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⟦7cf000af6⟧ Wang Wps File
Length: 69576 (0x10fc8)
Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: CDE/AUX/001
Names: »4147A «
└─⟦32539f54d⟧ Bits:30006181 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0369A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »4147A «
1…08…1…0e…1 0…0a…0…00…0…05…0…06…/…09…/…0e…/…0f…/…00…/…01…/…06….…0b….…0c….…02….
-…09…-…0e…-…06…-…86…1 …02… …02… …02…
…02…ISSUE 1…02…CAMPS
1 GENERAL ........................................
1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ..........................
1.2.1 Applicable Documents ...................
1.2.2 Reference Documents ....................
1.3 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................
1.3.1 Terms ..................................
1.3.2 Abbreviations ..........................
2 INTRODUCTION TO THE DOCUMENT....................
3.1 CAMPS - A SITE IN A NETWORK ................
3.1.1 Functional Description .................
14 Sending a Message from one Site to
16 Monitoring the Connections to the
Nearest Sites ......................
3.2.1 Functional Description .................
3.3.1 Functional Description .................
3.4.1 Functional Description .................
SUPERVISOR .........................
3.5.1 Functional Description .................
3.6 CAMPS - HARDWARE Related Tables and
System Parameters...................
3.6.1 Functional Description..................
4 THE DEPMET DATABASE ............................
1̲ ̲ ̲G̲E̲N̲E̲R̲A̲L̲
1.1 P̲U̲R̲P̲O̲S̲E̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲S̲C̲O̲P̲E̲
The DEPMET Database Document is written to fulfil the
following objectives:
1) Provide the personnel on a DEPMET Site with a knowledge
of the CAMPS Database, its components and its influence
on software functional behaviour.
2) Define the content of the DEPMET Database and identify
the differences between the DEPMET Database and
a normal CAMPS Database.
1.2 A̲P̲P̲L̲I̲C̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲P̲R̲O̲J̲E̲C̲T̲ ̲R̲E̲F̲E̲R̲E̲N̲C̲E̲S̲
1.2.1 A̲p̲p̲l̲i̲c̲a̲b̲l̲e̲ ̲D̲o̲c̲u̲m̲e̲n̲t̲s̲
a1) CDE/SDS/001 DEPMET System Specification
a2) CDE/SDS/002 DEPMET Hardware Assembly Breakdown
a3) CPS/210/SYS/0001 System Requirement Specification
a4) CPS/SDS/001 CAMPS System Design Specification
1.2.2 R̲e̲f̲e̲r̲e̲n̲c̲e̲ ̲D̲o̲c̲u̲m̲e̲n̲t̲s̲
r1) CPS/230/ICD/0001 User Procedures and Associated
r2) CPS/230/ICD/0002 Supervisor Commands and Procedures
r3) CPS/ICD/010 Operator Commands and Procedures
r4) CPS/DBD/001 Database Design Document
1.3 T̲E̲R̲M̲S̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲A̲B̲B̲R̲E̲V̲I̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲S̲
1.3.1 T̲e̲r̲m̲s̲
Access Profile: Data structure used by the CAMPS
Software to describe access rights
to objects, refer Fig. 1.3.1-1.
CAMPS DATABASE: The collection of tables and
parameters controlling the functional
behaviour of a CAMPS Site.
to the SHAPE Site
1.3.2 A̲b̲b̲r̲e̲v̲i̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲
ACP127 Allied Communication Procedures
No. 127
Addr. Address
AIG Address Indicator Group
App. Application
BFD Basic File Directory (within SFM)
BPS Bit Per Second
CAMPS Computer Aided Message Processing
CC Completion Code
CCB Configuration Control Bus
CCB Change Control Board
CCBA Configuration Control Bus Adapter
CCIS Command & Control Information System
CCITT The International Telegraph and
Telephone Consultative Committee
CH Channel
CHPT-IRATE Check Point Incoming Message Rate
CHPT-ORATE Check Point Outgoing Message Rate
CIA Data Channel Interface Adapter
CIF CAMPS Information File
CMI Command Interpreter
CMON Coroutine Monitor
COMCEN Communications Center
COMMCEN Communications Center
COPSY CAMPS Operating System
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Carriage Return
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CSF In CPS/SDS/001 is the abbreviation
used to identify the CAMPS System
Functions, but CSF is also used
to identify the Central Supply
Facility in logistics of CAMPS
CSN Channel Serial Number (Identical
to TSN)
CSSI CAMPS Software Support Installation
CTS Cosmic Top Secret
CTS/A Cosmic Top Secret/Atomal
CU Channel Unit
CUCP Channel Unit Control Panel
DAMOS CR80D Advanced Multiprocessor Operating
DCA Disk Control Adaptor
DCB CR80D Control Bus
DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment
DCN Document Control Number
DD Device Designator
DEC Data Exchange Channel
DEV Development
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMB CR80D Main Bus
DM&T Distribution Monitoring and Test
DSMT Development, Software, Maintenance,
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DTG Date Time Group
EDC Error Detection and Correction
EMI-racks Electromagnetic Interference
EOL End Of Line
EOLF End Of Line Feed
ETC Et Cetera
FIFO First In, First Out
FL Format Line
FMS File Management System
FW Firmware
GNS Global Number Series
HDB Historical Data Base
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
HQ Headquarters
HW Hardware
ICB Item Control Block
ICD Interface Control Document
ICHSN Incoming Channel Serial Number
ID Identification
IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame
IF, I/F Interface
IID Item Identification
IMQ Incoming Message Queue
IO, I/O Input/Output
IOC Input/Output Control Package
IOS I/O System
IS Intermediate Storage
ISQ Incoming Storage Queue
ITA International Telegraph Alphabet
ITEM REF ID Item Reference Identity
KER Kernel Package
LAPB Link Access Protocol B
LED Light Emitting Diode
LF Line Feed
LIA-N Line Interface Adaptor, Non Switching
LOG Log and Accountability Package
LP Line Printer
LSI Large Scale Integrated Circuits
LSM Low Speed Medium
LSP Low Speed Teleprinter
LSP Least Significant Part
LTS Long Term Storage
LTU Line Termination Unit
LTUX Line Termination Unit Wired to
the TDX bus
MAP Memory Mapping Unit
MBT Main Bus Termination Module
MC Master Clear
MCB Message Control Block
MDCO Message Distribution Control Operator
MDP Message Distribution Package
MIA Map Interface Adapter
MID Message Identification
MIN Minutes
MMON Message Monitor
MMS Message Management System within
MRQ Message Routing Queue
MSG Message
MSO Message Service Operator
MSP Medium Speed Tele Printer
MSP Most Significant Part
MSQ Message Service Queue
MSTP Medium Speed Tele Printer
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTP Medium Speed Teleprinter
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
M&D Maintenance and Diagnostics
NA Not Applicable
NAK Negative Acknowledgement
NICS NATO Integrated Communication System
OCHSN Outgoing Channel Serial Number
OCR Optical Character Reader
OLP Off-line Software Package
OMQ Outgoing Message Queue
OU Off-line Utilities
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCB Process Control Block
PCF Process Communication Facility
PD Preliminary Design
PLA Plain Language Address
PLA# Plain Language Address Reference
PM Page Manager
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PSU Power Supply
PTP Paper Tape Puncher
PTR Paper Tape Reader
PU Processor Unit
P-to-P Point to Point
Q Queue (also used as suffix)
QEL Queue Element (Identical to QUEL)
QER Queue Element Reference
QID Queue Identification
QMON Queue Monitor
QUEL Queue Element (Identical to QEL)
RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RI Routing Indicator
RLQ Message Release Queue
ROP Receive Only Printer
RRQ Retrieve Request Queue
RSN Release Serial Number (Identical
to SSN)
RTCM Real Time Clock Module
SAR Storage and Retrieval
SCARS Status Control, Alerting and Reporting
SCD Staff Cell Designator
SCM System Call Monitor
SDA Shared Data Area
SDL Standard Distribution List
SDS CAMPS System Design Specification
SD&T Software Development and Test
SEH System Error Handler
SEL Synchronization Element
SFA Standard Floppy Disk Controller
SFD Directory types withing SFM
SFM Storage and File Management Package
SIC Subject Indicator Code
SID Segment Identifier
SOTF Start of Transmission Function
SP Sub-Package
SRS System Requirements Specification
SSC System Status and Control
SSN Station Serial Number (Identical
to RSN)
SSP Support Software Package
STA Statistics Package (Identical to
STI Supra-TDX Bus Interface
STP Statistics Package
STS Short Term Storage
SUPV Supervisor
SVQ Supervisor Queue
SW Software
SyncEl Synchronization Element
TARE Telegraph Automatic Relay Equipment
TBD To Be Defined
TC Transfer Counter
TD Terminal designator
TDS Test Drive System
TDX Telecommunication Data Exchange
TEMCO Terminal Monitoring and Control
TEP Terminal Package
TG Table Generation (Software in SSP)
THP Traffic Handling Package
THS Terminal Handling System
TI Transmission Identification
TIA TDX Bus Interface Adapter
TM Terminal Manager
TMON Timer Monitor
TMP Table Management Package
TOC Time of Occurrence
TOS Terminal Operating System
TP Tele Printer
TRANSID Transaction Identification
TRC Tape Relay Center
TS Time Stamp
TSN Transmission Serial Number (Identical
to CSN)
TTY Teletype
U Units of 1.75 inches
UGI User Group Identification
VDU Visual Display Unit
WDP Watchdog Processor
X25 Protocol Name
Z80 Zilog 80
FIGURE 1.3.1-1
2̲ ̲ ̲I̲N̲T̲R̲O̲D̲U̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ ̲T̲O̲ ̲T̲H̲E̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲
This document is structured as follows:
In section 3 the CAMPS Database delivered to a Normal
CAMPS Site is described with respect to content and
functional use.
Section 4 contains a description of the DEPMET Database,
in form of an identification of where it deviates from
the CAMPS Database and the deviations functional influence
on software behaviour.
Annex A contains the DEPMET Database data, which are
essentially the SHAPE Database data.
3̲ ̲ ̲T̲H̲E̲ ̲C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲A̲B̲A̲S̲E̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲I̲T̲S̲ ̲F̲U̲N̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲A̲L̲ ̲U̲S̲E̲
The CAMPS Database will in this document denote the
collection of tables and parameters, which are controlling
the functional behaviour of a CAMPS Site.
The hardware configuration of CAMPS is flexible and
may vary from site to site. The CAMPS Database thus
falls logically into two parts, the one part consisting
of tables and parameters related to Message Processing,
the other part consisting of tables and parameters
related to the actual Hardware Configuration.
An overview of the tables and parameters related to
Message Processing is depicted on Fig. 3-1. These tables
and parameters and their functional use will be described
in section 3.1 through 3.5. The hardware related tables
and parameters are described in section 3.6. An overview
of the hardware is given on Fig. 3-2 and the related
tables are depicted on Fig. 3-3. The stipulated boxes
on Fig. 3-3 relate the tables to the hardware units
on Fig. 3-2.
3.1 C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲ ̲-̲ ̲A̲ ̲S̲I̲T̲E̲ ̲I̲N̲ ̲A̲ ̲N̲E̲T̲W̲O̲R̲K̲
CAMPS (C̲omputer A̲ided M̲essage P̲rocessing S̲ystem) is
a System which is capable of
a) receiving messages in ACP 127 from a Network, convert
them and present them in a suitable term either
on VDU or Printer
b) issuing messages, prepared locally by means of
a VDU and converted to ACP 127 or entered by means
of other input media, to a Network
c) relaying messages arriving to the site, i.e. re-issuing
messages to the network for which the site was
not the destination.
This section deals with CAMPS and its interfaces to
the networks, thereby revealing CAMPS expectations
to network behaviour.
The description will be based on CAMPS and the belonging
CAMPS DB as reference system. That is network functions
and associated site functions will be described as
if the networks only supported sites of the CAMPS type.
It should however be straight forward for the reader
with knowledge of other site-types to transform the
Functional Description and the inter-relations from
a CAMPS-to-CAMPS description to a CAMPS-to-other site
type description.
3.1.1 F̲u̲n̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲
Refer Fig. 3.1.1-1.
A CAMPS Site interfaces to six networks, in the following
denoted: N ̲LOW1, N ̲LOW2, N ̲LOW3, N ̲CCIS,
A CAMPS Site is by each of the six networks identified
by a RI, named a De-RI. Every message issued by a CAMPS
Site to a network, contains the De-RI by which that
network identifies that CAMPS Site.
Each connection to a Network is in the CAMPS DB represented
by a Channel Profile. The Channel Profile includes
an identification of the physical communication link
(PORT ID) and of the Circuit Profile (CIRCUIT NO) for
the connection.
Each Circuit is in the CAMPS DB represented by a Circuit
Profile. The Circuit Profile includes a network type
(NETWORKTYPE) identifying the network to which the
circuit and its associated channels interface.
The relation between networks and De RI's is in the
CAMPS DB mapped into the System Parameter: NETWORK
RI per network.
All RI's which identify a specific CAMPS Site will
be contained in that CAMPS sites CAMPS DB in the LOCAL
RI TABLE, thus the local RI Table includes the De-Ri's
for the Site.
FIGURE 3.1.1-1
The functional description of the interfaces of CAMPS
to networks will be described in the following two
subsections. As the differences in interfaces to the
various networks is outside the scope of this document,
the description will not distinguish between network
types. S̲e̲n̲d̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲a̲ ̲M̲e̲s̲s̲a̲g̲e̲ ̲f̲r̲o̲m̲ ̲o̲n̲e̲ ̲S̲i̲t̲e̲ ̲t̲o̲ ̲A̲n̲o̲t̲h̲e̲r̲
Refer Fig.
A message prepared at a VDU on a CAMPS Site will before
it is sent on the network be converted from the CAMPS
internal message format into ACP 127.
Part of the conversion job consists of assigning a
RI to the message. The RI selection is based on the
Plain Language Address (PLA) inserted in the message
by the message preparer.
In the CAMPS DB the relation between PLA's and RI's
is represented by the GLOBAL PLA TABLE. The GLOBAL
PLA TABLE contains a record for each PLA which may
be inserted in a message during its preparation. A
PLA record contains from one to four RI's, indicating
the RI's which may be used during the conversions RI
A RI identifies the Circuit and thereby the connections
(CHANNEL ̲PROFILE) and communication links through which
a message assigned the RI may be submitted into the
In the CAMPS DB the relation between RI's and Circuits
is represented by the RI TABLE, also called the GLOBAL
RI TABLE not to get it intermixed with the LOCAL RI
Using the nomenclature of Fig. a message
and its way, from its departure from the originating
site to its arrival at the destination site, through
the network will be described.
A message with Plain Language Address PLAa has been
prepared at CAMPS A. Conversion selects the Routing
Indicator RI3 and the message is sent to CAMPS B through
one of the communication links thereby indicated.
At arrival at CAMPS B the message is analyzed. Message
Analysis fetches the RI associated the message and
search for it in the local RI-Table. In CAMPS B's database
RI3 is not contained in the local RI table and Message
Analysis therefore search for it in the Global RI Table.
Here it is found and CAMPS B will forward the message
to CAMPS C through one of the Communication links indicated
by the RI3 record. The function CAMPS B in this case
has performed on the message is called the relaying
At arrival at CAMPS C the same process as described
for CAMPS B takes place and the message is relayed
At arrival at CAMPS D Message Analysis finds the RI
in the local RI table, it then fetches PLAa from the
message and search for it in the LOCAL PLA TABLE. When
the PLAa is found to be in the local PLA Table the
message is accepted as having CAMPS D as destination
and is forwarded to local distribution at the Site. M̲o̲n̲i̲t̲o̲r̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲C̲o̲n̲n̲e̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲ ̲t̲o̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲N̲e̲a̲r̲e̲s̲t̲ ̲S̲i̲t̲e̲s̲
Nearest Sites in the Network
Each CAMPS Site monitors its connections to the nearest
sites in the network, refer Fig. This is
done by means of Automatic Generated ASM's (A̲bbreviated
S̲ervice M̲essages), exchanged between two neighbour
sites in the network, in accordance with certain rules.
The exact strategy and rules for monitoring the connections
will not be described within this document, but will
only be elaborated so far as necessary to obtain an
understanding of the use of De RI's and To RI's.
Refer Fig.
When an Automatic Generated ASM is sent from one site
to its neighbour site the RI inserted is a To RI. This
RI is a normal RI, i.e. is contained in the GLOBAL
RI TABLE, and the RI record identifies the a circuit
and thereby connections (channels) and physical communication
links through which the message may be sent. The special
about a To RI is that it is also contained in the channel
profiles which relate to the Circuit it identifies.
As for other message types the De-RI inserted in an
ASM is determined from the NETWORKTYPE contained in
NETWORK PARAMETERS. De Ri's are contained in the LOCAL
Using the nomenclature of Fig. an ASM and
its way to the neighbour site and the answer's way
back again for an Automatic Generated Test ASM will
be described, thereby illustrating the interrelation
of To RI's and De-RI's for two neighbour sites.
From CAMPS A a Test ASM with To RI:RI-ATO and De RI:RI-ADE
is sent to CAMPS B. At arrival at CAMPS B the RI associated
the message (RI-ATO) is searched for in the LOCAL RI
TABLE and found and the message type (Automaticall
Generated ASM-Test ASM) is recognized. This message
type is not subject to the normal message destribution.
The De RI contained in the ASM is searched for in the
GLOBAL RI TABLE and sent to the Circuit identified
by the RI record found.
One of the Channel Processes servicing the Connections
(Channels) associated the circuit will receive the
ASM and generate a suitable ASM as response to the
one received. This response will in the following be
denoted the Response ASM.
In the Response ASM the To RI will be the De RI, RI-ADE,
of the Received and the De RI will be the To RI, RI-ATO
of the received.
When the Response ASM arrives at CAMPS A the RI associated
the message (RI-ADE) is searched for in the LOCAL RI
TABLE and found and the message type recognized. This
message type is not subject to normal message distribution.
The De RI (RI-ATO) is searched for in the GLOBAL RI
TABLE and sent to the Circuit identified by the RI
record found, and so the Response ASM arrives at the
originator of the Test ASM.
3.2 C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲ ̲-̲ ̲A̲ ̲T̲R̲A̲F̲F̲I̲C̲ ̲G̲E̲N̲E̲R̲A̲T̲O̲R̲ ̲T̲O̲ ̲A̲ ̲N̲E̲T̲W̲O̲R̲K̲
Messages may originate at a CAMPS Site in various ways,
input at a VDU, OCR or PTR or be automatically generated
as is the case for Automatic Generated ASM's. To direct
such messages to the right connections (channels) of
the networks to which CAMPS interfaces a bunch of tables
contained in the CAMPS DB is used. It is these tables
which are described in this section.
A message prepared at a user VDU and its way through
the system will be described. It will hereby be demonstrated
how the tables are used by the system and the relations
between the tables will be revealed.
During message preparation at a VDU, the system facilitates
various hepling functions. Such are the use of the
HANDLING TABLE. For a description of these tables refer
section 3.4. The description of the tables related
to outgoing message processing will in this section
start at the point, where the user prepared message
has been released and is ready for conversion from
internal CAMPS representation to representation in
ACP 127.
3.2.1 F̲u̲n̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲
When a user prepared message has been released, it
will by the CAMPS Conversion Program be transformed
into ACP 127 format. Part of the conversion consists
of assigning a Routing Indicator (RI) to the message.
This is done by means of the Plain Language Address
(PLA) inserted in the message by the user and the GLOBAL
PLA TABLE contained in the CAMPS DB. Refer Fig. 3.2.1-1.
for each global PLA known to the CAMPS SITE.
A PLA ̲REC consists of a PLA, a PLA ̲REF (PLA reference
number) and from one to four RI Records (RI1, RI2,
RI3, and RI4). The PLA is the Plain Language Address
as known by the user. The PLA ̲REF is a number assigned
the PLA and may be used to identify a PLA both by user
and CAMPS. RI1 to RI4 identifies the RI's which may
be selected for message routing during message conversion.
RI1 to RI4 are copies of the corresponding RI records
in the RI TABLE.
If more than one RI is contained in the PLA record
the conversion program will first check if RI1 is usable
and if not check RI2 and so forth until RI4 has been
FIGURE 3.2.1-1
A RI is usable if the classification of the RI
(RI ̲CLASS) is equal to or greater than the classification
of the message in which it shall be inserted, and if
the RI identifies a circuit (CIRCUIT) for which the
no of open outgoing channels (CONNECTED ̲CHANNELS field
in the CIRCUIT ̲CONNECTIVITY ̲REC) is non zero.
A message for which a suitable RI cannot be found will
be queued for Message Service.
When a RI has been assigned the message will be queued
for processing at the circuit identified by the CIRCUIT
field in the RI ̲REC.
The CAMPS DB contains a CIRCUIT ̲PROFILE for each circuit.
Circuit Profiles are contained in the CIRCUIT TABLE.
a CLASS, a BLOCK ̲Q and a NETWORK field.
The LCR-NO (Logical Circuit Number) contains a number,
which identifies the Circuit to the System.
CIRCUIT ̲TYPE identifies the type of the circuit, i.e.
The CLASS contains the classification of the circuit,
and only messages with classification lower than or
equal to CLASS can be queued to that circuit.
BLOCK ̲Q tells whether the supervisor has blocked the
circuit queue or not. If blocked, queuing of messages
for processing at the circuit will be prevented by
the system.
NETWORK contains the network identification of the
network, the circuit interfaces to, and thus identifies
the De RI to be inserted in a message sent through
the circuit (refer section 3.1 and section 3.5).
A message queued for processing at a circuit will be
sent for transmission on a communication link by one
of the channel processes servicing the circuit.
Each channel Process is in the CAMPS DB represented
by a CHANNEL ̲PROFILE. Channel Profiles are contained
A CHANNEL ̲PROFILE contains the following fields: LC
The LC ̲NO (Logical Channel Number) contains a number
which identify the channel to the system.
IN ̲CD and OUT ̲CD contain three letters identifying
the channel for the external world in its role of incoming
channel or outgoing channel respectively.
CONNECTED tells whether the supervisor has allowed
the channel to carry traffic or not. No messages will
be received from or sent on a channel which has been
disconnected by the supervisor.
PORT ID identifies the communication link from which
the Channel Process transmits or receives messages.
A PORT ID consists of two fields the TABLE field and
the NO field. The TABLE field refers either to the
LTUX LINE TABLE or the LTU LINE table and the No refers
to the actual line record within the referred table,
refer section 3.6.
The CIRCUIT ̲NO is a number identifying the Circuit,
which the Channel Processes Services. CIRCUIT ̲NO will
be identical to the LCR ̲NO in the CIRCUIT ̲PROFILE of
the identical Circuit.
TO ̲RI contains a Routing Indicator, to be inserted
in Automatic Generated ASMs originiated by the Channel
Process (refer section 3.1).
Information on whether a channel is open for incoming
and/or outgoing traffic is contained in the ACP ̲127
̲CHANNEL ̲STATUS record related to the Channel. ACP ̲127
̲CHANNEL ̲STATUS records are contained in the ACP ̲127
An ACP ̲127 ̲CHANNEL ̲STATUS record contains the following
fields: LC ̲NO, IN ̲STATUS, and OUT ̲STATUS.
LC ̲NO (Logical Channel No) contains a number identical
to that of the LC ̲NO of the corresponding CHANNEL ̲PROFILE.
IN ̲STAUTS indicates whether the channel is open for
incoming traffic or not.
OUT ̲STATUS indicates whether the channel is open for
outgoing traffic or not.
The IN ̲STATUS is controlled by the supervisor except
for channels servicing circuits of type SCARS or CCIS.
For each Circuit, the number of channels associated
the Circuit Open for outgoing traffic is registered
in the CIRCUIT ̲CONNECTIVITY ̲REC. For each circuit there
are contained in the CIRCUIT CONNECTIVITY TABLE.
A CIRCUIT ̲CONNECTIVITY ̲REC consists of two fields,
LCR ̲NO contains a number identifying the circuit to
the system. The LCR ̲NO is identical to the LCR ̲NO in
the corresponding CIRCUIT ̲PROFILE.
CONNECTED ̲CHANNELS counts the number of channels associated
the Circuit, which is open for outgoing traffic.
3.3 C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲ ̲A̲ ̲D̲E̲S̲T̲I̲N̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ ̲S̲I̲T̲E̲ ̲I̲N̲ ̲A̲ ̲N̲E̲T̲W̲O̲R̲K̲
When a message, which shall be locally distributed
for presentation at either a VDU or a printer, arrives
at a CAMPS site, a bunch of Tables contained in the
CAMPS DB are used during the automatic local distribution.
It is these tables which are described in this section.
The functional description will be based on an incoming
message of that sort, which shall be distributed to
either a user VDU or a Printer.
3.3.1 F̲u̲n̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲
Refer figure 3.3.1-1.
A message received at a CAMPS Site will be forwarded
to the Message Analysis Program for analysis. Message
Analaysis will extract the RI from the message and
search for this RI in the LOCAL RI TABLE.
The LOCAL RI TABLE holds a record, LOCAL ̲RI ̲REC, for
each RI local to this CAMPS Site. A LOCAL ̲RI ̲REC contains
a LOCAL ̲RI field and a SYS ̲ID field.
The LOCAL ̲RI field contains a RI, and the SYS ̲ID a
system identification, which may be either CAMPS, CCIS,
or SCARS. If CCIS or SCARS, the messages will be for
the colocated CCIS or SCARS site respectively, in which
case the RI also will be contained in the GLOBAL RI
TABLE (refer section 3.2), and the message sent to
the colocated site indicated. If SYS ̲ID indicates CAMPS,
Message analysis will extract the PLA from the message
and search for the PLA in the LOCAL PLA TABLE. If found
the message is accepted as having this CAMPS Site as
destination and will be forwarded to the Message Distribution
The LOCAL PLA TABLE contains a record, LOCAL ̲PLA ̲REC,
for each local PLA of the Site. A LOCAL ̲PLA ̲REC consists
of the following fields: a LOCAL ̲PLA, a
PLA ̲REF (PLA Reference Number) and a HQ (Headquarters).
LOCAL PLA contains a local PLA. A local PLA is a PLA
truncated to 20 characters.
PLA ̲REF contains a number and may be used as an identifier
of a PLA both by users and CAMPS.
HQ contains a number indicating the headquarters of
the CAMPS site to which the PLA belongs.
The Message Distribution Program will distribute the
Message in accordance with the Standard Distribution
Lists (SDL). The appropriate Distribution Lists to
be used is found by means of the SICs (Subject Indicator
Code) contained in the message. The CAMPS DB contains
for each SIC known to a CAMPS site a TOTAL ̲SIC ̲REC.
TOTAL ̲SIC ̲RECs are contained in the SIC ̲TABLE:
A TOTAL ̲SIC ̲REC consists of the following fields: SIC,
SIC contains a Subject Indicator Code.
consist of eight fields, which each may contain an
identification of a Distribution to be performed -
a SDL. When the list: Normal, Exersize or Crisis, to
be used has been determined the SDL to be used is identified
by the HQ field in the LOCAL ̲PLA ̲TABLE.
The Exersize list is used if the message contains an
exersize indicator. The crisis list is used, if the
section 3.5, is set to ON and otherwise the Normal
list is used.
Figure 3.3.1-1
A SDL identifies the staff cells, to which a message
shall be presented, if that SDL is selected by the
Message Distribution Program.
The CAMPS DB contains for each known SDL a record denoted
SDL ̲LIST. These records are contained in the SDL ̲TABLE.
A SDL ̲LIST consists of the following fields:
SDL is a number identifying the SDL.
ACTION ̲SCD ̲LIST contains upto two SCDs (Staff Cell
Designators), identifying the Staff Cells to which
the message shall be distributed for action.
INFO ̲SCD ̲LIST contains up to ten SCDs, identifying
the Staff Cells to which the message shall be presented
for information.
A Staff Cell is in the CAMPS DB represented by a record,
the SCD ̲REC. SCD ̲RECs are contained in the SCD Table,
and identifies the VDU or the Printer on which messages
to the Staff Cells shall be presented.
Refer figure 3.3.1-2.
A SCD ̲REC consists of the follwoing fields: SCD,
The SCD contains a three letter code identifying the
Staff Cell.
The DEVICE ̲ID contains the type, VDU or Printer, of
the device, on which information for that Staff Cell
is presented.
LD (Logical Device No) contains a number identifying
the exact device within the group of VDUs or Printers.
COPIES contains a number, identifying the number of
hard copies to be generated for that Staff Cell, in
case the device type is printer or the Staff Cell requests
print out from a VDU.
Each Device on a CAMPS Site is in the CAMPS DB represented
by a profile record. A VDU is represented by a TERMINAL
PROFILE. TERMINAL PROFILE…08…s are contained in the TERMINAL
TABLE. Other Devices, i.e. Medium Speed Printers (MSP),
Low Speed Printers (LSP), Paper Tape Readers (PTR),
Paper Tape Punchers (PTP), and Optical Character Readers
(OCR) are represented by a DEVICE ̲PROFILE. DEVICE ̲PROFILE…08…s
are contained in the DEVICE ̲TABLE.
Figure 3.3.1-2
A DEVICE ̲PROFILE record consists of the following fields:
LD ̲NO (logical Device Number), DD (Device Designator),
̲ID (Port Identification), NO ̲OF ̲PLYS.
LD-NO contains a number used by the system to identify
the device.
DD, device designator contains a three letter code
identifying the device to the external world.
DEVICE ̲TYPE identifies the type of the device, i.e.
CLASS contains the maximum classification of the information
which may be processed by the device.
CONNECTED specifies whether the supervisor has allowed
the device to be active or not.
PORT ̲ID is itself a record consisting of two fields
TABLE and NO.TABLE refers to the LTUX ̲LINE ̲TABLE, refer
section 3.6, and NO to the actual line record within
the LTUX ̲LINE ̲TABLE. PORT ̲ID refers thereby to the
actual hardware connection of the device represented
by this record.
NO ̲OF ̲PLYS contains, if the device is a printer, the
PLY of the paper inserted in the printer.
A TERMINAL ̲PROFILE record consists of the following
fields: LT ̲NO (Logical Terminal Number), TD (Terminal
Designator), CLASS (Classification), SH (Special Handling
Categories), CAP (Capabilities), USER ̲CAP (User Capabilities),
CURRENT ̲CAP (Current Capabilities), KEY ̲STATUS, SIGN
(Signed on), BLOCKED, ASSG (Assigned), PORT ̲ID (Port
Identification), ASSOCIATED ̲PRINTER, USER ̲LIST, and
LT ̲NO contains a number used by the system to identify
the VDU.
TD, Terminal Designator contains a three letter code
identifying the VDU to the external world.
CLASS contains the maximum classification of the information,
which may be processed by the VDU.
SH contains the Special Handling Categories of the
information, which may be processed by the VDU. CAP
identifies the Capabilities the VDU possesses, i.e.
whether Supervisor Functions, Message Distribution
Functions, Message Service Functions, or User functions
are executable from the VDU.
USER ̲CAP identifies the user functions; Message Preparation,
Message Release and/or Message Reception, executable
from the VDU, if the CAP field contains User Capability.
CURRENT ̲CAP contains, when a user has signed-on on
the the VDU, the current capability of the VDU. Current
Capability will be the common set of Capabilities for
VDU and User.
KEY ̲STATUS indicates whether the key on the VDU is
in the on or off position.
BLOCKED indicates whether it is possible for a user
or not to sign-on on the VDU. In case of security violation
attempt the system automatically blocks a VDU, otherwise
blocking/unblocking is controlled by the supervisor.
ASSG indicates whether this VDU is the active supervisor
VDU or not.
PORT ̲ID is itself a record consisting of two fields:
TABLE and NO.TABLE refers to the LTUX ̲LINE ̲TABLE, refer
section 3.6, and NO to the actual line record within
the table. PORT ̲ID thereby refers to the actual hardware
connection of the VDU, represented by this record.
̲PROFILE representing the printer, on which users of
this VDU may request hardcopy output.
USER ̲LIST contains from one to fifteen USER ̲IDs identifying
the users which may sign-on on this VDU.
SCD ̲LIST contains from one to five SCDs, identifying
the Staff Cells, which may receive and prepare messages
on this VDU.
Each user, Message Distribution Control Officer, Message
Service Officer, and Supervisor, who is allowed to
sign-on on a VDU at a CAMPS Site, is in the CAMPS DB
represented by a USER ̲PROFILE. USER ̲PROFILE records
are contained in the USER ̲PROFILE ̲TABLE.
When a user signs-on on a VDU, he is by the system
requested to enter his Password. Passwords are in the
CAMPS DB kept in records, PASSWORD ̲REC, contained in
A PASSWORD ̲REC consists of two fields, PASSWORD ̲TAB-
PASSWORD ̲TABLE ̲ENTRY ̲NO contains a number used as an
identifier by the system.
PASSWORD contains a Password.
A USER ̲PROFILE record consists of the following fields:
USER ̲ID (User Identification), LOCK, SIGN (Signed-on),
CLASS (Classification), SH (Special Handling Categories),
CAP (Capabilities), USER ̲CAP (User Capabilities), EXERCISE,
PASSWORD ̲REC (Password reference), PASSWORD ̲AMENDED,
USER ̲ID contains a three letter code identifying a
LOCK indicates whether the Supervisor currently is
updating this USER ̲PROFILE or not. If so sign-on by
this user will be prevented by the System.
SIGN indicates whether the user is currently signed
on or not.
CLASS contains the Maximum Classification of the information
the user may access.
SH contains the Special Handling Categories of the
information, which may be processed by the user.
CAP identifies the user capabilities, i.e. which functions
he may execute of the Supervisor Function, Message
Distribution Function, Message Service Function and
User Function.
USER ̲CAP contains, if user capability is included in
the CAP field, the subset of the User Functions the
user may execute, Message Preparation, Message Release
or Message Reception.
EXERCISE indicates whether the user may access exercise
messages only or not.
PASSWORD ̲REF identifies the entry in the PASSWORD ̲TABLE
which contains the users password, and thus contains
the same value as that entry's PASSWORD ̲TABLE ̲ENTRY
PASSWORD ̲AMENDED contains the time of the latest change
of the Password. Passwords are changed/inserted by
the supervisor.
PASSWORD ̲EXPIRED identifies the number of periods,
counted from the time contained in PASSWORD ̲AMENDED,
in which the users password is valid. One Period in
24 hours.
ASSOCIATED ̲RELEASE ̲POSITION contains, if the user has
access to the Message Preparation function, the LT
̲NO of TERMINAL ̲PROFILE, which represent the VDU at
which his messages may be released.
The message type used to highlight the interrelation
of the tables used during automatic distribution, was
of the sort which is queued directly for presentation
on a VDU or Printer.
Another type of messages also automatically distributed
exist, namely SCARS/CCIS VDU pages. SCARS/CCIS VDU
pages contain extracts of the SCARS or CCIS database
of interest for the CAMPS user.
Identification of the SCARS/CCIS database extracts,
which CAMPS users may gain access to, is performed
by the supervisor by inserting a record, DISPLAY ̲REC,
with the agreed SCARS/CCIS VDU page Name DISPLAY ̲NAME
in the DISPLAY ̲TABLE of the CAMPS DB, refer figure
D̲I̲S̲P̲L̲A̲Y̲ ̲T̲A̲B̲L̲E̲
D̲I̲S̲P̲L̲A̲Y̲ ̲R̲E̲C̲
̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
FIGURE 3.3.1-3
A SCARS/CCIS VDU page arriving at CAMPS will not by
the Message Distribution Program be queued for presentation
at a VDU or printer, but sent to the User Message Access
Monitoring Program. This program will look-up the DISPLAY
̲NAME of the received VDU page in the DISPLAY ̲TABLE.
If the DISPLAY ̲NAME is found, the NAME field of the
identified DISPLAY ̲REC will be updated with a reference
to the received VDU page.
Users may get SCARS/CCIS VDU pages presented on their
VDUs at request. The VDU page displayed will always
be the latest version sent to the User Message Access
Monitoring Program.
3.4 C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲ ̲-̲ ̲A̲ ̲M̲E̲S̲S̲A̲G̲E̲ ̲P̲R̲E̲P̲A̲R̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ ̲S̲U̲P̲E̲R̲V̲I̲S̲O̲R̲
CAMPS facilitates a certain supervision of message
preparation at a VDU. This section contains a description
of the tables especially utilized during the supervision.
3.4.1 F̲u̲n̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲
Refer figure 3.4.1-1.
A user preparing a message may, instead of entering
the PLA/PLA reference for each addressee, enter an
Address Indicator Group (AIG), and then the system
will insert the thereby indicated PLAs/PLA references
in the message for him. An AIG references a group of
PLAs/PLA references.
Each AIG is in the CAMPS DB represented by a record,
AIG ̲REC, these records are contained in the AIG TABLE.
An AIG ̲REC consists of the following fields: AIG, AG,
AIG contains a number identifying the AIG to the system.
AG contains 1-4 letters. The AG may by a user be used
as an identification of the AIG. The AG field may be
FIGURE 3.4.1-1
PLA ̲REF ̲LIST consists of one to twohundred PLA ̲REFs
preceded by a Count, giving the actual number of
PLA ̲REFs in the list.
A user preparing a message may specify a Special Handling
Category to that message (SH), identifying it by a
two letter code. At presentation the two letter SH
will by the System be converted to the full Special
Handling Text. Special Handling Categories are by the
system represented by a bit in a bit array denoted
Each SH known to CAMPS is in the CAMPS DB represented
by a record, SPEC ̲HAND ̲REC, containing three fields:
the bit in the ACCESS PROFILE representing this SH,
the two letter code representing this SH and the full
Special Handling text respectively.
A user may during message prepartion insert a Operating
Signal, as a three letter code. The user may on request
get the Operating Signals known by the system displayed
on the VDU, preceded by the three letter code used
as identifyer.
Operating Signals insertable by a user during message
preparation are in the CAMPS DB contained in the OPERATING
SIGNAL TABLE. Each operating Signal is represented
by a record, OPER ̲SIGNAL ̲REC, consisting of two fields:
OPER ̲ID contains the three letter code identifying
the Operating Signal contained in OPER ̲TEXT.
3.5 C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲ ̲-̲ ̲F̲U̲N̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲A̲L̲L̲Y̲ ̲C̲O̲N̲T̲R̲O̲L̲L̲E̲D̲ ̲B̲Y̲ ̲T̲H̲E̲ ̲S̲U̲P̲E̲R̲V̲I̲S̲O̲R̲
Most of the tables described in the previous sections
of this document, may be changed by the Supervisor
of CAMPS during System Operation. Change of table contents
will of course affect the functional behaviour of the
programs, which execute based on the table contents.
A bunch of parameters on which the System functional
behaviour also depends are kept in the CAMPS DB, these
parameters are denoted System Parameters.
The System Parameters are described in this section.
3.5.1 F̲u̲n̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲
The supervisor may from the supervisor VDU change the
contents of the tables and system parameters contained
in the CAMPS DB.
At the supervisor VDU the supervisor may execute supervisor
commands and supervisor procedures. Supervisor commands
requires entry of a command confirmation code before
acceptance by the system, and may further be associated
a permissive entry code (PEC) and a restrictive warning
For each supervisor command, the supervisor is able
to specify that the command code identifying the command
to be executed shall be accompanied by a PEC before
access to the command is offered by the system, i.e.
before any information related to the command is displayed
on the VDU. Further the supervisor is able to specify
that a Restrictive Warning text as defined by him,
shall be displayed together with the prompt for entry
of the Command Confirmation Code.
Refer Figure 3.5-1
Each supervisor command and supervisor procedure executable
from the supervisor VDU is in the CAMPS DB represented
by a record, SUPERVISOR ̲COMMAND ̲ATTR. These records
are contained in the SUPERVISOR ̲COMMAND ̲TABLE.
SUPERVISOR ̲COMMAND ̲ATTR includes the following fields:
CMD ̲ID contains a number identifying the command to
the system.
CMD ̲DES contains the four letter command code identifying
the command to the external world.
CMD ̲SORT is a record consisting of two fields MAIN
and SUB. MAIN indicates whether these command attributes
relates to a Menu, a Supervisor Procedure or a Supevisor
PEC ̲INDICATOR defines whether a PEC is specified or
not, if CMD ̲SORT identifies this command as as Supervisor
FIGURE 3.5-1
PEC contains the Permissive Entry Code, if
PEC ̲INDICATOR indicates that a PEC is defined.
WARNING ̲TXT ̲INDICATOR defines whether a warning text
is specified or not, if CMD ̲SORT identifies this command
as a supervisor command.
WARNING ̲TXT contains a warning text if so indicated
In the following the System Parameters will be described.
N̲e̲t̲w̲o̲r̲k̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲s̲
This parameter contains an array from 1 to max number
of networks. Each field in the array contains a DE
RI. On basis of the network on which the message shall
be sent the belonging DE RI is selected in the array.
Refer Figure 3.5-2
D̲i̲s̲t̲r̲i̲b̲u̲t̲i̲o̲n̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲s̲
Refer Figure 3.5-3
The automatic distribution of message is performed
by the Message Distribution Program. Message Distribution
is performed in accordance to the tables related hereto
refer section 3.3, and in accordance to the System
The normal distribution of messages was explained in
section 3.3 of this document and so was the selection
of the SDL list to be used for a SIC based on the CRISIS
Distribution strategy may be determined by the supervisor.
The supervisor may specify that all messages of a certain
classification or of certain classifications shall
not be distributed using the normal distribution strategy
but be queued for the Messsage Distribution Control
Officer. The supervisor may also during quiet hours
select one VDU to which all messages shall be queued
for processing by a duty officer. Further, messages
including the special Handling Category Atomal are
not allowed to be output at normal printers, but shall
be queued for printout at one specific printer, selectable
by the supervisor. All these supervisor specifications
are kept in the DISTRIBUTION ̲PARAMETER record contained
in the CAMPS DB.
FIGURE 3.5-2
FIGURE 3.5-3
The DISTRIBUTION ̲PARAMETER record consist of the following
̲DES (Quiet Hours Logical Designator), and
ATOMAL ̲PRINTER ̲LOG ̲DES (Atomal Printer Logical Designator).
This is a boolean which specifies whether Incoming
Messages of classification UNCLASSIFIED shall be sent
to the MDCO (TRUE) or shall be distributed normal (FALSE).
As above for Incoming Messages of classification:RESTRICTED
As above for Incoming Messages of classification: CONFIDENTIAL
As above for Incoming Messages of classification: SECRET
As above for Icoming Messages of classification: COSMIC
This switch specifies by TRUE that distribution by
SICs shall be performed on basis of the CRISIS SIC
This switch specifies by TRUE that alternative distribution
shall be performed to the DUTY OFFICER.
This field specifies the logical terminal number of
the current Quiet Hours terminal position.
This field specifies the logical Device number of the
current ATOMAL printer.
Three dedicated devices, a OCR, a PTR and a PTP is
defined for CAMPS. The OCR is used for input of messages
of same type as entered from VDU's. The dedicated PTR
is used for input of decrypted incoming messages and
encrypted outgoing messages. The dedicated PTP is used
for output of incoming encrypted messages and outgoing
messages which shall be encrypted. The dedicated PTR
and PTP are identified to the system via two system
D̲e̲d̲i̲c̲a̲t̲e̲d̲ ̲P̲u̲n̲c̲h̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
Refer Figure 3-1
The DEDICATED ̲PUNCH ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting
of two fields: DEC ̲PUNCH ̲DD (Dedicated Punch Designator)
and PREEMPT ̲DELAY (Preemption Delay).
This field contains the three letter device designator
(DD) of the DEVICE ̲PROFILE representing the dedicated
This field specifies the time before preemption shall
be performed on the Punch.
D̲e̲d̲i̲c̲a̲t̲e̲d̲ ̲R̲e̲a̲d̲e̲r̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲t̲e̲r̲
Refer Figure 3-1
The DEDICATED ̲READER ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting
of one field DEC ̲READER ̲DD (Dedicated Reader Device
Designator) containing the three letter Device Designator
(DD) of the DEVICE ̲PROFILE representing the Dedicated
The supervisor may to a certain extent control the
traffic of Automatic Generated ASM's, refer section
3, by changing the system parameters related to the
three existing Channel Types. These system parameters
and SCARS ̲CCIS ̲PARAMETER and will be described in the
Refer Figure 3-1
T̲R̲C̲/̲P̲T̲O̲P̲ ̲C̲h̲a̲n̲n̲e̲l̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The TRC ̲PTOP ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting of the
following fields: TIME ̲LIMIT ̲INCOM, TIME ̲LIMIT ̲FLASH,
This field specifies the time limit before sending
a selfaddressed channel check. If no message has been
received on an Incoming channel within the time limit
a selfaddressed channel check message shall be sent
on the corresponding outgoing channel.
This field specifies the time limit before a FLASH
ASM shall be received on an Incoming channel after
transmission of a FLASH message on the correponding
outgoing channel.
This field is a boolean, it specifies by TRUE that
an ASM shall be generated automatically if more than
140 consecutive identical characters are received from
a TRC Point to Point channel.
This field specifies the time before preemption shall
be performed on an outgoing channel.
N̲I̲C̲S̲/̲T̲A̲R̲E̲ ̲C̲h̲a̲n̲n̲e̲l̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The NICS ̲TARE ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting of the
following fields: TIME ̲LIMIT ̲INCOM, TIME ̲LIMIT ̲FLASH
This field is a switch which specifies that an channel
continuity message shall be exptected from NICS/TARE
every 6 minutes if no message is received in the time
This field specifies the time limit before a FLASH
ASM shall be reveived on an Incoming channel after
transmission of a FLASH Message on the correponding
outgoing channel.
This field specifies the time limit before a channel
continuity message shall be sent. If no message has
been transmitted on an outgoing channel within the
time limit a channel continuity ASM shall be sent.
S̲C̲A̲R̲S̲/̲C̲C̲I̲S̲ ̲C̲h̲a̲n̲n̲e̲l̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The SCARS ̲CCIS ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting of
the following fields: TIME ̲LIMIT ̲INCOM, TIME ̲LIMIT
This field specifies the time limit within which a
channel check ASM shall be transmitted. If no message
has been received on an Incoming channel within the
time limit a channel check ASM shall be transmitted
on the corresponding outgoing channel.
This field specifies the time limit within which a
Transaction acknowledgement from SCARS/CCIS shall be
expected. When a message is transmitted to SCARS/CCIS
a transaction acknowledgement will be expected on the
corresponding Incoming Channel within the time limit.
This field specifies the number of retransmissions
which shall be performed on a SCARS/CCIS channel.
This field specifies the time before preemption shall
be performed on an outgoing channel.
As described in sections 3.1 and 3.2 of this document,
messages transmitted on channels are transmitted in
the ACP 127 format. When converting a message from
the internal format it is represented in inside CAMPS
to the ACP 127 format, there is a degree of freedom.
This degree of freedom is removed by the specifications
contained in a system parameter ACP ̲127 ̲PARAMETER,
updateable by the supervisor.
A̲C̲P̲ ̲1̲2̲7̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The ACP ̲127 ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting of the
following fields: NO ̲OF ̲SPACE, SEPERATE ̲R ̲U, ZGC ̲INS,
This field specifies for outgoing messages whether
5 or 18 spaces shall be inserted in FL1 between the
This field is a boolean which specifies by TRUE that
separate FL2 lines shall be created for RIs starting
with R and U.
This field is a boolean which specifies by TRUE that
a ZGC operating signal shall be inserted in FL4 on
an outgoing message.
This field is a boolean which specifies by TRUE that
the year shall be inserted in the DTG in FL5 of an
outgoing message.
This field specifies the timezone value to be inserted
in the DTG in FL5 of an outgoing message.
The supervisor may for the two printer types known
by CAMPS, i.e. medium speed and low speed printers,
specify the number of lines per page etc. This information
is kept in the System Parameters:
L̲o̲w̲ ̲S̲p̲e̲e̲d̲ ̲P̲r̲i̲n̲t̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The LOW ̲SPEED ̲PRINT ̲PARAMETER record consist of the
This field contains the number of lines which shall
be printed per page.
This field contains the number of linefeeds which will
be executed between Print of two pages.
This field specifies the time before preemption shall
be performed on the printers.
M̲e̲d̲i̲u̲m̲ ̲S̲p̲e̲e̲d̲ ̲P̲r̲i̲n̲t̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The MEDIUM ̲SPEED ̲PRINT ̲PARAMETER record is equal to
the LOW ̲SPEED ̲PRINT ̲PARAMETER record as described above.
Four types of print out, output for the supervisors
attention, are defined for CAMPS, these are Report
Print, Log Print, Statistics Print and Supervisor Print.
The supervisor may during system operation specify
the printers, at which he wants the different print
types to be output. The printers so identified by the
supervisor are contained in the system parameter
S̲u̲p̲e̲r̲v̲i̲s̲o̲r̲ ̲P̲r̲i̲n̲t̲e̲r̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The SUPV ̲PRINTER ̲PARAMETER is a record, which consist
of the following fields: REPORT ̲DD (Report print Device
Designator), SUPV ̲DD (Supervisor print Device Designator),
LOG ̲DD (Log print Device Designator) and STAT ̲DD (Statistic
print Device Designator).
This field specifies the logical device number for
the dedicated Report printer.
This field specifies the logical device number for
the dedicated Supervisor printer.
This field specifies the logical device number for
the dedicated LOG printer.
This field specifies the logical device number for
the dedicated statistics printer.
The logical device number in each of the four fields
is identical to the LD ̲NO in the DEVICE ̲PROFILE, refer
section 3.3, representing the printer.
Print of statistics is performed each day at 2400 hours
by the system on the printer assigned statistics print
by the supervisor. Printout of Statistics at midnight
is controlled by the supervisor, i.e. the supervisor
may specify whether statistics is to be printed or
not. This decision is kept in the System Parameter:
S̲t̲a̲t̲i̲s̲t̲i̲c̲s̲ ̲P̲r̲i̲n̲t̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The STP ̲PRINT ̲CONTROL ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting
of one field, indicating whether the statistics printout
at midnight shall occur or not.
To prevent unauthorized access to information kept
by CAMPS two functions are performed by the System,
these are the Security Interrogation and the Security
The conditions on which these function shall be performed
may be set/changed by the supervisor and is defined
in the System Parameter: SECURITY ̲PARAMETER.
S̲e̲c̲u̲r̲i̲t̲y̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The SECURITY ̲PARAMETER is a record consisting of the
In the following field descriptions the term: access
profile is used, refer section 1.3.1 of this document.
This field contains an access profile in which only
the classification part is used. It specifies the lowest
classification on which Security Interrogation shall
be performed.
This field contains an access profile in which the
classification and Special Handling part is used. It
specifies the lowest classification and the Special
Handling Instructions for which the warning text shall
be presented and the warning code be entered.
This field contains the warning code which shall be
entered during the security warning.
This field contains the warning text which shall be
displayed during a security warning.
Each document printed at a printer by CAMPS shall carry
a document control number. A document control number
consists of five components of which one is the Special
Handling Control Number. The Special Handling Categories,
which shall cause the Special Handling Control Number
to be incremented may be specified by the supervisor.
S̲p̲e̲c̲i̲a̲l̲ ̲H̲a̲n̲d̲l̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲P̲r̲i̲n̲t̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
This parameter contains only one field. It specifies
the Special Handling Instructions which shall cause
the Special Handling Global Serial Number to be incremented
by one.
The System Parameter is denoted SPECIAL ̲HANDLING ̲PRINT
PARAMETERS and the field described above contains an
access profile, where only the special handling bits
are significant.
Messages queued for presentation on a VDU, are queued
in accordance to the precedence, they have been assigned.
Messages of precedence FLASH may only stay in a VDU
queue a certain time without being processed. The lenght
of this timeperiod may be specified by the supervisor,
and is kept in the System Parameter
F̲l̲a̲s̲h̲ ̲Q̲u̲e̲u̲e̲ ̲T̲i̲m̲e̲o̲u̲t̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The FLASH ̲QUEUE ̲TIMEOUT record consist of one field
containing the lenght of the timeperiod, in which a
message of precendence FLASH may be queued at a user
VDU without being processed.
3.6 C̲A̲M̲P̲S̲ ̲H̲A̲R̲D̲W̲A̲R̲E̲ ̲R̲E̲L̲A̲T̲E̲D̲ ̲T̲A̲B̲L̲E̲S̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲S̲Y̲S̲T̲E̲M̲ ̲P̲A̲R̲A̲M̲E̲T̲E̲R̲S̲
The tables and system parameters described in the previous
sections of this document, were all related to the
functional behaviour of CAMPS and updateable by the
supervisor through the supervisor commands and procedures
accessible from the supevisor VDU.
In this section the tables related to the hardware
configuration are described. The hardware tables are
maintained and utilized by the CAMPS System Status
and Control (SSC) Program and contain information on
current hardware status and configuration.
Throughout this section the term Watchdog VDU will
be used to denote the VDU connected the Watchdog Processor
Unit (Refer Figure 2-2), and the term Operator VDU
will be used to denote the supervisor VDU, when used
to invoke Operator Commands and Procedures (Refer r3).
The tables described in this section may be updated
by the operator executing the Operator Commands and
Procedures from the Operator VDU.
3.6.1 F̲u̲n̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲
When CAMPS have been non operational, and a startup
is performed from the Watchdog VDU, the system time
and date will be requested by the system. When entered
the system will check that the entered time is newer
than the time at which CAMPS became non operational.
The CAMPS DB contain two system parameters related
to the above described check: CURRENT ̲CLOCK ̲PARAMETER
C̲u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ ̲C̲l̲o̲c̲k̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The CURRENT ̲CLOCK ̲PARAMETER consist of one field. The
field contains a DTG (Date-Time-Group). This DTG is
updated each minute.
O̲l̲d̲ ̲C̲l̲o̲c̲k̲ ̲P̲a̲r̲a̲m̲e̲t̲e̲r̲
The OLD ̲CLOCK ̲PARAMETER consist of one field, The field
contains a DTG. This DTG is updated with the current
clock parameter each time a startup is performed. The
current clock contains a startup the time of which
the CAMPS became non operational.
CAMPS is a dualized system. If a central hardware unit
fails the system will automatically switch over to
the standby PU (Processor Unit), and continue its execution.
Refer Figure 3.6.1-1 and Figure 3-2
The PU ̲TABLE in the CAMPS DB contains one record PU
REC, consisting of the following fields: PU ̲1 ̲STATUS,
CU ̲1 ̲STATUS (Channel Unit 1 Status), TDX ̲1 ̲STATUS (Telecommunication
Data Exchange Unit 1 Status), PU ̲2 ̲
STATUS, CU ̲2 ̲STATUS and TDX ̲2 ̲STATUS. The first three
fields relate to the processor Unit 1, the last three
contain the equivalent information for Processor Unit
PU ̲1 ̲STATUS, CU ̲1 ̲STATUS, TDX ̲1 ̲STATUS contain the
hardware status of the hardware unit to which they
are related (e.g. ACTIVE, IN ̲SERVICE).
The CAMPS configuration includes three disks and one
floppy disk. For each disk the DISK ̲TABLE contains
a record DISK ̲PARAM describing the actual status of
the disk.
DISK ̲PARAM consist of three fields: DISK, STATUS and
FIGURE 3.6.1-1
DISK contains an identification of the disk described
in this record.
STATUS contains the status of the disk, i.e. whether
it is in service, offline etc.
VOLUME contains the name of the Volume currently mounted,
if any.
The NICS/TARE, SCARS and CCIS communication links are
connected to CAMPS via the Channel Unit. The LTU's
(Line Termination Units) may each control four LTU
lines of identical type, i.e. either NICS/TARE, SCARS
or CCIS.
Each LTU line is in the CAMPS DB represented by a record,
LTU ̲LINE ̲REC, these records are contained in the LTU
A LTU ̲LINE ̲REC record consist of the following fields:
NO contains the number identifying the LTU line to
the system.
TYPE ̲DEV contains the device type: SCARS, CCIS or NICS/TARE.
SPEED contains the communication baud rate (in Baud).
STATUS contains the hardware status of the line, i.e.
whether it is in service, out of service etc.
LTU ̲NO identifies the LTU, which control this LTU line.
CHAIN ̲STATUS indicates the global status (working or
not) of the hardware chain of which this line is a
part (LTU - LTU line).
Each LTU is in the CAMPS DB represented by a record,
LTU ̲REC, these records are contained in the LTU ̲TABLE.
A LTU ̲REC consist of the following fields: NO, TYPE
NO contains a number identifying the LTU to the system.
TYPE ̲DEV contains the LTU type, i.e. whether it controls
STATUS contains the hardware status of the LTU, i.e.
whether it is in service, out of service etc.
FIRST ̲LTU ̲LINE ̲ID contains an identification of the
LTU ̲LINE with the lowest NO in its LTU ̲LINE ̲REC, controlled
by this LTU.
Refer Figure 3.6.1-2 and Figure 3-2
The TRC/PTOP Communication links, VDU's, Printers,
PTP's, PTR's and OCR's are connected to CAMPS via the
TDX Units served by the TDX Bus. A TDX Unit consist
of one BSM-X (Bus Switching Module, X indicates the
connection to the TDX Bus), and two LTUX-S's (Line
Termination Unit, X indicates connection to TDX Bus,
S is a type identification).
A BSM-X may service two LTUX-S, and one LTUX-S may
control four LTUX lines.
Each LTUX line is in the CAMPS DB represented by a
record, LTUX ̲LINE ̲REC, these records are contained
A LTUX ̲LINE ̲REC consist of the following fields: NO,
NO contains a number identifying the LTUX line to the
TYPE ̲DEV contains the device type, TRC/PTOP channel,
VDU etc.
ALPHABET identifies the alphabet used in the communication,
i.e. whether ITA2 or ITA5 is used.
SPEED contains the communication baud rate (in Baud).
STATUS contains the hardware status of the line, i.e.
whether in service, out of service etc.
LTUX ̲NO identifies the LTUX, which control the LTUX
BSMX ̲NO identifies the BSM-X servicing the LTU-X controlling
the LTUX line.
CHAIN ̲STATUS indicates the global status (i.e. whether
working or not) of the hardware chain, of which this
line is a part (BSM-X - LTU-X - LTUX line).
FIGURE 3.6.1-2
Each LTUX is in the CAMPS DB represented by a record,
LTUX ̲REC, these records are contained in the LTUX ̲TABLE.
A LTUX ̲REC record consist of the following fields:
NO contains s number identifying the LTUX-S to the
TYPE ̲DEV contains the LTUX-S type, i.e. whether it
controls LTUX lines of type TRC/PTOP, VDU etc.
STATUS contains the hardware status of the LTUX-S,
i.e. whether it is in service, out of service etc.
FIRST ̲LTUX ̲LINE ̲NO contains an identification of the
LTUX ̲LINE with the lowest NO in its LTU ̲LINE ̲REC, controlled
by this LTUX.
BSMX ̲NO identifies the BSM-X servicing this LTUX-S.
Each BSM-X is in the CAMPS DB represented by a record,
BSM ̲X ̲REC, these records are contained in the
A BSM ̲X ̲REC record consist of the following fields:
NO contains a number identifying the BSM-X to the system.
STATUS contains the hardware status of the BSM-X, i.e.
whether it is in service, out of service etc.
FIRST ̲LTUX ̲LINE ̲NO contains an identification of the
LTUX line, controlled by either of the two LTUX-S's
serviced by this BSM-X, with the lowest NO in its
FIRST ̲LTUX ̲NO contains an identification of the LTUX-S,
serviced by this BSM-X, with the lowest NO in its
4̲ ̲ ̲T̲H̲E̲ ̲D̲E̲P̲M̲E̲T̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲A̲B̲A̲S̲E̲
In a normal CAMPS Database the no of entries in the
profile tables, i.e. the terminal table, the Device
table, the Circuit table, the Channel table, the user
and Password table, will correspond to the number of
entries in the line tables, i.e. LTUX line table and
LTU line table. This is not the case for the DEPMET
Database, where the profile tables has been allowed
to reflect the Hardware configuration of the SHAPE
Site, making it possible to maintain a considerable
size of the DEPMET Databse and to switch profiles in
and out just by adjusting the port id of the profiles.
The hardware tables of the DEPMET site have however
been changed to reflect the actual hardware configuration,
refer Figure 4-1.
The Distribution Parameter field containing the identification
of the Atomal Printer, the SUPV Print Parameter identifying
the supervisor printers and the shared printer field
of the terminal profile will all reference the same
printer in the DEPMET Database.
The TO RI's in the channels profiles representing the
channelse with the DEPMET loop-back capability are
included in the local RI Table.
The DEPMET Database data are contained in ANNEX A