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0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 7 X 7 Q? > 7 \ . d N ~<) 0uH &4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' n X% % PO P ; `Aj C g x g V W- O 7 : ! Q g 0660A g l < {C < { ; 0 o! oL o b 8 9 : Q t x G <""-J ┆
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0x01400…01500 (1, 0, 4) Sector 00008b00066141 ┆ aA2.6 DOCUMENTATION The documentation planned for during design and test is described in the CAMPS DOCUMENTATION PLAN, CPS/PLN/008. ted SCARS II equipment, or colocated CCIS equipment in different types of formats to be transmitted via the telegrap┆
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0x02100…02200 (2, 0, 1) Sector 00006800065941 ┆ h YAr CPS/210/SYS/0001 810430 Awaits specifications from LOG and 810430 SSC in common .1.2 Package Functions .............. 5-697 Package Control ................ 5-702 Characteristics ................ 5-703 ┆
0x02200…02300 (2, 0, 2) Sector 0203ff00065941 ┆ YAKAGE ........................ 943 5.13.1 Summary of Requirements ............. 943 Package Description ............. 954 Package Functions ............... 957 Package Control ................. 976 ┆
0x02300…02400 (2, 0, 3) Sector 0204ff00065941 ┆ YA Characteristics ................. 976 Design and Construction ......... 976 Documentation ................... 976 5.13.2 Environment ......................... 977 External Interfaces ..┆
0x02400…02500 (2, 0, 4) Sector 0205ff00065941 ┆ YA........... 977 Package Interfaces .............. 977 5.14 TABLE MANAGEMENT PACKAGE (TMP) ..........1009 5.14.1 Summary of Requirements .............1009 TMP Description .................1009 TM┆
0x02500…02600 (2, 0, 5) Sector 0206ff00065941 ┆ YAP Functions ...................1011 TMP Control .....................1020 Characteristics .................1021 Design and Construction .........1022 Documentation ...................1022 ┆
0x02600…02700 (2, 0, 6) Sector 0207ff00065941 ┆ YA 5.15 SAR (STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL) .............1025 5.15.1 Summary of Requirements .............1025 Package Description .............1025 Package Function ................1030 Package Control ...┆
0x02700…02800 (2, 0, 7) Sector 0108ff00065941 ┆ YA..............1041 Characteristics .................1041 Design and Construction .........1042 Documentation ...................1042 5.16 LOG PACKAGE .............................1045 5.16.1 Sum┆
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0x0a900…0aa00 (10, 0, 9) Sector 0a0aff00066341 ┆ cAng position terminals, i.e. one VDU with keyboard and a printer for each site. The Engineering position terminals connection are shown on fig. (Site Equipment Layout). Fig. identifies the positions of the Disk and Floppy Disk ┆
0x0aa00…0ab00 (10, 0, 10) Sector 0a0b9700066341 ┆ cAControllers and Controller adaptors in the Channel Unit. Fig. presents the standard peripherals connected into each site equipment. mputer racks (rack A, B, C) and the line termination racks (rack D, E, F). b) Engineering Position Equ┆
0x0ab00…0ac00 (10, 0, 11) Sector 00009300066341 ┆ cA 1 Fig. Site 1-17 ion placed in the computer racks. c) 1 storage cabinet. d) A number of supervisor position equipment, ea┆
0x0ac00…0ad00 (10, 0, 12) Sector 0a0dff00066041 ┆ `A 1 1.3 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1.3.1 TERMS Close-down Actions taken to bring processing within the system or a part thereof to a stop - can be either an ordered sequence of steps┆
0x0ad00…0ae00 (10, 0, 13) Sector 0a0eff00066041 ┆ `A or an abrupt termination. Cold start-up Initialization from the on-line disks. Dead start-up Initialization from the off-line disk. Initialization Brings the system from cold or dead start into operational use. No recovery actions are include┆
0x0ae00…0af00 (10, 0, 14) Sector 0a0fff00066041 ┆ `Ad. Operator a) Person with responsibility for operating the central equipment from the maintenance position and/or control panels (i.e. the technicians and RST). b) Person with responsibility for maintenance and repair. Restart Reestablis┆
0x0af00…0b000 (10, 0, 15) Sector 0a00ff00066041 ┆ `Ahes the dynamic behaviour of the system based upon recovered data. Recovery Reestablishes continuity in memory and file contents. Start up Includes all aspects of initialization, recovery and restart. Supervisor Person located at supervisor┆
0x0b000…0b100 (11, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
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0x11700…11800 (17, 0, 7) Sector 0f00ff00066241 ┆ bAign parameters for the power interfaces of items of CAMPS equipment. 3.5.1 Power Input Specification All items of CAMPS equipment are designed to meet the following input specifications: 1 ┆
0x11800…11900 (17, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
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0x20300…20400 (32, 0, 3) Sector 2004ff00066441 ┆ dA 1 4.1.2 Software Configuration (In this section the term software includes firmware). The CAMPS software consist of three major subsystems. In turn, these subsystems are subdivid┆
0x20400…20500 (32, 0, 4) Sector 2005ff00066441 ┆ dAed into "packages". A package is a convenient grouping of functions that are performed by software (and firmware). During the detailed design stage, the software modules that form the packages will be identified. For the purposes of this SDS, how┆
0x20500…20600 (32, 0, 5) Sector 2006ff00066441 ┆ dAever, the packages are informally divided, where convenient, into functions. Software Subsystems There are 3 subsystems: a) System Software. This subsystem contains packages which provide support for, and control of the resources of ┆
0x20600…20700 (32, 0, 6) Sector 2007ff00066441 ┆ dAthe system. The packages constituting the system software are the only packages which are allowed to execute in the "Privileged -user" state. b) Applications Software. This subsystem contains packages that perform the functional capabilities def┆
0x20700…20800 (32, 0, 7) Sector 1f08ff00066441 ┆ dAined by the CAMPS requirement. The packages operate in an environment provided by the system software subsystem. c) Support Software. This subsystem consists of all the software that is not part of the operational system. Software Pac┆
0x20800…20900 (32, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x22000…22100 (34, 0, 0) Sector 2201ff00066041 ┆" `A Number (Identical to SSN) RTCM Real Time Clock Module SAR Storage and Retrieval SCARS Status Control and Reporting System SCD Staff Cell Designator SD&T Software Development and Test SDL Standard Distribution List SDS CAMPS System Design Spe┆
0x22100…22200 (34, 0, 1) Sector 2202ff00066041 ┆" `Acification SEL Synchronization Element SFD Directory types withing SFM SFM Storage and File Management Package SIC Subject Indicator Code SID Segment Identifier SOTF Start of Transmission Function SRS System Requirements Specification SSC St┆
0x22200…22300 (34, 0, 2) Sector 22031e00066041 ┆" `Aatus System and Control age Rate CIA Data Channel Interface Adapter CIF CAMPS Information File CMI Command Interpreter COPSY CAMPS Operating System CPS CAMPS CPU Central Processing Unit CR Carriage Return CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSF In ┆
0x22300…22400 (34, 0, 3) Sector 2204ff00066041 ┆" `A 1 SSN Station Serial Number (Identical to RSN) SSP Support Software Package STA Statistics Package (Identical to STP) STI Supra-TDX Bus Interface STP Statistics Package SUPV Sup┆
0x22400…22500 (34, 0, 4) Sector 2205ff00066041 ┆" `Aervisor SV Supervisor SVQ Supervisor Queue SW Software TARE Telegraph Automatice Relay Equipment TBD To Be Defined TC Transfer Counter TD Terminal designator TDX Telecommunication Data Exchange TEMCO Terminal Monitoring and Control TEP Ter┆
0x22500…22600 (34, 0, 5) Sector 2206ff00066041 ┆" `Aminal Package TG Table Generation (Software in SSP) THP Traffic Handling Package THS Terminal Handling System TIA TDX Bus Interface Adapter TM Terminal Manager TMP Table Management Package TOC Time of Occurrence TOS Time of Occurrence TP Te┆
0x22600…22700 (34, 0, 6) Sector 22072d00066041 ┆" - `Ale Printer TRANSID Transaction Identif DTE Data Terminal Equipment DTG Data Time Group EDC Error Detection and Correction EMI-racks Electromagnetic Interference EOL End Of Line EOLF End Of Line Feed ETC Et Cetera ┆
0x22700…22800 (34, 0, 7) Sector 0000d800066041 ┆ X `Aication TRC Tape Relay Center TS Time Stamp TSN Transmission Serial Number (Identical to CSN) UGI User Group Identification VDU Visual Display Unit WDP Watchdog Processor X25 Protocol Name Z80 Zilog 80 coming Channel Serial Number IDF Inter┆
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