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CR80 Wang WCS documentation floppies

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⟦9046c1e66⟧ Bits:30006058 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0090A, 8" Floppy Disk

    Length: 315392 (0x4d000)
    Description: Bits:30006058 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0090A
    Types: 8" Floppy Disk


name artifact - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1372A CPS/SDS/001 vhn OKH Kapitel 5.7 12-10-81 10:00 1 05 2135 07-04-82 13:27 50 30 07-04-82 14:19 24-03-86 11:16 0090A 33 2 22 380 2482 2 1372A ⟦747ac29af⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/SDS/001
1373A CPS/SDS/001 vhn OKH Kapitel 5.8 12-10-81 10:14 1 07 2321 03-11-81 12:10 00 35 03-11-81 12:11 03-11-81 13:01 0090A 48 1 19 640 2718 1373A ⟦eef9b46ab⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/SDS/001
1374A CPS/SDS/001 vhn okh Kapitel 5.9 12-10-81 10:19 1 13 2628 03-11-81 12:16 15 312 03-11-81 12:37 24-03-86 11:17 0090A 53 1 55 784 3113 1374A ⟦08e4b300c⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/SDS/001
1375A CPS/SDS/001 vhn HKI Kapitel 5.10 12-10-81 10:26 51 2704 21-04-82 11:34 02 130 21-04-82 12:34 21-04-82 16:35 0090A 51 2 26 624 6756 0 1375A ⟦78808fe3e⟧ Wang Wps File, CPS/SDS/001
~ORPHAN01.01 ⟦aa06ef02d⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN09.10 ⟦ff59baeb8⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN23.03 ⟦27c1209bc⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
1374A CPS/SDS/001 vhn okh Kapitel 5.9 12-10-81 10:19 1 13 2628 03-11-81 12:16 15 312 03-11-81 12:37 03-11-81 13:02 0090A 53 1 55 784 3113 ~ORPHAN40.08 ⟦1009dcedf⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
1375A CPS/SDS/001 vhn KR Kapitel 5.10 12-10-81 10:26 01 16 - - : - - : 12-10-81 10:30 0090A 59 01 724 16 ~ORPHAN65.00 ⟦bbfc497ff⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked

Disk picture

  Document Body
  Document Head
  Marked Free
  Content List


0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0)   Sector 00904130303930 ┆  A0090A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x00200…00300 (0, 0, 2)   Sector ff0080ffffffff ┆                   @                          `                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ┆
0x00300…00306 (0, 0, 3)   WangDocument {d00=0x13, d01=0x72, d02=0x41, ptr=( 9,0, 0), d05=0x00}
0x00306…0030c             WangDocument {d00=0x13, d01=0x73, d02=0x41, ptr=(22,0, 8), d05=0x00}
0x0030c…00312             WangDocument {d00=0x13, d01=0x74, d02=0x41, ptr=(40,0, 0), d05=0x00}
0x00312…00318             WangDocument {d00=0x13, d01=0x75, d02=0x41, ptr=(52,0, 0), d05=0x00}
0x00318…00320             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ┆        ┆
0x00320…00340             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ┆                                ┆
0x003e0…00400             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18   ┆                                ┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5)   Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1                                                                                                                                                            8      7  Q? > 7   J                                          N | | d N ~<) 0uH  &4'>( 1c5 & &    ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6)   Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A['      Y   X%   %  PO P    ;     tA L   C g x g V WD  O 8 :h    Ip R 1374A  g     H         < {C < { ; 4     hA           b   bI > P      9 8 : o          V!                             H Iy :-                                                        ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0)   WangDocumentBody
0x01100…01200 (1, 0, 1)   Sector 0102b200137241 ┆  2  rA 1                                                                                                                 Figure MMS Long Term Storage Volume Layout , each of which performs the following:    1) Read next used entry in ICB CHE┆
0x01200…01300 (1, 0, 2)   Sector 0103ff00137241 ┆     rA 1                                                         Sizing Estimate   a) Memory    1) ICB: 15 words including item descriptions    2) CHAIN TABLE: 2000 words    3) MMS TABLES: 100 words   b) On-line Disk    1) ICB checkpo┆
0x01300…01400 (1, 0, 3)   Sector 0104ff00137241 ┆     rAint area: One sector per item    2) Memory save area: 4000 words    3) Short Term Storage area: 5 M bytes    4) Intermediate Storage Directory: 1 M byte    5) Intermediate Storage area: 30 M bytes Design and Construction   Refer to sectio┆
0x01400…01500 (1, 0, 4)   Sector 0105ff00137241 ┆     rAn 2.5. Documentation   Refer to section 2.6.    5.9.2 Environment Standard Hardware, Firmware, and Software   SFM executes completely within active and standby PU. It makes use of Disk Controller memory for tables and disk cach┆
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5)   Sector 01060c00137241 ┆     rAe.                                                                                                                 Figure Item Processing Flow with 2 Checkpoints and Recovery in between  ITEM and LOOKUP commands must be executed via MM┆
0x01600…01700 (1, 0, 6)   Sector 0000a800137241 ┆  (  rA 1                                                         External Interfaces   Not applicable. Package Interfaces   Not applicable  sizing values for the following resources:   a) Available sectors on each volume   b) U┆
0x01700…01800 (1, 0, 7)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8)   WangDocumentBody
0x09000…09100 (9, 0, 0)   WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=( 9,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41137241}, f00=»1372A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/001               «, f02=»vhn                  «, f03=»OKH                  «, f04=»Kapitel 5.7          «, f05=12-10-81 10:00, f06=»   1 «, f07=»05 «, f08=»  2135 «, f09=07-04-82 13:27, f10=»     «, f11=»50 «, f12=»    30 «, f13=07-04-82 14:19, f14=24-03-86 11:16, f15=»0090A «, f16=» 33 «, f17=»   2 «, f18=»22 «, f19=»  380 «, f20=»  2482 «, f21=»  «, f22=»2  «, f99=020010000110066610110480aaca15050000000000000037038100df}
0x09100…09200 (9, 0, 1)   WangDocumentBody
0x09a00…09b00 (9, 0, 10)  Sector 090ba500137241 ┆  %  rA 1                                                                         CPS/SDS/001   OKH/811020   CAMPS SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION  ISSUE 1.1 CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x09b00…09c00 (9, 0, 11)  Sector 090cff00137241 ┆     rA 1                                                                    1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS      5.7  FILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ...................         5.7.1  General .................┆
0x09c00…09d00 (9, 0, 12)  Sector 090dff00137241 ┆     rA.............  Purpose and Scope ................  Applicable Documents and Project          References, Special for Section          5.7 ..............................  Terms and Abbreviations Spec┆
0x09d00…09e00 (9, 0, 13)  Sector 090eff00137241 ┆     rAial          for Section 5.7 ..................          5.7.2  Summary of Requirements ..............  388  General Description ..............  388  Function Overview ............  388  Interfaces .........┆
0x09e00…09f00 (9, 0, 14)  Sector 090fff00137241 ┆     rA..........  388  Functions ........................  392 Devices .......................  392  Disk Controller and Disk               Drive ....................  392  Mirrored Disks and┆
0x09f00…0a000 (9, 0, 15)  Sector 0900ff00137241 ┆     rA Their              Management ...............  395  Bad Sectors ..............  396  Naming of Devices ........  396  Volumes ......................  397  Volume Label ..........┆
0x0a000…0a100 (10, 0, 0)  WangDocumentBody
0x16800…16900 (22, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(22,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41137341}, f00=»1373A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/001               «, f02=»vhn                  «, f03=»OKH                  «, f04=»Kapitel 5.8          «, f05=12-10-81 10:14, f06=»   1 «, f07=»07 «, f08=»  2321 «, f09=03-11-81 12:10, f10=»     «, f11=»00 «, f12=»    35 «, f13=03-11-81 12:11, f14=03-11-81 13:01, f15=»0090A «, f16=» 48 «, f17=»   1 «, f18=»19 «, f19=»  640 «, f20=»  2718 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=100010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000013703d200df}
0x16900…16a00 (22, 0, 9)  WangDocumentBody
0x17300…17400 (23, 0, 3)  Sector 1704ff00137341 ┆     sAerformed by operating system using the same interface as application packages. Checkpoint Transmisison   Checkpoint records to standby PU are transmitted via a checkpoint transmission process in SSC package. See figure   ┆
0x17400…17500 (23, 0, 4)  Sector 1705ff00137341 ┆     sA DMA Data Transfer   Data transfers between MMS, application processes and Disk Controller Memory are done by DMA using the KERNEL XFER module.   Checkpoint data are moved directly to Checkpoint Buffers which are shared between MMS and C┆
0x17500…17600 (23, 0, 5)  Sector 17064100137341 ┆  A  sAheckpoint Transmission Process.   See figure    External Interfaces ..........   53  Package Interfaces ...........   53  Functions Maintained by Other          Packages .........................   54      5.┆
0x17600…17700 (23, 0, 6)  Sector 17076300137341 ┆  c  sA 1                                                                       Figure   54  CSF ..........................   54  SSC ..........................   54  .3  DMA Data Transfer .........   13      5.8.2┆
0x17700…17800 (23, 0, 7)  Sector 16086300137341 ┆  c  sA 1                                                                       Figure  STEM    5.8.1 General Purpose and Scope   N/A. Applicable Documents and Project References Special for Section 5.8   N/A. T┆
0x17800…17900 (23, 0, 8)  WangDocumentBody
0x28000…28100 (40, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(40,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41137441}, f00=»1374A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/001               «, f02=»vhn                  «, f03=»okh                  «, f04=»Kapitel 5.9          «, f05=12-10-81 10:19, f06=»   1 «, f07=»13 «, f08=»  2628 «, f09=03-11-81 12:16, f10=»     «, f11=»15 «, f12=»   312 «, f13=03-11-81 12:37, f14=24-03-86 11:17, f15=»0090A «, f16=» 53 «, f17=»   1 «, f18=»55 «, f19=»  784 «, f20=»  3113 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=300010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000013703fb00df}
0x28100…28200 (40, 0, 1)  WangDocumentBody
0x28800…28900 (40, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(40,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41137441}, f00=»1374A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/001               «, f02=»vhn                  «, f03=»okh                  «, f04=»Kapitel 5.9          «, f05=12-10-81 10:19, f06=»   1 «, f07=»13 «, f08=»  2628 «, f09=03-11-81 12:16, f10=»     «, f11=»15 «, f12=»   312 «, f13=03-11-81 12:37, f14=03-11-81 13:02, f15=»0090A «, f16=» 53 «, f17=»   1 «, f18=»55 «, f19=»  784 «, f20=»  3113 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=300010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000013703fb00df}
0x28900…28a00 (40, 0, 9)  Sector 280a3500137441 ┆( 5  tA     (   ( ( ' ' ' & & % % % $ $ $ # # # " " ! ! ! !                                                               Operat]r:   Forfatter:    Kommentarer:       STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprettet  / /   :   :    S/   :   :    S S┆
0x28a00…28b00 (40, 0, 10) Sector 280ba500137441 ┆( %  tA 1                                                                         CPS/SDS/001   OKH/811020   CAMPS SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION  ISSUE 1.1 CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x28b00…28c00 (40, 0, 11) Sector 280cff00137441 ┆(    tA 1                                                                    1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS      5.9  CAMPS SYSTEM FUNCTIONS ...................  395     5.9.1  General ................┆
0x28c00…28d00 (40, 0, 12) Sector 280dff00137441 ┆(    tA..............  395  Purpose and Scope ................  395  Applicable Documents and Project              References Special for Section 5.9  395  Terms and Abbreviations Special          for Section 5.9 .......┆
0x28d00…28e00 (40, 0, 13) Sector 280eff00137441 ┆(    tA...........  395  Terms ........................  395  Abbreviations ................  396     5.9.2  Summary of Requirements ..............  396  Package Description ..............  396  CSF Fu┆
0x28e00…28f00 (40, 0, 14) Sector 280fff00137441 ┆(    tAnctions ...... .............  397  CSF Main Functions ...........  397  Shared Buffer Management .  397  Queue Monitor ............  398  Queue Attributes .....  398        5.9.┆
0x28f00…29000 (40, 0, 15) Sector 2800ff00137441 ┆(    tA2.  Queue Elements .......  398  QEL Fields .......  399  Function Requests   400  Queue Monitor                   Functions ............  400  Send┆
0x29000…29100 (41, 0, 0)  WangDocumentBody
0x34000…34100 (52, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(52,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41137541}, f00=»1375A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/001               «, f02=»vhn                  «, f03=»HKI                  «, f04=»Kapitel 5.10         «, f05=12-10-81 10:26, f06=»     «, f07=»51 «, f08=»  2704 «, f09=21-04-82 11:34, f10=»     «, f11=»02 «, f12=»   130 «, f13=21-04-82 12:34, f14=21-04-82 16:35, f15=»0090A «, f16=» 51 «, f17=»   2 «, f18=»26 «, f19=»  624 «, f20=»  6756 «, f21=»  «, f22=» 0 «, f99=130010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000013703d000df}
0x34100…34200 (52, 0, 1)  WangDocumentBody
0x34800…34900 (52, 0, 8)  Sector 3409ff00137541 ┆4    uAontrol ..   25  Device and Line Control                      Functions................    37  NICS TARE Control                                  Function ............   37  SCARS/CCIS Co┆
0x34900…34a00 (52, 0, 9)  Sector 340aff00137541 ┆4    uAntrol                                  Function ............   37  TRC, Point-to-Point                                  Connection Control                     Function ............   43  OCR Control Functi┆
0x34a00…34b00 (52, 0, 10) Sector 340bd900137541 ┆4 Y  uAon    43  Teleprinter Control                                  Function ............   43  PTP/PTR Control                                  Function ............   43                                       ┆
0x34b00…34c00 (52, 0, 11) Sector 340cff00137541 ┆4    uA 1                                                                                                                 Medium Speed                                  Teleprinter Control                     Function ............   ┆
0x34c00…34d00 (52, 0, 12) Sector 340dff00137541 ┆4    uA44  VDU Control Function    44  Software Development                            VDU Control Function     Line Printer Handler                                  Function ............┆
0x34d00…34e00 (52, 0, 13) Sector 340eff00137541 ┆4    uA    50 PU-PU Handler .......   50 SSC Handler Functions   50 Physical Security Key   50 Message Record Format   51  Functional Responsibilit┆
0x34e00…34f00 (52, 0, 14) Sector 340fff00137541 ┆4    uAies .   53  Initialization, Close-                          down, and Restart .......   53  Initialization ......   53  Close Down ..........   53  Restart ........┆
0x34f00…35000 (52, 0, 15) Sector 3400ff00137541 ┆4    uA.....   53  Checkpointing and                              Recovery ................   54  Error Detection and                              Error Handling ..........   54  Request Validati┆
0x35000…35100 (53, 0, 0)  Sector 3501ff41137541 ┆5  A uA1375A CPS/SDS/001               vhn                  HKI                  Kapitel 5.10         12 10 81 10 26      51   2704 19 10 81 14 39      05    165 19 10 81 15 10 19 10 81 15 53 0090A  50      56   692   2869    @        f    *J         7 ? _┆
0x35100…35200 (53, 0, 1)  Sector 35023200137541 ┆5 2  uA     5   5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 / / / / / / / / . . . - - - , , , , + +             :   Operat]r:   Forfatter:    Kommentarer:       STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprettet  / /   :   :     :                 ┆
0x35200…35300 (53, 0, 2)  Sector 3503a500137541 ┆5 %  uA 1                                                                         CPS/SDS/001   HKI/811020   CAMPS SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION  ISSUE 1.1 CAMPS       /=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r  9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x35300…35400 (53, 0, 3)  Sector 3504ff00137541 ┆5    uA 1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS   1                                                                                                                     5.10  I/O CONTROL ........................┆
0x35400…35500 (53, 0, 4)  Sector 3505ff00137541 ┆5    uA.......        5.10.1    General ...............................    9  Purpose and Scope ...............    9  Applicable Documents and Project               References, Special for Section           5.10 .................┆
0x35500…35600 (53, 0, 5)  Sector 3506ff00137541 ┆5    uA...........    Applicable Documents ........   10  Project References ..........   10  Terms and Abbreviations, Special           for Section 5.10 ................   Terms .......┆
0x35600…35700 (53, 0, 6)  Sector 3507ff00137541 ┆5    uA................   11  Abbreviations ...............   14     5.10.2  Summary of Requirements .............   17  Package Description .............   17  Summary of Functions ........   20┆
0x35700…35800 (53, 0, 7)  Sector 3408ff00137541 ┆4    uA2  Summary of External             Interfaces ...................   22  Package Functions ...............   25  Main Functions (Normal              Operation) ..................   25  Line Interface C┆
0x35800…35900 (53, 0, 8)  Sector 3509ff00137541 ┆5    uAbutes are modified from the previous value to the specified e.g. intensity change, flash.   Insert Lines   This command inserts the specified number of lines as incarnation of the specified line type. Calling the specified incarnation N, the lines w┆
0x35900…35a00 (53, 0, 9)  Sector 350aff00137541 ┆5    uAill be inserted as incarnation N, N+1.... Insert Lines is allowed up to the size of a split.   Delete Lines   This command deletes the specified number of lines from the incarnations of lines for the specified line type calling the specified incarna┆
0x35a00…35b00 (53, 0, 10) Sector 350b3700137541 ┆5 7  uAtion N incarnations N, N+1.... will be deleted.                      Line type, Incarnation Field No.   1,1    1  2       3       1,2    1  2       3       2,1    1  2     3   4     3,1    1  2       3       3,2    1  2       3                     V┆
0x35b00…35c00 (53, 0, 11) Sector 350cff00137541 ┆5    uA 1                                                                   Insert Lines and Delete Lines have effect to redefine the format obtained by Get Format and will have no immediate effect on the VDU as long as Output Format has not been executed.┆
0x35c00…35d00 (53, 0, 12) Sector 350dff00137541 ┆5    uA After Output Format the Insert Lines imply an immediate shift-down of the lines on the VDU and the Delete Lines an immediate shift-up of lines on the VDU.   Get Cursor Position   This function is used to obtain the cursor position and the number wi┆
0x35d00…35e00 (53, 0, 13) Sector 350e9a00137541 ┆5    uAthin the split of the first displayed line.   Set Cursor Position   This function is used to set the first displayed line and the cursor position.  ize   This command defines to the Format Handler how many VDU splits may be handled by the calling pr┆
0x35e00…35f00 (53, 0, 14) Sector 350fff00137541 ┆5    uA 1                                                         Software Development VDU Control Function   The Software Development VDU is interfaced according to requirements from support software. The VDU communication is TTY mode. ┆
0x35f00…36000 (53, 0, 15) Sector 3500ff00137541 ┆5    uA Line Printer Handler Function   Refer "Software development VDU". The Line Printer is as the Software development VDU interfaced via an LTU. PU-PU Handler   The PU-PU Handler handles the communication from PU to PU via TD┆
0x36000…36100 (54, 0, 0)  Sector 3601ff00137541 ┆6    uAsplit handled.   Init Terminal   This command defines to the Format Handler which split is actually handled via the above reserved format area.   Remove Terminal   Cancels definition of Terminal.   Get Format   This command prepares the specified fo┆
0x36100…36200 (54, 0, 1)  Sector 3602ff00137541 ┆6    uArmat for modification by insert lines and delete lines below as well as output by Output Format.   Output Format   This command outputs the format obtained by Get Format and modified as of insert and delete line. The page now contains the text in th┆
0x36200…36300 (54, 0, 2)  Sector 3603ff00137541 ┆6    uAe format with all fields blank.   Fields Output   Fields are assumed to be organized as a consecutive sequence of records in a buffer. In parallel a list of field identifiers (line type, incarnation, field number) shall be specified. The Field Outpu┆
0x36300…36400 (54, 0, 3)  Sector 36046800137541 ┆6 h  uAt function moves the first record to the first field in the list, the second to the second, etc.  ded into three splits:   VDU system area - split #0  VDU header area - split #1  VDU format area - split #2   VDU Format Area   The format area consist┆
0x36400…36500 (54, 0, 4)  Sector 3605ff00137541 ┆6    uA 1                                                                   Fields Input   The Fields Input function inputs the requested number of fields from and including the field specified as the first. The field content is returned as fields in the w┆
0x36500…36600 (54, 0, 5)  Sector 3606ff00137541 ┆6    uAay that trailing blanks within the fields are omitted. If the buffer specified is not sufficiently long the input is terminated with error.   Note that fields are not input upon depression of ENTER, or RETURN, but that these keys are returned to the┆
0x36600…36700 (54, 0, 6)  Sector 3607ff00137541 ┆6    uA application, which will reserve a buffer and request the transmission.    Receive Control   Function keys destined for the application (All except the key giving system attention) are received when the Receive Control function is requested (pending┆
0x36700…36800 (54, 0, 7)  Sector 3508ff00137541 ┆5    uA read).   Send Control   Control of VDU is performed by this command. Input specifies either "Bell" or "Clear split".   Change Field Attributes   If a field has been defined with changeable attributes, they may be modified by this command. The attri┆
0x36800…36900 (54, 0, 8)  Sector 3609ff00137541 ┆6    uAlds. On transmit request, only the contents of the unprotected fields is sent to the application. The application is able to select which fields to be transmitted from the VDU.   Addressing   The fields in both splits are addressed by line type numb┆
0x36900…36a00 (54, 0, 9)  Sector 360a9100137541 ┆6    uAers, incarnation numbers and field numbers. A group of repeatable lines have the same line type number, but different incarnation number.  rs (logical lines) between the two processor units and between the processor units and up to 242 LTUXs. It tra┆
0x36a00…36b00 (54, 0, 10) Sector 360bff00137541 ┆6    uA 1                                                                   Line type, Incarnation Field No.   1,1    1  2       3       1,2    1  2       3       2,1    1  2     3   4     3,1    1  2       3       3,2    1  2       3                     V┆
0x36b00…36c00 (54, 0, 11) Sector 360cff00137541 ┆6    uADU SCREEN    LINE AND FIELD ADDRESSING   Format Handler   The Format Handler uses the format definitions to build up empty or filled out standard formats on the VDU screen.   The format definitions reside in a format file. They are fixed at system g┆
0x36c00…36d00 (54, 0, 12) Sector 360dff00137541 ┆6    uAeneration and contain information about the different standard formats used by CAMPS.   The format definitions are maintained by the Offline Package at the CSSI site.   The Format Handler keeps track of the different types of lines in the present fo┆
0x36d00…36e00 (54, 0, 13) Sector 360eff00137541 ┆6    uArmat and the number of lines.   Application Functions   The application functions listed below are given names relative to their function.   Initialize   This command defines to the Format Handler how many VDU splits may be handled by the calling pr┆
0x36e00…36f00 (54, 0, 14) Sector 360ff800137541 ┆6 x  uAocess and the total memory available.   Define Format Area   This command defines the system format area to be used in the VDU communication. The application may communicate with more than one VDU and thus reserve more than one format area.  aving i┆
0x36f00…37000 (54, 0, 15) Sector 3600ff00137541 ┆6    uA 1                                                                   The commands Initialize and Define Format area may only be issued once per process/per split interface.   The following command may be reissued in order to redefine the actual VDU ┆
0x37000…37100 (55, 0, 0)  Sector 3701ff00137541 ┆7    uA 1                                                         Medium Speed Teleprinter (MSTP) Control Function   Refer "TRC, Point-to-Point Connection" Control Function.   The MSTP is equipped with a physical security key. Any activa┆
0x37100…37200 (55, 0, 1)  Sector 3702ff00137541 ┆7    uAtion of this leads to an asynchronous report to the system software (SSC) having initialized the MSTP interface. VDU Control Function   The communication method is block mode transmission. The electrical interface is as specified in fig┆
0x37200…37300 (55, 0, 2)  Sector 3703ff00137541 ┆7    uA. Baud rates are 1200 and 2400 bps.   The VDU is equipped with a physical security key. Any activation of this leads to an asynchroneous report to the system software (SSC) having initialized the VDU interface.   Application Software Inte┆
0x37300…37400 (55, 0, 3)  Sector 3704ff00137541 ┆7    uArface to VDU.   The application S/W interfaces to the VDU on split basis.   The VDU screen is divided into three splits:   VDU system area - split #0  VDU header area - split #1  VDU format area - split #2   VDU Format Area   The format area consist┆
0x37400…37500 (55, 0, 4)  Sector 37059800137541 ┆7    uAs of a number of lines. If the number of lines is greater than the displayed format area (22 lines) the user may page or scroll to see the rest.  etails refer CPS/ICD/005 and 006.  ons.  Further, the SSC package identifies the applications to the Te┆
0x37500…37600 (55, 0, 5)  Sector 3706ff00137541 ┆7    uA 1                                                                   The maximum size of the split depends on space reserved for this split. The VDU can in total accomodate approximately 20.000 characters.                          VDU SPLIT   ------┆
0x37600…37700 (55, 0, 6)  Sector 3707ff00137541 ┆7    uA----------------------                           PRESENT DISPLAYED            VDU                             FORMAT AREA              SCREEN   ----------------------------                                                       SCROLL                ┆
0x37700…37800 (55, 0, 7)  Sector 3608ff00137541 ┆6    uA                                                                      SPLIT CONCEPT     A split consists of protected and unprotected fields in any order. When the VDU is in format mode the user is able to write and update within the unprotected fie┆
0x37800…37900 (55, 0, 8)  Sector 37095800137541 ┆7 X  uA 1                                                             from. Figure illustrates the approach.    he interface for the PU-PU connection via TDX (For checkpoints).    SSC Handler    The SSC Driver provides the soft┆
0x37900…37a00 (55, 0, 9)  Sector 370a8b00137541 ┆7    uA 1                                                                                                                  Figs.  ransfers (logical lines) between the two processor units and between the processor units and up to 242 LTUXs. It tra┆
0x37a00…37b00 (55, 0, 10) Sector 370bff00137541 ┆7    uA 1                                                         TRC, Point-to-Point Connection Control Function   The control function implements the conversion to/from CAMPS internal message record format from/to the format required o┆
0x37b00…37c00 (55, 0, 11) Sector 370cff00137541 ┆7    uAn the line. For specified lines ITA2-ITA5 conversion is performed as well.   For interface details refer to CPS/ICD/007. OCR Control Function   The control function implements the OCR segment transmission protocol.   Data input from the┆
0x37c00…37d00 (55, 0, 12) Sector 370dff00137541 ┆7    uA OCR is returned to the application in CAMPS internal message record format starting with a "Start of Message" type record and ending with an "End of Message" type record.   The protocol is in effect in the following way: When no application input r┆
0x37d00…37e00 (55, 0, 13) Sector 370eff00137541 ┆7    uAequest is present ACKs to the OCR are withheld. This gives a maximum of 512 bytes buffered in the IOC.   Details on the interface may be found in CPS/ICD/008. Teleprinter Control Function   Refer "TRC, Point-to-Point Connection" Control┆
0x37e00…37f00 (55, 0, 14) Sector 370fff00137541 ┆7    uA Function. PTP/PTR Control Function   Refer "TRC, Point-to-Point Connection Control Function".   The PTR is equipped with a physical security key. The activation of the key will asynchronously be reported to the system software having i┆
0x37f00…38000 (55, 0, 15) Sector 37003200137541 ┆7 2  uAnitialized the PTR interface (i.e. SSC).    .  In fig. through 3 an overview of interface, speed, alphabet and protocols is presented.  At the end of this section (in section the Internal Message Record Format is shown.    2.2.┆
0x38000…38100 (56, 0, 0)  Sector 3801ff00137541 ┆8    uA1.2.1 NICS TARE Control Function   The control function implements the level 2 and 3 interface.   The CAMPS application (THP) sends and receives data as a string of data in CAMPS internal message record format. A message starts with a "Start of Mess┆
0x38100…38200 (56, 0, 1)  Sector 3802ff00137541 ┆8    uAage" record and ends with an "End of Message" record.   The NICS TARE Control converts this format to the format required for the NICS TARE line and transmits/receives data under control of the LITSYNC protocol.   For interface details refer CPS/ICD┆
0x38200…38300 (56, 0, 2)  Sector 3803ff00137541 ┆8    uA/004. SCARS/CCIS Control Function   The control function implements the level 2 and 3 interface.   The CAMPS application (THP) sends and receives data as a string of data in CAMPS internal message record format. A message starts with a ┆
0x38300…38400 (56, 0, 3)  Sector 3804e600137541 ┆8 f  uA"Start of Message" record and ends with an "End of Message" record.   The SCARS/CCIS Control converts this format to the format required for the SCARS/CCIS line and transmits/receives data under control of an X25 protocol.  C for each TDX device.  p┆
0x38400…38500 (56, 0, 4)  Sector 3805bb00137541 ┆8 ;  uA 1                                                                   The ACK/NAK of message is handled at the application level.   For interface details refer CPS/ICD/005 and 006.  ons.  Further, the SSC package identifies the applications to the Te┆
0x38500…38600 (56, 0, 5)  Sector 38066000137541 ┆8 `  uA 1                                                                      Figure  All errors included CRC and missing frames will result in rejection of the complete packet immediately, without waiting for completion of the packet. The recei┆
0x38600…38700 (56, 0, 6)  Sector 3807ff00137541 ┆8    uA 1                                                                   Notes to Fig.   1) EDC-Protocol As defined in CPS/ICD/004   2) LAP Protocol As defined in CPS/ICD/006   3) Baud Rate Underlined baud-rates shall not be exceeded during te┆
0x38700…38800 (56, 0, 7)  Sector 3708ed00137541 ┆7 m  uAst.   4) Crypto I/F Interface to DOLCE as defined in CPS/ICD/004.   5) 10 bit code Character-by-character with odd parity.  Start bit, 7 data bit, parity bit, and one stop bit.   6) 7 bit code Start bit, 5 data bits and stop bit.   services one LTU.┆
0x38800…38900 (56, 0, 8)  Sector 38098c00137541 ┆8    uA   The Handler interfaces to the terminal management system receiving request herefrom. Figure illustrates the approach.    he interface for the PU-PU connection via TDX (For checkpoints).    SSC Handler    The SSC Driver provides the soft┆
0x38900…38a00 (56, 0, 9)  Sector 380a8b00137541 ┆8    uA 1                                                                                                                  FIGURE ransfers (logical lines) between the two processor units and between the processor units and up to 242 LTUXs. It tra┆
0x38a00…38b00 (56, 0, 10) Sector 380bff00137541 ┆8    uA 1                                                                   Standard LTU Micro Processor Software Functions   The Standard LTU micro processor software provides the environment for the protocol software.   a) it provides LTU initialization ┆
0x38b00…38c00 (56, 0, 11) Sector 380cff00137541 ┆8    uA  b) it provides LTU on-line diagnostics   c) it provides a micro processor operating system for executing protocol software   d) it provides pool management for buffers   e) it provides a standard queue interface to the CR80D processor unit   f) it┆
0x38c00…38d00 (56, 0, 12) Sector 380d4b00137541 ┆8 K  uA provides V24 drivers   The concept is shown in figure                                                   FIGURE TR   9) MSTP (Medium Speed Teleprinter)  10) LINE PRINTER  11) SOFTWARE DEV VDU tandard LTU Handler    The standard ┆
0x38d00…38e00 (56, 0, 13) Sector 380e8b00137541 ┆8    uA 1                                                                                                                  Figure  between the TDX Bus and terminals e.g. VDU, PTP, and OCR. At the TDX side the TDX packet protocol is used for data ┆
0x38e00…38f00 (56, 0, 14) Sector 380fff00137541 ┆8    uA 1                                                         Device and Line Control Functions   The Device and Line Control Functions are the functions supporting specific devices and line protocols.   In this section the device/line┆
0x38f00…39000 (56, 0, 15) Sector 3800ff00137541 ┆8    uA functions are outlined for each device/line.  In fig. through 3 an overview of interface, speed, alphabet and protocols is presented.  At the end of this section (in section the Internal Message Record Format is shown.    2.2.┆
0x39000…39100 (57, 0, 0)  Sector 3901ff00137541 ┆9    uA the external lines are 4 x 2400 bps. or 1 x 9600 bps.   The TDX Controller multiplexes the data stream on the TDX bus in a way to allow a logical line transmission speed up to 819200 bps. (this number depends on the firmware configuration in the LT┆
0x39100…39200 (57, 0, 1)  Sector 3902ff00137541 ┆9    uAUX).   Each LTUX is able to interface up to 16 logical lines by multiplexing the data stream from/to the TDX bus.   A possible allocation of logical lines to physical lines is shown in fig. for VDUs.   TDX Host Interface   All traffic betw┆
0x39200…39300 (57, 0, 2)  Sector 3903ff00137541 ┆9    uAeen a processor unit and the TDX bus passes by the TDX Host Interface.   The Host Interface is a high band width device that interfaces directly to the CR80D main bus.   TDX Controller   The traffic on the TDX bus is controlled by the TDX Controller┆
0x39300…39400 (57, 0, 3)  Sector 3904fe00137541 ┆9 ~  uA.   The Controller receives all frames transmitted from the Host Interface and LTUXs, executes CRC check and retransmit the frames.   The main task for the TDX Controller is to control the transmission speeds allocated by SSC for each TDX device.  p┆
0x39400…39500 (57, 0, 4)  Sector 39058a00137541 ┆9    uA 1                                                                                                                   Fig. d, protocol/device type and security classifications.  Further, the SSC package identifies the applications to the Te┆
0x39500…39600 (57, 0, 5)  Sector 3906ff00137541 ┆9    uA 1                                                                   TDX Error Handling   All errors included CRC and missing frames will result in rejection of the complete packet immediately, without waiting for completion of the packet. The recei┆
0x39600…39700 (57, 0, 6)  Sector 3907ff00137541 ┆9    uAving device then requests a retransmission by replying NAK (Negative Acknowledgement). Also the acknowledgement sent to the transmitting device is checked for errors.   A TDX system error and switch over is handled by the IOC and SSC in common. The ┆
0x39700…39800 (57, 0, 7)  Sector 3808ff00137541 ┆8    uAwatchdog continuously checks the TDX-Controller clock and advices SSC in case of error.   Standard LTU Handlers   The Standard LTU Handlers perform the communication to the LTUs located on the IO BUS. One incarnation of the Handler services one LTU.┆
0x39800…39900 (57, 0, 8)  Sector 39098a00137541 ┆9    uA 1                                                                                                                 FIGURE  the interface for the PU-PU connection via TDX (For checkpoints).    SSC Handler    The SSC Driver provides the soft┆
0x39900…39a00 (57, 0, 9)  Sector 390aff00137541 ┆9    uA 1                                                                   TDX System Function   The TDX system performs multiplexed data transfers (logical lines) between the two processor units and between the processor units and up to 242 LTUXs. It tra┆
0x39a00…39b00 (57, 0, 10) Sector 390bff00137541 ┆9    uAnsfers up to 819200 bps. on max. 4096 logical lines.   The transmission on the TDX bus is controlled by the TDX controller. In the processor unit the TDX Driver is the interface to the TDX Host Interface.   Figure illustrates the TDX syste┆
0x39b00…39c00 (57, 0, 11) Sector 390c0b00137541 ┆9    uAm.                                                                                                                  FIGURE 2.1.2-1 he LTUs via a standard LTU handler. The THS supports inclusion of device/line specific handlers.    TDX System    The ┆
0x39c00…39d00 (57, 0, 12) Sector 390d8b00137541 ┆9    uA 1                                                                                                                  FIGURE TR   9) MSTP (Medium Speed Teleprinter)  10) LINE PRINTER  11) SOFTWARE DEV VDU tandard LTU Handler    The standard ┆
0x39d00…39e00 (57, 0, 13) Sector 390eff00137541 ┆9    uA 1                                                                   LTUX Function and Interface   The LTUX is the standard interface between the TDX Bus and terminals e.g. VDU, PTP, and OCR. At the TDX side the TDX packet protocol is used for data ┆
0x39e00…39f00 (57, 0, 14) Sector 390fff00137541 ┆9    uAtransport.   The smallest unit, with which the unit works, is a TDX frame. A frame contains one protocol byte, a three bit sequence number, five bit byte counts and up to sixteen data bytes. (Extended HDLC protocol with CRC check). A TDX packet may ┆
0x39f00…3a000 (57, 0, 15) Sector 3900ff00137541 ┆9    uAcontain several frames. The frames are numbered contiguously (module 8) in order to ensure correct transmission.   Each LTUX interfaces to four CCITT V24/V28 external lines and is able to handle ITA no. 2 and no. 5. The maximum transmission speed on┆
0x3a000…3a100 (58, 0, 0)  Sector 3a01ff00137541 ┆:    uAhe LTUs, a Z80 microprocessor operating system and the CR80 interface software are common.   For the TDX, the Host interface firmware, the TDX controller firmware, and the LTUX firmware interfacing to the TDX bus are independent of actual devices.  ┆
0x3a100…3a200 (58, 0, 1)  Sector 3a029e00137541 ┆:    uA Fig. illustrates the Line Interface Control Software/Firmware as distributed in a CR80D system with LTUs on IO bus and LTUXs on the TDX bus. RS Control implements the level 2 and 3 interface of the SCARS communication (X25 protocol and ha┆
0x3a200…3a300 (58, 0, 2)  Sector 3a038a00137541 ┆:    uA 1                                                                                                                   Fig. ARS Control).    TRC/TP Control    The TRC/TP control implements the device interface to TRC and Teleprinter lines. T┆
0x3a300…3a400 (58, 0, 3)  Sector 3a04ff00137541 ┆:    uA 1                                                                   Terminal Management System Functions   The Terminal Handling System hides the physical line characteristics for the application. The application accesses lines by name.   The SSC p┆
0x3a400…3a500 (58, 0, 4)  Sector 3a05ff00137541 ┆:    uAackage defines the relationship between names and physical addresses, the baud rate for the external V24 lines, the logical linespeed, protocol/device type and security classifications.  Further, the SSC package identifies the applications to the Te┆
0x3a500…3a600 (58, 0, 5)  Sector 3a06ff00137541 ┆:    uArminal Handling System (USER ON).   The TMS implements the security and access control for LTU and LTUX connected lines.  A request from the application to OPEN line is validated against the capabilities defined by SSC at the moment of USER ON.   Th┆
0x3a600…3a700 (58, 0, 6)  Sector 3a07ff00137541 ┆:    uAe approach is shown in fig.   Command exists for the SSC Package to define LTUs, LTUXs, lines, and applications.   Command exists for the application to open and close channels and to perform data transfer.   The TMS supports inclusion of┆
0x3a700…3a800 (58, 0, 7)  Sector 39082300137541 ┆9 #  uA device specific Handlers.   s of the format handler, VDU handler, and VDU LTUX firmware.    Software Development VDU Control    The Software Development VDU Control implements the device interface for the software development VDU.    Line Printer H┆
0x3a800…3a900 (58, 0, 8)  Sector 3a09ff00137541 ┆:    uAandler    The Line Printer Handler provides the device interface to the line printer.    PU-PU Handler    The PU-PU Handler provides the interface for the PU-PU connection via TDX (For checkpoints).    SSC Handler    The SSC Driver provides the soft┆
0x3a900…3aa00 (58, 0, 9)  Sector 3a0aff00137541 ┆:    uAware interface to the Memory MAP console interface in such a way that communication with the SSC Computer is supported. The SSC driver emulates a system console driver concerning on-line standard system software.    2.1.2 Summary of External Interfa┆
0x3aa00…3ab00 (58, 0, 10) Sector 3a0b9500137541 ┆:    uAces (Fig. 2.1.2-1)   The IO control SW interfaces to the following external lines (see figure).    1) NICS TARE   2) CCIS   3) SCARS   5) TRC  ntrol covers common software for interface to lines via LTUXs and LTUs.   It is divided into:    Terminal ┆
0x3ab00…3ac00 (58, 0, 11) Sector 3a0c8900137541 ┆:    uA 1                                                                                                                  FIGURE 2.1.2-1 he LTUs via a standard LTU handler. The THS supports inclusion of device/line specific handlers.    TDX System    The ┆
0x3ac00…3ad00 (58, 0, 12) Sector 3a0ddb00137541 ┆: [  uA 1                                                                   and the following devices:    4) OCR   6) TP   7) VDU   8) PTP/PTR   9) MSTP (Medium Speed Teleprinter)  10) LINE PRINTER  11) SOFTWARE DEV VDU tandard LTU Handler    The standard ┆
0x3ad00…3ae00 (58, 0, 13) Sector 3a0eff00137541 ┆:    uA 1                                                                  2.2 PACKAGE FUNCTIONS    2.2.1 Main Functions (Normal Operation) Line Interface Control   The Line Interface Control Software interfaces the device control software with ┆
0x3ae00…3af00 (58, 0, 14) Sector 3a0fff00137541 ┆:    uAthe CR80D computer system.   It is the standard CR80 and microprocessor software providing the interface from the application to the line/device specific software.   For the Processor Unit, the Terminal Management System performs the overall convers┆
0x3af00…3b000 (58, 0, 15) Sector 3a00ff00137541 ┆:    uAion from logical line names to LTU or LTUX and line addresses.   The Standard LTU handlers perform the communication with the LTUs located in the IO-crates and the TDX driver performs the communication with the LTUX connected to the TDX bus.   For t┆
0x3b000…3b100 (59, 0, 0)  Sector 3b01ff00137541 ┆;    uA 1                                                                   Device & Line Control   The Device & Line Control consists of all line, channel and device specific software and firmware.   It is divided into:    NICS TARE Control    The TARE co┆
0x3b100…3b200 (59, 0, 1)  Sector 3b02ff00137541 ┆;    uAntrol implements the level 2 and 3 interface of the TARE communication (i.e. the LITSYNC protocol and handling of messages).    SCARS Control    The SCARS Control implements the level 2 and 3 interface of the SCARS communication (X25 protocol and ha┆
0x3b200…3b300 (59, 0, 2)  Sector 3b03ff00137541 ┆;    uAndling of messages).    CCIS Control    The CCIS Control implements the level 2 and 3 interface of the CCIS communication (As for SCARS Control).    TRC/TP Control    The TRC/TP control implements the device interface to TRC and Teleprinter lines. T┆
0x3b300…3b400 (59, 0, 3)  Sector 3b04ff00137541 ┆;    uAhis includes conversion to and from internal record format as well as character sequence recognition. ITA2/ITA5 Conversion.    PTP/PTR Control    The PTP/PTR Control implements the device interface to PTP/PTR. This includes conversion to and from in┆
0x3b400…3b500 (59, 0, 4)  Sector 3b05ff00137541 ┆;    uAternal record formats as well as character sequence recognition. ITA2/ITA5 Conversion.    Medium Speed Teleprinter Control    The Medium Speed Teleprinter control implements the device interface to the MSTP including conversion from internal record ┆
0x3b500…3b600 (59, 0, 5)  Sector 3b060f00137541 ┆;    uAformat.                                                              2  SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENT    2.1 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION   The I/O control SW package provides the interface between CAMPS application software and terminals and  lines.   The I/O cont┆
0x3b600…3b700 (59, 0, 6)  Sector 3b07ff00137541 ┆;    uA 1                                                                    OCR Control    The OCR Control implements the device interface to the OCR including generation of internal record format.    VDU Control    The VDU Control implements the device i┆
0x3b700…3b800 (59, 0, 7)  Sector 3a08ff00137541 ┆:    uAnterface for VDUs. It consists of the format handler, VDU handler, and VDU LTUX firmware.    Software Development VDU Control    The Software Development VDU Control implements the device interface for the software development VDU.    Line Printer H┆
0x3b800…3b900 (59, 0, 8)  Sector 3b098800137541 ┆;    uA 1                                                                                                                  FIGURE 2.1-1  ach process belongs to exactly one user group.   User Group Unique identifier for a user group  Identification    1.3.2┆
0x3b900…3ba00 (59, 0, 9)  Sector 3b0a8700137541 ┆;    uA 1                                                                                                                  Figure 2.1-2 CAMPS Computer Aided Message Processing System  CC Completion Code  CCIS Command & Control Information System  CCITT The┆
0x3ba00…3bb00 (59, 0, 10) Sector 3b0bff00137541 ┆;    uA 1                                                                  2.1.1 Summary of Functions   Line Interface Control   The Line Interface Control covers common software for interface to lines via LTUXs and LTUs.   It is divided into:    Terminal ┆
0x3bb00…3bc00 (59, 0, 11) Sector 3b0cff00137541 ┆;    uAManagement System    The Terminal Management System controls logical channels to LTUXs via the TDX system and logical channels to the LTUs via a standard LTU handler. The THS supports inclusion of device/line specific handlers.    TDX System    The ┆
0x3bc00…3bd00 (59, 0, 12) Sector 3b0dff00137541 ┆;    uATDX System provides communication on logical lines from the TDX driver via the TDX Host Interface to a number of LTUXs or other host interfaces. The communication is controlled by the TDX controller firmware.    Standard LTU Handler    The standard ┆
0x3bd00…3be00 (59, 0, 13) Sector 3b0eff00137541 ┆;    uALTU Handler provides the means for the Terminal Handling System to interface to LTUs on the IO BUS. One incarnation of the Standard LTU handler serves one LTU with up to 16 communication lines. The standard LTU Handler interfaces up to 16 device spe┆
0x3be00…3bf00 (59, 0, 14) Sector 3b0fff00137541 ┆;    uAcific Handlers.    Standard LTU Micro-Processor Software    The Standard LTU micro-processor software supports implementation of communication line protocol software in the CR8066D LTU. It is the IO Bus interface for data and control information inp┆
0x3bf00…3c000 (59, 0, 15) Sector 3b001200137541 ┆;    uAut/output.  e To Repair  M&D Maintenance and Diagnostics  NA Not Applicable  NAK, NACK Negative Acknowledgement  NICS NATO Integrated Communication System  OCR Optical Character Reader  OCH Operator Console Handler  OLP Off-line Software Package  PT┆
0x3c000…3c100 (60, 0, 0)  Sector 3c01ff00137541 ┆<    uACB Pending Transfer Control Block  PTP Paper Tape Puncher  PTR Paper Tape Reader  PU, P.U. Processor Unit  P-to-P, P-P Point to Point  RAM Random Access Memory  ROP Receive Only Printer  SCARS Status Control and Reporting System  SDS CAMPS System De┆
0x3c100…3c200 (60, 0, 1)  Sector 3c02ff00137541 ┆<    uAsign Specification  SEL Synchronization Element  SIO Serial Input/Output  SOCB System Operation Control Block  SOTF Start of Transmission Function  SRS System Requirements Specification  SSC System Status and Control  SSP Support Software Package  S┆
0x3c200…3c300 (60, 0, 2)  Sector 3c039100137541 ┆<    uATI Supra-TDX Bus Interface  SW Software  TARE Telegraph Automatice Relay Equipment  TBD To Be Defined  TDX Telecommunication Data Exchange ecovered data.   Recovery Reestablishes continuity in memory and file contents.   Security Control Control of ┆
0x3c300…3c400 (60, 0, 3)  Sector 3c04ff00137541 ┆<    uA 1                                                                   TEMCO Terminal Monitoring and Control  THP Traffic Handling Package  TIA TDX Bus Interface Adapter  TMS Terminal Management System  TOS Time of Occurrence  TP Tele Printer  TRC Tap┆
0x3c400…3c500 (60, 0, 4)  Sector 3c059400137541 ┆<    uAe Relay Center  TTY Teletype  UGI User Group Identification  VDU Visual Display Unit  WDP Watchdog Processor  X25 Protocol Name  Z80 Zilog 80 nd OCR.    In DAMOS TMS sense a Terminal defines one connection on a shared channel. An example is in the X┆
0x3c500…3c600 (60, 0, 5)  Sector 3c06ff00137541 ┆<    uA 1                                                                   2  SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENT    2.1 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION   The I/O control SW package provides the interface between CAMPS application software and terminals and  lines.   The I/O cont┆
0x3c600…3c700 (60, 0, 6)  Sector 3c07ff00137541 ┆<    uArol functions can be divided into two distinct functions:   a) Line interface control   b) Device and line control   An overview of the I/O control SW with the two main groups is shown in figure 2.1-1.   The I/O control software break down is shown ┆
0x3c700…3c800 (60, 0, 7)  Sector 3b081800137541 ┆;    uAin figure 2.1-2.  lication process (see USER GROUP).  0A000  Subpackage Interface .............  441  Interface to LTUX Handler ....  441  Interface to Statement Firm-            ware ....................┆
0x3c800…3c900 (60, 0, 8)  Sector 3c09ff00137541 ┆<    uA 1                                                                   User Group A set of processes. A vehicle for access control each process belongs to exactly one user group.   User Group Unique identifier for a user group  Identification    1.3.2┆
0x3c900…3ca00 (60, 0, 9)  Sector 3c0aff00137541 ┆<    uA Abbreviations   ACP127 Allied Communication Procedures No. 127  APPL Applications  BLE Buffer List Element  BPS Bit Per Second  CAMPS Computer Aided Message Processing System  CC Completion Code  CCIS Command & Control Information System  CCITT The┆
0x3ca00…3cb00 (60, 0, 10) Sector 3c0bff00137541 ┆<    uA International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee  CH Channel  CPU Central Processing Unit  CR Carriage Return  CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check  CSF In CPS/SDS/001 is the abbreviation used to identify the CAMPS System Functions.  CTC Counter┆
0x3cb00…3cc00 (60, 0, 11) Sector 3c0cff00137541 ┆<    uA Timer Circuit  DAMOS CR80D Advanced Multiprocessor Operating System  DCB Device Control Block  DCE Data Circuit-terminating Equipment  DVM Device Management  DTE Data Terminal Equipment  EDC Error Detection and Correction  EOL End Of Line  EOLF End┆
0x3cc00…3cd00 (60, 0, 12) Sector 3c0dbd00137541 ┆< =  uA Of Line Function  ETC Et Cetera  FIFO First In, First Out  HDLC High Level Data Link Control  HW Hardware  ICD Interface Control Document  IF Interface  IFCB Interface Control Block rt into operational use. No recovery actions are included.  unctio┆
0x3cd00…3ce00 (60, 0, 13) Sector 3c0eff00137541 ┆<    uA 1                                                                   IO, I/O Input/Output  IOC Input/Output Control Package  IOS I/O System  ITA International Telegraph Alphabeth  LAPB Link Access Protocol B  LCB Line Control Block  LF Line Feed  LO┆
0x3ce00…3cf00 (60, 0, 14) Sector 3c0fff00137541 ┆<    uAG Log and Accountability Package  LSL Low Speed Line  LSLH Low Speed Line Handler  LTU Line Termination Unit  LTUX Line Termination Unit Wired to the TDX bus  MAP Memory Mapping Unit  MSTP Medium Speed Tele Printer  MTBF Mean Time Between Failure  M┆
0x3cf00…3d000 (60, 0, 15) Sector 3c00ff00137541 ┆<    uATTR Mean Time To Repair  M&D Maintenance and Diagnostics  NA Not Applicable  NAK, NACK Negative Acknowledgement  NICS NATO Integrated Communication System  OCR Optical Character Reader  OCH Operator Console Handler  OLP Off-line Software Package  PT┆
0x3d000…3d100 (61, 0, 0)  Sector 3d01ff00137541 ┆=    uAprocedure call" instruction which automatically saves the return point.   Process Execution of a specific program operating on a specific set of data. The active components of the system to which security and process control as well as resource mana┆
0x3d100…3d200 (61, 0, 1)  Sector 3d02d200137541 ┆= R  uAgement is applied.   Program A sequence of instructions.   Protection The complete set of mechanisms assuming that only the processes authorized by security and access control can access a given object.   and development personnel with details of th┆
0x3d200…3d300 (61, 0, 2)  Sector 3d03ff00137541 ┆=    uA 1                                                                   Restart Reestablishes the dynamic behaviour of the system based upon recovered data.   Recovery Reestablishes continuity in memory and file contents.   Security Control Control of ┆
0x3d300…3d400 (61, 0, 3)  Sector 3d04ff00137541 ┆=    uAclassification and special handling categories before access allowed to an object.   Security Profile The data Type containing classification and certain special handling categories for an object.   Split Part of VDU screen separately addressable.  ┆
0x3d400…3d500 (61, 0, 4)  Sector 3d05ff00137541 ┆=    uA Telegraph circuit NICS TARE, Point to point and TRC.   Terminal VDU, Medium Speed Teleprinter, Low Speed Teleprinter, Line Printer, PTP/PTR and OCR.    In DAMOS TMS sense a Terminal defines one connection on a shared channel. An example is in the X┆
0x3d500…3d600 (61, 0, 5)  Sector 3d06ff00137541 ┆=    uA25 protocol a set of terminals are multiplexed on one channel. For VDUs one split is considered to be two terminals, one for fields input and output and one for function keys.   1                                                                   Use┆
0x3d600…3d700 (61, 0, 6)  Sector 3d07ff00137541 ┆=    uAr a) Person with responsibility for input and output of messages.    b) Person located at the user terminals in the staff cells.    The user is identical with the term operator in the CPS/210/SYS/0001 and replaces it in CPS/SDS/001.    In DAMOS term┆
0x3d700…3d800 (61, 0, 7)  Sector 3c083c00137541 ┆< <  uAs a USER is an application process (see USER GROUP).  0A000  Subpackage Interface .............  441  Interface to LTUX Handler ....  441  Interface to Statement Firm-            ware ....................┆
0x3d800…3d900 (61, 0, 8)  Sector 3d09ff00137541 ┆=    uA 1                                                                  1.3 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS    1.3.1 Terms   1                                                                   Access Control Control of specifically delegated access rights befor┆
0x3d900…3da00 (61, 0, 9)  Sector 3d0aff00137541 ┆=    uAe access is allowed to an object.   Access Control List Structure associated with catalog objects. Contains access rights of user qroups to the objects.   Buffer List Element A descriptor of a data buffer in memory. BLEs may be chained to form a log┆
0x3da00…3db00 (61, 0, 10) Sector 3d0bff00137541 ┆=    uAically contiguous buffer, which is not physically contiguous.   Channel DAMOS term (TMS). Normally mapped 1 to 1 onto external electrical channel.   Checkpoint Point from which restart/recovery can take place.   Close-down Action taken to bring proc┆
0x3db00…3dc00 (61, 0, 11) Sector 3d0cff00137541 ┆=    uAessing within the system or a part there of to a stop - can be either an ordered sequence of steps or an abrupt termination.   External Channel A channel in a telegraph circuit or non telegraph circuit.   Field Area for input from/output to terminal┆
0x3dc00…3dd00 (61, 0, 12) Sector 3d0df900137541 ┆= y  uA user.   File An unstructured, logically contiguos part of a disk volume.   File Management Part of SFM handling Files  System   Initialization Brings the system from cold or dead start into operational use. No recovery actions are included.  unctio┆
0x3dd00…3de00 (61, 0, 13) Sector 3d0eff00137541 ┆=    uA 1                                                                   Line Control Block Data item transferred within NICS TARE.   Logical Line Multiplexed line in TDX system.   Low Speed Media Low speed teleprinter (PTP, PTR, ROP), Point-to-point co┆
0x3de00…3df00 (61, 0, 14) Sector 3d0fff00137541 ┆=    uAnnection and TRC.   Memory Segment Part of virtual memory. The memory object to which security and access control is applied.   Message Record Standard format used for CAMPS   Format internally.   Non Telegraph  CCIS and SCARS.  Circuit   Operating ┆
0x3df00…3e000 (61, 0, 15) Sector 3d00ff00137541 ┆=    uASystem A process making high level decisions about dynamic allocation of resources to a set of descendant processes.   Priority An attribute of a process used for scheduling purposes.   Procedure Special part of a program. It must be called with a "┆
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0)  Sector 3e01ff00137541 ┆>    uA 1                                                                   1  GENERAL    1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE    1.1.1 Purpose   The Package Specification for the I/O Control package of the CAMPS project is written to fulfil the following objectives.   a┆
0x3e100…3e200 (62, 0, 1)  Sector 3e02ff00137541 ┆>    uA) To provide detailed definition of the software architecture of the I/O Control software.   b) To provide detailed definition of the CAMPS specific I/O Control software.   c) To provide user, operational and development personnel with details of th┆
0x3e200…3e300 (62, 0, 2)  Sector 3e03ff00137541 ┆>    uAe ongoing analysis.   d) To define in detail the interfaces with other packages and to describe their facilities.    1.1.2 Scope   This document defines the CAMPS specific I/O Control functions down to a level where all functions and algorithms have┆
0x3e300…3e400 (62, 0, 3)  Sector 3e04c900137541 ┆> I  uA been defined.   The detailed definition of data layout and details of algorithm implementation is defined at detailed design. Overview of the system is presented in the CAMPS systems design.     Functional Description .......  385      4.1.2  Softw┆
0x3e400…3e500 (62, 0, 4)  Sector 3e05ff00137541 ┆>    uA 1                                                                  1.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND PROJECT REFERENCES   1                                                                    1.2.1 Applicable Documents   CAMPS System Requirements  CPS/21┆
0x3e500…3e600 (62, 0, 5)  Sector 3e06ff00137541 ┆>    uA0/SYS/0001   User Procedures and Associated Formats  CPS/230/ICD/0001   Supervisor Commands and Procedures  CPS/230/ICD/0002   NICS TARE Interface  CPS/ICD/004   SCARS II  CPS/ICD/005   ACE CCIS   CPS/ICD/006   TRC, POINT-TO-POINT CONNECTION  CPS/IC┆
0x3e600…3e700 (62, 0, 6)  Sector 3e07ff00137541 ┆>    uAD/007   OCR Interface  CPS/ICD/008    1.2.2 Project References   CAMPS System Design Specification  CPS/SDS/001,  issue I especially sections:   5.7  IOC Package  5.2  TDX Subsystem  5.1.5 I/O System  5.10  SSC Package  4.11  Error Handling   Refere┆
0x3e700…3e800 (62, 0, 7)  Sector 3d084500137541 ┆= E  uAnce manual for 7260T Video Display Terminal P/N 917M/00A000  Subpackage Interface .............  441  Interface to LTUX Handler ....  441  Interface to Statement Firm-            ware ....................┆
0x3e800…3e900 (62, 0, 8)  Sector 3e09ff00137541 ┆>    uA.....  441     4.2.5  NICS TARE LTU Functions Subpackage ...  446    4.2.6  CCIS/SCARS LTU Functions Subpackage ..  446    4.2.7  SSC Interface Subpackage .............  446  Functional Description ...........  446  Functi┆
0x3e900…3ea00 (62, 0, 9)  Sector 3e0aff00137541 ┆>    uAonal Breakdown .........  446  Functional Description .......  454  Software Specification ...........  455  Data Flow and Control Logic ......  455  Watchdog Mode Flow ...........  455      4.2┆
0x3ea00…3eb00 (62, 0, 10) Sector 3e0bff00137541 ┆>    uA.7.3.2  Non Watchdog Mode Flow .......  465  Subpackage Data ..................  465  Subpackage Interface .............  465     4.2.8  PU-PU Handler Subpackage .............  467  Functional Specifications ....┆
0x3eb00…3ec00 (62, 0, 11) Sector 3e0cff00137541 ┆>    uA....  467  Functional Breakdown .........  467  Functional Description .......  469  Software Specification ...........  469  Data Flow and Control Logic ......  471  Subpackage Data┆
0x3ec00…3ed00 (62, 0, 12) Sector 3e0d5500137541 ┆> U  uA ..................  473  Subpackage Interfaces ............  473    Software Specification ...........  137  Data Flow and Control Logic ......  140  Overview .....................  140  Functio┆
0x3ed00…3ee00 (62, 0, 13) Sector 3e0eff00137541 ┆>    uA 1                                                                    4.3  MEMORY LAYOUT ............................  473     4.3.1  Format Handler Memory Layout .........  473    4.3.2  LTUX Handler Memory Layout ...........  475    4.3.3  LTU Han┆
0x3ee00…3ef00 (62, 0, 14) Sector 3e0fff00137541 ┆>    uAdler Memory Layout ............  477    4.3.4  LTUX Functions Subpackage Memory        Layout ...............................  479    4.3.5  NICS TARE LTU Function Subpackage        Memory Layout ........................  479    4.3.6  CCIS/SCARS LT┆
0x3ef00…3f000 (62, 0, 15) Sector 3e00c300137541 ┆> C  uAU Function Subpackage        Memory Layout ........................  479    4.3.7  SSC Interface Subpackage Memory Layout  479    4.3.8  PU-PU Handler Memory Layout ..........  481         ion ................  211  OCR Handler Softwa┆
0x3f000…3f100 (63, 0, 0)  Sector 3f01ff00137541 ┆?    uAre             Specification ................  225  Low Speed Line Handler .......  235  Data Flow and Control Logic ......  244  VDU Handler Flow .............  244  OCR Handler Flow .......┆
0x3f100…3f200 (63, 0, 1)  Sector 3f02ff00137541 ┆?    uA......  293  Low Speed LIne Handler Flow ..  326  Subpackage Data ..................  356  VDU Handler Data .............  356  OCR Handler Data .............  359  Low Speed L┆
0x3f200…3f300 (63, 0, 2)  Sector 3f03ff00137541 ┆?    uAine Handler Data ..  361  Subpackage Interfaces ............  363  VDU Handler Interface ........  363  OCR Handler Interface ........  369  Low Speed Line Handler            Interface ......┆
0x3f300…3f400 (63, 0, 3)  Sector 3f04ef00137541 ┆? o  uA..............  372     4.2.3  LTU Handler Subpackage ...............  375  Functional Specification .........  375  Functional Breakdown .........  375  Functional Description .......  385      4.1.2  Softw┆
0x3f400…3f500 (63, 0, 4)  Sector 3f05ff00137541 ┆?    uA 1                                                              Software Specification ...........  385  Data Flow and Control Logic ......  391  NICS TARE Flow ...............  393  CCIS/SC┆
0x3f500…3f600 (63, 0, 5)  Sector 3f06ff00137541 ┆?    uAARS Flow ..............  393  Subpackage Data ..................  394  Subpackage Interface .............  394     4.2.4  LTUX Functions Subpackage ............  395  Functional Specification .........  395      ┆
0x3f600…3f700 (63, 0, 6)  Sector 3f07ff00137541 ┆?    uA4.  Functional Breakdown .........  395  Firmware Structure ...............  415  Data Flow and Control Logic ......  423  Data Item ....................  423  Control Logic .............┆
0x3f700…3f800 (63, 0, 7)  Sector 3e08ff00137541 ┆>    uA...  435  Subpackage Data ..................  438  Subpackage Interface .............  441  Interface to LTUX Handler ....  441  Interface to Statement Firm-            ware ....................┆
0x3f800…3f900 (63, 0, 8)  Sector 3f09ff00137541 ┆?    uAerface   110  FORMAT HANDLER Interface .....  112  Process Oriented Interface  112  VDU Split Oriented              Interface ................  112  Sub-Package Interfaces ........... ┆
0x3f900…3fa00 (63, 0, 9)  Sector 3f0aff00137541 ┆?    uA 122  FORMAT Handler to LTUX Handler  122  LTUX Handler - LTUX Functions             Subpackages Interfaces .......  123  LTU Handler - NICS TARE LTU            Functions Subpackages ........  126      4.┆
0x3fa00…3fb00 (63, 0, 10) Sector 3f0bff00137541 ┆?    uA1.6.3.4  LTU Handler - CCIS/SCARS LTU              Functions Subpackages ........  126     4.2.1  Format Handler Subpackage ............  127  Functional Specification .........  127  Functional Breakdown .........  127   ┆
0x3fb00…3fc00 (63, 0, 11) Sector 3f0c3900137541 ┆? 9  uA  Functional Description .......  136                      2.2.2  Functional Responsibilities ..........   53  Initialization, Closedown, and           Restart ..........................   53  Initialization ..┆
0x3fc00…3fd00 (63, 0, 12) Sector 3f0dff00137541 ┆?    uA 1                                                              Software Specification ...........  137  Data Flow and Control Logic ......  140  Overview .....................  140  Functio┆
0x3fd00…3fe00 (63, 0, 13) Sector 3f0eff00137541 ┆?    uAnal Control and Data                    Flow .........................  144  Functional Routines Schedule            Flow .........................  148  Functional Routines HIPO            Charts ......................┆
0x3fe00…3ff00 (63, 0, 14) Sector 3f0fff00137541 ┆?    uA.  155  Subpackage Data ..................  177  Subpackage Interface .............  181     4.2.2  LTUX Handler Subpackage ..............  182  Functional Specification .........  182  Functional ┆
0x3ff00…40000 (63, 0, 15) Sector 3f00ff00137541 ┆?    uABreakdown .........  182  Functional Description .......  209  Software Specification ...........  211  VDU Handler Software            Specification ................  211  OCR Handler Softwa┆
0x40000…40100 (64, 0, 0)  Sector 4001ff00137541 ┆@    uA................   58    2.3.3  Flexibility ..........................   59    2.3.4  Accurracy ............................   59   3  ENVIRONMENT ..................................   60    3.1  EQUIPMENT ................................   60   3.2 ┆
0x40100…40200 (64, 0, 1)  Sector 4002ff00137541 ┆@    uA SOFTWARE .................................   60    3.2.1  System Software ......................   60    3.2.2  Development Support Software .........   60    3.3  INTERFACES ...............................   60    3.3.1  External Interfaces ......┆
0x40200…40300 (64, 0, 2)  Sector 4003f300137541 ┆@ s  uA............   60    3.3.2  Package Interfaces ...................   61    3.4  FUNCTIONS MAINTAINED BY OTHER PACKAGES ...   61    3.4.1  Restart ..............................   61    3.4.2  Watchdog Interfaces ..................   61  OPE ........┆
0x40300…40400 (64, 0, 3)  Sector 4004ff00137541 ┆@    uA 1                                                                   4  PACKAGE DESIGN ...............................   62    4.1  PACKAGE OVERVIEW .........................   62    4.1.1  Functional Specification .............   62    4.1.2  Softw┆
0x40400…40500 (64, 0, 4)  Sector 4005ff00137541 ┆@    uAare Structure ...................   77  Overview .........................   77  Functions Allocation .............   79     4.1.3  Data Flow and Control Logic ..........   85    4.1.4  Package Data ......................... ┆
0x40500…40600 (64, 0, 5)  Sector 4006ff00137541 ┆@    uA  87    4.1.5  Common Data ..........................   87    4.1.6  Interfaces ...........................   96  External Interfaces ..............   96  Package Interfaces ...............   96  Control Interf┆
0x40600…40700 (64, 0, 6)  Sector 4007ff00137541 ┆@    uAaces ...........   96  Data Transport Interfaces ....   98  Medium Speed Teleprinter              Data .....................  101  PTP/PTR Data Interface ...  103  TRC, Point to Po┆
0x40700…40800 (64, 0, 7)  Sector 3f08ff00137541 ┆?    uAint Data                  Interface ................  106  OCR Data Interface .......  106  PU-PU Data Interface .....  108  NICS TARE Data Interface .  108  CCIS/SCARS Data Int┆
0x40800…40900 (64, 0, 8)  Sector 4009ff00137541 ┆@    uA.2.6  PTP/PTR Control Function .....   43  Medium Speed Teleprinter Con-            trol Function ................   44  VDU Control Function .........   44  Software Development VDU            Control Fu┆
0x40900…40a00 (64, 0, 9)  Sector 400aff00137541 ┆@    uAnction .............   50 Line Printer Handler Function    50 PU-PU Handler ................   50 SSC Handler Functions ........   50 Physical Security Key ........   50┆
0x40a00…40b00 (64, 0, 10) Sector 400b2c00137541 ┆@ ,  uA Message Record Format ........   51   R45Cq5M 2M[- RA5Cq5:^=~ BL5C`5M{) RV5Cq5M . R`5Cq5M@1MI1:h= Rp5Cr4IMM.:^=~ B}5I:g=~ J 5IC$3I      > S C_*                                                                                                         ┆
0x40b00…40c00 (64, 0, 11) Sector 400cff00137541 ┆@    uA 1                                                                     2.2.2  Functional Responsibilities ..........   53  Initialization, Closedown, and           Restart ..........................   53  Initialization ..┆
0x40c00…40d00 (64, 0, 12) Sector 400dff00137541 ┆@    uA.............   53  Close Down ...................   53  Restart ......................   53  Checkpointing and Recovery .......   54  Error Detection and Error Handling   54  Req┆
0x40d00…40e00 (64, 0, 13) Sector 400eff00137541 ┆@    uAuest Validation Errors ....   54  External Interface Errors ....   54  Integrity of Operation ...........   55  Data Collection (LOG, STATISTICS,          and REPORTS) .....................   55  S┆
0x40e00…40f00 (64, 0, 14) Sector 400fff00137541 ┆@    uAecurity .........................   55  Access Control ...............   56  Other Security Measures ......   56    2.3  CHARACTERISTICS ..........................   56    2.3.1  Timing ...............................  ┆
0x40f00…41000 (64, 0, 15) Sector 4000ff00137541 ┆@    uA 56  PU Timing ........................   56  TDX Timing .......................   57  LTUX and LTU Timing ..............   57  Timing Examples ..................   58     2.3.2  Throughput ...........┆
0x41000…41100 (65, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(65,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41137541}, f00=»1375A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/001               «, f02=»vhn                  «, f03=»KR                   «, f04=»Kapitel 5.10         «, f05=12-10-81 10:26, f06=»     «, f07=»01 «, f08=»    16 «, f09=  -  -     :  , f10=»     «, f11=»   «, f12=»       «, f13=  -  -     :  , f14=12-10-81 10:30, f15=»0090A «, f16=» 59 «, f17=»     «, f18=»01 «, f19=»  724 «, f20=»    16 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=020010000110066610a10a80aaca1505000000000000003703f200df}
0x41100…41200 (65, 0, 1)  Sector 41023b00137541 ┆A ;  uA         A @ @ ? ? > > > = = = < < < < ; ; ; ; ; : : : : : 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 :   Operat]r:   Forfatter:    Kommentarer:       STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprettet  / /   :   :    S┆
0x41200…41300 (65, 0, 2)  Sector 4103ff00137541 ┆A    uA 1                                                                    1                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS     1  GENERAL ......................................    9    1.1  PURPOSE AND SCOPE ........┆
0x41300…41400 (65, 0, 3)  Sector 4104ff00137541 ┆A    uA................    9    1.1.1  Purpose ..............................    9    1.1.2  Scope ................................    9    1.2  APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND PROJECT      REFERENCES................................   10    1.2.1  Applicable Docu┆
0x41400…41500 (65, 0, 4)  Sector 4105ff00137541 ┆A    uAments .................   10    1.2.2  Project References ...................   10    1.3  TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ..................   11    1.3.1  Terms ................................   11    1.3.2  Abbreviations ........................   14   ┆
0x41500…41600 (65, 0, 5)  Sector 4106ff00137541 ┆A    uA2  SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS ......................   17    2.1  PACKAGE DESCRIPTION ......................   17    2.1.1  Summary of Functions .................   20    2.1.2  Summary of External Interfaces .......   22    2.2  PACKAGE FUNCTIONS ....┆
0x41600…41700 (65, 0, 6)  Sector 4107ff00137541 ┆A    uA....................   25    2.2.1  Main Functions (Normal Operation) ....   25  Line Interface Control ...........   25  Device and Line Control Functions    37  NICS TARE Control Function ...   37      2.2.1.┆
0x41700…41800 (65, 0, 7)  Sector 4008ff00137541 ┆@    uA2.2  SCARS/CCIS Control Function ..   37  TRC, Point-to-Point Connection            Control Function .............   43  OCR Control Function .........   43  Teleprinter Control Function .   43      2.2.1┆
0x41800…41900 (65, 0, 8)  Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆


Reduced view