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Names: »~ORPHAN76.08«
└─⟦26e1ab804⟧ Bits:30005814 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0001A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »~ORPHAN76.08«
1980-09-26 gj/rt
to: shnmo division
att: mr. paul f. shey, contracting officer
c.c: lt.col. manfred stoltz, camps program manager
fm: christian rovsing a/s, denmark
gert jnsen
our ref: cps/tlx/0064
subj: acp-127 nato supp-3 procedures
001 cr considers the dn closed by the following
text change to para 2.2 page 2: "these messages
shall contain as a minimum format lines 1,
2 3, 4, 5, 11, 12a (except for codress),
12b (except for codress), 12g, 13, and 16"
format lines 12c and 12d are not mandatory; they
will be checked as referenced elsewhere in document.
004 cr considers this dn closed by the following
change oftext to para 2.2 (4) (a) page 3:
"they shall as a minimum contain format lines
1, 2, 3, 4, 12g, and 16"
according to ifb 3b.2.12, line 12g contains the
mandatory text (older versions of ns-3 only refers
to line 12c for all types of messages; cr refers
some terminology for all types).
014 cr proposes dn closed by the following text
inserted in para 3.1.3 (b), p.9 first entry:
"- three consecutive letters not being received
(additional (ls) characters being exempted)
017 cr proposes n closed by the following text
inserted in para 3.1.3.(c) page 9, r e j
e c t a b l e c o n d i t i o n s: "non
successful validation check on transmissions
serial number (n + 1 per channel and, where
applicable, as dependent on r a d a y (=juian
calender day)).…86…1 …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02…
…02… …02… …02…
022 dn closed by shape as withdrawn. possible
changes/additions introduced by shape later
on will be handled as change notices.
025 as already explained in cps/101/tlx/0032
the suervisor will n o t leave to insert
the security warning prosigns (i.e. cr agrees
with shape). a suitable text has been inserted
in icd/0003.
concerning check of security mismatch in fl4 versus
fl12a cr will introduce this n e w requirement
(ontractual implications not covered here) in
the icd/0003, section 3.12.3, fl12a:
"this format line containing the classification
word(s) together with special category
warnings (if used) shall be checked
with the corresponding security data
n format line 4.
if a mismatch is detected the message
shall be queued for message servicing,
and a plaindress service message shall
be generated and transmitted automatically
by the system to the originating station
(format line 3). format ofthe service
message is as specified below for format
line 12g:
action shape tbd (shape to specify)"
ref. to 3.12.3 will be inserted in 3.4.3.a.
030 cr will update document according to shape
original dn, i.e. insert i m m e d i t
e for flash in 3.2.3.a, a c c e p t a b
l e d e v i a t i o n s, second para.
to avoid confusion item i) in section 3.2.2.,
p 14, should be changed to read "acp127: precedence
warning (ls)jjjjjsssss(fs) (bell signal associated
with flash essages only (refer to 3.2.3.a, however)"
(if the alternative in section 3.2.2.i) is exercised
this will not impact the requirement in 3.2.3.a!)
052 cr will insert the following text in section
3.4.1(c) p23:
line 7: the number of different operating signals
of this form to be detected shall not......
line 17 max. 10 opeating signals will require
any action to be taken by the system.
054 last 8 lines of subpara c) p 23 of 341 changed
to read:
"the instruction signifies that the camps
related to routing indicator 1 shall pass
the message to the station indicaed by routing
indicator 2. routing indicator 1 may not
always be repeated after the sequence (sp)t(sp),
if present this indicates internal distribution
and retransmission according to routing indicator
2. in case of instruction "t" alone (no routin
indicators) the message shall be queued for
message servicing (before retransmission).
056 n o n e of the recommendations to section
3.4.2 are accepted: you recommend to have
n o alternatives, which is exactly as is
(n o n e on page 24). thereferenced contents/variations
mentioned in your dn are already in section
070 3.5.1(d) is according to ifb, 3b.2.5(d).
(operating signals in fl4 of incoming messages
will result in queuing to mdco. operating signals
of format ine 5 (book messages?) have no relevance
to camps; fl5 will, however, be present in the
distributed copy.
on o u t g o i n g messages the operating signals
specified during preparation will be inserted
in fl4 and/or fl5 up to max. 10 operatingsignals,
which are known to the system. when different
operating signals are specified the message will
be queued for message servicing).
78 insert in 3.5.4 item (d):…86…1 …02… …02… …02… …02…
…02… …02… …02… …02… …02…
"o p e r a t i n g s i g n a l s shall be inserted
automatically by the system according to the entry
during preparation (max. 10 operating signals
for fl4 and/or fl5 inserted atomatically) as specified
in section ibd of cps/icd/0001 or inserted by
message service (if specified signal is not recognised
by the system)
similar text will be inserted in 3.4.4 p27.
091+093 format line 10
ifb annex 3b.2.10 requires contents to be a c
c o u n-
t i n g i n f o r m a t i o n preceeded by
acp127, ns-3, chapter 2, section II, p. 2-9 to
2-14 requires format line 10 to be an accounting
line in general, with "gr(fs)1234(l)edf" o n
l y in case of messages with encrypted text (plaindress
or codress), whereas for non-encrypted messages
it might be acex.
acp127, ns-3, appendix bII, 1 contradicts this:
formal line 10 only for codress.
acp117-nsI-para 111a (pxv II) acex, but also acef
and aclant might be used for c o m m e r c i
a l r e -
f i l e, but n o t for p l a i n l a n g
u a g e messages.
ifb (o u t g o i n g m e s s a g e
format line 10 may be required with respect t
unclassified messages to certain headquarters;
supervisor to insert accounting information.
ifb (incoming messages): format line
10 is only of r e l e v a n c e when it follows
directly after the format line 5 and commences
with seuence gr(sp), i.e. the case of ifb
("grifs)1234(ls)eolf" and format lines 11, 13,
and 16 also present, in which case it shall be
sent to a supervisor specified position, otherwise
rejection to message service). in no other case
need it b detected.…86…1 …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02…
…02… …02… …02…
the last quotation from the ifb either follows
appendix b of acp127 ns-3 (i.e. format line 10
for codress only) or it tells camps to have no
special distribution provisions for plandress
messages with encrypted text. cr will ignore the
first mentioned contradiction (i.e. plaindress
may include format line 10, also with prosign
"gr" etc. as indicated in your last telex), but
adapt the idea of normal distribution for encryptedplaindress.
w e e x p e c t a
s h a p e r e a c t i o n.
normal distribution/reception will include queuing
to message service in case a message has no camps
relevant pla's (for that cohmcen) or a "t" instruction
in format line 4, thus prviding the r e f i l
e facility.
section 3.10 of the icd/0003 will be updated as
fm start "3.10 accounting information
3.10.1 acp127
gr(fs)1234(ls)eolf for codress messages. for coress
messages this line etc."
section 3.10.3: "this format line shall indicate
special system action when it follows directly
after the format line 5 and commences with the
sequence "gr(fs)" as described in section 3.5.3.
in other cases receptio criteria not related to
this line shall apply"
section 3.10.4: "the accounting information in
this line shall be inserted at a message service
position to off-line encrypted messages and those
unclassified messages with plain text addressed
to eadquarters (plain language addressees) specified
to the system by the supervisor"
097 cr will add the following text in section
3.12.4 p57, format line 12a, end of para:…86…1
…02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02…
"messages with classification/special category
warning combinations of type nato(sp)unclas/
(except "notional" e y e s o n l y) or c
l e a r
/spec. cat. warnng shall not be accepted for acp127
100 please refer to final decision on srs dn5l.
106 cr will insert the following text in section
3.12.4 p57, format line 12c: "this line shall
be inserted as derived from exercise sic's