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0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' _ X% % PO P ; DPA C g x g V WD O 8 :e( e+ ~ 4450A g b < {C < { ; 8 ;s b b6 > V : 8 9 # t d`y T Y# ┆
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0x01200…01300 (1, 0, 2) Sector 0103e700000220 ┆ g 1 (k) (-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)Kind regards,(-RETUR-)CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen(-RETUR-) (-JA-) (-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-┆
0x01300…01400 (1, 0, 3) Sector 00008a00000220 ┆ 1 (x) (-JA-)(-JA-)(-INSTRUKS-)Biblioteksnr.(-JA-) A-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-) (-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-) (-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-JA┆
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0x05e00…05f00 (5, 0, 14) Sector 050fff00000220 ┆ -)(-1-TAST-) (-RETUR-) (-KOMMANDO-)(-UNDERSTREG-)SHAPE Contracting Officer(-KOMMANDO-)(-UNDERSTREG-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-) cc.: Lt. Col. Henning Hofmann,(-RETUR-) (-KOMMANDO-)(-UNDERSTREG-)CAMPS Program Manager(-KOMMANDO-)(-UNDERSTREG-)(-RE┆
0x05f00…06000 (5, 0, 15) Sector 0500b200000220 ┆ 2 TUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-) Gentlemen,(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-) (-KOMMANDO-)(-UNDERSTREG-)Subject: (-N-TASTER-)(-KOMMANDO-)(-UNDERSTREG-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-) 000/0000/000/0000 000/000000 # 1 1 FK 7809 1 i..................┆
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0x09500…09600 (9, 0, 5) Sector 0906cb00449941 ┆ K D ADate Total ustomer No. of Modules ┆
0x09600…09700 (9, 0, 6) Sector 0907ff00449941 ┆ D A 1 ERROR STATISTICS Period: No. of No. of No. of Accounted errors errors errors No. of Package defected ┆
0x09700…09800 (9, 0, 7) Sector 0808ff00449941 ┆ D A connected outstanding error 1 Total ┆
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0x17900…17a00 (23, 0, 9) Sector 170aff00360741 ┆ 6 A a) software is currently under test. specially is a lot of updates under test on channels supported by the tdx-system b) in a number of cases, the system is halted with an error code stating "st┆
0x17a00…17b00 (23, 0, 10) Sector 170bff00360741 ┆ 6 Ai-dma error" 5.3 a problem report has been established on the "sti-dma error". the following actions have been taken to eliminate the problem: a) an eco, (no 808) has been released this eco updates the sti-micro-f/w (ic's no: 1885 to 1893) from┆
0x17b00…17c00 (23, 0, 11) Sector 170cff00360741 ┆ 6 A rev.10 to rev.11. the module is changed from rev. 3a to 3b. this eco reduced the frequency of the "sti-dma" error a factor 10 (ten) b) a reference system was dedicated troubleshooting of the problem the h/w of this system was checked inten┆
0x17c00…17d00 (23, 0, 12) Sector 170dff00360741 ┆ 6 Asely. the result of this check was that no hardware deficiencies were observed. c) a new release of tdx-system-f/w is almost through test and will be released shortly. this new release amongst other also includes some modifications, which eliminat┆
0x17d00…17e00 (23, 0, 13) Sector 170eff00360741 ┆ 6 Aes identified potential sources of the sti-dma-error. after release from development will this new release f/w be installed on the reference system for further observations. 5.4 status today is that on no h/w-items have been observed qualified d┆
0x17e00…17f00 (23, 0, 14) Sector 170fff00360741 ┆ 6 Aefects in relation to the sti-dma problem. the new release of the tdx-f/w will be handled as eco's for 3 modules: sti, tia, ltux-s. 6. the trouble shooting of the sti-dma failure is being monitored very closely to ensure coordination of effords and┆
0x17f00…18000 (23, 0, 15) Sector 1700ff00360741 ┆ 6 A availability and of the best qualified resources. current status based on the camps sites in use for integration at cr is that the sti-dma-error is the only pending malfunction problem, where the h/w design cannot be totally out of suspicion. ki┆
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0x1c900…1ca00 (28, 0, 9) Sector 1c0aff00360941 ┆ 6 A 1 SHAPE Purchasing and Contracting Office Communications Implementation Branch B-7010 SHAPE Belgium Att.: Mr. David Levy, 1983-11-07 KNN/kw/LET/0555 SHAPE ┆
0x1ca00…1cb00 (28, 0, 10) Sector 1c0bff00360941 ┆ 6 AContracting Officer cc.: Lt. Col. Henning Hofmann, CAMPS Program Manager Gentlemen, Subject: Application Software Package Development Christian Rovsing A/S hereby submit the subject documentation in one copy to fulfil CDRL SW Developm┆
0x1cb00…1cc00 (28, 0, 11) Sector 1c0cff00360941 ┆ 6 Aent No. 05-06. Line Item no: 4.4.2 User Terminal Handler (USER, MDCO, MSO, PRT, OCR) 4.4.3 Message Handling (MDP, MMS) 4.4.4 Traffic Handling (THP, IOC) 4.4.5 Accountability (LOG) 4.4.6 Storage and Retrieval (SAR) 4.4.7 Stat┆
0x1cc00…1cd00 (28, 0, 12) Sector 1c0dff00360941 ┆ 6 Aistics (STP) 4.4.8 Supervisor Functions (SUP, TMP) 4.4.9 Recovery (SSC, CSF) 4.4.10 Off-line Modules (Format GEN, DATABASE GEN.) You are kindly requested to process the subject documentation according to the contract┆
0x1cd00…1ce00 (28, 0, 13) Sector 1c0ef200360941 ┆ r 6 A paragraph 11. Please note that all items defined in appendix B page 6a and 6b, 4.4.2b - 4.4.10b have been delivered to SHAPE and all payment associated thereby be released. Kind regards, CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen tem Status an┆
0x1ce00…1cf00 (28, 0, 14) Sector 00004600360941 ┆ F 6 A 1 Enclosure A. SW DOCUMENTATION SCHEDULE W LI WP SDS Package Actionee Due Date No. No. No. Name ┆
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0x1d900…1da00 (29, 0, 9) Sector 1d0a6f00360941 ┆ o 6 A applicable a written description on the test-sequence, test cases and test results shall be delivered. LU, LOL, LRS Fm: JAL Subject: CAMPS APPLICATION SW AS BUILT DOCUMENTATION ---------------------------------------------------- 1. CAMPS App┆
0x1da00…1db00 (29, 0, 10) Sector 1d0bff00360941 ┆ 6 A 1 - Release description for all CAMPS application SW as specified in Intern Meddelelse Nr. 581. - Release descriptions for all CAMPS application firmware as specified in Intern Med┆
0x1db00…1dc00 (29, 0, 11) Sector 1d0cff00360941 ┆ 6 Adelelse nr. 595. - Configuration Log for all CAMPS application software and firmware packages containing a break-down on named and numbered subpackages and modules. 2.2 SW Products will consist of: - source code - link modules - boot modules┆
0x1dc00…1dd00 (29, 0, 12) Sector 1d0dff00360941 ┆ 6 A - formats for VDU's and printers - FCP's for VDU applications - CPS - prefix - queue - data - test log - release descriptions - tables for Database Generation 3. Schedule Work package identification, actionees and schedule for as built d┆
0x1dd00…1de00 (29, 0, 13) Sector 1d0eb200360941 ┆ 2 6 Aocumentation is described in enclosure A. Printout of source listings shall be available not later than 831115 as individually agreed with LRS. M.v.h. Jan Lauridsen CPS/SDS/046, Appendix A Message Management CPS/SDS/025 System Status an┆
0x1de00…1df00 (29, 0, 14) Sector 1d0fff00360941 ┆ 6 A 1 Enclosure A. SW DOCUMENTATION SCHEDULE W LI WP SDS Package Actionee Due Date No. No. No. Name ┆
0x1df00…1e000 (29, 0, 15) Sector 1d00ff00360941 ┆ 6 A 4.4.2 39 VUP HDK, NHH 831201 39 UMAM JHH 831208 41 PRT CAP 831118 35 SUP MSN 831125 & 5 48 MSA JBS 831211 36 SPR CAP 831125 47 OAS HDK┆
0x1e000…1e100 (30, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
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0x1f800…1f900 (31, 0, 8) Sector 1f09ff41453741 ┆ AE7A4537A ESPRIT - WORKPLAN 1984 pan FE EJ SLETTES 27 01 84 11 56 2 08 7003 20 02 84 15 20 00 12 17 02 84 08 31 05 03 84 14 16 0420A 6 2 26 172 8148 F' `*J 8 1 _┆
0x1f900…1fa00 (31, 0, 9) Sector 1f0a0600453741 ┆ E7A DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / : : : : ┆
0x1fa00…1fb00 (31, 0, 10) Sector 1f0bd500453741 ┆ U E7A 1 ESPRIT - WORKPLAN 1984 SYS/840130 SW TECHNOLOGY/ADV. INFO. PROC. Page # M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x1fb00…1fc00 (31, 0, 11) Sector 1f0cff00453741 ┆ E7A 1 Subject Area: Advanced Information Processing TOPIC: Artificial Intelligence within Air Traffic Control The importance of efficient Air Traffic Control procedures is well┆
0x1fc00…1fd00 (31, 0, 12) Sector 1f0dff00453741 ┆ E7A established in society today. Many of these procedures are dependant on human resources, but could be automated in order to releave the human role for supervision and emergency interceptions. System Description The use of reporting of flight sch┆
0x1fd00…1fe00 (31, 0, 13) Sector 1f0eff00453741 ┆ E7Aedules leading to update of a data base and followed by a scheduling of all events could be automated and implemented on highly reliable systems using dublication or redundancy techniques. This type of information could be automatically compared to ┆
0x1fe00…1ff00 (31, 0, 14) Sector 1f0fff00453741 ┆ E7Aradar output information in order to alarm on any discrepancies between planned data and actual data for a management by exception concept. An Air Traffic Control system which uses AI could be coupled directly with the radio communication system an┆
0x1ff00…20000 (31, 0, 15) Sector 1f00ff00453741 ┆ E7Ad give verbal directions to the airplane crew in or before emergency situations. The result of a calculated collision course could be to send an order directly to the autopilot on the airplane, in order to provide fast and adequate reaction to any ┆
0x20000…20100 (32, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x20600…20700 (32, 0, 6) Sector 2007ff00360941 ┆ 6 A3 to "following letter-of-intent shape shall effect an advance payment of 30 percent calculated on the total value of line items 8.4.6 and 8.4.7 dkr 1,729,602.30". 21. page 16 editorial ----------------- change in line 1: dkr 22,330,747 to dkr 3,┆
0x20700…20800 (32, 0, 7) Sector 1f08ff00360941 ┆ 6 A430,000. 22. page 16. new instruction ------------------------ Add new instruction 13.5: shape shall pay the remaining 70 percent of dkr 865,341 upon satisfactory acceptance of the tools and test equipment at cr factory and cr provision of: ┆
0x20800…20900 (32, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x22800…22900 (34, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(34,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41453441}, f00=»4534A «, f01=»SYS INTERN MEDDELELSE 137 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»RH «, f04=» «, f05=26-01-84 11:19, f06=» 2 «, f07=»32 «, f08=» 7278 «, f09=13-02-84 16:31, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 25 «, f13=02-02-84 11:44, f14=13-02-84 16:35, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 11 «, f17=» 5 «, f18=»19 «, f19=» 180 «, f20=» 9185 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110466710110080aaca15050000000000000138032e00df}
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0x23100…23200 (35, 0, 1) Sector 2302ff00453741 ┆# E7Aotected against tampening or by passing by other software components. These rewuirements have much influence upon the development cycle of the software. In addition the security software must take full advantage of available hardware protection feat┆
0x23200…23300 (35, 0, 2) Sector 23030c00453741 ┆# E7Aure. ending on wether condition (wind) great savings in fuel could be obtained. The study will demonstrate if it is feasable to have dynamic routing. Y/ADV. INFO. PROC. Page # M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x23300…23400 (35, 0, 3) Sector 2304ff00453741 ┆# E7A 1 A number of different levels of ambitions must be defined for the rigidness of security verification, ranging from formal specification of the security policy and automated veri┆
0x23400…23500 (35, 0, 4) Sector 2305ff00453741 ┆# E7Afication that the system design in consistent with the policy to an informal description and verification of the security properties of the system. The project will develop standards and description tools for design and implementation of the secu┆
0x23500…23600 (35, 0, 5) Sector 2306ff00453741 ┆# E7Arity software and investigate the feasibility of formal specification. d) Hardware Support for Secure System There are two separate areas of the hardware architecture which are of particular importance for support of security: - Hardware rel┆
0x23600…23700 (35, 0, 6) Sector 2307ff00453741 ┆# E7Aiability. The hardware must have extensive mechanisms for detection of hardware malfunctions, such that no errors can occur without detection. - Protection mechanisms. The hardware must offer extensive facilities for small protection domain┆
0x23700…23800 (35, 0, 7) Sector 1f08ff00453741 ┆ E7As and for fast domain swithching. It will thereby be possible to structure the security software into small, verifiable modules, which can only interfere with each other and with the rest of the software via the information channels specified in the┆
0x23800…23900 (35, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x25800…25900 (37, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(37,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41473341}, f00=»4733A «, f01=»LOG C3-I «, f02=»as «, f03=»TG «, f04=» «, f05=14-03-84 11:38, f06=» 2 «, f07=»41 «, f08=» 7258 «, f09=15-03-84 11:36, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 16 «, f13=15-03-84 11:41, f14=16-03-84 09:49, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 8 «, f17=» 3 «, f18=»22 «, f19=» 120 «, f20=» 8118 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110462710110080aaca15050000000000000038032000df}
0x25900…25a00 (37, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x26a00…26b00 (38, 0, 10) Sector 260bff00429141 ┆& B Ack test of message mix on two LTU's back to back for 24 hours KD, MP, BLP 4 LOAD TEST 20 Execution of Test Script for NICS-TARE Part of Load Test as specified in CPS/TPR/007 and Test script. CAMPS NICS- TARE SW and FW will be loaded from┆
0x26b00…26c00 (38, 0, 11) Sector 260c4f00429141 ┆& O B A the Test Drive System with one busy hours crisis load PFM, BLP, KD 831001 5 No Receiver Response KD, BP 831001 6 Line Re-Establishment KD, BP 831001 7 Block Re-Transmission-Single KD, BP 831001 8 Block Re-Transmission-Two KD, BP 831001 9┆
0x26c00…26d00 (38, 0, 12) Sector 260dff00429141 ┆& B A 1 To: SW Team, SYS I+T, KNN, URH, BS. LU, LOL, LRS Fm: JAL Subject: CAMPS APPLICATION SW AS BUILT DOCUMENTATION Update of detailed design specification to as-built documentation┆
0x26d00…26e00 (38, 0, 13) Sector 260eff00429141 ┆& B A shall follow the guidelines specified in CPS/AUX/017 with additional clarification as described in CAMPS IM nr. 643 and the specifications given below with references to CPS/AUX/017: Ad 4.1 As specified in CPS/AUX/017. Ad As specified i┆
0x26e00…26f00 (38, 0, 14) Sector 260fff00429141 ┆& B An CPS/AUX/017. Ad As specified in CPS/AUX/017. Ad As specified in CPS/AUX/017. Ad The functional specification shall be copied from the source list. Ad Module interface specification shall be copied fr┆
0x26f00…27000 (38, 0, 15) Sector 2600ff00429141 ┆& B Aom the source list. Flowgram shall only be made for control modules. Ad Functional description shall be copied from the source list for non-export procedures. Ad a) For data references refer to the CPS-Prefix used. b) Fo┆
0x27000…27100 (39, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x27800…27900 (39, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(39,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41456341}, f00=»4563A «, f01=»ARTIKLER (SYS. DESCRIPT.) «, f02=»pan «, f03=»FE «, f04=»EJ SLETTES «, f05=02-02-84 08:21, f06=» «, f07=»43 «, f08=» 3335 «, f09=13-02-84 16:38, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 9 «, f13=02-02-84 09:27, f14=13-02-84 16:39, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 2 «, f17=» «, f18=»45 «, f19=» 60 «, f20=» 3424 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110462710110080aaca15050000000000000038031200df}
0x27900…27a00 (39, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x28800…28900 (40, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(40,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41465241}, f00=»4652A «, f01=»OEM udstyr til CAMPS «, f02=»as «, f03=»Svend Thomsen «, f04=» «, f05=27-02-84 14:13, f06=» 1 «, f07=»23 «, f08=» 6686 «, f09=16-03-84 09:42, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 6 «, f13=28-02-84 10:08, f14=16-03-84 09:50, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 6 «, f17=» 1 «, f18=»45 «, f19=» 124 «, f20=» 7277 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110462710110080aaca15050000000000000038032100df}
0x28900…28a00 (40, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x29300…29400 (41, 0, 3) Sector 2904ff00462741 ┆) F'Alies (in/external ones), the cabinets and the components inside need UL Listing or Classification - thus of course conversion to 115 volt/60 Hz and U.S. mains outlet fitting soonest. The importance of this matter connot be stressed enough! Further┆
0x29400…29500 (41, 0, 4) Sector 2905ff00462741 ┆) F'Amore, as of October 1, 1983, all electric/electronic products sold in the U.S. must abide by FCC certifications on RFI limits. X-Net components can be FCC certified by Elektronikcentralen in H]rsholm (power supplies, cabinets and the bus). UL appr┆
0x29500…29600 (41, 0, 5) Sector 2906ff00462741 ┆) F'Aoval must be a corporate issue (QA), for which reason CR should certainly make the investment of having a UL officer sent over to discuss the matter in details. The classification procedure is reasonably detailed in "Markedsorientering USA", Septe┆
0x29600…29700 (41, 0, 6) Sector 29075d00462741 ┆) ] F'Amber 1980, Danish Foreign Ministry, to which the responsible persons should confer. as CR's product managers Exhibitions: TBS It must be decided to install X-Net in CR-DC (CRCS already has one), integrating as much of the company's dp equip┆
0x29700…29800 (41, 0, 7) Sector 2808ff00462741 ┆( F'A 1 3.9 INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND USER GUIDANCE COURSES Due lack of resources in SG, these - although crucial - points will have to be solved pending commitment from potential U.S┆
0x29800…29900 (41, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x29d00…29e00 (41, 0, 13) Sector 290eff00462741 ┆) F'A 1 3.7 REPORTING ROUTINES The communication flow between CR-CORP (CR-DC) and SG in Copenhagen will be of outmost importance for the success of the proposed G&DOA venture in U.S. Th┆
0x29e00…29f00 (41, 0, 14) Sector 290fff00462741 ┆) F'Ae pricipal uses of the actual reporting are to: 1. Keep SG management informed of the status of the sales activities and monitoring market response. 2. Ensure CR-CORP (CR-DC) the best possible technical and marketing back-up to support field wor┆
0x29f00…2a000 (41, 0, 15) Sector 2900ff00462741 ┆) F'Ak. Considering the extremely tight resource situation in CR-CORP, SG will not expect highly structured, exhaustive reports at short intervals. Rather, the flow from CR-CORP on a daily basis is expected to consist of prospect profiles and technical┆
0x2a000…2a100 (42, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x2a800…2a900 (42, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(42,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41465141}, f00=»4651A «, f01=»INTERN MEDDELELSE NO. 159 «, f02=»as «, f03=»Svend Thomsen «, f04=»Garantiforp. p> CAMP «, f05=27-02-84 13:20, f06=» «, f07=»46 «, f08=» 3581 «, f09=16-03-84 08:18, f10=» «, f11=»08 «, f12=» 29 «, f13=16-03-84 08:26, f14=16-03-84 09:50, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 3 «, f17=» 1 «, f18=»26 «, f19=» 80 «, f20=» 4832 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110462710110080aaca15050000000000000038031500df}
0x2a900…2aa00 (42, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x2d800…2d900 (45, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(45,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41462341}, f00=»4623A «, f01=»SD/PRC/001 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»JHO «, f04=»FINANCIAL STATUS «, f05=16-02-84 16:15, f06=» «, f07=»22 «, f08=» 697 «, f09=14-03-84 17:20, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 74 «, f13=17-02-84 10:41, f14=21-03-84 08:55, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 22 «, f17=» «, f18=»33 «, f19=» 148 «, f20=» 1006 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=710067000110462710110280aa4a55050000000000000138033300df}
0x2d900…2da00 (45, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x2e500…2e600 (46, 0, 5) Sector 2e06ff00462741 ┆. F'Aween like and unlike mainframes which conform to ISO Reference Model Layers. Modules are alledgedly available for IBM, DEC and Vnivac equipment. Wang, a strong market leader in many areas of office automation, is just starting to ship Wangnet in q┆
0x2e600…2e700 (46, 0, 6) Sector 2e07ff00462741 ┆. F'Auantity. It's sold as a broadband OR a baseband net, depending on user requirements (and expense budget). Wang's strong foothold in word processing thoughout the U.S. will give them an edge in many respects. But it's quite an expensive procuct, and ┆
0x2e700…2e800 (46, 0, 7) Sector 2d08ff00462741 ┆- F'Athe broadband technology is not really in place yet. And it's CSMA/CD based. And it's a closed net. Planet from Racal Milgo and certainly PolyNet from Logica are important contenders, too. PolyNet, however, is based on Cambridge Ring principles, b┆
0x2e800…2e900 (46, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x2f000…2f100 (47, 0, 0) Sector 2f014a00462741 ┆/ J F'A Note: (*) including s/w licences (**) TMY 18 Ad campaign TBS GJ 19 2nd D.M. preparation TBS BUREAU/ TMY 20 2nd D.M. shot TBS TMY/ 21 2nd seminar TBS TMY/HKW/BRW 22 U.L. approval procedure ? ? 23 Hot pro┆
0x2f100…2f200 (47, 0, 1) Sector 0000c500462741 ┆ E F'A without disks XTA built-in Figure 4: CR-CORP sales forecast 1984 guidelines - that are difficult to time table at this mom┆
0x2f200…2f300 (47, 0, 2) Sector 2f03ff00462741 ┆/ F'A market potential for LANs in the U.S. is huge in the years to come, we have at this moment no substantial information about the accessability with X-Net to the market. In other words, stating CR's sales potential is at the time being associated wit┆
0x2f300…2f400 (47, 0, 3) Sector 2f04ff00462741 ┆/ F'Ah at lot of uncertainties (cf. section 5.1), although next chapter gives some indications. 2.2.2 Competition Let there be no doubt - we are in for the stiffest competition of all industries in all markets, selling networks and microcomputers/te┆
0x2f400…2f500 (47, 0, 4) Sector 2f05ff00462741 ┆/ F'Arminals in U.S.A. Till now, baseband products have dominated the market, led by Xerox/DEC/Intel. Ethernet technology has been licensed to more than 120 companies, including H.P., Olivetti, Nixdorf, Harris and other major firms. But, buying the lic┆
0x2f500…2f600 (47, 0, 5) Sector 2f066900462741 ┆/ i F'Aense fee is not necessarily a commitment to adopt it in one's integrated office product strategy. port Potential Assessment Contemplate the aggregate: (source: IDC Survey, jan 1983) ** U.S. white-collar workers today number some 52 million. By┆
0x2f600…2f700 (47, 0, 6) Sector 2f07ff00462741 ┆/ F'A 1 Figure 2 on the this page lists Ethernet and other significant nets on the U.S. marketplace today. (Source is "Report on Local Communications", The Yankee Group, December 1981). Su┆
0x2f700…2f800 (47, 0, 7) Sector 2e08ff00462741 ┆. F'Absequently, brief notes are given on advantages and disadvantages for each product. 1 Vendor/Manufacturer Networ┆
0x2f800…2f900 (47, 0, 8) Sector 2f09ff00462741 ┆/ F'A 1 Below a list of identified major projects are given. With the exception of DCA, CR can not expect main contractor responsebility or any of these projects: 1 ┆
0x2f900…2fa00 (47, 0, 9) Sector 2f0aff00462741 ┆/ F'A Project Name Status Value Comments o NAVSUP RFP Sep 84 30 m $ broadband coax LAN IBM Burroughs, Ascii. 5 year project 50-100 sites in US 200-1000 ports per site. Contact Person Marle┆
0x2fa00…2fb00 (47, 0, 10) Sector 2f0bff00462741 ┆/ F'Ane Petersen at CM 3, room 705 o Navy Labnoratories LAN 60 M $ Technical Office WS 150 M $ Automation & TOTAL 300 M $ Communication System (NALTOACS) RFP Sep 84 o NAVSEA (PMS 306) Program o Dept. of the Navy Office Automatio┆
0x2fb00…2fc00 (47, 0, 11) Sector 2f0cff00462741 ┆/ F'An & Communication System (DONOACS) o ONR Project (ZOG/VINSON) o CAEDOS (China Lake) o Laboratory Office Network Experiment (LONS),USAF RFP June 84 50 M $ o Headquarters Information & Office System (HIOS), USAF o Impr┆
0x2fc00…2fd00 (47, 0, 12) Sector 2f0dab00462741 ┆/ + F'Aoved Administrative Capability System (IMPACS),USAF o NASA Integrated Office Automation system o DCA Several LAN OA projects, several systems ve coordination require careful planning on site as well as support from copnehagen.┆
0x2fd00…2fe00 (47, 0, 13) Sector 2f0eff00462741 ┆/ F'A 1 1 X-Net US retail 3rd quarter 4th quarter All ┆
0x2fe00…2ff00 (47, 0, 14) Sector 2f0fff00462741 ┆/ F'AYear component price ($) Qty.Value Qty.Value Value XCT (*) 5.449 1 5.449 2 10898 XNA (*) 13.638 1 13.638 2 27276 XTA 685 100 68.500 200 137000 XHA 875 100 87.500 200 175000 XWO 110 220 24.200 440 48400 X┆
0x2ff00…30000 (47, 0, 15) Sector 2f00ff00462741 ┆/ F'AEP (*) 8.119 2 16.238 4 32476 XTP/12 8.775 5 43875 10 87750 Cabling 139 20 2.780 20 5560 CR5 (**) 1.315 CRl6(**) ? ┆
0x30000…30100 (48, 0, 0) Sector 3001ff00462741 ┆0 F'AKW/BRW 16 1st seminar TBS TMY/HKW/BRW 17 1st monthly report TBS TMY 18 Ad campaign TBS GJ 19 2nd D.M. preparation TBS BUREAU/ TMY 20 2nd D.M. shot TBS TMY/ 21 2nd seminar TBS TMY/HKW/BRW 22 U.L. approval procedure ? ? 23 Hot pro┆
0x30100…30200 (48, 0, 1) Sector 3002ff00462741 ┆0 F'Aspects meeting I TBS TMY/GJ 24 Hot prospects Meeting II TBS TMY/GJ It goes without saying that there are a lot of other sales activities - sparked off from the above-mentioned strategic guidelines - that are difficult to time table at this mom┆
0x30200…30300 (48, 0, 2) Sector 30039400462741 ┆0 F'Aent. Any major changes in the timing or specific action items (new ones or changes) should be reported to and agreed with SG Copenhagen. ions at least once a week. - Written proposal - Negotiations - (if positive) Letter of intent/order. Sem┆
0x30300…30400 (48, 0, 3) Sector 3004ff00462741 ┆0 F'A 1 5 QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATES 5.1 SALES FORECASTS SG's total budget for 1984 is Dkr. 157 million. CR-CORP's (CR-DC) budget for 1984 is Dkr. 15 million (equals 1983 result). X-N┆
0x30400…30500 (48, 0, 4) Sector 3005ff00462741 ┆0 F'Aet sales accounts for Dkr. 7.8 Million in excess of that figure. During the very upstart cycle it's unrealistec to expect any firm orders or commitments. But as was stated in section 1.2, an X-Net letter or intent of order is desirable within the ┆
0x30500…30600 (48, 0, 5) Sector 3006ff00462741 ┆0 F'Afirst 4 months, i.e. in 3rd quarter 84. The first order or firm commitment will in that case be our second only reference installation in the U.S. up and running: (CRCS is expected to have one installation up and running spring 1984) Based on th┆
0x30600…30700 (48, 0, 6) Sector 3007ff00462741 ┆0 F'Ais goal, the CR-CORP budget, and this business plan, the following breakdown on unit sales can be made (see pg. 30). It's important to note that the figures are based on very limited information about the marketplace and that CR-CORP will start of┆
0x30700…30800 (48, 0, 7) Sector 2f08e300462741 ┆/ c F'Af without any potential clients, i.e. completely from scratch. For that reason, the forecasted figures are revised in accordance with the realistic prospects (higher or lower) at the time of the first monthly report. d CR16. This installation wi┆
0x30800…30900 (48, 0, 8) Sector 3009ff00462741 ┆0 F'A 1 3.9 INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND USER GUIDANCE COURSES Due lack of resources in SG, these - although crucial - points will have to be solved pending commitment from potential U.S┆
0x30900…30a00 (48, 0, 9) Sector 300aff00462741 ┆0 F'A. customers. Hardware maintenance and service contract general conditions will be quoted as per latest price list from SG Copenhagen. Existing CR-CORP personnel MIGHT after a training period, be able to assist in this respect, but regardless, the ┆
0x30a00…30b00 (48, 0, 10) Sector 300bff00462741 ┆0 F'Apricelist calculations will be used (even if CR have to fly out soft- and hardware people to cope with the task!). CR-DC has no back-up personal at all, short term sale will therefore require investments in support personel. Delivery time will be ┆
0x30b00…30c00 (48, 0, 11) Sector 300cff00462741 ┆0 F'Aquoted as 2-6 months, depending on actual order configuration. Priority of course given to off-the-shelf commodities. CR-CORP will not carry stock of X-Net components or spare parts during the start up period. It's important to note that specifi┆
0x30c00…30d00 (48, 0, 12) Sector 300d9200462741 ┆0 F'Acally installation, after-sales maintenance and user guidance courses are used as primary sales parameters by X-Net's major competitors. ements, and their effective coordination require careful planning on site as well as support from copnehagen.┆
0x30d00…30e00 (48, 0, 13) Sector 300eff00462741 ┆0 F'A 1 4 TACTICAL PLAN 4.1 ACTION STATEMENTS 1 No. Action item Initiated Finished Charge 1 Foil┆
0x30e00…30f00 (48, 0, 14) Sector 300fff00462741 ┆0 F'A presentation TBS TMY 2 Slide presentation TBS TMY 3 2 year working permit TBS TMY 4 Press release text TBS TMY 5 Press release TBS TMY 6 Documentation shipped TBS TMY 7 U.S. Business Plan 84 l3.02 TMY 8 Demo net configuration T┆
0x30f00…31000 (48, 0, 15) Sector 3000ff00462741 ┆0 F'ABS GJ 9 Demo net shipment TBS TMY 10 Demo net installation TBS TMY 11 TMY departure date TBS TMY/GJ 12 Customer identification TBS TMY/HKW/BRW 13 1st D.M. preparation TBS BUREAU/TMY 14 1st D.M. shot TBS TMY/ 15 Direct sales TBS TMY/H┆
0x31000…31100 (49, 0, 0) Sector 3101ff00462741 ┆1 F'Ak. Considering the extremely tight resource situation in CR-CORP, SG will not expect highly structured, exhaustive reports at short intervals. Rather, the flow from CR-CORP on a daily basis is expected to consist of prospect profiles and technical┆
0x31100…31200 (49, 0, 1) Sector 3102ff00462741 ┆1 F'A questions, and then on a monthly basis a summary of events will be compiled (number of sales calls, in-house demos, cold-warm-hot leads, competitive intellingence, market forecasts, etc, etc). The intendedly most used communication means (in addi┆
0x31200…31300 (49, 0, 2) Sector 3103b200462741 ┆1 2 F'Ation to the phone) is the established fax connection between the offices in the U.S. and Denmark. TMY and GJ have agreed to have phone discussions at least once a week. - Written proposal - Negotiations - (if positive) Letter of intent/order. Sem┆
0x31300…31400 (49, 0, 3) Sector 3104ff00462741 ┆1 F'A 1 3.8 APPROVAL PROCEDURES The X-Net components will have to be approved by Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) before any installations can take place in U.S. The switching power supp┆
0x31400…31500 (49, 0, 4) Sector 3105ff00462741 ┆1 F'Alies (in/external ones), the cabinets and the components inside need UL Listing or Classification - thus of course conversion to 115 volt/60 Hz and U.S. mains outlet fitting soonest. The importance of this matter connot be stressed enough! Further┆
0x31500…31600 (49, 0, 5) Sector 3106ff00462741 ┆1 F'Amore, as of October 1, 1983, all electric/electronic products sold in the U.S. must abide by FCC certifications on RFI limits. X-Net components can be FCC certified by Elektronikcentralen in H]rsholm (power supplies, cabinets and the bus). UL appr┆
0x31600…31700 (49, 0, 6) Sector 3107ff00462741 ┆1 F'Aoval must be a corporate issue (QA), for which reason CR should certainly make the investment of having a UL officer sent over to discuss the matter in details. The classification procedure is reasonably detailed in "Markedsorientering USA", Septe┆
0x31700…31800 (49, 0, 7) Sector 30085d00462741 ┆0 ] F'Amber 1980, Danish Foreign Ministry, to which the responsible persons should confer. st be decided to install X-Net in CR-DC and CR-CORP, integrating as much of the company's dp equipment as possible - i.e. CR5, CR32 and CR16. This installation wi┆
0x31800…31900 (49, 0, 8) Sector 3109dc00462741 ┆1 \ F'All serve as demo net. However, for the sake of mobility, a beam with XWOs mounted should also be provided; to be used for out of house seminars or exhibitions until a more presentable solution has been found. market. 2. The consolidated airfr┆
0x31900…31a00 (49, 0, 9) Sector 310aff00462741 ┆1 F'A 1 The demo net in CR-CORP and CR-DC should initially consist of one XCT with selfconfigurating software and floppy drive, one XNA with standard network management software 1 CR5 unin┆
0x31a00…31b00 (49, 0, 10) Sector 310bff00462741 ┆1 F'Atelligent screen terminal (with built-in XTA), 1 CR32, 1 CR16, a TEC daisywheel printer, plus a number of XTAs and XWOs. No XABs or ports can be shown during start up. Suggestably, a DEC VT-100 and a Televideo or Hazeltine screen is bought locally┆
0x31b00…31c00 (49, 0, 11) Sector 310cff00462741 ┆1 F'A to give the demo net a slightly open look. Public relation, such as planting news stories, updates (*) and features about X-Net and its entree in the U.S. G&D market in published media is important. But reaching the press requires the right conne┆
0x31c00…31d00 (49, 0, 12) Sector 310dff00462741 ┆1 F'Actions which may thake some time (and money), but it will ceertainly be worthwhile. The four instruments outlined here have overlapping elements, and their effective coordination require careful planning on site as well as support from copnehagen.┆
0x31d00…31e00 (49, 0, 13) Sector 310e5000462741 ┆1 P F'A (*) Product enhancement announcements tools 1 60% Personal selling 10% Advertising 20% Sales promotion 1┆
0x31e00…31f00 (49, 0, 14) Sector 310fff00462741 ┆1 F'A 1 3.7 REPORTING ROUTINES The communication flow between CR-CORP (CR-DC) and SG in Copenhagen will be of outmost importance for the success of the proposed G&DOA venture in U.S. Th┆
0x31f00…32000 (49, 0, 15) Sector 3100ff00462741 ┆1 F'Ae pricipal uses of the actual reporting are to: 1. Keep SG management informed of the status of the sales activities and monitoring market response. 2. Ensure CR-CORP (CR-DC) the best possible technical and marketing back-up to support field wor┆
0x32000…32100 (50, 0, 0) Sector 3201e500462741 ┆2 e F'Aatalogs, manuals, company and product slide presentations, company and product foil presentations, brochures and circulars - all believed necessary back-up to succeed in the personal selling. As are 1983 Annual Reports! eliminary list prices in d┆
0x32100…32200 (50, 0, 1) Sector 3202ff00462741 ┆2 F'A 1 The typical action pattern will be: Name and contact from address list - Direct Mail shot - Follow up phone call - Personal call with a) Company and product slide presentation b) C┆
0x32200…32300 (50, 0, 2) Sector 3203ff00462741 ┆2 F'Aonfiguration discussions - Follow up letter with product and company information material - Checking configuration needs with Copenhagen where doubt - Second personal call - Written proposal - Negotiations - (if positive) Letter of intent/order. Sem┆
0x32300…32400 (50, 0, 3) Sector 3204ff00462741 ┆2 F'Ainars could fit in anywhere. Pilot installations as a means to obtain the letter of intent or order would apparently seem attractive. Sales promotion (exhibitions, show-rooms, demonstrations, displays, contests, and various and sundry other non-┆
0x32400…32500 (50, 0, 4) Sector 3205ff00462741 ┆2 F'Are-current selling efforts not in the ordinary routine) plays a critical role in the introductory stage of a product launch. Particularly the role of seminars is important. These could either take place in-house or externally, say on conference fa┆
0x32500…32600 (50, 0, 5) Sector 3206ff00462741 ┆2 F'Acilities or hotels. These would require careful preparations in advance, but could offer a bunch of potential clients " the big show" and preferably the chance of meeting CR's top management as well as CR's product managers Exhibitions: Probably┆
0x32600…32700 (50, 0, 6) Sector 3207ff00462741 ┆2 F'A the most effective way to enter the marketplace is exhibiting " the big show," backed up by direct mail campaigns. Of interest, but not analyzed yet, is: Federal Office System Expo March, 1984 Federal Office Automation Conference ┆
0x32700…32800 (50, 0, 7) Sector 3108ff00462741 ┆1 F'ASept/Oct, 1984 Federal Computer Conference Sept, 1984 DEMO NET: It must be decided to install X-Net in CR-DC and CR-CORP, integrating as much of the company's dp equipment as possible - i.e. CR5, CR32 and CR16. This installation wi┆
0x32800…32900 (50, 0, 8) Sector 3209ff00462741 ┆2 F'A. The U.S. import duties are for X-Net components sold on the commercial market (BTN 84.55.960) 4.4% on the FOB value and for X-Net add-ons 4.7% on the FOB value. No duties shal be paid for X-Net sold on the G & D market. 2. The consolidated airfr┆
0x32900…32a00 (50, 0, 9) Sector 320ab600462741 ┆2 6 F'Aeight rate CPH-LA and CPH-WA is Dkr. 12-15 per kilo, depending on quantities shipped at a time (delivery time 3 days). 3. Insurance is 0.2% of the invoice value plus 10%. in CR-CORP, so to speak. Organizationally, he will be responsible for t┆
0x32a00…32b00 (50, 0, 10) Sector 320bff00462741 ┆2 F'A 1 3.6 PROMOTION PROGRAM The promotional tools available are many, and it's relevant to view the role of four components: ** personal selling ** advertising ** sales promotion ┆
0x32b00…32c00 (50, 0, 11) Sector 320cff00462741 ┆2 F'A** public ralation It is important at this stage to conceive that CR-CORP (CR-DC) (or CR for that matter) is completely unknown on the U.S. market today. Supposedly, CR-CORP does not have to build up or stimulate product awareness on the market (L┆
0x32c00…32d00 (50, 0, 12) Sector 320dff00462741 ┆2 F'AANs), but should concentrate on the unique concept (brand awareness). A rough percentage allocation of promotional funds to achieve sales by means of building up brand awareness - taking into consideration the limited capital and manpower resource┆
0x32d00…32e00 (50, 0, 13) Sector 320eff00462741 ┆2 F'As - should be: Percentage of Promotional funds tools 1 60% Personal selling 10% Advertising 20% Sales promotion 1┆
0x32e00…32f00 (50, 0, 14) Sector 320fff00462741 ┆2 F'A0% Public relation Facing the fact that CR-CORP (CR-DC) has no existing customer base to cultivate, a substantial number of agressive personal sales calls by TMY/HKW/BRW must have top priority in the efforts to penetrate the market. Advertising,┆
0x32f00…33000 (50, 0, 15) Sector 3200ff00462741 ┆2 F'A first and foremost direct mail shots, will precede the direct sales. But paralel, advertising in highly specialized magazines and circulars would have a very positive effect on the sales work. Advertising will also involve such varied media as c┆
0x33000…33100 (51, 0, 0) Sector 3301ff00462741 ┆3 F'Aonforms to the U.S. Arm's Length priciple legislation. The base rate of exchange to establish the U.S. retail price list is 9.50. Having made no clear price studies of the LAN market in the U.S., we have to base our preliminary list prices in d┆
0x33100…33200 (51, 0, 1) Sector 3302ff00462741 ┆3 F'Aollars on a simple conversion from the Danish market prices (cf. "Microproducts Pricelist"- REF 84/1 BLP). The U.S. list prices will only be quoted in connection with actual configuration proposals (in written). Rebates in the U.S. are not to be┆
0x33200…33300 (51, 0, 2) Sector 3303ff00462741 ┆3 F'A given by CR-CORP under any circumstances, unless they have been authorezed by SG in Copenhagen (however, recall that no detailed price studies have been made on competitors' pricing in California). Sales terms will be negotiated from case to case┆
0x33300…33400 (51, 0, 3) Sector 3304ff00462741 ┆3 F'A, depending on the type of order or letter of intent. Principly, orders which require no software development in particular will be charged COD. But in cases where CRAS has to develop dedicated software solutions, a sum of money will be requested be┆
0x33400…33500 (51, 0, 4) Sector 33059300462741 ┆3 F'Afore start - say standard project terms (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3). Realistically, we have to adopt a policy in line with local common practice. facturers in the computer or terminal business (see further below). to check and validate device interco┆
0x33500…33600 (51, 0, 5) Sector 3306ff00462741 ┆3 F'A 1 Preliminary U.S. Retail Price List X-Net Component U.S. List Price ($) 1 XCT 3.870 XTA ┆
0x33600…33700 (51, 0, 6) Sector 3307ff00462741 ┆3 F'A 685 XHA 875 XWO 110 XAB 2.155 XTP/4 4.380 XTP/8 6.540 XTP/12 8.775 XEP 6.540 XCP 6.540 XNA 10.480 Cable (100m) 139 CR5 1.315 CR7 Terminal X-Net interface 2.107 CR16 Diplomat X-Net interface ? DP200 2.050 Microlin┆
0x33700…33800 (51, 0, 7) Sector 3208ff00462741 ┆2 F'Ae 84 1.480 X-Net software XCT s/w license 1.579 XEP s/w license 1.579 XCP s/w license 1.579 XNA s/w license 3.158 For the sake of good order (and included above): 1 1┆
0x33800…33900 (51, 0, 8) Sector 33097400462741 ┆3 t F'Aive some attention - but they are of second priority. And exclusivities are of course out of the question. (4) there is very strong potential competition (5) the market is very regulated and difficult to penetrate (6) the company's unit ma┆
0x33900…33a00 (51, 0, 9) Sector 330aff00462741 ┆3 F'A 1 3.4 ORGANIZATION Referring to this report's section 2.1, the transferee (TMY) is the first of a new breed in CR-CORP, so to speak. Organizationally, he will be responsible for t┆
0x33a00…33b00 (51, 0, 10) Sector 330bff00462741 ┆3 F'Ahe G&DOA Division of CR-CORP. It is of great importance for the success of the operation that SG appoints a manager, responsible for the daily contact and CR in-house support and follow-up. CR-DK SG CR-CORP ┆
0x33b00…33c00 (51, 0, 11) Sector 330cff00462741 ┆3 F'A G&DOA CR-DC TMY HKW/TMY ┆
0x33c00…33d00 (51, 0, 12) Sector 330dff00462741 ┆3 F'A G&DOA TMY Figure G&DOU division in CR-CORP (CR-DC) as of April 1, 1984. Presently, no know-how within OA (or X-Net for that matter) is available neither in CR-CORP or in CR-DC. The lack of this ┆
0x33d00…33e00 (51, 0, 13) Sector 330eff00462741 ┆3 F'Aknow-how is not considered to be a major draw-back. But it is very important that the present sales managers (BRW,HKW) has good contacts (sales channels) within G&D so that they, in close cooperation with TMY, can break down the right doors enabling┆
0x33e00…33f00 (51, 0, 14) Sector 330f2c00462741 ┆3 , F'A CR to enter the marketplace fast. 3.2 TARGET GROUPS Initially, the strategy will be to aim for the governmental and defence institutions and departments. The market for X-Net in its present version is to be foun┆
0x33f00…34000 (51, 0, 15) Sector 3300ff00462741 ┆3 F'A 1 3.5 PRICE POLICIES It has beeen agreed that the transaction price between CR and CR-CORP for X-Net components will be the Danish BLP price in Dkr. less 22%, delivered CIF. This c┆
0x34000…34100 (52, 0, 0) Sector 3401ff00462741 ┆4 F'Ahe X-Net sale should will focus on processor sites with dp equipment of different makes, say a mix of IBM, DEC and WANG. Another indicator of LAN needs could be the presence of headquarters with a number of sizable branch offices, looking for ways┆
0x34100…34200 (52, 0, 1) Sector 3402ff00462741 ┆4 F'A to implement fast and easy screen-to screen communication. In the past CR-CORP has quoted on a lot of RFP's which have been received either from (typically) DoD or a potential main contractor. CR-CORP has had little (not to say no) influence on t┆
0x34200…34300 (52, 0, 2) Sector 3403ff00462741 ┆4 F'Ahe system/solution requested. In order to rise the chances of winning contracts to a reasonable level, this situation must change. The only way to do this is to concentrate resources against clear objectives, i.e. put more professional effort in the┆
0x34300…34400 (52, 0, 3) Sector 3404ff00462741 ┆4 F'A direct sale of a well defined product mix to a well defined customer mix. Typical customers are: - DCA offices - Navy Laboratories - NASA Research center - USAF Initially, a major thrust will be put on direct sales only, but the possibilit┆
0x34400…34500 (52, 0, 4) Sector 3405da00462741 ┆4 Z F'Ay of establishing OEM contracts should not be excluded. This could either be with systems (soft and/or hardware) houses or with hardware manufacturers in the computer or terminal business (see further below). to check and validate device interco┆
0x34500…34600 (52, 0, 5) Sector 3406ff00462741 ┆4 F'A 1 3.3 MARKET ENTRY DECISION So far, CR's international market entry strategy has been to make direct investments on the overseas markets (as opposed to operating via distributors/┆
0x34600…34700 (52, 0, 6) Sector 3407ff00462741 ┆4 F'Adealers on the Continent). Foreign distribution channels should be kept shortest possible, having as consequence high investment ratios. So in accordance with this policy, CR-CORP (CR-DC) as indicated above will concentrate on direct sales, and ┆
0x34700…34800 (52, 0, 7) Sector 3308ff00462741 ┆3 F'Athis will primarily take place in the Washington area during the first 4 month sales cycle. The possibility of systems houses as LAN distributors will doubtless arise very quickly, and provided attractive terms are being negotiated, they will rece┆
0x34800…34900 (52, 0, 8) Sector 3409ff00462741 ┆4 F'Aunaware of the product brand (3) buyers will be concerned about cost justification (i.e. be price sensitive) (4) there is very strong potential competition (5) the market is very regulated and difficult to penetrate (6) the company's unit ma┆
0x34900…34a00 (52, 0, 9) Sector 340aff00462741 ┆4 F'Anufacturing costs fall with the scale of production and accumulated manufacturing experience Ideally, that scenario calls for a low price and heavy promotion to bring about a fast rate of market penetration. But section 2.1 clearly stated that the┆
0x34a00…34b00 (52, 0, 10) Sector 340bff00462741 ┆4 F'A capital and manpower resources to do so do not exist in SG today. Taking an alternative route, still acknowledging the six assumptions, must mean building the entree on CR's current strengths. The main strengths lie in product concept uniquene┆
0x34b00…34c00 (52, 0, 11) Sector 340cff00462741 ┆4 F'Ass, an impressive corporate track record, three established subsidiares in the market plus the recent joint venture with a major U.S. company CR's contracts with American Airlines and Air Canada and related cooperation with RCA, the NATO Contract, a┆
0x34c00…34d00 (52, 0, 12) Sector 340dff00462741 ┆4 F'And - very important - CR is a highly flexible company, able to respond differently to different customers' needs - which many of the established competitors are not. Those five factors must be exploited best possible throughout the forthcoming sal┆
0x34d00…34e00 (52, 0, 13) Sector 340e1500462741 ┆4 F'Aes planning. 2.3 PRODUCT RANGE X-Net basically consists of a pair of twisted cables for shared data traffic full duplex, a controller (XCT) which provides the transport facilities (flow contr┆
0x34e00…34f00 (52, 0, 14) Sector 340fff00462741 ┆4 F'A 1 3.2 TARGET GROUPS Initially, the strategy will be to aim for the governmental and defence institutions and departments. The market for X-Net in its present version is to be foun┆
0x34f00…35000 (52, 0, 15) Sector 3400ff00462741 ┆4 F'Ad in dp environments with more than 30 (asyncronous) terminals installed. It's a definite advantage if the customer in question are in a certain stage of growth, or at least his number of workstations is increasing fairly quickly. Furthermore, t┆
0x35000…35100 (53, 0, 0) Sector 3501ff00462741 ┆5 F'Asary software to emulate different protocols are available for multivendor attachments (see latest pricelist with delivery table) as well as ports (XCP) for interconnection of local net-works to a long haul net. Optionally, a network administrator┆
0x35100…35200 (53, 0, 1) Sector 3502ff00462741 ┆5 F'A (XNA) can be delivered, comprising application software on the net, s.a. diagnostic tools, statistics, electronic mail and the allowance of symbolic access to all terminal users. Two important industry standards are supported, RS 232 C and ANSII ┆
0x35200…35300 (53, 0, 2) Sector 3503ff00462741 ┆5 F'AX3.64, so is ISO's OSI model and level 2 on X.25. X-Net will be sold as a terminal/PC net and both CP/M and MS-DOS based micros must be supported. Micro implementations with processor-to-processor dialogues are a must in today's OA market. Event┆
0x35300…35400 (53, 0, 3) Sector 3504ff00462741 ┆5 F'Aually, X-Net will become a standard product, but there is still a way to go. Today it's very much a standard hardware product - on finished prototype stage - whereas the software must be characterized as standard project software - on development st┆
0x35500…35600 (53, 0, 5) Sector 35063000462741 ┆5 0 F'Annection before session establishment. roadband OR a baseband net, depending on user requirements (and expense budget). Wang's strong foothold in word processing thoughout the U.S. will give them an edge in many respects. But it's quite an expens┆
0x35600…35700 (53, 0, 6) Sector 3507ff00462741 ┆5 F'A 1 3 EXPORT STRATEGY PLAN 1 3.1 OVERALL MARKETING STRATEGY Launching a new product on a new market is probably ┆
0x35700…35800 (53, 0, 7) Sector 3408ff00462741 ┆4 F'Athe most difficult strategy to implement sucessfully - which is why so many companies fail it. In this case, the following assumptions are made, to which the selected strategy must correspond: (1) the market is large in size (2) the market is ┆
0x35800…35900 (53, 0, 8) Sector 3509ff00462741 ┆5 F'A 1 IBM have not been mentioned in this brief survey, because their System Communication Division and Office Products Division have yet to make a move. IBM does market SNA protocol bas┆
0x35900…35a00 (53, 0, 9) Sector 350aff00462741 ┆5 F'Aed products today, but lack a real local area net. They are expected to come out with a token-passing based ring net this fall in the U.S. -- but it will of course support IBM equipment only (IBM demonstrated a prototype LAN at the Intercom exhibiti┆
0x35a00…35b00 (53, 0, 10) Sector 350bff00462741 ┆5 F'Aon in Geveva, fall 1983). But, admittedly, this is sufficient to millions of dp managers in the world. Summing the matters up, X-Net's strong points are first and formost it is a true open net interconnecting a range of different manufacturers' co┆
0x35b00…35c00 (53, 0, 11) Sector 350cff00462741 ┆5 F'Amputers and terminals, it quarantees all terminal users access to the net at all times and end-to-end data delivery as opposed to CSMA/CD, the concept is a 100% physical distribution solution to data processing and communication resources and we can┆
0x35c00…35d00 (53, 0, 12) Sector 350d6c00462741 ┆5 l F'A maintain it's proven technology. The X-Net product is briefly characterized in the next section. nto. The very agressive Ungermann-Bass company and Zilog are also of the Ethernet Family. NetOne is clearly the most sophisticated of the two, an┆
0x35d00…35e00 (53, 0, 13) Sector 350eff00462741 ┆5 F'A 1 2.3 PRODUCT RANGE X-Net basically consists of a pair of twisted cables for shared data traffic full duplex, a controller (XCT) which provides the transport facilities (flow contr┆
0x35e00…35f00 (53, 0, 14) Sector 350fff00462741 ┆5 F'Aol, bit syncronization, quaranteed access, DBA, quaranteed data delivery, and central software control/distribution). Wall outlets (XWO) are placed along the databuses where various kinds of resources (computers) and terminals (monitor and printe┆
0x35f00…36000 (53, 0, 15) Sector 3500ff00462741 ┆5 F'Ars) can attach to the network by means of ports (XTP for minis and XEP for mainframes) or terminal adapters (XTA). X-Net add-ons are CR16, CR32 and CR5 plus a range of terminals/PC's from other verdors. A range of ports and adapters plus the neces┆
0x36000…36100 (54, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x36500…36600 (54, 0, 5) Sector 3606ff00462741 ┆6 F'Aship Wangnet in quantity. It's sold as a broadband OR a baseband net, depending on user requirements (and expense budget). Wang's strong foothold in word processing thoughout the U.S. will give them an edge in many respects. But it's quite an expens┆
0x36600…36700 (54, 0, 6) Sector 3607ff00462741 ┆6 F'Aive procuct, and the broadband technology is not really in place yet. And it's CSMA/CD based. And it's a closed net. Planet from Racal Milgo and certainly PolyNet from Logica are important contenders, too. PolyNet, however, is based on Cambridge R┆
0x36700…36800 (54, 0, 7) Sector 3508c700462741 ┆5 G F'Aing principles, bringing it a bit out of date, but still it's a 10 Mbps system to customers, and it includes inerfaces for PDP-11, LSI-11, VAX and Multibus (Intel Corp. trade mark) products. x Corp. Ethernet 1-b DEC Ethernet DECnet 140.000 1-┆
0x36800…36900 (54, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x3b800…3b900 (59, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(59,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41462741}, f00=»4627A «, f01=»Business plan 1984 «, f02=»as «, f03=»TMY «, f04=»Office Automation «, f05=17-02-84 11:17, f06=» 5 «, f07=»03 «, f08=» 22472 «, f09=14-03-84 16:25, f10=» «, f11=»33 «, f12=» 920 «, f13=15-03-84 08:50, f14=21-03-84 08:55, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 31 «, f17=» 12 «, f18=»42 «, f19=» 768 «, f20=» 48083 «, f21=» «, f22=»! «, f99=020010000110462710110080aaca1505000000000000013803ca00df}
0x3b900…3ba00 (59, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x3c800…3c900 (60, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(60,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41484141}, f00=»4841A «, f01=»BID/NOBID PROCEDURE «, f02=»as «, f03=»JHO «, f04=»SD/PRC/009 «, f05=16-04-84 13:25, f06=» «, f07=»30 «, f08=» 2038 «, f09=05-06-84 10:20, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 6 «, f13=05-06-84 10:20, f14=13-06-84 15:57, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 6 «, f17=» 3 «, f18=»24 «, f19=» 100 «, f20=» 6686 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=400040000110462710110080aaca15050000000000000138031d00df}
0x3c900…3ca00 (60, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x3d500…3d600 (61, 0, 5) Sector 3d06ff00469141 ┆= F Ats: 1) Specification and implementation of a standard interface to the operating system and file system of the host computer. The standard interface will conform to the Stoneman KAPSE requirements and will be specified as an ADA package. Particul┆
0x3d600…3d700 (61, 0, 6) Sector 3d07ff00469141 ┆= F Aar attention will be paid to the design of the KAPSE database. 2) Minimum Toolset for ADA Program Development, conforming to the Stoneman MAPSE requirements. The toolset contains the following program development items: - Text Editor - ADA Co┆
0x3d700…3d800 (61, 0, 7) Sector 3c083300469141 ┆< 3 F Ampiler (see point 4) - Linker - Debugger OC and HAWK batteries in the earlier design. The PIP modification of the IHAWK batteries introduced a new message format, ATDL-1, which is much more powerful than the MBDL. The AMC is a CR80 computer th┆
0x3d800…3d900 (61, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x47000…47100 (71, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(71,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41489141}, f00=»4891A «, f01=»MISSION «, f02=»as «, f03=»AM[ «, f04=» «, f05=09-05-84 10:08, f06=» 10 «, f07=»48 «, f08=» 32702 «, f09=21-05-84 11:02, f10=» «, f11=»02 «, f12=» 42 «, f13=21-05-84 10:15, f14=12-06-84 12:06, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 71 «, f17=» 11 «, f18=»27 «, f19=» 440 «, f20=» 33761 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000200462710110080aaca1505000000000000003803a500df}
0x47100…47200 (71, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x47800…47900 (71, 0, 8) Sector 4709ff20469141 ┆G F Ang systems and miscellaneous consulting services. The Systems Division is also responsible for contract performance in conjunction with Danish Industrial Group One for the production and delivery of some 400 military-qualified computers for the F-┆
0x47900…47a00 (71, 0, 9) Sector 470af0a1469141 ┆G p!F A16 project. A complete computer is produced each workday. Quality Assurance reports directly to top-level management. Emphasis is placed on the quality of the hardware and of the software, both of which affect system performance. ng Corporation ┆
0x47a00…47b00 (71, 0, 10) Sector 470ba7a1469141 ┆G '!F A 1 THE SYSTEMS DIVISION FIGURE ian Rovsing International located in Copenhagen delivers computer systems for communicat┆
0x47b00…47c00 (71, 0, 11) Sector 470cff00469141 ┆G F A 1 Development Division The Development Division FIGURE has 5 departments, which are Product Design, Divisional Support, Electronic Design, CR80 System Software, an┆
0x47c00…47d00 (71, 0, 12) Sector 470dff52469141 ┆G RF Ad Micro Systems Software. The Product Design Group is responsible for the preliminary definition of new projects and the decision to start development as well as high level system policy and continuous evaluation of divisional development efforts. ┆
0x47d00…47e00 (71, 0, 13) Sector 470eff00469141 ┆G F A Department heads are responsible for carrying out division plans for development, and together with the divisional manager resources are allocated to ensure meeting divisional goals. Department heads also participate in budget preparation and are ┆
0x47e00…47f00 (71, 0, 14) Sector 470fff00469141 ┆G F Aresponsible for meeting them. As development demands efforts from all departments, projects are staffed accordingly. Each project, or task, is led by a task manager with responsibility for weekly progress reporting to ensure meeting schedules; a┆
0x47f00…48000 (71, 0, 15) Sector 47005800469141 ┆G X F A uniform, computer based reporting system, started in 1982, simplifies this task. ed hardware, as well as engineering and administrative offices. A separate, dedicated facility has also been established for the co-production of the airborne Fire C┆
0x48000…48100 (72, 0, 0) Sector 4801ff00469141 ┆H F Aontrol Computer for the European F-16 program. It is located about 10 Km from the main Ballerup facility. Data communication systems for military and governmental organizations (including international organizations) are the responsibility of the ┆
0x48100…48200 (72, 0, 1) Sector 4802ff00469141 ┆H F ASystems Division. More details about the five divisions of Christian Rovsing A/S and Christian Rovsing International are given in the sections to follow. For further financial information, the company annual report is given in APPENDIX A. ┆
0x48200…48300 (72, 0, 2) Sector 48030700469141 ┆H F A 1 NEW PRODUCTION FACILITY FIGURE 2.1.3-1 up-to-date technology, specialized hardware and software engineering expertise, and mode┆
0x48300…48400 (72, 0, 3) Sector 4804a200469141 ┆H " F A 1 COMPANY ORGANIZATION FIGURE 2.1.5-1 Assets 31st December 1981: 1 ┆
0x48400…48500 (72, 0, 4) Sector 4805ff20469141 ┆H F A 1 Systems Division The Systems Division, FIGURE, was structured late in 1979 when systems-related activities were consolidated to improve the handling of large, in┆
0x48500…48600 (72, 0, 5) Sector 4806ff20469141 ┆H F Ategrated hardware/software data communications programs. The division is organized on a project basis including CAMPS and FIKS, two major military communication projects. Each major project is under the cognizance of a dedicated Project Office with ┆
0x48600…48700 (72, 0, 6) Sector 4807ff33469141 ┆H 3F Atotal system responsibility and control authority to co-ordinate in-house activities, and to provide close liaison with the customer throughout the duration of the Project. Projects are supported by the Integrated Logistics Department. Its service┆
0x48700…48800 (72, 0, 7) Sector 4708ffa1469141 ┆G !F As include site surveys, installation, training, documentation, maintenance, spares and other support. Advanced system development projects are assigned to the Computer Systems Engineering Group. Current projects include satellite image-data handli┆
0x48800…48900 (72, 0, 8) Sector 4809ff00469141 ┆H F A founder of the company. He is a member of many governmental and industrial committees as well as professional societies related to research and data processing. Today, there are five major divisions within the company - FIGURE 2.1.5-1 1 ┆
0x48900…48a00 (72, 0, 9) Sector 480aff00469141 ┆H F A o Data Processing Division o Electronics Division o Systems Division o Production Division o Development Division and four wholly owned subsidiaries: o Christian Rovsing Corporation ┆
0x48a00…48b00 (72, 0, 10) Sector 480bff00469141 ┆H F A(Thousand Oaks, California) supports the mother company in major contracts with North American customers and has its own software development center. o Christian Rovsing International located in Copenhagen delivers computer systems for communicat┆
0x48b00…48c00 (72, 0, 11) Sector 480cff00469141 ┆H F Aion networks and process control, and contracts staff to large international customers. o CR Card System located in Copenhagen delivers electronic systems for the automation of gasoline stations. o CR Advanced Systems (Washington, D.C.) supports┆
0x48c00…48d00 (72, 0, 12) Sector 480dff00469141 ┆H F A the mother company in major contracts with the USA, and has the facilities to carry out on-site management of defense system contracts. The Data Processing Division is located in a 5,000 sq. meter leased facility in Herlev, near Copenhagen. The┆
0x48d00…48e00 (72, 0, 13) Sector 480e8800469141 ┆H F A Electronics and Systems Divisions are based in a newly constructed 12,000 sq. meter facility in Ballerup, also near Copenhagen. top-level after thorough discussions with the staff of marketing, administration, and engineering at Christian Rovsing ┆
0x48e00…48f00 (72, 0, 14) Sector 480fff00469141 ┆H F A 1 The Administration and General Management are located in the Ballerup facility. The Ballerup location houses development laboratories, the main production and test department, a ┆
0x48f00…49000 (72, 0, 15) Sector 4800ff00469141 ┆H F Amodel shop and special "clean room" facilities for the production of space-qualified hardware, as well as engineering and administrative offices. A separate, dedicated facility has also been established for the co-production of the airborne Fire C┆
0x49000…49100 (73, 0, 0) Sector 4901ff00469141 ┆I F Athe 2 major facilities is as follows: Category Sq. Metres Sq.ft. o General Manufacturing 2,500 26,900 (to be trebled in 1984) o "Space Qualified" clean room 200 2,200 ┆
0x49100…49200 (73, 0, 1) Sector 4902fa00469141 ┆I z F A o Test & Integration Areas 2,500 26,900 o Laboratories 3,000 32,000 o Engineering and Administration 9,300 99,500 The new production facility is shown in FIGURE 2.1.3-1. grams┆
0x49200…49300 (73, 0, 2) Sector 4903a700469141 ┆I ' F A 1 NEW PRODUCTION FACILITY FIGURE 2.1.3-1 up-to-date technology, specialized hardware and software engineering expertise, and mode┆
0x49300…49400 (73, 0, 3) Sector 4904ff00469141 ┆I F A 1 2.1.4 Financial Information (1) Annual Report 1982 (Summary) Statement of Net Assets 31st December 1981: 1 ┆
0x49400…49500 (73, 0, 4) Sector 4905ff00469141 ┆I F A Fixed Assets 56.6 million Dkr Current Assets 235.3 " " Net Proceeds from Share Issue (2) 107.0 " " Total Assets 398.9 million Dkr Current Liabilities 176.2 " " Net Assets less Current Liabilities 222.7 " ┆
0x49500…49600 (73, 0, 5) Sector 4906ff00469141 ┆I F A" Long-term Liabilities 45.6 " " Shareholder's Equity 177.1 million Dkr ================= (1) The 1982 Annual Report is provided for more detailed reference in APPENDIX A. (2) On 3 MAY 1983 Christian Rovsing A/S issued sha┆
0x49600…49700 (73, 0, 6) Sector 49073800469141 ┆I 8 F Ares with net proceeds of 107 million Dkr. total system responsibility and authority to coordinate in-house activities and to provide close liaison with the customer throughout the duration of the project. In summary, the decision to bid i┆
0x49700…49800 (73, 0, 7) Sector 4808ff00469141 ┆H F A 1 2.1.5 Company Organization Management of the Company is in the hands of Messrs. Christian F. Rovsing, Claus Jepsen, and Lars Stig Nielsen. Mr. Rovsing is the President and the┆
0x49800…49900 (73, 0, 8) Sector 4909ff00469141 ┆I F Anse customers, with such projects as CAMPS (NATO), FIKS (Danish MOD), and LME-Network (commercial). Of significance are extensive airline data communications programs that are being implemented for Air Canada and American Airlines. Christian Rovsi┆
0x49900…49a00 (73, 0, 9) Sector 490aff00469141 ┆I F Ang A/S believes that it has developed exceptional professional resources dedicated to advanced data communication. Furthermore, the company excels in applying current technology to modular equipment design and has a product line that leads the state┆
0x49a00…49b00 (73, 0, 10) Sector 490bff00469141 ┆I F A-of-the-art. In short, Christian Rovsing A/S has acquired extensive experience in the design, development, and manufacture of computer and aerospace electronics. 2.1.2 Employee Profile The group employs approximately 1200 persons. Approxim┆
0x49b00…49c00 (73, 0, 11) Sector 490cff00469141 ┆I F Aate staffing levels by functional groupings are as follows: o Engineering and/or Scientific Professionals 500 o Technicians 235 o Assembly/Production Workers 175 o Q.A. & Inspection ┆
0x49c00…49d00 (73, 0, 12) Sector 490dff00469141 ┆I F A 30 o Administrative and clerical 260 2.1.3 Facilities The company has 2 major facilities: o A 5500 sq. metre (59,000 sq.ft.) leased facility in Herlev, near Copenhagen. o A 20,000 sq. metre ┆
0x49d00…49e00 (73, 0, 13) Sector 490e4600469141 ┆I F F A(215,000 sq.ft.) leased facility in Ballerup, near Copenhagen. entation and performance of the system. The decision was taken at top-level after thorough discussions with the staff of marketing, administration, and engineering at Christian Rovsing ┆
0x49e00…49f00 (73, 0, 14) Sector 490fff00469141 ┆I F A 1 A separate, dedicated facility (1,000 sq. m./10,700 sq.ft.) has been established for the co-production of the F-16 FCC (computer). This facility is located in Valby, which is about ┆
0x49f00…4a000 (73, 0, 15) Sector 4900ff00469141 ┆I F A10 Km from Ballerup. To meet demands for increased deliveries a 7080 sq. meter (76,000 sq.ft.) production facility is under construction, and will be available in the second quarter of 1984. Approximate break-down of floor area by function in ┆
0x4a000…4a100 (74, 0, 0) Sector 4a01ff00469141 ┆J F A financial status of the company. 2.1.1 History of Christian Rovsing A/S Christian Rovsing A/S was founded in 1963. Initially the company worked mainly in a consulting and advisory capacity within the EDP field. Activities developed rapidly, an┆
0x4a100…4a200 (74, 0, 1) Sector 4a02ff00469141 ┆J F Ad the business gradually changed character from consultancy to supplier of systems. Around 1971, a deliberate commitment was made by the company to apply its resources to the European Space Program. It has since participated in most major programs┆
0x4a200…4a300 (74, 0, 2) Sector 4a03ff00469141 ┆J F A, and the successful participation has broadened the company's capabilities. The high degree of performance which these programs demand has been met by applying up-to-date technology, specialized hardware and software engineering expertise, and mode┆
0x4a300…4a400 (74, 0, 3) Sector 4a04ff2a469141 ┆J *F Arn management methods. For the design and production of switching power supplies to the European Space Program, the company developed an advanced technology and sophisticated design philosophy which can be applied to the solution of complex power ┆
0x4a400…4a500 (74, 0, 4) Sector 4a05ff00469141 ┆J F Asupply problems. Several patents are held by the company relating to power supply circuit design. Based on experience gained from engagement in the European Space Program the company entered the demanding military market. An important contract wit┆
0x4a500…4a600 (74, 0, 5) Sector 4a06ff00469141 ┆J F Ah Delco Electronics Inc. to co-produce the Fire Control Computer as part of the 4-nation European F-16 Program was won. The Fire Control Computer is the only "end-item" co-produced in Denmark and is delivered directly to the F-16 assembly lines in E┆
0x4a600…4a700 (74, 0, 6) Sector 4a071d00469141 ┆J F Aurope and the U.S.A. is project office will have total system responsibility and authority to coordinate in-house activities and to provide close liaison with the customer throughout the duration of the project. In summary, the decision to bid i┆
0x4a700…4a800 (74, 0, 7) Sector 4908ff00469141 ┆I F A 1 In the mid-seventies the company entered the data communications market. It has since participated in exacting computer communications-oriented programs for both commercial and defe┆
0x4a800…4a900 (74, 0, 8) Sector 4a09ff00469141 ┆J F Ased in military programs and also to be used in extensive airline communication systems like Air Canada's and American Airlines', where up to 65,000 terminals will be connected to various host computers. The host computer proposed for the ASC is a┆
0x4a900…4aa00 (74, 0, 9) Sector 4a0aff00469141 ┆J F A CR80 computer system, which can be fully dualized with automatic switch-over from active to the standby in the event of failure. Manual switch-over is also possible to accomplish "on-line" maintenance, i.e. maintenance without loss of function by u┆
0x4aa00…4ab00 (74, 0, 10) Sector 4a0bff00469141 ┆J F Asing the standby unit for processing while the formerly active unit is serviced. In addition to fault tolerant operation and ease of maintenance, the CR80 is characterized by high performance, high system availability, and growth by simple addition ┆
0x4ab00…4ac00 (74, 0, 11) Sector 4a0cff00469141 ┆J F Aof standard modules. Christian Rovsing A/S's experience in developing and implementing systems is based on various military and commercial projects conducted in the past. In close cooperation with the customer, Christian Rovsing A/S has provided c┆
0x4ac00…4ad00 (74, 0, 12) Sector 4a0dff00469141 ┆J F Aost effective systems, and believes that a similar approach can be taken on the ASC. The extensive experience from previous projects, will provide an important no-risk aspect to the proposed ASC design. FIGURE 1.1-1 gives an overview of the ASC hard┆
0x4ad00…4ae00 (74, 0, 13) Sector 4a0e1a00469141 ┆J F Aware configuration. d technical talents to the successful implementation and performance of the system. The decision was taken at top-level after thorough discussions with the staff of marketing, administration, and engineering at Christian Rovsing ┆
0x4ae00…4af00 (74, 0, 14) Sector 4a0fa400469141 ┆J $ F A 1 FIGURE 1.1-1 Hardware System Overview e a solid basis for our participation in this project. Prime contractor responsibility, esp┆
0x4af00…4b000 (74, 0, 15) Sector 4a00ff00469141 ┆J F A 1 2 CORPORATE BACKGROUND 2.1 CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S COMPANY INFORMATION The subsections to follow describe the history of CR, give a profile of CR employees, and summarize the┆
0x4b000…4b100 (75, 0, 0) Sector 4b01ff00469141 ┆K F Aoduction, integration, installation, training, and maintenance. The contracts awarded to the company have been typically worth from several to tens of millions of US Dollars. To provide the necessary talent and facilities, the ASC project will be ┆
0x4b100…4b200 (75, 0, 1) Sector 4b02ff00469141 ┆K F Astaffed by experts from several divisions at Christian Rovsing A/S. Thus, exceptionally strong capabilities will be available in computing and data communication. Participating entities at Christian Rovsing A/S are: o The Systems Division - stru┆
0x4b200…4b300 (75, 0, 2) Sector 4b03ff00469141 ┆K F Actured in 1979 to consolidate management of major computer system projects. The CAMPS project for NATO is the responsibility of the Systems Divisions. o The Development Division - responsible for the design of the CR80 Computer product line of whi┆
0x4b300…4b400 (75, 0, 3) Sector 4b04ee00469141 ┆K n F Ach more than 200 systems are currently on order from major customers such as Air Canada, American Airlines, NATO, ICL and L.M. Ericsson. o The Production Division - responsible for manufacturing of the CR80 Computer product line. .......... 6 ┆
0x4b400…4b500 (75, 0, 4) Sector 4b05ff00469141 ┆K F A 1 The ASC Project Group will be supported by the Integrated Logistics Support Group, which provides services including site surveys, installation, training, documentation preparation┆
0x4b500…4b600 (75, 0, 5) Sector 4b06ff00469141 ┆K F A, maintenance, spares and other necessary support services. Product quality will be ensured by the Quality Assurance Department, which reports directly to company management. An administratively distinct Project Office will be established to man┆
0x4b600…4b700 (75, 0, 6) Sector 4b07ff00469141 ┆K F Aage the ASC Project. This project office will have total system responsibility and authority to coordinate in-house activities and to provide close liaison with the customer throughout the duration of the project. In summary, the decision to bid i┆
0x4b700…4b800 (75, 0, 7) Sector 4a08ff00469141 ┆J F As based on the confidence that Christian Rovsing A/S has all the necessary qualifications for the successful design, implementation and maintenance of the ASC. The ASC switching network is similar to the highly efficient communications processor u┆
0x4b800…4b900 (75, 0, 8) Sector 4b09ff00469141 ┆K F AROL .............................. 77 3.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE ......................... 78 3.7.1 Parts and Material (P&M) .............. 78 3.7.2 Reliability ........................... 78 3.7.3 Quality Control (QC) ............┆
0x4b900…4ba00 (75, 0, 9) Sector 4b0aff00469141 ┆K F A...... 78 3.7.4 QA-Policy ............................. 79 3.7.5 QA-System ............................. 79 3.8 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .................. 81 3.9 CONTRACTS MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ... 82 3.10 PROBLEM┆
0x4ba00…4bb00 (75, 0, 10) Sector 4b0bff00469141 ┆K F A RECOGNITION AND RESOLUTION ........ 83 3.10.1 Problem Recognition .................. 83 3.10.2 Meetings ............................. 83 3.10.3 Reporting ............................ 84 3.10.4 Problem Resolution ............┆
0x4bb00…4bc00 (75, 0, 11) Sector 4b0cbe00469141 ┆K > F A....... 84 3.10.5 Customer/Company Coordination ........ 85 APPENDIX A: 1982 Annual Report ................... 86 APPENDIX B: QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY ............. 87 ANAGEMENT PROPOSAL 1 ┆
0x4bc00…4bd00 (75, 0, 12) Sector 4b0dff00469141 ┆K F A 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 DECISION TO BID THE AUTOMATIC SWITCHING CENTRE ASC The decision to bid ASC represents a definite commitment on the part of Christian Rovsing A/S to dev┆
0x4bd00…4be00 (75, 0, 13) Sector 4b0eff00469141 ┆K F Aote its resources and technical talents to the successful implementation and performance of the system. The decision was taken at top-level after thorough discussions with the staff of marketing, administration, and engineering at Christian Rovsing ┆
0x4be00…4bf00 (75, 0, 14) Sector 4b0fff00469141 ┆K F AA/S. Considerable experience in the field of data communication combined with experience as prime or sub-contractor of major computer system projects provide a solid basis for our participation in this project. Prime contractor responsibility, esp┆
0x4bf00…4c000 (75, 0, 15) Sector 4b00ff00469141 ┆K F Aecially for airline customers such as Air Canada and American Airlines, has demanded a professional approach to turn-key project management with particular emphasis on planning and documentation in all phases from system design and development to pr┆
0x4c000…4c100 (76, 0, 0) Sector 4c01de00469141 ┆L ^ F Anformation contained in the document if such information is received from another source without restriction, provided such source is not in breach of an obligation of confidentiality towards Christian Rovsing A/S. B&! =6 !,<6 :]=2'< AMD MB&!,<6 ! ┆
0x4c100…4c200 (76, 0, 1) Sector 4c02ff00469141 ┆L F A 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 ┆
0x4c200…4c300 (76, 0, 2) Sector 4c03ff00469141 ┆L F A 1 INTRODUCTION ................................... 2 1.1 DECISION TO BID THE AUTOMATIC SWITHCING CENTRE (ASC) ............................... 2 2 CORPORATE BACKGROUND ......┆
0x4c300…4c400 (76, 0, 3) Sector 4c04ff00469141 ┆L F A..................... 5 2.1 CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S COMPANY INFORMATION .. 5 2.1.1 History of Christian Rovsing A/S ....... 5 2.1.2 Employee Profile ....................... 6 2.1.3 Facilities ............................. 6 ┆
0x4c400…4c500 (76, 0, 4) Sector 4c05ff00469141 ┆L F A 2.1.4 Financial Information .................. 9 2.1.5 Company Organization ................... 10 Systems Division ................... 13 Development Division ............... 15 Production Division ┆
0x4c500…4c600 (76, 0, 5) Sector 4c06ff00469141 ┆L F A................ 17 2.2 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ........................ 20 2.2.1 Introduction ........................... 20 2.2.2 CR Computer Technology ................. 20 2.2.3 Systems Experience ..................... 24 2┆
0x4c600…4c700 (76, 0, 6) Sector 4c07ff00469141 ┆L F A.2.4 Relevant Contracts ..................... 28 Major Contracts at Christian Rovsing A/S ........................ 28 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT STANDARDS .................. 69 3.1 PROJECT APPROACH .......................┆
0x4c700…4c800 (76, 0, 7) Sector 4b08ff00469141 ┆K F A... 69 3.2 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION ............... 69 3.3 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ............... 72 3.4 TOP-LEVEL WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE ........ 72 3.5 OPERATING PROCEDURES ...................... 74 3.6 COST CONT┆
0x4c800…4c900 (76, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(76,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41469141}, f00=»4691A «, f01=»ASC - GREECE, MANAGEMENT «, f02=»pan «, f03=»ALF «, f04=»Part I «, f05=06-03-84 09:19, f06=» «, f07=»12 «, f08=» 370 «, f09=09-03-84 16:27, f10=» «, f11=»07 «, f12=» 524 «, f13=09-03-84 16:35, f14=13-03-84 14:12, f15=»0420A «, f16=» 95 «, f17=» 1 «, f18=»22 «, f19=» 1408 «, f20=» 2477 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=590000000000462710130001aa4a1525000000000000013803aa01df}
0x4c900…4ca00 (76, 0, 9) Sector 4c0a5f00469141 ┆L _ F A L L L K K J J J I I I I H H H G G G G G G F F F F E E E D C C C B B A A A A @ @ @ @ ? ? ? ? > > > = = = = < < < ; ; ; : : : : : : 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 % % % % % % % % % $ AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / ┆
0x4ca00…4cb00 (76, 0, 10) Sector 4c0bcf00469141 ┆L O F A 1 ASC GREECE - PART I SYS/84-03-10 MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL Page "<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x4cd00…4ce00 (76, 0, 13) Sector 4c0eff00469141 ┆L F A22/1983 PREPARED BY: CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S SYSTEMS DIVISION LAUTRUPVANG 2 2750 BALLERUP DENMARK PRINCIPLE CONTACT: Gert Jensen, Systems Division Manager Telex Denmark 35111 cr dk Telephone: 02 65 11 44 c Christian Rovsing ┆
0x4ce00…4cf00 (76, 0, 14) Sector 4c0fff00469141 ┆L F AA/S - 1984 1 This document contains information proprietary to Christian Rovsing A/S. The information, whether in the form of text, schematics, tables, drawings or illustrations, must ┆
0x4cf00…4d000 (76, 0, 15) Sector 4c00ff00469141 ┆L F Anot be duplicated or used for purposes other than evaluation, or disclosed outside the recipient company or organisation without the prior, written permission of Christian Rovsing A/S. This restriction does not limit the recipient's right to use i┆