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0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 8 7 Q? > 7 N d N N ~<) 0u &4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' J X% % PO P ; 6 Al C h x h V W O B :l l 3687A h G | {C < ; 7 ;s b b w ^ 8 9 : @U C l l l l ┆
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0x10500…10600 (16, 0, 5) Sector 0000a400360641 ┆ $ 6 A- 6 - 35 0 - 302 - 562 4 L[N 0 -1.416 - 521 - 1.727 - 180 - 3.015 - 6.859 BRUTTO 0 - 611 + 6.693 + 1.871 + 4 +29.682 + 37.639 en har endnu ikke produceret et regnskab, der inkluderer april m>ned, men regnskabstal for ┆
0x10600…10700 (16, 0, 6) Sector 1007ff00360641 ┆ 6 A35 - 283 -19.734 -2.041 -2.122 -87.820 -112.435 B I L A G 1b Budget AFD. AFD. AFD. AFD. AFD. AFD. SD 1. kvt. 30 31 32 33 35 36 TOTAL 1.000 kr. 1 SALG 0 +1.112 + 8.551 + 1.063 + 455 +47.814 + 58.995 2 DPO 0 - ┆
0x10700…10800 (16, 0, 7) Sector 09004300360641 ┆ C 6 A 88 - 1.331 + 2.570 - 271 -14.815 - 13.935 3 AO 0 - 219 e to support us. I am ready to forward new prices based on the 1980 pricelist. kind regards, christian rovsing a/s kurt nybroe-nielsen ┆
0x10800…10900 (16, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x10f00…11000 (16, 0, 15) Sector 1000ff00360641 ┆ 6 Amaj. Differencen vil ikke kunne faktureres, da kontrakterne ikke er kommet hjem som budgetteret. 3. SALG - conv. (se bilag 2c) Sammenligning mellem budget og faktura viser, at 2,7 mill. kr. mangler i fakturering inden 1. maj. Arbejdet er udf]rt┆
0x11000…11100 (17, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
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0x1cf00…1d000 (28, 0, 15) Sector 1c00ff00360841 ┆ 6 A 1 AGREEMENT SD/CAMPS - PD/PDI 830421 UPGRADE OF CAMPS LTUs 1 1 CAMPS hereby orders PDI to retrofit the follow┆
0x1d000…1d100 (29, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x1d700…1d800 (29, 0, 7) Sector 1c088d00360841 ┆ 6 Aantallet af arbejdstimer for den enkelte medarbejder i perioden fra 1/6-1983 til 30/9-1983. E er 2,0 for E1'ere of 1,0 for E2'ere ┆
0x1d800…1d900 (29, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
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0x20100…20200 (32, 0, 1) Sector 20020600360941 ┆ 6 A DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / : : : : ┆
0x20200…20300 (32, 0, 2) Sector 20038a00360941 ┆ 6 A 1 BHB/830511 # MINUTES OF MEETING NO. 33 CAMPS -!/=6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x20300…20400 (32, 0, 3) Sector 2004ff00360941 ┆ 6 A 1 1 SHAPE/CR 83-05-11 33. CR A/S Minutes of Meeting FAT sites 8 + 14 Between SHAPE and ┆
0x20400…20500 (32, 0, 4) Sector 2005ff00360941 ┆ 6 A CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S 11th May 1983 SHAPE Mr. E. Bentley K. Nybroe-Nielsen Jan Holm Bjarne Berthold Gert Jensen HMAK: Erik Villadsen (QA) Mr. T. [strup Ib Johansen Carsten Villadsen 1 ┆
0x20500…20600 (32, 0, 5) Sector 2006ff00360941 ┆ 6 A Ref a) CPS/TPR/037 FAT Spec + Procedure for Site 8 b) CPS/TPR/036 FAT Spec + Procedure for Site 14 c) CPS/AUX/061 FAT Spec + Procedure for Resync Module 1. The FAT of the subject sites┆
0x20600…20700 (32, 0, 6) Sector 2007ff00360941 ┆ 6 A was conducted using ref a) for site 8 and ref b) for site 14. Ref c) was used to test the resync module. The FAT for both sites was completed. 2. FAT Site 8 had the following discrepancies or defects. Discrepancies: -------------- a) LTU┆
0x20700…20800 (32, 0, 7) Sector 1f08ff00360941 ┆ 6 AX-s marked with wrong part No. Action: Corrected b) 4 channel adapter, S/N 107, failed Action: CR to report reason for failure with test report submittal. c) Intermittant boot error Action: CR to report cause and solution to proble┆
0x20800…20900 (32, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
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0x39900…39a00 (57, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x3a000…3a100 (58, 0, 0) Sector 3a01ff00001720 ┆: 1 (a) (-RETUR-)(-FORMAT-)(-VENSTRE-)0(-JA-)(-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Skriv overskrift(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-RETUR-)(-OP-)(-KOPIER-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-OP┆
0x3a100…3a200 (58, 0, 1) Sector 3a02f200001720 ┆: r -)(-KOPIER-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-KOPIER-)(-RETUR-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-FORMAT-)(-VENSTRE-)1(-JA-) ┆
0x3a200…3a300 (58, 0, 2) Sector 3a03ff00001720 ┆: 1 (s) (-FORMAT-)(-VENSTRE-)0(-JA-) (-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Skriv understreg(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-RETUR-)(-OP-)(-KOPIER-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-JA-)(-JA-)(-OP-)(-KOP┆
0x3a300…3a400 (58, 0, 3) Sector 3a04fd00001720 ┆: } IER-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-KOPIER-)(-RETUR-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-JA-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-NED-)(-FORMAT-)(-VENSTRE-)1(-JA-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-) ┆
0x3a400…3a500 (58, 0, 4) Sector 00008300001720 ┆ 1 (x) (-JA-)(-JA-)(-INSTRUKS-)Biblioteksnr.(-JA-) (Hvilket m]de? 1 (Skriv dato 1 (Skriv MOM Nr. 1 (Place of Meeting 1 (Subject 1 (Ekste┆
0x3a500…3a600 (58, 0, 5) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x3a800…3a900 (58, 0, 8) Sector 3a09ff00001720 ┆: 1 (u) (-KOMMANDO-)(-NOTAT-)(-KOPIER-)(-INSTRUKS-)Understreg hvilket?(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-ANNULLER-)(-H[JRE-)(-S@T-IND-)(-SIDE-)(-JA-)(-G<-TIL-SIDE-)(-NOTAT-)(-BIBL-)d(-SLET-)(-JA-)(-F┆
0x3a900…3aa00 (58, 0, 9) Sector 3a0a2500001720 ┆: % EJL-)Tekst understreget(-JA-) IM?. MD ! m":="<=!;=4!A=6A:g= RK4Cg4:^=~ BV4C75:g=~ Bf4 ZMo Ck4 KMo Mj ~ B 4:g=~ J 4Cq5M")IMy,M1' R 4 'M, CV4:g=~ Bg4M73~ B)4Cq5! ="(=*(=N#FMC 2.=M ':>=V V u:A=!>= AH1 R^4 ]M, C 4:>=2A=Ms!:g=~ Jr4Mj2:g=~ B}4C75! ┆
0x3aa00…3ab00 (58, 0, 10) Sector 3a0b8400001720 ┆: 1 (d) (-UNDERSTREG-)(-HVIS-)(-SIDE-)(-STOP-BIBL-)(-SLUT-) IC$3I > S C_* ┆
0x3ab00…3ac00 (58, 0, 11) Sector 3a0cff00001720 ┆: 1 (m) (-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-) (-FORMAT-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-JA-)(-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Hvilket m]de?┆
0x3ac00…3ad00 (58, 0, 12) Sector 3a0dff00001720 ┆: (-JA-)(-N-TASTER-) (-RETUR-)(-INDRYK-)(-INDRYK-)(-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Skriv dato(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Skriv MOM Nr.(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Place of Meeting(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-INDRYK-)(-IN┆
0x3ad00…3ae00 (58, 0, 13) Sector 3a0eff00001720 ┆: DRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Subject(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-RETUR-) (-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Eksterne deltagere?(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-INDRYK-)(-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Deltagere fra CR(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-INDRYK-)(-INDRYK-)(-INSTRUKS-)Kop┆
0x3ae00…3af00 (58, 0, 14) Sector 3a0f6700001720 ┆: g i til(-JA-)(-N-TASTER-)(-RETUR-)(-INSTRUKS-)(-JA-) (-FEJL-) Slut tryk glf for format, l 24(-JA-) 07 83 13 36 1 27 1486 19 07 83 11 20 0316A 8 1 27 52 1486 F' ! *J 8 _┆
0x3af00…3b000 (58, 0, 15) Sector 3a00ed00001720 ┆: m 1 (f) (-FORMAT-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-TAB-) (-RETUR-)(-JA-) (-FEJL-)S> skrives teksten(-JA-) ┆
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0x3b200…3b300 (59, 0, 2) Sector 3b03ff00001720 ┆; 1 ┆
0x3b300…3b400 (59, 0, 3) Sector 3b04ff00001720 ┆; 1 :. Q. ^. X. . / . P/ ┆
0x3b400…3b500 (59, 0, 4) Sector 3b05ff00001720 ┆; p 3867A 0 u (Understreg hvilket? 1 d )Tekst understreget d @ 9 m (Hvilket m]de? 1 (Skriv dato 1 (Skriv MOM Nr. 1 (Place of Meeting 1 (Subject 1 (Ekste┆
0x3b500…3b600 (59, 0, 5) Sector 3b06ff00001720 ┆; rne deltagere? 1 (Deltagere fra CR 1 (Kopi til 1 ( )Slut tryk glf for format, l 24 f )S> skrives teksten a 0 (Skriv overskrift 1 1 ┆
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0x3b700…3b800 (59, 0, 7) Sector 3a08a200001720 ┆: " 1 (p) (-SUPER-KOPI-) 3867A (-S[G-)(-1-TAST-)(-ANNULLER-)(-JA-) (-RETUR-)(-RETUR-)(-JA-) M% :8=F 28=I!#<:"<>R<2> I E*#<& "< DM L<M% :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
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0x3b900…3ba00 (59, 0, 9) Sector 3b0a5500383141 ┆; U 81A ; ; . . - - - - - , , , , + + + + + * * * * * ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ' ' ' ' & & & & & % % % % % % % % % % % % % % $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ # # # # # # # # " " " " ! ! ! ┆
0x3ba00…3bb00 (59, 0, 10) Sector 3b0b9500383141 ┆; 81A 1 CPS/USM/002 FNJ/830629 STIMULATOR USER'S MANUAL CAMPS !<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3bb00…3bc00 (59, 0, 11) Sector 3b0cff00383141 ┆; 81A 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 GENERAL ........................................ 1 ┆
0x3bc00…3bd00 (59, 0, 12) Sector 3b0dff00383141 ┆; 81A2 ENVIRONMENT .................................... 2 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ......................... 5 4 STIMULATOR COMMANDS ............................ 6 4.1 TEST COMMANDS .............................. 7 4.1.1 SEND ......┆
0x3bd00…3be00 (59, 0, 13) Sector 3b0eff00383141 ┆; 81A............................. 7 4.1.2 VERIFY ................................. 7 4.1.3 CREATE ................................. 7 4.1.4 DISMANTLE .............................. 7 4.1.5 RECEIVE ................................┆
0x3be00…3bf00 (59, 0, 14) Sector 3b0fff00383141 ┆; 81A 8 4.1.6 PRINT .................................. 8 4.1.7 SENDSE ................................. 8 4.1.8 AWAITSE ................................ 8 4.1.9 SENDREQ ................................ 9 4.1.10 SENDREPLY ...┆
0x3bf00…3c000 (59, 0, 15) Sector 2e08ff00383141 ┆. 81A......................... 9 4.1.11 RESERVE .............................. 9 4.1.12 DUMP ................................. 9 4.1.13 SAVE ................................. 10 4.1.14 WAIT ................................. 10 ┆
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0x3c500…3c600 (60, 0, 5) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
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0x3d900…3da00 (61, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆