0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0) Sector 00654130303635 ┆ eA0065A ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00200…00300 (0, 0, 2) Sector ff00f8e0ffffff ┆ x` p~ x ┆
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0x00324…00340 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ ┆
0x00340…00360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ ┆
0x003e0…00400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 ┆ $┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 00654130303635 ┆ eA0065A ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' ~ X% % PO P ; A 5 C f x f V Wr O 7 : @ C) 6 1092A f JH < {C < { ; 7 ` f !g !gs 4 9 8 : ) t xs} 1074A1091A1092A0602A0603A0604A ? 0 ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x01b00…01c00 (1, 0, 11) Sector 010c9700107441 ┆ tAe Free Block Map. FBM is a bit array of length NO OF BLOCKS. The bit corresponding to a block is set, if the block is not allocated to a CIF. ews with update access and can thus still be subject to store requests. The command may be issued a nu┆
0x01c00…01d00 (1, 0, 12) Sector 010dff00107441 ┆ tA 1 When storage is allocated to a CIF, either when the CIF is created or when it is extended, one or more blocks are allocated and reserved for the CIF. The blocks allocated to a CIF┆
0x01d00…01e00 (1, 0, 13) Sector 010eff00107441 ┆ tA are described in the CIF Block List of the CIF. The blocks allocated to a CIF will be selected in such a way, that they are physically as close as possible to each other. When blocks are deallocated from a CIF, they may be freed at once, and thus┆
0x01e00…01f00 (1, 0, 14) Sector 010fff00107441 ┆ tA transferred to FBM. The blocks may however be subject to purge before they may be reused. Blocks which must be purged are described in the Purge Block Map, which is a bit array of length NO OF BLOCKS. When the block has actually been purged, it ┆
0x01f00…02000 (1, 0, 15) Sector 0100d700107441 ┆ W tAis transferred from PBM to FBM. Each block is at a given time in one of the following states: a) Allocated to a CIF b) Free c) Subject to Purge Block state transitions are shown on figure w Ref. List. Output: Command Body: C┆
0x02000…02100 (2, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x0b000…0b100 (11, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(11,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41107441}, f00=»1074A «, f01=»Message Management Stm. «, f02=»sdv «, f03=»OKH «, f04=»SDS/003 fra 4 «, f05=23-06-81 10:29, f06=» 4 «, f07=»49 «, f08=» 25936 «, f09=05-08-81 11:47, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 2 «, f13=31-07-81 14:15, f14=28-01-82 12:20, f15=»0065A «, f16=» 33 «, f17=» 5 «, f18=»42 «, f19=» 404 «, f20=» 28003 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=120010000110066610110480aaca15050000000000000037038300df}
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0x19c00…19d00 (25, 0, 12) Sector 190dff00109141 ┆ A 1 CIF Storage and Retrieval ......... 33 Storage ....................... 33 Retriev┆
0x19d00…19e00 (25, 0, 13) Sector 190eff00109141 ┆ Aal ..................... 34 CIF and View Referencing .......... 37 Commands .......................... 37 2.2.2 Functional Responsibilities ........... 39 Initialization, Close Down, and ┆
0x19e00…19f00 (25, 0, 14) Sector 190fff00109141 ┆ ARestart ........................... 39 Checkpointing and Recovery ........ 40 Checkpoints ................... 40 SAVE Command .............. 41 Checkpoint Array .......... ┆
0x19f00…1a000 (25, 0, 15) Sector 1900ff00109141 ┆ A42 Recovery Level ............ 42 Recovery Actions .............. 42 Error Detection and Error Handling 45 Integrity of Operation ............ 45 Data Collection ..┆
0x1a000…1a100 (26, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x1a700…1a800 (26, 0, 7) Sector 1908ff00109141 ┆ A.1 Main Functions ........................ 15 Storage Structure ................. 15 CIF Directories ................... 19 CIF and View Structure ............ 19 CIFs, Fields, and View┆
0x1a800…1a900 (26, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x28000…28100 (40, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(40,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41109241}, f00=»1092A «, f01=»Message Management «, f02=»tdh/vhn «, f03=»OKH «, f04=»fra - «, f05=29-06-81 09:46, f06=» 6 «, f07=»58 «, f08=» 35216 «, f09=31-07-81 14:16, f10=» «, f11=»06 «, f12=» 2 «, f13=31-07-81 09:44, f14=28-01-82 12:20, f15=»0065A «, f16=» 57 «, f17=» 12 «, f18=»15 «, f19=» 728 «, f20=» 52374 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000013703f000df}
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0x3f000…3f100 (63, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(63,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41111641}, f00=»1116A «, f01=»Storage & Retrieval «, f02=»tdh «, f03=»RIM «, f04=»fra 4. - «, f05=03-07-81 13:33, f06=» 7 «, f07=»48 «, f08=» 27591 «, f09=09-12-81 12:33, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 9 «, f13=30-07-81 11:29, f14=14-12-81 08:55, f15=»0065A «, f16=» 67 «, f17=» 14 «, f18=»36 «, f19=» 552 «, f20=» 45684 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000003703cf00df}
0x3f100…3f200 (63, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x3f800…3f900 (63, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(63,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41109041}, f00=»1090A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/007 «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»RIM «, f04=»Fra Table of Content «, f05=26-06-81 14:35, f06=» 8 «, f07=»30 «, f08=» 24975 «, f09=12-10-81 11:16, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 10 «, f13=31-07-81 15:00, f14=08-12-81 15:16, f15=»0065A «, f16=» 33 «, f17=» 13 «, f18=»05 «, f19=» 548 «, f20=» 30924 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=200030000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000013703ac00df}
0x3f900…3fa00 (63, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x40500…40600 (64, 0, 5) Sector 4006ff00111641 ┆@ Aal of messages and transactions - off-line retrieval of messages and transactions - dump of messages and transactions to off-line disk - performing supervisor commands. Overleaf is shown an overview diagram of the functional specifications. ┆
0x40600…40700 (64, 0, 6) Sector 40076200111641 ┆@ b A SAR consists of five subpackages each performing one of the above mentioned functions. Bl1{M40sI:^=~ J 1!"<6;!#<6 !&<6 ! "$<! <6 {M;(s! 9"c=! "(= Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 ! "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC I! <6 ! "(= <q#p!"<6 !#<6 ! "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7 ┆
0x40700…40800 (64, 0, 7) Sector 3f087900111641 ┆? y A 1 Figure 4.1.1-1 Functional Specifications [MI !?=6 : #wI>K!8=>R 2!8=6 #4 E*8=k L<M% :8=F 28=I!#<:"<>R<2> I E*#<& "< DM L<M% :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x40800…40900 (64, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x4a800…4a900 (74, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(74,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41111941}, f00=»1119A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/007 «, f02=»RIM «, f03=»vhn «, f04=»Fra 4.2.3 «, f05=06-07-81 10:57, f06=» 1 «, f07=»50 «, f08=» 8660 «, f09=11-12-81 10:19, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 35 «, f13=28-07-81 15:55, f14=14-12-81 08:55, f15=»0065A «, f16=» 52 «, f17=» 7 «, f18=»18 «, f19=» 476 «, f20=» 37075 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=910010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000003703ad00df}
0x4a900…4aa00 (74, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x4b000…4b100 (75, 0, 0) Sector 4b01ff00109141 ┆K As ....... 20 Field ..................... 20 Field Group ............... 20 CIF ....................... 21 View ...................... 23 Creation ┆
0x4b100…4b200 (75, 0, 1) Sector 4b02ff00109141 ┆K Aand Deletion ......... 26 CIF Creation and Deletion . 26 View Creation and Deletion .................. 26 Field Creation and Deletion 27 Field Access ....┆
0x4b200…4b300 (75, 0, 2) Sector 4b035000109141 ┆K P A.............. 28 Disk Space Allocation ......... 29 V5Cq5M . R`5Cq5M@1MI1:h= Rp5Cr4IMM.:^=~ B}5I:g=~ J 5IC$3I > S C_* ┆
0x4b300…4b400 (75, 0, 3) Sector 4b04ff00109141 ┆K A 1 CIF Attributes .................... 32 Permanent CIF ................. 32 Recover┆
0x4b400…4b500 (75, 0, 4) Sector 4b05ff00109141 ┆K Aable CIF ............... 32 Security Profile .............. 34 Application Control Information 34 CIF Versions .................. 34 CIF Storage and Retrieval ......... 35 ┆
0x4b500…4b600 (75, 0, 5) Sector 4b06ff00109141 ┆K A2. Storage ....................... 35 Retrieval ..................... 36 CIF and View Referencing .......... 39 Commands .......................... 39 2.2.2 Functional Responsibilities ┆
0x4b600…4b700 (75, 0, 6) Sector 4b07ff00109141 ┆K A........... 41 Initialization, Close Down, and Restart ........................... 41 Checkpointing and Recovery ........ 42 Checkpoints ................... 42 SAVE Comman┆
0x4b700…4b800 (75, 0, 7) Sector 1900ff00109141 ┆ Ad .............. 43 Checkpoint Array .......... 44 Recovery Level ............ 44 Recovery Actions .............. 44 Error Detection and Error Handling 47 I┆
0x4b800…4b900 (75, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(75,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41109141}, f00=»1091A «, f01=»CPS/SDS/003 Message Man. «, f02=»vhn «, f03=»OKH «, f04=»fra kap. 1 «, f05=29-06-81 09:13, f06=» 4 «, f07=»51 «, f08=» 33371 «, f09=03-08-81 11:20, f10=» «, f11=»19 «, f12=» 364 «, f13=03-08-81 12:02, f14=05-08-81 16:46, f15=»0065A «, f16=» 53 «, f17=» 11 «, f18=»07 «, f19=» 832 «, f20=» 51543 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=700010000110066610110480aaca1505000000000000013703f500df}
0x4b900…4ba00 (75, 0, 9) Sector 4b0a3500109141 ┆K 5 A+ K K K ter: Kommentaretare: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarere: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentaretare: Operat]r: Forfattete┆
0x4ba00…4bb00 (75, 0, 10) Sector 4b0b9400109141 ┆K A 1 CPS/SDS/003 OKH/810801 MESSAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CAMPS :!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x4bb00…4bc00 (75, 0, 11) Sector 4b0cff00109141 ┆K A 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 GENERAL ............................┆
0x4bc00…4bd00 (75, 0, 12) Sector 4b0dff00109141 ┆K A........... 10 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ......................... 10 1.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND PROJECT REFERENCES 10 1.2.1 Applicable Documents .................. 10 1.3 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................... 11 1.3.┆
0x4bd00…4be00 (75, 0, 13) Sector 4b0eff00109141 ┆K A1 Terms ................................. 11 1.3.2 Abbreviations ......................... 11 2 SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS ....................... 12 2.1 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION ....................... 12 2.1.1 Package Interrelation┆
0x4be00…4bf00 (75, 0, 14) Sector 4b0fff00109141 ┆K As ................ 12 Application Packages .............. 12 Checkpoint Transmission ........... 13 DMA Data Transfer ................. 13 2.2 PACKAGE FUNCTIONS ......................... 16 2.2┆
0x4bf00…4c000 (75, 0, 15) Sector 4b00ff00109141 ┆K A.1 Main Functions ........................ 16 Storage Structure ................. 16 CIF Directories ................... 20 CIF and View Structure ............ 20 CIFs, Fields, and View┆
0x4c000…4c100 (76, 0, 0) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆