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⟦5390617c6⟧ Wang Wps File
Length: 44021 (0xabf5)
Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: DN's
Names: »0148A «
└─⟦84647c47a⟧ Bits:30005817 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0014A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »0148A «
D…09…D…0e…D C…0a…C…0f…C B…0a…B…00…B…05……86…1
19, 1980…02……02…CAMPS
1 Accepted.
2 Accepted. Applicable to the extend
specified in the contract.
3 Accepted. Will be defined in term
4 Accepted. Delete "preparation" and
5 Clarification. See section 3.1.1 h)
6 Accepted, provided we can agree on
7 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Information received from SHAPE (SD35-9
of 19 March 79) be evaluated. SHAPE
must further clarify electrical interface
and data formats between OCR and our
8 Not accepted. The IFB annex A to section
3.1 states 2 wired and both equipped
connections to CCIS/SCARS. Refer also
proposal page 2002.
9 Return traffic to MSP is a new requirement.
Ref. IFB section 2.7.3 page 2-18 (iv).
10 Not accepted. CAMPS supports only
are papertape reader. If this is not
installed in the supervisor area,
the feasability of connecting this
via crypto equipment shall be evaluated.
See hardware proposal vol II part
II figure 4.5.1.
11a Accepted. A reference will be made
to section
11b Medium speed printer with keyboard
is not supplied nor supported by CR.
See the CAMPS proposal para
See also IFB pare 2.7.3(i) and questions
Q31, Q93, Q95.
11c Accepted.
11d Not accepted. The IFB section 2.7.2
(last para page 2-14) gives modulation
rate to 1200 bits/second.
11e Not accepted. The number given is
total for all VDU's. See annex A to
subsection 3.1 of the IFB.
12 Accepted. The meaning here is that
the supervisor may logically have
assigned more than one of the equipped
8 ROP interfaces. The diagram will
be updated.
13 Accepted. The word "military" will
be deleted.
14 A reference to section
will be included.
15 See IFB section 3.16 page 3.16.2,
and page 3.10-5. The IFB
limits clearly the number of operators
associated with one terminal to 5.
16 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ If the CR understanding on the subject
is incorrect, SHAPE should clarify.
The addressing scheme was formally
asked for by CR in telex CPS/TLX/0065
dated 1980-05-01. The stated discrepancy
contradicts IFB sec. and
3.10.2(e), however we agree, that
a correct addressing scheme is a must,
so please forward exact information
in a formal way.
17a Refer answer to 16.
17b Accept that AIG's shall be converted
to PLA's before conversion to RI's.
17c Accepted.
17d Will be clarified.
17e Not accepted. The IFB section
and specifies unambiguously
that the distribution of INFO copies
is similar to distribution for incoming
messages. The last 6 lines of the
discrepancy specifies a new requirement.
17f S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Clarification of word "refile" by
SHAPE. CAMPS is not a relay center.
18 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Clarify for addressing of colocated
HQ's. Refer 16.
19 Reference detailed description
20 Accepted.
21 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Clarify addressing scheme refer 16.
22 Not accepted. The explanation is given
in last para.
23 Accepted.
24 Accepted.
25 Group 1,2 and 3 may be assigned to
the same terminal position. According
to the IFB section the MDCO
shall handle special handling messages.
26a Accepted. In fact the description
is in discrepance with section 3.2.4.
CR proposes, that the supervisor may
(under his responsibility) assign
all group 1,2 and 3 functions to the
supervisor terminal. This has been
proposed, because some sites have
not more than 2 positions for group
1,2 and 3 functions.
26b Queued globally means, one queue exists
for all messages directed for MDCO.
All terminal position whereto the
MOCO function has been assigned accesses
this one queue to get messages for
processing. The actual message delivered
to a MDCO position is the oldest at
moment of request.
27a See section 3.2.7 and section
- Section will be
27b Not accepted. The discrepancy is incorrect.
Page 2020 in the proposal states 4
27c The IFB section indicates
that 30 days is a maximum. This has
been incorporated in the proposal
page 2020. It is clear that deliverable
equipment limits the time.
28 This section gives only overview.
The transactions are specified in
section 3.2.5 "Logging".
29a The requirement is included in section
29b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Clarify the use. In order to support
retrieval essential DTG information
must be stored.
29c Not accepted. The IFB section 3.17.4
states the requirement.
30a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Explain discrepancies.
30b Not accepted. Refer IFB section
30c See section 7.2.1 of the IFB, the
last 8 lines on page 7-4 and the first
3 lines on page 7-5.
30d Accepted. Will be included in ICD/0001
on page 5 at bottom and at other relevant
30e Not accepted, refer IFB 3.16.2.
31a Accepted. Incorporated.
31b Accepted. Incorporated.
31c Accepted. Will be clarified.
32a Accepted. Will be clarified. Text
will be changed. Refer to DN 16 as
32b Accepted. Will be clarified.
32c Accepted. Internal distribution copies
are distributed in format E2 and takes
place after step 7 according to SIC's.
32d Accepted. SRS will be changed accordingly.
33 Accepted. Include the following text
in step 8 p 32 of SRS: "Internal distribution
copies will be distributed in format
34 Refer to DN/33.
35 a,b Accepted. Incorporated.
35c Accepted. Text will be changed.
36 Accepted. Text accepted with the following,
modification "-(no validation for
data message and message with encrypted
37a Accepted. Incorporated.
37b Not accepted. New requirement to display
AIG's. Concerning reference numbers
clarification will be inserted.
37c Accepted. Called for procedure included
in ICD/0001 format A. Clarifying
text will be inserted.
37d Accepted. Change will be incorporated.
37e Accepted. Reference will be inserted.
37f Accepted. Will be incorporated.
38a Accepted. Will be incorporated.
38b Not accepted. New requirement.
38c Accepted. Change text to: "entering
of message text interactively according
to stored format information."
39 Accepted. Incorporated as is.
40a Accepted. Change text "supported by
the system" to "selectable".
40b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please be more specific.
40c Not accepted. The procedure in SRS
is the procedure asked for in IFB
41 Not accepted. Refer to ICD/0001 format
42a Accepted. Incorporated.
42b Accepted. Reference to ICD/0001 format
43 Not accepted. New requirement.
44 Accepted. Duplicate of 32d.
45 Accepted. Add text "of the same comment"
after last para 321222.
46 Not accepted. New requirement.
47 Accepted.
48a Refer to ICD/0001 format E2.
48b Accepted.
49 Refer to SRS p70 fig.
50 Duplicate of DN/7.
51 Accepted. Incorporated.
52a Accepted with modification. Incorporated
as is e̲x̲c̲e̲p̲t̲ ̲f̲o̲r̲ ̲l̲i̲n̲e̲ ̲1̲2̲c̲:̲ according
to IFB 3B.2.12.3 only EXER/NICKNAME
shall be inserted. Otherwise new
requirement.l̲i̲n̲e̲ ̲1̲4̲:̲ According to
IFB only messages entered
as complete may contain this line.
New requirement.
52b Accepted. Refer to DN 52a.
53 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please be specific.
54 Accepted. Text will be changed.
55 Accepted. Text will be changed.
56 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Accepted/SRS to be changed after SHAPE
57 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ "Max 200 RI's per channel".The SRS
procedures associated with premature
termination of message are for automatic
insertion of listed sequencies. Please
provide correct sequencies; sequencies
in SRS are in accordance with IFB
58 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ The procedure of 32163 in SRS is a
requirement from IFB and
Please clarify change of scope.
59 Refer to DN/57.
60a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ SHAPE to provide referenced format.
61 Not accepted. This is according to
IFB and as reflected in ICD/0003/
62 The information in Fig.
is applicable for the incoming message
analysis as specified in the SRS.
The text will be changed to state
this fact. According to ANNEX 3B,
section 3B2.5 operating signals in
line 5 are of no relevance to processing
of incoming message.
63 Accepted. Except that the reference
to "serie" cannot be formal.
64 Accepted. Add C as line recognition
in line 14.
65 Accepted with modification. Text to
read "Based on the SIC of the message
and the associated distribution inform
of SCD's derived from SDL's associated
to SIC's".
66 Insert the following text: special
handling messages are routed to MDCO
after incoming messages analysis (refer
to CPS/230/ICD/0003 App. A and section
67 Refer to SRS section for
requirement (max. 3 SIC's).
68 Not accepted. The IFB does not state
any procedural requirement related
to handling of encrypted messages.
69 Accepted. Incorporated.
70 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ SHAPE shall clarify the contents of
the DN in more detail (refer DN No.
10 + 68).
71 Medium speed printers with keyboard
are not supplied nor supported by
CR. See the CAMPS proposal para
See also IFB para 2.7.3(i) and questions
Q31, Q93, Q95.
72 a) The mentioned configuration is
not supported.
b) The max. no. of users associated
with a terminal is 5 according
to the IFB para 3.16.1 page 3-11-2.
Duplicate of DN no. 15.
73a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ What is needed to be explained please?
The requirement is formulated according
to the IFB para 7.2.1 page 7-4.
73b Duplicate of DN 15, 72. See also IFB
para 3.16.1 page 3-16-2.
73c Duplicate of DN 30b. See also IFB
para 3.16.3, 3A.18, 3.3.3(e),,
74a Accepted. The rules for assignment
of functions are described in SRS
para page 93. See also
para 3.2.4 page 133 for supervisor
function allocation.
74b Duplicate of DN 30b, 73c. See also
IFB para 3.16.3, 3A.18, 3.3.3(e),, highlighting
75a Accepted.
75b Printers are controlled by the same
lock as the VDU. Teleprinters supplied
by SHAPE will not be mounted with
a key by CR.
76a Accepted.
76b Accepted.
77a See SRS para page 89 and
SRS para page 122.
77b The only reference to an audible alarm
is found in the supervisor chapter
3.11.8 concerning FLASH messages.
This requirement is supported. See
SRS (h3).
77c It can be changed at any time. The
requirement will be clarified by a
change to SRS para
78 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ This is a known problem. CR awaits
input from SHAPE.
79a Accepted.
79b Accepted.
79c According to the IFB 3A 15.2 the SRS
requirement is correctly stated.
79d This requirement will be included.
79e Accepted.
80 Duplicate of DN 30b, 73c, 75. See
also IFB para 3.16.3. 3A.18, 3.3.3(e),, highlighting
81 The correction procedure described
in the SRS is the procedure asked
for in the IFB para 3.3.8. The procedures
in SRS (b3, b4) can be used
on the current line during initial
entry as specified in the IFB para and
82a Accepted. We suggest to delete the
word "interactive" since the definition
of the procedures in question states
whether the procedure is interactive
or not.
82b In the SRS a message is suggested
deleted by using the FORMAT P1. See
SRS para (a23) and ICD/0001
para 24. We consider the "Delete Message"
function to be insecure since messages
can be inadvertently deleted. Please
83 Duplicate of 81.
84 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ The comment is understood, but we
are awaiting the input from SHAPE.
85 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please be specific.
86 The explanation of the inter-relationship
is found in SRS para (G2).
The last remark is accepted.
87 Occurance = quiuing to the terminal.
88 Accepted.
89 Duplicate of DN 77a.
90 We do not mind removing C2. However,
we are here satisfying the IFB 3A.2.17,
3A.4.6. Please comment.
91 We read this as a comment which is
a duplicate of DN 77a, 90.
92 YES, see SRS and 3.2.4.
93a Editorial change: Move the word "new"
in front of "transaction".
93b The stated requirement is satisfying
IFB para and 3A.22.
94 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ The requirement is found in the IFB
para 3A.20, 3A.25, 3A.27. Please explain
what you mean. Which "position" shall
be "position".
95 Scroll mode and page mode are as required
in the IFB para 3.1.4.
96 Not an IFB requirement. SEE IFB para, 7.3.2, 3.1.5.
97 Accepted.
98 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please explain further.
99 The formats N2, Q2, R2 will be added
to the upper list. The lower list
will remain as it is.
100 Accepted. Update drawing to show up
to 4 ROP's at supervisor position.
101 2 parts.
1) Accepted. Update list in drawing
to include "Addressing Tables
2) Withdrawn by SHAPE.
102 New requirement. The supervisor is
capable of sending and receiving service
103 Does not exist.
104 See ICD/0002 page 17. Refer IFB 3.11.5.
105a Accepted. Remove page 138.
105b Accepted. Add after "PEC".: "This
command shall be protected by default".
106a Refer IFB "Highest classification
of Message".
106b This is included to precise that a
"table" is a logical relationship,
without implying restrictions on the
physical layout when implemented.
Clarification will be included.
106c S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ The IFB needs further clarification.
107a Yes. This is included by the first
two lines
107b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Refer 16.
108 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Accepted. Add after "FL6" "(Routing
109a Accepted."Empty" shall be "Blank".
109b Accepted. Because the supervisor may
only select, that security warning
shall be used for messages above SECRET/select
that it shall not be used. In the
proceeding para it may be specified
per category. Will be clarified.
109c Refer discrepancy number 15.
110a Accepted. Insert "password" after
110b Accepted. Add after "password": This
command shall be protected by default".
110c Accepted. Replace first "be" by "by".
111a Not accepted. The para refers to IFB last para.
111b Not accepted. Refer IFB last
112 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Refer discrepancy 7. Refer
113 Accepted. Will be clarified.
114 Highly classified refers to the situation,
where the supervisor selects whether
or not security warning shall be applied
(see p 143 top).
115a Refer IFB 3.18.1 (p 3. 18-3 top).
115b Refer IFB 3.18.1 (p 3. 18-3 top).
Yes, they will be lost.
115c Add after "initiated": "For the released
message. (E.g. printout at terminal
position, transmission over external
116 Accepted. Insert "by precedence" after
117 Accepted. Replace "conversion" by
"ACP 127 conversion and transmission".
118 The IFB para requires,
that the supervisor shall be able
to designate additional channels as
supervisory channels. The identity
of the channels he designates is chosen
by him under his responsibility.
119 Refer para and
120 As incoming messages may be garbled
(also precedence and security class)
the message servicer should have a
capability to correct. After correction
the messages will be reprocessed according
to ACP 127.
121 Accepted. Will be included in section
122a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Not understood. SHAPE clarify.
122b Refer IFB 3.11.10.
122c Refer IFB 3.11.10 last para.
122d The system will check that the specified
instructions can be carried out (e.g.
terminal is classified to receive
the message).
123 Accepted. Will be included.
124 Refer IFB last para.
125 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Accepted. Recommendations from SHAPE
will be welcome.
126 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Not accepted. The section describes
NICS TARE/TRC messages. Log for other
incoming messages will be described
when the interfaces are defined.
127 Accepted.
128a Not accepted. See above 126.
128b Accepted.
129 Accepted.
130 Not accepted. Is not an IFB requirement.
131 The log-records associated with the
supervisor use of dedicated command
may be retrieved using time interval
and a code specifying "supervisor
dedicated commands". Refer
132 Not accepted. No requirements for
statistic on queuelength, delays and
overload is identified in IFB.
133 The missing requirements are of a
different nature and hence included
in section 3.2.5. 6.1.1.b of SRS.
134 Accepted. Incorporated.
135 Accepted. Change text "external channel"
to "distribution terminal".
136 Accepted. Incorporated. The following
text in 3265: "Formats associated
with CAMPS/CCIS and CAMPS/SCARS interface
shall also be treated in the same
137a Accepted. Replace "non-message" by
138a The user is informed in format line
C of format F (notification of release).
138b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
139a Accepted. This section discusses only
long term storage. Details will be
included in
139b Accepted. It will be included.
140 See above 139a. The same explanation
will not be included twice.
141 Accepted. Add the following text to of SRS: "-- parameter file,
i.e. to command the production of
an off-line copy of the on-line file".
142a "Normally" because of para c) in SRS and the requirement in IFB
3.18.2 (on-line storage may have been
142b This is initialization, not restart
or recovery (refer to requirements
in IFB 3.18.2).
143 Not accepted. Para a) reflects IFB
3.19.6. Details belong to a design
144 During operations, audit information
beyond the error reporting and security
necessary to fullfil the requirements
for system availability, integrity
and overall security is not foreseen.
145a Not accepted. We have decided to use
the term "Error" consequently. The
definition of total system error is
given in SRS
145b Accepted. Change text to read: "The
data (defined above) stored prior
to ---".
145c Not accepted. The actual recovery
time is not a requirement. The requirements
for error handling is given by section of SRS p 194.
145d Accepted. Change to section
of SRS.
145e Not accepted. This is a quote from
IFB 3.18.1. The kind of errors will
result from design analysis.
146 SRS list the storage requirements
i.e. "to the last storage" which is
further detailed in SRS
Further "No messages
shall be lost within the network,"
i.e. in- and out-messages are fully
accounted for. Refer also to
147 Not accepted. The sentence is bases
on IFB 3.19.3.
148 Refer to, SRS and SRS as reflecting IFB 3.18.1.
149 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please be specific. Section fully
complied with IFB 3.20 except for
interfaces to CCIS and SCARS.
150a We agree to implement the NICS/TARE
I/O interface protocol in force as
of 30. August 1980.
150b As clearly stated in the IFB
the NICS/TARE transmission rate shall
be 2400 bits/sec.
151a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify what is wrong.
151b SRS is correct, please refer to the
IFB section
151c S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ SHAPE clarify comment.
151d Refer DN No. 150a.
152a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ This is CR's interpretation of the
IFB 3.14.3. Please be specific.
153b Refer DN no. 152a.
153c Refer DN no. 152a.
154a Accepted.
154b CR identifies no discrepancy.
154c CR fully comply with the detailed
interface requirements in the IFB
section 3.20.
155a CR is evaluating the material available.
Further material might be required.
155b If this is a problem we do not consider
it a CR-interface problem.
155c Accepted. Incorporated.
156 CR expects ON/OFF signals from modem/crypto
which shall be forwarded to the supervisor.
157 Accepted. Change to fig.
158a Accepted. Para has been deleted.
158b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify your view.
158c Accepted.
159 Accepted. Change wording to: "in this
section all traffic load is specified".
160a Para. 3. Refer IFB section
para 6. This figure has been included
to define the word "rarely" (IFB
Para 9. See IFB last two
160b See IFB
161a Will be included.
161b Will be reconsidered and updated.
161c Will be clarified by an algorithm.
161d Not accepted. Refer proposal page
2004 and IFB page 2.15.
162 Will be updated.
163 Will be reconsidered and updated.
164a In the absence of statistical data
from SHAPE these figures were an assumption.
We are looking for figures which are
to be used for performance analysis.
S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Refer Q24 stating, that detailled
statistical information will be made
available. Please submit to CR in
a formal way.
164b For the first two see IFB 2.7.2 (p
2-14 last section).
The last: IFB sec. 2.7.2 gives an
outgoing rate of 6/min. This rate
would be the absolute max. for number
of relased messages.
164c We hope above information makes it
possible for you to understand the
164d In order not to confuse bitrates and
characterrates the IFB proposes this
in section 2.7.2 p 2-14.
165 Table 2-1 page 2-15 of the IFB leaves
no room at all for OCRE and PTR message
input. It is a natural assumption
that messages from this equipment
are included in the preparation figures.
166a The IFB mixes the term distribution.
Sometimes it means the selection of
staff cells/terminal equipment which
are to receive a message, sometimes
it means the actual printout. Here
distribution means selection by means
of SDL's or MDCO controlled, whereby
reception means the printout. Will
be clarified in document.
166b See IFB p 2-14 and 2-15.
167 The figure for TRC is in fact too
high max 6 lines with each 10 chars/s
(see IFB p 2-15) gives 60 chars/s
where the 160 char/s applies as a
total for all low speed devices. The
figures for ACE ACCIS and for SCARS
II are according to fig. 2-1 of page
2-15 of the IFB. Be aware that the
channel max. bitrate is higher to
accomodate for protocols at low level.
168a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ These figures are needed for design
and for performance calculations.
See 164a.
168b 2. sentence explains how messages
shall be kept before release, 4. sentence
after release.
1) "Until released" is covered in
1. sentence + the term above
in the 2. sentence.
2) The sentences 1 and 2 have no
effect on released messages to
the proposed addition would make
the text redundant.
3) The storage capacity may be calculated
using the fact: One average message
is 1500 characters long:
1500 chars/copy x 2 copy/msg = *
3900 msg x 8 bits/char = 93,6 Mbits
Document will be updated.
168c As the requirement is described in
both section 2.4 and section 3.13
of the IFB it is evident that the
precise definition in section 3.13
must be seen as a clarification of
the not very well defined requirement
of section 2.4.
169 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ The figures are needed for design
and performance analysis. See 164a.
170a Accepted. Change to "3000".
170b Q98 does not address number of AIG's.
170c Accepted. Change "3000" "3900".
170d IFB indicates that the
number of SDL's to be stored is 400.
We found the number 400 as good as
170e SCD composition not to be defined
170f Accepted with modified wording. The
meaning is the same. Average and maximum
should logically be indicated separately
in order to be more specific.
170g This section indicates limits on capacities
and does not pretend to give an exhaustive
functional description. If you would
indicate where you find it imprecise
we would like to update accordingly.
170h The limitation are specified in line
5 and 6 of section Re RI's
refer to para 8 and our comments
to your DN 56. Re SIC's add as last
para on page 85:
"Redundant SCD's as resulting from
more than one SIC present in incoming
messages shall be considered only
once at distribution. If a SCD appears
as both ACTION and INFO it shall be
considered as ACTION".
171a The discrepancy indicated is not fully
understood. DN 170c and the answer
indicate max 3900.
171b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ IF the CR interpretation of the SIC/SDL
relationship is wrong, it is the purpose
of this review that SHAPE clarifies
on the subject. It should be noted,
that this section does only give limitations
and not functional requirements. See
172 Not accepted. The mentioned para describes
the performance requirement to preemption.
The functional description is included
173 Not understood. We would like you
to precise the points, where the SRS
does not reflect the IFB. If your
remark is on our 90% limit on the
performance requirements we can clarify
this: Assuming 24 VDU's performing
Message Preparation and all requiring
response at 120 chars/sec. at codence
speed, this would lead to an instant
peak of 2880 chars/sec., where table
2-1 of the IFB limits this peak to
1400 chars/sec. As this situation
is relatively rare, we have introduced
the requirement, that response should
in 90% of all cases be within 1 sec.
A detailled statistical analysis could
give the exact figure.
174a Re 1. para. This would be an input
to design in order to make retrieval
responses as fast as possible. If
SHAPE has no such information available,
we will agree to delete the restriction.
Re 2. and 3. para. As retrievals are
not specified in table 2-1 page 2-15
of the IFB, we would assume the load
from retrievals to be negligible.
The two paras allow for retrievals
up to the specified amount.
174b Not understood. The discrepancy on
the response-time is not understood.
The response-time shall be max. 4
seconds for messages not older than
24 hours and max. 4 minutes (after
possible mounting) for messages older
than 24 hours. Refer proposal page
174c S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Not understood. Will SHAPE please
clarify how section does
not reflect performance requirements
to retrievals.
175a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ 1) IFB expansion requirement: 25%
in number of terminals.
2) IFB: + amendment 4 is
base for capacity specifications.
175b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ IFB and amendment 4 describes
supervisor position equipment. Connectivity
requirement is included in VDU- and
175c S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ OCR specifications and traffic statistics
shall be delivered to CR from SHAPE
for further analysis to clarify this
176a Accepted.
1) Fill the blanks: Scheme is according
to original contract. Will be
2) See DN 175b.
176b Accepted. Editorial.
177 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
178a 1) Current loop interface: Connections
to Low Speed Teleprinters and
TRC's are discussed in Progress
2) CR intention: Correct the table
in PROPOSAL/4043
a) to be in accordance with IFB
(transmission speeds).
b) remove "internal interfaces".
178b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ OCR-standard. Please clarify. See
DN no. 7.
179a Accepted. Recommended action: include:
h): Radiation: TEMPEST approved according
to COMSEC requirements.
179b Not accepted. Ref.: IFB 2.7.2 (p 2-14).
179c Not accepted. This section concerns
VDU-requirements, not the functional
179e Accepted. Recommended change:
Screen: contains 24 lines of min.
69 characters.
179f This is a design problem. The VDU
will be selected to fit the specifications
of as a minimum.
180 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Referred statements:
a) TEMPEST approval: See SYS,,g.
b) 1200 bps: see IFB, 2.7.2 (page
c) Accepted: Recommended action:
SYS delete "bugger".
d) Please clarify.
e-f) This is a design problem. The
medium speed printer will be
selected to fit the specifications
of as a minimum
181 Not accepted. IFB, annex 2C (page
182 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify. Which section in
SYS is addressed.
183a a) Accepted. Recommended action.
183b b) Cage solution:
ref: CR PROPOSAL, Contract, para 22.1.1.
This subject is discussed on CAMPS
progress meetings.
184 The pages do not give requirements,
but technical data.
Recommended action:
Fig. and -3 and last clause
in section to be removed.
185a Accepted. Recommended correction
a) Phases: Single- or 3-phase, and
185b 1) The limits are related to the
disk-units as described in CR
Proposal, page 4099.
2) The problem is being discussed
in Progress Meetings.
185c See Question/Answer No. 35 from Bidders
Conference 20. sept. 1978.
185d S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
186 Not accepted. No requirements. If
the site environment predict shock
and vibration in excess of a level
acceptable for commercial type computer
equipment, suitable installation protection
should be established.
187 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Is SHAPE opinion that this is not
"normal computer environment", please
188 Accepted. Recommended change:
----of service to users as specified
in section will be achieved
189 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
190a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
190b CR will act according to contract,
para 22.
191 Accepted.
192a Accepted. Recommended correction.
e1)-e7) below lists the specifications
which should be used for selection
of the cable.
192b Accepted. Recommended correction.
4 - overall diameter of cable: minimum
6.6 mm, maximum 7.2 mm.
193 Accepted.
194a Accepted.
194b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
195 Accepted.
196 Accepted. Recommended addition:
e7) 5-NATO Stock number.
197 Missing.
198 Accepted. Recommended correction:
"in serial code" to be omitted.
199 Accepted.
200 CR will produce specific identification
for each record output as stated in inclusive subpara's.
201 C̲R̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Sect. 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5, 3.2.6 specifies
the printouts.
202 CR will clarify.
203 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify. CR belileves to be
compatible with IFB.
204 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify. Open for discussion.
205 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify. Open for discussion.
206 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
207 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
208 This para is a comment to NGTS45,
209 According to NGTS45, 5.1.1.
210 Documents mentioned are CR Production
Standards, applicable to the CAMPS
211 Recommended change:
"applicable" inserted instead of "acceptable".
212 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
213 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
214 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
215 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
216 Minimum as specified in sections
217 Accepted. Recommended action:
section c) deleted.
218 Accepted.
219 Accepted. 70 db (A). The content
of this paragraph is identical with
NGTS45, para
220 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
221 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
222 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
223 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
224 Accepted. Recommended correction: The distributed-------equipment
shall be supplied with air filters
of a nominal thickness of 0.5 mm.
225 a) Para a: This para is a comment
to NGTS 45, sect.
b) Para b: is in accordance with
the aim of NGTS 50, para
with subpara's.
226 Accepted.
227 Accepted.
228 Accepted.
229 CR will comply with the IFB section
230 CR accepts to insert para 5.2 with
the following modifications:
- 1 para is ambiquous and vaque
and will not be included.
- 5.2.1(b), the meaning of secure
shall be clarified.
- 5.2.1(e) clarify as above.
- 5.2.3 clarify as above.
231 Accepted with the modification to
delete "integration time".
232 It is accepted to replace with IFB
para 5.3.3 the modification to delete
"Changing processes shal take ----
in the programme".
233 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ CR identifies not discrepancy refer
IFB 4.7.2. SHAPE clarify software
234a This will be decided by CR during
design (not part of CR proposal).
234b CR very much reflects IFB para 5.6.3
and 5.6.1.
235 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Before CR accepts to include proposed
text SHAPE shall clarify the content.
236 Accepted.
237 Accepted.
283 Accepted.
239 Rewriting OEM documentation may be
an unreasonable requirement. refer
contract para 15.2.
240a a) Rejected. Previous agreement
exists to consider ADP 007-3
as guideline only.
240b b) Rejected. Present wording is
in accordance with contract.
241 Accepted.
242a Unnecessary but may be accepted.
242b Accepted.
243 The referenced paragraph simply states
a required relation between documentation
level and planning levels.
244 Accepted.
245a Not understood, must be a mistake.
245b CR will consider this subject.
246a a) no discrepancy seen.
246b b) para 3 was copied directly from
IFB and should thus suffice.
We fully concur with expressed
view but find it unnecessary
to extend requirements.
246c No discrepancy seen.
247a Accepted.
247b The essential information from IFB
is retained in SYS REQ.
248a Refer DN 239.
248b Accepted.
249 The following wording can be accepted.
Record of host nation cable runs
and ducting from CAMPS room to user
The interpretation IS:
Host nation is responsible for the
cable ducting and cable runs. Host
nation will deliver drawings to CR
showing the cable ducting between
CAMPS room and user terminals. CR
wil specify number and type of cable
for each user terminal. Host nation
will run the cables according to this
specification and CR will incorporate
the cable runs in the as built documentation.
250a IFB para 14.7.3 could be interpreted
as a requirement to document the complete
site including installations which
are not CR responsibility - the rewriting
clarifies the scope of this responsibility.
250b refer DN 250a.
250c Not accepted.
250d Paragraph found necessary by CR to
clarify delivery responsibility.
251 The document is not within scope of
present contract. The description
is adopted in SYS REQ under the assumption
that the contract would be ammended
appropriately. If not so this requirement
will not apply.
252 Test to be performed is stated in
the contract. See para 14 and 17.
In addition, the acceptance test
requirements are to be specified according
to contractual line item 2.1.2.
253 See above. The name of the plan will
be changed to its proper name. See
contractual line item 2.5.1 "System
Integration and Test Plan".
254 See SRS 4.2.
255 Only the title has been changed.
Content is identical.
256 Refer DN240a - reservation can be
deleted from SRS - last sentence specifies
level of detail as requested.
257 Refer DN240a.
258 Accepted.
258a The Systems Software which already
exist and which has been documented
shall not be rewritten.
259 Accepted.
260 The implication is a misunderstanding
- user manual will be provided as
stated in contract.
261a Accepted. With the amendment:
"if applicable".
262 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ The wording of para 13.1 of IFB is
too general. Please clarify. Contractor
is responsible for transportation
to site of his equipment and all risks
and expenses involved in such a transportation,
but he will not accept to be responsible
for any damage or loss caused by the
site during the equipments presence
at site.
A transportation plan will be provided.
263 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ CR does not like the word "special".
Please clarify. The rest is accepted.
264 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ IFB 13.3 first para and
first para are in accordance from
CR's point of view. Therefore, please
clarify. second para. CR has only
stated his approach to packaging,
which are that item under repair should
be shipped in the container used for
shipment to site by contractor or
packed in a similar container to the
same standard, when returned for repair.
For the benefit of the site CR will
identify all reusable containers used
and request the site to store these
for future returnal of repair items.
All necessary packing instructions
for items under repair will be included
in the handbooks.
265 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ CR accepts the wording:
"will be packed individually".
The spares will not be shipped piece
by piece. CR intends to ship 10 -
20 spares in one container, but each
piece of spare will be packed individually
for long term storage.
266 Accepted.
267 Para 2:
The CAMPS equipment will conform to
the national safety regulations of
the country of origin or IEC 435 as
stated in para CR does not
see that it will cause a problem for
SHAPE to review and approve concerning
conformance to territorial host nation
regulations since that is already
set up to be carried out for the civil
works drawings per clause 21.2.2 of
the contract. Further, SHAPE is the
only board with the necessary contract
to each nation in the CAMPS program.
During the contract negotiations
this issue was discussed and it was
understood by CR that SHAPE would
perform this review of all documentation.
268 Para C:
CR will, of course, protect the system
or subsystems (i.e. racks, crates
etc.) at the power entrance with fuses
and breakers, but also the host nation
installed power distribution boards
shall contain such protective devices.
CR will specify his requirements
concerning power distribution and
protective devices in the civil engineering
requirements delivered to SHAPE for
each site. Refer to para
where the requirements to CR's equipment
are outlined.
269a a) 2nd line:
CR will do his best and, of course,
plan for and coordinate the installation
activities with the site so that
it causes no disruption to on-going
military activities. That is
the reason for the wording. "Avoids"
which, therefore, should be kept
in the sentence.
269b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ b) CR will still reserve the right
to be idemnified. Please clarify.
270 CR is still investigating the TEMPEST
rack solution as agreed. The responsibilities
concerning installation of a shielded
enclosure are already specified in
the contract. The dimensions stated
in para a are s̲p̲a̲c̲e̲ dimensions and
not access dimensions. The shielded
enclosure has been fitted into the
area given by host nation on each
site except for UKAIR, where much
less than 7 x 5 m was made available
(see site survey reports).
271 Para b:
The dimensions given will, in fact,
be in accordance with the specified
dimensions in the IFB and are given
as information to host nation for
their CAMPS area modifications, and,
of course, as a design goal for CR's
hardware designers.
272 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify, concerning the contract.
Site survey at Sonor, Mideast, and
remote terminal locations are still
not performed, and SHAPE has always
claimed that CR should identify the
drawings needed for the preparation
of CER and as-to-be-built drawings.
273 The fault reporting system will be
established after PSA at first site
at CR. A fault reporting procedure
will be issued and the fault reporting
system will be explained during the
training courses.
274a S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
274b S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
275a, 275b A list of test equipment will be supplied
as part of the maintenance plan.
276 Accepted.
277 Delete paranthesis; then should
be acceptable.
278 "subcontractor" will be replaced by
279 CR finds the wording in IFB unable
to work with.
The wording chosen by CR states that
CR will not profit of later spare
sales, but offer them to SHAPE to
a charge, the catalog price, which
is the price for which CR is able
to produce and sell the items.
The catalog price of items is offered
to all customers.
280 Line 4 "DATA" will be corrected to
281 CR will accept the following wording:
Cost of issuing SPDCN's subsequent
to expiration of warranty period will
be negotiated separately or be part
of additional spares procurement.
282 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify why.
If the agreed list of items is codified
at CR's expense, it seems reasonable
that later added items are charged.
283 See 281.
284 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ a) Accepted as follows:
"depot level training course
b) The first courses taught by NCS
instructors at Latina.
c-e Contractor will supply extra
in addition to spares for NCS.
These modules will serve the
purpose of "faulty modules" and
be used in the training program.
285 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
286 Accepted
287 Course frequency and schedule has
been agreed on during progress meetings
at SHAPE in June 1980. This schedule
will be included in the training plan.
Para 10.3.4 will not be included.
288a This qualification list is taken from
the IFB description of RFE. Since
RFE has been replaced by RFT without
other changes in the training and
maintenance program contractor reserves
the right to have minimum qualification
requirements included in the system
requirement specification as costumer's
288b Training material will be designed
to correspond to the maintenance requirements.
288c Some words are fallen out. The
wording is:
"They shall be numbered in a
manner, which clearly identifies
each vufoil with its associated
lesson plan and student notebook".
289 Please specify security classification
envisioned for each category of CAMPS
training documentation.
290 The wording:
"detailed description" is accepted.
291 Accepted.
292 The detailed training and enabling
objectives are intended to be described
in the training plan to be approved
by customer.
293 See 292.
294 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
295 Accepted.
296 IFB presupposed a RFI provided by
the contractor who also will conduct
on OJT since customer has replaced
the RFE with his own RFT, he is consequently
responsible for OJT and to bring the
equipment back to operational standard.
10.9.6 will be included.
297 See 296.
298 Accepted.
299 Accepted.
300 Accepted.
301 S̲H̲A̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ Please clarify.
302 Accepted.