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0x02d00…02e00 (2, 0, 13) Sector 020e8a00201941 ┆ A00 26,900 o Laboratories 3,000 32,000 o Other 9,300 99,500 as 5 departments, which are Product Design, Divisional Support, Electronic Design, CR80 System Software, and Micro Sy┆
0x02e00…02f00 (2, 0, 14) Sector 020fff00201941 ┆ A 1 3.3 Financial Data for Christian Rovsing A/S and consolidated subsidiaries An Accountant's Report disclosing the financial statements for Christian Rovsing A/S and consolidated su┆
0x02f00…03000 (2, 0, 15) Sector 0200ff00201941 ┆ Absidiaries for the 1979-1981 period is presented as Attachment 1 to Appendix A. This report was included in a Private Placement Memorandum, dated April 3rd, 1982, by which Christian Rovsing A/S issued 150,000 B Shares (DKr. 50 nominal value) at DK┆
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0x0be00…0bf00 (11, 0, 14) Sector 0b0fff00204341 ┆ CAinterface to the Message Processor; message processing functions include character sequence recognition, alphabet translation, channel, error recognition and EDC protocol management, security checking, and message sector assembly and distribution. ┆
0x0bf00…0c000 (11, 0, 15) Sector 0b00ff00204341 ┆ CA The CR80 Communication Processor is a distributed minicomputer system specifically designed as a communications line concentrator and pre-processor. Of recent design and employing a modular architecture, it provides TARE with a flexible front-end┆
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0x0d100…0d200 (13, 0, 1) Sector 0d02ff00204341 ┆ CAe system is based upon the company's CR80 computer. In designing this computer new proven technology has been employed. Reliability is further secured by using MIL quality components and by subjecting all electronic modules to a burn-in cycle (see┆
0x0d200…0d300 (13, 0, 2) Sector 0d03ff00204341 ┆ CA figure B-5). The CAMPS software consists of system programmes and application programmes. The software engineering profits from the many experiences the company has obtained through the participation in other complex message processing and comm┆
0x0d300…0d400 (13, 0, 3) Sector 0d04ff00204341 ┆ CAunication systems. CAMPS will exchange data with other computer-associated handling and communicatio systems. Interface systems which exist or are being developed include NATO-TARE and Tape Relay Centres plus SCARS II and ACE CCIS. The interfa┆
0x0d400…0d500 (13, 0, 4) Sector 0d05ff00204341 ┆ CAce design is structured to permit the accomadation of newly evolved systems as they are introduced. The primary format for messages will conform to ACP-127 NATO SUPP-3 for all interfaces. CCIS and SCARS II will utilise the X-25 data communicat┆
0x0d500…0d600 (13, 0, 5) Sector 0d063900204341 ┆ 9 CAion protocol (CCITT) when interfacing with CAMPS. iple distribution of messages, retrievals, service messages and a 25% allowance for growth. Data users, continuous or discontinuous, exchange information through the FIKS network. Typical data u┆
0x0d600…0d700 (13, 0, 6) Sector 0d07ff00204341 ┆ CA 1 Extensive use of up-to-date technology is required to meet the strigent requirements set forth by SHAPE. The hardware configuration features distributed autonomous processing subsy┆
0x0d700…0d800 (13, 0, 7) Sector 0c08ff00204341 ┆ CAstems made economically feasible by LSI (RAM's, PROM's, CPU's, USART's, FIFO's, ALU's, etc.). The dualised configuration is partitioned into Central Processors, File Management Processors, Main Memories, Terminal Data Exchanges, and pre-processor-co┆
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0x37500…37600 (55, 0, 5) Sector 37062000203241 ┆7 2A Spare Parts List (ASPL). 9. SUPPORT 9.1 Introduction The Support chapter contains five parts: 1 - Maintenance and Technical Suppor┆
0x37600…37700 (55, 0, 6) Sector 3707ff00203241 ┆7 2A 1 9.2.2 Maintenance Planning The purpose of the Maintenance Planning Phase is to establish a complete maintenance program which will fulfil the contractual requirements for maintenan┆
0x37700…37800 (55, 0, 7) Sector 3608ff00203241 ┆6 2Ace and insure system reliability and availability to Air Canada. Simultaneously it shall provide a solid base for the development of the detailed maintenance documentation. During the planning phase Christian Rovsing will be working closely with ┆
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0x39000…39100 (57, 0, 0) Sector 3901ff00203241 ┆9 2A The team will install the equipment in accordance with the Air Canada approved installation drawings. Any changes during installation will be marked on the drawings. Corrected drawings will be submitted to Air Canada after completion of site inst┆
0x39100…39200 (57, 0, 1) Sector 3902ee00203241 ┆9 n 2Aallation. d) Installation check-out encompassing hardware verification will be performed in accordance with an installation check-out procedure. This task will complete the installation and indicate the start of acceptance test. an specifying the┆
0x39200…39300 (57, 0, 2) Sector 3903ff00203241 ┆9 2A 1 Typical Layout A typical equipment room layout of the Toronto installation is shown in figure III Room layout of the Montreal and Winnipeg installations are show┆
0x39300…39400 (57, 0, 3) Sector 3904ff00203241 ┆9 2An on the following figures III and -3. The equipment shown in the Toronto layout comprises: - 2 Nodal Control Processor (NCP) Racks - 5 Nodal Switch Processor (NSP) Racks - 4 Electronic Mail Host (EMH) Computer Racks - 1 EMH Dis┆
0x39400…39500 (57, 0, 4) Sector 3905ff00203241 ┆9 2Ac Cabinet - 3 Network Management Host (NMH) - Computer Racks - 1 NMH Disc Cabinet - 4 Color Displays - 9 Visual Display Units (VDU) - 4 Medium Speed Printers (MSP) - 1 Line Printer (LP) The tables and chairs shown on the layout have not ┆
0x39500…39600 (57, 0, 5) Sector 3906ff00203241 ┆9 2Abeen quoted. The layout presented in figure III shows two equipment rooms separated by a glass wall or a wall with windows. The idea is to keep the noise level low in the operator area by installing the computer equipment separated from ┆
0x39600…39700 (57, 0, 6) Sector 3907ff00203241 ┆9 2Athe control centre. A double door combines the two areas. The tape decks and disk drives, which have most often to be serviced, are installed close to the door. The development and test area can easily be separated from the network control centre by┆
0x39700…39800 (57, 0, 7) Sector 3808ff00203241 ┆8 2A a new wall. The computer equipment and control centre equipment have been placed in functional groups and as can be seen there is provided room for growth within each group. The projected growth has been dotted on the layout. The racks are positi┆
0x39800…39900 (57, 0, 8) Sector 3909ff00203241 ┆9 2Antainer. One copy of the packing list is enclosed in the container; one copy will be attached to the exterior of the container in an envelope clearly marked "packing list". f) Each container is to be clearly marked on the exterior surface with at┆
0x39900…39a00 (57, 0, 9) Sector 390a6500203241 ┆9 e 2A least: - purchaser identification - manufacturer's name and address - shipping address division of responsibilities between Air Canada and Christian Rovsing concerning transportation and installation 5. On-site integration and installati┆
0x39a00…39b00 (57, 0, 10) Sector 390ba400203241 ┆9 $ 2A 1 Fig. III Packing of a Module installation of the proposed equipment. SPR will be submitted to Air Canada for approcal ┆
0x39b00…39c00 (57, 0, 11) Sector 390ca400203241 ┆9 $ 2A 1 Fig. III Packing of a Crateand the physical characteristics of the proposed equipment. c) The SPR will contain requi┆
0x39c00…39d00 (57, 0, 12) Sector 390da100203241 ┆9 ! 2A 1 Fig. III Packing of a Rackpare the site for equipment installation in accordance with these requirements. ortation and i┆
0x39d00…39e00 (57, 0, 13) Sector 390eff00203241 ┆9 2A 1 In addition, each container is clearly labeled with the identification and number of pieces in the shipment and with precautionary labelling applicable to handling. Site ┆
0x39e00…39f00 (57, 0, 14) Sector 390fff00203241 ┆9 2AInstallation a) Christian Rovsing will prepare internal site installation procedures based on the site preparation requirements and the site installation drawings. These procedures will detail the installation sequence and the intallation check-o┆
0x39f00…3a000 (57, 0, 15) Sector 3900ff00203241 ┆9 2Aut procedures. b) Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor, CNCP Telecommunications, will set up an installation team to perform the installation at all three sites. The team will be working in accordance with the detailed installation procedures. c)┆
0x3a000…3a100 (58, 0, 0) Sector 3a01ff00203241 ┆: 2A site verification. b) The purpose is to verify that the site is ready for installation, i.e. that the site is prepared in accordance with the site preparation requirements. c) Final arrangements concerning transportation to site and Christian R┆
0x3a100…3a200 (58, 0, 1) Sector 3a028000203241 ┆: 2Aovsing's sub-contractor's presence at site during installation and test are also to be made at time of site verification. 1. Site survey within two months after contract award. 2. A transportation installation and integration plan specifying the┆
0x3a200…3a300 (58, 0, 2) Sector 3a03ff00203241 ┆: 2A 1 9.4.3 Installation Activities Transportation a) The delivery of equipment will follow the master schedule. Actual shipping dates are selected to be in accordance with the┆
0x3a300…3a400 (58, 0, 3) Sector 3a04ff00203241 ┆: 2A readiness of site and time for transportation. b) The equipment will be shipped by air or truck and packed accordingly. Christian Rovsing will arrange the transportation so that the Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor's team will be present at si┆
0x3a400…3a500 (58, 0, 4) Sector 3a05ff00203241 ┆: 2Ate for reception. c) The packing and marking are proposed to be in accordance with Christian Rovsing's standard procedures for CR80 equipment. The following is a brief discussion of the method: d) The computer equipment is constructed in a modu┆
0x3a500…3a600 (58, 0, 5) Sector 3a06ff00203241 ┆: 2Alar fashion, i.e. 19" racks containing crate assemblies with plug-in modules. This is reflected in the packaging as follows: 1) Modules are packed in styrofoam containers designed to fit each module size. A number of modules are put into a card┆
0x3a600…3a700 (58, 0, 6) Sector 3a07ff00203241 ┆: 2Aboard box or similar of Europe pallet standard size (see figure III 2) Crates are packed with styrofoam corners so that they fit into a cardboard box of Europe pallet standard size (see figure III 3) Each rack or cabine┆
0x3a700…3a800 (58, 0, 7) Sector 3908ff00203241 ┆9 2At bay is separately packed on a wooden pallet, protected with styrofoam corners, and wrapped in plastic sheets. A skeleton of timber protects the five free surfaces (see figure III e) Packing lists are forwarded with every shipping co┆
0x3a800…3a900 (58, 0, 8) Sector 3a09ff00203241 ┆: 2A will be submitted to Air Canada 2 months after completion of site surveys. b) The plan will cover the following areas: 1. Delivery of site preparation requirements (SPR) and equipment installation drawings 2. Site readiness verification ┆
0x3a900…3aa00 (58, 0, 9) Sector 3a0aff00203241 ┆: 2A3. Packing, shipment, customs clearance and transportation to site 4. A specification of the division of responsibilities between Air Canada and Christian Rovsing concerning transportation and installation 5. On-site integration and installati┆
0x3aa00…3ab00 (58, 0, 10) Sector 3a0bff00203241 ┆: 2Aon Site Preparation Requirements a) Christian Rovsing will prepare site preparation requirements (SPR) concerning the preparation of each site for installation of the proposed equipment. SPR will be submitted to Air Canada for approcal ┆
0x3ab00…3ac00 (58, 0, 11) Sector 3a0cff00203241 ┆: 2A3 months prior to start of installation at each site. b) The SPR will be based on the site data collected during the site survey, the equipment room layout and the physical characteristics of the proposed equipment. c) The SPR will contain requi┆
0x3ac00…3ad00 (58, 0, 12) Sector 3a0df100203241 ┆: q 2Arements to access, space, power, power distribution, quantity and location of power outlets, heat dissipation, cable ducting, etc. d) Air Canada will prepare the site for equipment installation in accordance with these requirements. ortation and i┆
0x3ad00…3ae00 (58, 0, 13) Sector 3a0eff00203241 ┆: 2A 1 Equipment Installation Drawings a) Christian Rovsing will deliver equipment installation drawings to Air Canada for approval 1 month prior to start of installation. b) Th┆
0x3ae00…3af00 (58, 0, 14) Sector 3a0fff00203241 ┆: 2Ae approved installation drawings will be used for the installation of the proposed equipment on each site. c) The equipment installation drawings will be based on the approved site preparation requirements, the hardware configuration and the equip┆
0x3af00…3b000 (58, 0, 15) Sector 3a00ff00203241 ┆: 2Ament characteristics. d) The drawings will show how the proposed equipment is to be installed and integrated. Site Readiness Verification a) Prior to start of on-site installation Christian Rovsing and Air Canada will jointly perform a┆
0x3b000…3b100 (59, 0, 0) Sector 3b01ff00203241 ┆; 2A 1 9.4.2 Installation Planning a) The planning of the installation will start immediately after contract award. The time span from contract award to completion of installation will ┆
0x3b100…3b200 (59, 0, 1) Sector 3b02ff00203241 ┆; 2Abe divided in two major phases: 1. Site Preparation 2. Site Installation b) The main activities in phase 1 are: 1. Site survey within two months after contract award. 2. A transportation installation and integration plan specifying the┆
0x3b200…3b300 (59, 0, 2) Sector 3b03ff00203241 ┆; 2A activities to be performed during phases 1 and 2. 3. Preparation and delivery of site preparation requirements 3 months prior to on-site installation. 4. Preparation and delivery of equipment installation drawings 1 month prior to on-site i┆
0x3b300…3b400 (59, 0, 3) Sector 3b04ff00203241 ┆; 2Anstallation. 5. Site readiness verification prior to start of equipment installation. The main activities in phase 2 are: 6. Transportation to site 7. On-site installation 8. Site acceptance c) A more detailed description of the ph┆
0x3b400…3b500 (59, 0, 4) Sector 3b05ff00203241 ┆; 2Aase 1 and 2 activities is presented in the following sections. Site Surveys a) Within the first month after contract award Christian Rovsing and his sub-contractor, CNCP Telecommunications, will perform site surveys with Air Canada's par┆
0x3b500…3b600 (59, 0, 5) Sector 3b06fe00203241 ┆; ~ 2Aticipation. The purpose of the survey will be to prepare site preparation requirements and plans for on-site integration and installation. b) An important task to be performed during the survey meetings is to determine the equipment room layout.a┆
0x3b600…3b700 (59, 0, 6) Sector 3b07ff00203241 ┆; 2A 1 c) Christian Rovsing will prepare a list of site documentation (equipment room drawings and installations) to be handed over to contractor during the survey. The list will be submit┆
0x3b700…3b800 (59, 0, 7) Sector 3a08ff00203241 ┆: 2Ated to Air Canada prior to the site survey. Transportation and Installation Plan a) Christian Rovsing will prepare a transportation and installation plan, which will specify the activities to be performed during phases 1 and 2. The plan┆
0x3b800…3b900 (59, 0, 8) Sector 3b09ff00203241 ┆; 2Atribute manpower into the project during the implementation phase. The following courses are offered: Description Length 1 CR80 DAMOS System Course┆
0x3b900…3ba00 (59, 0, 9) Sector 3b0ac100203241 ┆; A 2A 5 days CR80 PASCAL/SWELL programming 10 days Price Can.$ 250.- per day (lunch included) Max. 10 participants per course. Place: Christian Rovsing A/S, Ballerup, Denmark re made. It is Christian Rovsing's experience that 5 teams of┆
0x3ba00…3bb00 (59, 0, 10) Sector 3b0bff00203241 ┆; 2A 1 9.4 Installation 9.4.1 Requirement Analysis a) Christian Rovsing shall make the following major deliveries to Air Canada: - Site Preparation Requirements - Transportation and┆
0x3bb00…3bc00 (59, 0, 11) Sector 3b0cff00203241 ┆; 2A Installation Plan - Equipment Installation Drawings - Delivery and Installation of Equipment b) Site Preparation Requirements (SPR), shall specify the extent of site preparation Air Canada must undertake before equipment is installed. In ord┆
0x3bc00…3bd00 (59, 0, 12) Sector 3b0dff00203241 ┆; 2Aer to generate the SPR, Christian Rovsing and his sub-contractor, CNCP Telecommunications, will conduct a Site Survey at each site. c) The "Transportation and Installation Plan" shall contain Christian Rovsing's procedures for transportation and i┆
0x3bd00…3be00 (59, 0, 13) Sector 3b0eff00203241 ┆; 2Anstallation. Furthermore, the plan specifies division of responsibilities between Air Canada and Christian Rovsing regarding transportation and installation. Packaging of central equipment and peripherals will correspond to the requirements for ai┆
0x3be00…3bf00 (59, 0, 14) Sector 3b0fff00203241 ┆; 2Ar and truck transport to the three sites. Transportation requirements for equipment delivered under this contract are described in detail in section 8. d) Delivery and installation of equipment will be performed in accordance with the master sc┆
0x3bf00…3c000 (59, 0, 15) Sector 3b009b00203241 ┆; 2Ahedule after Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor has verified that the sites have been prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation Requirements. e various topics covered by other training methods. In the same way, the instructor gets feed-back ┆
0x3c000…3c100 (60, 0, 0) Sector 3c01dd00203241 ┆< ] 2Aon the student's understanding of the topics covered in the instruction. g) Tests: Tests and questionnaires are used frequently, as these are highly motivating and underline important points of the instruction. e gap between 1) and 2) above and ┆
0x3c100…3c200 (60, 0, 1) Sector 3c02ff00203241 ┆< 2A 1 Training Material Christian Rovsing offers to supply the following training material for courses conducted by Christian Rovsing: a) Student Reference Guides, containing e┆
0x3c200…3c300 (60, 0, 2) Sector 3c03ff00203241 ┆< 2Axtracts of documentation applicable for the course. b) Student Hand-out, i.e. information relevant to the lesson in progress, tests, quizzes, tasks for group-sessions and similar items. c) Library. A complete library is available in the classro┆
0x3c300…3c400 (60, 0, 3) Sector 3c04ff00203241 ┆< 2Aom for reference by the students. The library consists of documentation relevant for the type of course conducted. Training Support for Sub-contractor (CNCP) In addition to the above mentioned training material, Christian Rovsing will┆
0x3c400…3c500 (60, 0, 4) Sector 3c05ff00203241 ┆< 2A supply the following instructor material: a) Instructor's Guide, containing the detailed training plan for the course and Instructor's Guide Sheets for each lesson. b) Lesson Plans, defining the contents of the lesson, the time schedule, traini┆
0x3c500…3c600 (60, 0, 5) Sector 3c06ff00203241 ┆< 2Ang methods and reference to documentation, visual aids, student hand-out and other support material. c) Visual Aids, mainly consisting of Overhead Projector Foils with applicable information for the lessons. Copyright The training ma┆
0x3c600…3c700 (60, 0, 6) Sector 3c07ce00203241 ┆< N 2Aterial produced by Christian Rovsing may be reproduced by Air Canada and CNCP, but only for the training of personnel employed by Air Canada, and CNCP personnel supporting the network discussed here. , and the appropriate references to manuals, aids┆
0x3c700…3c800 (60, 0, 7) Sector 3b08ff00203241 ┆; 2A 1 Optional Training CR will, on request, train customer's personnel in CR80 related hardware and software subjects. Such training would be applicable if customer wants to con┆
0x3c800…3c900 (60, 0, 8) Sector 3c09ff00203241 ┆< 2Anstallation of the network in question. The maintenance training is concluded in advance of CNCP's upstart of training in Canada. The courses are conducted at Christian Rovsing's facilities on equipment, which is later installed in Air Canada's ┆
0x3c900…3ca00 (60, 0, 9) Sector 3c0aff00203241 ┆< 2Anetwork. Optionally, courses can be conducted at the network installations after site acceptance test. The number of students per class will be limited to 10, unless other agreements are made. It is Christian Rovsing's experience that 5 teams of┆
0x3ca00…3cb00 (60, 0, 10) Sector 3c0b5500203241 ┆< U 2A each 2 students is optimum, considering availability of training equipment. Maintenance Course (Course No. 5) Objectives: After this course, the participants are able to: - describe the software design of the operating system, the applic┆
0x3cb00…3cc00 (60, 0, 11) Sector 3c0cff00203241 ┆< 2A 1 Training Techniques The main principle of Christian Rovsing's courses is that student centered training methods are used wherever possible. To evaluate the outcome of the┆
0x3cc00…3cd00 (60, 0, 12) Sector 3c0dff00203241 ┆< 2A courses, oral questions, quizzes and tests are used during the courses, and a final practical and theoretical test is performed by the participants. The following training methods are used during the courses: a) Group-work: Specific tasks are d┆
0x3cd00…3ce00 (60, 0, 13) Sector 3c0eff00203241 ┆< 2Aistributed in writing to the groups to work on. The tasks may be theoretical or practical examinations of the various topics. b) Reports: The groups report the results of their tasks in a group session. c) Discussion: The results of the groups ┆
0x3ce00…3cf00 (60, 0, 14) Sector 3c0fff00203241 ┆< 2Aare discussed by the class under guidance of the instructor. d) Lecture: Lectures are used (limited) for outlining the basic rules for a given topic. e) Informal talk: Informal talk is invoked to obtain feed-back to the instructor on the outco┆
0x3cf00…3d000 (60, 0, 15) Sector 3c00ff00203241 ┆< 2Ame of the instruction. f) Hands-on: Practical work is used extensively, as this is the best way to implement the use of theoretical knowledge on the various topics covered by other training methods. In the same way, the instructor gets feed-back ┆
0x3d000…3d100 (61, 0, 0) Sector 3d01ff00203241 ┆= 2Apecification, defining the outcome of the course. 2) Entry Standard, defining what the student is able to do, and his knowledge before the course start. 3) The Training and Enabling Objectives, which define the gap between 1) and 2) above and ┆
0x3d100…3d200 (61, 0, 1) Sector 3d02ff00203241 ┆= 2Athe targets of the training. c) Instructor's Manual This manual consists of two volumes for each course. Volume 1 contains: a) The Training Plan outlining the course, which is the instrument for development of the Instructor's Guide Sheets.┆
0x3d200…3d300 (61, 0, 2) Sector 3d03ff00203241 ┆= 2A b) The Instructor's Guide Sheets and the Lesson Plans. Volume 2 contains all the reference material (apart from selfcontained manuals, guides, etc.), i.e. visual aids, questionaires, test items, and other hand-outs. All this material will be┆
0x3d300…3d400 (61, 0, 3) Sector 3d04ff00203241 ┆= 2A referenced by the Lesson Plans. d) Instructor's Guide Sheet To establish the outcome of a lesson (or possibly a set of lessons), the Instructor's Guide Sheet specifies the planned outcome of the lesson(s), the training method which could be us┆
0x3d400…3d500 (61, 0, 4) Sector 3d059400203241 ┆= 2Aed, aids and references, enabling collection of necessary items before the lesson is held. This sheet is the baseline of the Lesson Plan(s). cy procedures (operators) - use applicable documentation Previous knowlege required: General Sy┆
0x3d500…3d600 (61, 0, 5) Sector 3d06ff00203241 ┆= 2A 1 e) The Lesson Plan All the Lesson Plans of a course, together with the Instructor's Guide Sheet, form the detailed guide for the instruction of the class, and together they make ┆
0x3d600…3d700 (61, 0, 6) Sector 3d07ff00203241 ┆= 2Aup the entire course. The Lesson Plan defines the main points of the instruction listed by key points (key words). The duration of each main point is indicated, the method of instruction is marked, and the appropriate references to manuals, aids┆
0x3d700…3d800 (61, 0, 7) Sector 3c08ff00203241 ┆< 2A, tests, slides, etc. are noted. The lesson plan, therefore, maps all planned events during the lesson. 9.3.3 Training Activities Training of the different personnel categories will be planned, so the training is concluded in advance of the i┆
0x3d800…3d900 (61, 0, 8) Sector 3d09ff00203241 ┆= 2A - implement new software releases in the operating system - report problems and document the symptoms. Previous knowledge required: A minimum of 5 years experience as a computer technician Number of participants per course: 10. ┆
0x3d900…3da00 (61, 0, 9) Sector 3d0a2600203241 ┆= & 2A Length of course: 8 weeks. lowing courses will be offered: 1. General System Course, 1 week 2. Networks Course, 2 weeks 3. Network Operation Course, 3 weeks 4. Maintenance Course, 8 weeks 5. Software ┆
0x3da00…3db00 (61, 0, 10) Sector 3d0bff00203241 ┆= 2A 1 e) Software Maintenance Course (Course No. 5) Objectives: After this course, the participants are able to: - describe the software design of the operating system, the applic┆
0x3db00…3dc00 (61, 0, 11) Sector 3d0cff00203241 ┆= 2Aation software for data traffic, and the operational and maintenance functions - use the applicable documentation - make corrections of faults in programs - design new programmes and/or modify existing programmes and implement them in┆
0x3dc00…3dd00 (61, 0, 12) Sector 3d0dff00203241 ┆= 2A the system - handle the programme production system. Previous knowledge required: - General System Course (Course No. 1) - Networks Course (Course No. 2) - Detailed knowledge in software techniques, i.e. queue-theory, access met┆
0x3dd00…3de00 (61, 0, 13) Sector 3d0ec500203241 ┆= E 2Ahods, post- and file organization - Experience in designing programmes in at least one high-level language. Number of participants per course: 10. Length of course: 7 weeks. owing personnel categories are proposed: - System Manag┆
0x3de00…3df00 (61, 0, 14) Sector 3d0fff00203241 ┆= 2A 1 Development of Courses After the project definition phase, during which the Integrated Training Plan is written, the following documentation is developed: a) Training Pla┆
0x3df00…3e000 (61, 0, 15) Sector 3d00ff00203241 ┆= 2An Each course is described in detail in a Training Plan, which includes subsets of the course material. b) Course Objectives To define what the student must learn during the course, the following is required: 1) The Skills and Knowledge S┆
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0) Sector 3e01ff00203241 ┆> 2Aem in detail - the user facilities and services of the network in detail - the network configuration and its components in detail - how the system is operated and its maintenance functions - the different application software com┆
0x3e100…3e200 (62, 0, 1) Sector 3e029e00203241 ┆> 2Aponents, commands and I/O handling - the use of the software and operational documentation - the major principles of hardware fault handling er, technical writers and instructors. The combination of user documentation and training ensur┆
0x3e200…3e300 (62, 0, 2) Sector 3e03ff00203241 ┆> 2A 1 Previous knowledge required: - General Systems Course (course No. 1) - General Electrical Engineering - Data and telecommunication system principles Number ┆
0x3e300…3e400 (62, 0, 3) Sector 3e04ff00203241 ┆> 2Aof participants per course: 10. Length of course: 2 weeks. c) Network Operation Course (Course No. 3) Objectives: After this course, the participants are able to: - handle input and output messages - handle error messages┆
0x3e400…3e500 (62, 0, 4) Sector 3e05ff00203241 ┆> 2A - log in and out of the system - report irrevocable system faults (Network Monitors) - degrade the system according to emergency procedures (operators) - use applicable documentation Previous knowlege required: General Sy┆
0x3e500…3e600 (62, 0, 5) Sector 3e06c300203241 ┆> C 2Astem Course (Course No. 1) Additionally, Network Monitors should have the Networks Course (Course No. 2). Number of participants per course: 10. Length of course. 3 weeks. ardware maintenance - Software maintenance - Network manag┆
0x3e600…3e700 (62, 0, 6) Sector 3e07ff00203241 ┆> 2A 1 d) Maintenance Course (Course No. 4) Objectives: After this course, the participants are able to: - localize all faults in the CR80 system to module level, replace the modul┆
0x3e700…3e800 (62, 0, 7) Sector 3d08ff00203241 ┆= 2Ae and verify normal operation after the repair - run maintenance diagnostic on- and off-line tests - cold and warm start the system - put the network into operation - update the hardware according to Field Engineering Notices ┆
0x3e800…3e900 (62, 0, 8) Sector 3e09ff00203241 ┆> 2A 1 Courses are offered for the following categories of personnel: - System Management Staff - Communications Specialists - Software Programmers - Operators - Network Monitors -┆
0x3e900…3ea00 (62, 0, 9) Sector 3e0aff00203241 ┆> 2A Computer Technicians. The following courses will be offered: 1. General System Course, 1 week 2. Networks Course, 2 weeks 3. Network Operation Course, 3 weeks 4. Maintenance Course, 8 weeks 5. Software ┆
0x3ea00…3eb00 (62, 0, 10) Sector 3e0bff00203241 ┆> 2AMaintenance Course, 7 weeks The matrix below outlines which category of personnel should attend the courses offered: Course No.: 1 2 3 4 5 Personnel: ┆
0x3eb00…3ec00 (62, 0, 11) Sector 3e0cff00203241 ┆> 2A System Management Staff x Communications Specialists x x Software Programmers x x x Operators x ┆
0x3ec00…3ed00 (62, 0, 12) Sector 3e0dff00203241 ┆> 2A x Network Monitors x x x Computer Technicians x x a) General System Course (Course No. 1) Objectives: After this course, the participants are able to describe: ┆
0x3ed00…3ee00 (62, 0, 13) Sector 3e0eb700203241 ┆> 7 2A - the packet switching techniques used in the network - the user facilities and services of the network - the network configuration and its major system components s for the following personnel categories are proposed: - System Manag┆
0x3ee00…3ef00 (62, 0, 14) Sector 3e0fff00203241 ┆> 2A 1 - the principles of the system functions - the general operational and maintenance functions in the system. Previous knowledge required: General technical knowledge.┆
0x3ef00…3f000 (62, 0, 15) Sector 3e00ff00203241 ┆> 2A Number of participants per course: 10. Length of course: 1 week. b) Networks Course (Course No. 2) Objectives: After this course, the participants are able to describe: - the packet switching techniques used in the syst┆
0x3f000…3f100 (63, 0, 0) Sector 3f01ff00203241 ┆? 2A 1 9.3.2 Training Planning Management and Organization The training section, which is part of the Integrated Logistics Support department, see fig. III, is respons┆
0x3f100…3f200 (63, 0, 1) Sector 3f02ff00203241 ┆? 2Aible for development and conduct of customer training and the documentation delivered with the systems. The training section is organized with a manager, technical writers and instructors. The combination of user documentation and training ensur┆
0x3f200…3f300 (63, 0, 2) Sector 3f03ff00203241 ┆? 2Aes that the training is supported by documentation, which is not only easy to use, but also complements the training documentation, enabling effective training in all aspects. Training Plan The integrated training plan gives an overview ┆
0x3f300…3f400 (63, 0, 3) Sector 3f04ff00203241 ┆? 2Aof how the training courses are planned, developed, and conducted. Later, it forms the basis for development of training plans for the individual courses and is Air Canada's first assessment of the approach taken by Christian Rovsing towards the t┆
0x3f400…3f500 (63, 0, 4) Sector 3f05ff00203241 ┆? 2Araining. This plan contains details regarding the training management, how the courses are interrelated and how the requirements connected to each course will be incorporated. Each course is outlined, the facilities and equipment to be used are e┆
0x3f500…3f600 (63, 0, 5) Sector 3f06ff00203241 ┆? 2Axplained, and a schedule for the formal training of the customer personnel is proposed. Course Overview Courses will cover the following CR80 Computer-system components: - Hardware maintenance - Software maintenance - Network manag┆
0x3f600…3f700 (63, 0, 6) Sector 3f072d00203241 ┆? - 2Aement/operations - System management n capability for software maintenance. The following functions are offered: a) To design and implement changes and modifications to the system and application software at the request of Air Canada. b) Prov┆
0x3f700…3f800 (63, 0, 7) Sector 3e08a000203241 ┆> 2A 1 Training Section Fig. III e software documentation. An additional level of software support may become available from C┆
0x3f800…3f900 (63, 0, 8) Sector 3f09ff00203241 ┆? 2Ahristian Rovsing's sub-contractor, CNCP Telecommunications. CNCP Telecommunications is currently examining the potential of utilizing Christian Rovsing Systems to meet the expanding demands for public packet switching networks and to meet other dem┆
0x3f900…3fa00 (63, 0, 9) Sector 3f0aff00203241 ┆? 2Aands for private networking within the government and financial communities. Should this course of action be taken, CNCP will be developing an in-house software capability on Christian Rovsing Systems and be available to Air Canada on a consultativ┆
0x3fa00…3fb00 (63, 0, 10) Sector 3f0b0f00203241 ┆? 2Ae basis. b) Montreal Installation Christian Rovsing's maintenance sub-contractor currently has a staff of trained computer technicians maintaining similar computer systems in the Montrea┆
0x3fb00…3fc00 (63, 0, 11) Sector 3f0cff00203241 ┆? 2A 1 9.3 Training 9.3.1 Requirements Analysis Based on information in the RFP and Christian Rovsing's previous experience from similar projects, the following training requirements a┆
0x3fc00…3fd00 (63, 0, 12) Sector 3f0dff00203241 ┆? 2Are listed: a) The training programme will enable Air Canada to operate the entire network independent of Christian Rovsing. b) The training programme will enable Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor, CNCP, to install and maintain the entire networ┆
0x3fd00…3fe00 (63, 0, 13) Sector 3f0eff00203241 ┆? 2Ak, including hardware and software, independent of Christian Rovsing. c) Courses (including practical work) will have approx. 40% theory and 60% hands-on training. d) Courses for the following personnel categories are proposed: - System Manag┆
0x3fe00…3ff00 (63, 0, 14) Sector 3f0fff00203241 ┆? 2Aement Staff - Communications Specialists - Software Programmers - Operators - Network Monitors - Computer Technicians e) Training techniques will be described. f) Location(s) of the training courses will be described. g) Training mat┆
0x3ff00…40000 (63, 0, 15) Sector 3f00ae00203241 ┆? . 2Aerial copyright policies will be described. h) Christian Rovsing will develop an Integrated Training Plan outlining the contents of the courses and training methods. b-contractor currently employs a staff of equipment technicians that are trained ┆
0x40000…40100 (64, 0, 0) Sector 4001ff00203241 ┆@ 2Ato perform maintenance to the board swap level on similar computer systems in the Winnipeg Area. Initially, two of these technicians will receive the 8 week orientation and training seminar on the CR80 system and peripherals. The technicians will ┆
0x40100…40200 (64, 0, 1) Sector 4002ea00203241 ┆@ j 2Aperiodically visit the site to perform scheduled preventive maintenance tasks and when required for emergency maintenance they will be dispatched from the sub-contractors' Central Maintenance Depot, Pioneer St., Winnipeg, Man. nd level of maintenan┆
0x40200…40300 (64, 0, 2) Sector 4003ff00203241 ┆@ 2A 1 During the day shift period, 0830 to 1700, Monday to Friday, (excluding statutary holidays) the technician will be available typically within 1 hour. During evening and night shi┆
0x40300…40400 (64, 0, 3) Sector 4004ff00203241 ┆@ 2Afts, or on weekends and statutary holidays, the response time to provide a technician will typically be 2 hours. Additionally, the 1st level of maintenance at the Winnipeg node can be augmented by technical assistance and/or spare parts from Toto┆
0x40400…40500 (64, 0, 4) Sector 4005ff00203241 ┆@ 2Anto should the need arise. During the installation phase the maintenance staff will be augmented by: - a Technical Instructor trained on the CR80 System and peripherals, - an Engineer, supervising the installation, - two Installers, and ┆
0x40500…40600 (64, 0, 5) Sector 4006ff00203241 ┆@ 2A - a Project Coordinator. Software Support Christian Rovsing will provide a system analysis and programming service to Air Canada. This service will commence with the acceptance of the first installation and will continue until such a t┆
0x40600…40700 (64, 0, 6) Sector 4007ff00203241 ┆@ 2Aime that Air Canada has formed their own capability for software maintenance. The following functions are offered: a) To design and implement changes and modifications to the system and application software at the request of Air Canada. b) Prov┆
0x40700…40800 (64, 0, 7) Sector 3f08ff00203241 ┆? 2Aide assistance and expertise to Air Canada when required. c) Diagnose and correct all faults that occur in the software. d) To control and maintain the software documentation. An additional level of software support may become available from C┆
0x40800…40900 (64, 0, 8) Sector 4009ff00203241 ┆@ 2A system, i.e. CRTs and printers will either be serviced by the computer technician or in some cases a technician will be dispatched from our sub-contractors' central maintenance depot. During the installation phase the maintenance staff will be a┆
0x40900…40a00 (64, 0, 9) Sector 400abf00203241 ┆@ ? 2Augmented by: - a Technical Instructor trained on the CR80 System with peripherals, - an Engineer, supervising the installation, - two Installers, and - a Project Coordinator. system designating the standby processor as active. The defect┆
0x40a00…40b00 (64, 0, 10) Sector 400bff00203241 ┆@ 2A 1 b) Montreal Installation Christian Rovsing's maintenance sub-contractor currently has a staff of trained computer technicians maintaining similar computer systems in the Montrea┆
0x40b00…40c00 (64, 0, 11) Sector 400cff00203241 ┆@ 2Al Area. Initially, four of these technicians will receive the 8 week orientation and training seminar on the CR80 System and peripherals. The technicians will periodically visit the site to perform scheduled preventive maintenance tasks and when r┆
0x40c00…40d00 (64, 0, 12) Sector 400dff00203241 ┆@ 2Aequired for emergency maintenance they will be dispatched from the sub-contractors' central maintenance depot, 740 Notredame St., Montreal, P.Q. During the day shift period, 0830 to 1700, Monday to Friday, (excluding statutary holidays) the techn┆
0x40d00…40e00 (64, 0, 13) Sector 400eff00203241 ┆@ 2Aician will be available typically within 1 hour. During evening and night shifts, or on weekends and statutary holidays, the response time to provide a technician will typically be 2 hours. Additionally, the 1st level of maintenance at the Montr┆
0x40e00…40f00 (64, 0, 14) Sector 400fff00203241 ┆@ 2Aeal node can be augmented by technical assistance and/or spare parts from Toronto should the need arise. During the installation phase the maintenance staff will be augmented by: - a Technical Instructor trained on the CR80 System and periphe┆
0x40f00…41000 (64, 0, 15) Sector 4000ff00203241 ┆@ 2Arals, - an Engineer, supervising the installation, - two Installers, and - a Project Coordinator. c) Winnipeg Installation Christian Rovsing's maintenance sub-contractor currently employs a staff of equipment technicians that are trained ┆
0x41000…41100 (65, 0, 0) Sector 4101ff00203241 ┆A 2Atian Rovsing support which will complement the maintenance program through the warranty period and on. Hardware Support The first level of maintenance will be available at each nodal site from Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor, CNCP Tel┆
0x41100…41200 (65, 0, 1) Sector 4102ff00203241 ┆A 2Aecommunications. Field service engineers will be available from Christian Rovsing facilities in Copenhagen. This function will, together with the repair facilities and spares stock provided at Christian Rovsing, provide the 2nd level of maintenan┆
0x41200…41300 (65, 0, 2) Sector 4103de00203241 ┆A ^ 2Ace. The 3rd level maintenance is software and hardware maintenance support performed by Engineers resident at Christian Rovsing. These personnel will assist the Field Service Engineers in case of severe problems. r preventive maintenance. the co┆
0x41300…41400 (65, 0, 3) Sector 4104ff00203241 ┆A 2A 1 Under a separate contract 2nd and 3rd level maintenance support may be continued after the warranty period has expired. The following paragraphs will provide details relative to t┆
0x41400…41500 (65, 0, 4) Sector 4105ff00203241 ┆A 2Ahe allocation of support personnel and their qualifications for both the installation phase of the equipment and for post-implementation maintenance support. a) Toronto Installation Since the Toronto Installation will house significantly more e┆
0x41500…41600 (65, 0, 5) Sector 4106ff00203241 ┆A 2Aquipment than the other locations to meet the demands of the Electronic Mail Host, Network Management Host and the Network Control Centre; and recognizing Air Canada's requirement for continuous resident maintenance support at this site, CNCP will p┆
0x41600…41700 (65, 0, 6) Sector 4107ff00203241 ┆A 2Arovide full-time technical support. The computer technicians assigned to the Toronto installation each have several years experience in maintaining similar computer systems. They will have attended an 8 week orientation and training seminar on t┆
0x41700…41800 (65, 0, 7) Sector 4008ff00203241 ┆@ 2Ahe CR80 system with peripherals. The computer technicians will provide 24 hour on-site coverage 7 days a week for preventive and emergency maintenance on the CR80 systems and CDC disk file. Maintenance of other peripheral devices attached to the┆
0x41800…41900 (65, 0, 8) Sector 4109ff00203241 ┆A 2Asolation of faulty subassemblies is accomplished by the use of both on-line and off-line diagnostic software programs. As stated elsewhere in this proposal, on-line error detection programs will detect hardware faults when they occur. This is acco┆
0x41900…41a00 (65, 0, 9) Sector 410aff00203241 ┆A 2Amplished both by background checks and error detection during data transfer from one subsystem to another. Depending on the type of fault the "Watchdog" subsystem will reconfigure the system designating the standby processor as active. The defect┆
0x41a00…41b00 (65, 0, 10) Sector 410bff00203241 ┆A 2Aive subsystem is now off-line where further fault diagnosis can take place in the event the on-line diagnostic program did not give specific error identifications pinpointing a specific module. The off-line diagnostic program provides for a much mo┆
0x41b00…41c00 (65, 0, 11) Sector 410c8500203241 ┆A 2Are thorough check of the various elements of a subsystem. In addition, this program will be used to verify repaired modules. ed of - CR80D modules - Special OEM equipment - Standard OEM equipment The recommendation of the spares complement f┆
0x41c00…41d00 (65, 0, 12) Sector 410dff00203241 ┆A 2A 1 Maintenance Effort The estimated maintenance effort at the Toronto site will be 240 hours per month. Full-time on site coverage, as specified in the RFP, will be provided f┆
0x41d00…41e00 (65, 0, 13) Sector 410eff00203241 ┆A 2Arom the pool of colocated CNCP computer technicians. It is estimated that the total preventive and corrective maintenance effort at the Montreal and Winnipeg sites will be 60 and 55 hours per month, respectively. The total maintenance requiremen┆
0x41e00…41f00 (65, 0, 14) Sector 410fff00203241 ┆A 2Ats could subsequently be marginally adjusted upward or downward, depending on the actual experience recorded by the sub-contractor, CNCP. Personnel Qualifications In case Air Canada elects to undertake all maintenance, the following pers┆
0x41f00…42000 (65, 0, 15) Sector 4100ff00203241 ┆A 2Aonnel qualifications are applicable: - Computer technician with a minumum of 5 years experience in similar positions. - participation in all training courses applicable for the system. 9.2.4 Technical Support This section describes the Chris┆
0x42000…42100 (66, 0, 0) Sector 4201ff00203241 ┆B 2A 1 Canada at the end of the planning phase. The special tools and TE will be available at the sites during the installation phase of the equipment. The special tools and TE employed┆
0x42100…42200 (66, 0, 1) Sector 4202ff00203241 ┆B 2A during maintenance of the ACDN will be rather few due to the proposed maintenance philosophy. Please refer to section, Emergency Maintenance. Consequently, the only test equipment necessary will be bus analysers. The following analysers ┆
0x42200…42300 (66, 0, 2) Sector 4203f900203241 ┆B y 2Aare proposed. - V24 Communication Tester (RS 232-C) - Signature Analyser No special tools and TE are contemplated for the emergency maintenance of the peripherals, however, some special tools may be necessary for preventive maintenance. the co┆
0x42300…42400 (66, 0, 3) Sector 4204ff00203241 ┆B 2A 1 9.2.3 Maintenance Activities Preventive Maintenance Preventative maintenance will be carried out by Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor, CNCP Telecommunications, in accorda┆
0x42400…42500 (66, 0, 4) Sector 4205ff00203241 ┆B 2Ance with the procedures established in the maintenance manual. The preventive maintenance required on the CR80 equipment is restricted to cleaning of dust filters, inspection of LED's etc. and the implementation of modifications according to field ┆
0x42500…42600 (66, 0, 5) Sector 4206ff00203241 ┆B 2Achange notices. The overall design of the system utilizing redundant hardware will insure that preventive maintenance will have a minimal effect on the performance of the system. Emergency Maintenance Emergency maintenance, i.e. fault i┆
0x42600…42700 (66, 0, 6) Sector 4207ff00203241 ┆B 2Adentification and module replacement will be carried out by the trained technicians of Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor, CNCP Telecommunications. Repair of defective subassemblies will be undertaken by Christian Rovsing at no cost to Air Canada d┆
0x42700…42800 (66, 0, 7) Sector 4108ff00203241 ┆A 2Auring the warranty period, and thereafter any charges will be regulated by the terms and conditions stated in the maintenance contract. Implementation of field changes will be done by CNCP technicians after instructions from Christian Rovsing. I┆
0x42800…42900 (66, 0, 8) Sector 4209ff00203241 ┆B 2Ad and 3rd level maintenance through field service engineers, inhouse repair facilities, and software maintenance support. Maintenance Documentation The maintenance documentation developed for this program is shown in fig. III ┆
0x42900…42a00 (66, 0, 9) Sector 420aff00203241 ┆B 2A Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL) During the maintenance planning phase the RSPL will be prepared based on an analysis of the H/W. At the end of the planning phase the RSPL will be submitted to Air Canada for approval. Hereafter it w┆
0x42a00…42b00 (66, 0, 10) Sector 420bff00203241 ┆B 2Aill be referred to as the Approved Spare Parts List (ASPL). Delivery of the spares will take place simultaneously with the installation of the equipment at each location. It will be based on our current predictions of the failure rate of the CR80D┆
0x42b00…42c00 (66, 0, 11) Sector 420cff00203241 ┆B 2A modules and their MTBF values supplemented by our experience from similar projects. In its final form the RSPL will be composed of - CR80D modules - Special OEM equipment - Standard OEM equipment The recommendation of the spares complement f┆
0x42c00…42d00 (66, 0, 12) Sector 420dff00203241 ┆B 2Aor the CR80D modules is based on wellknown calculation formulas for probabilities. The recommendation of spares for the special OEM equipment is based on the manufacturer's RSPL. The recommendation of spares for the standard OEM equipment is bas┆
0x42d00…42e00 (66, 0, 13) Sector 420eff00203241 ┆B 2Aed on our experience from similar projects. The price will typically amount to 10% of the equipment price. Tools and Test Equipment List During the maintenance planning phase a list of special tools and test equipment (TE) will be prepa┆
0x42e00…42f00 (66, 0, 14) Sector 420f9e00203241 ┆B 2Ared based on an analysis of the H/W breakdown of the system. The list will be incorporated as an appendix to the maintenance plan and submitted to Air e referenced via an overall system maintenance sheet incorporated in the various technical manual┆
0x42f00…43000 (66, 0, 15) Sector 4200ac00203241 ┆B , 2A 1 Fig. III Maintenance Documentationhardware with breakpoints. A failure reporting system will be generated and main┆
0x43000…43100 (67, 0, 0) Sector 4301ff00203241 ┆C 2Atained throughout the warranty period. Incorporated in this system are - failure reports which will be filled in at the installations and used in the screening of systematic errors and used to modify the spare parts stock - a log book which ┆
0x43100…43200 (67, 0, 1) Sector 4302ff00203241 ┆C 2Awill be located at each installation - Field Change Notices used as applicable for updating of the systems. c) On-Site Maintenance On-site maintenance will be provided by Christian Rovsing's sub-contractor, CNCP Telecommunications. The tech┆
0x43200…43300 (67, 0, 2) Sector 4303ff00203241 ┆C 2Anicians selected to perform these tasks each have several years experience in supporting similar systems. The technicians will, through formal training courses, be capable of carrying out preventive maintenance both on the CR80 equipment and the co┆
0x43300…43400 (67, 0, 3) Sector 4304ff00203241 ┆C 2Annected peripherals. The preventive maintenance required on the CR80 equipment is restricted to simple tasks such as cleaning of dust filters, inspection of LED's etc. Emergency maintenance will typically be carried out on a module exchange basis.┆
0x43400…43500 (67, 0, 4) Sector 4305ff00203241 ┆C 2A The trouble shooting techniques developed for the system configuration will enable the maintenance personnel to isolate and replace modules in the CR80 equipment within one hour. Also the technicians will perform modifications according to Field ┆
0x43500…43600 (67, 0, 5) Sector 4306ff00203241 ┆C 2AChange Notices. d) Maintenance Management The service technicians at the nodes will be trained to carry out 1st level maintenance consisting of preventive and emergency maintenance as previously described. In most cases logic boards with known┆
0x43600…43700 (67, 0, 6) Sector 43074800203241 ┆C H 2A faults will be returned to Christian Rovsing for repair and then 9.2.2 Maintenance Planning The purpose of the Maintenance Planning Phase is to establish a complete maintenance program which will fulfil the contractual requirements for maintenan┆
0x43700…43800 (67, 0, 7) Sector 4208ff00203241 ┆B 2A 1 returned to the spare parts complement of the node. In some instances faulty modules, i.e. power supply, fan assembly, will be repaired on-site. Christian Rovsing will provide 2n┆
0x43800…43900 (67, 0, 8) Sector 4309ff00203241 ┆C 2Atheir maintenance sub-contractor to insure: a) continuous resident support at the Network Control Centre b) adequate training programs for support staff c) availability of maintenance specialist for emergency situations d) a multi-layered level┆
0x43900…43a00 (67, 0, 9) Sector 430aff00203241 ┆C 2A of support during and after installation of the equipment. e) availability of Recommended Spare Parts f) availability of Tools and Test Equipment g) the development of a comprehensive maintenance plan. Fig. III 9.2.2-1 illustrates the content┆
0x43a00…43b00 (67, 0, 10) Sector 430bff00203241 ┆C 2As of the documentation available at the close of the planning phase. Maintenance Plan a) Introduction The basic philosophy used in the configuration of the system for Air Canada is to enable maintenance, both preventive and emergency,┆
0x43b00…43c00 (67, 0, 11) Sector 430cff00203241 ┆C 2A to be performed with a minimum of system downtime thereby meeting the availability requirements. This is achieved through the use of redundant hardware modules and by extensive use of the board swap principle once the sophisticated fault detection┆
0x43c00…43d00 (67, 0, 12) Sector 430dda00203241 ┆C Z 2A software has isolated a faulty assembly. b) Maintenance Engineering Maintenance engineering describes the effort in the area of maintenance and support necessary prior to the installation of the equipment. r Canada the Civil Works Requirement ┆
0x43d00…43e00 (67, 0, 13) Sector 430ead00203241 ┆C - 2A 1 Fig. III 9.2.2-1 Maintenance Planning Activities how Christian Rovsing proposes to develop the documentation for ACDN. The build-u┆
0x43e00…43f00 (67, 0, 14) Sector 430fff00203241 ┆C 2A 1 The general approach to preventive maintenance is that the applicable procedures are referenced via an overall system maintenance sheet incorporated in the various technical manual┆
0x43f00…44000 (67, 0, 15) Sector 4300ff00203241 ┆C 2As. The special tools and test equipment which will be used for maintenance are listed and their applications shown through scenarios displaying the structure of the hardware with breakpoints. A failure reporting system will be generated and main┆
0x44000…44100 (68, 0, 0) Sector 4401ff00203241 ┆D 2Awith similar systems and CNCP Telecommunications' experience in providing and maintaining computer controlled communications systems, the following major requirements can be stated: 1) Emergency corrective maintenance at each node must be to the b┆
0x44100…44200 (68, 0, 1) Sector 4402ff00203241 ┆D 2Aoard level. 2) Qualified maintenance personnel available at each node. Minimum of one resident technician at NCC. 3) Additional qualified maintenance personnel available for emergency situations. 4) Extensive use of Maintenance and Diagnostic ┆
0x44200…44300 (68, 0, 2) Sector 4403ff00203241 ┆D 2ASoftware for hardware fault isolation. 5) The maintenance concept combined with the proposed hardware/software concept shall insure the required availability. 6) Christian Rovsing shall prepare a Maintenance Plan based on the final system config┆
0x44300…44400 (68, 0, 3) Sector 4404ff00203241 ┆D 2Auration and submit it to their maintenance sub-contractor. 7) Christian Rovsing shall submit to their maintenance sub-contractor a Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL). 8) Christian Rovsing shall submit a Tools and Test Equipment list to their ma┆
0x44400…44500 (68, 0, 4) Sector 4405ff00203241 ┆D 2Aintenance sub-contractor. 9) Christian Rovsing shall prepare a Maintenance Manual based on the final system design and the philosophy outlined in the Maintenance Plan. 10) Christian Rovsing shall deliver the spare parts according to the Approved┆
0x44500…44600 (68, 0, 5) Sector 44062000203241 ┆D 2A Spare Parts List (ASPL). 9. SUPPORT 9.1 Introduction The Support chapter contains five parts: 1 - Maintenance and Technical Suppor┆
0x44600…44700 (68, 0, 6) Sector 4407ff00203241 ┆D 2A 1 9.2.2 Maintenance Planning The purpose of the Maintenance Planning Phase is to establish a complete maintenance program which will fulfil the contractual requirements for maintenan┆
0x44700…44800 (68, 0, 7) Sector 4308ff00203241 ┆C 2Ace and insure system reliability and availability to Air Canada. Simultaneously it shall provide a solid base for the development of the detailed maintenance documentation. During the planning phase Christian Rovsing will be working closely with ┆
0x44800…44900 (68, 0, 8) Sector 4409ff00203241 ┆D 2Asign and preparation on a NATO program comprising 16 mainsites and 22 remote locations throughout Europe. The Maintenance and Technical Support section describes the Maintenance Planning taking place at Christian Rovsing. An overview of the maint┆
0x44900…44a00 (68, 0, 9) Sector 440a6900203241 ┆D i 2Aenance documentation is presented and CNCP's maintenance activities at the three sites described. ┆
0x44a00…44b00 (68, 0, 10) Sector 440bff00203241 ┆D 2A 1 The Training Section explains how Christian Rovsing will train CNCP's computer technicians as well as Air Canadas personnel. A matrix is presented providing an overview of personne┆
0x44b00…44c00 (68, 0, 11) Sector 440cff00203241 ┆D 2Al category vs required courses. Finally, the 5 proposed courses are described by stating the objectives of the course and the prerequisites of the participants. The installation section describes the activities of Christian Rovsing and CNCP relat┆
0x44c00…44d00 (68, 0, 12) Sector 440dff00203241 ┆D 2Aing to installation. CNCP will receive initial training at Christian Rovsing and perform the installation at the three sites. Prior to that, CNCP and Christian Rovsing will perform site surveys and submit to Air Canada the Civil Works Requirement ┆
0x44d00…44e00 (68, 0, 13) Sector 440eff00203241 ┆D 2A(CWR) documentation. The CWR will specify how Air Canada must prepare the site (equipment room) before installation of equipment. The documentation section presents how Christian Rovsing proposes to develop the documentation for ACDN. The build-u┆
0x44e00…44f00 (68, 0, 14) Sector 440f8100203241 ┆D 2Ap of the documentation generally follows the standard applicable for communication systems developed by Christian Rovsing. .3.3 Training Activities 26 Training Techniques 27 Training Material 28 Training Support for Sub-con┆
0x44f00…45000 (68, 0, 15) Sector 4400ff00203241 ┆D 2A 1 9.2 Maintenance and Technical Support 9.2.1 Requirements Analysis Based on the requirements stated in the RFP, the system proposed by Christian Rovsing, their previous experience ┆
0x45000…45100 (69, 0, 0) Sector 4501f800203241 ┆E x 2A Requirements 32 Equipment Installation Drawings 33 Site Readiness Verification 33 Installation Activities 34 Transportation 34 Site Installation 38 Typical Layout 39 Site Acceptance 47 !,<6 ! ┆
0x45100…45200 (69, 0, 1) Sector 4502ff00203241 ┆E 2A 1 Page 9.5 Documentation 54 9.5.1 General 54 9.5.2 Documentation Tree 54 System Description Manual 54 9.5.2.┆
0x45200…45300 (69, 0, 2) Sector 4503ff00203241 ┆E 2A2 Installation Manual 56 Operating Manuals 56 Technical Manuals 57 Peripheral Equipment Manuals 58 Tools and Test Equipment Manual 58 Programming Development Tools 58 Software Description Manual 59 ┆
0x45300…45400 (69, 0, 3) Sector 4504ff00203241 ┆E 2A 9.5.3 Documentation Requirements 59 Language 59 Binder 59 Binder Arrangement 59 Paper/Printing and Typing 59 9.5.4 Documentation Implementation 60 Preliminary Delivery 60 Final Documentation 60 9┆
0x45400…45500 (69, 0, 4) Sector 4505a800203241 ┆E ( 2A.5.4.3 Documentation Delivered 60 Documentation Standard 61 9.6 Spare Parts Provisioning 62 9.6.1 Requirements Analysis 62 9.6.2 Spares delivery 62 very of communication systems and process control systems, in general. The current sc┆
0x45500…45600 (69, 0, 5) Sector 4506ff00203241 ┆E 2A 1 9. SUPPORT 9.1 Introduction The Support chapter contains five parts: 1 - Maintenance and Technical Suppor┆
0x45600…45700 (69, 0, 6) Sector 4507ff00203241 ┆E 2At (9.2) - Training (9.3) - Installation (9.4) - Documentation (9.5) - Spares (9.6) - Test and Development Facilities (9.7) Christian Rovsing's support organisation Integrated Logistics Support Department (ILS) has total responsibility for abo┆
0x45700…45800 (69, 0, 7) Sector 4408ff00203241 ┆D 2Ave functions. The ACDN Program is unique in the respect that ILS has an overseas subcontractor CNCP Telecommunications to carry out equipment installation and maintenance. At time of bidding ILS has a Norwegian subcontractor to undertake site de┆
0x45800…45900 (69, 0, 8) Sector 4509ff00204841 ┆E HA User status awareness for all ACDN users will be satisfied through status request/response functions in which either a specific device may be indicated - or the originating user terminal is defaulted. This means that a user can request his ┆
0x45900…45a00 (69, 0, 9) Sector 450aff00204841 ┆E HAown status, and a field technician may obtain status indications for any device with ACDN, displayed at a user terminal at which he has logged in. The following user status awareness facilities are provided (these are all described in section 4.12┆
0x45a00…45b00 (69, 0, 10) Sector 450bbc00204841 ┆E < HA.2) o connection-status o display-network-errors o display-TDP-status Further, Broadcast is provided as described in section *** SECTION 4.12.2 *** SECTION UMENT III TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Apr. 29, 1982 M2┆
0x45b00…45c00 (69, 0, 11) Sector 450cff00204841 ┆E HA 1 RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT REFERENCE : R 3.4 REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: Configuration Process I┆
0x45d00…45e00 (69, 0, 13) Sector 450eff00204841 ┆E HAAFFECT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S). IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE! The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development. DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED: ┆
0x45e00…45f00 (69, 0, 14) Sector 450fdd00204841 ┆E ] HA The Network Definition Application program is a flexible easy to use definition tool for settling up complete, consistent overall ACDN definitions as described below. *** SECTION *** SECION !#<6 ! "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7 ┆
0x45f00…46000 (69, 0, 15) Sector 3200ff00204841 ┆2 HA 1 RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT REFERENCE : R 3.5 REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: Configuration Distribution I┆
0x46100…46200 (70, 0, 1) Sector 4602ff00204841 ┆F HAAFFECT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S). IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE! The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development. DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED: ┆
0x46200…46300 (70, 0, 2) Sector 4603ff00204841 ┆F HA Device status awareness for all ACDN device attachments is obtained through the STATUS-TERM (DEVICE) command facility available to NCC operators, technicians, and users (limited display). A network operator report similar to the present AC┆
0x46300…46400 (70, 0, 3) Sector 4604ff00204841 ┆F HANC command GRT (respons-time report) will be available (see section 4.8.9). Terminal user reports similar to the present ACNC reports DNE (network error report) and PDS (printer display status) will be available (see section 4.12). *** SECTION 4┆
0x46400…46500 (70, 0, 4) Sector 46053000204841 ┆F 0 HA. (STATUS-TERM + rest of section) stems Interconnection Rference Model). LMENET has the following functions: o a complete monitoring and control of the network independent of host computers connected, o emulation of a network, complyin┆
0x46500…46600 (70, 0, 5) Sector 4606ff00204841 ┆F HA 1 RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT REFERENCE : R 3.2 REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: Status awareness - User I┆
0x46700…46800 (70, 0, 7) Sector 4508ff00204841 ┆E HAAFFECT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S). IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE! The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development. DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED: ┆
0x46800…46900 (70, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(70,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41204841}, f00=»2048A «, f01=»AIR CANADA PROPOSAL «, f02=»pc «, f03=»JRV «, f04=»Chap. 10 «, f05=21-04-82 09:53, f06=» «, f07=»08 «, f08=» 368 «, f09=25-04-82 18:57, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 6 «, f13=25-04-82 18:33, f14=25-04-82 19:22, f15=»0158A «, f16=» 27 «, f17=» 3 «, f18=»21 «, f19=» 664 «, f20=» 25260 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=990042000110056610110480aaca15050000000000000042039f00df}
0x46900…46a00 (70, 0, 9) Sector 460a1b00204841 ┆F HA F F F F E E 2 1 1 1 DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TI┆
0x46a00…46b00 (70, 0, 10) Sector 460bfd00204841 ┆F } HA 1 CHAPTER 10 Page # DOCUMENT III TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Apr. 29, 1982 M2┆
0x46d00…46e00 (70, 0, 13) Sector 460eff00204841 ┆F HAAFFECT (IMMEDIATE OR LONG TERM) ANY OTHER NETWORK REQUIREMENT(S). IF SO, PLEASE ELABORATE! The response must clearly distinguish between existing functionality and custom development. DESCRIBE IN DETAIL HOW ITEM IS OR WILL BE SATISFIED: ┆
0x46e00…46f00 (70, 0, 14) Sector 460f0d00204841 ┆F HA 1C.1! <6 M1' R!1C.1! "(=> w#6 I! "(=6 *(=#"(=6 IM2&! w"2< hMI sM & E 0= u M% :^=~ Bl1{M40sI:^=~ J 1!"<6;!#<6 !&<6 ! "$<! <6 {M;(s! 9"c=! "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 ! "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC I! <6 ! "(= <q#p!"<6 !#<6 ! "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7 ┆
0x46f00…47000 (70, 0, 15) Sector 4600ff00204841 ┆F HA 1 RESPONSES TO AIR CANADA REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT REFERENCE : R 3.1 REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION: Status Awareness - Network Monitor I┆
0x47000…47100 (71, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(71,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41203241}, f00=»2032A «, f01=»Air Canada Proposal «, f02=» «, f03=» «, f04=»Doc. III, Chapter 9 «, f05=16-04-82 15:00, f06=» 3 «, f07=»27 «, f08=» 10317 «, f09=23-04-82 16:02, f10=» «, f11=»16 «, f12=» 59 «, f13=22-04-82 14:08, f14=26-04-82 22:24, f15=»0158A «, f16=» 62 «, f17=» 5 «, f18=»35 «, f19=» 1136 «, f20=» 13482 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110052710110480aaca15050000000000000042032901df}
0x47100…47200 (71, 0, 1) Sector 47023e00203241 ┆G > 2A G G E E D D D C C C B B B A A @ @ ? ? ? > > > > = = = < < < ; ; ; : : 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 rer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / ttet / / Oprettet / / ttet / / et / / ┆
0x47200…47300 (71, 0, 2) Sector 4703fb00203241 ┆G { 2A 1 CHAPTER 9 Page # DOCUMENT III TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Apr. 29, 1982 .=M2┆
0x47300…47400 (71, 0, 3) Sector 4704ff00203241 ┆G 2A 1 LIST OF CONTENTS Page 9. SUPPORT 3 9.1 Introduction 3 9.2 Maintenance and Technical Support 5 9.2.1 Requirements Analysis 5 9.2.2 Maintenance┆
0x47400…47500 (71, 0, 4) Sector 4705ff00203241 ┆G 2A Planning 6 Maintenance Plan 6 Maintenance Documentation 9 Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL) 9 Tools and Test Equipment List 9 9.2.3 Maintenance Activities 12 Preventive Maintenance 12 Emergenc┆
0x47500…47600 (71, 0, 5) Sector 4706ff00203241 ┆G 2Ay Maintenance 12 Maintenance Effort 13 Personnel Qualification 13 9.2.4 Technical Support 13 Hardware Support 13 Software Support 16 9.3 Training 17 9.3.1 Requirements Analysis 17 9.3.2 Training Planning 18 9.3.2.┆
0x47600…47700 (71, 0, 6) Sector 4707ff00203241 ┆G 2A1 Management and Organization 18 Training Plan 18 Course Overview 18 Development of Courses 25 9.3.3 Training Activities 26 Training Techniques 27 Training Material 28 Training Support for Sub-con┆
0x47700…47800 (71, 0, 7) Sector 4500ff00203241 ┆E 2Atractor (CNCP) 28 Copyright 28 Optional Training 29 9.4 Installation 30 9.4.1 Requirement Analysis 30 9.4.2 Installation Planning 31 Site Surveys 31 Transportation and Installation Plan 32 Site Preparation┆
0x47800…47900 (71, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(71,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41203641}, f00=»2036A «, f01=»AIR CANADA PROPOSAL «, f02=»pc «, f03=»JSL/JRV «, f04=»Chap. 4.5 - 4.15 «, f05=19-04-82 10:25, f06=» 1 «, f07=»01 «, f08=» 8077 «, f09=25-04-82 18:56, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 12 «, f13=25-04-82 15:17, f14=26-04-82 22:25, f15=»0158A «, f16=» 66 «, f17=» 21 «, f18=»42 «, f19=» 1608 «, f20=»104852 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=400000000110056610110180aaca1505000000000000004203a001df}
0x47900…47a00 (71, 0, 9) Sector 470a4200203641 ┆G B 6A G G 2 0 0 0 / / . . . - - , , , + + * * * ) ) ) ( ( ' ' & & & % % % $ $ $ # # " " ! ! FCFGFM DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Op: vn: Op: ┆
0x47a00…47b00 (71, 0, 10) Sector 470bfb00203641 ┆G { 6A 1 CHAPTER 4 Page # DOCUMENT III TECHNICAL PROPOSAL Apr. 29, 1982 .=M2┆
0x47b00…47c00 (71, 0, 11) Sector 470cff00203641 ┆G 6A 1 LIST OF CONTENTS Page 4.5 Security System.............................. 4.5.1 General Security Aspects..................... 4.5.2 Distribution of Security...........┆
0x47c00…47d00 (71, 0, 12) Sector 470dff00203641 ┆G 6A.......... 4.5.3 Sign-On Security System Procedure............ 4.5.4 Mainframe Access Services.................... 4.5.5 Test System Access........................... 4.5.6 Network Integrity............................ 4.6 ┆
0x47d00…47e00 (71, 0, 13) Sector 470eff00203641 ┆G 6AOperations Command Summary................... 4.6.1 Local Initialization Subsystem Commands...... 4.7 Network Management........................... 4.8 Network Control and Supervision.............. 4.8.1 Network Control Interfa┆
0x47e00…47f00 (71, 0, 14) Sector 470fff00203641 ┆G 6Aces and Operations.... 4.8.2 NCC Operator positions....................... 4.8.3 Distribution of Network Control.............. 4.8.4 Operator Categories.......................... 4.8.5 Network Control Command and Functions.......┆
0x47f00…48000 (71, 0, 15) Sector 3208ff00203641 ┆2 6A. Network Definition........................... Network Initialization....................... Transport System Control..................... Link Management.............................. 4.8.┆
0x48000…48100 (72, 0, 0) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆