inc.
Mellonics Division.
Position: Director of Washington Operations.
Currently serving as Director of Washington
Operations for Litton Mellonics. Provide
Washington based marketing and program
management for all Litton Mellonics
software development contracts.
Washington Operations provides direct
management support in the areas of:
Systems Engineering
Software Engineering
Financial Management
System Evaluation and Data Base Design
Cost/Benefit Analysis of Data Base
Test Site Evaluation
Project Planning
In addition to the above Litton Mellonics
responsibilities I am also serving
as personal consultant to the Chief
Scientist of OP-094 (Navy Command and
Control and Communications Directorate)
regarding the design of Navy Command
and Control and Communications Systems.
Emphasis is placed upon the interoperability
of U.S. Navy C3 Support Systems in
the Joint Area as well as NATO and
the Middle East.
1979-1980 Booz, Allen-Hamilton
Washington, D.C.
Position. Associate.
As an Associate of Booz, Allen-Hamilton,
I served in the capacities of Director
of Navy C3 Architecture Team, Senior Systems
Analyst and Program Manager.
As the Director of the Navy Command and
Control Architecture Team I was charged
with the responsibility of building a C3
architecture to match the projected (circa
1985-1990) Soviet threat. I directed the
research, analyses and preparation of a
complete report containing recommendations
on Force Levels for C3 Systems and support
requirements projected for five years or
more, with narrative text and performance
data to support the recommendations.
As Senior Systems Analyst I directed a
group of professional civilian technical
and operations research analysts in performing
studies and analyses that provided a qualitative
and quantitative basis for assessment of
Plans, Programs and Force Structure in
the C3 and Intelligence areas. Activities
specifically involved the following:
Reviewed the analyses submitted by the
principal analyst assigned to C3 and Intelligence
matters for approach, assumptions, methodological
techniques, analytical validity, adequacy
and completeness.
Designed analytical models to identify
key parameters of Command, Control and
Communications problems through logic and
data flow techniques to determine the probable
results in an operational environment under
variable conditions.
Developed and established qualitative and
quantitative criteria estimating the effectiveness
of proposed systems and alternatives .
. . analyzed and evaluated program effectiveness.
1978-1979 Commander, Naval Electronics Systems Command
Washington, D.C.
Position C3 ADP Engineering and Plans Officer.
I provided technical advice on computer
applications, capabilities and limitations
in the Navy Command, Control and Communications
operational environment. Specifically,
Coordinated the engineering design requirements
of C3 related systems with the operational
needs of the Fleet and the Fleet Command
Support activities.
Assisted the Fleet ADP System users in
applying existing and newly developed C3
Support Systems.
Briefed top ranking officials from government,
military and private sector, on C3 ADP
Systems. . . provided extensive technical
briefing to NSA's Military Operations Panel.
Functioned as the Team Leader in the analysis
of the installation and integration of
a C3 Operations Center to support the Rapid
Deployment Force in a Middle East country.
1975-1978 Commander, Task Force Sixty-Seven,
Naples, Italy
Position: Command and Control & Communications
Systems Engineering Officer. I served as
the Mediterranean C3 Systems Engineer.
Specifically, I was responsible for:
Installation and operation of all U.S.
Navy C3 Systems within the Mediterranean
operational area.
Establishment of interoperability procedures
to ensure compatability between U.S. and
NATO C3 Systems.
Led a team which compiled operational C3
requirements, defined Automatic C3 Tactical
Support Nets employing a mixture of Satellite,
Tropo and Land Lines, proposed a program
to implement them, and conducted hands-on
testing and refinement.
Additionally I served as the C3 Liaison
Officer with the Southern Region of NATO.
I assisted the CINC South Science Advisor
in the concept and development of the Southern
Regional Command and Control Development
1972-1975: Commander, Task Force Sixty-Seven
Sigonella, Sicily
Position: Command and Control & Communications
I served as ADP/Analysis Officer and Operations
Supervisor for the ASW Operations Center
Established ADP maintenance and operations
procedures...and ASW acoustic and non-acoustic
data processing procedures.
Revamped, developed and administrated a
training program for all ASW Analysts assigned
to the ASWOC, to align in-house procedures
with the latest developments in Airborne
Antisubmarine Warfare.
Additionally, I provided U.S. interface
on all matters regarding joint ASW procedures
with NATO. I served as the U.S. Coordinator
for the installation of the Italian ADP/ASW
Center at Sigonella, Sicily.
1969-1972: Naval Air Test Center,
Patuxent River, Maryland.
Position: Project Engineer
I successfully directed the engineering
development effort for an optimum air relocatable
modular structure capable of housing the
ASWOC Complex. I was responsible for mechanical
specifications, quality assurance, acceptance
testing and contract negotiations.
1957-1969: Various Military Assignments
Retired Officer's Association
H̲o̲n̲o̲r̲s̲,̲ ̲A̲w̲a̲r̲d̲s̲ ̲a̲n̲d̲ ̲F̲e̲l̲l̲o̲w̲s̲h̲i̲p̲s̲
Presidential Meritorious Service Award
for Command, Control & Communications Efforts
in the Mediterranean.
NATC Patuxent River, Maryland "Military
Man of the Year", 1972.
Nationally selected as an "Outstanding
Young Man of America", 1972
Northwest Alaska Toastmaster of the Year,
Key West, Florida "Man of the Year", 1965
Jan Lauridsen, M.Sc. CE, M.B.A.
1972 Engineering Academy of Denmark, M.Sc.CE
1976 Copenhagen School of Economics and Business
Administration, M.B.A.
1980 International School of Economics and Business
Administration in Fontainebleau, France, Management
Mr.Lauridsen joined Christian Rovsing A/S in 1982
and is currently Manager of Software Development
on the CAMPS Program.
1982- Software Manager on the CAMPS Program (NATO
Computer Aided Message Processing System)
with responsibility for planning and implementation
of systems software and application software.
1978-1982 Product Development Manager on Management
Information Systems and Electronic Fond
Transfer Systems in the System's House
for the Danish Savings Banks. Development
and Implementation of various Database
Management Systems, Query Language Systems,
Report Worker Systems and Communication
1974-1978 Project Manager on Management Information
Systems and Statistical Systems for the
Danish Employees/Employers Pension Foundation.
Development and Implementation of Database
Management Software.
1973-1974 Systems Consultant and section leader for
Operating Systems, Database Management
Systems, and Query Language for Burroughs
Data Systems A/S.
1972-1973 Section leader for Military Geographic
Information Systems Software on the Danish
Army Engineer and NBC-School
Date of birth: June 8, 1948
Languages: Danish, English, German, French
N̲a̲m̲e̲: Knud Benkjer.
1966: Radio Operators Certificate
1975: EDP Engineering Diploma
1983: Business Organzation & Accounting Diploma.
E̲x̲p̲e̲r̲i̲e̲n̲c̲e̲:̲ Mr. Benkjer joined Christian Rovsing A/S
in 1980 and is currently manager for the
CROSS FOX project of the Systems Division.
present: Program manager for the CROSS FOX message
processing facility.
1980-83: Software team-manager at the CAMPS project.
Managed development of the traffic handling
1979-80: Software engineer. F.L. Smidth & Co. A/S,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Established data communication between
the company and its divisions.
1976-80: Software engineer. Ministry of Defence,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Developed and built a message handling
1969-75: Communication officer. Ministry of Defence,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Radio communications expert.
1967-69: Radio officer. East Asiatic Company, Copenhagen,
Maintained ship to shore communication.
Date of Birth: 1st February 1947.
Languages: Danish, English and German.
N̲a̲m̲e̲: Djon Larsen.
1979: K]benhavns Teknikum, BSc. EE.
E̲x̲p̲e̲r̲i̲e̲n̲c̲e̲:̲ Mr. Djon Larsen joined Christian Rovsing
A/S in 1980 and is currently hardware manager
for the CROSS FOX Message processing Facility
present: Hardware manager for the CROSS FOX message
processing facility.
1982-84: Project hardware engineer on the CCIS-CAMPS/
SCARS Protocol Converter project.
1980-82: Christian Rovsing A/S, Denmark.
Position: Project Engineer.
Designed and co-ordinated the development
of a fiber-optic datacommunication link.
HW-engineering on CAMPS Remote Terminals
Date of Birth: 14th April 1954.
Languages: Danish, English (spoken and written).
N̲a̲m̲e̲: Klaus Kj`rsgaard.
1966: Electronic Technician-diploma from Philips
Radio Ltd., Copenhagen.
1970: Engineering College of Copenhagen.
Diploma in Electrical Engineering, BSc.EE.
Aug. 1975 &
Nov. 1978 &
Oct. 1979: Courses in Product Assurance and Quality
Control at The Danish Society for Quality
June & Aug.
1977: Courses in MIL-Q-9858A and MIL-STD-1520
requirements at Delco Electronics, USA.
Member of the Danish Society for Quality
Control since 1977.
present: Product Assurance Manager at Christian
Rovsing A/S in Ballerup with responsibility
for Quality Engineering H/W and S/W Quality
Control, Reliability and Parts & Material
in relation to NATO contracts.
Further responsible for implementation
and Maintenance of a Quality Program compliant
to AQAP-1 and AQAP-13.
1977-83: Product Assurance Manager at DIG-ONE, Copenhagen
for the F-16 Fire Control Computer Co-production
programme. His responsibilities include:
a) Quality Control, Parts & Material and
Reliability functions connected with the
F-16 contract. b) Implementation and maintenance
of a Quality and Reliability System compliant
to MIL-Q-9858A, MIL-STD-1520 and contract
requirements. c) Performance of a First
Article inspection on subassemblies and
end items. d) Management and conductance
of Reliability Qualification and Acceptance
Test per MIL-STD-781B, Test Plan V, Test
Level F.
Chairman for the local F-16 Authorized
Material Review Board. (From march 1982).
1977: Quality Engineer for Christian Rovsing
A/S, Herlev premises. Responsible for implementation
of a Quality System compliant to AQAP-1.
1975-76: Quality Assurance Manager at Bravour A/S
in Copenhagen. Responsible for Receiving
Inspection, In-process and Final inspection
of communication equipment for the Danish
Army. Conducted in-house MRB meetings.
1971-75: Quality Engineer at Bravour A/S in Copenhagen.
Responsible for implementation of a Quality
System for receiving inspection (procedures,
inspections, instructions, part specifications,
sampling plans etc.). Participated in parts
selections and in-house standardisation
of materials. Performed Quality Surveys
at vendors with critical processes.
1970-71: National Service. Worked as Design Engineer
for The Danish Air Material Command. Developed
interface equipment for height measuring
of clouds.
1966-70: Student at the Engineering College of Copenhagen.
Main subject: Digital Technics.
1962-66: Apprentice at PHILIPS RADIO A/S in Copenhagen.
Radio and Television technics.
Date of Birth: 1st March 1945.
Languages: Danish, English (spoken and written).
Responsibility P̲r̲o̲j̲e̲c̲t̲ ̲M̲a̲n̲a̲g̲e̲r̲ ̲L̲K̲S̲A̲A̲
Name Niels J]rgensen.
Date of Birth 9th December 1956.
Languages Danish, English (spoken and written).
Education Technical University of Denmark, BSc.EE.
Experience Mr. Niels J]rgensen joined Christian
Rovsing A/S af 1984 in 1980 and is
currently Project Manager on the MEDS
Program (NATO Message Entry and Distribution
1980-82 Software Engineer on the CAMPS Program.
1982-83 Technical Software coordinator on
the CAMPS program (NATO Computer Aided
Message Processing System).
1983-84 Software Manager on the MEDS program.
1984- Project Manager on the MEDS program.
Responsibility H̲a̲r̲d̲w̲a̲r̲e̲ ̲M̲a̲n̲a̲g̲e̲r̲
Name S]ren Rasmussen
Date of Birth 21 October, 1945
Languages Danish, English (spoken and written)
(German spoken)
Education Technical University of Denmark, BSc.EE.
1973-74 As part of military service attached
to the Danish Defence Research Laboratories
developing multichannel temperature
scanning system.
1974-80 S]ren T. Lyngs] A/S
Project Engineer
Development of Analogue and Digital
Development of microprocessor systems
incl. test & verification S/W tools.
1980-83 Joined Christian Rovsing A/S af 1984
in October, 1980 as H/W Engineer on
the CAMPS Project.
1983- H/W Manager on the AFCENT MWHQ project,
defining the overall H/W concept in
a distributed message processing system.
Responsibility S̲o̲f̲t̲w̲a̲r̲e̲ ̲M̲a̲n̲a̲g̲e̲r̲
Name Bent Hegelund J]rgensen
Date of Birth 15th November 1953.
Languages Danish, English (spoken and written).
German (understood)
Education Technical University of Denmark,
Experience Mr. Bent Hegelund J]rgensen joined
Christian Rovsing A/S af 1984 in
1980 and is currently Software Engineering
Manager for the MEDS Program (NATO
Message Entry and Distribution System).
1980-83 Software Engineer on the CAMPS Program.
1983-84 Software Engineer on the MEDS Program.
1984- Software Manager on the MEDS program.
P̲e̲d̲e̲r̲ ̲B̲j̲o̲r̲h̲o̲l̲m̲
Name: Peder Bjorholm
Age: 36 years
From 1st March, 1985 employed as Departmental Leader
in the Special Projects Department.
Educated as electronic engineer from Danmarks Ingeni]rakademi,
and in 1978 completed Batchelor of Commerce Degree
(finance and credit).
Previously employed with DEFU (Research Association
of the Danish Electricity Supply Undertakings) where
employed for 11 years.
Started at DEFU in 1973, working with network calculations
and planning.
Afterwards became Project Manager, working with EDB-projects
for the Danish Electricity Supply Undertakings.
In 1983 became EDB-Manager with the responsibility
for all EDB-activities within the company.