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⟦74592f894⟧ Bits:30006167 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0226A, 8" Floppy Disk

    Length: 315392 (0x4d000)
    Description: Bits:30006167 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0226A
    Types: 8" Floppy Disk


name artifact - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2668A CPS/INM/001 (I) ktd HAU INSTAL.MAN. (Site 1) 19-08-82 10:06 5 01 16711 15-12-83 09:38 01 47 17-10-83 13:39 15-12-83 13:10 0226A 45 25 44 524 58677 2668A ⟦56315ddc9⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/INM/001 (I)
2738A CPS/INM/001 (II) bel/ktd HAU INSTAL.MAN.(Site 01) 08-09-82 13:30 19 378 05-09-83 09:42 04 71 05-08-83 10:24 15-12-83 13:11 0226A 81 14 18 1036 17038 p 2738A ⟦3d87ca900⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/INM/001 (II)
2867A CPS/AUX/026 ktd HAU Inst. Proc. (Site 1) 05-10-82 16:23 27 730 18-03-83 11:52 02 214 21-12-82 14:18 18-03-83 11:54 0226A 100 8 30 1472 15635 @ 2867A ⟦88acf8d0f⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/AUX/026
~ORPHAN02.02 ⟦d56fb5034⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN02.04 ⟦f63e5c610⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN05.06 ⟦b0982ae38⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN05.07 ⟦e197a2e89⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
2738A CPS/INM/001 (II) bel/ktd HAU INSTAL.MAN.(Site 01) 08-09-82 13:30 19 378 15-12-82 10:30 16 413 17-12-82 09:27 17-12-82 11:22 0226A 79 7 57 1004 8114 @ ~ORPHAN65.00 ⟦d7cf50a8a⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
2867A CPS/AUX/026 ktd HAU Inst. Proc. (Site 1) 05-10-82 16:23 27 730 17-12-82 10:37 02 63 17-12-82 10:40 17-12-82 15:18 0226A 100 8 16 1672 15195 ~ORPHAN69.08 ⟦a3405bb73⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
2868A CPS/AUX/026 (fra sec. ??? ktd HAU Inst. Proc. (Site 1) 05-10-82 16:25 01 97 - - : - - : 06-10-82 08:12 0226A 56 01 600 97 ~ORPHAN70.00 ⟦2bda8da04⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
1473A INSTALL. PROC. (MASTER) KTD (Sec 1-5.8) KM CPS/AUX/ Site 1-16 27-11-81 10:17 4 09 20503 04-10-82 14:06 00 42 04-10-82 14:07 05-10-82 08:48 0226A 76 57 27 1164 159602 ~ORPHAN71.08 ⟦845a23372⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
2738A INSTALLATION MANUAL (II) bel/ktd HAU CPS/INM/001(Site 01) 08-09-82 13:30 19 378 09-09-82 12:39 2 07 1420 13-09-82 15:18 13-09-82 16:44 0226A 74 2 26 1256 1798 ~ORPHAN75.08 ⟦2b4145850⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked

Disk picture

  Document Body
  Document Head
  Marked Free
  Content List


0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0)   Sector 02264130323236 ┆ &A0226A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ┆
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0x00312…00320             28 68 41 46 00 40 27 38 41 4b 08 00 27 34   ┆(hAF @'8AK  '4┆
0x00320…00340             41 3f 00 00 27 34 41 3f 00 00 27 34 41 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ┆A?  '4A?  '4A?                  ┆
0x00340…00360             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ┆                                ┆
0x003e0…00400             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12   ┆                                ┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5)   Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1                                                                                                                                                            8  8   7  Q? > 7                                      | W d 0   | X d N ~< v   <+&4'>( 1c5 & &    ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6)   Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A['      v   X%   %  PO P    ;    '8A     C g x g V WR  O B :1   e   w 2738A  g    /H         < {C < { ; 8     b!           bP  b; S A      8 9 :     t   x y      4165A4084A              ) " 0     a                                                     ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
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0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8)   WangDocumentBody
0x02200…02300 (2, 0, 2)   Sector 0203ff00266841 ┆    &hA.11  3 TEST SET 921-T NU DATA 921-T 5.10 - 5.17  4 OPTICAL MULTIMETER PHONDDYNE 11XE 5.15  5 OSCILLOSCOPE TEKTRONIX 465 B 5.0  6 V24 MONITOR MODULE CR 5.14  7 V2V LOOPBACK ADAPTER CR 5.14  8 LTU LOOPBACK ADAPTER CR 5.14  9 LTUX-S LOOPBACK ADAPTER CR┆
0x02300…02400 (2, 0, 3)   Sector 0000b000266841 ┆  0 &hA 5.14 10 LIA-N LOOPBACK ADAPTER CR 5.14                                                                                                        TABLE 3.2  TEST EQUIPMENT. HEAT DISSIPATION AND AIR FLOW  - 1.0 Hz    The disc drives will be supplied via┆
0x02400…02500 (2, 0, 4)   Sector 0205ff00266841 ┆    &hA       REF. INSTALL. ITEM  DESCRIPTION                                         PARA.           1                                                                         1 CABLE KNIFE WEIDMULLER AM. 1 4.11.2  2 CABLE HAND-STRIPPER EXELITE # 100/101-S┆
0x02500…02600 (2, 0, 5)   Sector 0206ff00266841 ┆    &hA 4.11.2  3 KEVLAR SCISSORS EROP 24 4.11.2  4 T-STRIPPER IDEAL 45 . 125(YELLOW) 4.11.2  5 HOT COIL/TRAFO ITT 4.11.2  6 FISH LINE  4.11.2  7 FERULE CRIMPING TOOL METRIC/AMPHENOL 4.11.2  8 FIBRE CLEAVER ITT SAPHIRE BLADE 4.11.2  9 SNAPPING TOOL METRIC/┆
0x02600…02700 (2, 0, 6)   Sector 0207ff00266841 ┆    &hAVERSITRON(58-59) 4.11.2 10 MICROSCOPE STRUERS/A23140 4.11.2 11 POLISHING FIXTURE METRIC/OFTI NR. 1 4.11.2 12 POLISHING FIXTURE METRIC/OFTI NR. 2 4.11.2 13 HEAT-GUN MASTERMITE 4.11.2 14 CRIMPING TOOL STOCKO W248 4.3 15 WRENCH 130mm BACHO  4.2 16 WREN┆
0x02700…02800 (2, 0, 7)   Sector 0108ff00266841 ┆    &hACH 150mm BACHO 4.2 17 PIPE WRENCH 150mm BACHO 4.2 18 DRILLING MACHINE BACHO 4.2 19 HIGH SPEED DRILLS SET 3-16mm 4.2 20 STANDARD HOLE SAW 48mm STARRETT 4.2/4.3 21 STANDARD HOLE SAW 76mm STARRETT 4.2/4.3 22 STANDARD HOLE SAW 29mm STARRETT 4.2/4.3     ┆
0x02800…02900 (2, 0, 8)   WangDocumentBody
0x05600…05700 (5, 0, 6)   Sector 0000e400273841 ┆  d '8A    LIST OF FIGURES    LIST OF DRAWINGS    ABBREVIATIONS    REFERENCES      1.  INTRODUCTION    2.  CAMPS EQUIPMENT AREA    3.  USER TERMINALS AND CABLING    4.  EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS    5.  EQUIPMENT DATA    6.  DRAWINGS  ate must be checked for sup┆
0x05700…05800 (5, 0, 7)   Sector 0100fa00273841 ┆  z '8A 1                                                                   APPENDIX A  AS-BUILT DRAWINGS     This part of the manual gives the site installation procedure for the relvant Site No.    COVER SHEET    REVISION RECORD    TABLE OF CONTENTScontr┆
0x05800…05900 (5, 0, 8)   WangDocumentBody
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(62,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41286741}, f00=»2867A «, f01=»CPS/AUX/026               «, f02=»ktd                  «, f03=»HAU                  «, f04=»Inst. Proc. (Site 1) «, f05=05-10-82 16:23, f06=»     «, f07=»27 «, f08=»   730 «, f09=18-03-83 11:52, f10=»     «, f11=»02 «, f12=»   214 «, f13=21-12-82 14:18, f14=18-03-83 11:54, f15=»0226A «, f16=»100 «, f17=»   8 «, f18=»30 «, f19=» 1472 «, f20=» 15635 «, f21=»  «, f22=» @ «, f99=540093000710052710110490aaca1505000000000000014203d601df}
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0x3f100…3f200 (63, 0, 1)  WangDocumentBody
0x3f800…3f900 (63, 0, 8)  Sector 3f09ff41273841 ┆?  A'8A2738A CPS/INM/001 (II)          bel/ktd              HAU                  INSTAL.MAN.(Site 01) 08 09 82 13 30      19    378 21 06 83 12 44    3 07   5026 22 06 83 09 35 23 06 83 09 52 0226A  81   13 36  1104  16410        c    '    *J         B V _┆
0x3f900…3fa00 (63, 0, 9)  Sector 3f0a5100273841 ┆? Q '8A     ?   ? ? = = < < < < ; ; : : : 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 + * * * * ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ' ' ' ' & & & & & % % % $ $ $ $              STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprerererererererererere┆
0x3fa00…3fb00 (63, 0, 10) Sector 3f0ba500273841 ┆? % '8A 1                                                                   2738A/ktd  CPS/INM/001   HAU/830620  # CAMPS INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR SITE 01  CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3fb00…3fc00 (63, 0, 11) Sector 3f0cff00273841 ┆?   '8A 1                                                                   4  INSTALLATION OF SITE EQUIPMENT    4.1 GENERAL   The following step by step installation procedure contains a detailed instruction set of how to install the CR delivered computer┆
0x3fc00…3fd00 (63, 0, 12) Sector 3f0dff00273841 ┆?   '8A racks, frequency stabilizer, supervisory positions, maintenance position, and user terminals.    The major tasks of the installation sequence are:   4.2  Mechanical rack assembly   4.3  Termination of external power cables and mounting of conduits ┆
0x3fd00…3fe00 (63, 0, 13) Sector 3f0eff00273841 ┆?   '8A  4.4  Installation of external signal cables and mounting of conduits rack C, D, F and G.   4.5  Remounting of racks   4.6  Installation and termination of internal signal cables   4.7  Installation of external signal cables   4.8  Connection of in┆
0x3fe00…3ff00 (63, 0, 14) Sector 3f0ff700273841 ┆? w '8Aternal power cables   4.9  Power up and check out   4.10 Inspection  of status leds   4.11 Installation of Delta VDU   4.12 Installation of Tracor MSP   4.13 Installation of PTP/PTR   4.14 Test of Supp/User Terminals   4.15 Test of PTP/PTR  M &M7   ┆
0x3ff00…40000 (63, 0, 15) Sector 3d00ff00273841 ┆=   '8A 1                                                                   4.16 H/W Test Processor/Line term. units   4.17 Inventory check   Throughout the installation instruction, references are made to the AB-Drawings (Appendix A) and the CAMPS Hardwar┆
0x40000…40100 (64, 0, 0)  Sector 4001ff00273841 ┆@   '8A to their respective installation sites, unpacked and the empties removed.    5.2.3 Removal of Upper Crates and D-Fans   a) To get access for bolting the single racks into 3 bay and 4 bay units, the upper crate in B, C and E must be removed.   b) Di┆
0x40100…40200 (64, 0, 1)  Sector 4002ff00273841 ┆@   '8Asmount all connected front and rear cables.   c) Dismount the power cables on the rear side of the M-fan in rack B and C.    Loosen the 4  6mm front screws and pull out the fan units from the front of the racks.   d) Loosen the 8 (M-crate) and 4 (S-┆
0x40200…40300 (64, 0, 2)  Sector 40036500273841 ┆@ e '8Acrate) 6mm front screws and pull out the crates by the handles from the front of the racks.    AU/821216    CAMPS INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR SITE 01  CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x40300…40400 (64, 0, 3)  Sector 40049a00273841 ┆@   '8A 1                                                                                                              Figure 5.2.2   MOUNTING OF GASKETS  nstallation procedure contains a detailed instruction set of how to install the CR delivered computer┆
0x40400…40500 (64, 0, 4)  Sector 4005ff00273841 ┆@   '8A 1                                                                  5.2.4 Removal of Mains Switches   a) To get access for bolting the rack in the bottom, the mains switches in rack B, C, E, F, and G must be removed.   b) Dismount the power cables a┆
0x40500…40600 (64, 0, 5)  Sector 4006ff00273841 ┆@   '8And the ground wire on the rear side of the mains switches.   c) Loosen the 4  6mm front screws and pull out the mains switches from the front of the racks.    5.2.5 Mounting of Levellers   The 4 levellers are mounted from under the racks two by two,┆
0x40600…40700 (64, 0, 6)  Sector 4007ff00273841 ┆@   '8A by tilting the racks (see AB drawing 115)   The levellers are mounted to a distance of 40 mm between the bottom of the rack and the floor.    5.2.6 Mounting of Gaskets   a) To secure a correct shielding between the racks, gasket strips must be moun┆
0x40700…40800 (64, 0, 7)  Sector 3f08ff00273841 ┆?   '8Ated before boltering the racks into 3 or 4 BAY units. See fig. 5.1. The gaskets, having pressure sensitive tape adhesive, must be applied at room temperature as follows:   b) Clean the mounting surface for old glue, if necessary, with a laquer thinn┆
0x40800…40900 (64, 0, 8)  Sector 4009ff00273841 ┆@   '8AS Hardware Breakdown/Hardware Tree (Doc. CPS/SDS/017).    5.2 MECHANICAL RACK ASSEMBLY    5.2.1 Unpacking of Racks   a) Each of the 7 EMI racks for the main site are separately packed in the original wooden container. The racks should remain packed ┆
0x40900…40a00 (64, 0, 9)  Sector 400aff00273841 ┆@   '8Aduring site internal transportation and only be unpacked close to the installation site, but if the space along the access route is limited, the racks can be unpacked before transportation to the installation site. The racks are unpacked as follows:┆
0x40a00…40b00 (64, 0, 10) Sector 400bff00273841 ┆@   '8A   b) Remove the top cover of the wooden container by demounting the 3 EA 1/4 x 2 1/2" bolts on each side of the container and the 4EA 1/2 - 13 x 2" bolts, one in each top corner (see Figure 5.2.1).   c) The 4 walls of the container are removed by l┆
0x40b00…40c00 (64, 0, 11) Sector 400cdd00273841 ┆@ ] '8Aoosening the 21 EA 1/4 x 2 1/2" bolts on each short side.   d) The rack is bolted to the container bottom in each corner by a 1/2 - 13 x 2 1/2" bolt.   e) These bolts are removed from under the container bottom.     233.   c) External power cable:  ┆
0x40c00…40d00 (64, 0, 12) Sector 400d6600273841 ┆@ f '8A 1                                                                                Figure 5.2.1  r ANNULLER Kun tal Kun mellemrum eller retur Under redigering nu Ukendt dokument Fundet I brug nu Allerede p> systemdiskette                             ┆
0x40d00…40e00 (64, 0, 13) Sector 400eff00273841 ┆@   '8A 1                                                                  5.2.2 Transportation to Installation Site   a) After unpacking, the front and rear door of the racks must be removed. Check that serial numbers in   the racks correspond to the seri┆
0x40e00…40f00 (64, 0, 14) Sector 400fff00273841 ┆@   '8Aal numbers of the   doors.   b) Be careful not to damage the gaskets of the doors.   c) Depending on means of transportation, 4 eyelets can be mounted in the top of the rack in the position of the removed 4 EA 1/2 - 13 x 2" bolts.   d) 6 terminal ta┆
0x40f00…41000 (64, 0, 15) Sector 4000ff00273841 ┆@   '8Ables out of the CR delivered 15 tables are moved into the CAMPS area for the maintenance and supervisor positions.   e) The FREQ Stabilizer and the storage cabinet are moved into the CAMPS area.   f) All terminals (28 VDU and 11 MSP) are distributed┆
0x41000…41100 (65, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(65,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41273841}, f00=»2738A «, f01=»CPS/INM/001 (II)          «, f02=»bel/ktd              «, f03=»HAU                  «, f04=»INSTAL.MAN.(Site 01) «, f05=08-09-82 13:30, f06=»     «, f07=»19 «, f08=»   378 «, f09=15-12-82 10:30, f10=»     «, f11=»16 «, f12=»   413 «, f13=17-12-82 09:27, f14=17-12-82 11:22, f15=»0226A «, f16=» 79 «, f17=»   7 «, f18=»57 «, f19=» 1004 «, f20=»  8114 «, f21=»  «, f22=» @ «, f99=640036000110052710110490aaca15050000000000000042034901df}
0x41100…41200 (65, 0, 1)  Sector 41024f00273841 ┆A O '8A     A   A A @ @ @ @ ? ? ? ? > > > = = = < < < < ; ; ; ; ; : : : 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 + + * * * * ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ' ' ' ' & & & & & % % % % $ $ $            STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprerererererererererererere┆
0x41200…41300 (65, 0, 2)  Sector 4103a500273841 ┆A % '8A 1                                                                   2738A/ktd  CPS/INM/001   HAU/821216    CAMPS INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR SITE 01  CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x41300…41400 (65, 0, 3)  Sector 4104ff00273841 ┆A   '8A 1                                                                   5  INSTALLATION OF SITE EQUIPMENT    5.1 GENERAL   The following step by step installation procedure contains a detailed instruction set of how to install the CR delivered computer┆
0x41400…41500 (65, 0, 4)  Sector 4105ff00273841 ┆A   '8A racks, frequency stabilizer, supervisory positions, maintenance position, and user terminals.    The major tasks of the installation sequence are:   5.2  Mechanical rack assembly   5.3  Termination of external power cables and mounting of conduits ┆
0x41500…41600 (65, 0, 5)  Sector 4106ff00273841 ┆A   '8A  5.4  Installation of external signal cables and mounting of conduits rack C, D, F and G.   5.5  Remounting of racks   5.6  Installation and termination of internal signal cables   5.7  Installation of external signal cables   5.8  Connection of in┆
0x41600…41700 (65, 0, 6)  Sector 4107f700273841 ┆A w '8Aternal power cables   5.9  Power up and check out   5.10 Inspection  of status leds   5.11 Installation of Delta VDU   5.12 Installation of Tracor MSP   5.13 Installation of PTP/PTR   5.14 Test of Supp/User Terminals   5.15 Test of PTP/PTR  M &M7   ┆
0x41700…41800 (65, 0, 7)  Sector 4008ff00273841 ┆@   '8A 1                                                                   5.16 H/W Test Processor/Line term. units   5.17 Inventory check   Throughout the installation instruction, references are made to the AB-Drawings (Doc. PAB/CPS/AB/001) and the CAMP┆
0x41800…41900 (65, 0, 8)  Sector 41091300286741 ┆A   (gA.......  26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ┆
0x41900…41a00 (65, 0, 9)  Sector 410aff00286741 ┆A   (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  iv INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS      1                                                                       5.2.9 Mounting┆
0x41a00…41b00 (65, 0, 10) Sector 410bff00286741 ┆A   (gA of Power Line Filters       Rack A, B and E ......................  27   1                                                                                                                                   5.2.10 Remounting of Upper Crates and D-Fan┆
0x41b00…41c00 (65, 0, 11) Sector 410cff00286741 ┆A   (gAs  27     5.2.11 Remounting of Mains Switches ........  27    1                                                                                                                                  5.3 INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL POWER CABLES     AND MOUNTI┆
0x41c00…41d00 (65, 0, 12) Sector 410dff00286741 ┆A   (gANG OF CONDUITS .................  28     5.3.1 Frequency Stabilizer .................  28     5.3.2 Power Cables Rack A ..................  29     5.3.3 Power Cables Rack B ..................  29     5.3.4 Power Cables Rack E ..................  29 ┆
0x41d00…41e00 (65, 0, 13) Sector 410eff00286741 ┆A   (gA    5.4 INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL SIGNAL CABLES AND     MOUNTING OF CONDUITS AT RACK C, D, AND F .  30     5.4.1 Rack D, Sup./Maint./User Pos. Cables .  30     5.4.2 Rack G NAEW Cables ...................  31     5.4.3 Cable Bunch Rack C to Rack D ..┆
0x41e00…41f00 (65, 0, 14) Sector 410fff00286741 ┆A   (gA.......  32     5.4.4 Rack F (LSM/Other Cables) ............  32     5.5 REMOUNTING OF RACKS ......................  33     5.5.1 Mounting of Disk Drives ..............  33     5.5.2 Mounting of Floppy Disk Station ......  33     5.5.3 Mounting of M┆
0x41f00…42000 (65, 0, 15) Sector 2100ff00286741 ┆!   (gAodules ..................  33     5.6 INSTALLATION AND TERMINATION OF INTERNAL     SIGNAL CABLES ............................  34     5.6.1 Internal Signal Cables ...............  34     5.7 TERMINATION OF EXTERNAL SIGNAL CABLES ....  57    5.8 CONN┆
0x42000…42100 (66, 0, 0)  Sector 4201ff00286741 ┆B   (gA                                                                      TITLE PAGE  ....................................    i  REVISION RECORD ................................   ii  TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................  iii  ABBREVIATIONS ┆
0x42100…42200 (66, 0, 1)  Sector 4202ff00286741 ┆B   (gA..................................   vi   1 INTRODUCTION .................................   1    1.1 SCOPE ....................................   1    1.2 DOCUMENT FORMAT ..........................   1    1.3 REFERENCES ............................┆
0x42200…42300 (66, 0, 2)  Sector 4203ff00286741 ┆B   (gA...   2    2 INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS ....................   3    2.1 SHIPMENT OF EQUIPMENT ....................   3     2.1.1 Disassembly and Packing ..............   3     2.1.2 Transportation to Site ...............   6     2.1.3 Receipt of Equi┆
0x42300…42400 (66, 0, 3)  Sector 4204ff00286741 ┆B   (gApment at Site .........   7 Receipt ..........................   7 Incoming Inventory/Inspection ....   8 Distribution of Equipment ........   8    2.2 PREPARATION OF INSTALLATION AT SITE ......   9     2.2.1 Pre┆
0x42400…42500 (66, 0, 4)  Sector 4205ff00286741 ┆B   (gAparations by CR ...................   9     2.2.2 Preparations by Site .................  10    2.3 INSTALLATION OPERATIONS ..................  10   3 INSTRUCTIONS TO SITE .........................  15    3.1 TRANSPORTATION TO INSTALLATION SITE ....┆
0x42500…42600 (66, 0, 5)  Sector 4206ff00286741 ┆B   (gA..  15    3.2 INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS AND SUPPORT ....  15    3.3 SHIPMENT CONTAINERS ......................  17    4 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT .....................  17    5 INSTALLATION OF MAIN SITE EQUIPMENT ..........  20    5.1 GENERAL .......┆
0x42600…42700 (66, 0, 6)  Sector 4207ff00286741 ┆B   (gA...........................  20    5.2 MECHANICAL RACK ASSEMBLY .................  21     5.2.1 Unpacking of Racks ...................  21     5.2.2 Transportation ot Installatioan Site .  23     5.2.3 Removal of Upper Crates and D-Fans ...  23     ┆
0x42700…42800 (66, 0, 7)  Sector 4108ff00286741 ┆A   (gA5.2.4 Removal of Mains Switches ............  25     5.2.5 Mounting of Levellers ................  25     5.2.6 Mounting of Gaskets ..................  25     5.2.7 Levelling and Bolting of Racks .......  26     5.2.8 Inspection/Repair of Gaskets ..┆
0x42800…42900 (66, 0, 8)  Sector 4209ff41286741 ┆B  A(gA2867A CPS/AUX/026               ktd                  HAU                  Inst. Proc. (Site 1) 05 10 82 16 23      27    730 21 12 82 14 17      00      6 21 12 82 14 18 22 12 82 08 11 0226A 100    8 28  1480  15421    @ T      '    *J         B V _┆
0x42900…42a00 (66, 0, 9)  Sector 420a6400286741 ┆B d (gAT    B   B B B A !                                                                                                                                                                                               D ANSLAG  Oprettet  / / / / / / / / / / ┆
0x42a00…42b00 (66, 0, 10) Sector 420ba800286741 ┆B ( (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A CPS/AUX/026   HAU/811115  # INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS        )M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x42b00…42c00 (66, 0, 11) Sector 420cff00286741 ┆B   (gA 1                                                                        CAMPS    INSTALLATION PROCEDURES    SITE 01        CPS/AUX/026                  Hans Haureberg        Gert Jensen           SHAPE (4), GJ, OE, KM, HAU (2), BHB, IJO, NPP,    C┆
0x42c00…42d00 (66, 0, 12) Sector 420d6400286741 ┆B d (gAonf. Mgmt., QA, PAB                        Install. Mgr.    821115    Issue 2         821115  <6 M)(:^=~ Bt/I:\=2#<C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'!  "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~  R;/!/=6nM (*(=~   RM/!/=6iM (*(=~    R`/!/=6WM (*(=~     Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~      R ┆
0x42d00…42e00 (66, 0, 13) Sector 420eff00286741 ┆B   (gA 1                                                                      2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  ii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS           1                                                                            82111┆
0x42e00…42f00 (66, 0, 14) Sector 420f3700286741 ┆B 7 (gA5                  All      Issue 1 of Document  =#"(=6 IM2&! w"2< hMI sM &  E 0= u M% :^=~ Bl1{M40sI:^=~ J 1!"<6;!#<6 !&<6 !  "$<! <6 {M;(s!  9"c=!  "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 !  "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC  I! <6 !  "(=  <q#p!"<6 !#<6 !  "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7   ┆
0x42f00…43000 (66, 0, 15) Sector 4200ff00286741 ┆B   (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  iii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS        TABLE OF CONTENTS      1                                                           ┆
0x43000…43100 (67, 0, 0)  Sector 4301ff00286741 ┆C   (gA 1                                                                   1  INTRODUCTION    1.1 SCOPE   This document describes how CR will perform the installation of the CAMPS equipment and gives instructions to site concerning receipt of equipment an┆
0x43100…43200 (67, 0, 1)  Sector 4302ff00286741 ┆C   (gAd arrrangements to be made by the site concerning CR's presence during installation    1.2 DOCUMENT FORMAT   a) The document is structured in the following sections:    - Section 1: Introduction   - Section 2: Installation Preparations   - Section 3┆
0x43200…43300 (67, 0, 2)  Sector 4303ff00286741 ┆C   (gA: Instruction to Site   - Section 4: Installation Tools and Test               Equipment   - Section 5: Installation of Main Site Equipment   b) Section 2 provides a short description of how the equipment is packed and indicates to the site the size┆
0x43300…43400 (67, 0, 3)  Sector 4304ff00286741 ┆C   (gA of arriving shipment in form of quantity, size, and weight of containers in the shipment. A description of the preparations to be made by CR and the Site is also provided in this section.   c) Section 3 contains the instructions to Site concerning ┆
0x43400…43500 (67, 0, 4)  Sector 43056c00286741 ┆C l (gAthe coming installation.   d) Section 4 lists the tools and test equipment used during installation.  STALLATION OPERATIONS ..................  10   3 INSTRUCTIONS TO SITE .........................  15    3.1 TRANSPORTATION TO INSTALLATION SITE ....┆
0x43500…43600 (67, 0, 5)  Sector 4306ff00286741 ┆C   (gA 1                                                                   e) Section 5 contains a step-by-step instruction of how to install and interconnect the CAMPS major assemblies with reference to the As-To-Be-Built drawings. Procedures for power u┆
0x43600…43700 (67, 0, 6)  Sector 4307ff00286741 ┆C   (gAp and installation check-out are included. Section 5 will be updated after installation has been accomplished and incorporated in the installation manual to be delivered after provisional site acceptance.    1.3 REFERENCES   1. CAMPS Hardware Assemb┆
0x43700…43800 (67, 0, 7)  Sector 4208ff00286741 ┆B   (gAly   Breakdown/Hardware Tree   Doc. No. CPS/SDS/017   2. CAMPS Site Level Maintenance Manual   Doc. No. CPS/TCM/005   3. Inventory List   Doc. No. TBD   4. OPTO-Cable Termination Procedure   Doc. No. CPS/TCN/029   5. Site Survey Procedure and Checkl┆
0x43800…43900 (67, 0, 8)  Sector 4309ff00286741 ┆C   (gA........  89     5.12.2 Termination of Opto Cables ..........  89     5.13 INSTALLATION OF PTP/PTR .................  90     5.14 TEST OF SUP/USER TERMINALS ..............  90     5.14.1 Test of Delta VDU ...................  90     5.14.2 Operation┆
0x43900…43a00 (67, 0, 9)  Sector 430aff00286741 ┆C   (gAal Test ....................  91     5.14.3 Test of Tracor MSP ..................  92     5.14.4 Operational Test ....................  92     5.15 TEST OF PTP/PTR .........................  92     5.16 H/W TEST PROCESSOR/LINE TERM. UNITS .....  93 ┆
0x43a00…43b00 (67, 0, 10) Sector 430ba900286741 ┆C ) (gA    5.16.1 PU #1(CU/TDX #2 Functional Test .....  93     5.16.2 Watchdog Processor Functional Test ..  93     5.17 INVENTORY CHECK .........................  93                                              5.2.10 Remounting of Upper Crates and D-Fan┆
0x43b00…43c00 (67, 0, 11) Sector 430cff00286741 ┆C   (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  vi INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS       1                                                                    ABBREVIATIONS   ┆
0x43c00…43d00 (67, 0, 12) Sector 430dff00286741 ┆C   (gA  ABBREVIATIONS:   ATBB  As To Be Built  BPJF  Black Patch Jack Field  CAMPS  Computer Aided Message Processing System  CR  Christian Rovsing A/S  DIAG  Diagram   Doc  Document  DWG  Drawing  EMI  Electromagnetic Interference  H/W  Hardware  IDF  In┆
0x43d00…43e00 (67, 0, 13) Sector 430eff00286741 ┆C   (gAtermediate Distribution Frame  ILLUS  Illustrations  J-Box  Junction Box  LED  Light Emitting Diode  LIA-N  Line Interface Adapte  LSM  Low Speed Medium  LTU  Line Termination Unit  LTUX-S  Line Termination Unit/TDX Bus  L/L ADP  Low Level Adapter  ┆
0x43e00…43f00 (67, 0, 14) Sector 430fff00286741 ┆C   (gAMMD  Mini Module Drive  MSP  Medium Speed Printer  M&D  Maintenance and Diagnostic  PDB  Power Distribution Board  PDP  Power Distribution Panel  PLF  Power Line Filter  PTP  Paper Tape Puncher  PTR  Paper Tape Reader  STAT.MUX Statistical Multiplex┆
0x43f00…44000 (67, 0, 15) Sector 4300bb00286741 ┆C ; (gAer  Sup.Term. Supervisor Terminal  TARE   Telegraph Automatic Relay Equipment  TDX  Telecommunication Data Exchange  VDU  Visual Display Unit  W-NUMBER Cable Identification Number  4     5.7 TERMINATION OF EXTERNAL SIGNAL CABLES ....  57    5.8 CONN┆
0x44000…44100 (68, 0, 0)  Sector 4401ff00286741 ┆D   (gAECTION OF INTERNAL POWER CABLES ......  65    5.9 POWER UP AND CHECK OUT ...................  73     5.9.1 Groundings ...........................  73     5.9.2 CAMPS PDB ............................  73     5.9.3 Frequency Stabilizers and Disk Drive┆
0x44100…44200 (68, 0, 1)  Sector 4402ff00286741 ┆D   (gAs.  74     5.9.4 Mains Switch Rack A Switch 2 .........  75     5.9.5 Mains Switch Rack B Switch 2 .........  77     5.9.6 Mains Switch Rack B Switch 1 .........  77     5.9.7 Mains Switch Rack C Switch 2 .........  78     5.9.8 Mains Switch Rack D ┆
0x44200…44300 (68, 0, 2)  Sector 4403ff00286741 ┆D   (gASwitch 1 .........  79     5.9.9 Mains Switch Rack E Switch 2 .........  79   1                                                                                                                                   5.9.10 Mains Switch Rack E Switch 1 ...┆
0x44300…44400 (68, 0, 3)  Sector 4404ff00286741 ┆D   (gA.....  80     5.9.11 Mains Switch Rack G Switch 1 ........  80     5.9.12 Mains Switch Rack D Switch 2 ........  80     5.9.13 Mains Switch Rack F Switch 2 ........  80     5.9.14 Turn On .............................  81     5.9.15 Verify Supply Vo┆
0x44400…44500 (68, 0, 4)  Sector 44055700286741 ┆D W (gAltage on PU Crates ..  81     5.9.16 Verify Supply Voltage on CU Crate ...  81   .......  10    2.3 INSTALLATION OPERATIONS ..................  10   3 INSTRUCTIONS TO SITE .........................  15    3.1 TRANSPORTATION TO INSTALLATION SITE ....┆
0x44500…44600 (68, 0, 5)  Sector 4406ff00286741 ┆D   (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  v INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS      1                                                                      5.10 INSPECTION ┆
0x44600…44700 (68, 0, 6)  Sector 4407ff00286741 ┆D   (gAOF SWITCH SETTINGS AND STATUS      LEDS .....................................  81     5.10.1 Switch Settings .....................  82     5.10.2 Led Indicators ......................  82     5.11 INSTALLATION OF DELTA VDU ................  87     5┆
0x44700…44800 (68, 0, 7)  Sector 4308ff00286741 ┆C   (gA.11.1 Power Plug Connections ..............  87     5.11.2 Termination of Opto Cables ..........  87     5.11.3 Mounting of Keyboard and Keys .......  88     5.12 INSTALLATION OF TRACOR MSP ..............  89     5.12.1 Power Plug Connections ......┆
0x44800…44900 (68, 0, 8)  Sector 44091300286741 ┆D   (gA.......  26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ┆
0x44900…44a00 (68, 0, 9)  Sector 440aff00286741 ┆D   (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  iv INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS      1                                                                       5.2.9 Mounting┆
0x44a00…44b00 (68, 0, 10) Sector 440bff00286741 ┆D   (gA of Power Line Filters       Rack A, B and E ......................  27   1                                                                                                                                   5.2.10 Remounting of Upper Crates and D-Fan┆
0x44b00…44c00 (68, 0, 11) Sector 440cff00286741 ┆D   (gAs  27     5.2.11 Remounting of Mains Switches ........  27    1                                                                                                                                  5.3 INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL POWER CABLES     AND MOUNTI┆
0x44c00…44d00 (68, 0, 12) Sector 440dff00286741 ┆D   (gANG OF CONDUITS .................  28     5.3.1 Frequency Stabilizer .................  28     5.3.2 Power Cables Rack A ..................  29     5.3.3 Power Cables Rack B ..................  29     5.3.4 Power Cables Rack E ..................  29 ┆
0x44d00…44e00 (68, 0, 13) Sector 440eff00286741 ┆D   (gA    5.4 INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL SIGNAL CABLES AND     MOUNTING OF CONDUITS AT RACK C, D, AND F .  30     5.4.1 Rack D, Sup./Maint./User Pos. Cables .  30     5.4.2 Rack G NAEW Cables ...................  31     5.4.3 Cable Bunch Rack C to Rack D ..┆
0x44e00…44f00 (68, 0, 14) Sector 440fff00286741 ┆D   (gA.......  32     5.4.4 Rack F (LSM/Other Cables) ............  32     5.5 REMOUNTING OF RACKS ......................  33     5.5.1 Mounting of Disk Drives ..............  33     5.5.2 Mounting of Floppy Disk Station ......  33     5.5.3 Mounting of M┆
0x44f00…45000 (68, 0, 15) Sector 4400ff00286741 ┆D   (gAodules ..................  33     5.6 INSTALLATION AND TERMINATION OF INTERNAL     SIGNAL CABLES ............................  34     5.6.1 Internal Signal Cables ...............  34     5.7 TERMINATION OF EXTERNAL SIGNAL CABLES ....  57    5.8 CONN┆
0x45000…45100 (69, 0, 0)  Sector 4501ff00286741 ┆E   (gA                                                                      TITLE PAGE  ....................................    i  REVISION RECORD ................................   ii  TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................  iii  ABBREVIATIONS ┆
0x45100…45200 (69, 0, 1)  Sector 4502ff00286741 ┆E   (gA..................................   vi   1 INTRODUCTION .................................   1    1.1 SCOPE ....................................   1    1.2 DOCUMENT FORMAT ..........................   1    1.3 REFERENCES ............................┆
0x45200…45300 (69, 0, 2)  Sector 4503ff00286741 ┆E   (gA...   2    2 INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS ....................   3    2.1 SHIPMENT OF EQUIPMENT ....................   3     2.1.1 Disassembly and Packing ..............   3     2.1.2 Transportation to Site ...............   6     2.1.3 Receipt of Equi┆
0x45300…45400 (69, 0, 3)  Sector 4504ff00286741 ┆E   (gApment at Site .........   7 Receipt ..........................   7 Incoming Inventory/Inspection ....   8 Distribution of Equipment ........   8    2.2 PREPARATION OF INSTALLATION AT SITE ......   9     2.2.1 Pre┆
0x45400…45500 (69, 0, 4)  Sector 4505ff00286741 ┆E   (gAparations by CR ...................   9     2.2.2 Preparations by Site .................  10    2.3 INSTALLATION OPERATIONS ..................  10   3 INSTRUCTIONS TO SITE .........................  15    3.1 TRANSPORTATION TO INSTALLATION SITE ....┆
0x45500…45600 (69, 0, 5)  Sector 4506ff00286741 ┆E   (gA..  15    3.2 INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS AND SUPPORT ....  15    3.3 SHIPMENT CONTAINERS ......................  17    4 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT .....................  17    5 INSTALLATION OF MAIN SITE EQUIPMENT ..........  20    5.1 GENERAL .......┆
0x45600…45700 (69, 0, 6)  Sector 4507ff00286741 ┆E   (gA...........................  20    5.2 MECHANICAL RACK ASSEMBLY .................  21     5.2.1 Unpacking of Racks ...................  21     5.2.2 Transportation ot Installatioan Site .  23     5.2.3 Removal of Upper Crates and D-Fans ...  23     ┆
0x45700…45800 (69, 0, 7)  Sector 4408ff00286741 ┆D   (gA5.2.4 Removal of Mains Switches ............  25     5.2.5 Mounting of Levellers ................  25     5.2.6 Mounting of Gaskets ..................  25     5.2.7 Levelling and Bolting of Racks .......  26     5.2.8 Inspection/Repair of Gaskets ..┆
0x45800…45900 (69, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(69,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41286741}, f00=»2867A «, f01=»CPS/AUX/026               «, f02=»ktd                  «, f03=»HAU                  «, f04=»Inst. Proc. (Site 1) «, f05=05-10-82 16:23, f06=»     «, f07=»27 «, f08=»   730 «, f09=17-12-82 10:37, f10=»     «, f11=»02 «, f12=»    63 «, f13=17-12-82 10:40, f14=17-12-82 15:18, f15=»0226A «, f16=»100 «, f17=»   8 «, f18=»16 «, f19=» 1672 «, f20=» 15195 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=020010000710052710110490aaca1505000000000000014203d601df}
0x45900…45a00 (69, 0, 9)  Sector 450a6400286741 ┆E d (gAT    E   E E E D D C C C B B B A ! !                                                                                                                                                                             D ANSLAG  Oprettet  / / / / / / / / / / ┆
0x45a00…45b00 (69, 0, 10) Sector 450ba800286741 ┆E ( (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A CPS/AUX/026   HAU/811115  # INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS        )M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x45b00…45c00 (69, 0, 11) Sector 450cff00286741 ┆E   (gA 1                                                                        CAMPS    INSTALLATION PROCEDURES    SITE 01        CPS/AUX/026                  Hans Haureberg        Gert Jensen           SHAPE (4), GJ, OE, KM, HAU (2), BHB, IJO, NPP,    C┆
0x45c00…45d00 (69, 0, 12) Sector 450d6400286741 ┆E d (gAonf. Mgmt., QA, PAB                        Install. Mgr.    821115    Issue 2         821115  <6 M)(:^=~ Bt/I:\=2#<C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'!  "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~  R;/!/=6nM (*(=~   RM/!/=6iM (*(=~    R`/!/=6WM (*(=~     Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~      R ┆
0x45d00…45e00 (69, 0, 13) Sector 450eff00286741 ┆E   (gA 1                                                                      2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  ii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS           1                                                                            82111┆
0x45e00…45f00 (69, 0, 14) Sector 450f3700286741 ┆E 7 (gA5                  All      Issue 1 of Document  =#"(=6 IM2&! w"2< hMI sM &  E 0= u M% :^=~ Bl1{M40sI:^=~ J 1!"<6;!#<6 !&<6 !  "$<! <6 {M;(s!  9"c=!  "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 !  "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC  I! <6 !  "(=  <q#p!"<6 !#<6 !  "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7   ┆
0x45f00…46000 (69, 0, 15) Sector 4500ff00286741 ┆E   (gA 1                                                                       2867A/ktd/226A  CPS/AUX/026    HAU/821115  iii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS        TABLE OF CONTENTS      1                                                           ┆
0x46000…46100 (70, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(70,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41286841}, f00=»2868A «, f01=»CPS/AUX/026 (fra sec. ??? «, f02=»ktd                  «, f03=»HAU                  «, f04=»Inst. Proc. (Site 1) «, f05=05-10-82 16:25, f06=»     «, f07=»01 «, f08=»    97 «, f09=  -  -     :  , f10=»     «, f11=»   «, f12=»       «, f13=  -  -     :  , f14=06-10-82 08:12, f15=»0226A «, f16=» 56 «, f17=»     «, f18=»01 «, f19=»  600 «, f20=»    97 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=020010000110056610a10a80aaca1505000000000000004203ce00df}
0x46100…46200 (70, 0, 1)  Sector 46023800286841 ┆F 8 (hA     F   F F E E E D D D C C C C C B B B B A A # # # " " " ! ! !                                                         ntnavn:   Operat]r:   Forfatter:    Kommentarer:       STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprettet  / /   :   :    S┆
0x46200…46300 (70, 0, 2)  Sector 4603a300286841 ┆F # (hA 1                                                                   2868A/ktd/226A CPS/AUX/026   HAU/811001  # INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 01  CAMPS       -!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x46300…46400 (70, 0, 3)  Sector 4604ff00286841 ┆F   (hA 1                                                                  5.9 POWER UP AND CHECK OUT   Before powering up, verify that all switches on all equipment are in position off or O.    5.9.1 Groundings   a) Measure with an Ohm-meter that no short┆
0x46400…46500 (70, 0, 4)  Sector 4605ff00286841 ┆F   (hA circuit exists between the safety group (cabinets) and the lines of circuit no. 1 through 9 and 1a through 3a.   b) Remount the lids of the power line filters by the 30 screws.   c) Start the powering up in the below sequence, starting at the CAMPS┆
0x46500…46600 (70, 0, 5)  Sector 4606d900286841 ┆F Y (hA power distribution board (PDB):    5.9.2 CAMPS PDB   TURN ON: Main circuit breaker   TURN ON: Miniature circuit breakers   CHECKOUT: No fuses in the CAMPS PDB blown due to short circuit in the installation.    $<6 !&<6 Mc&!  "(=6   E    '<M% !  "2<┆
0x46600…46700 (70, 0, 6)  Sector 4607ff00286841 ┆F   (hA 1                                                                  5.9.3 Frequency Stabilizers and Disk Drives   To examine that the 3 disk drives are supplied from 3 separate phases via the frequency stabilizers proceed in the below sequence:   a)┆
0x46700…46800 (70, 0, 7)  Sector 4508ff00286841 ┆E   (hA Frequency Stabilizer #1/Disk #1 (MMD) RACK A    1) TURN ON: Input power switch on front of the stabilizer (A1A3)(see CAMPS H/W Breakdown page 214).        Set the rotary switch on the by-pass panel to position "frequency stabilizer".    2) CHECK:  ┆
0x46800…46900 (70, 0, 8)  Sector 4609ff00147341 ┆F    sA                                                                    TITLE PAGE  ....................................    i  REVISION RECORD ................................   ii  TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................  iii  ABBREVIATIONS ..┆
0x46900…46a00 (70, 0, 9)  Sector 460aff00147341 ┆F    sA................................  vii   1 INTRODUCTION .................................   1    1.1 SCOPE ....................................   1    1.2 DOCUMENT FORMAT ..........................   1    1.3 REFERENCES ..............................┆
0x46a00…46b00 (70, 0, 10) Sector 460bff00147341 ┆F    sA.   2    2 INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS ....................   3    2.1 SHIPMENT OF EQUIPMENT ....................   3     2.1.1 Disassembly and Packing ..............   3     2.1.2 Transportation to Site ...............   6     2.1.3 Receipt of Equipm┆
0x46b00…46c00 (70, 0, 11) Sector 460cff00147341 ┆F    sAent at Site .........   7     2.2 PREPARATION OF INSTALLATION AT SITE ......   8     2.2.1 Preparations by CR ...................   8     2.2.2 Preparations by Site .................   8    2.3 INSTALLATION OPERATIONS ..................   9   3 INST┆
0x46c00…46d00 (70, 0, 12) Sector 460dff00147341 ┆F    sARUCTIONS TO SITE .........................  13    3.1 RECEIPT OF THE EQUIPMENT BY SITE .........  13     3.1.1 Incoming Inventory/Inspection  .......  13     3.1.2 Transportation to Installation Site ..  13     3.1.3 Distribution of Equipment ......┆
0x46d00…46e00 (70, 0, 13) Sector 460eff00147341 ┆F    sA......  15     3.1.4 Signing for Receipt of Equipment .....  16    3.2 INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS AND SUPPORT ....  16    3.3 SHIPMENT CONTAINERS ......................  17    4 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT .....................  18    5 INSTALLATION OF ┆
0x46e00…46f00 (70, 0, 14) Sector 460fff00147341 ┆F    sAMAIN SITE EQUIPMENT ..........  21    5.1 GENERAL ..................................  21    5.2 MECHANICAL RACK ASSEMBLY .................  22     5.2.1 Unpacking of Racks ...................  22     5.2.2 Transportation ot Installatioan Site .  24 ┆
0x46f00…47000 (70, 0, 15) Sector 1b08ff00147341 ┆     sA    5.2.3 Removal of Upper Crates and D-Fans ...  24     5.2.4 Removal of Mains Switches ............  26     5.2.5 Mounting of Levellers ................  26     5.2.6 Mounting of Gaskets ..................  26     5.2.7 Levelling and Bolting of Ra┆
0x47000…47100 (71, 0, 0)  Sector 4701ff41147341 ┆G  A sA1473A INSTALL. PROC. (MASTER)   KTD      (Sec 1-5.8) KM                   CPS/AUX/  Site 1-16  27 11 81 10 17    4 09  20503 05 10 82 15 44      32    982 04 10 82 14 07 05 10 82 16 34 0226A  76   57 59  1140 160584      p      '    *J         7 _ _┆
0x47100…47200 (71, 0, 1)  Sector 47024c00147341 ┆G L  sA     G   G G G                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ┆
0x47200…47300 (71, 0, 2)  Sector 4703a800147341 ┆G (  sA 1                                                                        1473A/ktd/226A CPS/AUX/...   HAU/......  # INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE ..  CAMPS       )M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x47300…47400 (71, 0, 3)  Sector 4704ff00147341 ┆G    sA 1                                                                         INSTALLATION PROCEDURES    SITE ....      CPS/AUX/...                  Hans Haureberg        Gert Jensen           SHAPE (5), GJ, OE, KM, HAU, BHB, IJO, NPP,    Conf. Mgmt., ┆
0x47400…47500 (71, 0, 4)  Sector 47055800147341 ┆G X  sAQA, PAB                         ILS Manager     ......    Preliminary     ......  c/! <6 Ch/! <6 M)(:^=~ Bt/I:\=2#<C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'!  "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~  R;/!/=6nM (*(=~   RM/!/=6iM (*(=~    R`/!/=6WM (*(=~     Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~      R ┆
0x47500…47600 (71, 0, 5)  Sector 4706ff00147341 ┆G    sA 1                                                                   1473A/ktd/111A   CPS/AUX/...     HAU/......  ii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE ..   CAMPS           1                                                                              ...┆
0x47600…47700 (71, 0, 6)  Sector 47075a00147341 ┆G Z  sA...                  All      Preliminary Issue of                        Document  M% :^=~ Bl1{M40sI:^=~ J 1!"<6;!#<6 !&<6 !  "$<! <6 {M;(s!  9"c=!  "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 !  "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC  I! <6 !  "(=  <q#p!"<6 !#<6 !  "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7   ┆
0x47700…47800 (71, 0, 7)  Sector 4608ff00147341 ┆F    sA 1                                                                   1473A/ktd/111A   CPS/AUX/...     HAU/......  iii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE ..   CAMPS       TABLE OF CONTENTS      1                                                             ┆
0x47800…47900 (71, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(71,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41147341}, f00=»1473A «, f01=»INSTALL. PROC. (MASTER)   «, f02=»KTD      (Sec 1-5.8) «, f03=»KM                   «, f04=»CPS/AUX/  Site 1-16  «, f05=27-11-81 10:17, f06=»   4 «, f07=»09 «, f08=» 20503 «, f09=04-10-82 14:06, f10=»     «, f11=»00 «, f12=»    42 «, f13=04-10-82 14:07, f14=05-10-82 08:48, f15=»0226A «, f16=» 76 «, f17=»  57 «, f18=»27 «, f19=» 1164 «, f20=»159602 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=700010000810062710110480aaca15050000000000000137036101df}
0x47900…47a00 (71, 0, 9)  Sector 470a4c00147341 ┆G L  sA     G   G G G F                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ┆
0x47a00…47b00 (71, 0, 10) Sector 470ba800147341 ┆G (  sA 1                                                                        1473A/ktd/226A CPS/AUX/...   HAU/......  # INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE ..  CAMPS       )M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x47b00…47c00 (71, 0, 11) Sector 470cff00147341 ┆G    sA 1                                                                         INSTALLATION PROCEDURES    SITE ....      CPS/AUX/...                  Hans Haureberg        Gert Jensen           SHAPE (5), GJ, OE, KM, HAU, BHB, IJO, NPP,    Conf. Mgmt., ┆
0x47c00…47d00 (71, 0, 12) Sector 470d5300147341 ┆G S  sAQA                         ILS Manager     ......    Preliminary     ......  :b= Rc/! <6 Ch/! <6 M)(:^=~ Bt/I:\=2#<C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'!  "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~  R;/!/=6nM (*(=~   RM/!/=6iM (*(=~    R`/!/=6WM (*(=~     Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~      R ┆
0x47d00…47e00 (71, 0, 13) Sector 470eff00147341 ┆G    sA 1                                                                   1473A/ktd/111A   CPS/AUX/...     HAU/......  ii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE ..   CAMPS           1                                                                              ...┆
0x47e00…47f00 (71, 0, 14) Sector 470f5a00147341 ┆G Z  sA...                  All      Preliminary Issue of                        Document  M% :^=~ Bl1{M40sI:^=~ J 1!"<6;!#<6 !&<6 !  "$<! <6 {M;(s!  9"c=!  "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 !  "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC  I! <6 !  "(=  <q#p!"<6 !#<6 !  "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7   ┆
0x47f00…48000 (71, 0, 15) Sector 4700ff00147341 ┆G    sA 1                                                                   1473A/ktd/111A   CPS/AUX/...     HAU/......  iii INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE ..   CAMPS       TABLE OF CONTENTS      1                                                             ┆
0x48000…48100 (72, 0, 0)  Sector 4801ff00273841 ┆H   '8Able ducts of the line termination racks and terminated on the front of the TDX-crates according to AB dwg. 125.   i) Repeat step b) through D) for the center knock out of rack D.   j) Extension opto cables, all non marked cables, are pulled through ┆
0x48100…48200 (72, 0, 1)  Sector 4802ff00273841 ┆H   '8Athe center penetration of rack D. All extension opto cables are left in the bottom of rack D.    5.4.2 Cable Bunch Rack C to Rack D   a) Mount the male adapter between the two 90 o  fittings. Adjust for correct distance between knockouts in rack C a┆
0x48200…48300 (72, 0, 2)  Sector 4803ff00273841 ┆H   '8And D (see AB drawing 115/116). Mount the 30 mm male adapter through the knockout into the 90 o  fitting. Tighten fittings by the inner nut.    b) Cables W904-914, stored in rack D during transportation, are pulled through the metallic conduit into r┆
0x48300…48400 (72, 0, 3)  Sector 4804ff00273841 ┆H   '8Aack C and distributed according to AB dwg. 117.   c) Yellow label on cables means pin 1 (ground) connected. This end must be connected in rack C.    5.4.3 Rack F (LSM/Other Cables)   a) Mount the 2 1/2" steel tube through the outer nut into the righ┆
0x48400…48500 (72, 0, 4)  Sector 4805ca00273841 ┆H J '8At hand penetration of rack F and the filter box. Tighten the fitting from inside the filterbox by the inner nut (see AB drawing 116).   b) Repeat step a) for the left hand penetration of rack F.   cables Nos. 1A, 2A and 3A together with the insolate┆
0x48500…48600 (72, 0, 5)  Sector 4806ff00273841 ┆H   '8A 1                                                                   c) Repeat step a) for the other end of the conduit to be mounted in the ferrous duct above rack F (see AB drawing 110/116).   d) Mount the 75 mm metallic conduit on the outside of ┆
0x48600…48700 (72, 0, 6)  Sector 4807ff00273841 ┆H   '8Athe steel tubes and tighten it by the clamps.   e) The low speed medium (LSM) cables W855-879 and W814 for the PTP/PTR are pulled through the waveguide of the metallic duct, through the left hand pene-   tration of rack F and into the filter box.   ┆
0x48700…48800 (72, 0, 7)  Sector 4708ff00273841 ┆G   '8A1                                                                   f) Other cables: W731    CCIS    W741-744  Colocated Tare    W813 OCR   are pulled through the waveguide of the metallic duct, through the right hand penetration of rack F and into ┆
0x48800…48900 (72, 0, 8)  Sector 48090a00273841 ┆H   '8Ar.  1/2" steel tube into the reducing bushing.   It is very important to the shielding effectiveness that the fittings are extremely tightened.    5.2.10 Remounting of Upper Crates and D-fans   a) The upper crates of rack B and C are reinserted and ┆
0x48900…48a00 (72, 0, 9)  Sector 480aff00273841 ┆H   '8A 1                                                                  5.4 INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL SIGNAL CABLES AND MOUNTING OF CONDUITS AT RACK C, D, AND F    5.4.1 Rack D, Sup./Maint./User Pos. Cables   CAUTION   Be specially careful when installin┆
0x48a00…48b00 (72, 0, 10) Sector 480bff00273841 ┆H   '8Ag the opto fibre cables. Min. bending radius is 13 mm.   a) Opto cables W811-812/W815-818/W847-850 are installed in the PVC duct between rack D and the maint./sup. positions in the CAMPS area. See AB dwg. 110.   b) Mount the fittings for the PVC con┆
0x48b00…48c00 (72, 0, 11) Sector 480cff00273841 ┆H   '8Aduit to the cable duct above rack D (see AB drawing 116).   c) Mount the fittings for the other end of the PVC conduit in the left hand knockout of rack D.   d) Mount the 75 mm PVC conduit between the cable duct and the waveguide.   e) Opto cables W┆
0x48c00…48d00 (72, 0, 12) Sector 480dff00273841 ┆H   '8A811-812/W815-818/W847-850 are pulled through the left hand penetration of rack D into the internal PVC cable duct.   f) Opto cables W811-812 are run through the internal cable duct and out through the right hand penetration of rack D.    The opto ca┆
0x48d00…48e00 (72, 0, 13) Sector 480eff00273841 ┆H   '8Ables enter rack C together with the interrack cables and are terminated on the front side of the adapter crate through the cable channel assembly. See AB dwg. 117.   g) Opto cables W815-818/W847-850 are run through the internal cable ducts of the li┆
0x48e00…48f00 (72, 0, 14) Sector 480f6900273841 ┆H i '8Ane termination racks and terminated on the front side of the TDX-crates according to AB dwg. 125.  ency stab. (See CAMPS H/W breakdown page 214).   c) Connect the internal power cables W 501-506 according to the CAMPS H/W breakdown page 219.    d) M┆
0x48f00…49000 (72, 0, 15) Sector 4800ff00273841 ┆H   '8A 1                                                                   h) Opto cables W819-846/W851-854 coming from the user terminals are pulled through the left hand bottom penetration and into rack D. The opto cables are run through the internal ca┆
0x49000…49100 (73, 0, 0)  Sector 4901ff00273841 ┆I   '8Aer the 1 1/2" steel tube and tighten it by the clamp.   e) Repeat step A for the other end of the conduit located in the J-box or the cable tray (see AB drawing 122).   f) Power cables Nos. 1, 2, 3, 1A, 2A and 3 A are pulled through the conduit into┆
0x49100…49200 (73, 0, 1)  Sector 4902ff00273841 ┆I   '8A the stabilizer.   g) The cables are dismantled and mounted with cable shoes.   h) Terminate the cables to the tagblocks of the By-pass switch panel according to AB drawing no. 122.   For better access to the rear side of the by-pass switch panel, r┆
0x49200…49300 (73, 0, 2)  Sector 49032c00273841 ┆I , '8Aemove the side panels of the rack.     3-bay processor rack assembly.   c) The single racks D, E, F, and G are bolted together to form the 4-bay line termination rack assembly (for details ref. AB drawings 110/115).   d) When all bolts are placed (2┆
0x49300…49400 (73, 0, 3)  Sector 4904ff00273841 ┆I   '8A 1                                                                  5.3.2 Power Cables Rack A   a) Mount the 1 1/2" steel tube through the outer nut into the metallic cable duct above rack A. Fasten the steel tube by the inner nut from inside the ca┆
0x49400…49500 (73, 0, 4)  Sector 4905ff00273841 ┆I   '8Able duct (see AB drawing no. 121).   b) The 48 mm metallic conduit is mounted on the fittings of the J-box (metallic cable duct) and the power line filter and tightened by the 4 clamps.   c) Power cables Nos. 1A, 2A and 3A together with the insolate┆
0x49500…49600 (73, 0, 5)  Sector 4906ff00273841 ┆I   '8Ad ground wire are pulled through the cable inlet into the power line filter (see AB drawing 121).   d) Remove the metallic cover for access to the PLF fastened by 4 screws during transportation. Remaining 26 screws are shipped attached to the inside┆
0x49600…49700 (73, 0, 6)  Sector 4907ff00273841 ┆I   '8A wall of PLF. The cables and the ground wire are dismantled and terminated with cable shoes. For details of the connection to the terminal board ref. AB drawing 121.   e) When the cables have been properly connected, the metallic lid of the PLF is r┆
0x49700…49800 (73, 0, 7)  Sector 4808ff00273841 ┆H   '8Aeinstalled by the 30 screws.    5.3.3 Power Cables Rack B   Repeat step 5.3.2 for power cables No. 4, 5 and 6, in rack B, Power Line Filter.    5.3.4 Power Cables Rack E   Repeat step 5.3.2 for power cables no. 7, 8 and 9 in rack E, Power Line Filte┆
0x49800…49900 (73, 0, 8)  Sector 4909ff00273841 ┆I   '8Ae 1 1/2" steel tube into the reducing bushing.   It is very important to the shielding effectiveness that the fittings are extremely tightened.    5.2.10 Remounting of Upper Crates and D-fans   a) The upper crates of rack B and C are reinserted and ┆
0x49900…49a00 (73, 0, 9)  Sector 490aff00273841 ┆I   '8Atightened by the 8  6mm front screws.   b) The D-fans of rack B and C are reinserted and tightened by the 4  6mm front screws.   c) Connect the ground wires of the crate and fans.   d) The TDX crates of rack E, is reinserted and tightened by the 4  ┆
0x49a00…49b00 (73, 0, 10) Sector 490bff00273841 ┆I   '8A6mm front screws.   All removed signal cables are to be reinstalled during step 5.6.    5.2.11 Remounting of Mains Switches   a) The mains switches are reinserted from the front of the racks and tightened by the 4  6mm front screws.   b) Reconnect t┆
0x49b00…49c00 (73, 0, 11) Sector 490c7900273841 ┆I y '8Ahe ground wires to the panel mounting rails.   The internal power cables are to be reinstalled during step 5.8.    ure 5.2.2   MOUNTING OF GASKETS  nstallation procedure contains a detailed instruction set of how to install the CR delivered computer┆
0x49c00…49d00 (73, 0, 12) Sector 490dff00273841 ┆I   '8A 1                                                                  5.3 INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL POWER CABLES AND MOUNTING OF CONDUITS.                                              CAUTION   BEFORE TERMINATING THE EXTERNAL POWER CABLES, ASSURE THAT ┆
0x49d00…49e00 (73, 0, 13) Sector 490eff00273841 ┆I   '8ATHE MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER IN THE CAMPS PDB IS DISCONNECTED.    5.3.1 Frequency Stabilizer   a) Mount the 3 frequency stabilizers from the front of the rack. The frequency stabilizers are tightened each by the 8  6mm front screws.   b) Connect the gro┆
0x49e00…49f00 (73, 0, 14) Sector 490fff00273841 ┆I   '8Aundwire between the panel mounting rail and the tagblock TB2 (chassis GND) on the rear of the frequency stab. (See CAMPS H/W breakdown page 214).   c) Connect the internal power cables W 501-506 according to the CAMPS H/W breakdown page 219.    d) M┆
0x49f00…4a000 (73, 0, 15) Sector 4900ff00273841 ┆I   '8Aount the fittings for the conduit on top of the rack by outer nut on the 1 1/2" steel tube. Push the steel tube through the hole in top of the rack from the outside.   Tighten the steel tube by the inner nut.   Mount the 48mm PVC flexible conduit ov┆
0x4a000…4a100 (74, 0, 0)  Sector 4a01db00273841 ┆J [ '8Anner (acetone or tri-chlorethylene).   c) Cut and trim the gasket strip with scissors.   d) Peel off the protective paper backing.   e) Be sure that the strip is in correct position and then press down firmly.    den container. The racks should rema┆
0x4a100…4a200 (74, 0, 1)  Sector 4a02ff00273841 ┆J   '8A 1                                                                  5.2.7 Levelling and Bolting of Racks   a) The racks are aligned one by one to allow the 1/4-20 x 7/8 LG bolts to pass through the frames of the cabinets.   b) The single racks A, B,┆
0x4a200…4a300 (74, 0, 2)  Sector 4a03ff00273841 ┆J   '8A and C are bolted together to form the 3-bay processor rack assembly.   c) The single racks D, E, F, and G are bolted together to form the 4-bay line termination rack assembly (for details ref. AB drawings 110/115).   d) When all bolts are placed (2┆
0x4a300…4a400 (74, 0, 3)  Sector 4a04ff00273841 ┆J   '8A4 bolts between each pair of racks), the bolts are tightened crosswise.   e) Observe that a min. of 50 mm space must be kept between rack C and rack D.   f) When all bolts have been tightened, the levellers must again be adjusted to ensure equal dis┆
0x4a400…4a500 (74, 0, 4)  Sector 4a05ff00273841 ┆J   '8Atribution of the floor weight.    CAUTION:  Before tightening the bolts, check that           all gaskets between the racks are           undamaged.    5.2.8 Inspection/Repair of Gaskets   a) If by accident parts of the gaskets are demolated during ┆
0x4a500…4a600 (74, 0, 5)  Sector 4a06bd00273841 ┆J = '8Atransportation, these parts must be exchanged to secure a correct shielding. The demolated part of the gaskets are cut by a knife and removed.   b) For mounting details see 5.2.7.    d. Check that serial numbers in   the racks correspond to the seri┆
0x4a600…4a700 (74, 0, 6)  Sector 4a07ff00273841 ┆J   '8A 1                                                                  5.2.9 Mounting of Power Line Filters Rack A, B, and E   a) Place the power line filter (PLF) below the two knockouts in the top of the rack (see AB drawing 121)    The 2 1/2" male a┆
0x4a700…4a800 (74, 0, 7)  Sector 4908ff00273841 ┆I   '8Adaptor, welded to the PLF, must be inserted through the left hand knockout   b) Place the tightening nut from the outside of the EMI rack.   c) Insert the 2 1/2" to 1 1/2" reducing bushing through the right hand knockout into the PLF.    d) Mount th┆
0x4a800…4a900 (74, 0, 8)  Sector 4a09ff00273841 ┆J   '8An the storage area.    5.2.3 Removal of Upper Crates and D-Fans   a) To get access for bolting the single racks into 3 bay and 4 bay units, the upper crate in B, C and E must be removed.   b) Dismount all connected front and rear cables.   c) Dismou┆
0x4a900…4aa00 (74, 0, 9)  Sector 4a0aff00273841 ┆J   '8Ant the power cables on the rear side of the D-fan in rack B and C.    Loosen the 4  6mm front screws and pull out the fan units from the front of the racks.   d) Loosen the 8 (D-crate) and 4 (S-crate) 6mm front screws and pull out the crates by the ┆
0x4aa00…4ab00 (74, 0, 10) Sector 4a0b2e00273841 ┆J . '8Ahandles from the front of the racks.                                 2738A/bel/ CPS/INM/001   HAU/820907  # CAMPS INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR SITE 01  CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x4ab00…4ac00 (74, 0, 11) Sector 4a0c9a00273841 ┆J   '8A 1                                                                                                              Figure 5.2.2   MOUNTING OF GASKETS  nstallation procedure contains a detailed instruction set of how to install the CR delivered computer┆
0x4ac00…4ad00 (74, 0, 12) Sector 4a0dff00273841 ┆J   '8A 1                                                                  5.2.4 Removal of Mains Switches   a) To get access for bolting the rack in the bottom, the mains switches in rack B, C, E, F, and G must be removed.   b) Dismount the power cables a┆
0x4ad00…4ae00 (74, 0, 13) Sector 4a0eff00273841 ┆J   '8And the ground wire on the rear side of the mains switches.   c) Loosen the 4  6mm front screws and pull out the mains switches from the front of the racks.    5.2.5 Mounting of Levellers   The 4 levellers are mounted from under the racks two by two,┆
0x4ae00…4af00 (74, 0, 14) Sector 4a0fff00273841 ┆J   '8A by tilting the racks (see AB drawing 115)   The levellers are mounted to a distance of 40 mm between the bottom of the rack and the floor.    5.2.6 Mounting of Gaskets   a) To secure a correct shielding between the racks, gasket strips must be moun┆
0x4af00…4b000 (74, 0, 15) Sector 4a00ff00273841 ┆J   '8Ated before boltering the racks into 3 or 4 BAY units. See fig. 5.2.2. The gaskets, having pressure sensitive tape adhesive, must be applied at room temperature as follows:   b) Clean the mounting surface for old glue, if necessary, with a laquer thi┆
0x4b000…4b100 (75, 0, 0)  Sector 4b01ff00273841 ┆K   '8A 1                                                                  5.2 MECHANICAL RACK ASSEMBLY    5.2.1 Unpacking of Racks   a) Each of the 7 EMI racks for the main site are separately packed in the original wooden container. The racks should rema┆
0x4b100…4b200 (75, 0, 1)  Sector 4b02ff00273841 ┆K   '8Ain packed during site internal transportation and only be unpacked close to the installation site, but if the space along the access route is limited, the racks can be unpacked before transportation to the installation site. The racks are unpacked a┆
0x4b200…4b300 (75, 0, 2)  Sector 4b03ff00273841 ┆K   '8As follows:   b) Remove the top cover of the wooden container by demounting the 3 EA 1/4 x 2 1/2" bolts on each side of the container and the 4 1/2 - 13 x 2" bolts, one in each top corner (see Figure 5.2.1).   c) The 4 walls of the container are remo┆
0x4b300…4b400 (75, 0, 3)  Sector 4b04e500273841 ┆K e '8Aved by loosening the 21 EA 1/4 x 2 1/2" bolts on each short side.   d) The rack is bolted to the container bottom in each corner by a 1/2 - 13 x 2 1/2" bolt.   e) These bolts are removed from under the container bottom.    ed? S]ge hvilket?         ┆
0x4b400…4b500 (75, 0, 4)  Sector 4b056600273841 ┆K f '8A 1                                                                                Figure 5.2.1  r ANNULLER Kun tal Kun mellemrum eller retur Under redigering nu Ukendt dokument Fundet I brug nu Allerede p> systemdiskette                             ┆
0x4b500…4b600 (75, 0, 5)  Sector 4b06ff00273841 ┆K   '8A 1                                                                  5.2.2 Transportation to Installation Site   a) After unpacking, the front and rear door of the racks must be removed. Check that serial numbers in   the racks correspond to the seri┆
0x4b600…4b700 (75, 0, 6)  Sector 4b07ff00273841 ┆K   '8Aal numbers of the   doors.   b) Be careful not to damage the gaskets of the doors.   c) Depending on means of transportation, 4 eyelets can be mounted in the top of the rack in the position of the removed 4 EA 1/2 - 13 x 2" bolts.   d) 5 terminal ta┆
0x4b700…4b800 (75, 0, 7)  Sector 4a08ff00273841 ┆J   '8Ables out of the CR delivered 9 tables are moved into the CAMPS area for the maintenance and supervisor positions.   e) The FREQ stabilizer and the storage cabinet are moved into the CAMPS area.   f) All terminals (VDU and MSP) are temporary stored i┆
0x4b800…4b900 (75, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(75,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41273841}, f00=»2738A «, f01=»INSTALLATION MANUAL  (II) «, f02=»bel/ktd              «, f03=»HAU                  «, f04=»CPS/INM/001(Site 01) «, f05=08-09-82 13:30, f06=»     «, f07=»19 «, f08=»   378 «, f09=09-09-82 12:39, f10=»   2 «, f11=»07 «, f12=»  1420 «, f13=13-09-82 15:18, f14=13-09-82 16:44, f15=»0226A «, f16=» 74 «, f17=»   2 «, f18=»26 «, f19=» 1256 «, f20=»  1798 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=020055000110052710110480aaca15050000000000000042034101df}
0x4b900…4ba00 (75, 0, 9)  Sector 4b0a4a00273841 ┆K J '8A     K   K K K K J J J J I I H H H G G G F F F F F E E E E D D C C C C B B B B A A A A A @ @ ? ? + + * * * * ) ) ) ( ( ( ' ' ' ' & & & & & % % % % $ $ $     Kommentarer:       STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprettet  / /   :   :    S┆
0x4ba00…4bb00 (75, 0, 10) Sector 4b0ba500273841 ┆K % '8A 1                                                                   2738A/bel/ CPS/INM/001   HAU/820907  # CAMPS INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR SITE 01  CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x4bb00…4bc00 (75, 0, 11) Sector 4b0cff00273841 ┆K   '8A 1                                                                   5  INSTALLATION OF SITE EQUIPMENT    5.1 GENERAL   The following step by step installation procedure contains a detailed instruction set of how to install the CR delivered computer┆
0x4bc00…4bd00 (75, 0, 12) Sector 4b0dff00273841 ┆K   '8A racks, frequency stabilizer, supervisory positions, maintenance position, and user terminals.    The major tasks of the installation sequence are:   5.2  Mechanical rack assembly   5.3  Termination of external power cables and mounting of conduits ┆
0x4bd00…4be00 (75, 0, 13) Sector 4b0eff00273841 ┆K   '8A  5.4  Installation of external signal cables and mounting of conduits rack C, D and F   5.5  Remounting of racks   5.6  Installation and termination of internal signal cables   5.7  Installation of external signal cables   5.8  Connection of intern┆
0x4be00…4bf00 (75, 0, 14) Sector 4b0fff00273841 ┆K   '8Aal power cables   5.9  Power up and check out   5.10 Inspection  of status leds   5.11 Installation of Delta VDU   5.12 Installation of Tracor MSP   5.13 Installation of PTP/PTR   5.14 Test of Supp/User Terminals   5.15 Test of PTP/PTR   5.16 H/W Te┆
0x4bf00…4c000 (75, 0, 15) Sector 4b00e900273841 ┆K i '8Ast Processor/Line term. units   5.17 Inventory check   Throughout the installation instruction, references are made to the AB-Drawings (Doc. PAB/CPS/AB/001) and the CAMPS Hardware Breakdown/Hardware Tree (Doc. CPS/SDS/017).     IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x4c000…4c100 (76, 0, 0)  Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆


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