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Notes: telex til arc
Names: »1824A «
└─⟦780c36067⟧ Bits:30006094 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0146A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »1824A «
1982-03-26 bhb/vhn
to: arc
att.: Mr. philip becker
fm: christian rovsing a/s, denmark
gert jensen/bjarne berthold
our ref: cps/103/tlx/0057
subject: rfq for v11/v28 l/l adaptor for burroughs ptr/p
ref. a) meeting at burroughs 820202
you are hereby asked to quote for supply of the equipment
and services as specified below. the specifications
are modelled to cr's standard contract as used for the
adaptor/filter box contract. as contract date is assumed
3.2 delivery schedule
3.2.1 The delivery schedule is based on the following
deliveries to arc by cr:
a) delivery of one paper tape reader/punch, burroughs
part number 2683-7518 (includes no tempest
enclosure) no later than april 15, 1982.
b) delivery of 1 each paper tape reader/punch,
burroughs part number 2683-7518 (includes tempest
enclosure) no later than june 1, 1982.
3.2.2 On or before june 1, 1982, arc shall perform
the first article test of the v11/v28 L/L-adaptor
according to the requirements stated in appendix
3.2.3 shipment of the equipment shall be made on
the dates set forth in the following schedule:
a) 2 adaptor modules, no later than june 1, 1982.
b) 15 (+spares) modules, no later than august
16, 1982.
3.3 tempest approval
tempest test data and associated reports as specified
in appendix d of this contract shall be forwarded
from arc no later than august 1, 1982.
3.4 documentation
4 prices
10 documentation
same extent as v28 L/L-adaptor
Appendix b
technical requirements for v11/v28 l/l adaptors…01…-------------------------------------------------
the v11/v28 l/l-adaptors to be supplied under this contract
shall meet the specifications and requirements specified
in this appendix.
1 general specification…01…--------------------------
1.1 the v11/v28 l/l adaptor shall be designed to be
used as an ad-on to the burroughs paper tape reader/punch,
burroughs part number 2683-7518. the p/n 2683-7518
is in the following named: ptr/p(v11).
1.2 the function of the v11/v28 l/l adaptor shall be
to convert the signal interface of the ptr/p(v11)
from ccitt, v11 to a v28 L/L interface. the v28
L/L interface, is specified later, is basic by
recommandation ccitt, v28, modified by mil-std-188c.
the ptr/p (v11) with the v11/v28 l/L-adapter added
is in the following named: ptr/p (v28 L/L).
1.3 the ptr/p (v28 l/L) will be tested by the amsg
720a - requirements as stated in appendix d of
this contract.
the v11/v28 l/l-adaptor shall be designed to:
a) that it supports the ptr/p (v28 l/L) to meet
the amsg 720A requirements.
b) that it does not put any constraints on the
ptr/p (v28/l/l) to meet the amsg 720A-requirements.
1.4 the ptr/p (v11) is specified by the following technical
drawing package.
Dwg. No. Description rev.
2683-6767 schematic diagram ptr/p
2684-1296 interface card assy.
2683-7518 paper tape reader/punch assy.
(2 sheets)
2683-7518PL paper tape reader/punch assy. 1
(2 sheets)
2683-2550 circuit card assy. punch i/f
2683-2550pl circuit card assy. punch i/f 1
2684-1122 weldment, punch rdr encl. D
(sheet 1,2,3)(3pages)
2684-1122pl weldment, punch rdr encl. 5
(sheed 1,2,3)(3 pages)
2684-1296pl interface card 1
2676-9091 paper tape reader/punch (PTR/P)
specification (EECO Model #rp9362b0aaa) 15 pages
2683-2592 logic diagram, punch interface
this package has been delivered to arc and contains
all information required for design of the v11/v28
l/l-adaptor in the following areas:
a) mechanical interface to the ptr/p (v11)
b) power interface to the ptr/p (v11)
c) signal interface to the ptr/p (v11)
2 environment
the ptr/p (v 28 L/L) shall operate within the specified
limits under environmental conditions as specified
below. the v11/v28 l/l-adaptor shall be designed to
accomodate this operating environment requirement.
2.1 ambient temperature range: 0 to 40 deg. c.
change: max. 10 deg. c per hour.
2.2 humidity: 40 - 90% relative humidity (% rh), non-condensing.
change: max. 6% rh per hour
2.3 altitude: sea level to 2000 meter.
2.4 dust, fumes
The equipment shall be able to operate continuously
and with normal scheduled preventive maintenance in
the following air environment:
a) air cleanness
particle size max allowable number
(microns) (praticles/cubicmeter)
greater than 5 4 x (10 exp 5)
greater than 1.5 4 x (10 exp 6)
greater than 1 4 x (10 exp 7)
b) fumes
sulphur dioxide max. 14 ppm.
3 power input…01…----------------
the ptr/p 8v28 L/L) shall be capable of satisfying
the specified performance requirement, when operated
with the power input specified below. the v11/v28 L/L-adaptor
shall be designed to accomodate this requirement.
3.1 voltage
the equipment shall be capable or operating with a
220 v ac. single phase as well as a 240 v ac single
phase power supply, both with a tolerance of + 10%/-15%.
3.2 frequency
nominal value: 50 hz
tolerances: +5/-5 hz
3.3 harmonic distortion
max. 5%.
3.4 transients
non-repetitive impulsive interference with a magnitude
not to exceed 500 volts, pulse rise and fall times
not faster than 10 microseconds and a total duration
of maximum 1 millisecond. the available impulse energy
at the equipment power inlet shall not exceed 5 j.
3.5 safety
where a voltage of more than 50 volts is exposed during
the maintenance activities, a suitable warning sign
shall be provided on the equipment.
3.6 grounding
the grounding system shall be arranged so that there
are three separate and isolated ground circuits, namely:
a) ac power neutral
b) equipment frame ground
c) signalling and control ground
the ac power neutral shall provide a return for the
primary current, so that the equipment frame ground
is used only to establish a safety ground.
4 signal interface…01…--------------------
4.1 signal interface to ptr/p (v11)
the electrical interface specification complies with
the ccitt v11 recommendation concerning the data and
control signal voltage polarities. all other charcteristics
are contrained by the mil-std-422 standard (low level)
digital interface specification.
the ptr/p (v11) operates as a dte device only and utilizes
the following circuits.
102 signal ground
103 transmit data (reader to host)
104 received data (host to punch)
105 request to send (reader to host)
106 ready for sending (host to reader)
108/2 data terminal ready (punch/reader to host)
cial) punch (parity) error (punch to host)
transmission to and from the ptr/p (v11) is asynchronous,
600 baud, 11 bits/character, consisting of one start
bit, 8 data bits, one odd parity bit, and one stop
4.2 external signal interface
4.2.1 the external signal interface shall be provided
from the ptr/p (v28 L/L) by a connector, db 25
or equivalent.
the ptr/p (v28 l/l) is operated as dte.
4.2.2 the following ccitt, v24 circuits shall be provided
on the external signal.
102 signal ground 7
103 transmitted data 2
104 received data 3
note 105 request to send 4
note 106 clear to send 5
108/2 data terminal ready 20
note: strap option: it shall be possible between the
2 following alternative operations (iniital setting
for option b):
a) straight forward conversion as specified above.
b) circuit 105 is in this option not used in the external
106 on the signal interface to the ptr/p (v11)
shall be raised only if the following two conditions
are met:
1) 105 from ptr/p(v11)
is raised
2) 106 from external interface is raised.
4.2.3 in addition to signal and (pin 7) a separate signal
and pin shall be allocated for each driver circuit
as specified in the following scheme:
driver pin separate gnd pin
---------- ----------------
3 14
4 16
20 19
4.2.4 electrical specification
a) the circuits for the external signal interface
shall be designed based on interrim report no.
3 dated may 1, 1981, prepared by arc for cr.
b) the circuits (except circuit 102) shall be designed
in accordance with mil-std-188c, sections 7.2.1
b1) strap option 1: on receiver circuits, programming
of input impedance and threshold voltage for
the alternatives
1) mil-std-188c
2) v28
shall be provided by straps. the straps shall
not be field-replaceable.
strap option 2: a strap option for fail-safe
operation shall be provided for circuit 104
and 106.
4.3 transmission alarm interface
if a transmission error is detected by the ptr/p (v11)
upon receiving data for punching, this will be indicated
on the (special) interface circuit from the ptr/p (v11)
by a pulse.
a transmission alarm interface shall be provided on
the v11/V28 l/L adaptor in accordance with the following
a) a set of relay contacts shall be provided. the
set shall be galvanic isolated.
b) a reset input/for push button operation) shall
be provided.
c) the relay shall be set, when a transmission error
pulse is received on the special circuit.
d) the relay shall be reset by
1) power up
2) activation of reset input
e) the transmission alarm interface is an option to
support e.g. an alarm indicator on the front panel
of the ptr/p (v28 L/L). this alarm will be accessible
only by opening the front door of the ptr/p (v28
Appendix D
test and test procedures…01…----------------------------
d.1 v117v28 l/l adaptor, first article qualification test
d.1.1 arc shall submit to cr for their review and approval
the test procedures to be set during the first
article test at least 30 days prior to the first
article test. the first article test shall verify
that the adaptors meet the requirements of the
d.1.2 cr shall have the right to be present during the
first article test.
d.1.3 arc shall deliver to cr the first article test
report immediately after the test.
d.2 tempest testing of ptr/p (v28 l/l), i.e. ptr/p incl.
v11/v28 l/l adaptor.
d.2.1 arc shall perform a complete tempest test on the
ptr/p (v28 l/l).
this includes
- tempest test plan
- tempest test report with facility and test equipment
certification appended.
d.2.2 arc will forward the classified document to search
for forwarding to danish comsec (then ace comsec)
d.2.3 danish comsec will grant the certificate based
on ace comsec technical recommendation.
Appendix e
kind regards,
christian rovsing a/s
gert jensen