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⟦96958ea6f⟧ Wang Wps File

    Length: 11964 (0x2ebc)
    Types: Wang Wps File
    Notes: ACDN/0210/SYS/001 (0.0)   
    Names: »2712A «


└─⟦46c7b66fa⟧ Bits:30006139 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0233A
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »2712A « 


…00……00……12… …12……05……11……0b……11……01……86…1         …02…   …02…   …02…   …02…                                           


…02…820915 …02…  #
…02…Issue 0.0                                    ACDN



                                   Air Canada Data Network
                              System Requirements Specification

   T̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲C̲O̲N̲T̲E̲N̲T̲S̲                                

   1  SCOPE

      2.2   TERMS

         3.1.1    Systems Overview
    -  System Block Diagram
         3.1.2    General Description
    -  Connectivity of an ACDN node
    -  Logical Addressing Scheme
    -  Functional Capabilities
         3.1.3    Transaction Flow
    -  Type "A" Traffic
    -  Type "B" Traffic
    -  Other Traffic Types

         3.2.1    Network Control Services and Features
                  -  Status awareness - Network Supervisor
                  -  Status awareness - Network User
                  -  Alarms and Statistics
                  -  Configuration Process
                  -  Configuration Distribution
                  -  Limited Distribution of Control
                  -  Central Network Software Management
                  -  Application - Network Sensitivity

         3.2.2    System Control Services and Features
                  -  Reroute traffic to Backup Host
                  -  Sign-in During Congestion
                  -  Multi Sign-on
                  -  Functional Equivalent - Features
                  -  Security - Network Access

         3.2.3    Traffic
                  -  Type A Traffic
                  -  Type B - Assured Direct Delivery
                  -  Host to Host Traffic
                  -  Selective Flow Control/Priority
                  -  Guaranteed Delivery
                  -  Bit-Oriented Protocol
                  -  Error Detection/correction
         3.2.4    Terminal Access Services and Features
                  -  Virtual Terminal Protocol
         3.2.5    Host Access Services and Features
         3.2.6    Internal Network Access Services and
         3.2.7    External Network Access Services and

         3.2.8    Network Management Services and Features
                  -  On-line Inventory
                  -  Costing-Billing System
                  -  Network Model Tools
                  -  Development Tools

         3.2.9    Electronic Mail Services and Features
                  -  Type B - Assured Indirect Delivery

         3.2.10   Test Services and Features
                  -  volume generator
                  -  message generator
                  -  security - test environment

         3.3.1    Host Environment
                  -  IBM VTAM
                  -  Univac CMS
                  -  VIA

         3.3.2    Terminal Environment
                  -  ICC connected devices
                     o  405,406,407 and 408
                     o  Flight Information Displays
                     o  Printers
                     o  Other devices

                  -  IBM compatible devices
                     o  IBM 3278
                     o  IBM 2780 four phase emulator system
                     o  IBM 3777 printer system

         3.3.3    Internal Network Environment
                  -  Gateway to ACNC

         3.3.4    External Network Environment
                  -  SITA
                  -  ARINC
                  -  CNT

         3.4.1    Performance Characteristics
    Transaction Traffic Characteristics
    Response Time
                     -  Type A
                     -  High prio. printer traffic
                     -  Type B
                     -  Consistency
    Transaction Traffic Throughput
    Transaction Storage Characteristics
    Storage of Tables, etc. (not req'ts)
    Interface Capabilities
    Specific Equipment Characteristics
    Acceptable levels of Degraded System

         3.4.1    Physical Characteristics
    Size, Weight, Power Consumption and
                     Heat Dissipation
    Power Input

         3.4.3    Environmental Conditions
    Temperature and Humidity
    Dust, Fumes

         3.4.4    Availability and Maintainability
    Realiability Characteristics
    Availability Calculation
    Availability Performance Requirements
    Equipment Redundancy
    Specific Equipment Availability Requirements

         3.5.1    General
         3.5.2    Format and Publication Criteria
    Printing and Type

         3.5.3    Approval and Delivery
         3.5.4    Equipment Handbooks
    CR produced Equipment
    OEM Equipment

         3.5.5    Manuals
    System Description Manual
    Installation Manual
    Operating Manual
    Technical Manual

         3.5.6    As-Built Documents
    Civil Works Requirements
    As-To-Be-Built and As-Built Documentation

         3.5.7    Inventory
    Property Inventory

         3.5.8    Acceptance Test Documentation
    Prototype Test Documents
    Factory Acceptance Test Documents
    Site Provisional Acceptance Documents
    Software Test Documents
                     -  Version 1.0 (Build I)
                     -  Version 2.0 (     II)
                     -  Version 3.0 (    III)
                     -  Version 4.0 (     IV)
                     -  Version 5.0 (      V)
    Site Acceptance Documents
    Network Acceptance Documents
    Approval and Delivery

         3.5.9    Software Documentation
    Documentation Structure
    System Design Specification
    Subsystem Specification

         3.6.1    Transportation and Installation

         3.6.2    Maintenance and Support
    Maintenance Plan
    Equipment Maintenance
    Software Maintenance 
    Field Support

         3.6.3    Spares
    Supply of Spares

         3.6.4    Training
    General Requirements
    Training Program Plan
    Software Development Course
    General System Course
    Network Course
    Network Operation Course
    Hardware Maintenance Course

      4.1   Version 1 (Build I)
      4.2   Version 2 (Build II)
      4.3   Version 3 (Build III)
      4.4   Version 4 (Build IV)
      4.5   version 5 (Build V)

      5.1   TEST METHODS
      5.2   Hardware Acceptance Tests
         5.2.1    Prototype Acceptance Test
         5.2.2    Factory Acceptance Test

      5.3   Software Acceptance Tests
            -  Version 1.0
            -  Version 2.0
            -  Version 3.0
            -  Version 4.0
            -  Version 5.0

      5.4   System Acceptance Tests
         5.4.1    Site Provisional Acceptance Test
         5.4.2    Site Acceptance Test
         5.4.3    Network Acceptance Test

1.       S̲C̲O̲P̲E̲


2.       A̲P̲P̲L̲I̲C̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲ ̲

2.1      A̲P̲P̲L̲I̲C̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲

         W̲P̲-̲i̲d̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲o̲c̲-̲i̲d̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
         ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

         2.2.1  ACDN/ICD/0001 Network Supervisor Procedures
                              and Generic Formats
         2.2.2  ACDN/ICD/0002 User Producedures and Generic
         2.2.3  ACDN/ICD/0003 ICC Access line Interface
         2.2.4  ACDN/ICD/0004 ACNC Interface (gateway)
         2.2.5  ACDN/ICD/0005 IBM VTAM SUpport
         2.2.6  ACDN/ICD/0006 Univac CMS Support
         2.2.7  ACDN/ICD/0007 Univac VIA Interface
         2.2.8  ACDN/ICD/0008 SITA and ARINC Interface
         2.2.9  ACDN/ICD/0009 CNT Interface
         2.2.10 ACDN/ICD/0010 Network Management-MMI Procedures
                              and Generic Formats
         2.2.11 ACDN/ICD/0011 Electronic Mail MMI Procedures
                              and Generic Formats
         2.2.12 ACDN/ICD/0012 Standard TAS

2.2      T̲E̲R̲M̲S̲

transaction:   a transaction may be either an incoming message
               or an outgoing message.

incoming message, type A:
            an incoming message is by definition one destinated
            for the ACDN Host Environment. The average length
            of an incoming message as received by the ACDN network
            is 34 characters. The internal length is determined
            by adding the associated network header of 20 bytes,
            i.e. to 54 bytes.

outgoing message, type B:
            an outgoing message is by definition one originated
            at the ACDN Host Environment.
            The average length of an outgoing message as received
            by the ACDN network is 234 characters. The internal
            length is determined by adding the associated network
            header of 20 bytes, i.e. to 254 bytes.

message, type B:
            a type B message is one which is subject to PMS.
            It may be originated at, and destinated for by any
            of the environments ecternal to the network. The
            average length of an type B message, whether incoming
            or outgoing, is 348 characters. The internal length
            is determined by adding the associated network header
            of 20 bytes, i.e. to 368 bytes.

node systems:  the CR80 SCP and NSP complex at any of the three
               locations: Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg. All
               includes the software packages SCS, NSS, TAS
               and HAS and as required ENAS and INAS.

user:       travel agent

operator:      EMH/NMH

supervisor: NCC operator (AC network monitors)

2.3      A̲B̲B̲R̲E̲V̲I̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲S̲

AC       Air Canada
ACNC     Air Canada (present) Network Controller
BCS      Basic Communication Service
CR       Christian Rovsing
EMH      Electronic Mail Host
EMS      Electronic Mail Software
ENAS     External Network Access Software
FEP      Front-End Processor (generic only)
HAS      Host Access Software
INAS     Internal Network Access Software
NCC      Network Control Center
NCP      Network Control Processor
NCS      Network Control Software
NMH      Network Management Host
NMS      Network Management Software
NSP      Nodal Switch Processor
NSS      Nodal Switch Software
PMH      Air Canada Passenger Manager Host
PMS      Protected Message Service
RCSSH    Air Canada Regional Carrier/Corporate Services Host
RES      Air Canada REServation Host
SCP      System Control Processor
SCS      System Control Software
SSH      Air Canada S.Services Host
TAS      Terminal Access Software
TIP      Terminal Interface Processor (generic only)
VIA      Air Canada (VIA) reservation Host

3        R̲E̲Q̲U̲I̲R̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲

3.1      S̲Y̲S̲T̲E̲M̲ ̲D̲E̲F̲I̲N̲I̲T̲I̲O̲N̲

3.1.1    S̲y̲s̲t̲e̲m̲s̲ ̲O̲v̲e̲r̲v̲i̲e̲w̲

         to provide general ideas about what ACDN is.

   Fig. 3.1-1…01…Air Canada Data Processing Environments.  S̲y̲s̲t̲e̲m̲ ̲B̲l̲o̲c̲k̲ ̲D̲i̲a̲g̲r̲a̲m̲

            Fig 3.1-2…01…Air Canada Data Network

                        Fig 3.1-5
                 Functional Architecture

3.1.2    Ge̲n̲e̲r̲a̲l̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲r̲i̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲

         -   Connectivity of an ACDN node
         -   Logical Addressing Scheme
         -   Functional Capabilities

3.1.3    T̲r̲a̲n̲s̲a̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲ ̲F̲l̲o̲w̲

         -   Type "A" Traffic
         -   Type "B" Traffic
         -   Other Traffic Types

3.2      F̲U̲N̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲A̲L̲ ̲R̲E̲Q̲U̲I̲R̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲

3.3      E̲X̲T̲E̲R̲N̲A̲L̲ ̲I̲N̲T̲E̲R̲F̲A̲C̲E̲S̲

3.4      C̲H̲A̲R̲A̲C̲T̲E̲R̲I̲S̲T̲I̲C̲S̲

3.5      D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ ̲R̲E̲Q̲U̲I̲R̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲

3.6      L̲O̲G̲I̲S̲T̲I̲C̲S̲ ̲R̲E̲Q̲U̲I̲R̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲

4.       S̲O̲F̲T̲W̲A̲R̲E̲ ̲V̲E̲R̲S̲I̲O̲N̲S̲

5.       A̲C̲C̲E̲P̲T̲A̲N̲C̲E̲ ̲T̲E̲S̲T̲S̲ ̲