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0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 00294130303239 ┆ )A0029A ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' * X% % PO P ; A#+ C f x f V W> O 8 : ; 0319A f d < {C < { ; 1 ` c IE. lD l ' : 8 9 t xgy [ 0319A D3K0 ( D4D3K0 ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
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0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5) Sector 00000600031941 ┆ Andition "Z". 2) A more positive voltage than +3 volts will signigy the telegraph "SPACE" or a control/timing "ON" condition representing the binary Zero or condition "A". m) The region between +3 volts and -3 volts is defined as the transition ┆
0x01600…01700 (1, 0, 6) Sector aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ┆****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x01900…01a00 (1, 0, 9) Sector 010aff00034741 ┆ GAr of failures possible during the maintained life of the software, T o is the MTTF at the start of test and C is the testing compression factor. "Maintained life" is the period extending from the start of test to discontinuance of program failure ┆
0x01a00…01b00 (1, 0, 10) Sector 010bff00034741 ┆ GAcorrection. (Once program failure correction has been discontinued, the number of failures becomes dependent on the program lifetime and (5) does not hold.) Failures and faults are related through: N o = BM o ┆
0x01b00…01c00 (1, 0, 11) Sector 010c4600034741 ┆ F GA (6) n = Bm (7) tary source statements and during I1, statements shall be equivalent to the smallest item of description. sions on technical, cost or schedule changes. tte med? S]ge hvilket? ┆
0x01c00…01d00 (1, 0, 12) Sector 010dc900034741 ┆ I GA 1 where m is the number of failures experienced. Thus the fault reduction factor B may be seen as an expression of the net faulict behavior that well be experienced when the program┆
0x01d00…01e00 (1, 0, 13) Sector 0000da00034741 ┆ Z GAt removal per failure. The number of failures experienced is also an exponential function of the cumulative execution time: Ct1 (8) m = Mo 1 - exp - MoTo The parameters of the model can be d┆
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0x05a00…05b00 (5, 0, 10) Sector 050b9700031241 ┆ Athe schematic diagram d) Special Test Equipment Contractor will be willing to supply STE for test of the circuit card and readermechanisms. r will be reused when a line item component/equipment ahs been deleted or substituted. When a new item o┆
0x05b00…05c00 (5, 0, 11) Sector 050cff00031241 ┆ A 1 6.2.5 Failure Reporting Analysis Failure Reporting and Control System The Contractor's Failure Reporting and Control System shall be designed and implemented to the com┆
0x05c00…05d00 (5, 0, 12) Sector 050dff00031241 ┆ Apatible with the purchaser's Failure Reporting and Control System. The Contractor shall describe his proposed system for initiating failure reports, collecting and producing Reliability and Maintainability data, failure analyses and feedback of corr┆
0x05d00…05e00 (5, 0, 13) Sector 050eff00031241 ┆ Aective action. The analysis and reporting of failures and subsequent maintenance actions shall differentiate between, but not be restricted to, those due to equipment failure and human error. The Contractor's failure reporting system shall include p┆
0x05e00…05f00 (5, 0, 14) Sector 050fff00031241 ┆ Arovisions to assure that effective corrective actions are taken on a timely basis to reduce or prevent repetition of the failures and it shall be conducted under the surveillance of, and shall be subject to, Quality Control and Quality Assurance as ┆
0x05f00…06000 (5, 0, 15) Sector 0500ff00031241 ┆ Adefined in Part 6, section 1 of this contract. The Contractor's progam shall include an audit of all open reports, analyses and corrective action suspense dates and reporting of all delinquencies. Failure Analysis Should a number of def┆
0x06000…06100 (6, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x06100…06200 (6, 0, 1) Sector 06026a00032041 ┆ j A 1 Intentionally left blank. nator preceded by the system-code "C" for Camps. Note: The coordination SCD could be associated to a terminal near the OCR to facilitate for exam┆
0x06200…06300 (6, 0, 2) Sector 06036600032041 ┆ f A 1 Intentionally left blank. s contained in ACP127 format lines 5-13, including BTs except that PLAs in FL7, 8 and 9 will not be preceded by an RI and a slash. Format Line G In┆
0x06300…06400 (6, 0, 3) Sector 06044a00032041 ┆ J A 1 datory for the last page of a message. Syntax: NNNN(Eoln) LDRIG TIL NOGET, S< DETTE HAR ALDRIG V@RET UDGIVET SOM DOKUMENT VHN/830627 5. MESSAGE FORMAT This section desc┆
0x06400…06500 (6, 0, 4) Sector 00000600032041 ┆ A 1 E1 Formatted Data and Narrative Message Single Address Message Example (Line B) - VZCZC (Line C) - SPECIAL XXXXX/ZZZZZ (Line D1) - PREC A (Line D2) - ORIG AOPS/MAJOR┆
0x06500…06600 (6, 0, 5) Sector 0000ed00034941 ┆ m IAara 21 Approve the QA plan. SHAPE 801118 801201 PMOM 4 para 4.g.2.b. 2 Mail a lis┆
0x06600…06700 (6, 0, 6) Sector 06075300034841 ┆ S HA ma B in SRS 116 JPR 801010 801015 MSRR No. 3 para 3 35 Air freight ICD 0001 JPR 801010 801┆
0x06700…06800 (6, 0, 7) Sector 0508ff00034841 ┆ HA 1 58 Evaluate the latest FD from JPR 801128 801201 SHAPE 59 Answer the power consump- BHB┆
0x06800…06900 (6, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x06a00…06b00 (6, 0, 10) Sector 060bff00031941 ┆ Aphical symbol indicating "Overline" or the "Tilde". 4. Positions 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 have the significance respectively of: a) Start reader device b) Start recorder device c) Stop reader device d) Stop recorder device 5) The graphics┆
0x06b00…06c00 (6, 0, 11) Sector 060cff00031941 ┆ A in positions 2/2, 2/7, and 5/14 have respectively the significance of "Quotation Mark", "Apostrophe", and "Upward Arrow". However, these characters take on the significance of the diacritical signs "Diaeresis", "Acute Accent" and "Circumflex Accent┆
0x06c00…06d00 (6, 0, 12) Sector 00007c00031941 ┆ | A" when they follow the "Backspace" character. 6) Position 2/3 may be used as "end of message validation function". ed: -------------------------------- System shall transmit ZBZ4 ASM. Test message garbled: --------------------- Syste┆
0x06d00…06e00 (6, 0, 13) Sector 060ed600031941 ┆ V A5: Incoming channel is OK. N equal to 1, 2, or 3: The system shall set outgoing channel status to "closed", stop the transmission and send a warning report to the supervisor. Figure 5.5-6 nel. Definition A connection┆
0x06e00…06f00 (6, 0, 14) Sector 060f7500031941 ┆ u A 1 APPENDIX A NATO 7-bit Code Table NICS TARE channel 1 status 1 op┆
0x06f00…07000 (6, 0, 15) Sector 06009900031941 ┆ A 1 NATO 7-BIT CODE TABLE (BASED ON THE ISO/CCITT INTERNATIONAL ALPHABET NO. 5) 1) Supervisor initiate opening of incoming channel. 2) System transmit QRV ASM on the outgoing chan┆
0x07000…07100 (7, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x07900…07a00 (7, 0, 9) Sector 070abe00034541 ┆ > EA Unit assembly TBD Ad sec. 4.1) .....essential sub-routines. is changed to: .....on-line Diagnostics. Ad sec. 4.1.2) ....retrieved...... is changed to: ....retried.... the watchdog. nd-by PU via the off-lined TDX-bus system, in or┆
0x07a00…07b00 (7, 0, 10) Sector 070bff00034541 ┆ EA 1 Ad sec. 4.1.3) ....retrieved.... is changed to: ....retried ..... Ad sec. 4.2.5) The following text should be added: The Watchdog must have on-line self diagnostic s/w ┆
0x07b00…07c00 (7, 0, 11) Sector 070cff00034541 ┆ EAcapable of checking and verifying vital Watchdog on-line functions. Furthermore off-line diagnostic s/w should be present to ease troubleshooting a faulty watchdog. Ad sec. 4.3) in the last 6 lines of text .....contained as files on a floppy d┆
0x07c00…07d00 (7, 0, 12) Sector 070dff00034541 ┆ EAisk is changed to: .....contained as files on a disk/floppy disk. .....from the FDD.... is changed to: ......from the disk/FDD Ad sec. 4.3.1) The last two lines are substituted with: Further OFF-LINE M & D s/w based debug tools are T┆
0x07d00…07e00 (7, 0, 13) Sector 070e6500034541 ┆ e EABD Ad sec. in 2)...module is changed to: .....module . This is run by the PU's oscillator. b) TIME-OF-DAY based on a separate T-O-D-system, which is connected in another feasible way to the CAMPS system. ┆
0x07e00…07f00 (7, 0, 14) Sector 070fe700034541 ┆ g EA 1 Ad sec's The active PU is substituted with the active/stand-by PU. Ad sec. in 2) .....disable the self-check revealed an e┆
0x07f00…08000 (7, 0, 15) Sector 0000db00034541 ┆ [ EAprocessor bus interface..... is changed to: .....disable the processor- and channel bus interface.... Ad sec. ....files on a floppy disk.... is changed to: ....files on a disk/floppy disk.... nected to the CPS-WD-system as shown┆
0x08000…08100 (8, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x13f00…14000 (19, 0, 15) Sector 0108f100032041 ┆ q AAR5 is an alphanumeric text which may extend over several lines with a maximum length of 69 characters. Semantic: Narrative text. Format line Q The termination mark of a message. The line is mandatory. Syntax: END(EOLF) itive and nega┆
0x14000…14100 (20, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
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0x26800…26900 (38, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(38,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41030341}, f00=»0303A «, f01=»CPS/ECP/003 EMI RACKS «, f02=»sdv/vhn/am] «, f03=»GJ «, f04=»Atlantic Research «, f05=07-11-80 12:46, f06=» 5 «, f07=»54 «, f08=» 12844 «, f09=14-11-80 09:00, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 4 «, f13=13-11-80 14:22, f14=14-11-80 09:20, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 14 «, f17=» 8 «, f18=»29 «, f19=» 420 «, f20=» 19582 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=210031000120056610a10a80aaca15050000000000000037036500df}
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0x29800…29900 (41, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(41,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41030041}, f00=»0300A «, f01=»Biblioteksfunktioner «, f02=»vhn «, f03=» «, f04=»SKAL IKKE SLETTES «, f05=06-11-80 10:59, f06=» «, f07=»20 «, f08=» 1245 «, f09=14-11-80 15:55, f10=» «, f11=»03 «, f12=» 24 «, f13=14-11-80 15:40, f14=07-03-83 19:34, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 4 «, f17=» 4 «, f18=»26 «, f19=» 28 «, f20=» 7516 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=990010000120056610a10a80aaca15050000000000000137030d00df}
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0x2a800…2a900 (42, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(42,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41033041}, f00=»0330A «, f01=»APPENDIX A TIL UDF STD. «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»SVO «, f04=»SD/STD/006 «, f05=18-11-80 15:30, f06=» 1 «, f07=»06 «, f08=» 5149 «, f09=19-11-80 14:35, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 15 «, f13=19-11-80 15:00, f14=19-11-80 15:04, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 5 «, f17=» 1 «, f18=»34 «, f19=» 92 «, f20=» 6034 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=200010000120056610a10a80aaca15050000000000000037031d00df}
0x2a900…2aa00 (42, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x2ce00…2cf00 (44, 0, 14) Sector 2c0fff00033641 ┆, 6A. overtime). e) Det s>ledes opgjorte antal overskydende timer pr. m>ned afregnes efter medarbejderens timesats (m>nedsl]n/168). I stedet for udbetaling kan overskydende timer afspadseres efter aftale mellem medarbejderen og arbejdsgiveren. Afspa┆
0x2cf00…2d000 (44, 0, 15) Sector 18009d00033641 ┆ 6Adsering skal fortrinsvis ske p> tidspunkter, hvor der ikke foreg>r installationsarbejde. f) For udedage ydes et fast kompensationstill`g p> 120 kr. t>ende aftale mellem Christian Rovsing A/S og TL-klubben Christian Rovsing A/S, gyldig i perioden ┆
0x2d000…2d100 (45, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x2fb00…2fc00 (47, 0, 11) Sector 2f0cff00033841 ┆/ 8A 1 h) Action Item Status: SHAPE reminded CR of discussion at 3rd progress meeting and proposed a format (used by Burroughs) to report on status of action items. CR is developing┆
0x2fc00…2fd00 (47, 0, 12) Sector 2f0dff00033841 ┆/ 8A forms - one for SHAPE and one for CR items. Format will be issued at next progress meeting in December. Report is to be mailed in months when no progress CR meetings are held. i) System Design Techniques: SHAPE and CR discussed the esta┆
0x2fd00…2fe00 (47, 0, 13) Sector 2f0eff00033841 ┆/ 8Ablishment of the informal exchange of technical information. To this end, SHAPE explained its new engineering support section organization. SHAPE also explained its request for certain systems design information required for a better understanding┆
0x2fe00…2ff00 (47, 0, 14) Sector 2f0fff00033841 ┆/ 8A of the system. Some of the items discussed were programming language used, process architecture, operating system description, CAMPS application software, the design process, data base design and technical reports. CR provided some of the informa┆
0x2ff00…30000 (47, 0, 15) Sector 2f00ff00033841 ┆/ 8Ation and stated that the rest would be available at the SDR or subsequent detailed design reviews. CR was also asked the following specific questions: 1) How does user redirect messages to another VDU? Answer provided, through supervisor only.┆
0x30000…30100 (48, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x34800…34900 (52, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(52,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41031941}, f00=»0319A «, f01=»CPS/ICD/004 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»TDJ «, f04=»NICS TARE INTERFACE «, f05=11-11-80 14:39, f06=» 3 «, f07=»55 «, f08=» 12553 «, f09=16-03-84 13:12, f10=» «, f11=»19 «, f12=» 104 «, f13=19-01-84 14:05, f14=07-02-86 15:40, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 39 «, f17=» 19 «, f18=»37 «, f19=» 548 «, f20=» 34489 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=320042000120056610110280aaca1505000000000000003703b200df}
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0x36800…36900 (54, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(54,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41033841}, f00=»0338A «, f01=»Minutes of Meeting Prog.4 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»GJ «, f04=»Meeting held SHAPE «, f05=21-11-80 15:14, f06=» «, f07=»27 «, f08=» 2021 «, f09=22-01-81 09:10, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 16 «, f13=25-11-80 12:23, f14=27-01-81 15:20, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 11 «, f17=» 4 «, f18=»20 «, f19=» 280 «, f20=» 12000 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=400020000220056610a10a80aaca15050000000000000037035300df}
0x36900…36a00 (54, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x37100…37200 (55, 0, 1) Sector 3702ff00034141 ┆7 AAary criteria for the independent review will be to ascertain that the unit development test cases adequately test branch conditions, logic paths, input and output, error handling, a reasonable range of values and will perform as stipulated by the re┆
0x37200…37300 (55, 0, 2) Sector 37035100034141 ┆7 Q AAquirements. This review should occur prior to the start of unit testing. hms and models Accuracy meet the prescribed quantified accuracy requirements delineated when preparing the acceptance criteria earlier in development. Logical Branches All┆
0x37300…37400 (55, 0, 3) Sector 3704ff00034141 ┆7 AA 1 3 TEST PLANS The purpose of this section is to present an overview of the overall software testing activities prior to software integration, a schedule and a list of major pro┆
0x37400…37500 (55, 0, 4) Sector 3705ff00034141 ┆7 AAducts coming out of the software tests. Furthermore, the section will identify all the units to be tested during the unit test phase. Finally, it should be noted that all test specifications and procedures produced for the unit testing will be i┆
0x37500…37600 (55, 0, 5) Sector 37069500034141 ┆7 AAncluded in the Unit Development Folders together with the detailed design and test results as described in the CAMPS UDF standard SD/STD/006. items as dividing by zero, differencing two nearly equal large numbers, exceeding table limits, etc. Reso┆
0x37600…37700 (55, 0, 6) Sector 3707ff00034141 ┆7 AA 1 4 TEST TASK SPECIFICATION The purpose of this section is to specify all software unit tests in terms of: - purpose - personnel requirements - hardware requirements - softwa┆
0x37700…37800 (55, 0, 7) Sector 00007000034141 ┆ p AAre requirements - functional description - acceptance criteria - schedule - test result requirements n presents a general description of the activities to be performed before the actual tests are initiated. Prior to the unit test activities a┆
0x37800…37900 (55, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x38800…38900 (56, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(56,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41034541}, f00=»0345A «, f01=»WATCHDOG DESIGN NOTE «, f02=»kk/am]/vhn «, f03=»BHB «, f04=»CPS/TCN/017 «, f05=26-11-80 10:39, f06=» 3 «, f07=»12 «, f08=» 12752 «, f09=17-12-80 09:34, f10=» «, f11=»02 «, f12=» 9 «, f13=17-12-80 10:03, f14=17-12-80 10:13, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 33 «, f17=» 8 «, f18=»33 «, f19=» 504 «, f20=» 19860 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=810002000120056610a10a80aaca1505000000000000003703a100df}
0x38900…38a00 (56, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
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0x3c000…3c100 (60, 0, 0) Sector 3c01ff00034041 ┆< @As a software unit. For integration purposes a software unit is defined as a piece of software which has relatively few interfaces to other pieces of software and which can be developed by maximum one engineer. All software units have been tested ┆
0x3c100…3c200 (60, 0, 1) Sector 3c02ff00034041 ┆< @Aexhaustively during software unit testing (refer Software Test Plan CPS/TSP/001). During software integration, software units are integrated into larger software components in the following called builds. Software integration consists of integra┆
0x3c200…3c300 (60, 0, 2) Sector 3c03ff00034041 ┆< @Ation of software units into packages (refer CAMPS Software Page Specifications (CPS/SDS/002 to CPS/SDS/012) in two or three steps for each step is produced a build, which will be defined by the integrated units contained in the build and the functio┆
0x3c300…3c400 (60, 0, 3) Sector 3c04ff00034041 ┆< @Anal capability of the build. During software integration, a combination of top-down and bottom-up testing will be used. This approach has been chosen to combine the advantages of both i.e., to minimize number of test drivers and to increase possi┆
0x3c400…3c500 (60, 0, 4) Sector 3c052600034041 ┆< & @Ability for concurrent testing. dule in the software terminal package has the following identification: module X is contained in unit no. TEPO117 01 and has the module no. 17. The software library has a structure wh┆
0x3c500…3c600 (60, 0, 5) Sector 3c06ff00034041 ┆< @A 1 3.2 BUILD DEFINITION This section defines the builds which are to be integrated for each of the CAMPS application software packages (CPS/SDS/002 - CPS/SDS/012, refer section 1.2 o┆
0x3c600…3c700 (60, 0, 6) Sector 3c07ff00034041 ┆< @Af this plan). A build represents a significant partial functional capability of a CAMPS application software package. Each incremental build demonstration is a partial dry run of the final software application package acceptance test. Builds wi┆
0x3c700…3c800 (60, 0, 7) Sector 3800ff00034041 ┆8 @All in this section be defined by their functional capabilities and the software unit which they consist of. To establish builds, software units must be integrated in a certain sequence. The integration sequences for the different application soft┆
0x3c800…3c900 (60, 0, 8) Sector 3c09ff00034041 ┆< @A 1 Version numbering is initiated when a module has been released to category 2. The version number is incremented each time the module has been modified and released again. The l┆
0x3c900…3ca00 (60, 0, 9) Sector 3c0aff00034041 ┆< @Aatest issue date is related to the date of the latest released version number. Each software unit shall contain the information as above, but in addition contain the following information: - modules contained in the unit (module id.) - test be┆
0x3ca00…3cb00 (60, 0, 10) Sector 3c0bff00034041 ┆< @Ads (drives) established for the unit (test bed id.) The version number is incremented each time a unit is released to category 2. Test beds/drivers shall be identified as follows: Test driver Unit id. indicator (┆
0x3cb00…3cc00 (60, 0, 11) Sector 3c0cff00034041 ┆< @A2 digits) T/XXX ZZ SW package id. (3 characters) Software packages shall contain the same information as above with the following modifications. The version number is incremented each time┆
0x3cc00…3cd00 (60, 0, 12) Sector 3c0dff00034041 ┆< @A a package is released to category 3. The software package shall contain a reference to all software units contained in the package. All software units and packages shall contain the status they are in i.e., which category 2, 3 or 4 they belong ┆
0x3cd00…3ce00 (60, 0, 13) Sector 3c0e0900034041 ┆< @Ain s Accounting Status accounting records shall be maintained with respect to software problem reports and approved software changes. The problem log record shall contain an identification of the problem report and its status (refer section 2.4.┆
0x3ce00…3cf00 (60, 0, 14) Sector 3c0fff00034041 ┆< @A 1 3 SOFTWARE INTEGRATION DEFINITION AND STRUCTURE This chapter addresses the general integration approach. Furthermore, it identifies all software components which have to be i┆
0x3cf00…3d000 (60, 0, 15) Sector 3c00ff00034041 ┆< @Antegrated, the integration sequence and the planned integration steps (build). A build represents a significant partial functional capability of a software entity. 3.1 INTEGRATION APPROACH The lowest level software component to be integrated i┆
0x3d000…3d100 (61, 0, 0) Sector 3d01ff00034041 ┆= @Asubsystems can be identified at different levels, which are package level, unit level, and module level. A software package consists of one or more software units and a software unit consists of one or more modules. Software items shall be identif┆
0x3d100…3d200 (61, 0, 1) Sector 3d02ac00034041 ┆= , @Aied as follows: Package Id. Module Id. 3 characters 2 digits XXX YY ZZ Unit Id. 2 digits selfstanding program, the test driver shall contain the necessary control structur┆
0x3d200…3d300 (61, 0, 2) Sector 3d03ff00034041 ┆= @A 1 Examples: a) A software package with all its associated units and modules has the following identification: TEP identification used for SW term┆
0x3d300…3d400 (61, 0, 3) Sector 3d04ff00034041 ┆= @Ainal package. b) A software unit with all its associated modules in the software terminal package has the following identification. unit is contained in the software TEP03 package TEP and has the unit ┆
0x3d400…3d500 (61, 0, 4) Sector 3d05ff00034041 ┆= @A no. 03. c) A software module in the software terminal package has the following identification: module X is contained in unit no. TEPO117 01 and has the module no. 17. The software library has a structure wh┆
0x3d500…3d600 (61, 0, 5) Sector 3d06ff00034041 ┆= @Aich reflects the different phases of development a SW item can exist in. The software library has therefore been divided into four categories which are: cat. 1: Software items which are being unit tested and not yet released for software integrat┆
0x3d600…3d700 (61, 0, 6) Sector 3d07ff00034041 ┆= @Aion. cat. 2: Software items which are being integrated to software packages and not yet released for system integration. cat. 3: Software items which are being integrated to a system and not yet released for formal acceptance. cat. 4: Software┆
0x3d700…3d800 (61, 0, 7) Sector 3c08f000034041 ┆< p @A items released for formal acceptance at system level. Category 2, 3, and 4 are all under CR configuration management control. Each software module shall be supplied information: - version number ( 0 - 99) - latest issue date ry in error Sou┆
0x3d800…3d900 (61, 0, 8) Sector 3d09ff00034041 ┆= @Arce code comment is incorrect. program says DO I=1,5 while comment says "loop 4 times." 8 IF statement too simple Not all all conditions necessary for an IF statement are present. IF A B should be IF A B and B C. 9 Referenced wrong data ┆
0x3d900…3da00 (61, 0, 9) Sector 3d0aff00034041 ┆= @Avariable Self-explanatory See Figure 3. The wrong queues were referenced. 10 Data alignment error Data accessed is not the same as data desired due to using wrong set of bits. Leftmost instead of rightmost substring of bits used from a dat┆
0x3da00…3db00 (61, 0, 10) Sector 3d0bff00034041 ┆= @Aa structure. 11 Timing error causes data loss Shared data changed by a process at an unexpected time. Parallel task B changes XYZ just before task A used it. 12 Failure to initialize data Non-preset data is referenced before a value is assigne┆
0x3db00…3dc00 (61, 0, 11) Sector 3d0ca700034041 ┆= ' @Ad. Lesser categories are not defined here Fig. 2.4.1-2 ERROR CATEGORY DEFINITION d solution can be authorised to be implemented. The procedural steps are: - logging o┆
0x3dc00…3dd00 (61, 0, 12) Sector 3d0dff00034041 ┆= @A 1 The categorization of software problems will furthermore support the defect measurements, which are described in the CAMPS System Development Plan CPS/PLN/002. 2.4.2 Software St┆
0x3dd00…3de00 (61, 0, 13) Sector 3d0eff00034041 ┆= @Aatus Accounting Status accounting records shall be maintained with respect to software problem reports and approved software changes. The problem log record shall contain an identification of the problem report and its status (refer section 2.4.┆
0x3de00…3df00 (61, 0, 14) Sector 3d0fff00034041 ┆= @A1). The change log record shall contain an identification of the problem which generated the change and an identification of the change order. Furthermore, accountance should be given for all changes to products and/or documents affected by the c┆
0x3df00…3e000 (61, 0, 15) Sector 3d00ff00034041 ┆= @Ahange order. 2.4.3 Library Control Library control presented in this section is concerned with the following subjects: - software configuration identification - library structure - library procedures The Application and System Software ┆
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0) Sector 3e018400034041 ┆> @A Overleaf is presented a flowchart of the steps problem reports shall go through until they represent an authorized change. unit testing. The Test Bed shall be released with the unit and be available in the future as a basis for tests after mo┆
0x3e100…3e200 (62, 0, 1) Sector 3e028800034041 ┆> @A 1 Fig. 2.4.1-1 - If the unit under test is not a selfstanding program, the test driver shall contain the necessary control structur┆
0x3e200…3e300 (62, 0, 2) Sector 3e03ff00034041 ┆> @A 1 In order to support error reporting qualitatively, as well as quantitatively, problems/errors shall be categorized, which could be as follows. 1 ┆
0x3e300…3e400 (62, 0, 3) Sector 3e04ff00034041 ┆> @A CATEGORY DEFINITION, EXAMPLE 1 Omitted logic Code is lacking which should be present. Variable A is assigned a new value in logic ┆
0x3e400…3e500 (62, 0, 4) Sector 3e05ff00034041 ┆> @Apath X but is not reset to the value required prior to entering path Y. 2 Failure to reset data Reassignment of needed value to a variable omitted. See example for "omitted logic." 3 Regression error Attempt to correct one error causes anothe┆
0x3e500…3e600 (62, 0, 5) Sector 3e06ff00034041 ┆> @Ar. 4 Documentation in error Software and documentation conflict: software is correct. User manual says to input a value in inches, but program consistently assumes the value is in centimeters. 5 Requirements inadequate Specification of the pr┆
0x3e600…3e700 (62, 0, 6) Sector 3e07e300034041 ┆> c @Aoblem insufficient to define the desired solution. See Figure 4. If the requirements failed to note the interrelationship of the validity check and the disk schedule index, then this would also be a requirements error. library control Software p┆
0x3e700…3e800 (62, 0, 7) Sector 3d08ff00034041 ┆= @A 1 6 Patch in error Temporary machine code change contains an error. Source code is correct, but "jump to 14000" should have been "jump to 14004." 7 Commentary in error Sou┆
0x3e800…3e900 (62, 0, 8) Sector 3e09ff00034041 ┆> @A have to be followed, when software and/or its associated documentation has to be updated. Software library control refers to the procedures by which the software products have to be handled. 2.4.1 Software Problem Reporting Software problem ┆
0x3e900…3ea00 (62, 0, 9) Sector 3e0aff00034041 ┆> @Areports shall be generated as a result of a suspected or existing discrepancy, deficiency or error in an existing software component and/or its associated documentation. Software problem handling shall take place according to the Problem Handling ┆
0x3ea00…3eb00 (62, 0, 10) Sector 3e0b7700034041 ┆> w @AStandard SD/STD/007. A separate software problem file will be established for the software integration phase. Consequently, one subset of the test space must be designed against the functional/performance requirements whereas the other subset ┆
0x3eb00…3ec00 (62, 0, 11) Sector 3e0cff00034041 ┆> @A 1 Problem reports shall when generated, undergo a number of procedural steps until the proposed solution can be authorised to be implemented. The procedural steps are: - logging o┆
0x3ec00…3ed00 (62, 0, 12) Sector 3e0dff00034041 ┆> @Af problem report - proposal to solution of problems - presentation to software change control board and authorization - establishing change log record All problem reports shall be kept in a central file in which each report is identified by ┆
0x3ed00…3ee00 (62, 0, 13) Sector 3e0eff00034041 ┆> @Aa label (seq. number). The software problem report file is controlled by CAMPS software configuration management. After a report has been logged, a proprosed solution shall be generated. This can be performed by the originator of the problem rep┆
0x3ee00…3ef00 (62, 0, 14) Sector 3e0fff00034041 ┆> @Aort, the responsible work package manager and/or CAMPS system engineering. The software change control board described in section 2.1.4 is the authority that approves/disapproves the problem reports and their associated changes. This board will m┆
0x3ef00…3f000 (62, 0, 15) Sector 3e00ff00034041 ┆> @Aeet weekly/biweekly to process the generated problem reports. When changes have been approved, a change order log record shall be generated for each change order to ensure that proper status accounting is maintained as described in section 2.4.2. ┆
0x3f000…3f100 (63, 0, 0) Sector 3f01ff00034041 ┆? @A d) Test Bed In connection with the development of a software unit a complete test bed shall be developed and utilized in unit testing. The Test Bed shall be released with the unit and be available in the future as a basis for tests after mo┆
0x3f100…3f200 (63, 0, 1) Sector 3f02ff00034041 ┆? @Adifications and to be integrated in the integration test bed as appropriate. The Test Bed shall consist of: 1) Test Driver - If the unit under test is not a selfstanding program, the test driver shall contain the necessary control structur┆
0x3f200…3f300 (63, 0, 2) Sector 3f03ff00034041 ┆? @Ae to invoke the functions of the test item. - If the test item does not access its input data directly, the test driver shall contain means for accessing proper input data and convey them to the unit. - If the test item does not produce dire┆
0x3f300…3f400 (63, 0, 3) Sector 3f04ff00034041 ┆? @Act output the test driver shall contain means for accepting output from the unit and store them in a test output file. 2) Test Data A Test Data file shall contain all the necessary data to exercise the test. 3) Test Output File An output f┆
0x3f400…3f500 (63, 0, 4) Sector 3f05b400034041 ┆? 4 @Aile shall be available for retaining the results of a test run. The latest test results shall always be kept on a copy in order to compare it with the result of a new run. lures have been corrected and adequate retesting has been accomplished. -┆
0x3f500…3f600 (63, 0, 5) Sector 3f06ff00034041 ┆? @A 1 4) Stubs One or more stubs as necessary to simulate the functions of other units with which the unit under test normally interfaces. The simulation may be primitive but shall┆
0x3f600…3f700 (63, 0, 6) Sector 3f07ff00034041 ┆? @A be sufficient to support the ongoing test. 2.4 PRODUCT CONTROL Product control during SW integration shall consist of the following elements: - software problem reporting - software status accounting - software library control Software p┆
0x3f700…3f800 (63, 0, 7) Sector 3e08ff00034041 ┆> @Aroblem reporting is the mechanism by which a suspected or existing discrepancy or deficiency in an existing software component and/or its associated documentation is reported and processed. Software status accounting refers to the procedures which┆
0x3f800…3f900 (63, 0, 8) Sector 3f09ed00034041 ┆? m @Aons and Procedures Integration testing is principally involved with assuring that the interfaces have been properly defined and implemented. Integrated software component shall be tested according to test case specifications. r applicable proce┆
0x3f900…3fa00 (63, 0, 9) Sector 3f0aff00034041 ┆? @A 1 The total set of test cases shall demonstrate. a) that the integrated software component meets its functional and performance (timing and sizing) specifications. b) that the in┆
0x3fa00…3fb00 (63, 0, 10) Sector 3f0bff00034041 ┆? @Aterfaces between the software components being integrated are functioning/performing according to specifications. Consequently, one subset of the test space must be designed against the functional/performance requirements whereas the other subset ┆
0x3fb00…3fc00 (63, 0, 11) Sector 3f0cff00034041 ┆? @Amust be designed against the interfaces between the software components being integrated. A cross reference between functional/performance requirements and test cases shall be established for all tests by which the software capabilities are being ┆
0x3fc00…3fd00 (63, 0, 12) Sector 3f0dff00034041 ┆? @Atested. A cross reference between interface specifications and test cases shall be established for all tests by which software interfaces are being tested. 2.3.2 Integration Test Procedures For each of the test cases, specified according to s┆
0x3fd00…3fe00 (63, 0, 13) Sector 3f0eff00034041 ┆? @Aection 2.3.1, a procedure shall be established. The procedures shall specify: - facilities required - set-up conditions - sequence of event - acceptance criteria a) Facilities Required A section in the test procedures shall contain the m┆
0x3fe00…3ff00 (63, 0, 14) Sector 3f0fd800034041 ┆? X @Ainimum facilities required to run the test case in the test facility. b) Set-Up Conditions The test set-up conditions shall describe all external environmental conditions that have a bearing on the test. following: - install and maintain all┆
0x3ff00…40000 (63, 0, 15) Sector 3f00ff00034041 ┆? @A 1 c) Sequence of Events The test sequence of events must be updated to show all actions required to run the test in the test facility, and expected results for that test facility.┆
0x40000…40100 (64, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(64,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41033641}, f00=»0336A «, f01=»L[NAFTALE ILS «, f02=»sdv «, f03=»OE «, f04=» «, f05=21-11-80 12:45, f06=» 1 «, f07=»27 «, f08=» 5078 «, f09=04-12-80 10:02, f10=» «, f11=»03 «, f12=» 10 «, f13=02-12-80 14:43, f14=04-12-80 10:05, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 5 «, f17=» 2 «, f18=»51 «, f19=» 92 «, f20=» 7613 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=400040000120056610a10a80aaca15050000000000000037031e00df}
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0x41100…41200 (65, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x42000…42100 (66, 0, 0) Sector 4201ff00034041 ┆B @A of SW Problem Report SPR and temporary fix documentation. - maintain test case library and assist in preparing test results packages. 2.1.3 SW Test Control Board The SW Test Control Board (TCB) is authorized to review and control the SW inte┆
0x42100…42200 (66, 0, 1) Sector 4202ff00034041 ┆B @Agration effort in order to ensure the completeness of each test phase and an orderly progression to subsequent test phases. The TCB responsibilities therefore include the following: - review and approve SW integration and verification test specif┆
0x42200…42300 (66, 0, 2) Sector 4203ff00034041 ┆B @Aications and procedures at all test levels to ensure all requirements are adequately tested. - review SW test status, test data packages, and summary reports to ensure that the approved procedures were used and the SW is ready for the next test ph┆
0x42300…42400 (66, 0, 3) Sector 42040c00034041 ┆B @Aase. ecution of CAMPS application SW packages. These responsibilities include: - receive tested SW units (refer section 3.1) and integrate these. - isolate and report on SW problems including implementing temporary fixes as necessary. - defi┆
0x42400…42500 (66, 0, 4) Sector 4205ff00034041 ┆B @A 1 - review and approve changes to baselined SW test specifications and procedures. - ensure that test failures have been corrected and adequate retesting has been accomplished. -┆
0x42500…42600 (66, 0, 5) Sector 4206ff00034041 ┆B @A to approve problem reports/changes generated during SW integration. The SW TCB will be composed of representatives from the following organizations: - SW Quality Assurance (CR) - System Engineering Management - SW Management - Representat┆
0x42600…42700 (66, 0, 6) Sector 4207ff00034041 ┆B @Aives from each SW test activity as appropriate. The Chairman (SW manager) will call meetings as required by the test activity allowing sufficient time for an adequate review of test materials. Minutes of each meeting documenting agreements and ac┆
0x42700…42800 (66, 0, 7) Sector 3f08ff00034041 ┆? @Ation items will be produced. 2.3 INTEGRATION SPECIFICATION AND PROCEDURES This section describes the general requirements which have to be fulfilled by all software integration specification and procedures. 2.3.1 Integration Test Specificati┆
0x42800…42900 (66, 0, 8) Sector 4209ff00034041 ┆B @A test activities, other groups performing concurrent test activities, and subsequent test activities. - provide a weekly status report to the CAMPS management team. - ensure adherence to SW problem reporting procedures and other applicable proce┆
0x42900…42a00 (66, 0, 9) Sector 420aff00034041 ┆B @Adures. - coordinate resources required from and provided to other organizations. - establish determination of retest policy. - call and chair meetings and reviews concerning the SW test activity. - participate in the review, approval, and pr┆
0x42a00…42b00 (66, 0, 10) Sector 420bff00034041 ┆B @Aoposed changes to SW test documentation. - approve SW configuration and all quick fixes used during SW I&T testing. - supervise preparation of the Verification Report. Each test will be assigned to a Test Conductor whose responsibilities inclu┆
0x42b00…42c00 (66, 0, 11) Sector 420cff00034041 ┆B @Ade the following: - prepare test case execution materials in accordance with the approved test procedures. - initiate document change requests as required to correct test documentation. - perform or support test execution. - analyze and docu┆
0x42c00…42d00 (66, 0, 12) Sector 420dc400034041 ┆B D @Ament test results. - generate Software Problem Reports SPRs for problems uncovered during testing. - conduct appropriate retests. - participate in meetings and technical discussions. s (refer section 3). These specifications and procedures ┆
0x42d00…42e00 (66, 0, 13) Sector 420eff00034041 ┆B @A 1 - keep SW manager continuously advised of test activities and any problems encountered which could adversely affect the test schedule. - participate in the preparation of the Ver┆
0x42e00…42f00 (66, 0, 14) Sector 420fff00034041 ┆B @Aification Report. An additional function to be staffed by one or more people as a part of this work package is that of SW Library and Information Control. The responsibilities under this heading include the following: - install and maintain all┆
0x42f00…43000 (66, 0, 15) Sector 4200ff00034041 ┆B @A of the SW product libraries under test. - prepare an installation report for each SW release installed. - provide feedback as required to update SW installation procedures. - maintain temporary SW fix baseline. - maintain up-to-date library┆
0x43000…43100 (67, 0, 0) Sector 43011f00034041 ┆C @Achedule updated weekly. S/007 o STATISTICS CPS/SDS/008 o LOGGING CPS/SDS/009 o TRAFFIC HANDLING CPS/SDS/010 o MESSAGE DISTRIBUTION CPS/SDS/011 o TERMINAL PACKAGE ┆
0x43100…43200 (67, 0, 1) Sector 4302ff00034041 ┆C @A 1 - keep SW manager continuously advised of activities and any problems encountered which could adversely affect the document production schedule. - coordinate with technical suppo┆
0x43200…43300 (67, 0, 2) Sector 4303ff00034041 ┆C @Art and documentation support personnel. - coordinate review and document update process. - coordinate documentation distribution. 2.1.2 Test Execution Work Package This work package is responsible for the integration and verification proced┆
0x43300…43400 (67, 0, 3) Sector 4304ff00034041 ┆C @Aure execution of CAMPS application SW packages. These responsibilities include: - receive tested SW units (refer section 3.1) and integrate these. - isolate and report on SW problems including implementing temporary fixes as necessary. - defi┆
0x43400…43500 (67, 0, 4) Sector 4305ff00034041 ┆C @Ane and perform retest/regression tests required for new SW updates. - prepare SW package deliveries to CAMPS system engineering. - execute final SW verification procedures - generate the Verification Report The above activities will be perfo┆
0x43500…43600 (67, 0, 5) Sector 4306ff00034041 ┆C @Armed under the direction of the SW manager or by one of him authorized SW integration manager. His responsibilities include the following: - establish work package activity priorities and schedules. - perform day-to-day supervision of the work ┆
0x43600…43700 (67, 0, 6) Sector 43071000034041 ┆C @Apackage. oftware package level verification, planning, integration, and test execution are the responsibility of the CAMPS software development organization under direction of the CAMPS Software manager or by one of him authorized software integrat┆
0x43700…43800 (67, 0, 7) Sector 4208ff00034041 ┆B @A 1 - keep management, other test efforts, and support organizations informed of testing status and all problems which might affect the progress of the SW integration and test (I & T )┆
0x43800…43900 (67, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x44000…44100 (68, 0, 0) Sector 4401ff00034041 ┆D @Al board (SW TCB). - ensure sufficient SW project resources are available to support the test activities. - monitor the performance of the software test effort. - determine software retest policy together with the software test control board (S┆
0x44100…44200 (68, 0, 1) Sector 44024300034041 ┆D C @AW TCB). - ensure SW test and schedule objectives are met. ┆
0x44200…44300 (68, 0, 2) Sector 4403ff00034041 ┆D @A 1 The CAMPS software integration and test activities are divided between the two packages: - specification and procedures. - integration and test execution The responsibilities┆
0x44300…44400 (68, 0, 3) Sector 4404ff00034041 ┆D @A, organization, and reporting procedures of each package are described in section 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 below. Section 2.1.3 describes the responsibilities and organization of the SW test control board (SW TCB): 2.1.1 Test Specification and Procedures┆
0x44400…44500 (68, 0, 4) Sector 4405ff00034041 ┆D @A Work Package This work package is responsible for generation of test specifications and procedures required for integration of application software units into application software packages (refer section 3). These specifications and procedures ┆
0x44500…44600 (68, 0, 5) Sector 4406ff00034041 ┆D @Awill be established per application software package. In relation to the above work package, the software manager or one by him authorized software integration manager has the following responsibilities. - establish work package activities prior┆
0x44600…44700 (68, 0, 6) Sector 4407ff00034041 ┆D @Aities and schedules. - perform day-to-day supervision of the work package. - keep management informed of activity progress, problems and plans by providing a weekly status report to the CAMPS management team. The overall coordination of the pr┆
0x44700…44800 (68, 0, 7) Sector 4300ff00034041 ┆C @Aoduction of each document will be assigned to a Book Captain whose responsibilities include the following: - make writing assignments in coordination with the SW manager. - provide document contents direction - maintain a detailed production s┆
0x44900…44a00 (68, 0, 9) Sector 440aff00034041 ┆D @A CPS/SDS/012 - CAMPS Software Interface Control Document CPS/ICD/009 - Database Design Document CPS/DBD/001 1.3 TERMS Build: For the purpose of this document, a build is defined as a software entity made up of integrated soft┆
0x44a00…44b00 (68, 0, 10) Sector 440bff00034041 ┆D @Aware components, which represent a significant partial functional capability of a CAMPS application software package. Software Unit: For integration purposes, a software unit is defined as a piece of software which has relatively few interfaces ┆
0x44b00…44c00 (68, 0, 11) Sector 440c5600034041 ┆D V @Ato other pieces of software and which can be developed by maximum one engineer. his plan is to establish the level of thoroughness by which software integration testing shall be conducted and to describe how the CAMPS software development team will ┆
0x44c00…44d00 (68, 0, 12) Sector 440dff00034041 ┆D @A 1 2 SOFTWARE INTEGRATION MANAGEMENT This chapter defines the management issues that in particular shall be emphasized during software integration, which are: - management orga┆
0x44d00…44e00 (68, 0, 13) Sector 440eff00034041 ┆D @Anization - software integration master schedule - integration specification and procedures - software product control Each of these management areas are discussed in the section 2.1 through 2.4. 2.1 MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION The CAMPS app┆
0x44e00…44f00 (68, 0, 14) Sector 440fff00034041 ┆D @Alication software package level verification, planning, integration, and test execution are the responsibility of the CAMPS software development organization under direction of the CAMPS Software manager or by one of him authorized software integrat┆
0x44f00…45000 (68, 0, 15) Sector 4400ff00034041 ┆D @Aion manager. His responsibilities in support of the above activities include the following: - establish overall SW integration and test schedules. - monitor SW integration and test budget and schedules. - organize and chair the SW test contro┆
0x45000…45100 (69, 0, 0) Sector 4501ff00034041 ┆E @A) Qualification testing: Systematically tests a completely integrated piece of software and its parts against the functional performance and interface specifications on which the design was based. This amounts to testing the design against the req┆
0x45100…45200 (69, 0, 1) Sector 45022100034041 ┆E ! @Auirements specifications. ┆
0x45200…45300 (69, 0, 2) Sector 4503ff00034041 ┆E @A 1 Qualification tests of CAMPS developed software are described in the CAMPS Acceptance Plan (CPS/PLN/012), that describes the following software tests: - in-plant software test. ┆
0x45300…45400 (69, 0, 3) Sector 4504ff00034041 ┆E @A - software functional test. - software operational test. 1.2 PROJECT REFERENCES - CAMPS System Requirements CPS/210/SYS/0001 - User Procedures and Associated Formats CPS/230/ICD70001 - Supervisor Command and Procedures CPS/230/ICD7┆
0x45400…45500 (69, 0, 4) Sector 4505ff00034041 ┆E @A0002 ACP 127 NATO Supp. 3 Procedures CPS/230/ICD/0003 - NICS TARE Interface Control Document CPS/ICD/004 - SCARS II Interface Control Document CPS/ICD/005 - ACE CCIS Interface Control Document CPS/ICD/006 - TRC, Point-to-point Con┆
0x45500…45600 (69, 0, 5) Sector 4506d600034041 ┆E V @Anection Interface Control Document CPS/ICD/007 - OCR Interface Control Document CPS/ICD/008 - CAMPS System Design Specification CPS/SDS/001 - CAMPS Program Implementation Plan CPS/100/PIP/0001 2.3 INTEGRATION SPECIFICATION AND PR┆
0x45600…45700 (69, 0, 6) Sector 4507ff00034041 ┆E @A 1 - CAMPS System Development Plan CPS/PLN/002 - CAMPS Acceptance Plan CPS/PLN/012 - CAMPS Software Test Plan CPS/PLN/001 - CAMPS Software Package Specifications o CAMP┆
0x45800…45900 (69, 0, 8) Sector 4509ff00034041 ┆E @ACTS/BUILDS IDENTIFICATION . 3.2.1 Functional Capabilities of Build ... 3.2.2 Software Units Included in Build ... 3.2.3 Sequence of Integration ............ 4 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS .................... 4.1 HARDWARE┆
0x45900…45a00 (69, 0, 9) Sector 450aee00034041 ┆E n @A FACILITIES .................... 4.2 INTERFACE/SUPPORT SOFTWARE ............. 4.3 RESOURCE UTILIZATION ................... 5 SOFTWARE INTEGRATION REQUIREMENTS ........ 6 SCHEDULE ................................. Mj2:g=~ B}4C75! ┆
0x45a00…45b00 (69, 0, 10) Sector 450bff00034041 ┆E @A 1 1 GENERAL 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This plan defines the software integration and test activities (excluding unit test) to be accomplished by the CAMPS software development team┆
0x45b00…45c00 (69, 0, 11) Sector 450cff00034041 ┆E @A prior to system integration and test and acceptance testing. The purpose of this plan is to establish the level of thoroughness by which software integration testing shall be conducted and to describe how the CAMPS software development team will ┆
0x45c00…45d00 (69, 0, 12) Sector 450dff00034041 ┆E @Aconduct and monitor the software integration. Software integration testing is the second step in series of tests. The types of testing which shall be distinguished are: 1) Unit testing: Tests a piece of software against the specifications imp┆
0x45d00…45e00 (69, 0, 13) Sector 450eff00034041 ┆E @Aosed on it in the design phase. This usually means testing against detailed design. 2) Integration testing: Tests whether a unit tested piece of software interfaces properly with other units and whether these units function properly together wit┆
0x45e00…45f00 (69, 0, 14) Sector 450fff00034041 ┆E @Ahin a higher level of integration. Integration testing will be conducted in two major phases, which are software and system integration testing respectively. Softwasre integration consists of integrating application software units into major so┆
0x45f00…46000 (69, 0, 15) Sector 4500ff00034041 ┆E @Aftware packages. During system integration, application software packages are integrated whereby system capabilities and requirements can be verified. This is mainly a verification of the consistency of detail design with architectural design. 3┆
0x46000…46100 (70, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(70,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41034041}, f00=»0340A «, f01=»SOFTWARE INTEGRATION PLAN «, f02=»sdv «, f03=»KNN «, f04=»CPS/TSP/002 «, f05=24-11-80 12:40, f06=» 2 «, f07=»44 «, f08=» 7996 «, f09=11-06-81 15:05, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 5 «, f13=10-06-81 12:57, f14=19-06-81 11:57, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 29 «, f17=» 9 «, f18=»45 «, f19=» 564 «, f20=» 37703 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020030000120056610110480aaca15050000000000000037039500df}
0x46100…46200 (70, 0, 1) Sector 46021d00034041 ┆F @A F F E E E D D C C B B ? ? ? > > > > = = < < < 8 8 6 6 6 6 5 DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVI┆
0x46200…46300 (70, 0, 2) Sector 46039800034041 ┆F @A 1 CPS/TSP/002 KNN/810609 # SOFTWARE INTEGRATION PLAN CAMPS B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x46300…46400 (70, 0, 3) Sector 4604ff00034041 ┆F @A 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL .................................. 1.1 PURPOSE .......................┆
0x46400…46500 (70, 0, 4) Sector 4605ff00034041 ┆F @A......... 1.2 PROJECT REFERENCES ..................... 1.3 TERMS .................................. 2 SOFTWARE INTEGRATION MANAGEMENT .......... 2.1 MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONS ............... 2.1.1 Test Specification and Proce┆
0x46500…46600 (70, 0, 5) Sector 4606ff00034041 ┆F @Adure Work Package ....................... 2.1.2 Test Execution Work Package ........ 2.1.3 Software Test Control Board ........ 2.2 INTEGRATION MASTER SCHEDULE ............ 2.3 INTEGRATION SPECIFICATION AND PR┆
0x46600…46700 (70, 0, 6) Sector 4607ff00034041 ┆F @AOCEDURES ............................. 2.3.1 Integration Test Specifications .... 2.3.2 Integration Test Procedures ........ 2.4 PRODUCT CONTROL ........................ 2.4.1 Software Problem Reporting ......... 2.4.2 ┆
0x46700…46800 (70, 0, 7) Sector 4508ff00034041 ┆E @ASoftware Status Accounting ......... 2.4.3 Library Control .................... 3 SOFTWARE INTEGRATION DEFINITION AND STRUCTURE ................................ 3.1 INTEGRATION APPROACH ................... 3.2 RELEASE PRODU┆
0x46800…46900 (70, 0, 8) Sector 4609ff00031941 ┆F AS to NICS TARE in synchronization with the transmitted data on circuit 103. 7) Receiver Signal Element Timing (115) This circuit will provide receive clock signal from CAMPS to NICS TARE in synchronization with the received data on circuit 104.┆
0x46900…46a00 (70, 0, 9) Sector 460aff00031941 ┆F A 8) Positive 6 volt This circuit will be used for general purposes such as line conditioning or indicator lamps. This is not included in the CCITT defined interchange circuits. 3.3.2 Connector Characteristics The connector is a 25-pin Can┆
0x46a00…46b00 (70, 0, 10) Sector 460b5b00031941 ┆F [ Anon multiplug with characteristics as described in International Standard ISO 2110. dance shall be 6000 ohms plus or minus 1000 ohms. i) The bias voltage seen at the receiving load input terminals, when the input is open circuit, shall not exceed┆
0x46b00…46c00 (70, 0, 11) Sector 460cff00031941 ┆F A 1 The pin and interchange assignments are: 1 NICS TARE CAMPS DTE DCE 102 Signal ground pin ┆
0x46c00…46d00 (70, 0, 12) Sector 460dff00031941 ┆F A7 ------------------------------------- pin 7 103 Transmitted data pin 2 ------------------------------------- pin 2 104 Received data pin 3 ------------------------------------- pin 3 106 Ready for sending pin 5 --------------┆
0x46d00…46e00 (70, 0, 13) Sector 460eff00031941 ┆F A----------------------- pin 5 107 Data set ready pin 6 ------------------------------------- pin 6 114 Transmitter signal element timing pin 15 ------------------------------------- pin 15 115 Receiver signal element timing pin 17 ┆
0x46e00…46f00 (70, 0, 14) Sector 460fff00031941 ┆F A------------------------------------- pin 17 Positive 6v pin 25 ------------------------------------- pin 25 3.4 REMOTE CAMPS/NICS TARE I/F 3.4.1 Interchange Wires The interface wires shall follow the C┆
0x46f00…47000 (70, 0, 15) Sector 4600ff00031941 ┆F ACITTs V24 interface. In accordance with CCITTs nomenclature, which is used in the following both CAMPS and NICS TARE will be treated as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). CAMPS shall interface to a crypto equipment (DOLCE) using the following circuits┆
0x47000…47100 (71, 0, 0) Sector 4701ff00031941 ┆G A 1 The used circuits are: 1 (1) Signal ground (102) (2) Transmitted data (103) (3) Received data (104) (4) Ready┆
0x47100…47200 (71, 0, 1) Sector 4702ff00031941 ┆G A for sending (106) (5) Data set ready (107) (6) Transmitter signal element timing (114) (7) Receiver signal element timing (115) (8) Positive 6v The use of the circuits are described below. 1) Signal Ground (102) This is the common ┆
0x47200…47300 (71, 0, 2) Sector 4703ff00031941 ┆G Areturn. 2) Transmitted Data (103) This is the data signals originated by the NICS TARE to be transmitted to CAMPS. Traffic on this line shall only be possible if circuits 106 and 107 are set to ON. NICS TARE will provide an outgoing traffic bit┆
0x47300…47400 (71, 0, 3) Sector 4704ff00031941 ┆G A stream synchronized with the transmitter signal element timing signal. 3) Received Data (104) This is the data signals sent from CAMPS and received by NICS TARE. NICS TARE will accept an input traffic bit stream synchronized with the receiver ┆
0x47400…47500 (71, 0, 4) Sector 4705ff00031941 ┆G Asignal element timing signal. 4) Ready for Sending (106) This circuit will carry a control signal from CAMPS indicating that CAMPS is prepared to receive data from NICS TARE. CAMPS will set ready for sending to ON when ready to recieve data fro┆
0x47500…47600 (71, 0, 5) Sector 47066c00031941 ┆G l Am NICS TARE. NICS TARE will not output data on circuit 103 when the ready for sending signal is OFF. ge circuits shall conform to CCITTs Recommendation v28, modified as set out below. a) The interface conditions shall be defined as those existing┆
0x47600…47700 (71, 0, 6) Sector 4707ff00031941 ┆G A 1 5) Data Set Ready (107) This circuit will carry a control signal from CAMPS indicating that CAMPS is operating correctly and prepared to transmit data to NICS TARE. CAMPS will s┆
0x47700…47800 (71, 0, 7) Sector 4608ff00031941 ┆F Aet circuits 106 and 107 to ON when ready to send data to NICS TARE. Circuit 107 will be in the OFF condition if CAMPS cannot operate correctly. 6) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (114) This circuit will provide transmit clock signal from CAMP┆
0x47800…47900 (71, 0, 8) Sector 4709ff00031941 ┆G Ats plus or minus 1 volt. The ripple shall be less than 0.5% under normal operating conditions. The positive and negative polar voltages shall be balanced within 5%. f) The maximum delivered current under conditions of short circuit between any of ┆
0x47900…47a00 (71, 0, 9) Sector 470ac900031941 ┆G I Athe signalling wires and any other or earth shall not exceed 100 miliamps. g) The source impedance is not defined but shall be so arranged that the defined interface conditions are satisfied. ity ............ Definitions .........┆
0x47a00…47b00 (71, 0, 10) Sector 470bff00031941 ┆G A 1 h) The load impedance shall be 6000 ohms plus or minus 1000 ohms. i) The bias voltage seen at the receiving load input terminals, when the input is open circuit, shall not exceed┆
0x47b00…47c00 (71, 0, 11) Sector 470cff00031941 ┆G A 2 volts. j) No damage shall occur when voltages of plus or minus 30 volts are applied to the Send or Receive input/output terminals. k) The effective shunt capacitance to ground of any load, measured at the interchange point, shall not exceed 2┆
0x47c00…47d00 (71, 0, 12) Sector 470dff00031941 ┆G A500 picofarads. l) Signalling convention to be used shall be: 1) A more negative voltage than -3 volts will signify a telegraph "MARK" or control/timing "OFF" and represent the binary ONE or condition "Z". 2) A more positive voltage than +3 ┆
0x47d00…47e00 (71, 0, 13) Sector 470eff00031941 ┆G Avolts will signify the telegraph "SPACE" or a control/timing "ON" condition representing the binary Zero or condition "A". m) The region between +3 volts and -3 volts is defined as the transition region. The signal state is not defined when the vo┆
0x47e00…47f00 (71, 0, 14) Sector 470fff00031941 ┆G Altage is in the transition region. For pulse and status wires a power-off or disconnection shall be interpreted as an "OFF" condition. 3.3 LOCAL CAMPS/NICS TARE I/F 3.3.1 Interchange Wires The interface wires shall follow the CCITTs V24 inte┆
0x47f00…48000 (71, 0, 15) Sector 4700d900031941 ┆G Y Arface. In accordance with CCITTs nomenclature, which is used in the following, NICS TARE will be treated as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and CAMPS will be treated as Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE). NATO Supp. 3 Procedures Doc. No. CP┆
0x48000…48100 (72, 0, 0) Sector 4801d500031941 ┆H U AS/230/ICD/0003. 3) CCITTs recommendation V24 and V28 for Interchange Circuits. 4) Subsystem Specification for the TARE for the NICS (vol. IV of IV), document no. 012, prepared by LITTON DATA SYSTEMS. ┆
0x48100…48200 (72, 0, 1) Sector 4802ff00031941 ┆H A 1 2.1 ABBREVIATIONS ASM Abbreviated Service Message TOF Time of Filing EOLF End-Of-Line-Function EOTF End-Of-Transmission-Function MSUT Medium Speed User Terminal RI Ro┆
0x48200…48300 (72, 0, 2) Sector 4803ff00031941 ┆H Auting Indicator SOM Start-of-message SOTF Start-Of-Transmission-Function SSN Station Serial Number S & CD Station & Channel Designator TI Transmission Identification TSN Transmission Serial Number 3 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE ┆
0x48300…48400 (72, 0, 3) Sector 4804ee00031941 ┆H n A 3.1 LINE CHARACTERISTICS a) The baud rates of the lines are 600, 1200, or 2400 bps. b) The interchange circuits between CAMPS and TARE shall conform to CCITTs recommendation V24/V28. V28 is modified as set out in section 3.2. MENTS ...........┆
0x48400…48500 (72, 0, 4) Sector 4805ff00031941 ┆H A 1 c) The transmission is synchronous full-duplex. d) The transmisson is in blocks under the control of the EDC protocol. e) The character code is ITA No. 5 as described in Append┆
0x48500…48600 (72, 0, 5) Sector 4806ff00031941 ┆H Aix A. f) Serial data transmission with odd parity. 3.2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The interchange circuits shall conform to CCITTs Recommendation v28, modified as set out below. a) The interface conditions shall be defined as those existing┆
0x48600…48700 (72, 0, 6) Sector 4807ff00031941 ┆H A at CAMPS External Circuit Connection Point. b) The basic interface to the Send and Receive circuits shall be polar current signalling at not greater than one (1) milliamp. c) The nominal voltage shall be positive and negative 6 volts when termi┆
0x48700…48800 (72, 0, 7) Sector 4708ff00031941 ┆G Anated into 6000 ohms. d) The open circuit generator voltage shall not be greater than positive or negative 10 volts. e) The voltage, when terminated into a receiving load of 6000 ohms plus or minus 1000 ohms, shall be positive and negative 6 vol┆
0x48800…48900 (72, 0, 8) Sector 4809ff00031941 ┆H ARAFFIC CONTINUITY CHECK ................. 16 5.3.1 Outgoing Channel Continuity Message .. 5.3.2 Incoming Channel Continuity Message .. 5.4 CHANNEL NUMBER RESET ..................... 17 5.4.1 Incoming Channel ...................┆
0x48900…48a00 (72, 0, 9) Sector 480aff00031941 ┆H A.. 5.4.2 Outgoing Channel ..................... 5.5 CHANNEL CLOSING, OPENING AND TESTING ..... 5.5.1 General .............................. Controlling Authority ............ Definitions .........┆
0x48a00…48b00 (72, 0, 10) Sector 480b4b00031941 ┆H K A............. Constraints ...................... M{) RV5Cq5M . R`5Cq5M@1MI1:h= Rp5Cr4IMM.:^=~ B}5I:g=~ J 5IC$3I > S C_* ┆
0x48b00…48c00 (72, 0, 11) Sector 480cff00031941 ┆H A 1 5.5.2 Incoming Channel Closing, Opening and Testing .............................. Incoming Channel Closing ......... Incoming Channel Ope┆
0x48c00…48d00 (72, 0, 12) Sector 480dff00031941 ┆H Aning ......... Incoming Channel Testing ......... 5.5.3 Outgoing Channel Closing, Opening and Testing .............................. Outgoing Channel Closing ......... Outgoing Channel O┆
0x48d00…48e00 (72, 0, 13) Sector 480e8700031941 ┆H Apening ......... Outgoing Channel Testing ......... APPENDIX A ...................................... ┆
0x48e00…48f00 (72, 0, 14) Sector 480fff00031941 ┆H A 1 1 SCOPE This document describes the interface between CAMPS and NICS TARE either in a connection with a direct link (local TARE) or with a crypto/modem link (remote TARE). The┆
0x48f00…49000 (72, 0, 15) Sector 4800ff00031941 ┆H A interface protocols described are: - Electrical interface - Link control - Message Traffic 2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 1) System Requirements Specification Doc. No. CPS/210/SYS/0001. 2) ACP 127 NATO Supp. 3 Procedures Doc. No. CP┆
0x49000…49100 (73, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(73,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41031941}, f00=»0319A «, f01=»NICS TARE INTERFACE «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»TDJ «, f04=»CPS/ICD/0004 «, f05=11-11-80 14:39, f06=» 3 «, f07=»55 «, f08=» 12553 «, f09=21-05-81 12:55, f10=» 3 «, f11=»47 «, f12=» 1517 «, f13=22-05-81 10:01, f14=22-05-81 13:39, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 37 «, f17=» 16 «, f18=»09 «, f19=» 676 «, f20=» 30803 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=990030000120056610110480aaca1505000000000000003703ac00df}
0x49100…49200 (73, 0, 1) Sector 49022500031941 ┆I % A I I H H H H G G G F F E E . + + + + nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.V.V.V.V.V.V. ANV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.┆
0x49200…49300 (73, 0, 2) Sector 49039900031941 ┆I A 1 CPS/ICD/004 TDJ/810525 # NICS TARE INTERFACE ISSUE 1 CAMPS B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x49300…49400 (73, 0, 3) Sector 4904ff00031941 ┆I A 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 SCOPE ........................................ 5 2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ...........┆
0x49400…49500 (73, 0, 4) Sector 4905ff00031941 ┆I A............... 5 to 6 2.1 ABBREVIATIONS ............................ 6 3 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE ......................... 6 to 13 3.1 LINE CHARACTERISTICS ..................... 6 3.2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............... 7 ┆
0x49500…49600 (73, 0, 5) Sector 4906ff00031941 ┆I A3.3 LOCAL CAMPS/NICS TARE I/F ................ 8 3.3.1 Interchange Wires .................... 8 3.3.2 Connector Characteristics ............ 10 3.4 REMOTE CAMPS/NICS TARE I/F ............... 12 3.4.1 Interchange Wires ............┆
0x49600…49700 (73, 0, 6) Sector 4907ff00031941 ┆I A........ 12 3.4.2 Connector Characteristics ............ 13 3.5 CRYPTO EQUIPMENT (DOLCE) ................. 13 4 EDC LINK ACCESS PROTOCOL ..................... 13 5 TRAFFIC OF MESSAGES IN ACP 127 FORMAT ........ 14 to 21 5.1 GENERAL┆
0x49700…49800 (73, 0, 7) Sector 4808ff00031941 ┆H A LAYOUT OF ABBREVIATED SERVICE MESSAGES ................................. 14 5.2 FLASH MESSAGE RECEIPT .................... 15 5.2.1 Format of Outgoing Flash Receipt ..... 16 5.2.2 Format of Incoming Flash Receipt ..... 16 5.3 T┆
0x49800…49900 (73, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x4a000…4a100 (74, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(74,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41034941}, f00=»0349A «, f01=»ACTION ITEMS «, f02=»AM[ «, f03=»GJ «, f04=»SHAPE - CR «, f05=26-11-80 15:38, f06=» 1 «, f07=»17 «, f08=» 4249 «, f09=10-12-80 15:49, f10=» «, f11=»23 «, f12=» 1481 «, f13=17-12-80 12:21, f14=17-12-80 14:54, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 5 «, f17=» 2 «, f18=»17 «, f19=» 96 «, f20=» 5990 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=990010000220056610a10a10aaca15050000000000000037031b00df}
0x4a100…4a200 (74, 0, 1) Sector 4a020500034941 ┆J IA J J J DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / : ┆
0x4a200…4a300 (74, 0, 2) Sector 4a03ff00034941 ┆J IA 1 - # - C A M P S A C T I O N I T E M L I S T NO. ACTION ACTI- CURR. DUE DISPO┆
0x4a300…4a400 (74, 0, 3) Sector 4a047000034941 ┆J p IASITION ONEE DATE DATE I,:^=~ B~.> IMB'IM2& 9x2"<!Z="(=^#Vk"$<:]=2#<:^=~ J6.! <6 M8) R6.> I! <6 M8)I!h=6 ! =6 M")IM"):g=~ J /:h=2>=M?.Mj': < Zn.C / E*:=k 0wM% !;=4C┆
0x4a400…4a500 (74, 0, 4) Sector 4a05b700034941 ┆J 7 IA 1 A C T I O N I T E M S S H A P E * C R M (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x4a500…4a600 (74, 0, 5) Sector 4a06ff00034941 ┆J IA 1 1 Mail an org. chart of the SHAPE 800507 - Withdrawn SHNMO org. PMOM 1. 2 Mail a lis┆
0x4a600…4a700 (74, 0, 6) Sector 4a07ff00034941 ┆J IAt of questions SHAPE 800507 800514 Telex; see also CR - concerning the new H/W SHAPE action 14. Conf. Closed 80.05.12 3 SHAPE shall investigate SHAPE 800507┆
0x4a700…4a800 (74, 0, 7) Sector 1208ff00034941 ┆ IA - Closed if 7 racks in a row is acceptable within one cage PMOM 1 para 5 MOM 1 para 6. 4 SHAPE shall mail additio- SHAPE 800507 - Closed nal specs. on BID 610┆
0x4a800…4a900 (74, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x4c000…4c100 (76, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(76,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41035341}, f00=»0353A «, f01=»SD/ED Order agr. SW «, f02=»sdv «, f03=»KNN «, f04=» «, f05=28-11-80 14:59, f06=» 1 «, f07=»41 «, f08=» 6126 «, f09=02-12-80 12:37, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 11 «, f13=02-12-80 12:38, f14=02-12-80 12:50, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 15 «, f17=» 4 «, f18=»16 «, f19=» 172 «, f20=» 12296 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=800010000120056610a10a80aaca15050000000000000037033a00df}
0x4c100…4c200 (76, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x4c800…4c900 (76, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(76,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41034841}, f00=»0348A «, f01=»ACTION ITEM LIST «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»GJ «, f04=»FM CR TO SHAPE «, f05=26-11-80 15:07, f06=» «, f07=»48 «, f08=» 2159 «, f09=02-12-80 14:11, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 9 «, f13=02-12-80 14:06, f14=02-12-80 14:37, f15=»0029A «, f16=» 8 «, f17=» 4 «, f18=»17 «, f19=» 172 «, f20=» 11941 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=300010000220056610a10a00aaca15050000000000000037033500df}
0x4c900…4ca00 (76, 0, 9) Sector 4c0a0800034841 ┆L HA L L L DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / ┆
0x4ca00…4cb00 (76, 0, 10) Sector 4c0bff00034841 ┆L HA 1 - # - C A M P S A C T I O N I T E M L I S T NO. ACTION ACTI- CURR. DUE DISPO┆
0x4cb00…4cc00 (76, 0, 11) Sector 4c0c7000034841 ┆L p HASITION ONEE DATE DATE I,:^=~ B~.> IMB'IM2& 9x2"<!Z="(=^#Vk"$<:]=2#<:^=~ J6.! <6 M8) R6.> I! <6 M8)I!h=6 ! =6 M")IM"):g=~ J /:h=2>=M?.Mj': < Zn.C / E*:=k 0wM% !;=4C┆
0x4cc00…4cd00 (76, 0, 12) Sector 4c0db400034841 ┆L 4 HA 1 A C T I O N I T E M S C R * S H A P E =6nM (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x4cd00…4ce00 (76, 0, 13) Sector 4c0eff00034841 ┆L HA 1 1 Investigate if the JPR 800507 800521 Withdrawn. Burroughs Terminal can be used and inform SHAPE ┆
0x4ce00…4cf00 (76, 0, 14) Sector 4c0fff00034841 ┆L HA 2 Investigate if the CDC BHB 800508 800522 Stabilizers shall be disc can operate which va- used. Telex. riations in voltage of +/- Closed: 800609 10% and frequency of +/- 5 HZ and inform SHAPE ┆
0x4cf00…4d000 (76, 0, 15) Sector 1800ff00034841 ┆ HA 3 Telex SHAPE to obtain info JPR 800522 800523 Closed. on BID610 & KW7 4 Investigate if Remote Ter- OE 800508 800┆