0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0) Sector 02274130323237 ┆ 'A0227A ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00200…00300 (0, 0, 2) Sector ff0080ffffffff ┆ ~ ` ┆
0x00300…00306 (0, 0, 3) WangDocument {d00=0x22, d01=0x46, d02=0x41, ptr=(62,0, 8), d05=0x00}
0x00306…0030c WangDocument {d00=0x23, d01=0x46, d02=0x41, ptr=(48,0, 0), d05=0x00}
0x0030c…00312 WangDocument {d00=0x26, d01=0x79, d02=0x41, ptr=(50,0, 8), d05=0x00}
0x00312…00318 WangDocument {d00=0x48, d01=0x50, d02=0x41, ptr=(74,0, 0), d05=0x00}
0x00318…00320 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ ┆
0x00320…00340 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ ┆
0x003e0…00400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 ┆ ┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 8 7 Q? > 7 "O OOh OD | W d N ~< v <+&4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' f X% % PO P ; VRA K C g x g V WH O 7 :[( [, z 5652A g a < {C < { ; 2 ;p PK l( lj c k : 9 835 t x 0 g [, B/ U U!U) ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x01100…01200 (1, 0, 1) Sector 0102ff00267941 ┆ &yA 1 3.3.8 Retrieval For Deletion (REDE) (cont'd) 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.8-3. outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen REDE and ┆
0x01200…01300 (1, 0, 2) Sector 0103ff00267941 ┆ &yAretrieved the specific message, the deletion format is presented on the VDU screen. 3 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.8-3.a. outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID and information about the transaction is sent to you┆
0x01300…01400 (1, 0, 3) Sector 0104ff00267941 ┆ &yAr LOG PRINTER. 4 The DELETE is a mandatory Refer to Figure 3.3.8-3.b. entry item. If you enter Yes, the On Keyboard, enter Y system will delete the (yes) or N (no). specific message. Only messages transmitted from this CAMPS site can be ┆
0x01400…01500 (1, 0, 4) Sector 0105fd00267941 ┆ } &yAdeleted. 10 VALIDATION Refer to Figure 3.3.8-4.a. On Keyboard, depress If invalid entry, an the ENTER Key and the error message number system will validate appears in the left hand data. margin. You must correct your mistake by inseRE┆
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5) Sector 0000e000267941 ┆ ` &yArting valid data. If you need further error number explanation proceed to the error messages and error handling section. When the validation is OK, you will be presented with the message handling menu (MSGH). ion about the transaction is ┆
0x01600…01700 (1, 0, 6) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x04f00…05000 (4, 0, 15) Sector 04001700224641 ┆ "FAs a new format. DE ROUTING INDICATOR. sending station. Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 27 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure program function Key F4 Pressing the F4-Key informs the sy┆
0x05000…05100 (5, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x30000…30100 (48, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(48,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41234641}, f00=»2346A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/002 (IV) sp. ram. «, f02=»ktd «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»SUPERV OPERATION MAN «, f05=21-06-82 16:40, f06=» «, f07=»23 «, f08=» 1303 «, f09=20-07-84 12:37, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 22 «, f13=20-07-84 12:43, f14=25-07-84 10:45, f15=»0227A «, f16=» 94 «, f17=» 46 «, f18=»16 «, f19=» 1316 «, f20=»100204 «, f21=» «, f22=» @ «, f99=240010000110052710110170aaca1505000000000000014203a901df}
0x30100…30200 (48, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x32800…32900 (50, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(50,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41267941}, f00=»2679A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/002 (V) «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»SUPERV OPERATION MAN «, f05=24-08-82 09:51, f06=» 7 «, f07=»03 «, f08=» 25992 «, f09=02-05-84 15:16, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 8 «, f13=27-04-84 10:36, f14=01-10-84 16:04, f15=»0227A «, f16=» 16 «, f17=» 14 «, f18=»58 «, f19=» 120 «, f20=» 39324 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=510010000110052710110170aaca15050000000000000042033000df}
0x32900…32a00 (50, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x33000…33100 (51, 0, 0) Sector 3301ff41267941 ┆3 A&yA2679A CPS/OPM/002 (V) rt CLA SUPERV OPERATION MAN 24 08 82 09 51 7 03 25992 02 05 84 15 16 00 6 27 04 84 10 36 07 06 84 14 50 0227A 16 14 58 148 39322 Q ' p*J B 0 _┆
0x33100…33200 (51, 0, 1) Sector 33021000267941 ┆3 &yA 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rfatter: KommentareKommentaretareatter: KommentareKommentaretarerereat]r: Forfatter: KommentareKommentaretarereKommentaretarerereat]r: Forfatter: KommentareKommentaretareretareKommentaretarere┆
0x33200…33300 (51, 0, 2) Sector 3303b400267941 ┆3 4 &yA 1 2679A/rt CPS/OPM/002 CLA/840406 CAMPS SUPERVISOR OPERATION MANUAL Issue 3 CAMPS I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x33300…33400 (51, 0, 3) Sector 3304ff00267941 ┆3 &yA 1 3.2.12 System Parameter Control System Parameter Control Menu (SYPC) The menu to this section will give you the possibility for control of different system parameter┆
0x33400…33500 (51, 0, 4) Sector 3305ff00267941 ┆3 &yAs like: - PRINTER/PUNCHER - CHANNELS - ACP 127 (allied communication procedures) - MESSAGE DISTRIBUTION - SPECIAL DISTRIBUTION - CRISES INDICATOR - QUIET HOURS - FLASH QUEUE - CAMPS INFORMATION FILE - CAMPS De RI - STATISTICS P┆
0x33500…33600 (51, 0, 5) Sector 33060c00267941 ┆3 &yARINT R 0!/=6kM (*(=~ R00!/=6dM (M (I!.=6 :]=2#<!"<6 !%<6 +6L!&<6 :$<~ JY0*.;:i=>Jf0C.1:.= Rp0C%0! <6 M1' R 0C 0! <6 M1' R 0C 0! <6 M1' Z 0CR0Mc&!.=6 ! <6 M1' R40C.1! <6 M1' RC0C.1! <6 M1' RR0C.1!$<5CQ0!$<6 !&<6 Mc&! "(=6 E '<M% ! "2<┆
0x33600…33700 (51, 0, 6) Sector 3307ff00267941 ┆3 &yA 1 Print/Punch Parameter Control (PPPC) PRINT/PUNCH PARAMETER CONTROL is part of the system parameter control. This section enables you to: - Specify the number of l┆
0x33700…33800 (51, 0, 7) Sector 3208ff00267941 ┆2 &yAines per page and between pages for the printers. - Specify how many seconds a message must be delayed before writing out must take place. In the format, you can jump forward or backward by moving the cursor to the desirable entries. After val┆
0x33800…33900 (51, 0, 8) Sector 3309ff00267941 ┆3 &yA 1 3.3.5 Retrieval For Readdressal (READ) (cont'd) 2 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure 3.3.5-3.a. KEY TYPE You must enter one of the possibilities: A, B, E. Thi┆
0x33900…33a00 (51, 0, 9) Sector 330aff00267941 ┆3 &yAs identify the code for the key type by which the message is to be retrieved. Only the key types A, B, E can be used under readdressal. 3 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure 3.3.5-4.a. 4 The "entry of retrieval data" is similar to these des┆
0x33a00…33b00 (51, 0, 10) Sector 330bff00267941 ┆3 &yAcribed during retrieval for local use. If you need further You will find the 3 key information, proceed to sections as described the selected key section below: Key A - Section Key B - Section Key E - Section 3.3.4┆
0x33b00…33c00 (51, 0, 11) Sector 330c0d00267941 ┆3 &yA.6 te by use of "page back". "Scroll forward" will get you one line forward and the opposite by use of "scroll back". 12 If you do not want a print of the message, proceed to step 15. 13 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure┆
0x33c00…33d00 (51, 0, 12) Sector 330dff00267941 ┆3 &yA 1 3.3.5 Retrieval For Readdressal (READ) (cont'd) 5 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.5-5. outputs a new format on If you have selected the VDU screen. READ┆
0x33d00…33e00 (51, 0, 13) Sector 330eff00267941 ┆3 &yA and retrieved the specific message, the READDRESSAL format is presented on the VDU screen. 6 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.5-5.a. outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID and information about the transaction is sent┆
0x33e00…33f00 (51, 0, 14) Sector 330fff00267941 ┆3 &yA to your LOG PRINTER. 7 NOTE: The system inserts Refer to Figure 3.3.5-5.b. the TIME STAMP and the ORIGINATING HEADQUARTERS ID referenced to the message. 8 The FROM is a mandatory Refer to Figure 3.3.5-5.c. entry item. You must enter┆
0x33f00…34000 (51, 0, 15) Sector 3300ff00267941 ┆3 &yA the On Keyboard, enter the name of one of your "name". local headquarters using plain language address (PLA) of PLA reference number. 9 The TO ACTION is a Refer to Figure 3.3.5-5.d. mandatory entry item. You must enter the On Keyboard, e┆
0x34000…34100 (52, 0, 0) Sector 34018700267941 ┆4 &yAr go back to the message handling menu (MSGH). 17 If you do not wish to enter a new command, proceed to step 21. from key type C, D, or E, the same catalogue will be presented. This catalogue is described in section - Catalog┆
0x34100…34200 (52, 0, 1) Sector 3402ff00267941 ┆4 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type C + D + E (cont'd) 18 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.3.7-10.a. program function Key F1. Pressing the F1-Key informs the system th┆
0x34200…34300 (52, 0, 2) Sector 3403ff00267941 ┆4 &yAat the next instruction is a command. 19 On Keyboard, enter the command. 20 Proceed to step 22. 21 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure program function Key F12. Pressing the F12-Key informs the system for return to the me┆
0x34300…34400 (52, 0, 3) Sector 34049500267941 ┆4 &yAssage handling menu (MSGH). 22 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure 23 Proceed to the section associated with your choice. VDU screen KEY TYPE TIME STAMP ITEM REFERENCE ID HEADQUARTERS ID DATE TIME GROUP SICs ┆
0x34400…34500 (52, 0, 4) Sector 3405ff00267941 ┆4 &yA 1 3.3.5 Retrieval For Readdressal (READ) (cont'd) If you have selected READ, the RETRIEVAL FOR READDRESSAL format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure . 3┆
0x34500…34600 (52, 0, 5) Sector 3406ff00267941 ┆4 &yA.3.5-1. NOTE: The retrieval for readdressal format will be displayed in 4 different formats: 1. Entry of key type. 2. Entry of retrieval data. 3. Display of message. If more than one message satisfies the retrieval parameters, a ca┆
0x34600…34700 (52, 0, 6) Sector 3407ff00267941 ┆4 &yAtalogue with these message data will be displayed. You can go back and enter the specific data for the desired message. 3a. Display of catalogue. 4. Display of header data. 1 Select one of the following options: A TIME STAMP + CHA┆
0x34700…34800 (52, 0, 7) Sector 33088200267941 ┆3 &yANNEL ID + CHANNEL SERIES NO. B TIME STAMP + STATION ID + STATION SERIES NO + FILE TIME E DATE TIME GROUP + HQ ID. 6 On Keyboard, enter the desired command. 7 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure 8 If you have selected ┆
0x34800…34900 (52, 0, 8) Sector 34099200267941 ┆4 &yA the command RELU, proceed back to step 1 in section 3.3.4, otherwise proceed to the section associated with the entered command. e VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type C, D, or E, the same catalog┆
0x34900…34a00 (52, 0, 9) Sector 340aff00267941 ┆4 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type C + D + E (cont'd) 9 Observe that the message Refer to Figure is displayed on the VDU screen. 10 The system displays max u┆
0x34a00…34b00 (52, 0, 10) Sector 340bff00267941 ┆4 &yApto 27 lines at once. If the message is longer proceed to step 11, otherwise to step 12. 11 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure the desired DISPLAY You can get the following CONTROL Key. page by use of "page forward" or the┆
0x34b00…34c00 (52, 0, 11) Sector 340cff00267941 ┆4 &yA opposite by use of "page back". "Scroll forward" will get you one line forward and the opposite by use of "scroll back". 12 If you do not want a print of the message, proceed to step 15. 13 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure┆
0x34c00…34d00 (52, 0, 12) Sector 340daf00267941 ┆4 / &yAb. the program function Key F3. 14 Press Enter Key. Refer to Figure The system will print out the whole message on your SUPERVISOR PRINTER. ntains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must con┆
0x34d00…34e00 (52, 0, 13) Sector 340eff00267941 ┆4 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type C + D + E (cont'd) 15 If you have started the retrieval from readdressal (READ), redestribution (REDS) or deletion (REDE). Press ENT┆
0x34e00…34f00 (52, 0, 14) Sector 340fff00267941 ┆4 &yAER Key. Refer to Figure The system will send you back to continue the readdressal, redistribution or deletion for the specific message. If you need further information for continue the readdressal, proceed to section 3.3.5 - step┆
0x34f00…35000 (52, 0, 15) Sector 3400ff00267941 ┆4 &yA 5 and for continue the redistribution, proceed to section 3.3.7 step 2 and for continue the deletion, proceed to section 3.3.8 step 2. 16 If you have started the retrieval from local use (RELU), you can break off by use of a new command o┆
0x35000…35100 (53, 0, 0) Sector 3501ff00267941 ┆5 &yAsfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type C, D, or E, the same catalogue will be presented. This catalogue is described in section - Catalog┆
0x35100…35200 (53, 0, 1) Sector 35021c00267941 ┆5 &yAue Key Type C + D + E.esented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID and informat┆
0x35200…35300 (53, 0, 2) Sector 3503ff00267941 ┆5 &yA 1 Catalogue Key Type C + D + E (cont'd) 1 If only one message satisfies the retrieval parameters, proceed to step 9. 2 If more than one message Refer to ┆
0x35300…35400 (53, 0, 3) Sector 3504ff00267941 ┆5 &yAFigure satisfies the retrieval For every message this parameters, a catalogue is catalogue informs you about: presented on the VDU screen KEY TYPE TIME STAMP ITEM REFERENCE ID HEADQUARTERS ID DATE TIME GROUP SICs ┆
0x35400…35500 (53, 0, 4) Sector 3505ff00267941 ┆5 &yA 3 You can select the searched message from the information in the catalogue. 4 You must enter new command, and if you want a message for local use (RELU), re- addressal (READ), redistribu- tion (REDS) or deletion (REDE) belongi┆
0x35500…35600 (53, 0, 5) Sector 3506ff00267941 ┆5 &yAng to a specific cata- logue data you must enter the desired command, and go back to start in the associated section and input exactly this data. 5 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure program function Key F1. Pressing┆
0x35600…35700 (53, 0, 6) Sector 35075000267941 ┆5 P &yA the F1-Key informs the system that the next instruction is a "command". our 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The ITEM REF. ID. is a mandatory entry item. ┆
0x35700…35800 (53, 0, 7) Sector 3408ff00267941 ┆4 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type C + D + E (cont'd) 6 On Keyboard, enter the desired command. 7 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure 8 If you have selected ┆
0x35800…35900 (53, 0, 8) Sector 3509ff00267941 ┆5 &yAsection If more than one message Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. satisfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type C, D, or E, the same catalog┆
0x35900…35a00 (53, 0, 9) Sector 350a6c00267941 ┆5 l &yAue will be presented. This catalogue is described in section - Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. ure the DTG The DTG contains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must consist of 11 characters. DAT┆
0x35a00…35b00 (53, 0, 10) Sector 350bff00267941 ┆5 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type E (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. E, the RETRIE┆
0x35b00…35c00 (53, 0, 11) Sector 350cff00267941 ┆5 &yAVAL KEY E format is presented on the VDU screen. You can only use this format to retrieve incoming messages 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID and information about the ┆
0x35c00…35d00 (53, 0, 12) Sector 350dff00267941 ┆5 &yA transaction is sent to your LOG PRINTER. 3 The DATE TIME GROUP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure DTG. The DTG contains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must con┆
0x35d00…35e00 (53, 0, 13) Sector 350ef300267941 ┆5 s &yAsist of 11 characters. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) For instance: 192135Z FEB 4 The HEADQUATER ID is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 6. message. 1┆
0x35e00…35f00 (53, 0, 14) Sector 350fff00267941 ┆5 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type E (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter the ID, Refer to Figure The ID contains information about format line 6 of ACP 127 messages. ┆
0x35f00…36000 (53, 0, 15) Sector 3500ff00267941 ┆5 &yA You can enter the originating headquarter using plain language address (PLA) or PLA reference number. 6 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure proceed to section If more than one message Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. sati┆
0x36000…36100 (54, 0, 0) Sector 3601ff00267941 ┆6 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type D (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. D, the RETRIE┆
0x36100…36200 (54, 0, 1) Sector 3602ff00267941 ┆6 &yAVAL KEY D format is presented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID and informat┆
0x36200…36300 (54, 0, 2) Sector 3603ff00267941 ┆6 &yAion about the transaction is sent to your LOG PRINTER. 3 The TIME STAMP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. You must enter the moment from which you search retrieval- first draft-, r┆
0x36300…36400 (54, 0, 3) Sector 3604ff00267941 ┆6 &yAelease notification- or comment of a message. The timestamp must consist of 14 characters. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance:192135Z FEB 82. 4 The WINDOW is an optional en┆
0x36400…36500 (54, 0, 4) Sector 36055400267941 ┆6 T &yAtry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 6. is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. You must enter the moment from which you search retrieval of a message. ┆
0x36500…36600 (54, 0, 5) Sector 3606ff00267941 ┆6 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type D (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure HOUR and/or MINUTES This identifies a time window used to limit the search of th┆
0x36600…36700 (54, 0, 6) Sector 3607ff00267941 ┆6 &yAe catalogue. You can enter max upto 6 hours. For instance: 1 hour 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The ITEM REF. ID. is a mandatory entry item. ┆
0x36700…36800 (54, 0, 7) Sector 3508ff00267941 ┆5 &yAOn Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the ID. This is the identity of a message, defined by the system. You must enter the number which identify the search message. 7 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure proceed to ┆
0x36800…36900 (54, 0, 8) Sector 3609ff00267941 ┆6 &yAhe catalogue. You can enter max upto 6 hours. For instance: 1 hour 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The DATE TIME GROUP is an optional entry item. ┆
0x36900…36a00 (54, 0, 9) Sector 360aff00267941 ┆6 &yA If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 8. 7 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the DTG The DTG contains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must consist of 11 characters. DAT┆
0x36a00…36b00 (54, 0, 10) Sector 360b6000267941 ┆6 ` &yAE (2) HOUR (2) Minute (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) For instance: 192135Z FEB stem will print out the whole message on your SUPERVISOR PRINTER. IAL NO is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed┆
0x36b00…36c00 (54, 0, 11) Sector 360cff00267941 ┆6 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type C (cont'd) 8 The HEADQUARTERS ID is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 10. 9 On Keybo┆
0x36c00…36d00 (54, 0, 12) Sector 360dff00267941 ┆6 &yAard, enter Refer to Figure the ID. The ID contains information about format line 6 of ACP 127 messages. You can enter the originating headquarter using plain language address (PLA) or PLA reference number. 10 The SIC is an opti┆
0x36d00…36e00 (54, 0, 13) Sector 360eff00267941 ┆6 &yAonal entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 12. 11 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the SIC. The subject indicator code (SIC) contains a list of SDLs which distribute an incoming message. 1┆
0x36e00…36f00 (54, 0, 14) Sector 360fff00267941 ┆6 &yA6 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure proceed to section If more than one message Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. satisfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and fin┆
0x36f00…37000 (54, 0, 15) Sector 3600af00267941 ┆6 / &yAished your retrieve data from key type C, D, or E, the same catalogue will be presented. This catalogue is described in section - Catalogue key type C + D + E. .a. NUMBER The channel serial number is the number of messages sent over the s┆
0x37000…37100 (55, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x37300…37400 (55, 0, 3) Sector 3704ff00267941 ┆7 &yAVAL KEY C format is presented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID and informat┆
0x37400…37500 (55, 0, 4) Sector 3705ff00267941 ┆7 &yAion about the transaction is sent to your LOG PRINTER. 3 The TIME STAMP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. You must enter the moment from which you search retrieval of a message. ┆
0x37500…37600 (55, 0, 5) Sector 3706ff00267941 ┆7 &yA The timestamp must consist of 14 characters. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 4 The WINDOW is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define ┆
0x37600…37700 (55, 0, 6) Sector 37072800267941 ┆7 ( &yAthis entry, proceed to step 6. mand. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 4 The WINDOW is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define ┆
0x37700…37800 (55, 0, 7) Sector 3608ff00267941 ┆6 &yA 1 Retrieval Key Type C (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure HOUR and/or MINUTES This identifies a time window used to limit the search of t┆
0x37800…37900 (55, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x3e800…3e900 (62, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(62,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41224641}, f00=»2246A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/002 (III) sp.ram. «, f02=»ktd «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»SUPERV OPERATION MAN «, f05=07-06-82 08:33, f06=» 2 «, f07=»22 «, f08=» 7167 «, f09=29-05-84 16:11, f10=» «, f11=»03 «, f12=» 22 «, f13=17-05-84 10:20, f14=07-06-84 13:13, f15=»0227A «, f16=» 77 «, f17=» 42 «, f18=»09 «, f19=» 1168 «, f20=» 76999 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=400010000110052710110170aaca15050000000000000142034f01df}
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