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CR80 Wang WCS documentation floppies

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⟦5f778dadd⟧ Wang Wps File

    Length: 2311 (0x907)
    Types: Wang Wps File
    Notes: IDCN - EL-BIT Vol. II     
    Names: »4297A «


└─⟦2d59e51b9⟧ Bits:30006026 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0397A
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »4297A « 


IDCN - VOLUME II                                     SYS/83-11-18

TECHNICAL PROPOSAL                                               

   4 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ............................ 

                  4 ̲ ̲S̲Y̲S̲T̲E̲M̲ ̲P̲E̲R̲F̲O̲R̲M̲A̲N̲C̲E̲

         An estimate of the work load on the proposed IDCN has
         been calculated, based on the transaction volumes provided.
         Each of the four nodes are assumed to process the following
         traffic load: (Incoming I/C and outgoing O/G):

                                              Per busy hour

         I/C Message from TP                      900
         I/C Message from other nodes and Conc.  2600
         O/G Message to TP                       2600
         O/G Message to other nodes and Conc.    4200

         Incoming messages are in average delivered to 3 terminals.
         The above stated peak hour traffic is equal to 15%
         of a day's traffic.

               S̲Y̲S̲T̲E̲M̲ ̲P̲E̲R̲F̲O̲R̲M̲A̲N̲C̲E̲ ̲E̲S̲T̲I̲M̲A̲T̲E̲

Transaction             No per  Disc           Executed    
                        peak    accesses       instr.
                        hour    per            per
Type                            trans  Total   trans       Total
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

I/C from TP           900     10      9,000  200         180,000
I/C - other Nodes   2,600      5     13,000   50         130,000
O/G to TP           2,600      3      7,800   50         130,000
O/G to other Nodes  4,200      3     12,600   50         210,000
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

Total per peak hour                  42,400              650,000

Total per average second             11.8                180,6

Total per peak second
(peak = 3 x average)                         35.4                     541,7

Total available resource             80                 1000

Utilization                          44%                 54%
                                     ===                 ===

             D̲I̲S̲C̲ ̲C̲A̲P̲A̲C̲I̲T̲Y̲ ̲H̲A̲S̲ ̲B̲E̲E̲N̲ ̲E̲S̲T̲I̲M̲A̲T̲E̲D̲ ̲A̲S̲ ̲F̲O̲L̲L̲O̲W̲S̲

I/C messages per hour 900 + 2600                          3,500

I/C Messages per day                                                  23,333

I/C messages for 4 days                                  93,333

Total storage req. (1500 ch. per message)                150 Mb

Total storage available (60 + 2 x 150)                                360

Utilization                                              42%