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Names: »1660A «
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└─ ⟦this⟧ »1660A «
…00……00……00……00……1f……0a……00……86…1 …02… …02… …02…
…0e…BURROUGHS/CR…0f……02……02… …0f…82-02-12…02… …02… …0e…
Minutes of Meeting between Burroughs and Christian
Rovsing A/S 2nd - 5th February 1982.
Robert Williams Bjarne
John Tagland OE
Jim Hargraves JHO
Bruce Miller
Steve Etkins
Philip Becker
1̲ ̲ ̲T̲E̲C̲H̲N̲I̲C̲A̲L̲ ̲E̲V̲A̲L̲U̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲P̲T̲R̲/̲P̲
The PTP/P-design was presented by Burroughs
based on the following items:
a) EECO, RP-9362
b) Steel cabinet
c) Drawings and diagrams
d) Tempest test results from a similar
Based on the presentation CR decided that
they were interested into buying units
as designed for the SCARS II program.
The units needed to be modified and further
tested by CR in order to meet the CAMPS
2̲ ̲ ̲P̲R̲O̲C̲U̲R̲E̲M̲N̲E̲T̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲U̲N̲I̲T̲S̲
The procurement was discussed. A contract
layout had been presented by CR on a meeting
at Burroughs in early December, 1981.
Burroughs stated that the proposals made
by Burroughs on supply of the PTR/P till
now had been based on a purchase order
- type of document.
Burroughs was willing to quote based on
the CR contract.
However, it was strongly emphasized that
the scope of prices and delivery schedules
discussed up till now would be considerably
Burroughs proposed as an alternative that
a purchase order type of document was
established. This would allow prices and
delivery schedules to stay within the
established scope.
The proposed purchase order is attached.
CR The offer is valid until 19th February,
3̲ ̲ ̲T̲E̲C̲H̲N̲I̲C̲A̲L̲ ̲M̲A̲N̲U̲A̲L̲ ̲F̲O̲R̲ ̲P̲T̲R̲/̲P̲
3.1 Burroughs informed us that the document
to be used for SCARS II was required to
be named "Handbook".
3.2 Final layout of PTR/P - handbook did not
exist today.
The requirements for the document are
in line with the general requirements,
se annex A, with the following comments
and exceptions:
General comment: Execpt for improvements
in readability, no changes will be made
in the EECO-manual.
ref 1: The standard document delivered
from EECO is with spiral back.
This discrepancy is not yet solved.
If the solution includes that
it will be possible to supply
the documents to CR without perforated
back, Burroughs confirmed their
willingness to do so.
ref. 4: See general comment.
ref 10: The paper size of the supplied
manuals will not be A4/A3.
However, the printed areas on
the pages are shaped so that it
will be possible to cut the papers
to be within the A4/A3 format
without affecting the readability.
3.3 Burroughs informed us that the EECO-manual
had already been reviewed by SHAPE (See
attached Burroughs note 34940-82-CL-025,
dated 4th February 1982.)
3.4 According to Burroughs schedule for SCARS
II, no final manual will exist until 15th
April 1983.
4̲ ̲ ̲S̲P̲A̲R̲E̲ ̲P̲A̲R̲T̲S̲ ̲L̲I̲S̲T̲S̲
4.1 Burroughs stated that the spareparts lists
were compliant with section 2 of the general
requirements of Annex B to this MOM. Appendix
C contains a typical page from the RSPL supplied
by Burroughs.
4.2 Comment to Appendix B, sect. 1:
a) NATO stock numbers are not included.
b) However, if NATO stock numbers are
known by Burroughs, they can be provided
to CR.
4.3 P̲r̲i̲c̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲o̲n̲ ̲P̲i̲e̲c̲e̲p̲a̲r̲t̲ ̲l̲i̲s̲t̲
a) Burroughs will supply planning numbers
for the items included.
b) Final pricing can only be done after
a RFQ identifying qunatities, etc.
5̲ ̲ ̲T̲R̲A̲I̲N̲I̲N̲G̲ ̲C̲O̲U̲R̲S̲E̲
Burroughs stated that they were willing
to conduct a maintenance training course,
if requested by CR.
CR CR will advise, if further action is required.
6̲ ̲ ̲T̲E̲M̲P̲E̲S̲T̲ ̲T̲E̲S̲T̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲P̲T̲R̲/̲P̲
Burroughs informed us that Tempest test
on the PTP/R is scheduled to be completed
prior to Jan. 1. 1983.
A P P E N D I X A…01…*********************
T̲E̲C̲H̲N̲I̲C̲A̲L̲ ̲M̲A̲N̲U̲A̲L̲ ̲F̲O̲R̲ ̲P̲T̲R̲/̲P̲,̲ ̲G̲E̲N̲E̲R̲A̲L̲ ̲R̲E̲Q̲U̲I̲R̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲
1. The documents shall be bound between hard
covers, that incorporate a metal binding
system (ring binder), which will permit
easy removal and insertion of pages, photographs,
illustations and drawings and which will
permit the documents to lie flat when
opened at any page.
2. The documentation shall be in English.
3. Each chapter/section/subsection shall
be numbered.
4. The documents shall cover only the equipment
5. Revision record pages shall be included
in the documents. Changes to the documentation
must be supplied in quantities corresponding
to the original quantity of documents
6. The text of the document shall not contain
any references by page numbers, but only
by section numbers.
7 The documents must include mechanical
drawings to support parts lists, e.g.
exploded view and photographs.
8 The depth of the functional and maintenance
description shall be to component level.
9 The text must either be composed or typed
and computer print outs must be easilby
10 The paper size shall be DIN A4 and the
diagrams can be in DIN A3.
A P P E N D I X B…01…*********************
S̲P̲A̲R̲E̲ ̲P̲A̲R̲T̲S̲ ̲L̲I̲S̲T̲S̲,̲ ̲G̲E̲N̲E̲R̲A̲L̲ ̲R̲E̲Q̲U̲I̲R̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲
1. Parts list to subassembly level must include
NATO stock number for each subassembly.
2. The parts list to component level must
include true manufactures part number,
true manufactures name (if applicable)
and MTBF for each component.
A P P E N D I X C…01…*********************
…0e…EE/CR…0f……02……02… …0f…82-02-11…02… …02…CR…0e…
Minutes of Meeting between Electronic Enclosures
and Christian Rovsing A/S 3rd February 1982.
Ron Pache Bjarne
Gil Badtorf LU
Joseph Hassel GJ
1̲ ̲ ̲M̲A̲N̲U̲A̲L̲
EE presented the manual updated according
to CR's comment.
EE The following further comments will be
a) A revision record page showing: Date
of revision, affected pages, reason
for change shall be included.
b) Copper foil shall be included in the
parts list.
2̲ ̲ ̲D̲R̲A̲W̲I̲N̲G̲ ̲E̲-̲4̲6̲2̲6̲
EE An updated revision H will be issued by
EE including:
a) Phenolic block supporting the mounting
channels changed from .75 inches to
.69 inches.
b) Optional recess frame with holes and
access plugs for access to joining
c) EE presented a proposed design for
a handle pocket cover plate.
CR The design was compliant with the
scope as required by CR, and will
be evaluated by CR.
The plate will be shown on the drawing
as an option.
CR CR will advise EE quantity and authorization.
If authorization is given to EE prior
to Feb. 15, the cover plated will
be included from shipment 6 (incl.).
3̲ ̲ ̲R̲E̲C̲E̲S̲S̲ ̲F̲R̲A̲M̲E̲ ̲W̲I̲T̲H̲ ̲H̲O̲L̲E̲S̲
EE EE will advise CR on the price of 30 additional
solid recess frames to replace the 30
already shipped. This will allow EE to
deliver the rest of the racks complete.
4̲ ̲ ̲F̲I̲L̲L̲I̲N̲G̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲K̲N̲O̲C̲K̲E̲D̲ ̲O̲U̲T̲ ̲K̲N̲O̲C̲K̲-̲O̲U̲T̲S̲
CR will advise EE if further actions are
5̲ ̲ ̲M̲A̲N̲U̲A̲L̲,̲ ̲S̲C̲H̲E̲D̲U̲L̲E̲
2 copies of the manual ready for print
was delivered to CR.
CR Last date for further comments to EE is
Feb. 12.
The manual will be send for printing Monday
Printing will be completed at the end
of February.
6̲ ̲ ̲E̲C̲N̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲1̲
CR/EV Was approved by CR.
7̲ ̲ ̲N̲C̲R̲ ̲3̲3̲
CR/EV EE comment: A new handle and a hinge
assembly was mailed with shipment
4 or 5.
CR/EW CR will acknowledge the receipt after
having identified the delivered items.
8̲ ̲ ̲W̲E̲I̲G̲H̲T̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲C̲A̲B̲I̲N̲E̲T̲
The racks have been weighted by EE. The
weight is included in the manual.
9̲ ̲ ̲M̲I̲X̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲U̲S̲E̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲P̲A̲I̲N̲T̲
Specification and application instructions
was handed out by EE.
1̲0̲ ̲ ̲L̲E̲T̲T̲E̲R̲ ̲F̲R̲O̲M̲ ̲C̲R̲
The letter from CR, dated 1982-02-01 was
handed out to EE.
EE EE will respond within one week.
1̲1̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲G̲O̲ ̲O̲N̲ ̲F̲I̲L̲T̲E̲R̲ ̲P̲A̲N̲E̲L̲
EE EE will give special attention to the
positioning of the print on the logo and
the positioning of the logo on the panel.