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    Length: 16625 (0x40f1)
    Types: Wang Wps File
    Notes: CPS/210/SYS/0001          
    Names: »0591A «


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…02…ISSUE 3.14…02…CAMPS

                R E V I S I O N  R E C O R D

 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

           The Authorization of change record shall be used as

           1)  MOA (Memorandum of Agreement, Resulting from SHAPE
               and Christian Rovsing A/S Meeting held at SHAPE
               during the period of 19th and 20th November 1980)
               is used when referencing to:

               Doc. No. CPS/ECP/001 (MMI)
               Doc. No. CPS/ECP/002 (RETR)
               Progress Minutes of Meeting No. 4

           2)  MOM4 refers to Minutes of Meeting No. 4.

           3)  MOA(MMI) refers to the Man/Machine Interface as
               stated in MOA and agreed with SHAPE during the
               working period at Christian Rovsing A/S.

           4)  MOA(RETR) refers to Retrieval as stated in MOA
               and agreed with SHAPE during the working period
               at CR.

           Pages affected refer to the sections or paragraphs
           in issue 2 which have been changed.

               MOA(MMI)      2.2
               MOA(MMI)      3.1c)        Editorial
               MOM4(1)       Fig. 3.1-1
               MOM4(4,6,7)   Fig. 3.1-4
               MOA(MMI)    Editorial
               MOA(MMI,      3.1.2
               MOM4(12) 3)
                             3.2.3        Table of Contents
               MOM4          3.2.3
               MOM4(1.1,1.4) 3.2.3a)
               MOM4(1,15) b)
               MOM4(1)    Editorial

               MOA(MMI)      TABLES:
               MOA(MMI),      Definition of Transitions
                             3.2.4        Table of Contents
               MOA(MMI)      Fig. 3.2.4-1
               MOM4(1.4)     Fig. 3.2.4-2
               MOA(MMI)      3.2.4
               MOA(MMI) u, v z
               MOM4(1.1,                  moved to section
               MOM4(16), MOA
               (RETR, MMI)

               MOM4(5)       New
               MOA(MMI)      TABLE
                             3.2.6        Table of Contents
               MOA(MMI)      3.2.6
               MOA(RETR),    3.2.7        New section
               MOM4(1,15)    h),i), j),
               MOA(MMI) n),
                             o), p), q), r)
               MOA para 4.2
               MOA para 4.8
               MOA para 4.6
               MOA para 4.7
               MOA para 4.7
               MOA para 4.7
               MOA para 4.4

ISSUE 3  810323              C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲n̲o̲.̲ ̲1̲

               Telex from
               SHAPE, dated
               810224, CAMPS
               Log. no. 157

               DN 1          page 8
               DN 2          2.3
               DN 3 g)
               DN 4          fig. 3.1-3B
               DN 5          page 36
               DN 6
               DN 7 l)
               DN 8 h)
               DN 9          page 53
               DN 10
               DN 11
               DN 12 c)
               DN 13 4)
               DN 15 14)
               DN 18 c)
               DN 19 e)
               DN 20 g)
               DN 21
               DN 22         fig. (3)
               DN 23 a)
               DN 24 e)
               DN 25 b)
               DN 26
               DN 27 c)
               DN 28    
               DN 29
               DN 30 f)
               DN 31 e)
               DN 32 b)
               DN 33         Table - 1
               DN 34 b)
               DN 35 d)
               DN 36
               DN 37 e)
               DN 38         Fig. 3.2.4-1

               DN 39         3.2.4
               DN 40 b)
               DN 42
               DN 43 b)
               DN 44
               DN 45 c)
               DN 46 b)
               DN 47
               DN 48 a)
               DN 49 i)
               DN 50 k)
               DN 51         fig.
               DN 52 d)
               DN 53         page 208
               DN 54 c)
               DN 55
               DN 56 e)
               DN 57
               DN 58 b)
               DN 60 d)

ISSUE 3.1 810611             C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲2̲

               CPS/ECP/008,  SECTIONS

               I.1     Data Messages
               I.2     Encrypted Messages,
               I.2     Encrypted Messages,
               I.3   Routing Indicators,
                   ,m) circuit selection
               I.5  Exercise Indicators
               I.7.1 Special Handling Designators

               I.7.2 f)g) Incoming Message Dist.
               I.7.3    Outgoing Message
                             h),i),j),k)  Distribution
               I.7.4  Entry of outgoing
               I.7.5, Storage of CTS & ATOMAL
                             c)           Message
               II   Address Group
               IV      Editorial
                             Fig. Editorial
               V    -    Performance Figures


               5         Tempest Racks
               5         Tempest Testing
               5         Tempest Testing


               5       Frequency Stabilizers

               Minutes of
               Meeting 6,
               App. B        Fig. Site Numbering

ISSUE 3.2 810723             SHAPE Telex
               CAMPS Log 279 Sections

               DN  1 l) Moved requirement
                    h) concerning CLEAR
               DN  2    Editorial
               DN  3    Inserted explanation on
                                          logical circuits
               DN  4 i) Editorial
               DN  5   Reference inserted

               DN  8 j) Editorial
               DN 10 l)   Editorial
               DN 11 f)   Editorials
               DN 12      Editorials
               DN 13 1)   Editorial
               DN 14 a,c,d b)   Editorial
               DN 14 b b)   Added "Power Filtering in
                                          2nd subpara.

ISSUE 3.3 810804             C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲n̲o̲.̲ ̲4̲

               dated 810611

               CN 1      Channel discontinuity
               CN 2      Readdressed message
                       Readdressed message
                     Readdressed message
                         Readdressed message
               CN 3    INFO PLA
               CN 4      Service Message prep. 
                       Service Message prep.
                     Service Message prep.
                     Service Message prep.
                         Service Message prep.
                         FLASH Message acknowledgement

               CN 5 Special handling         
                       Entry from PTR
                       Entry of encrypted message

               CN 6      RI assignment layout
                       RI assignment layout
                       Handling of CLEAR msg
                       Handling of CLEAR msg 

                       Handling of CLEAR msg
                         Garbled message of FLASH
                       Garbled message of FLASH
               CN 7 d) Sectioning of messages
               CN 8    Messages queued for release
               CN 10    Distribution during Quiet
                       Distribution during Quiet
                     Distribution during Quiet
                         PLA long form, short form
               CN 11      Transactions with inherent
               CN 12 d)   Terminal with highest classification
                    f)   Terminal with highest classification
               CN 13 b) ZEN PLA
                     ZEN PLA
                         Accounting information
               CN 15    Automatic insertion of ZEN
               CN 16    Local HQ distribution
                       Automatic insertion of ZEN
               CN 17      ZEN prosign
               CN 18 Message handling
                       Message handling instruction
                         Correction of Operating
               CN 19    ZEN for PLAs in AIGs
               CN 20 g)   Queuing
               CN 21      Transaction control

               CN 22      Terminal modes
               CN 25         3.2.4        Command entered via system
               CN 26      New log records
                         New log records
                         New log records
                     New log records
                     New log records
                     New log records
                       New log records
                       New log records
                       New log records
                       New log records
               CN 30    Pre-emption on VDUs
                    h)   Pre-emption on VDUs
                     Pre-emption on VDUs
                     Pre-emption on VDUs
                     Pre-emption on VDUs
               CN 31    Message in E1/E2 when presented
                                          to MDSO
               CN 32      MSO, MDCO garble correction
               CN 33      Consistency checks

Issue 3.4 811126             c̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲5̲ page 8                 Editorial

                             page 261     Editorial TEMPEST

               CPS/ECP/009   Low level current deviation

Issue 3.5      C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲6̲

               Based on 
               dated 811221

               A- 1          28,30,35,36  Inconsistencies between
                                          section 3.1 and section
               A- 2          45, 72       Associated release position
               A- 3          76           Supervisor suspend/pre-empt
               A- 4          76           Item Ref. Id. instead of
                                          Transaction Id.
               A- 5          161,208      Circuit instead of channel
                                          and PLA Ref. instead of
               A- 6          89           Conversion of Complete Messages
               A- 7          27, 65, 66,  Insertion of FROM PLA
                             153, 154
               A- 8          93,153       FLASH Receipt
               A- 9          152, 153     Move Requirement from 
                             154, 155     terminal profile
               A-10          90           Max. 200 RI per message
               A-11          93           Procedures related to FLASH
               A-12          269          Special Category Warning
               A-13          201          Item Ref. Identity
               A-14          175          Status Information
               B- 1          73           Editorial
               B- 2          74a          Editorial
               B- 3          78           Editorial
               B- 4          85           Editorial
               B- 5          89           Editorial
               B- 6          91a          Editorial
               B- 7          91a          Editorial
               B- 8          91a          Editorial
               B- 9          197          Editorial
               B-10          199a         Editorial
               B-11          202          Editorial
               B-12          206          Editorial
               B-13          207          Editorial
               B-14          245          Editorial

               C- 1          222          Special Handling Designator
               C- 2          91a, 142,152 Dedicated PTP
               C- 3          90,166,168a  Group Count Assignment
               C- 4          54,93        Handling of CRYPTO SECURITY
               C- 5          267          Punched Paper Tape
               C- 6          76           Error Handling PTP
               D- 1          232          Max. SCDs in SDLs
               D- 2          91a,91b      Special Handling Designator
                                          on external channels
               D- 3          25,143,144   Line Printer removed
                             177,220,236  and replaced by Medium
                             244,245,262a Speed Printer
               D- 4          314,315,316  Software Documentation
               D- 6          98b          Insignificant characters
               D- 7          262b         Editorials to Tempest Acceptance
               E- 1          200,202,203, Retrieval
               E- 2          40,191,192,  Statistics
               E- 3          16,91b,150,  No teleprinter as PTP
               E- 4          59,78        Data Messages
               E- 5          79           Conversion of messages
               E- 7          98a          End-of-Transmission- Function
               E- 8          74a,106a     Queued for Message Distribution
               E-10          100,167      MSO re-reroute of messages
               E-11          66,79        Operating Signal
               E-12          77a          Incoming messages from PTR

               E-13          92           Pre-emption on External
               E-14          230          Maximum length of PLA
               E-15          88           Sectioning of messages
               E-16          108a         MDCO display of Data Messages
               E-17          77a,77b      VZCZC in input from PTR
               E-19          100          PLAs associated to RI in
               E-20          74a,85,87,   Use of ZEN
               E-22          147          Supervisor VDU switch-over
               E-23          171          Print/store of reports
               E-24          106a,107a    Abbreviated Plaindress message
               E-25          106a         Low garbled messages
               E-26          77a          Release of encrypted message
               E-27          77b          Group count in FL14
               E-28          79           Single addressed message
               E-29          89           Paging/Sectioning
               E-30          164a         Readdressal of Abbr. Plaindress
               E-31          168a         T-instructions
               E-32          105,106b,    100 SCDs + 2 letter SIC
                             215b, 232
               E-33          100,105,106a Local RIs
               E-34          98a          FL14 with corrections
               E-35          98a          Garble characters between
                                          format lines

               Changes based
               on telex
               CAMPS log 490
               dated 820119

               re 1          22           Editorial
               re 2          62           Editorial
               re 6          99           Editorial
               re 7          103b         Page Missing
               re 8          107a         Editorial
               re 11         125b         Editorial
               re 12         128a         Editorial
               re 13         129          Editorial
               re 16         176          Editorial
               re 22         212          Editorial
               re 23         224d         Editorial
               re 24         224d         Editorial
               re 25         258          Editorial
               re 26         262b         Editorial
               re 28         289          Editorial
               re 29         290          Editorial
               re 30         291          Editorial
               re 31         304          Editorial
               re 32         347          Editorial
               re 33         358          Editorial

Issue 3.6 820118             C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲7̲

               Based on 
               dated 820111

               A- 1          75           Addresses in Service Messages
               A- 2          267          Document Control Number
                                          on Paper Tape
               A- 3          156,173      140 Identical consecutive
               A- 4          242,248a     Characteristics for Medium
                                          Speed Teleprinter
               A- 5          156,174      Receiving ASM in the period
                                          23.45 to 00.15
               A- 6          263,282,324  No secure ground
               A- 7          93           Procedures for Sending Automatically
                                          Generated ASM
               A- 8          112a,113,    Multiply Paper
               A- 9          79,86,89,    DE RIs
               A-10          85,91a       RI Priority of networks
               A-11          108a,199a    Outgoing message marked
               A-12          6,77b,94,    Handling of SCARS/ACCIS
                             100,108b     message
               A-13          156          Transmitting Channel Check
               A-14          182,185,     Clarification of LOG
               A-15          184,185,186  Removal of TBDs for Log
               A-16          230          Storage of release notification

               A-17          24,143,147,  Supervisor Printers
               A-18          74b          Local Distribution of data
               A-19          139          Transaction number in document
                                          control number
               A-20          161          Supervisor deletion of messages
                                          under preparation
               A-21          141,142,     Queue status reports
               A-22          128b         Audible alarm at MDCO position
               A-23          108a         Display of Data Messages
               A-24          267          Editorial
               A-25          108b         Editorial

Issue 3.7 820428             C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲8̲

               Based on 
               dated 820112

                             3.4.1        Traffic Flow Figures


ISSUE 3.8 820831  SHAPE TELEX   page 237  Site 13: VDU equipped/
                CAMPS LOG.             wired capacity
                NO. 762                            increased to 23

                CLARIFICATION page 237    Site 3: comment added

ISSUE 3.9 821015            C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲9̲

               Based on 
               and CAMPS
               log 707      304a          Definition of manuals expanded
                            331           RSPL
                            332           PSA
                            335a          Terminology
                            336, 337      Editorials and change of
                            338, 340      Editorials
                            341, 342      Update of course schedule
                            343, 345      Editorials
                            346b          Training documentation
                            347           Instructors on RST courses
                            348           Two changed to three courses
                            350           Editorial
                            351 item 9    Number of documentation
                                          and copies/masters updated

ISSUE 3.l0 82ll25 C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲1̲0̲

               Based on 
               CPS/ECP/025  91a           Encrypted Messages
                            98b           SPECAT WARNINGS
                            113, 114      Four special handling categories
                            118           Blocked terminal
                            147a          Service message print
                            150a          PLA ref
                            184           Log record
                            189b          Editorial

ISSUE 3.11 821125 C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲1̲1̲

               Based on
               CPS/ECP/027  112a,113,143  Allocation of functions
                            145, 146,     terminals
                            156,157       Device Specification
                            236,237a,237b Wired, equipped connected
                            365           Acceptance criteria

ISSUE 3.12 821220 C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲1̲2̲

               Based on
               dated 821220 106b          Exercise message

ISSUE 3.13 830509 C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲1̲3̲

               Based on     74a,74b,74c,  Messages with Special 
               CPS/ECP/031  106a,108a     Handling designators
               dated 830509

                            106b,106c,    Treatment of SICs
                            138           Page mode
                            159           Disc implementation with
                                          MMDs and SMDs.

ISSUE 3.14 831219 C̲h̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ ̲1̲4̲

               Based on
               dated 840126 74a           Service message
                            91a, 173      Transmission
                            108c          Clarification
                            187b, 188a    Log record
                            188b, 189a