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⟦a1c7af1e5⟧ Wang Wps File

    Length: 4415 (0x113f)
    Types: Wang Wps File
    Notes: Appendix til ICD/002      
    Names: »0405A «


└─⟦74b766e5b⟧ Bits:30006076 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0033A
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »0405A « 



…02…ISSUE 2.1…02…CAMPS

                        A̲P̲P̲E̲N̲D̲I̲X̲ ̲A̲

                         T̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲1̲


         The Field Elements used in the supervisory commands
         and procedures are defined in the following table.

N̲A̲M̲E̲     D̲E̲F̲I̲N̲I̲T̲I̲O̲N̲                     S̲Y̲N̲T̲A̲X̲    S̲E̲M̲A̲N̲T̲I̲C̲

AIG      Address Indicator Group        4 digits  0001-9999
         (Totally max. 200)

BLANKS   No. of blank lines between     2 digits  1,2...10

CHDESIG  Channel designator             3 chars

CHNO     Channel no                     2 digits  1,2...99

CHSERNO  Channel serial number          3 or 4    001/0001...999/9999

CLASS    Classification                 2 chars   UU,RR,CC,SS,TT

CMD      Supervisor command             4 chars

COPYNO   Number of copies               2 digit   1,2,...99

DTG      Date time group                14 Alpha-

EXPTIME  Expiration date for            6 digits  DDMMYY

HOUR     Hour                           2 digits  0,1,2...23

LINES    No of lines per page           3 digits  40,41...999

MODE     A boolean indicating           1 char    y,n
         yes or no

USER-ID  Operator identification        3 chars

PASSWORD Operator password              8 chars

N̲A̲M̲E̲     D̲E̲F̲I̲N̲I̲T̲I̲O̲N̲                     S̲Y̲N̲T̲A̲X̲      S̲E̲M̲A̲N̲T̲I̲C̲

PASSWORD User password                  8 chars

PEC      Permissive Entry Code          6 chars

PLA      Plain Language Address         1,2...60    1,2...3000

PLAREF   PLA Reference                  4 digits    1,2...3000

PREC     Precedence                     2 chars     ZZ,OO,PP,RR

RELNO    Release Serial No.             3 digits    1,2...999

RESTRTXT Restrictive text               1,2...8

RI       Routing indicator              4,5...9     Max 4 incoming
                                        chars       per site
                                                    Max 3000

SCD      Staff cell designator          3 chars     Max 5 per

SDL      Standard distribution list     3 digits    1,2...400

SHCAT    Special handling categories    2 chars     LL,BB,PP,YY,DD

SIC      Subject Indicator Code         3 chars     Max. 3900

SIGNAL   Operating signal used in FL4   3 chars     First letter
                                                    Z or Q

TAID     Transaction identification     TD+

TD       Terminal designator            3 chars     Max 73 exist

TSERNO   Terminal serial number         3 digits    0,1...999

N̲A̲M̲E̲     D̲E̲F̲I̲N̲I̲T̲I̲O̲N̲                     S̲Y̲N̲T̲A̲X̲      S̲E̲M̲A̲N̲T̲I̲C̲

VOLNAME  Volume name (identifies        1,2...16
         a disk pack)                   chars or

SECWRNTXT                               Security warning text            1,2...69

ZONE     Zone time letter               1 char      Z or TBD

         Note: List not complete

                                       A̲P̲P̲E̲N̲D̲I̲X̲ ̲B̲

                                  SYSTEM REPLY MESSAGES

P̲R̲O̲C̲E̲D̲U̲R̲E̲                               M̲E̲S̲S̲A̲G̲E̲

Assign Supervisor Terminal              TBD

Invalid Sign on                         TBD

Permissive Entry Code Required          TBD

Disc Volume Control                     TBD

Security Control for PASSWORD List      TBD

Unsuccessful System Integrity Check     TBD

Notification of Message Deletion        TBD

Notification of Message Redistribution  TBD

Notification of Message Retransmission  TBD

Note:  List not complete

                             A̲P̲P̲E̲N̲D̲I̲X̲ ̲C̲

                          LIST OF COMMANDS

M̲N̲E̲M̲O̲N̲I̲C̲           D̲E̲S̲C̲R̲I̲P̲T̲I̲O̲N̲                          R̲E̲S̲T̲R̲I̲C̲T̲I̲V̲E̲

CMDC               Command Control                         X

DEVC               Device Control

DEDC               Dedicated Device Control

TEPC               Terminal Position Control

CHAC               Channel Control

GCHA               Global Channel Control

PRIN               Print-out Control

POSC               Printer/OCR/Stand-alone TP Control

DISC               Disc Volume Control

UPUP               User Profile Examine/Update

SECO               Security Control                        X

QUEC               Queue Control

TAUP               Table Update

PLTA               PLA Table Update

RITA               RI Table Update

AITA               AIG Table Update

SITA               SIC Table Update

SDTA               SDL Table Update

SCTA               SCD Table Update

SUPV               Supervisory Capability                  X

USER               User Capability

M̲N̲E̲M̲O̲N̲I̲C̲           D̲E̲S̲C̲R̲I̲P̲T̲I̲O̲N̲                          R̲E̲S̲T̲R̲I̲C̲T̲I̲V̲E̲

MDCQ…02…MDCO Queue

MSSQ               Message Service Queue

ASMG               Abbreviated Service Message

RETV               Retrieval

MSGC               Message Control

ACPP               ACP127 Parameters

MDCC               MDCO Control

SYSC               System Integrity Check                  X

ASSG               Assign Supervisor Capability to 
                   Alternate Terminal

MDCO               MDCO Capability

MSOC               MSO Capability

QPRI               Queue-State Print

TABP               Table Print

PWLI               Password List                           X

SENF               Supervisor Engineering Functions        X

MSQI               Message Service Queue Incoming       

MSQO               Message Service Queue Outgoing

                   The commands in this appendix only give rise to a completion
                   report in the cases referenced in CPS/210/SYS/0001,
                   section 3.2.4. 

                   Note: List not complete