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Notes: Telex NATO HQ
Names: »2921A «
└─⟦739d3b0df⟧ Bits:30006175 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0316A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »2921A «
1983-05-13 jho/bko
to: shnmo division
att.: mr. paul f. shey, contracting officer
cc.: ltc henning hofmann, camps program manager
cc : nato hq
nato international staff
att: director vagn loeppenthien
fm: christian rovsing a/s, denmark
kurt nybroe-nielsen
our ref: cps/101/tlx/0848
subject: nato hq phase ii quotation - updated proposal
ref a) minutes of meeting 6 april 1983, c3-mom
b) cps/101/tlx/0826
c) meeting 11 may 1983
this quotation replaces the quotation contained in ref.b,
and is based on ref c).
the total costs of this quotation are:
dkr. 3,241,984
due to the camps schedule it is very important for cr
to emphasize a fast response to this quotation as it is
being given under the assumption that nato hq phase 1
and 2 can be integrated at cr and later on installed at
nato hq at the same time.
table of contents.
1. hardware
1.1 hw changes
1.2- equipment matrix
2. software
3. labour
4. transport and installation
5. bidding provisions
ref.a) sections 4-6.
1. hardware
1.1 description of h/w changes
1.1.1 in the following the h/w changes to accommodate
the phase ii-connectivity are described and constrains
as presented in ref a), sect.4:
a) no of connected vdu's increased from 24 to 42.
the additional 18 channels shall be for connection
with opto cable and be operated at max 1200 bps.
no requirement for further expansion
b) no of connected msp's unchanged, i.e. 8. no requirements
for further expansion.
c) no of lsm-ports:
o -17 ports for connection of t-1000
o - 4 ports for other applications
no requirements for further expansions.
d) connectivity unchanged for the following parts:
-nics tare
no requirements for further expansions
1.1.2 proposed design
the required connectivity cannot be accommodated
within the 10 ctx-crates, which normally are placed
in the racks d,e and f. the half (lower/upper as
appropriate) of the front space has been reserved
to allow access to the filter box.
in order to obtain the required connectivity cr proposes
to place one more ctx-crate (no.11) with associated
fan unit in rack f immediately below the fan unit
for ctx-crates 9, 10.
the following major design parameters are affected:
-access to the internal cables terminated on the
filter box is constrained.
-cooling of the crate is constrained due to position
of the new fan unit above the door air intake.
-no room is left above ctx-crate no. 11 for a thermal
sensor for temperature alarm from the crate. the
crate will thus not be subject to thermal survey.
however, in view of the economical constraints related
to the site, as explained to cr, cr feels that the
proposed solution, as described below, should be
acceptable to shape.
The description below is referenced to camps system
design spec., issue 1.3 pages 4.048.
a) additional 18 vdu's are connected to the following
ctx-crates using optical modems.
- ctx crate 4: 8 vdu's
- ctx crate 6: (ltux 2) 4 vdu's
- ctx crate 11 6 vdu's.-
crate 11 has an expansion capacity of 2 vdu's.
b) 17 t-1000 are connected to the following ctx-crates
using existing 4-channel l/l adaptors.
- ctx-crates 7,8 and 9
expansion capacity: 3 channels
c) 4 lsp-channels for external hook-up are connected
to ctx-crate no 6, ltux 1 using existing 4-channel
1.2 equipment matrix
in order to implement the proposed design, ref 1.2
above, the following h/w is required:
In this section is described the H/W for electrical
interface to VDU's. This is modified by 1.3 below.
a) qty: 2 tdx outlets
price each dkr 955
total price 2 units dkr. 1,910.-
b) qty: 1 ctx crate, price dkr. 13,268.-
c) qty: 1 tdx power supply (cr8020) price dkr. 31,014.-
d) qty: 1 bsm-x w-panel, price dkr. 13,315.-
e) qty: 3 ltux-S, type 1,
price each dkr.20.216, total
3 units dkr. 60,648.-
f) qty: 1 4-channel l/l adaptors
price each dkr.20.100
total 1 unit dkr. 20,100.-
g) qty: 1 adaptor power supply price dkr. 23,817.-
h) qty: 1 s-fan unit, price dkr. 4,398.-
i) qty: 2 bsm-x-outlet cables, price
each dkr. 530.-, total price dkr. 1,060.-
j) qty: 1 ccb cable, crt type 1, price dkr.
k) qty: 2 power cables, price each
dkr. 459,- total price dkr.
l) qty: 2 pow distribution cable,price dkr. 2,639.-
m) qty: 4 v24 signal cables price each
dkr.556,- total price dkr. 2,224.-
n) qty: 1 cable channel assy. price dkr.
o) qty: 4 10-pin filtered connector
price each: dkr. 1,460.- total
price dkr. 5,840.-
p) qty: 18 vdu, tempest, price each dkr.
106,271. total price 18 units dkr.1,912,878.-
total price a) to p) above dkr.2,095,228.-
1.3 addition in the equipment of section 1.2 to include
the optical interface to the 18 vdu's.
a) qty 18 om-2 (camac)
price each dkr. 21,403 total price dkr. 385,254
b) qty 18 om-1 (vdu)
price each dkr. 21,403 total price dkr. 385,254
c) qty 72 opto connectors
price each dkr. 447.- total price dkr. 32,184
total price, additional equipment
a) to c) dkr. 802,692
1.4 total h/w-price, i.e. total from sect 1.2 plus
cost of change in sect. 1.3:
the resultant equipment matrix (1.2 above modified
by 1.3 above) is thus:
a) qty: 2 tdx outlets
b) qty: 1 ctx crate
c) qty: 1 tdx power supply (cr8020)
d) qty: 1 bsm-x w-panel
e) qty: 3 ltux-S, type 1,
f) qty: 1 4-channel l/l adaptors
g) qty: 1 adaptor power supply
h) qty: 1 s-fan unit
i) qty: 2 bsm-x-outlet cables
j) qty: 1 ccb cable, crt type 1
k) qty: 2 power cables
l) qty: 2 pow distribution cable
m) qty: 4 v24 signal cables
n) qty: 1 cable channel assy
o) qty: 4 10-pin filtered connectors
p) qty: 18 vdu, tempest
q) qty 18 om-2 (camac)
r) qty 18 om-1 (vdu),
s) qty 72 opto connectors
2. software
this quotation does not have any software costs involved.
however, with the current design there is a risk that
3 out
of 42 vdu's cannot be active all the time due to the
memory constraints discussed in ref.a. these vdu's
can also be traded off with a smaller connectivity
of the low speed ports and channels.
3. labour
system integration, integration tests, acceptance documentation,
total: dkr. 258,048.-
4. transport and installation
according to the camps schedule integration of nato
hq phase 1 starts in july and is completed in september
1983. to avoid additional transport and installation
costs, the subject quotation should be accepted prior
to may 20 1983.
total (before 20 may 1983) dkr. 86,016.-
5. bidding provisions
a) contract terms
the proposal is assumed to be an extension
to the camps contract.
b) prices given are firm fixed prices
c) validity
the price proposal is valid until may 20
d) no spares are included in the quotation.
e) payment plan
e1) at acceptance of proposal 20 per cent at overall
e2) payment of peripheral equipment (vdu, om-1, om2)
upon submission of qa certificate of conformity.
The payment is 80 per cent of the contract value
of the equipment in maximum 2 payments.
e3) payment by delivery of equipment at site. The
payment is 70 per cent of the total price less
the payment made of peripheral equipment (e2)
e4) payment at acceptance at site. The payment is
10 per cent of the total price less the payment
already made of the peripheral equipment (e2).
e5) overview payments
peripherals hw total
total 2,683,386.00 558,598.00 3,241,984.00
20% advance 536,677.20 111,719.60 648,396.80
at cert. 2,146,708.80 2,146,708.80
at del. 391,018.60 391,018.60
at spa 55,859.80 55,859.80
f) dollar payment
of the quoted price 2,741,510 represents
cost incurred in us dlrs. therefore 2,193,208
may be payable in us dlrs 252,673.73 applying
to the exchange rate 8.68. the dollar payment
will be connected to the advance payment and
the payment for peripherals.
f1) overview dollar payment
paid in dlrs paid in
20% advance dkr 648,396.80 dkr 438,641.60 209,755.20
(dlrs 50,534.75)
peripheral dkr 2,146,708.80 dkr 1,754,566.40 392,142.40
(dlrs 202,138.98)
delivery dkr 391,018.60 391,018.60
spa dkr 55,859.80 55,859.80
total dkr 3,241,984.00 dkr 2,193,208.00 1,048,776.00
(dlrs 252,673.73)
kind regards,
christian rovsing a/s
kurt nybroe-nielsen