0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0) Sector 02914130323931 ┆ A0291A ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00200…00300 (0, 0, 2) Sector ffff00f0f8ffff ┆ px x ┆
0x00300…00306 (0, 0, 3) WangDocument {d00=0x23, d01=0x23, d02=0x41, ptr=(64,0, 8), d05=0x00}
0x00306…0030c WangDocument {d00=0x28, d01=0x92, d02=0x41, ptr=(31,0, 0), d05=0x00}
0x0030c…00312 WangDocument {d00=0x48, d01=0x97, d02=0x41, ptr=(32,0, 0), d05=0x00}
0x00312…00320 48 97 41 33 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆H A3 ┆
0x00320…00340 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ ┆
0x003e0…00400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 ┆ ┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 8 7 Q? > 7 | Z d N ~< v <+&4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' X% % PO P ; H A6) C g x g V W{ O 7 :~ ~ 4897A g J < {C < { ; 7 #r! #rD #r{ y R : 9 8% t x0xL ~ \) ' ( &l! ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0) Sector 0101bc00289241 ┆ < ( AECURITY CODE Figure 3.1.4 ┆
0x01100…01200 (1, 0, 1) Sector 0102ff00289241 ┆ ( A 1 CLASSIFICATION DATE/TIME ZZ ┆
0x01200…01300 (1, 0, 2) Sector 0103ec00289241 ┆ l ( A OO PP RR MDQ RESP RECV COMMAND ........................................................................ RESPONSE DATE/TIME ZZ ┆
0x01300…01400 (1, 0, 3) Sector 0000cf00289241 ┆ O ( A SYSTEM ENTER PASSWORD Figure 3.1.4 SYSTEM ┆
0x01400…01500 (1, 0, 4) Sector 0105ff00289241 ┆ ( A OO PP RR DISQ RESP COMMAND RESPONSE SYSTEM ┆
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5) Sector 00002a00289241 ┆ * ( A Figure 4.1-1 ALTERNATIVE ASSISTANCE CLASSIFICATION DATE/TIME ZZ ┆
0x01600…01700 (1, 0, 6) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x01c00…01d00 (1, 0, 12) Sector 010dff00289241 ┆ ( A OO PP RR DISQ RESP COMMAND RESPONSE SYSTEM ┆
0x01d00…01e00 (1, 0, 13) Sector 010eff00289241 ┆ ( A 1 ┆
0x01e00…01f00 (1, 0, 14) Sector 010faf00289241 ┆ / ( A Figure 3.3.2- ANNOTATION: INCOMING┆
0x01f00…02000 (1, 0, 15) Sector 0100ff00289241 ┆ ( A 1 OBJECT FROM SCARS OR CCIS CLASSIFICATION DATE/TIME ZZ ┆
0x02000…02100 (2, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x02500…02600 (2, 0, 5) Sector 0206ff00232341 ┆ ##A 1 NAME DEFINITION SYNTAX SEMANTICS USER Defines the user uniquely to 3X IDENTIFICATION the system. Restricts sign-on to terminal with tha┆
0x02600…02700 (2, 0, 6) Sector 0207ff00232341 ┆ ##At user in its profile VDU DISPLAY Name identifying a SCARS/ACCIS 8A NAME VDU display (max. 300) VOLUME NAME An identifier of a disk pack 1X,2X, 16X (VOL-ID) WINDOW A time window used to limit the search of a catalogue during retrieval. It c┆
0x02700…02800 (2, 0, 7) Sector 01085c00232341 ┆ \ ##Aonsists of: HOURS 1N MINUTES 2N ZONE LETTER Letter specifying a time zone 1A (Z) DEFINITION SYNTAX SEMANTICS PASSWORD Security feature. Entered 8X sign-on to terminal PERMISSIVE ENTRY A code by which some super┆
0x02800…02900 (2, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x06500…06600 (6, 0, 5) Sector 0606ff00232341 ┆ ##A 1 NAME DEFINITION SYNTAX SEMANTICS USER Defines the user uniquely to 3X IDENTIFICATION the system. Restricts sign-on to terminal with tha┆
0x06600…06700 (6, 0, 6) Sector 0607ff00232341 ┆ ##At user in its profile VDU DISPLAY Name identifying a SCARS/ACCIS 8A NAME VDU display (max. 300) VOLUME NAME An identifier of a disk pack 1X,2X, 16X (VOL-ID) WINDOW A time window used to limit the search of a catalogue during retrieval. It c┆
0x06700…06800 (6, 0, 7) Sector 02005c00232341 ┆ \ ##Aonsists of: HOURS 1N MINUTES 2N ZONE LETTER Letter specifying a time zone 1A (Z) DEFINITION SYNTAX SEMANTICS PASSWORD Security feature. Entered 8X sign-on to terminal PERMISSIVE ENTRY A code by which some super┆
0x06800…06900 (6, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x1f000…1f100 (31, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(31,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41289241}, f00=»2892A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/003 (sk`rmb) «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»MDCO OPERATION MAN. «, f05=07-10-82 13:57, f06=» 1 «, f07=»13 «, f08=» 1976 «, f09=08-11-84 13:32, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 9 «, f13=06-11-84 14:05, f14=08-11-84 13:39, f15=»0291A «, f16=» 42 «, f17=» 12 «, f18=»35 «, f19=» 624 «, f20=» 17097 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=320022000110052710110100aaca1505000000000000014203c500df}
0x1f100…1f200 (31, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x20000…20100 (32, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(32,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41489741}, f00=»4897A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/011 «, f02=»aml «, f03=»LU «, f04=»CPS SYNC. MUX «, f05=10-05-84 10:57, f06=» «, f07=»18 «, f08=» 2271 «, f09=12-11-84 13:43, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 11 «, f13=12-11-84 13:44, f14=12-11-84 15:10, f15=»0291A «, f16=» 7 «, f17=» «, f18=»49 «, f19=» 44 «, f20=» 3019 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=600020000610462710110180aaca15050000000000000038031400df}
0x20100…20200 (32, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x20800…20900 (32, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(32,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41289241}, f00=»2892A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/003 (sk`rmb) «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»MDCO OPERATION MAN. «, f05=07-10-82 13:57, f06=» 1 «, f07=»13 «, f08=» 1976 «, f09=01-08-84 13:00, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 20 «, f13=01-08-84 13:03, f14=07-08-84 09:20, f15=»0291A «, f16=» 46 «, f17=» 11 «, f18=»13 «, f19=» 768 «, f20=» 15141 «, f21=» «, f22=» 0 «, f99=630063000110052710110100aaca1505000000000000014203d700df}
0x20900…20a00 (32, 0, 9) Sector 200a2e00289241 ┆ . ( A S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S┆
0x20a00…20b00 (32, 0, 10) Sector 200ba300289241 ┆ # ( A 1 2892A/rt / CPS/OPM/003 CLA/840801 # MDCO OPERATION MANUAL CAMPS -!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x20b00…20c00 (32, 0, 11) Sector 200cff00289241 ┆ ( A 1 NEW PLAINDRESS PREPARE CLASSIFICATION DATE/TIME ZZ ┆
0x20c00…20d00 (32, 0, 12) Sector 200dff00289241 ┆ ( A OO PP RR MDQ RESP RECV COMMAND ........................................................................ RESPONSE SYSTEM ┆
0x20d00…20e00 (32, 0, 13) Sector 200eff00289241 ┆ ( A TRANSACTION ID ITEM REF. ID CLASSIFICATION A SPECIAL HANDLING a a ┆
0x20e00…20f00 (32, 0, 14) Sector 200fff00289241 ┆ ( A PRECEDENCE ACTION A INFO a MESSAGE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS d FROM D ┆
0x20f00…21000 (32, 0, 15) Sector 2000ff00289241 ┆ ( A R TO d R INF┆
0x21000…21100 (33, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x25000…25100 (37, 0, 0) Sector 2501ff00289141 ┆% ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type E (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. E, the RETRIE┆
0x25100…25200 (37, 0, 1) Sector 2502ff00289141 ┆% ( AVAL KEY E format is presented on the VDU screen. You can only use this format to retrieve incoming messages 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID 3 The DATE TIME GROUP ┆
0x25200…25300 (37, 0, 2) Sector 2503ff00289141 ┆% ( A is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure DTG. The DTG contains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must consist of 4 characters. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SP┆
0x25300…25400 (37, 0, 3) Sector 2504c800289141 ┆% H ( AACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82. 4 The HEADQUATER ID is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 6. Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure pro┆
0x25400…25500 (37, 0, 4) Sector 2505ff00289141 ┆% ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type E (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter the ID, Refer to Figure The ID contains information about format line 6 of ACP 127 messages. ┆
0x25500…25600 (37, 0, 5) Sector 2506ff00289141 ┆% ( A You can enter the originating headquarter using plain language address (PLA) or PLA reference number. 6 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure proceed to section If more than one message Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. sati┆
0x25600…25700 (37, 0, 6) Sector 2507ff00289141 ┆% ( Asfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type C, D, or E, the same catalogue will be presented. This catalogue is described in section - Catalog┆
0x25700…25800 (37, 0, 7) Sector 24081c00289141 ┆$ ( Aue Key Type C + D + E.esented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 3 The TI┆
0x25800…25900 (37, 0, 8) Sector 2509ff00289141 ┆% ( AME STAMP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. The time stamp is the time where you decide to start the search. The timestamp must consist of 14 characters. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (┆
0x25900…25a00 (37, 0, 9) Sector 250aff00289141 ┆% ( A2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance:192135Z FEB 82. 4 The WINDOW is an If you do not define the optional entry item. time stamp window, the If you do not wish to search will only occur define this en┆
0x25a00…25b00 (37, 0, 10) Sector 250b3c00289141 ┆% < ( Atry, within the defined minute. proceed to step 6. enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. The time stamp is the time from where you decide to start the search. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPAC┆
0x25b00…25c00 (37, 0, 11) Sector 250cff00289141 ┆% ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type D (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure HOUR and/or MINUTES This identifies a time window used to limit the search of th┆
0x25c00…25d00 (37, 0, 12) Sector 250dff00289141 ┆% ( Ae catalogue. You can enter max upto 6 hours. For instance: 1 hour 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The ITEM REF. ID. is a mandatory entry item. ┆
0x25d00…25e00 (37, 0, 13) Sector 250eff00289141 ┆% ( AOn Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the ID. This is the identity of a message, defined by the system. You must enter the number which identify the search message. 7 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure proceed to ┆
0x25e00…25f00 (37, 0, 14) Sector 250fff00289141 ┆% ( Asection If more than one message Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. satisfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type C, D, or E, the same catalog┆
0x25f00…26000 (37, 0, 15) Sector 25006c00289141 ┆% l ( Aue will be presented. This catalogue is described in section - Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. ure the DTG The DTG contains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must consist of 4 characters. DATE┆
0x26000…26100 (38, 0, 0) Sector 26017800289141 ┆& x ( A (2) HOUR (2) Minute (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2) For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 k". 12 If you do not want a print of the message, proceed to step 15. 13 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure ┆
0x26100…26200 (38, 0, 1) Sector 2602ff00289141 ┆& ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type C (cont'd) 8 The HEADQUARTERS ID is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 10. 9 On Key┆
0x26200…26300 (38, 0, 2) Sector 2603ff00289141 ┆& ( Aboard, enter Refer to Figure the ID. The ID contains information about format line 6 of ACP 127 messages. You can enter the originating headquarter using plain language address (PLA) or PLA reference number. (PLAREF). 10 The SI┆
0x26300…26400 (38, 0, 3) Sector 2604ff00289141 ┆& ( AC is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 12. 11 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the SIC. 16 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure pro┆
0x26400…26500 (38, 0, 4) Sector 2605ff00289141 ┆& ( Aceed to section If more than one message Catalogue Key Type C + D + E. satisfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type C, D, or E, the s┆
0x26500…26600 (38, 0, 5) Sector 26067700289141 ┆& w ( Aame catalogue will be presented. This catalogue is described in section - Catalogue key type C + D + E. m that the next instruction is a command. 19 On Keyboard, enter the command. ue will be presented. This catalogue is described in ┆
0x26600…26700 (38, 0, 6) Sector 2607ff00289141 ┆& ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type D (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. D, the RETRIE┆
0x26700…26800 (38, 0, 7) Sector 2508ff00289141 ┆% ( AVAL KEY D format is presented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 3 The TI┆
0x26800…26900 (38, 0, 8) Sector 2609ff00289141 ┆& ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type C (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. C, the RETRIE┆
0x26900…26a00 (38, 0, 9) Sector 260aff00289141 ┆& ( AVAL KEY C format is presented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 3 The T┆
0x26a00…26b00 (38, 0, 10) Sector 260bff00289141 ┆& ( AIME STAMP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. The time stamp is the time from where you decide to start the search. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPAC┆
0x26b00…26c00 (38, 0, 11) Sector 260cff00289141 ┆& ( AE (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 4 The WINDOW is an If you do not define the optional entry item. time stamp window, the If you do not wish to search will only occur define this entry, within the defined minute. proce┆
0x26c00…26d00 (38, 0, 12) Sector 260d1500289141 ┆& ( Aed to step 6. ction is a "command". 6 On Keyboard, enter the desired command. 7 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure 8 If you have selected the command RELU, proceed back to section 3.2.4, otherwise proceed to the section┆
0x26d00…26e00 (38, 0, 13) Sector 260eff00289141 ┆& ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type C (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure HOUR and/or MINUTES This identifies a time window used to limit the search of t┆
0x26e00…26f00 (38, 0, 14) Sector 260fff00289141 ┆& ( Ahe catalogue. You can enter max upto 6 hours. For instance: 1 hour 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The DATE TIME GROUP is an optional entry item. ┆
0x26f00…27000 (38, 0, 15) Sector 2600ff00289141 ┆& ( A If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 8. 7 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the DTG The DTG contains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must consist of 4 characters. DATE┆
0x27000…27100 (39, 0, 0) Sector 2701ff00289141 ┆' ( Ae by use of "page back". "Scroll forward" will get you one line forward and the opposite by use of "scroll back". 12 If you do not want a print of the message, proceed to step 15. 13 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure ┆
0x27100…27200 (39, 0, 1) Sector 2702a100289141 ┆' ! ( Aprogram function Key F3. 14 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The system will print out the whole message on the associated printer. ON SERIAL NO is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed┆
0x27200…27300 (39, 0, 2) Sector 2703ff00289141 ┆' ( A 1 Catalogue Key Type A + B (cont'd) 15 If you have started the retrieval from readdressal (READ) or rerun (RERN). Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.2┆
0x27300…27400 (39, 0, 3) Sector 2704ff00289141 ┆' ( A.5.3-8.a. The system will send you back to continue the readdressal or rerun for the specific message. If you need further information to continue the readdressal, proceed to section 3.2.5 - step 5 and for the rerun, proceed to section 3.2.6 s┆
0x27400…27500 (39, 0, 4) Sector 2705ff00289141 ┆' ( Atep 2. 16 If you have started the retrieval from local use (RELU), you can break off by use of a new command or go back to the message handling menu (MSGH). 17 If you do not wish to enter a new command, proceed to step 21. 18 On┆
0x27500…27600 (39, 0, 5) Sector 2706ca00289141 ┆' J ( A Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure program function Key F1 Pressing the F1-Key informs the system that the next instruction is a command. 19 On Keyboard, enter the command. ue will be presented. This catalogue is described in ┆
0x27600…27700 (39, 0, 6) Sector 2707ff00289141 ┆' ( A 1 Catalogue Key Type A + B (cont'd) 20 Proceed to step 22. 21 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure program function Key F12. Pressing F12-Key ┆
0x27700…27800 (39, 0, 7) Sector 2608b100289141 ┆& 1 ( Athe system for returns the message handling menu (MSGH) 22 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure 23 Proceed to the section associated with your choice. parameters, proceed to step 9. 2 If more than one message Refer to Figu┆
0x27800…27900 (39, 0, 8) Sector 2709ff00289141 ┆' ( A 1 3.3.3 Non Deliverable objects From SCARS or CCIS (cont'd) You will not be able to enter data and distribute if the object in the distribution queue is received ┆
0x27900…27a00 (39, 0, 9) Sector 270aff00289141 ┆' ( Afrom SCARS/ACCIS or from terminal queues due to security changes in the terminal profiles. 1 If you do not want a print of the object, proceed to step 4. 2 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.3.3-2.a. program function key F3. 3 Pres┆
0x27a00…27b00 (39, 0, 10) Sector 270bff00289141 ┆' ( As ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.3.3-2.b. The system will print out a hard copy of the object. 4 You have the possibility of sending a comment to SCARS or CCIS and requesting a retransmission of the object with the correct SCD. You must┆
0x27b00…27c00 (39, 0, 11) Sector 270c3f00289141 ┆' ? ( A change to USER MODE if you want to send a comment. e 3.3.2-1.b TIME STAMP and the ORIGINATING HEADQUATERS ID referenced to the message. 3 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.2-1.c. inserts designators to In addition to the t┆
0x27c00…27d00 (39, 0, 12) Sector 00004a00289141 ┆ J ( A 1 carried out. associated SCDs, a delivery code is presented at the end of each line. This code can be used to display a delivery message. 4 If you do not wish to obtain a displa┆
0x27d00…27e00 (39, 0, 13) Sector 270e3700289141 ┆' 7 ( A associated with the entered command. (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 4 The WINDOW is an If you do not define the time stamp window, the search will only occur within the defined minute. optional entry item. If y┆
0x27e00…27f00 (39, 0, 14) Sector 270fff00289141 ┆' ( A 1 Catalogue Key Type A + B (cont'd) 9 Observe that a message Refer to Figure is displayed on the VDU screen. 10 The system displays max 27 lin┆
0x27f00…28000 (39, 0, 15) Sector 2700ff00289141 ┆' ( Aes at once. If the message is longer proceed to step 11, otherwise to step 12. 11 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure the desired DISPLAY You can get the following CONTROL Key. page by use of "page forward" or the opposit┆
0x28000…28100 (40, 0, 0) Sector 2801ff00289141 ┆( ( A response line. Refer to Figure 3.3.2-3.b. 8 The ALTERNATIVE DISTRIBUTION SCDs are optional entry items. If you do not wish to define one of these entries, proceed to step 10. 9 On keyboard, enter the SCDs. Refer to Figure 3.3.2-3┆
0x28100…28200 (40, 0, 1) Sector 2802ff00289141 ┆( ( A.c. You can specify alternative SCDs to which the message shall be distributed. This re-distribution will not change the SCD list which belongs to the message. 10 The LOCAL PRINT is a Refer to Figure 3.3.2-3.d. mandatory entry item. If y┆
0x28200…28300 (40, 0, 2) Sector 2803e900289141 ┆( i ( Aou enter yes, the On keyboard, enter Y (yes) system will print out a copy or N (no). of the redistribution list on the associated PRINTER. The TIME STAMP and the ORIGINATING HEADQUARTERS ID are contained in the print. 3.1-3.b mandatory en┆
0x28300…28400 (40, 0, 3) Sector 2804ff00289141 ┆( ( A 1 3.3.2 Alternative Distribution Assistance (cont'd) 11 If you do not wish to look through the message, proceed to step 13. 12 On keyboard, press the Refer to┆
0x28400…28500 (40, 0, 4) Sector 2805ff00289141 ┆( ( A Figure 3.3.2-6.a. desired DISPLAY CONTROL The message will be key. presented on the VDU screen by using the PAGE ON key. For further SCD updates you can return to the SCD format by using the PAGE BACK key. NOTE: All fields within the m┆
0x28500…28600 (40, 0, 5) Sector 2806ff00289141 ┆( ( Aessage format are protected and you will not be capable of modifying or correcting the message. 13 If you do not want a print of the message, proceed to step 16. 14 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.3.2-6.b. program funcion key F3. ┆
0x28600…28700 (40, 0, 6) Sector 2807ff00289141 ┆( ( AThe system will print out the whole message on your printer. 15 On keyboard, depress the Refer to Figure 3.3.2-6.c. ENTER key. The system will validate the entered SCDs and if the system does not find defects, the message will be sent on and┆
0x28700…28800 (40, 0, 7) Sector 2708c100289141 ┆' A ( A the next message in the distribution queue will be presented on the VDU screen. If assistance is needed again, the message will be returned exactly to you (the same MDCO position). t find defects, the message will be sent on and the next messa┆
0x28800…28900 (40, 0, 8) Sector 2809b200289141 ┆( 2 ( Age in the distribution queue will be presented on the VDU screen. If assistance is needed again, the message will be returned exactly to you (the same MDCO position). p 4. 3 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.2.10-2.a. desired DISPLAY┆
0x28900…28a00 (40, 0, 9) Sector 280aff00289141 ┆( ( A 1 3.3.2 Alternative Distribution Assistance (cont'd) The message in the distribution queue is belonging to "alternative distribution assistance" because of the fo┆
0x28a00…28b00 (40, 0, 10) Sector 280bff00289141 ┆( ( Allowing reasons: - Messages/comments which cannot be delivered to all the SCDs in the list - Flash messages/comments deferred because of time-out 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.2-1.a. outputs an identify in the field TRA┆
0x28b00…28c00 (40, 0, 11) Sector 280cff00289141 ┆( ( ANSACTION ID. 2. NOTE: The system inserts Refer to Figure 3.3.2-1.b TIME STAMP and the ORIGINATING HEADQUATERS ID referenced to the message. 3 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.2-1.c. inserts designators to In addition to the t┆
0x28c00…28d00 (40, 0, 12) Sector 280dff00289141 ┆( ( Aerminal which distribution should designator and the have been carried out. associated SCDs, a delivery code is presented at the end of each line. This code can be used to display a delivery message. 4 If you do not wish to obtain a displa┆
0x28d00…28e00 (40, 0, 13) Sector 280e3500289141 ┆( 5 ( Ay of a delivery message, proceed to step 8. Internal Handling Instructions - Detection of Special Handling Instruction of categories exclusive or crypto security and no evidence of a GR in FL10 - Detection of more than one Special Handling┆
0x28e00…28f00 (40, 0, 14) Sector 280fff00289141 ┆( ( A 1 3.3.2 Alternative Distribution Assistance (cont'd) 5 On keyboard, press program Refer to Figure 3.3.2-4.a. function key F7. Pressing the F7-key informs the syst┆
0x28f00…29000 (40, 0, 15) Sector 2800ff00289141 ┆( ( Aem that the next instruction is a "display error message". 6 On keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure 3.3.2-3.a. DELIVERY CODE. 7 Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.3.2-4.b. The delivery message associated to the code will be displayed in the┆
0x29000…29100 (41, 0, 0) Sector 2901ff00289141 ┆) ( A 1 3.3.1 Incoming Message Assistance (cont'd) 3 Observe that the nominal Refer to Figure 3.3.1-3.a distribution list for the message will be presented in the ┆
0x29100…29200 (41, 0, 1) Sector 2902ff00289141 ┆) ( Aunprotected SCD fields. 4 Action/info SCDs (staff cell designator) are optional entry items. If you do not wish to change some of these entries, proceed to step 6. 5 On keyboard, do the changes Refer to Figure 3.3.1-3.a You can┆
0x29200…29300 (41, 0, 2) Sector 2903ff00289141 ┆) ( A specify new SCDs to which the message shall be distributed, and delete SCDs from the nominal distribution. This re-distribution will be the new list which now belongs to the message. 6 The LOCAL PRINT is a Refer to Figure 3.3.1-3.b mandatory en┆
0x29300…29400 (41, 0, 3) Sector 2904e800289141 ┆) h ( Atry item. If you enter yes, the system On keybord, enter Y (yes) will print out a copy of the or N (no). redistribution list on your PRINTER. The time stamp and the originating headquarters id are contained in the print. comment on your associ┆
0x29400…29500 (41, 0, 4) Sector 2905ff00289141 ┆) ( A 1 3.3.1 Incoming Message Assistance (cont'd) 7 If you do not wish to look through the message, proceed to step 9. 8 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.┆
0x29500…29600 (41, 0, 5) Sector 2906ff00289141 ┆) ( A3.1-6.a desired DISPLAY CONTROL The message will be key. presented on the VDU screen by using the PAGE ON key. For further SCD updates you can return to the SCD format by using the PAGE BACK key. NOTE: All fields within the message form┆
0x29600…29700 (41, 0, 6) Sector 2907ff00289141 ┆) ( Aat are protected and you will not be capable of modifying or correcting the message. 9 If you do not want a print of the message, proceed to step 11. 10 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.3.1-6.b. program funcion key F3. The system w┆
0x29700…29800 (41, 0, 7) Sector 2808ff00289141 ┆( ( Aill print out the whole message on your printer. 11 On keyboard, depress the Refer to Figure 3.3.1-6.c. ENTER key. The system will validate the entered SCDs and if the system does not find defects, the message will be sent on and the next messa┆
0x29800…29900 (41, 0, 8) Sector 29092900289141 ┆) ) ( Ahest level of precedence at first. ect the desired message and use its data for a new retrieving attempt. 2 If you do not wish to 'page' in the message proceed to step 4. 3 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.2.10-2.a. desired DISPLAY┆
0x29900…29a00 (41, 0, 9) Sector 290aff00289141 ┆) ( A 1 3.3 Message Distribution Assistance (MDAS) (cont'd) If you have selected MDAS, an "assistance" format is presented on the VDU, dependent of what kind of message plac┆
0x29a00…29b00 (41, 0, 10) Sector 290bff00289141 ┆) ( Aed first in the distribution queue. Refer to Figure 3.3-1.a. The system splits up the messages in 3 different actions: - INCOMING MESSAGE ASSISTANCE - ALTERNATIVE DISTRIBUTION ASSISTANCE - NON DELIVERABLE OBJECTS FROM SCARS OR CCIS ┆
0x29b00…29c00 (41, 0, 11) Sector 290cc100289141 ┆) A ( A The terminal function field will inform you which of the possibilities in question. Refer to Figure 3.3-1.b. Proceed to the action which the terminal function field displays. to step 6. 5 On keyboard, press Refer to Figure 3.2.10-4.┆
0x29c00…29d00 (41, 0, 12) Sector 290dff00289141 ┆) ( A 1 3.3.1 Incoming Message Assistance (cont'd) The message in the distribution queue is belonging to "incoming message assistance" because of the following reasons: ┆
0x29d00…29e00 (41, 0, 13) Sector 290eff00289141 ┆) ( A - Missing or garbled SICs - Detection of Internal Handling Instructions - Detection of Special Handling Instruction of categories exclusive or crypto security and no evidence of a GR in FL10 - Detection of more than one Special Handling┆
0x29e00…29f00 (41, 0, 14) Sector 290fff00289141 ┆) ( A Instruction - Supervisor specified distribution to MDCO The annotation line will inform you why the message is sent for assistance. Refer to Figure 3.3.1-1.a 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.3.1-1.b. outputs an identify in ┆
0x29f00…2a000 (41, 0, 15) Sector 2900ab00289141 ┆) + ( A the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 NOTE: The system inserts Refer to Figure 3.3.1-1.c TIME STAMP and the ORIGINATING HEADQUARTERS ID referenced to the message. e is empty, the system will display QUEUE IS EMPTY in the response line. Refer to┆
0x2a000…2a100 (42, 0, 0) Sector 2a01ff00289141 ┆* ( A Figure 3.2.11-1.b. If more than one comments are placed in the queue, the system will present the comment with the highest level of precedence at first. 2 If you do not wish to 'page' in the comment, proceed to step 4. 3 On keyboard, pres┆
0x2a100…2a200 (42, 0, 1) Sector 2a02ff00289141 ┆* ( As the Refer to Figure 3.2.11-2.a. desired DISPLAY The system displays max CONTROL key. 27 lines at one. You can get the following page by use of "page forward" or the opposite by use of "page back". "Scroll forward" will get you one line┆
0x2a200…2a300 (42, 0, 2) Sector 2a038d00289141 ┆* ( A forward and the opposite by use of "Scroll back". 4 If you do not wish to get a hard copy of the comment, proceed to step 6. do not wish to Refer to Figure 3.2.9-4.a. confirm the transaction, Pressing the Special press F11 key. Otherwi┆
0x2a300…2a400 (42, 0, 3) Sector 2a04ff00289141 ┆* ( A 1 3.2.11 Receive Message (RECV) (cont'd) 5 On keyboard, press Refer to Figure 3.2.11-4.a. special function key F-3. The system will print out the comment on your associ┆
0x2a400…2a500 (42, 0, 4) Sector 2a05ff00289141 ┆* ( Aated printer. 6 If you do not wish to You must now decide whether DELETE the actual com- the comment must be deleted ment from the queue, or kept in the queue. proceed to step 9. 7 Press Special Function Refer to Figure 3.2.11-4.b. key┆
0x2a500…2a600 (42, 0, 5) Sector 2a06ff00289141 ┆* ( A-F10. Pressing the F10-key informs the system to delete the displayed comment fron the receive queue and present next comment, if there is any. 8 proceed to step 10 9 press Special Function Refer to Figure 3.2.11-4.c. key F-9. Pressing the F9-┆
0x2a600…2a700 (42, 0, 6) Sector 2a07ff00289141 ┆* ( Akey informs the system to keep the displayed comment in the receive queue and present next comment, if there is any. 10 If more comments If the queue is empty, are still in the receive the system will display queue, proceed to step 1. QUEUE IS┆
0x2a700…2a800 (42, 0, 7) Sector 2908ff00289141 ┆) ( A EMPTY in the re- Otherwise, proceed to sponse line and present section 3.2.2 Message the Message Handling Handling Menu. Menu on the VDU screen. If more than one comment is placed in the queue, the system will present the comment with the hig┆
0x2a800…2a900 (42, 0, 8) Sector 2a09ff00289141 ┆* ( Aa catalog is presented, you can select the desired message and use its data for a new retrieving attempt. 2 If you do not wish to 'page' in the message proceed to step 4. 3 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.2.10-2.a. desired DISPLAY┆
0x2a900…2aa00 (42, 0, 9) Sector 2a0aff00289141 ┆* ( A CONTROL key. The system displays max. 27 lines at once. You can get the following page by use of "page forward" and the opposite by use of "page back". "Scroll forward" will get you one line forward and the opposite by use of "┆
0x2aa00…2ab00 (42, 0, 10) Sector 2a0b1500289141 ┆* ( AScroll back". ly key type available for message deletion. NOTE: The retrieval for Deletion will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of retrieval data 2. Display of message If more than one message satisfies the retrieval pa┆
0x2ab00…2ac00 (42, 0, 11) Sector 2a0cff00289141 ┆* ( A 1 3.2.10 Response Message (RESP) (cont'd) 4 If you do not wish to get a hard copy of the message, proceed to step 6. 5 On keyboard, press Refer to Figure 3.2.10-4.┆
0x2ac00…2ad00 (42, 0, 12) Sector 2a0dff00289141 ┆* ( Aa. Special Function key F-3. The system will print out the message on your associated printer. 6 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure 3.2.10-4.b. The system will give you a new format dependent of the retrieval start command. For further infor┆
0x2ad00…2ae00 (42, 0, 13) Sector 2a0ef500289141 ┆* u ( Amation to continue the actual transaction, proceed to one of the following possibilities: READDRESSAL Section 3.2.6 step 5. RERUN, section 3.2.7 step 2. REDISTRIBUTION, section 3.2.8 step 2. DELETION, section 3.2.9 step 2. ence for t┆
0x2ae00…2af00 (42, 0, 14) Sector 2a0fff00289141 ┆* ( A 1 3.2.11 Receive Message (RECV) (cont'd) 1 Before presentation of If you have selected the comment, you can RECV, the system will be prompted for se- present a comme┆
0x2af00…2b000 (42, 0, 15) Sector 2a00ff00289141 ┆* ( Ant from curity procedures. the receive queue on If so, proceed to your VDU screen. section 3.1.4 Refer to Figure 3.2.11-1.a. SECURITY PROCEDRUES. If the queue is empty, the system will display QUEUE IS EMPTY in the response line. Refer to┆
0x2b000…2b100 (43, 0, 0) Sector 2b01ff00289141 ┆+ ( Aific message. Only messages transmitted from this CAMPS site can be deleted. 4 press ENTER key Refer to Figure 3.2.9-4.a. If you have entered N (no), the VDU will display the Message Handling Menu. 5 Observe that PLEASE ENTER Refer to Fig┆
0x2b100…2b200 (43, 0, 1) Sector 2b024c00289141 ┆+ L ( Aure 3.2.9-3.b: YOUR CONFIRMATION-CODE appears in the system line. esented on the VDU screen. 3 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.2.8-3.a. outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 4 NOTE: The system inserts Refer to Figu┆
0x2b200…2b300 (43, 0, 2) Sector 2b03ff00289141 ┆+ ( A 1 3.2.9 Retrieval For Deletion (REDE) (cont'd) 6 If you do not wish to Refer to Figure 3.2.9-4.a. confirm the transaction, Pressing the Special press F11 key. Otherwi┆
0x2b300…2b400 (43, 0, 3) Sector 2b04ff00289141 ┆+ ( Ase Function key - F11 cause to proceed to step 7. CANCEL this transaction and the system will contain the same information as before the transaction was started. The VDU format area will be cleared and you will be able to start a new transactio┆
0x2b400…2b500 (43, 0, 4) Sector 2b05ff00289141 ┆+ ( An. 7 On keyboard, enter the confirmation code, CC. 8 Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.2.9-4.b. The system will continue by asking you for the confirmation-code until you have entered the valid confirmation-code, or, used the Special Funct┆
0x2b500…2b600 (43, 0, 5) Sector 2b06a300289141 ┆+ # ( Aion key F11-CANCEL. If the system accepts the confirmation-code, the actual message will be deleted and the VDU will display the Message Handling Menu. ne action or one info SCD must be defined. 9 The LOCAL PRINT is Refer to Figure 3.2.8-┆
0x2b600…2b700 (43, 0, 6) Sector 2b07ff00289141 ┆+ ( A 1 3.2.10 Response Message (RESP) (cont'd) 1 Before presentation of If you have selected RESP, the message, you can the system will present be prompted for a message fr┆
0x2b700…2b800 (43, 0, 7) Sector 2a08ff00289141 ┆* ( Aom the respon- security procedrues. se queue on your VDU screen. If so, proceed to Refer to Figure 3.2.10-1.a. section 3.1.4 If the queue is empty, the system will display QUEUE IS EMPTY in the response line. Refer to Figure 3.2.10-1.b. If ┆
0x2b800…2b900 (43, 0, 8) Sector 2b09c600289141 ┆+ F ( An proceed to the error messages and error handling section. When all entries are valid, the message will be redistributed and you will be presented with the message handling menu (MSGH). omatically retrieved the specific generated and the spe┆
0x2b900…2ba00 (43, 0, 9) Sector 2b0aff00289141 ┆+ ( A 1 3.2.9 Retrieval For Deletion (REDE) (cont'd) If you have selected REDE, the RETRIEVAL KEY TYPE D format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.9-1. ┆
0x2ba00…2bb00 (43, 0, 10) Sector 2b0bff00289141 ┆+ ( A This is the only key type available for message deletion. NOTE: The retrieval for Deletion will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of retrieval data 2. Display of message If more than one message satisfies the retrieval pa┆
0x2bb00…2bc00 (43, 0, 11) Sector 2b0cff00289141 ┆+ ( Arameters, a catalogue with the data will be displayed. You can go back and enter the specific data for the desired message. 2a.Display of catalogue 3. Display of Deletion format. 1 The "entry of retrieval The only difference for the d┆
0x2bc00…2bd00 (43, 0, 12) Sector 2b0dff00289141 ┆+ ( Aata" for key D is si- two transactions will be milar to this described the terminal function field during retrieval for which will display RETRIEVAL local use key D. FOR DELETION. If you need further Refer to Figure 3.2.9-1.a. informatio┆
0x2bd00…2be00 (43, 0, 13) Sector 2b0e3f00289141 ┆+ ? ( An, proceed to section Retrieval Key Type D. yed. You can go back and enter the specific data for the desired message. 2a. Display of catalogue. 3. Display of header data. 1 The "entry of retrieval The only difference for t┆
0x2be00…2bf00 (43, 0, 14) Sector 2b0fff00289141 ┆+ ( A 1 3.2.9 Retrieval For Deletion (REDE) (cont'd) 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.2.9-3. outputs a new format If you have selected REDE on the VDU screen. an┆
0x2bf00…2c000 (43, 0, 15) Sector 2b00ff00289141 ┆+ ( Ad retrieved the specific message, the DELETION format is presented on the VDU screen. 3 The DELETE is a mandatory Refer to Figures 3.2.9-3.a. entry item. If you enter Yes, the On Keyboard, enter Y system will delete the (yes) or N (no). spec┆
0x2c000…2c100 (44, 0, 0) Sector 2c01ff00289141 ┆, ( A 1 3.2.8 Retrieval For Redistribution (REDS) (cont'd) 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.2.8-3. outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen RE┆
0x2c100…2c200 (44, 0, 1) Sector 2c02ff00289141 ┆, ( ADS and retrieved the specific message, the REDISTRIBUTION format is presented on the VDU screen. 3 Observe that the system Refer to Figure 3.2.8-3.a. outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 4 NOTE: The system inserts Refer to Figu┆
0x2c200…2c300 (44, 0, 2) Sector 2c03ff00289141 ┆, ( Are 3.2.8-3.b. TIME STAMP and the ORIGINATING HEADQUARTERS ID referenced to the message. 5 Observe that the nominal Refer to Figure 3.2.8-3.c. distribution list in the retrieved message will be presented in the unprotected SCD field┆
0x2c300…2c400 (44, 0, 3) Sector 2c04ab00289141 ┆, + ( As. 6 Action/info SCDs (staff cell designator) are optional entry items. If you do not wish to change some of these entries, proceed to step 8. KEY A format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.7-1. This i┆
0x2c400…2c500 (44, 0, 4) Sector 2c05ff00289141 ┆, ( A 1 3.2.8 Retrieval For Redistribution (REDS) (cont'd) 7 On Keyboard, do the Refer to Figure 3.2.8-5.a. changes. You can specify new SCDs to which the retrieved message s┆
0x2c500…2c600 (44, 0, 5) Sector 2c06ff00289141 ┆, ( Ahall be distributed, and delete SCDs from the nominal distribution. This redistribution will not change the nominal distribution list. 8 NOTE: Either one action or one info SCD must be defined. 9 The LOCAL PRINT is Refer to Figure 3.2.8-┆
0x2c600…2c700 (44, 0, 6) Sector 2c07ff00289141 ┆, ( A5.b. a mandatory entry item. If you can enter yes, the On Keyboard, enter system will print out a Y (yes) or N (no). copy of the redistribution list on your SUPERVISOR PRINTER. 10 VALIDATION Refer to Figure 3.2.8-6.a. On Keyboard, depress┆
0x2c700…2c800 (44, 0, 7) Sector 2b08ff00289141 ┆+ ( A If invalid entry, an the ENTER Key and the error message number system will validate all appears in the left hand data entries. margin. You must correct your mistake by inserting valid data. If you need further error number explanatio┆
0x2c800…2c900 (44, 0, 8) Sector 2c09ff00289141 ┆, ( A 1 3.2.7 Retrieval For Rerun (RERN) (cont'd) 2 NOTE: A transmission If you have selected RERN, pilot will be automatically retrieved the specific generated and the spe┆
0x2c900…2ca00 (44, 0, 9) Sector 2c0aff00289141 ┆, ( Acific message and have pressed message sent for rerun. the ENTER Key the specific message will be sent for rerun. Only messages transmitted earlier from this CAMPS site can be retrieved for rerun. When rerun is generated you will be presen┆
0x2ca00…2cb00 (44, 0, 10) Sector 2c0b3300289141 ┆, 3 ( Ated with the message handling menu (MSGH). st begin with address indicator groups (AIGs) or address groups (AGs), if any. By using groups, you must first enter the 2- or 3 letter combination AG/AIG followed by the actual address data. For in┆
0x2cb00…2cc00 (44, 0, 11) Sector 2c0cff00289141 ┆, ( A 1 3.2.8 Retrieval For Redistribution (REDS) (cont'd) If you have selected REDS, the RETRIEVAL KEY C format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.8-1. ┆
0x2cc00…2cd00 (44, 0, 12) Sector 2c0dff00289141 ┆, ( A This is the only key type available for redistribution. NOTE: The retrieval for redistribution will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of retrieval data. 2. Display of message. If more than one message satisfies the retri┆
0x2cd00…2ce00 (44, 0, 13) Sector 2c0eff00289141 ┆, ( Aeval parameters, a catalogue with the data will be displayed. You can go back and enter the specific data for the desired message. 2a. Display of catalogue. 3. Display of header data. 1 The "entry of retrieval The only difference for t┆
0x2ce00…2cf00 (44, 0, 14) Sector 2c0fff00289141 ┆, ( Ahe data" for Key C is similar two transactions will be the to this described during terminal function field retrieval for local use which will display RETRIEVAL Key C. FOR REDIST If you need further Refer to Figure 3.2.8-1.a. informatio┆
0x2cf00…2d000 (44, 0, 15) Sector 2c004100289141 ┆, A ( An, proceed to section Retrieval Key Type C. You can define PLAs and/or PLA reference number of addresses to be excluded from AIG(s) used in the TO ACTION and TO INFO LINES. 16 The LOCAL PRINT is Refer to Figure 3.2.6-9.b. a manda┆
0x2d000…2d100 (45, 0, 0) Sector 2d01ff00289141 ┆- ( Atory entry item. If you enter Yes, On Keyboard, enter Y(yes) the system will print out or N(no). a copy of the readdressal assignment on the associated PRINTER. 17 VALIDATION Refer to Figure 3.2.6-10.a. On Keyboard, depress the If invalid ┆
0x2d100…2d200 (45, 0, 1) Sector 2d02ff00289141 ┆- ( Aentry, ENTER Key and the system an error message will validate all data number appears in entries. the left hand margin. You must correct your mistake by entering valid data. If you need further error number explanation proceed to the ┆
0x2d200…2d300 (45, 0, 2) Sector 2d03b400289141 ┆- 4 ( Aerror messages and error handling section. When all entries are valid, the message will be transmitted and you will be presented with the message handling menu (MSGH). Refer to Figure 3.2.6-4.b. If you need further You will find the 3 ke┆
0x2d300…2d400 (45, 0, 3) Sector 2d04ff00289141 ┆- ( A 1 3.2.7 Retrieval For Rerun (RERN) (cont'd) If you have selected RERN, the RETRIEVAL KEY A format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.7-1. This i┆
0x2d400…2d500 (45, 0, 4) Sector 2d05ff00289141 ┆- ( As the only key type available for rerun. NOTE: The retrieval for rerun will be displayed in 2 different formats. 1. Entry of retrieval data 2. Display of message. If more than one message satisfies the retrieval parameters, a catalogu┆
0x2d500…2d600 (45, 0, 5) Sector 2d06ff00289141 ┆- ( Ae with these messages data will be displayed. You can go back and enter the specific data for the desired message. 2a. Display of catalogue. 1 The "entry of retrieval The only difference for the data" for Key A is similar two transaction┆
0x2d600…2d700 (45, 0, 6) Sector 2d07ff00289141 ┆- ( As will be the to this described during terminal function field retrieval for local use which will display Key A. RETRIEVAL FOR RERUN. Refer to Figure 3.2.7-1.a. If you need further information, proceed to section Retrie┆
0x2d700…2d800 (45, 0, 7) Sector 2c081800289141 ┆, ( Aval Key Type A. language address (PLA) of PLA reference number. (PLAREF). PLAREF(s) must be entered as a 4-figure number. For instance: 0137. 9 The TO ACTION is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed ┆
0x2d900…2da00 (45, 0, 9) Sector 2d0aff00289141 ┆- ( A 1 3.2.6 Retrieval For Readdressal (READ) (cont'd) Refer to Figure 3.2.6-7.a. 10 On Keyboard, enter the You must enter the address. address(es) o┆
0x2da00…2db00 (45, 0, 10) Sector 2d0bff00289141 ┆- ( Af the intended action addresses. You must begin with address indicator groups (AIGs) or address groups (AGs), if any. By using groups, you must first enter the 2- or 3 letter combination AG/AIG followed by the actual address data. For in┆
0x2db00…2dc00 (45, 0, 11) Sector 2d0cff00289141 ┆- ( Astance: AIG 5000. This should be followed by PLAs and/or PLA reference number. 11 The TO INFO is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 13. 12 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure 3.2.6-7.b.┆
0x2dc00…2dd00 (45, 0, 12) Sector 2d0dff00289141 ┆- ( A ADDRESS(es) You can enter the address(es) of the intented info addresses. You must use the same procedure as described for action addresses. NOTE: If you defines any info address, the precedence info field must be defined too. 13 Either a┆
0x2dd00…2de00 (45, 0, 13) Sector 2d0e4200289141 ┆- B ( A TO ACTION address or an INFO address must be defined. ayed in 4 different formats: 1. Entry of key type. 2. Entry of retrieval data. 3. Display of message. If more than one message satisfies the retrieval parameters, a catalogue ┆
0x2de00…2df00 (45, 0, 14) Sector 2d0fff00289141 ┆- ( A 1 3.2.6 Retrieval For Readdressal (READ) (cont'd) 14 The EXEMPT is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 16. 15 On Ke┆
0x2df00…2e000 (45, 0, 15) Sector 2d00ff00289141 ┆- ( Ayboard, enter the Refer to Figure 3.2.6-9.a. ADDRESS(es). You can define PLAs and/or PLA reference number of addresses to be excluded from AIG(s) used in the TO ACTION and TO INFO LINES. 16 The LOCAL PRINT is Refer to Figure 3.2.6-9.b. a manda┆
0x2e000…2e100 (46, 0, 0) Sector 2e01ff00289141 ┆. ( AEVAL KEY C format is presented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 3 The ┆
0x2e100…2e200 (46, 0, 1) Sector 2e02ff00289141 ┆. ( ATIME STAMP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. The time stamp is the time from where you decide to start the search. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MINUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPA┆
0x2e200…2e300 (46, 0, 2) Sector 2e03ff00289141 ┆. ( ACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 4 The WINDOW is an If you do not define the optional entry item. time stamp window, the If you do not wish to search will only occur define this entry, within the defined minute. proc┆
0x2e300…2e400 (46, 0, 3) Sector 2e041600289141 ┆. ( Aeed to step 6. Catalogue Key Type A + B (cont'd) 1 If only one message satisfies the retrieval parameters, proceed to step 6. 2 If more than one message Refer to Figu┆
0x2e400…2e500 (46, 0, 4) Sector 2e05ff00289141 ┆. ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type C (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure HOUR and/or MINUTES This identifies a time window used to limit the search of t┆
0x2e500…2e600 (46, 0, 5) Sector 2e06ff00289141 ┆. ( Ahe catalogue. You can enter max upto 6 hours. For instance: 1 hour 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The DATE TIME GROUP is an optional entry item. ┆
0x2e600…2e700 (46, 0, 6) Sector 2e07ff00289141 ┆. ( A If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 8. 7 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the DTG The DTG contains information about format line 5 of ACP 127 messages. The DTG must consist of 4 characters. DATE┆
0x2e700…2e800 (46, 0, 7) Sector 2d087800289141 ┆- x ( A (2) HOUR (2) Minute (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2) For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 6 Observe that a message Refer to Figure is displayed on the Before presentation of the VDU screen. message, y┆
0x2e800…2e900 (46, 0, 8) Sector 2e09ff00289141 ┆. ( Aou can be prompted for security procedures. If so, proceed to section 3.1.4 SECURITY PROCEDURES. 7 If you do not wish The system displays max to 'page' in the message, 27 lines at once. proceed to step 9. 8 On Keyboard, press Refer to┆
0x2e900…2ea00 (46, 0, 9) Sector 2e0aff00289141 ┆. ( A Figure the desired DISPLAY You can get the following CONTROL Key. page by use of "page forward" or the opposite by use of "page back". "Scroll forward" will get you one line forward and the opposite by use of "scroll back". 9┆
0x2ea00…2eb00 (46, 0, 10) Sector 2e0bfb00289141 ┆. { ( A If you do not wish to get a hard copy of the message, proceed to step 11. 10 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure program function Key F3. The system will print out the whole message on the associated printer. TIM┆
0x2eb00…2ec00 (46, 0, 11) Sector 2e0cff00289141 ┆. ( A 1 Catalogue Key Type A + B (cont'd) 11 If you have started the Refer to Figure retrieval from The system will give you a readdressal (READ) or ne┆
0x2ec00…2ed00 (46, 0, 12) Sector 2e0dff00289141 ┆. ( Aw format which rerun (RERN). corresponds to the desired Press ENTER key. start command. Otherwise proceed to step 12. If you need further information to continue the readdressal transaction, proceed to section 3.2.6 st┆
0x2ed00…2ee00 (46, 0, 13) Sector 2e0eff00289141 ┆. ( Aep 5 and to continue the rerun transaction, proceed to section 3.2.7 step 2. 12 Press Special function Refer to Figure key-F12 and proceed to By pressing F12-key the section Message handling system returns to the Menu. Message ┆
0x2ee00…2ef00 (46, 0, 14) Sector 2e0f1700289141 ┆. ( AHandling Menu. On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the NUMBER. The station serial number is the number of messages sent over the specific station. You can enter the number for the specific message. sed to limit the search of t┆
0x2ef00…2f000 (46, 0, 15) Sector 2e00ff00289141 ┆. ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type C (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. C, the RETRI┆
0x2f000…2f100 (47, 0, 0) Sector 2f01ff00289141 ┆/ ( A enter Refer to Figure FILE TIME The time of filling consist of the Julian date (3 digits) and the time group (4 digits). 11 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure proceed to section If more than one message C┆
0x2f100…2f200 (47, 0, 1) Sector 2f02ff00289141 ┆/ ( Aatalogue Key Type A + B. satisfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type A or B, the same catalogue will be presented. This catalogue is described in ┆
0x2f200…2f300 (47, 0, 2) Sector 2f033300289141 ┆/ 3 ( Asection - Catalogue key type A + B. Retrieval Key Type A (cont'd) 8 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure NUMBER The channel serial number is the number of messages sent over the s┆
0x2f300…2f400 (47, 0, 3) Sector 2f04ff00289141 ┆/ ( A 1 Catalogue Key Type A + B (cont'd) 1 If only one message satisfies the retrieval parameters, proceed to step 6. 2 If more than one message Refer to Figu┆
0x2f400…2f500 (47, 0, 4) Sector 2f05ff00289141 ┆/ ( Are satisfies the retrieval For every message this cata- parameters, a catalogue logue informs you about: is presented on the VDU KEY TYPE screen. TIME STAMP ITEM REFERENCE ID CHANNEL ID CHANNEL SERIES NO STATION ID ┆
0x2f500…2f600 (47, 0, 5) Sector 2f06ff00289141 ┆/ ( ASTATION SERIES NO. FILE TIME 3 Select the searched message from the in- formation in the cata- gue. 4 On keyboard, press Special function Refer to Figure Key-F12 Pressing the F12-key informing the system to present th┆
0x2f600…2f700 (47, 0, 6) Sector 2f07c900289141 ┆/ I ( Ae Message Handling Menu. 5 Enter new Command and You can start a new attempt proceed to the section by using the data associated with the corresponding to the choise. searched message. f you have selected on the VDU screen. B, the RETRIE┆
0x2f700…2f800 (47, 0, 7) Sector 2e08ff00289141 ┆. ( A 1 Catalogue Key Type A + B (cont'd) 6 Observe that a message Refer to Figure is displayed on the Before presentation of the VDU screen. message, y┆
0x2f800…2f900 (47, 0, 8) Sector 2f09ff00289141 ┆/ ( AME STAMP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. The time stamp is the time from where you decide to start the search. The timestamp must consist of 14 characters. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MI┆
0x2f900…2fa00 (47, 0, 9) Sector 2f0aff00289141 ┆/ ( ANUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 4 The WINDOW is an If you do not define the time stamp window, the search will only occur within the defined minute. optional entry item. If y┆
0x2fa00…2fb00 (47, 0, 10) Sector 2f0b4400289141 ┆/ D ( Aou do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 6. e this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 3 The TIM┆
0x2fb00…2fc00 (47, 0, 11) Sector 2f0cff00289141 ┆/ ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type B (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure HOUR and/or MINUTES This identifies a time window used to limit the search of t┆
0x2fc00…2fd00 (47, 0, 12) Sector 2f0dff00289141 ┆/ ( Ahe catalogue. You can enter max upto 6 hours. For instance: 1 hour 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The STATION ID is a mandatory entry item. On K┆
0x2fd00…2fe00 (47, 0, 13) Sector 2f0eff00289141 ┆/ ( Aeyboard, enter the Refer to Figure ID. This identifies the id of the sending station by which the message is to be retrieved. 7 The STATION SERIAL NO is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed┆
0x2fe00…2ff00 (47, 0, 14) Sector 2f0fe300289141 ┆/ c ( A to step 9. 8 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the NUMBER. The station serial number is the number of messages sent over the specific station. You can enter the number for the specific message. sed to limit the search of t┆
0x2ff00…30000 (47, 0, 15) Sector 2f00ff00289141 ┆/ ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type B (cont'd) 9 The FILE TIME is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 11. 10 On Keyboard,┆
0x30000…30100 (48, 0, 0) Sector 3001ff00289141 ┆0 ( A item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure CD. The CD must consist by 3 alpha characters. This identifies the specific Channel by which the message is to be retrieved. 7 The CHANNEL SERIAL NO. is an optional entry item. ┆
0x30100…30200 (48, 0, 1) Sector 30025000289141 ┆0 P ( A If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 9. puts an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 The REF. IDENTITY is a Refer to Figure mandatory entry item. You must enter the id On keyboard, enter the ┆
0x30200…30300 (48, 0, 2) Sector 3003ff00289141 ┆0 ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type A (cont'd) 8 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure NUMBER The channel serial number is the number of messages sent over the s┆
0x30300…30400 (48, 0, 3) Sector 3004ff00289141 ┆0 ( Apecific channel. You can enter the number for the specific message. The sequence type must be defined in "channel no. series control, NOCC" as either 3 digits or 4 digits. 9 Press ENTER key and Refer to Figure proceed to se┆
0x30400…30500 (48, 0, 4) Sector 3005ff00289141 ┆0 ( Action If more than one message Catalogue Key Type A + B. satisfied the retrieval parameters, a catalogue is presented on the VDU screen. If you have employed and finished your retrieve data from key type A or B, the same catalogue will be┆
0x30500…30600 (48, 0, 5) Sector 30066700289141 ┆0 g ( A presented. This catalogue is described in section Catalogue Key type A+B. Use (RELU) (cont'd) 1 Select one of the following options: A TIME STAMP + CHANNEL ID + CHANNEL SERIES NO. B TIME STAMP + STATION ID┆
0x30600…30700 (48, 0, 6) Sector 3007ff00289141 ┆0 ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type B (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. B, the RETRIE┆
0x30700…30800 (48, 0, 7) Sector 2f08ff00289141 ┆/ ( AVAL KEY B format is presented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 3 The TI┆
0x30800…30900 (48, 0, 8) Sector 30099400289141 ┆0 ( Alow: Key A - Section Key B - Section Key C - Section Key D - Section Key E - Section nce id, ITEM NOT FOUND will be displayed in the response line and you will be promted for the Service Messa┆
0x30900…30a00 (48, 0, 9) Sector 300aff00289141 ┆0 ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type A (cont'd) 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format If you have selected on the VDU screen. A, the RETRIEV┆
0x30a00…30b00 (48, 0, 10) Sector 300bff00289141 ┆0 ( AAL KEY A format is presented on the VDU screen. You can use this format to retrieve both incoming and outgoing messages. 2 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 3 The TIM┆
0x30b00…30c00 (48, 0, 11) Sector 300cff00289141 ┆0 ( AE STAMP is a mandatory entry item. On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure TIMESTAMP. The time stamp is the time from where you decide to start the search. The timestamp must consist of 14 characters. DATE (2) HOUR (2) MIN┆
0x30c00…30d00 (48, 0, 12) Sector 300dff00289141 ┆0 ( AUTE (2) ZONE (1) SPACE (1) MONTH (3) SPACE (1) YEAR (2). For instance: 192135Z FEB 82 4 The WINDOW is an If you do not define the optional entry item. time stamp WINDOW, the If you do not wish to search will only occur define t┆
0x30d00…30e00 (48, 0, 13) Sector 300e4e00289141 ┆0 N ( Ahis entry, within the defined minute. proceed to step 6. x Key. 27 lines at once. em. 28 Proceed to step 30 29 On keyboard, enter DEF Refer to Figure in the mandatory entry The system will keep the item. com┆
0x30e00…30f00 (48, 0, 14) Sector 300fff00289141 ┆0 ( A 1 Retrieval Key Type A (cont'd) 5 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure HOUR and/or MINUTES This identifies a time window used to limit the search of t┆
0x30f00…31000 (48, 0, 15) Sector 3000ff00289141 ┆0 ( Ahe catalogue. You can enter max upto 6 hours. For instance: 1 hour 30 minutes The search will start at the time specified in the time stamp and stop 1 hour and 30 minutes later. 6 The CHANNEL DESIGNA- TOR is a mandatory entry ┆
0x31000…31100 (49, 0, 0) Sector 3101ff00289141 ┆1 ( A11. mode by using F11 - CANCEL. After this, you can start a new transaction. 4 On Keyboard, press the Refer to Figure special function Key F-12 By pressing F-12 Key the system returns to the service message preparation menu (SMP┆
0x31100…31200 (49, 0, 1) Sector 31024700289141 ┆1 G ( AR). 5 Proceed to section Service Message Preparation Menu. .a. outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 The REF. IDENTITY is a Refer to Figure mandatory entry item. You must enter the id On keyboard, enter the ┆
0x31200…31300 (49, 0, 2) Sector 3103ff00289141 ┆1 ( A 1 3.2.5 Retrieval For Local Use (RELU) (cont'd) If you have selected RELU, the RETRIEVAL FOR LOCAL USE format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.5-┆
0x31300…31400 (49, 0, 3) Sector 3104ff00289141 ┆1 ( A1. NOTE: The retrieval for local use will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of Key type 2. Entry of retrieval data. 3. Display of message If more than one message satisfies the retrieval parameters, a catalogue with t┆
0x31400…31500 (49, 0, 4) Sector 31059400289141 ┆1 ( Ahese messages data will be displayed. You can go back and enter the specific data for the desired message. 3a. Display of catalogue. t more lines will be inserted below lines. the cursor placement. 15 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure ┆
0x31500…31600 (49, 0, 5) Sector 3106ff00289141 ┆1 ( A 1 3.2.5 Retrieval For Local Use (RELU) (cont'd) 1 Select one of the following options: A TIME STAMP + CHANNEL ID + CHANNEL SERIES NO. B TIME STAMP + STATION ID┆
0x31600…31700 (49, 0, 6) Sector 3107ff00289141 ┆1 ( A + STATION SERIES NO. + FILE TIME. C TIME STAMP + DATE TIME GROUP + HQ ID + SIC's. D TIME STAMP + ITEM REF. ID E DATE TIME GROUP + HQ ID 2 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure 3.2.5-3.a. the KEY TYPE. You must enter one of the poss┆
0x31700…31800 (49, 0, 7) Sector 3008ff00289141 ┆0 ( Aibilities: A, B, C, D, E This identify the code for the Key type by which the message is to be retrieved. 3 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure 3.2.5-4.a. 4 Proceed to the selected You will find the 5 key key section sections as described be┆
0x31800…31900 (49, 0, 8) Sector 3109ff00289141 ┆1 ( A will inform you by displaying MESSAGE DELETED in the response line. Refer to Figure If the system do not find the reference id, ITEM NOT FOUND will be displayed in the response line and you will be promted for the Service Messa┆
0x31900…31a00 (49, 0, 9) Sector 310a4f00289141 ┆1 O ( Age preparation Menu. NOTE: Only deferred messages can be deleted. 21 On Keyboard, enter the number of lines to be deleted. 22 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines will now be removed by the system.┆
0x31a00…31b00 (49, 0, 10) Sector 310bff00289141 ┆1 ( A 1 Service Message Status (OSMS) (cont'd) If you have selected OSMS, the SERVICE MESSAGE STATUS format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.┆
0x31b00…31c00 (49, 0, 11) Sector 310cff00289141 ┆1 ( A3.11-1. By informing you with the timestamp and item reference number the system will give you a list of: 1 - Messages sent for transmission 2 - Deferred messages 3 - Deleted messages This is the status at this terminal si┆
0x31c00…31d00 (49, 0, 12) Sector 310dff00289141 ┆1 ( Ance 24.00 hours. The system will give you the number of messages prepared since previous status too 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 On Keyboard, press the Refer t┆
0x31d00…31e00 (49, 0, 13) Sector 310e6b00289141 ┆1 k ( Ao Figure desired DISPLAY CONTROL The system displays max Key. 27 lines at once. em. 28 Proceed to step 30 29 On keyboard, enter DEF Refer to Figure in the mandatory entry The system will keep the item. com┆
0x31e00…31f00 (49, 0, 14) Sector 310fff00289141 ┆1 ( A 1 Service Message Status (OSMS) (cont'd) You can get the following page by use of "page forward" or the opposite by use of "page back". "Scroll forward" w┆
0x31f00…32000 (49, 0, 15) Sector 3100ff00289141 ┆1 ( Aill get you one line forward and the opposite by use of "Scroll back". 3 When you wich to stop Refer to Figure the activities in OSMS It is only possible to come mode, press special out of Service Message Status function key F┆
0x32000…32100 (50, 0, 0) Sector 3201ff00289141 ┆2 ( A 1 Continue Comment Preparation (CTCP)(cont'd) If you have selected CTCP THE CONTINUE COMMENT PREPARATION format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure┆
0x32100…32200 (50, 0, 1) Sector 3202ff00289141 ┆2 ( A 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 The REF. IDENTITY is a Refer to Figure mandatory entry item. You must enter the id On keyboard, enter the ┆
0x32200…32300 (50, 0, 2) Sector 3203ff00289141 ┆2 ( Afor the comment you ID. wish to continue. 3 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure The system will check the reference id. If the reference id is known to the system and the specified comment is deferred, the system will present the ┆
0x32300…32400 (50, 0, 3) Sector 3204ff00289141 ┆2 ( AContinue preparation as described under the Prepare New Comment. The only difference will be the terminal function field which will display "CONTINUE COMMENT PREP". Refer to Figure If you need further help to continue the com┆
0x32400…32500 (50, 0, 4) Sector 32052700289141 ┆2 ' ( Ament proceed to section meric proceed to step 18. characters. 14 Place the cursor, where The actual number of you wish to insert more lines will be inserted below lines. the cursor placement. 15 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure ┆
0x32500…32600 (50, 0, 5) Sector 3206ff00289141 ┆2 ( A 1 Delete Service Messages (DESM) (cont'd) If you have selected DESM, the DELETE SERVICE MESSAGES format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.┆
0x32600…32700 (50, 0, 6) Sector 3207ff00289141 ┆2 ( A3.10-1. 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 The REF. IDENTITY is a Refer to Figure mandatory entry item. You must enter the id of On Keyboard, enter th┆
0x32700…32800 (50, 0, 7) Sector 3108ff00289141 ┆1 ( Ae the message ITEM REFERENCE ID you wish to delete 3 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure The system will check the reference id. If the reference id is known to the system the specified message will be deleted. The system┆
0x32800…32900 (50, 0, 8) Sector 3209a300489741 ┆2 # H A 1 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS A SYNC. MUX. MAINTENANCE MANUAL is not available to CAMPS. ┆
0x32900…32a00 (50, 0, 9) Sector 0000f500489741 ┆ u H A 1 3 USER'S MANUAL MICOM DATA CONCENTRATOR Model: 822/SYNC. RM-L MICOM Docu. No.: 800-1141 Issue: 1 Date 840403 (The User's Manual is enclosed in the following) ┆
0x32a00…32b00 (50, 0, 10) Sector 320bb300232341 ┆2 3 ##A 1 2323A/ktd CPS/OPM/003 CLA/830811 CAMPS MDCO OPERATION MANUAL Issue 1 CAMPS > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x32b00…32c00 (50, 0, 11) Sector 320cff00232341 ┆2 ##A 1 CAMPS MDCO OPERATION MANUAL CPS/OPM/003 CDRL Software Development No. 17A Line Item No. 4.3.7 Carsten Larsen/Bj]rn Stender Petersen Kurt Ny┆
0x32c00…32d00 (50, 0, 12) Sector 320dfc00232341 ┆2 | ##Abroe-Nielsen SHAPE, JHO, KNN, URH, MSN, KNB, FH, LU, Conf. Mgmt., QA, Library (5), KJA, LOL, CLA, JAL, KEJ GQAR, BSP, LT ILS Manager 830811 2 830811 Conf. Mgmt. 830811 R ┆
0x32d00…32e00 (50, 0, 13) Sector 320ecd00232341 ┆2 M ##A 1 2323A/ktd CPS/OPM/003 CLA/830811 ii CAMPS MDCO OPERATION MANUAL Issue 1 CAMPS her inds`ttes first aid 0C.1!$<5CQ0!$<6 !&<6 Mc&! "(=6 E '<M% ! "2<┆
0x32e00…32f00 (50, 0, 14) Sector 320fff00232341 ┆2 ##A 1 2323A/ktd CPS/OPM/003 CLA/830811 iii CAMPS MDCO OPERATION MANUAL Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x32f00…33000 (50, 0, 15) Sector 3200ff00232341 ┆2 ##A 821007 All Original issue of document Prelim. 830126 CPS Log. All Preliminary issue of No. 1004 manual has been changed according to SHAPE's review and issue 4.5 of CPS/230/ICD/0002 Supervisor Commands and Procedures da┆
0x33000…33100 (51, 0, 0) Sector 3301ff00489741 ┆3 H A Nov. 82 All Preliminary Issue of Document 1 840510 CPS log 1406 All Issue of Document is based on SHAPE's and ┆
0x33100…33200 (51, 0, 1) Sector 3302af00489741 ┆3 / H A CR's review comments, CAMPS Log No.: 1406, 831007. (=N#FMC 2.=M ':>=V V u:A=!>= AH1 R^4 ]M, C 4:>=2A=Ms!:g=~ Jr4Mj2:g=~ B}4C75! ┆
0x33200…33300 (51, 0, 2) Sector 3303ff00489741 ┆3 H A 1 4897A/aml CPS/OPM/011 LU/840510 iv CAMPS SYNC. MUX. USER'S MANUAL Prelim. CAMPS 1 TABLE O┆
0x33300…33400 (51, 0, 3) Sector 3304ff00489741 ┆3 H AF CONTENTS 1 TITLE PAGE ................................... i FIRST AID FOR ELECTRICAL SHOCK ............... ii REVISION RECORD .............................. iii TABL┆
0x33400…33500 (51, 0, 4) Sector 3305ff00489741 ┆3 H AE OF CONTENTS ............................ iv 1 SCOPE ..................................... 1 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ...................... 2 3 SYNC. MUX. USER'S MANUAL .................. 3 1 ┆
0x33500…33600 (51, 0, 5) Sector 33062900489741 ┆3 ) H A ┆
0x33600…33700 (51, 0, 6) Sector 3307ff00489741 ┆3 H A 1 1 SCOPE The CAMPS SYNC. MUX. User's Manual is an OEM Manual, which is grouped under Peripheral Equipment Manuals in the CAMPS Documentation Tree. The CAMPS SYNC. MUX. is relev┆
0x33700…33800 (51, 0, 7) Sector 32085300489741 ┆2 S H Aant for proto external channel, expansion of CAMPS Remote Terminal (CRT). ┆
0x33800…33900 (51, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(51,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41489741}, f00=»4897A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/011 «, f02=»aml «, f03=»LU «, f04=»CPS SYNC. MUX «, f05=10-05-84 10:57, f06=» «, f07=»18 «, f08=» 2271 «, f09=10-05-84 14:20, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 9 «, f13=10-05-84 14:22, f14=10-05-84 15:07, f15=»0291A «, f16=» 7 «, f17=» «, f18=»27 «, f19=» 48 «, f20=» 2411 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=300020000610462710110180aaca15050000000000000038031200df}
0x33900…33a00 (51, 0, 9) Sector 330a0700489741 ┆3 H A 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / ┆
0x33a00…33b00 (51, 0, 10) Sector 330ba800489741 ┆3 ( H A 1 4897A/aml CPS/OPM/011 LU/840510 # CAMPS SYNC. MUX. USER'S MANUAL Prelim. CAMPS )M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x33b00…33c00 (51, 0, 11) Sector 330cff00489741 ┆3 H A 1 CAMPS SYNC. MUX. 2-CHANNEL DATA CONCENTRATOR Model M822/SYNC. RM-L USER'S MANUAL (Peripheral Equipment Manual) CPS/OPM/011 Leif Uldam ┆
0x33c00…33d00 (51, 0, 12) Sector 330de300489741 ┆3 c H AKurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (1), PMS, KM, LT, QA, GQAR, Conf. Mgr., LU ILS Manager 840510 1 Conf. Mgr. 840510 840510 Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x33d00…33e00 (51, 0, 13) Sector 330eff00489741 ┆3 H A 1 4897A/aml CPS/OPM/011 LU/840510 ii CAMPS SYNC. MUX. USER'S MANUAL Prelim. CAMPS 1 HER INDS@T┆
0x33e00…33f00 (51, 0, 14) Sector 330f1900489741 ┆3 H ATES KISS OF LIFE R!1C.1! "(=> w#6 I! "(=6 *(=#"(=6 IM2&! w"2< hMI sM & E 0= u M% :^=~ Bl1{M40sI:^=~ J 1!"<6;!#<6 !&<6 ! "$<! <6 {M;(s! 9"c=! "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 ! "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC I! <6 ! "(= <q#p!"<6 !#<6 ! "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7 ┆
0x33f00…34000 (51, 0, 15) Sector 3300ff00489741 ┆3 H A 1 4897A/aml CPS/OPM/011 LU/840510 iii CAMPS SYNC. MUX. USER'S MANUAL Prelim. CAMPS 1 ┆
0x34000…34100 (52, 0, 0) Sector 3401ff00289141 ┆4 ( Aou wish to remove lines will be removed text-lines. below the cursor placement. 20 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure program function Key F4 Pressing the F4-Key informs the system that the next instruction is a "delete (n) lines┆
0x34100…34200 (52, 0, 1) Sector 3402ff00289141 ┆4 ( A". The cursor will be found in the command line and await a number. 21 On Keyboard, enter the number of lines to be deleted. 22 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines will now be removed by the system.┆
0x34200…34300 (52, 0, 2) Sector 3403b500289141 ┆4 5 ( A 23 On Keyboard, depress Refer to Figure the ENTER Key. The system will check that the textline contains "something", and if it is OK, outputs a new format: ICATION, to ensure that the following combination does not exist: NATO ┆
0x34300…34400 (52, 0, 3) Sector 3404ff00289141 ┆4 ( A 1 Prepare New Comment (PRNC) (cont'd) 24 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format When the "entry of text" on the VDU scre┆
0x34400…34500 (52, 0, 4) Sector 3405ff00289141 ┆4 ( Aen. is finished, you are prompted for the "action after preparation" format. 25 You must now decide whether the comment shall be sent or kept for further preparation. 26 If you select to send the comment, proceed to step 27. Otherwis┆
0x34500…34600 (52, 0, 5) Sector 3406ff00289141 ┆4 ( Ae to step 29. 27 On keyboard, enter SEN Refer to Figure in the mandatory entry item. 28 Proceed to step 30 29 On keyboard, enter DEF Refer to Figure in the mandatory entry The system will keep the item. com┆
0x34600…34700 (52, 0, 6) Sector 3407ff00289141 ┆4 ( Ament and you can later retrieve the specified comment for continuation of preparation or deletion. 30 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The comment will be sent or deferred and the Service Message preparation Menu will be displayed ┆
0x34700…34800 (52, 0, 7) Sector 32001a00289141 ┆2 ( Aon your VDU screen. TRIBUTION Refer to Figure is a mandatory entry item. At least one SCD must be On keyboard, enter the defined in the distribution SCD(s) list. You can define up to 10 local staff cell designators. 10 VALIDATIO┆
0x34800…34900 (52, 0, 8) Sector 3409ff00289141 ┆4 ( AN Refer to Figure On Keyboard, depress If invalid entry, an error the ENTER Key and the message number appears in system will validate all the left hand margin data entries. You must correct your mistake by inserting valid da┆
0x34900…34a00 (52, 0, 9) Sector 340a7500289141 ┆4 u ( Ata. If you need further error number explanation proceed to the error messages and error handling section. proceed to section pecified message for continuation of preparation or deletion. 32 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure┆
0x34a00…34b00 (52, 0, 10) Sector 340bff00289141 ┆4 ( A 1 Prepare New Comment (PRNC) (cont'd) 11 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format When all entries in the on the VDU screen.┆
0x34b00…34c00 (52, 0, 11) Sector 340cff00289141 ┆4 ( A "entry of comment header information" format are valid, you are prompted for the "entry of text" format. 12 On keyboard, enter free Refer to Figure text. This entry is mandatory 13 If you do not need Every line may contain more┆
0x34c00…34d00 (52, 0, 12) Sector 340dff00289141 ┆4 ( A lines for text, up to 69 alphanumeric proceed to step 18. characters. 14 Place the cursor, where The actual number of you wish to insert more lines will be inserted below lines. the cursor placement. 15 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure ┆
0x34d00…34e00 (52, 0, 13) Sector 340eff00289141 ┆4 ( A3.2.3.8-8.a. program function pressing the F2-key informs key F2. the system that the next instruction is a "insert (n) lines". The cursor will be found in the command line and await a number. 16 On Keyboard, enter the number of lines to ┆
0x34e00…34f00 (52, 0, 14) Sector 340f8900289141 ┆4 ( Abe inserted. 17 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines will now be inserted by the system. RET. the terminal function field which will display "CONT PLAINDRESS PREPARE". Refer to Figure If┆
0x34f00…35000 (52, 0, 15) Sector 3400ff00289141 ┆4 ( A 1 Prepare New Comment (PRNC) (cont'd) 18 If you do not need to remove text-lines proceed to step 23. 19 Place the cursor, where The actual number of y┆
0x35000…35100 (53, 0, 0) Sector 3501ff00289141 ┆5 ( Arator. 4 The SPECIAL HANDLING is an optional entry item. If you to not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 6. 5 On keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure SPECIAL HANDLING. You can enter the following possibilities in t┆
0x35100…35200 (53, 0, 1) Sector 3502ff00289141 ┆5 ( Ahe two fields: LL - ATOMAL DA - DATA PP - EXCL YY - CRYPTO If you enter "national eyes only", the first field must contain EE and the second contain a 2-letter acronym for the nationality. After validation, the system will check┆
0x35200…35300 (53, 0, 2) Sector 3503ff00289141 ┆5 ( A the SPECIAL HANDLING category against the security profile of both the terminal and operator. The system will also check the SPECIAL category against the security CLASSIFICATION, to ensure that the following combination does not exist: NATO ┆
0x35300…35400 (53, 0, 3) Sector 35044b00289141 ┆5 K ( Aunclassified and any special category except "nationals" eyes only. on as described under the prepare new abbreviated plaindress message. The only difference will be the terminal function field which will display "CONT ABBR PLAINDRESS PREP". ┆
0x35400…35500 (53, 0, 4) Sector 3505ff00289141 ┆5 ( A 1 Prepare New Comment (PRNC) (cont'd) 6 The PRECEDENCE Refer to Figure is a mandatory entry This defines the precedence item. On keyboard, by ┆
0x35500…35600 (53, 0, 5) Sector 3506ff00289141 ┆5 ( Awhich this comment will enter the precedence. be transmitted. RR - ROUTINE PP - PRIORITY OO - IMMEDIATE ZZ - FLASH 7 The ORIGINATOR SCD is Refer to Figure a mandatory entry item. This defines the originating On keyb┆
0x35600…35700 (53, 0, 6) Sector 3507ff00289141 ┆5 ( Aoard, enter the staff cell designator (SCD). SCD. 8 The ORIGINATOR ID is Refer to Figure a mandatory entry item. You must enter the On keyboard, enter the ID. originators name, rank and telephone number in the 20 characters fiel┆
0x35700…35800 (53, 0, 7) Sector 3408ff00289141 ┆4 ( Ad. 9 The LOCAL DISTRIBUTION Refer to Figure is a mandatory entry item. At least one SCD must be On keyboard, enter the defined in the distribution SCD(s) list. You can define up to 10 local staff cell designators. 10 VALIDATIO┆
0x35800…35900 (53, 0, 8) Sector 3509ff00289141 ┆5 ( Anown to the system and the specified message is deferred the system will present the continue preparation as described under the prepare new abbreviated service message. The only difference will be the terminal function field which will display ┆
0x35900…35a00 (53, 0, 9) Sector 350a9300289141 ┆5 ( A"CONT ABBR SERVICE PREP". Refer to Figure If you need further help to continue the message, proceed to section pecified message for continuation of preparation or deletion. 32 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure┆
0x35a00…35b00 (53, 0, 10) Sector 350bff00289141 ┆5 ( A 1 Prepare New Comment (PRNC) (cont'd) If you have selected PRNC, the NEW COMMENT PREPARE format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure ┆
0x35b00…35c00 (53, 0, 11) Sector 350cff00289141 ┆5 ( A NOTE: The new Comment prepare transaction will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of comment header information. 2. Entry of text. 3. Action after preparation Each format is validated separately by the system. 1 Observe┆
0x35c00…35d00 (53, 0, 12) Sector 350dff00289141 ┆5 ( A that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 NOTE: The ITEM REFERENCE Refer to Figure ID is entered This is an identity for by the system. this comment until the comment is s┆
0x35d00…35e00 (53, 0, 13) Sector 350eff00289141 ┆5 ( Aent or deleted. 3 THE CLASSIFICATION is Refer to Figure a mandatory entry item. You must enter the classifi- On keyboard, enter the cation of the comment under classification. preparation. You must enter one of the following pos┆
0x35e00…35f00 (53, 0, 14) Sector 350f8f00289141 ┆5 ( Asibilities: UU - NATO UNCLASSIFIED RR - NATO RESTRICTED CC - NATO CONFIDENTIAL SS - NATO SECRET TT - COSMIC TOP SECRET. the terminal function field which will display "CONT PLAINDRESS PREPARE". Refer to Figure If┆
0x35f00…36000 (53, 0, 15) Sector 3500ff00289141 ┆5 ( A 1 Prepare New Comment (PRNC) (cont'd) After validation, the system will check that this classification is within the security profile of both terminal and ope┆
0x36000…36100 (54, 0, 0) Sector 3601ff00289141 ┆6 ( A 1 Continue Abbreviated Plaindress Preparation (CAPP)(cont'd) If you have selected CAPP, the CONTINUE ABBREVIATED PLAINDRESS PREPARATION format is presented on th┆
0x36100…36200 (54, 0, 1) Sector 3602ff00289141 ┆6 ( Ae VDU screen. Refer to Figure 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 The REF. IDENTITY is a Refer to Figure mandatory entry item. You must enter ┆
0x36200…36300 (54, 0, 2) Sector 3603ff00289141 ┆6 ( Athe id for On keyboard, enter the the message ITEM REFERENCE ID. you wish to continue. 3 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure The system will check the reference id. If the reference id is known to the system and the specifi┆
0x36300…36400 (54, 0, 3) Sector 3604ff00289141 ┆6 ( Aed message is deferred the system will present the continue preparation as described under the prepare new abbreviated plaindress message. The only difference will be the terminal function field which will display "CONT ABBR PLAINDRESS PREP". ┆
0x36400…36500 (54, 0, 4) Sector 36057700289141 ┆6 w ( A Refer to Figure If you need further help to continue the message, proceed to section board, enter the number of lines to be deleted. 24 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines wil┆
0x36500…36600 (54, 0, 5) Sector 3606ff00289141 ┆6 ( A 1 Continue Abbreviated Service Message Preparation (CASP) (cont'd) If you have selected CASP, the CONTINUE ABBREVIATED SERVICE MESSAGE PR┆
0x36600…36700 (54, 0, 6) Sector 3607ff00289141 ┆6 ( AEPARATION format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 The REF. IDENTITY is a Refer to Figure ma┆
0x36700…36800 (54, 0, 7) Sector 3508ff00289141 ┆5 ( Andatory entry item. You must enter the id for On Keyboard, enter the the message ITEM REFERENCE ID you wish to continue. 3 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure The system will check the reference id. If the reference id is k┆
0x36800…36900 (54, 0, 8) Sector 3609ff00289141 ┆6 ( A step 29, otherwise to step 31. 29 On Keyboard, enter SEN in Refer to Figure the mandatory entry item. The system will queue the message for transmission 30 Proceed to step 32 31 On Keyboard, enter DEF in R┆
0x36900…36a00 (54, 0, 9) Sector 360aff00289141 ┆6 ( Aefer to Figure the mandatory entry item. The system will keep the message and you can later retrieve the specified message for continuation of preparation or deletion. 32 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure┆
0x36a00…36b00 (54, 0, 10) Sector 360b7e00289141 ┆6 ~ ( A4.a. The message will be sent or deferred and the SERVICE MESSAGE PREPARATION MENU will be displayed on your screen. nter instructions for the receiver(s) up to 50 characters. NOTE - This field will not be validated. 13 VALIDATION Refer┆
0x36b00…36c00 (54, 0, 11) Sector 360cff00289141 ┆6 ( A 1 Continue Plaindress Preparation (CPFP) (cont'd) If you have selected CPFP, the CONTINUE PLAINDRESS PREPARATION format is presented on the VDU Screen. Refer┆
0x36c00…36d00 (54, 0, 12) Sector 360dff00289141 ┆6 ( A to Figure 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 The REF. IDENTITY is a Refer to Figure mandatory entry item. You must enter the id for On Keybo┆
0x36d00…36e00 (54, 0, 13) Sector 360eff00289141 ┆6 ( Aard, enter the the message ITEM REFERENCE ID you wish to continue. 3 Press ENTER Key. Refer to Figure The system will check the reference id. If the reference id is known to the system and the specified message is deferred,┆
0x36e00…36f00 (54, 0, 14) Sector 360fff00289141 ┆6 ( A the system will present the continue preparation as described under the prepare new plaindress message. The only difference will be the terminal function field which will display "CONT PLAINDRESS PREPARE". Refer to Figure If┆
0x36f00…37000 (54, 0, 15) Sector 36005200289141 ┆6 R ( A you need further help to continue the message, proceed to section 16 If you do not need Every line may contain more lines for text, up to 69 alphanumeric proceed to step 21 characters. 17 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure┆
0x37000…37100 (55, 0, 0) Sector 3701ff00289141 ┆7 ( A0.a. program function pressing the F2-key informs key F2 the system that the next instruction is a "insert (n) lines". The cursor will be found in the command line and await a number. 18 On Keyboard, enter the number of lines to be inse┆
0x37100…37200 (55, 0, 1) Sector 37020d00289141 ┆7 ( Arted. Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) 4 The PRECEDENCE is Refer to Figure a mandatory entry item. This defines the preceden┆
0x37200…37300 (55, 0, 2) Sector 3703ff00289141 ┆7 ( A 1 Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) 19 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines will now be inserted ┆
0x37300…37400 (55, 0, 3) Sector 3704ff00289141 ┆7 ( Aby the system. 20 Repeat from step 15. 21 If you do not need to remove text-lines, proceed to step 25. 22 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure program function Key F4 Pressing the F4-Key informs the system that the next in┆
0x37400…37500 (55, 0, 4) Sector 3705ff00289141 ┆7 ( Astruction is a "delete (n) lines". The cursor will be found in the command line and await a number. 23 On Keyboard, enter the number of lines to be deleted. 24 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines wil┆
0x37500…37600 (55, 0, 5) Sector 3706d500289141 ┆7 U ( Al now be removed by the system. 25 On Keyboard, depress Refer to Figure the ENTER Key. The system will check that the textline contains "something", and if it is OK, outputs a new format. andatory entry You must define the item┆
0x37600…37700 (55, 0, 6) Sector 3707ff00289141 ┆7 ( A 1 Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) 26 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format on When the "entry of ┆
0x37700…37800 (55, 0, 7) Sector 3608ff00289141 ┆6 ( Atext" the VDU screen. is finished, you are prompted for the "action after preparation" format. 27 You must now decide whether the message shall be sent or kept for further preparation. 28 If you select to send the message, proceed to┆
0x37800…37900 (55, 0, 8) Sector 37099500289141 ┆7 ( Agories. If you enter "national eyes only", the first field must contain EE and the second contain a 2-letter acronym for the nationality. erve that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format When the "entry of text" on the ┆
0x37900…37a00 (55, 0, 9) Sector 370aff00289141 ┆7 ( A 1 Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) 11 The MESSAGE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define ┆
0x37a00…37b00 (55, 0, 10) Sector 370bff00289141 ┆7 ( A this entry, proceed to step 13. 12 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure INSTRUCTION(s) You can enter instructions for the receiver(s) up to 50 characters. NOTE - This field will not be validated. 13 VALIDATION Refer┆
0x37b00…37c00 (55, 0, 11) Sector 370cff00289141 ┆7 ( A to Figure On Keyboard, depress If invalid entry, an error the ENTER key and message number appears in the system will validate the left hand margin all data entries. You must correct your mistake by inserting valid data. ┆
0x37c00…37d00 (55, 0, 12) Sector 370d6e00289141 ┆7 n ( A If you need further error number explanation proceed to the error messages and error handling section . eyboard, press Refer to Figure program function key F4 pressing the F4-key informs the system that the next instruction is a "┆
0x37d00…37e00 (55, 0, 13) Sector 370eff00289141 ┆7 ( A 1 Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) 14 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format When all entries in the┆
0x37e00…37f00 (55, 0, 14) Sector 370fff00289141 ┆7 ( A on the VDU screen. "entry of ACP 127 information" format are valid, you are prompted for the "entry of text" format. 15 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure text This is the text of the message which can be sent to the address┆
0x37f00…38000 (55, 0, 15) Sector 3700ff00289141 ┆7 ( A(es) defined earlier in this "prepare new abbreviated plaindress message". 16 If you do not need Every line may contain more lines for text, up to 69 alphanumeric proceed to step 21 characters. 17 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure┆
0x38000…38100 (56, 0, 0) Sector 3801a900289141 ┆8 ) ( Aity for this message until the message is sent or deleted. 3 NOTE: The following entries are ACP 127 informations to format line 2,3 and 4 respectively. Refer to Figure outputs a new format When all entries in the on the V┆
0x38100…38200 (56, 0, 1) Sector 3802ff00289141 ┆8 ( A 1 Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) 4 The PRECEDENCE is Refer to Figure a mandatory entry item. This defines the preceden┆
0x38200…38300 (56, 0, 2) Sector 3803ff00289141 ┆8 ( Ace On Keyboard, enter the by which the message will be PRECEDENCE transmitted. You must enter one of the following possibilities: ZZ - FLASH OO - IMMEDIATE PP - PRIORITY RR - ROUTINE 5 The ROUTING INDICATORS is an optiona┆
0x38300…38400 (56, 0, 3) Sector 3804ff00289141 ┆8 ( Al entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 7 6 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure ROUTING INDICATORS (s) This identifies the routing indicator(s) of this message. The first letter in the ┆
0x38400…38500 (56, 0, 4) Sector 38057200289141 ┆8 r ( Arouting indicators must be either R or U. 7 Note: At least one routing indicator must be defined. 38 Repeat from step 33. 39 If you do not need to remove text-lines proceed to step 43. NOTE. If you defines any info address, ┆
0x38500…38600 (56, 0, 5) Sector 3806ff00289141 ┆8 ( A 1 Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) 8 The CLASSIFICATION Refer to Figure is a mandatory entry You must define the item┆
0x38600…38700 (56, 0, 6) Sector 3807ff00289141 ┆8 ( A. classification of the On Keyboard, enter the message under preparation CLASSIFICATION. You must enter one of the following possibilities: UU - Nato unclassified RR - Nato restricted CC - Nato confidential SS - Nato secret ┆
0x38700…38800 (56, 0, 7) Sector 3708ff00289141 ┆7 ( A TT - Cosmic Top Secret 9 The SPECIAL HANDLING is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 11. 10 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure SPECIAL HANDLING You can enter up to two cate┆
0x38800…38900 (56, 0, 8) Sector 3809ff00289141 ┆8 ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 44 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format When the "entry of text" on the ┆
0x38900…38a00 (56, 0, 9) Sector 380aff00289141 ┆8 ( AVDU screen. is finished, you are prompted for the "action after preparation" format. 45 You must now decide whether the message shall be sent or kept for further preparation. 46 If you select to send the message. proceed to step 47, ┆
0x38a00…38b00 (56, 0, 10) Sector 380bff00289141 ┆8 ( Aotherwise to step 49. 47 On Keyboard, enter SEN in Refer to Figure the mandatory item. The system will queue the message for transmission. 48 Proceed to step 50 49 On Keyboard, enter DEF in Refer to Figure ┆
0x38b00…38c00 (56, 0, 11) Sector 380cff00289141 ┆8 ( A3.2.3.2-15.a. the mandatory item. The system will keep the message and you can later retrieve the specified message for continuation of preparation or deletion. 50 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The messag┆
0x38c00…38d00 (56, 0, 12) Sector 380d7100289141 ┆8 q ( Ae will be sent or deferred and the SERVICE MESSAGE PREPARATION MENU will be displayed on your VDU screen. eyboard, press Refer to Figure program function key F4 pressing the F4-key informs the system that the next instruction is a "┆
0x38d00…38e00 (56, 0, 13) Sector 380eff00289141 ┆8 ( A 1 Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message (PRAP)(cont'd) If you have selected PRAP, the NEW ABBREVIATED PLAINDRESS PREPARE format is presented on the VDU s┆
0x38e00…38f00 (56, 0, 14) Sector 380fff00289141 ┆8 ( Acreen. Refer to Figure NOTE: The new abbreviated plaindress prepare transaction will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of ACP 127 information 2. Entry of text. 3. Action after preparation. Each format is v┆
0x38f00…39000 (56, 0, 15) Sector 3800ff00289141 ┆8 ( Aalidated separately by the system. 1 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 NOTE: The ITEM REFERENCE ID Refer to Figure is entered by the system This is an ident┆
0x39000…39100 (57, 0, 0) Sector 3901ff00289141 ┆9 ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 32 Observe that the system Refer to Figure outputs a new format When all entries in the on the V┆
0x39100…39200 (57, 0, 1) Sector 3902ff00289141 ┆9 ( ADU screen. "entry of ACP 127 information" format are valid, you are prompted for the "entry of text" format. 33 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure text. This is the text of the message which can be sent to the address(es) defin┆
0x39200…39300 (57, 0, 2) Sector 3903ff00289141 ┆9 ( Aed earlier in this "prepare new plaindress message". 34 If you do not need more Every line may contain lines for text, proceed up to 69 alphanumeric to step 39 characters. 35 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure program functi┆
0x39300…39400 (57, 0, 3) Sector 3904ff00289141 ┆9 ( Aon Pressing the F2-Key informs Key F2 the system that the next instruction is a "INSERT (n) LINES". The cursor will be found in the command line and await a number. 36 On Keyboard, enter the number of lines to be inserted. 37 Press ENT┆
0x39400…39500 (57, 0, 4) Sector 3905d400289141 ┆9 T ( AER Key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines will now be inserted by the system. 38 Repeat from step 33. 39 If you do not need to remove text-lines proceed to step 43. NOTE. If you defines any info address, ┆
0x39500…39600 (57, 0, 5) Sector 3906ff00289141 ┆9 ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 40 On Keyboard, press Refer to Figure program function Key F4 Pressing the F4-Key informs the sy┆
0x39600…39700 (57, 0, 6) Sector 3907ff00289141 ┆9 ( Astem that the next instruction is a "delete (n) lines" The cursor will be found in the Command Line and await a number. 41 On Keyboard, enter the number of lines to be deleted. 42 Press ENTER Key Refer to Figure The actua┆
0x39700…39800 (57, 0, 7) Sector 3808ea00289141 ┆8 j ( Al number of lines will now be removed by the system. 43 On Keyboard, depress Refer to Figure the ENTER Key. The system will check that the textline contains "something", and if it is OK, outputs a new format. 0 If you do not need ┆
0x39800…39900 (57, 0, 8) Sector 3909ff00289141 ┆9 ( A more lines for addresses, proceed to step 25. 21 Place the cursor, The actual number of lines where you wish to will be inserted below the insert more lines. cursor placement. 22 On keyboard, press pro- Refer to Figure ┆
0x39900…39a00 (57, 0, 9) Sector 390aff00289141 ┆9 ( Agram function key F2. Pressing the F2-key informs the system that the next instruction is a "INSERT (n) LINES". The cursor will be found in the command line and await a number. 23 On keyboard, enter the number of lines to be inserted. 24┆
0x39a00…39b00 (57, 0, 10) Sector 390b7900289141 ┆9 y ( A Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure The actual number of lines will now be inserted by the system. PF) (cont'd) 7 The PRECEDENCE INFO is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to ste┆
0x39b00…39c00 (57, 0, 11) Sector 390cff00289141 ┆9 ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 25 If you do not wish to remove address lines, repeat from step 12. 26 Place the cursor, where The actual ┆
0x39c00…39d00 (57, 0, 12) Sector 390dff00289141 ┆9 ( Anumber of lines you wich to remove will be removed below the address lines. cursor placement. 27 On keyboard, press Refer to Figure program function key F4 pressing the F4-key informs the system that the next instruction is a "┆
0x39d00…39e00 (57, 0, 13) Sector 390eff00289141 ┆9 ( ADELETE (n) LINES". The cursor will be found in the command line and await a number. 28 On keyboard, enter the number of lines to be deleted. 29 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure The actual number of lines will now be delete┆
0x39e00…39f00 (57, 0, 14) Sector 390fff00289141 ┆9 ( Ad by the system. 30 Repeat from step 12. 31 VALIDATION Refer to Figure On Keyboard, depress If invalid entry, an error the ENTER Key and the message number appears in system will validate all the left hand margin data ent┆
0x39f00…3a000 (57, 0, 15) Sector 3900b000289141 ┆9 0 ( Aries. You must correct your mistake by inserting valid data. If you need further error number explanation proceed to the error messages and error handling section.r. For instance 0137. 12 The TO ACTION is an optional entry item. If y┆
0x3a000…3a100 (58, 0, 0) Sector 3a01ff00289141 ┆: ( Aou do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 14. 13 On keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure ADDRESS(es) You must enter the address(es) of the intended action addresses. You can only enter one address per line. ┆
0x3a100…3a200 (58, 0, 1) Sector 3a02ff00289141 ┆: ( A You must begin with address indicator groups (AIGs)/address groups (AGs), if any. By using groups, you must first enter the 2- or 3 letter combination AG/AIG followed by the actual address data. For instance: AIG 5000. This shoul┆
0x3a200…3a300 (58, 0, 2) Sector 3a033900289141 ┆: 9 ( Ad be followed by PLAs and/or PLA reference number. saction will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of ACP 127 information 2. Entry of text. 3. Action after preparation. Each format is validated separately by the system. 1 Ob┆
0x3a300…3a400 (58, 0, 3) Sector 3a04ff00289141 ┆: ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 14 The TO INFO is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 16┆
0x3a400…3a500 (58, 0, 4) Sector 3a05ff00289141 ┆: ( A. 15 On Keyboard, enter Refer to Figure the ADDRESS(es) You can enter the address(es) of the intented info addresses. You must use the same procedure as described for action addresses. NOTE. If you defines any info address, ┆
0x3a500…3a600 (58, 0, 5) Sector 3a06ff00289141 ┆: ( Athe precedence info field must be defined too. 16 Either a TO ACTION address or a INFO address must be defined: 17 The EXEMPT is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 19. 18 On Keyboard, ┆
0x3a600…3a700 (58, 0, 6) Sector 3a07bc00289141 ┆: < ( Aenter the Refer to Figure ADDRESS(es) You can define PLAs and/or PLA reference number of addresses to be excluded from AIG(s) used in the TO ACTION and TO INFO LINES. step 6 5 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure SP┆
0x3a700…3a800 (58, 0, 7) Sector 3908ff00289141 ┆9 ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 19 If you do not need to insert or remove address lines, proceed to step 31. 20 If you do not need ┆
0x3a800…3a900 (58, 0, 8) Sector 3a09ff00289141 ┆: ( Andatory entry item. This defines the precedence On Keyboard, enter the by which the message will PRECEDENCE. be transmitted to actions addresses. You must enter one of the following possibilities: ZZ - FLASH OO - IMMEDIATE PP - PRI┆
0x3a900…3aa00 (58, 0, 9) Sector 3a0a1d00289141 ┆: ( AORITY RR - ROUTINE 3.2.2 Message Handling Menu (MSGH) (cont'd) stem line, proceed to step 5. Otherwise proceed to step 7. 5 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure 3.1.4-3.a. SE┆
0x3aa00…3ab00 (58, 0, 10) Sector 3a0bff00289141 ┆: ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 7 The PRECEDENCE INFO is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to ste┆
0x3ab00…3ac00 (58, 0, 11) Sector 3a0cff00289141 ┆: ( Ap 9. 8 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure PRECEDENCE This defines the precedence by which the message will be transmitted to info addresses. You must enter one of the same possibilities as from precedence action, but precede┆
0x3ac00…3ad00 (58, 0, 12) Sector 3a0dff00289141 ┆: ( Ance info must be lower than precedence action. 9 The MESSAGE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 12. 10 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure INSTRU┆
0x3ad00…3ae00 (58, 0, 13) Sector 3a0e8200289141 ┆: ( ACTION(s). You can enter instructions for the receiver(s) up to 50 characters. NOTE - This field will not be validated. going Service Message Status 3 On keyboard, enter the command step 5). If still invalid after three attempts or a rep┆
0x3ae00…3af00 (58, 0, 14) Sector 3a0fff00289141 ┆: ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) 11 The FROM is a Refer to Figure mandatory entry item. You must enter the name of On Keyboard,┆
0x3af00…3b000 (58, 0, 15) Sector 3a00ff00289141 ┆: ( A enter one of your local the "name". headquarters using plain language address (PLA) or PLA reference number (PLAREF). PLAREF(s) must be entered as a 4-figure number. For instance 0137. 12 The TO ACTION is an optional entry item. If y┆
0x3b000…3b100 (59, 0, 0) Sector 3b016c00289141 ┆; l ( Ahen the command is valid, proceed to the section which corresponds to the selected function. 1 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.1.5-2.a. program function key F1 Pressing the F1-key informs the system that the next instruction i┆
0x3b100…3b200 (59, 0, 1) Sector 3b02ff00289141 ┆; ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) If you have selected PRPF, the NEW PLAINDRESS PREPARE format is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to fig 3┆
0x3b200…3b300 (59, 0, 2) Sector 3b03ff00289141 ┆; ( A.2.3.2-1. NOTE: The new plaindress prepare transaction will be displayed in 3 different formats. 1. Entry of ACP 127 information 2. Entry of text. 3. Action after preparation. Each format is validated separately by the system. 1 Ob┆
0x3b300…3b400 (59, 0, 3) Sector 3b04ff00289141 ┆; ( Aserve that the system Refer to Figure outputs an identity in the field TRANSACTION ID. 2 NOTE: The ITEM REFERENCE ID Refer to Figure is entered by the system This is an identity for this message until the message is┆
0x3b400…3b500 (59, 0, 4) Sector 3b05a700289141 ┆; ' ( A sent or deleted. 3 On Keyboard enter the Refer to Figure CLASSIFICATION You must define the classification of the message under preparation. age Handling Menu is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.2-1. 1 On keyboa┆
0x3b500…3b600 (59, 0, 5) Sector 3b06ff00289141 ┆; ( A 1 Prepare New Plaindress Message (PRPF) (cont'd) You must enter one of the following possibilities: UU - Nato Unclassified RR - Nato Restricted CC ┆
0x3b600…3b700 (59, 0, 6) Sector 3b07ff00289141 ┆; ( A- Nato Confidential SS - Nato Secret TT - Cosmic Top Secret 4 The SPECIAL HANDLING is an optional entry item. If you do not wish to define this entry, proceed to step 6 5 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure SP┆
0x3b700…3b800 (59, 0, 7) Sector 3a08ff00289141 ┆: ( AECIAL HANDLING You can enter up to two categories. If you enter "national eyes only", the first field must contain EE and the second contain a 2-letter acronym for the nationality. 6 The PRECEDENCE ACTION Refer to Figure is a ma┆
0x3b800…3b900 (59, 0, 8) Sector 3b09cd00289141 ┆; M ( Ar PEC. For further error explanation, proceed to the error messages and error handling section. 5 When the command is valid, proceed to the section which corresponds to the selected function. supervisor capability, real blocking will never ta┆
0x3b900…3ba00 (59, 0, 9) Sector 3b0a8300289141 ┆; ( A 1 3.2.2 Message Handling Menu (MSGH) (cont'd) stem line, proceed to step 5. Otherwise proceed to step 7. 5 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure 3.1.4-3.a. SE┆
0x3ba00…3bb00 (59, 0, 10) Sector 3b0bff00289141 ┆; ( A 1 Service Message Preparation Menu (SMPR) (cont'd) If you have selected SMPR, the Service Message Preparation Menu is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Fig┆
0x3bb00…3bc00 (59, 0, 11) Sector 3b0cff00289141 ┆; ( Aure 1 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure program function key F1 Pressing the F1-key informs the system that the next instruction is a "command". 2 Select one of the following options: PRPF Prepare┆
0x3bc00…3bd00 (59, 0, 12) Sector 3b0dff00289141 ┆; ( A New Plaindress Message PRAP Prepare New Abbreviated Plaindress Message PRAS Prepare New Abbreviated Service Message CPFP Continue Plaindress Preparation CAPP Continue Abbreviated Plaindress Preparation CASP Continue Abbreviated Service Me┆
0x3bd00…3be00 (59, 0, 13) Sector 3b0ec500289141 ┆; E ( Assage Preparation PRNC Prepare New Comment CTCP Continue Comment Preparation DESM Delete Service Message OSMS Outgoing Service Message Status 3 On keyboard, enter the command step 5). If still invalid after three attempts or a rep┆
0x3be00…3bf00 (59, 0, 14) Sector 3b0fff00289141 ┆; ( A 1 Service Message Preparation Menu (SMPR) (cont'd) 4 Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure If invalid command is entered, an error message a┆
0x3bf00…3c000 (59, 0, 15) Sector 3b00ff00289141 ┆; ( Appears in the response line together with the Service Message Preparation Menu Format. Refer to Figure You must re-enter valid command. For further error explanation, proceed to the error messages and error handling section. 5 W┆
0x3c000…3c100 (60, 0, 0) Sector 3c01ff00289141 ┆< ( A 1 3.1.5 MDCO Menu (cont'd) 1 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.1.5-2.a. program function key F1 Pressing the F1-key informs the system that the next instruction i┆
0x3c100…3c200 (60, 0, 1) Sector 3c02ff00289141 ┆< ( As a "command". 2 Select one of the following options: MSGH Message Handling MDAS Message Distribution Assistance 3 On keyboard, enter the The command MDAS will only command. become important if messages are queued in the message distrib┆
0x3c200…3c300 (60, 0, 2) Sector 3c03ff00289141 ┆< ( Aution queue. Refer to Figure 3.1.5-1.a. 4 Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.1.5-2.b. If invalid command is entered, an error message appears in the response line together with the MDCO menu format. Refer to Figure 3.1.5-1.a. ┆
0x3c300…3c400 (60, 0, 3) Sector 3c04c700289141 ┆< G ( A For further error explanation, proceed to the error messages and error handling section. 5 When the command is valid, proceed to the section corresponding to the selected function. terminal is manned by an operator who is permitted to r┆
0x3c400…3c500 (60, 0, 4) Sector 3c05ff00289141 ┆< ( A 1 3.2.2 Message Handling Menu (MSGH) (cont'd) If you have selected MSGH, the Message Handling Menu is presented on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.2.2-1. 1 On keyboa┆
0x3c500…3c600 (60, 0, 5) Sector 3c06ff00289141 ┆< ( Ard, press the Refer to Figure 3.2.2-2.a. program function key F1 Pressing the F1-key informs the system that the next instruction is a "command". 2 Select one of the following options: SMPR Service Message Preparation Menu RELU Retriev┆
0x3c600…3c700 (60, 0, 6) Sector 3c07ff00289141 ┆< ( Aal for Local Use READ Retrieval for Readdressal RERN Retrieval for Rerun REDS Retrieval for Redistribution REDE Retrieval for Deletion RESP Response Message RECV Receive Message 3 On keyboard, enter the command. 4 Pre┆
0x3c700…3c800 (60, 0, 7) Sector 3b08ff00289141 ┆; ( Ass ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.2.2-2.b. If invalid command or PEC are entered, an error message appears in the re- sponse line together with the Message Handling Menu Format. Refer to Figure 3.2.2-1.a. You must re-enter valid command o┆
0x3c800…3c900 (60, 0, 8) Sector 3c09ff00289141 ┆< ( A If still invalid after three attempts or a reply is not made within 3 minutes, the terminal will be blocked. You must contact the supervisor for further help. If the actual terminal also have supervisor capability, real blocking will never ta┆
0x3c900…3ca00 (60, 0, 9) Sector 3c0aff00289141 ┆< ( Ake place. You can continue by using the transaction SIGN ON. 4 If the question ENTER SECURITY CODE appears on the system line, proceed to step 5. Otherwise proceed to step 7. 5 On Keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure 3.1.4-3.a. SE┆
0x3ca00…3cb00 (60, 0, 10) Sector 3c0b8300289141 ┆< ( ACURITY CODE. The security code is a 5-letter code. The security code must be equal to the code specified by the supervisor. reen. The cursor will be found in the system line waiting on a command code. 2 On keyboard, enter the com- mand code┆
0x3cb00…3cc00 (60, 0, 11) Sector 3c0cff00289141 ┆< ( A 1 3.1.4 SECURITY PROCEDURES (cont'd) SECURITY WARNING This procedure is initiated by the system before display of information of certain security classification o┆
0x3cc00…3cd00 (60, 0, 12) Sector 3c0dff00289141 ┆< ( Ar belonging to the special handling category as specified by the supervisor. The security warning will be performed by displaying a warning message of up to 500 characters. The message will be displayed in the display area. Refer to Figure 3.┆
0x3cd00…3ce00 (60, 0, 13) Sector 3c0eff00289141 ┆< ( A1.4-5.a. 6 press ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.1.4-6.a. If the security code is invalid INVALID ENTRY !!!!!! appears in the system line. You must re-enter the security code. (repeat from step 5). If still invalid after three attempts or a rep┆
0x3ce00…3cf00 (60, 0, 14) Sector 3c0fff00289141 ┆< ( Aly is not made within 3 minutes, the terminal will be blocked. You must contact the supervisor for further help. If the actual terminal also have supervisor capability, real blocking will never take place. You can continue by using the transac┆
0x3cf00…3d000 (60, 0, 15) Sector 3c003100289141 ┆< 1 ( Ation SIGN ON. 7 Resume normal operation. SUPV SUPV - supervisor MDCO MDCO - message distribution MSOS MSOS - message service USER USER - User. ASSG ASSG - supervisor assign. ENGI ENGI - Engineering funct┆
0x3d000…3d100 (61, 0, 0) Sector 3d01ff00289141 ┆= ( Aion SIOF SIOF - Sign OFF You can only select the commands, which the system declares with a Y (yes). 2 Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.1.3-2.b. If you select one of the other possibilities than MDCO, the system will present you fo┆
0x3d100…3d200 (61, 0, 1) Sector 3d025f00289141 ┆= _ ( Ar the main menu belonging to the choice. 3 Proceed to section SECURITY PROCEDURES. ure 3.1.1-2.a. control function key- Pressing the ATTN-key causes ATTN the VDU to present ENTER in the system line. The cursor will be found in the system l┆
0x3d200…3d300 (61, 0, 2) Sector 3d03ff00289141 ┆= ( A 1 3.1.4 SECURITY PROCEDURES (cont'd) Two security procedures will be performed during the MDCO transactions: - Security Interrogation - Security Warning The┆
0x3d300…3d400 (61, 0, 3) Sector 3d04ff00289141 ┆= ( A security procedures are performed via the system line in the status header. Refer to Figure 3.1.4-1.a. SECURITY INTERROGATION Security Interrogation is employed to ensure that the MDCO terminal is manned by an operator who is permitted to r┆
0x3d400…3d500 (61, 0, 4) Sector 3d05ff00289141 ┆= ( Aeceive messages up to the level of classification for which the terminal is cleared. The interrogation will be performed by the system which outputs a request in the system line. 1 If the question ENTER Refer to Figure 3.1.4-1.a. PASSWORD ap┆
0x3d500…3d600 (61, 0, 5) Sector 3d06ff00289141 ┆= ( Apears in the system line, proceed to step 2. Otherwise proceed to step 4. 2 On keyboard, enter the Refer to Figure 3.1.4-1.b. PASSWORD. The password is a supervisor defined 8-letter code. The password will not be displayed on the VD┆
0x3d600…3d700 (61, 0, 6) Sector 3d074000289141 ┆= @ ( AU screen. 3 Press ENTER key. Refer to Figure 3.1.4-2.a. which will bring you back Otherwise, proceed to to sign on mode again. step 8. Otherwise, you must contact supervisor for further help. 8 Proceed either to sec- When the sign-on procedu┆
0x3d700…3d800 (61, 0, 7) Sector 3c08ff00289141 ┆< ( A 1 3.1.4 SECURITY PROCEDURES (cont'd) If the password is invalid INVALID ENTRY !!!!!! appears in the system line. You must re-enter the password. (repeat from step 2).┆
0x3d800…3d900 (61, 0, 8) Sector 3d095f00289141 ┆= _ ( Asection. If MDCO menu section is presented, proceed to the security procedures section. (cont'd) 8 Depress the LINE FEED push Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.a. button on the TCM front Verify that one line feed panel for at least one of pape┆
0x3d900…3da00 (61, 0, 9) Sector 3d0aff00289141 ┆= ( A 1 3.1.2 Sign Off (SIOF) (cont'd) When you wish to stop the activity to a terminal, you must enter the command code SIOF. 1 On keyboard, press the con- Refer to┆
0x3da00…3db00 (61, 0, 10) Sector 3d0bff00289141 ┆= ( A Figure 3.1.2-2.a. trol function key-ATTN. Pressing the ATTN-key causes the VDU to present the HIGH LEVEL MENU on the screen. The cursor will be found in the system line waiting on a command code. 2 On keyboard, enter the com- mand code┆
0x3db00…3dc00 (61, 0, 11) Sector 3d0c0e00289141 ┆= ( A SIOF. 1 Depress the TEST push button Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.c. on the TCM front panel for Verify that the following at least 5 seconds. is printed: NO ERRORS IN ROM NO ERRORS IN RAM (Printer prints 66 lines barberpole pattern). (Th┆
0x3dc00…3dd00 (61, 0, 12) Sector 3d0dfc00289141 ┆= | ( A 1 3.1.2 Sign Off (SIOF) (cont'd) 3 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure 3.1.2-4.a. The time at which the unattended operation commenced, will appear on the VDU screen. ┆
0x3dd00…3de00 (61, 0, 13) Sector 3d0eff00289141 ┆= ( A 1 3.1.3 High Level Menu (cont'd) The high level menu format will inform you about the possibilities which exist, or not exist for you at the terminal dependent of your┆
0x3de00…3df00 (61, 0, 14) Sector 3d0fff00289141 ┆= ( A capability. Refer to Figure 3.1.3-1. The system will display Y (yes) or N (no) on a level with the possibilities. The cursor will be found in the system line and await a command code. 1 On keyboard, enter the You must enter one of the ┆
0x3df00…3e000 (61, 0, 15) Sector 3d00ff00289141 ┆= ( A desired command: following possibilities: SUPV SUPV - supervisor MDCO MDCO - message distribution MSOS MSOS - message service USER USER - User. ASSG ASSG - supervisor assign. ENGI ENGI - Engineering funct┆
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0) Sector 3e01ff00289141 ┆> ( A 1 3.1.1 Sign On (SION) (cont'd) After the boot sequence and start up procedure from the maintenance position is finished, the system will present you for a standard layo┆
0x3e100…3e200 (62, 0, 1) Sector 3e02ff00289141 ┆> ( Aut on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.1.1-1. 1 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.1.1-2.a. control function key- Pressing the ATTN-key causes ATTN the VDU to present ENTER in the system line. The cursor will be found in the system l┆
0x3e200…3e300 (62, 0, 2) Sector 3e03ff00289141 ┆> ( Aine and await a command code. 2 On keyboard, enter the command code SION. 3 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure 3.1.1-2.a. 4 On keyboard, enter your The identification code and 3 letter ID code and the password will NOT be your 8 letter pass┆
0x3e300…3e400 (62, 0, 3) Sector 3e048200289141 ┆> ( Aword. displayed on the screen. Comma or space are used as separator. 5 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure 3.1.1-2.b. he MSP is Figure 2.2.3-1.a. installed and connected and that the circuit breaker and power switch are OFF. 2 Verify t┆
0x3e400…3e500 (62, 0, 4) Sector 3e05ff00289141 ┆> ( A 1 3.1.1 Sign On (SION) (cont'd) 6 If you enter invalid ID Blocking the terminal will code or password, you must take place after three go back to step 4 and try invali┆
0x3e500…3e600 (62, 0, 5) Sector 3e06ff00289141 ┆> ( Ad attempts. again. 7 If the terminal displays If the actual terminal also BLOCKED in the response have supervisor capability, line, proceed either to real blocking of the terminal step 1 and try again or will never take place. You contac┆
0x3e600…3e700 (62, 0, 6) Sector 3e07ff00289141 ┆> ( At supervisor for must press the Attn-key, further help. which will bring you back Otherwise, proceed to to sign on mode again. step 8. Otherwise, you must contact supervisor for further help. 8 Proceed either to sec- When the sign-on procedu┆
0x3e700…3e800 (62, 0, 7) Sector 3d08ff00289141 ┆= ( Are tion HIGH LEVEL MENU is OK, the system will pre- or section SECURITY sent you for the high level PROCEDURES, dependent menu or the MDCO menu. on what the system If high level menu is displays. presented proceed to the high level menu ┆
0x3e800…3e900 (62, 0, 8) Sector 3e09ff00289141 ┆> ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup (cont'd) 8 Depress the LINE FEED push Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.a. button on the TCM front Verify that one line feed panel for at least one of pape┆
0x3e900…3ea00 (62, 0, 9) Sector 3e0aff00289141 ┆> ( Ar occurs, followed by second. continuous line feeds for as long as the LINE FEED push button is depressed. 9 Continue to depress the Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.a. LINE FEED push button for single line feeds until the serrated edge of on┆
0x3ea00…3eb00 (62, 0, 10) Sector 3e0bff00289141 ┆> ( Ae sheet passes the print- head by 3 to 6 lines. 10 Depress the FORM FEED button Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.b. on the TCM front panel. Verify the paper feeds to the same popsition on the next sheet. This operation establishes the form feed posit┆
0x3eb00…3ec00 (62, 0, 11) Sector 3e0cff00289141 ┆> ( Aion. 11 Depress the TEST push button Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.c. on the TCM front panel for Verify that the following at least 5 seconds. is printed: NO ERRORS IN ROM NO ERRORS IN RAM (Printer prints 66 lines barberpole pattern). (Th┆
0x3ec00…3ed00 (62, 0, 12) Sector 3e0d3200289141 ┆> 2 ( Aere may be a time delay between printouts). ns-viser Funktion annulleret Ukendt kommando JA eller ANNULLER Kun tal Kun mellemrum eller retur Under redigering nu Ukendt dokument Fundet I brug nu Allerede p> systemdiskette ┆
0x3ed00…3ee00 (62, 0, 13) Sector 3e0eff00289141 ┆> ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup (cont'd) The MSP is now ready to receive message traffic from the line. Arrange to have one or more messages sent to the MSP and verify message con┆
0x3ee00…3ef00 (62, 0, 14) Sector 3e0fff00289141 ┆> ( Atent with the transmitting station. During this time, the key-lock switch should be tested by setting it to the OFF position and verifying printing has stopped. The CAMPS system is able to verify when the switch has been set to ON. 12 Set the key-┆
0x3ef00…3f000 (62, 0, 15) Sector 3e00af00289141 ┆> / ( Alock switch to Refer to Figure 2.2.3-4.a. OFF. 13 Remove the key. Refer to Figure 2.2.3-4.a. ^WARNING^ Do not operate the MSP with the cover open. ┆
0x3f000…3f100 (63, 0, 0) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x3f200…3f300 (63, 0, 2) Sector 3f03b100289141 ┆? 1 ( A 1 2891A/rt CPS/OPM/003 CLA/840801 CAMPS MDCO OPERATION MANUAL Issue 2 CAMPS , > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3f300…3f400 (63, 0, 3) Sector 3f04ff00289141 ┆? ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup 1 Verify that the MSP is Figure 2.2.3-1.a. installed and connected and that the circuit breaker and power switch are OFF. 2 Verify t┆
0x3f400…3f500 (63, 0, 4) Sector 3f057800289141 ┆? x ( Ahat the ribbon is Refer to Sec. 2.2.2. properly installed. 3 Load the unit with Refer to Sec. 2.2.2. paper. <C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'! "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~ R;/!/=6nM (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x3f500…3f600 (63, 0, 5) Sector 3f06ff00289141 ┆? ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup (cont'd) 4 Turn the audio control Refer to Figure 2.2.3-2.a. on the front panel to the loudest position. 5 Set all facility circuit Refer to┆
0x3f600…3f700 (63, 0, 6) Sector 3f07ff00289141 ┆? ( A Figure 2.2.3-1.a. breakers for this set to ON. Set the TCM power switch to ON. 6 Verify that the POWER lamp Refer to Figure 2.2.3-2.b. on the front panel lights. 7 Insert the security key in Refer to Figure 2.2.3-2.c. the key-lock and┆
0x3f700…3f800 (63, 0, 7) Sector 3e082200289141 ┆> " ( A turn to the ON position. 2M2/C<2:^=~ B<2:b= R<2M/,:g=~ BG2M")M2&! "(=~~ BW2I! <6 M /M?.I*:="8=IM2&MP'Mc2! m"2< [MI !?=6 : #wI>K!8=>R 2!8=6 #4 E*8=k L<M% :8=F 28=I!#<:"<>R<2> I E*#<& "< DM L<M% :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x3f800…3f900 (63, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x40800…40900 (64, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(64,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41232341}, f00=»2323A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/003 (forfra) «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»MDCO OPERATION MAN. «, f05=16-06-82 10:59, f06=» «, f07=»09 «, f08=» 287 «, f09=06-11-84 15:38, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 13 «, f13=06-11-84 14:54, f14=08-11-84 13:38, f15=»0291A «, f16=»105 «, f17=» 23 «, f18=»13 «, f19=» 1020 «, f20=» 55348 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=500000000710052710110180aaca15050000000000000142036501df}
0x40900…40a00 (64, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x41000…41100 (65, 0, 0) Sector 4101ff00289141 ┆A ( A 1 3.1.1 Sign On (SION) (cont'd) After the boot sequence and start up procedure from the maintenance position is finished, the system will present you for a standard layo┆
0x41100…41200 (65, 0, 1) Sector 4102ff00289141 ┆A ( Aut on the VDU screen. Refer to Figure 3.1.1-1. 1 On keyboard, press the Refer to Figure 3.1.1-2.a. control function key- Pressing the ATTN-key causes ATTN the VDU to present ENTER in the system line. The cursor will be found in the system l┆
0x41200…41300 (65, 0, 2) Sector 4103ff00289141 ┆A ( Aine and await a command code. 2 On keyboard, enter the command code SION. 3 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure 3.1.1-2.a. 4 On keyboard, enter your The identification code and 3 letter ID code and the password will NOT be your 8 letter pass┆
0x41300…41400 (65, 0, 3) Sector 41048200289141 ┆A ( Aword. displayed on the screen. Comma or space are used as separator. 5 Press ENTER key Refer to Figure 3.1.1-2.b. he MSP is Figure 2.2.3-1.a. installed and connected and that the circuit breaker and power switch are OFF. 2 Verify t┆
0x41400…41500 (65, 0, 4) Sector 4105ff00289141 ┆A ( A 1 3.1.1 Sign On (SION) (cont'd) 6 If you enter invalid ID Blocking the terminal will code or password, you must take place after three go back to step 4 and try invali┆
0x41500…41600 (65, 0, 5) Sector 4106ff00289141 ┆A ( Ad attempts. again. 7 If the terminal displays If the actual terminal also BLOCKED in the response have supervisor capability, line, proceed either to real blocking of the terminal step 1 and try again or will never take place. You contac┆
0x41600…41700 (65, 0, 6) Sector 4107ff00289141 ┆A ( At supervisor for must press the Attn-key, further help. which will bring you back Otherwise, proceed to to sign on mode again. step 8. Otherwise, you must contact supervisor for further help. 8 Proceed either to sec- When the sign-on procedu┆
0x41700…41800 (65, 0, 7) Sector 4008ff00289141 ┆@ ( Are tion HIGH LEVEL MENU is OK, the system will pre- or section SECURITY sent you for the high level PROCEDURES, dependent menu or the MDCO menu. on what the system If high level menu is displays. presented proceed to the high level menu ┆
0x41800…41900 (65, 0, 8) Sector 4109ff00289141 ┆A ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup (cont'd) 8 Depress the LINE FEED push Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.a. button on the TCM front Verify that one line feed panel for at least one of pape┆
0x41900…41a00 (65, 0, 9) Sector 410aff00289141 ┆A ( Ar occurs, followed by second. continuous line feeds for as long as the LINE FEED push button is depressed. 9 Continue to depress the Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.a. LINE FEED push button for single line feeds until the serrated edge of on┆
0x41a00…41b00 (65, 0, 10) Sector 410bff00289141 ┆A ( Ae sheet passes the print- head by 3 to 6 lines. 10 Depress the FORM FEED button Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.b. on the TCM front panel. Verify the paper feeds to the same popsition on the next sheet. This operation establishes the form feed posit┆
0x41b00…41c00 (65, 0, 11) Sector 410cff00289141 ┆A ( Aion. 11 Depress the TEST push button Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.c. on the TCM front panel for Verify that the following at least 5 seconds. is printed: NO ERRORS IN ROM NO ERRORS IN RAM (Printer prints 66 lines barberpole pattern). (Th┆
0x41c00…41d00 (65, 0, 12) Sector 410d3200289141 ┆A 2 ( Aere may be a time delay between printouts). ns-viser Funktion annulleret Ukendt kommando JA eller ANNULLER Kun tal Kun mellemrum eller retur Under redigering nu Ukendt dokument Fundet I brug nu Allerede p> systemdiskette ┆
0x41d00…41e00 (65, 0, 13) Sector 410eff00289141 ┆A ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup (cont'd) The MSP is now ready to receive message traffic from the line. Arrange to have one or more messages sent to the MSP and verify message con┆
0x41e00…41f00 (65, 0, 14) Sector 410fff00289141 ┆A ( Atent with the transmitting station. During this time, the key-lock switch should be tested by setting it to the OFF position and verifying printing has stopped. The CAMPS system is able to verify when the switch has been set to ON. 12 Set the key-┆
0x41f00…42000 (65, 0, 15) Sector 4100af00289141 ┆A / ( Alock switch to Refer to Figure 2.2.3-4.a. OFF. 13 Remove the key. Refer to Figure 2.2.3-4.a. ^WARNING^ Do not operate the MSP with the cover open. ┆
0x42000…42100 (66, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(66,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41289141}, f00=»2891A «, f01=»CPS/OPM/003 (ramme) «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»MDCO OPERATION MAN. «, f05=07-10-82 13:55, f06=» 3 «, f07=»01 «, f08=» 10559 «, f09=10-08-84 14:42, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 8 «, f13=10-08-84 10:37, f14=10-08-84 14:51, f15=»0291A «, f16=» 94 «, f17=» 17 «, f18=»08 «, f19=» 1416 «, f20=» 47934 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=380000000110052710110170aaca15050000000000000042039501df}
0x42100…42200 (66, 0, 1) Sector 42025e00289141 ┆B ^ ( AZ B B B A A A A @ @ @ @ @ ? ? ? > > > > > = = = = < < < ; ; ; ; : : : : 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 / / / . . . . - - - , , , , + + + + * * * ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ' ' ┆
0x42200…42300 (66, 0, 2) Sector 4203b100289141 ┆B 1 ( A 1 2891A/rt CPS/OPM/003 CLA/840801 CAMPS MDCO OPERATION MANUAL Issue 2 CAMPS , > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x42300…42400 (66, 0, 3) Sector 4204ff00289141 ┆B ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup 1 Verify that the MSP is Figure 2.2.3-1.a. installed and connected and that the circuit breaker and power switch are OFF. 2 Verify t┆
0x42400…42500 (66, 0, 4) Sector 42057800289141 ┆B x ( Ahat the ribbon is Refer to Sec. 2.2.2. properly installed. 3 Load the unit with Refer to Sec. 2.2.2. paper. <C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'! "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~ R;/!/=6nM (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x42500…42600 (66, 0, 5) Sector 4206ff00289141 ┆B ( A 1 2.3.3 Initial Setup (cont'd) 4 Turn the audio control Refer to Figure 2.2.3-2.a. on the front panel to the loudest position. 5 Set all facility circuit Refer to┆
0x42600…42700 (66, 0, 6) Sector 4207ff00289141 ┆B ( A Figure 2.2.3-1.a. breakers for this set to ON. Set the TCM power switch to ON. 6 Verify that the POWER lamp Refer to Figure 2.2.3-2.b. on the front panel lights. 7 Insert the security key in Refer to Figure 2.2.3-2.c. the key-lock and┆
0x42700…42800 (66, 0, 7) Sector 41082200289141 ┆A " ( A turn to the ON position. 2M2/C<2:^=~ B<2:b= R<2M/,:g=~ BG2M")M2&! "(=~~ BW2I! <6 M /M?.I*:="8=IM2&MP'Mc2! m"2< [MI !?=6 : #wI>K!8=>R 2!8=6 #4 E*8=k L<M% :8=F 28=I!#<:"<>R<2> I E*#<& "< DM L<M% :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x42800…42900 (66, 0, 8) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆