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Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: Project Alpha Questions
Names: »2646A «
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To: Luftmateriell A/S
Attn: mr. C. Wendell
Fm: Christian Rovsing A/S
Finn Hass
Subject: Project Alpha Questions
Question No 14
In consequence of your reference to the generel requirement
for a ACP 127 Pilot as being determining we will to comply
as follows:
Replace the output format for Broadcast/MRL with a reference
to format below for TARE/TRC.
Replace text in rightmost, upper box ('BROADCAST FORMATTING')
with the test 'ACP 127 formatting with Pilot'.
Delete second para.
Question No 24
In order to fulfill your requirement for presentation of a philosophy
leading to a reduction of the workload of the message service
position to a minimum the following text will be replacing the
1'st para in section
The workload of the message service position will depend on
the amount of automatic processing being possible/allowed and
the nature of the interactive procedures provided in those cases
where message service is necessary.
The incoming message reception and analysis is directed towards
parameter isolation and not fault finding except when it concerns
security parameters. This is illustrated by the tables,,,and Documents like annex
b have been worked out and agreed upon with the camps purchaser
and presents a set of rules for the camps system. likewise,
we expect to discuss with the crossfox purchaser the importance
of the format line parameters in order to determine which:
1. have to be correct
2. may be corrected automatically by the mpf system based
redundant information.
3. may beleft incorrect in the message.
Category 1 in the above list should preferably be limited to
security and routing/distribution parameters. Since only parameters
belonging to the categories 1 lead to presentation for message
service in this context. The minimization of parameters in this
category will be pursued.
The following procedures are necessary in order to fullfill
specific requirements and specifically designed to execute those
functions with a minimum of manual interaction. The use of the
garble correction procedure will be limited to a minimum.
Question No 27 and No 29
Apparently the IFB requirement referenced in Question 27 is
reflected in the first part of the new text for section
issued with our previous answer to question 27 (last part of
section given in answer to question 29). In order
to make clear the compliance with the IFB the text offered for
section is here repeated in full with certain amendments
(partly introduced to cope with question 29):
The detection of a fault condition will result in the automatic
withdrawal of the faulty equipment from service and in many
cases switch over to redundant units. A report is always issued
at the printer of the engineering position with details concerning
the possible need for operator intervention. The needs for manual
intervention are reduced to a minimum and in any such case the
report will suggest the procedure to be used. The operator at
the engineering position will have the facilities to specify
equipment switchover and/or the withdrawal in an orderly way
of equipment from service as a result of possible error/degradation
indications, need for maintenance, or other purposes. System
monitoring will be performed automatically to ensure the existence
of at least the minimum configuration for maintaining proper
service, such as the continuation of message accountability.
In case of violations a report will be issued to the engineering
Optionally it is possible to select the supervisor position
for output of diagnostics information/error reports and the
execution of reconfiguration commands. The supervisor position
is in any case backup in case of faults at the engineering position.
Question 32
fl 5 should read fl 12g in our previous answer.
Question 33
Append to section the following text:
'A retrieval request directed towards off-line storage media
will, in case the volume is not mounted, result in the output
of a mounting request at a printer associated to the supervisor
position. The request is executed automatically after the supervisor
having performed the manual mounting and associated procedures
at the supervisor VDU'.
Rephrase section by the following replacement text:
'Retrieval from the on-line storage media for message display
or retransmission will not exceed 10 sec.
Retrieval from off-line storage media will not exceed 10 minutes
including the time for volume mounting . The time alotted for
volume mounting assumes the presense of volume in easy accessable
location and will then not exceed 5 minutes'.
Question No 36
The answer to this question seems to have been garbled. The
following, expanded, text shall replace the existing text in
'The check pointing philosophy will determine the extent to
which information is recoverable. The following two methods
of checkpointing will be employed:
a) Checkpointing of log records containing an extract
or a pointer to the information of a transaction
(in case of a key pointer the corresponding
transaction is checkpointed itself,
refer b) below).checkpointing is
performed after 5 log entries or
every 30 sec., whichever comes
b) direct checkpointing of the transaction is
performed in case of messages. The checkpointing
mechanism to message data of received and stored
messages (including pertly received) will ensure
that no such data will be lost, and no data
from a partly finished message preparation
session lost.
Question No 41
Data sheets for H/W items 39 and 41 will be forwarded
directly to your Oslo agent.
Question No 43
For a response to the requirements for PTMF facilities
the following text shall be inserted as the 8'th subpara
of section 1.1:
'Patch, test, traffic monitoring and terminal reconfiguration
may be performed at the line termination unit interface
by disconnecting cable/opto cables.
It mustbe emphasized that on-line moniforing of traffic
is not foreseen, since built-in equipment monitoring
is taking care of error/degradation eletection.
Channel assignment to physical terminals is likewise
a software facility'.
Question No 56
the section 7.2.4 will be amended by replacing the sentence
'the test simulator will be used...' with the following
text: 'a test drive system will be set up at the contractors
premises utilizing the second deliverabel mpf system
in a back to back configuration. External channels will
thus be simulated. The local message preparation on
the supervisor and message servicce positions will be
simulated by emultationg the major load contributing
vdu transactions. The MPU is considered included in
the mpf in this test set up.
Answer to question No 115
The serial receiver will be programmed to the seven
bit format. This means that all eight bit characters
will be received with a status bit indicating missing
stop bit.
The microprocessor reads this status, which is attached
to each received character. Eight bit character mode
is assumed if the contents of three consecutive characters,
all with missing stop bits are 'all space'.
Conversely, seven bit character mode is assumed when
the stop bit is found, and conditions for eight bit
mode is not fulfilled.
The transmitter inherently provides a steady mark on
the output when no data are provided. This will be the
case when the receiver does not sense any start bit
(a space), i.e. when no data or a steady mark is being
Kind regards
Christian Rovsing A/S
Finn Hass