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0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 8 7 Q? > 7 d 0 N N ~<d N ~<) 0uH &4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' X% % PO P ; ` A C g x g V W O : 6012A g /L < {C < { ; 2 ;m 6879A6880A6895A6896A6897A6900A ┆
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0x18a00…18b00 (24, 0, 10) Sector 180b5952586541 ┆ YRXeA 1 - # - v0* ##w: f v0* #w: fx v0* wCm0*, MMl{ Z 2 $Mr{C'2:, V O>_9R'2 Mr{CB2*, MMl{ ZB2:, ~ JB2 $Mr{:y Zg2* :, w!, 6 ! : >Bd2!, 6 C 1Cm0: V 2 : ~`J 3* M* ┆
0x18c00…18d00 (24, 0, 12) Sector 180dff69586541 ┆ iXeAREMENTS OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1 0 FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR 1 ┆
0x18f00…19000 (24, 0, 15) Sector 19001721586541 ┆ !XeA M {I!) 6 > !) >Z>7*) & . >06w!) 4B!7I!\?s+p+q+QAp+qU*Z?"'? MU5 *'? > w#6 E*\?e*X?e*Z?k M'6*'?#~~ R 7*'?#> I*'?#~~ J 7 M3{*'?##~2sf *'? k> M2.R=7! 6 CN7 E xOE MH{*sfMM e> I!`?r+s+p+q!a?6 !t 6 *]?e*_?DM M?72-?~ B┆
0x19000…19100 (25, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x19600…19700 (25, 0, 6) Sector 1907ff37586541 ┆ 7XeA 1 3 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 ASM-HANDLING An outline is shown in figure 3.1. The following ASM's shall be known and processed by the FIKS-System. ASM's transmitted from┆
0x19700…19800 (25, 0, 7) Sector 1908ffc3586541 ┆ CXeA FIKS to NICS TARE: - Open Channel (QRV), ref. 5, sec. The ASM is despatched when the SCC-supervisor issues an "Open Channel"- command. The incoming channel is hereby opened for narrative messages. The event is logged in the "Conversi┆
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0x1f900…1fa00 (31, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x22f00…23000 (34, 0, 15) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x23000…23100 (35, 0, 0) Sector 00008c3b601241 ┆ ;` A, when detailed and other information is needed, refer to the appropriate documents, (Product Specifications, Release Descriptions). s). - The TDX-system FW (in the LTUX-M-FE) is exchanged with the version identical to that used in other FIKS TDX┆
0x23100…23200 (35, 0, 1) Sector 23026d3b601241 ┆# m;` A # # # # $ $ % % % & & & & ' ' ' ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) * * + + + + , , , , - - - - . . . . . / / / 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 : : : ; ; ; ; < < < < = = = = > > ┆
0x23200…23300 (35, 0, 2) Sector 2303c052601241 ┆# @R` A 1 FXA/SDS/001 (3) SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION APE/850613 # FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK APE/840620 FIKS-EXT {:y Zg2* :, w!, 6 ! : >Bd2!, 6 C 1Cm0: V 2 : ~`J 3* M* ┆
0x23300…23400 (35, 0, 3) Sector 2304ff2a601241 ┆# *` A 1 1 SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK FXA/SDS/001 ┆
0x23400…23500 (35, 0, 4) Sector 2305ca69601241 ┆# Ji` A ALLAN PETERSEN APE, REV, PBH, EHO, NMC (6), FMK (1) 3 850613 ?:5?2<?:8?25?:<?28? =?M6=!<?6 !??6 E*2?k 4?M {I! c"┆
0x23500…23600 (35, 0, 5) Sector 2306ff95601241 ┆# ` A 1 FXA/SDS/001 (3) APE/850613 2 SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK APE/840620 FIKS-EXT 6012A/500A ┆
0x23600…23700 (35, 0, 6) Sector 2307ff3a601241 ┆# :` A 1 840308 All First Issue of Document -------------------------------------------------------------- Iss.1 840620 Minutes of All ┆
0x23700…23800 (35, 0, 7) Sector 2308ff21601241 ┆# !` AIssue 2 of document with Meetings with a 3 byte packet header 840328,840409 ZCZC + NNNN excluded from 840503 text and several minor ┆
0x23800…23900 (35, 0, 8) Sector 2309ff3b601241 ┆# ;` Aof these PROMs have been delivered to the 'DD PROM ARCHIVE', from where a copy can be obtained. The CCISLTUX-functions (HW and FW) can be tested by performing the 'Check of the CCISLTUX'-part of the 'FIKS LINK FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST' specified in┆
0x23900…23a00 (35, 0, 9) Sector 230a113b601241 ┆# ;` A sec. 4.4. 3.4.5 CPIP Notes Storage Allocation: The CPIP-process has the following memory claim (approximately) in words: Program: 1090 Process: 1000 Performance Characteristics: T┆
0x23a00…23b00 (35, 0, 10) Sector 230bff3b601241 ┆# ;` A 1 3.6 FIKS SYSTEM UPDATES The FIKS Terminal Process (TEP) (ref. 1.3.25 + 1.3.26, SFS- and MES- subsystems) shall be updated as follows: To new supervisor (assistant) procedures ar┆
0x23b00…23c00 (35, 0, 11) Sector 230cff21601241 ┆# !` Ae implemented: - Open FIKS-CCIS-link - Close FIKS-CCIS-link They are activated when a supervisor keys in 'OPC/CLC' as response on 'PROC ' The commands shall result in despatch of the AMOS- messages defined in sec. to the CTERM- proces┆
0x23c00…23d00 (35, 0, 12) Sector 230dffdd601241 ┆# ]` As. This will involve updating of the 'Supervision'- module in the SFS- subsystem and update of the 1 - CRT-table , ref. 1.3.6, sec. 8.6 - PTT-table , ref. 1.3.6, sec. 8.6 - SYNR┆
0x23d00…23e00 (35, 0, 13) Sector 230effc2601241 ┆# B` AEF-table , ref. 1.3.6, sec. 8.5 The QACCESS INIT- module (ref. 1.3.18) shall be updated as follows: If the CCIS-STATUS word in the critical region CONFIG (ref. sec. indicates, that the FIKS-CCIS Link exists, then the SIGNAL- module in┆
0x23e00…23f00 (35, 0, 14) Sector 230fff3f601241 ┆# ?` A entries in the CCIS- terminal queues shall be changed from PIP to CPIP. The SEND REPORT MONITOR (ref. 1.3.22) shall be updated so that it is capable to handle the new N/M Alarm texts defined in sec. Postscript: The above-mentio┆
0x23f00…24000 (35, 0, 15) Sector 23007a3f601241 ┆# z?` Aned updates are regarded as ordinary FIKS System routine updates (error corrections, monor changes, etc.). Therefore FIKS system is described in ref. 1.3.13 and 1.3.23. The CCISLTUX is procured as follows: - As basis HW-modules the LTUX-M-FE,┆
0x24000…24100 (36, 0, 0) Sector 2401ff33601241 ┆$ 3` A Module P/N: 4.04133-03 LTUX-M-CPU, Module P/N: 4.04143-04 are employed. (The modules are those used at the LME + NAM applications). - The TDX-system FW (in the LTUX-M-FE) is exchanged with the version identical to that used in other FIKS TDX┆
0x24100…24200 (36, 0, 1) Sector 2402ff33601241 ┆$ 3` A-devices. - The LTUX-M-FE/LTUX-M-CPU interface FW is updated to reflect the changed SHARED RAM allocation (in relation to other FIKS usages). The X25 HDLC/LAPB FW (ref. 1.3.14) is placed in the LTUX-M-CPU. - The RAM placed in the LTUX-M-CPU p┆
0x24200…24300 (36, 0, 2) Sector 2403ff33601241 ┆$ 3` Aosition UG3 is not needed, i.e. can be removed. - Jumpers (straps) and dil-switches are set in accordance with the application requirement. I.e. the CCISLTUX can be procured on basis of exisitng CR-modules without performing any irreversible HW-┆
0x24300…24400 (36, 0, 3) Sector 24041833601241 ┆$ 3` Ainterference. e message concerned is repeatedly despatched. If equal 3 the FIKS CCIS Link is assumed to have FAILED. Then the CCIS STATUS in the critical region CONFIG is set to CLOSED (ref. sec. and a report 'FOD CCIS FAILURE' is sent ┆
0x24400…24500 (36, 0, 4) Sector 2405ac3b601241 ┆$ ,;` A 1 Figure 3.5-1 CCISLTUX Environment Overview perform (or attempt to) link recovery, ref. sec. SIGNAL' - tail, i.e Re┆
0x24500…24600 (36, 0, 5) Sector 2406ff3b601241 ┆$ ;` A 1 The actual set-up of the modules is specified in a 'FIKS FIRMWARE RELEASE'-note, i.e. a DCN to ref. 1.3.40. All sources and object codes concerned the used firmware can be found ┆
0x24600…24700 (36, 0, 6) Sector 2407ff3b601241 ┆$ ;` Ain and obtained from the SE-VAX-A MIJ.X25LTUX - and SE-VAX-A MIJ.MCPU - directories. The firmware is placed in EPROM's as follows: CR PROM No PROM Type Address Placing 1 ┆
0x24700…24800 (36, 0, 7) Sector 2308ff3b601241 ┆# ;` A 2825 2716/2516 0000-07FF LTUX-M-FE 2826 2732/2732A 4000-4FFF LTUX-M-FE 2827 2532 0000-0FFF LTUX-M-CPU 2828 2532 1000-1FFF LTUX-M-CPU 2829 2532 2000-2FFF LTUX-M-CPU 2830 2732/2732A 3000-3FFF LTUX-M-CPU Master-copies ┆
0x24800…24900 (36, 0, 8) Sector 240964c3601241 ┆$ dC` A 1 3.4 CPIP Error Locations eckpointing is performed. CCIS Link is open. Link failure supervision - Monitoring of Keep Alive Traffic. - Flow control of messages to CCIS. 3.4.2┆
0x24900…24a00 (36, 0, 9) Sector 240aff00601241 ┆$ ` A 1 3.4.5 CPIP Notes Storage Allocation: The CPIP-process has the following memory claim (approximately) in words: Program: 1090 Process: 1000 Performance Characteristics: T┆
0x24a00…24b00 (36, 0, 10) Sector 240bffc3601241 ┆$ C` Ahe CPIP is very suitable for being executed as 'Background Task'. The size of program/process is less than required. Ref. 1.2.28, sec. 3.3.15. Preparation for Delivery: Do as stated in the file 'INFORMATION' in the last delivery of CPIP to FIXL┆
0x24b00…24c00 (36, 0, 11) Sector 240c9d3f601241 ┆$ ?` AIB. Ref. 1.3.34. Module Generation: The CTERM-module is compiled and linked by means of the AMOS SWELL Compiler and Linker. Ref. 1.3.35/36/37/38. N(SAVEEVENT), MON(RECOVERENENTS), ref. 1.3.29. If an ACK/NACK is found then this one is dispatched┆
0x24c00…24d00 (36, 0, 12) Sector 240dff33601241 ┆$ 3` A 1 3.5 CCISLTUX The CCISLTUX is implemented by means of the LTUX-M System as described in ref. 1.3.20. I.e. one CCISLTUX consists of two HW-modules: - LTUX-M-FE. This device makes ┆
0x24d00…24e00 (36, 0, 13) Sector 240eff33601241 ┆$ 3` Aup the front-end processor for data packets passing between the FIKS TDX-system and the CR80 computer. - LTUX-M-CPU. This module constitutes the X25 HDLC/LAPB protocol machine and interface to FODCCIS. The two modules communicate with each other┆
0x24e00…24f00 (36, 0, 14) Sector 240fff33601241 ┆$ 3` A via a separate micro-bus. The V24-connection to FODCCIS is performed through jack 1 of the back panel (type BP5). Switching between use of external/internal transmit clock (modem/no modem interface) is performed by removing/insertion of jumber SR22┆
0x24f00…25000 (36, 0, 15) Sector 2400ff33601241 ┆$ 3` A. The CCISLTUX environment overview is shown in fig. 3.5.1. The interface between the CCISLTUX and the rest of the FIKS system is described in ref. 1.3.13 and 1.3.23. The CCISLTUX is procured as follows: - As basis HW-modules the LTUX-M-FE,┆
0x25000…25100 (37, 0, 0) Sector 2501ff20601241 ┆% ` Aesponding channel is set not ACTIVE and ACK/NACK timeout counter is dismantled. If one of the channels (the narrative) is still ACTIVE, then the counter is reset. (The narrative channel has been interrrupted of a control message and ACK/NACK- timeou┆
0x25100…25200 (37, 0, 1) Sector 2502ffbe601241 ┆% >` At is restarted). If ACK on the narrative channel is received, then the entry in the CPIP- queue is checkpointed deleted (ref. 1.3.6, sec. and afterwards the entry is actually deleted together with releasing the MTCB/PDB- file of the edite┆
0x25200…25300 (37, 0, 2) Sector 2503ff52601241 ┆% R` Ad message by the use of MON(MTCB/QACCESS) - calls (ref. 1.3.29, 1.3.30) ACK on the control channel causes release of the corresponding MTCB/PDB-file. At reception of NACK or ACK/NACK-timeout the NACK- counter is incremented. If the counter is le┆
0x25300…25400 (37, 0, 3) Sector 2504ffc3601241 ┆% C` Ass than 3, then the message concerned is repeatedly despatched. If equal 3 the FIKS CCIS Link is assumed to have FAILED. Then the CCIS STATUS in the critical region CONFIG is set to CLOSED (ref. sec. and a report 'FOD CCIS FAILURE' is sent ┆
0x25400…25500 (37, 0, 4) Sector 2505e9c3601241 ┆% iC` Ato the supervisor by the use of the SEND REPORT- monitor procedure (ref. 1.3.22). The CNSS-process is notified of the event via an AMOS-signal. The CNSS will then perform (or attempt to) link recovery, ref. sec. SIGNAL' - tail, i.e Re┆
0x25500…25600 (37, 0, 5) Sector 2506ff52601241 ┆% R` A 1 Keep Alive Supervision Whenever a message is dispatched, the KEEP ALIVE-timer is started, (possibly dismantling the old one). If the timer runs out and the FIKS CCIS L┆
0x25600…25700 (37, 0, 6) Sector 2507ff3a601241 ┆% :` Aink is open, then a KEEP ALIVE control message is created and despatched to CCIS, as if it was an ordinary control message. A breakdown in the FIKS CCIS Link will then also be discovered and reported in the usual manner, even if no narrative traffic┆
0x25700…25800 (37, 0, 7) Sector 24081421601241 ┆$ !` A is going on. rmed. I.e. an AMOS- Message as defined in sec. is sent to CNSS. The event of despatch, to CNSS is logged by using the 'Message Journal'- Monitor with event code 'PRINT STARTED' ref. 1.3.21. CPIP Status is set to 'NARRATIVE ┆
0x25800…25900 (37, 0, 8) Sector 25097e95601241 ┆% ~ ` ACHANNEL ACTIVE' and KEEP ALIVE TIMER is dismantled. Note: No deletion from CPIP-queues or checkpointing is performed. CCIS Link is open. Link failure supervision - Monitoring of Keep Alive Traffic. - Flow control of messages to CCIS. 3.4.2┆
0x25900…25a00 (37, 0, 9) Sector 250aaedd601241 ┆% .]` A 1 FIGURE 3.4.3-4 PROCESS NARRATIVE MESSAGE FLOW . Kernel, use of AMOS-Message functions and Critical Region Procedures. FIKS Ap┆
0x25a00…25b00 (37, 0, 10) Sector 250bff00601241 ┆% ` A 1 Processing of Control Messages (ref. fig. The Control Channel must not be ACTIVE at despatch of control messages. The ACK/NACK has the highest priority of all ┆
0x25b00…25c00 (37, 0, 11) Sector 250cff00601241 ┆% ` Acontrol messages. This is handled by scanning the CPIP-AMOS-message event queue before each despatch. This is performed by using MON(INSPECTEVENT), MON(SAVEEVENT), MON(RECOVERENENTS), ref. 1.3.29. If an ACK/NACK is found then this one is dispatched┆
0x25c00…25d00 (37, 0, 12) Sector 250dff33601241 ┆% 3` A. The CPIP itself creates the control message. I.e.: - A MTCB is created - A PDB-file belonging to the MTCB is created - The message is filled into the PDB-file with the layout as stated in sec. - The MTCB is filled and updated i┆
0x25d00…25e00 (37, 0, 13) Sector 250ef9a1601241 ┆% y!` An accordance with the specifications given in sec. Dispatch to CNSS is executed. I.e. an AMOS-message as defined in sec. is sent to CNSS. The CPIP status is set to 'CONTROL CHANNEL ACTIVE' and KEEP ALIVE TIMER dismantled. ┆
0x25e00…25f00 (37, 0, 14) Sector 250fab37601241 ┆% +7` A 1 FIGURE 3.4.3-5 PROCESS CONTROL MESSAGE FLOW before a narrative message is despatched to CCIS. - The FIKS CCIS Link must be ope┆
0x25f00…26000 (37, 0, 15) Sector 2500ffc3601241 ┆% C` A 1 ACK/NACK - Monitoring The ACK/NACK timeout counter (ref. sec. is set when despatch completion is returned from CNSS. At reception of ACK/NACK notice, the corr┆
0x26000…26100 (38, 0, 0) Sector 2601ffc3601241 ┆& C` Aessage is despatched, the corresponding channel is set ACTIVE and remains ACTIVE until ACK/3(NACK's/timeouts) is received. A checking for 'Too low user classification' is performed. The CCIS- classification is fetched from the terminal control blo┆
0x26100…26200 (38, 0, 1) Sector 2602ff20601241 ┆& ` Ack (TCB, ref. 1.3.6, sec. 7.2) and compared to that of the message going to be despatched. This one is fetched from the MTCB referring to the message. If this one is greater than the first one, then the message is 'distributed' to the supervisor as ┆
0x26200…26300 (38, 0, 2) Sector 2603ffc3601241 ┆& C` Afollows: A pseudo MTCB with layout as in ref. 1.3.6, sec. and subcategory 'Terminal has too low classification' is created, filled, updated and enqueued into the supervisor DT-queue. Checkpointing of the event is also performed. No furt┆
0x26300…26400 (38, 0, 3) Sector 2604ff52601241 ┆& R` Aher processing concerned the message is carried out. Before the message is despatched to CCIS, it is edited to fulfil the format specified in sec. This is performed as follows: - A new MTCB is created - A PDB- file belonging to the MT┆
0x26400…26500 (38, 0, 4) Sector 2605ff2a601241 ┆& *` ACB is created - The message until the address list is transferred to the PDB-file. Binary header is updated - address list off-set + message length is incremented with that corresponding to 'SIGNAL' - tail ref. - 'SIGNAL' - tail, i.e Re┆
0x26500…26600 (38, 0, 5) Sector 2606a169601241 ┆& !i` Alease- and Retrieval time are added to the file in the same way as when the FIKS PIP- process is printing the same text lines. ref. 1.3.17, sec. P or by completion of a previously sent control message. 3) Despatch completed. I.e. the CNS┆
0x26600…26700 (38, 0, 6) Sector 2607ff95601241 ┆& ` A 1 - The address list is added to the file. - The new MTCB is updated as a copy of the old one except for LENGTH, HDB ADDRESS and HDB MARK. (ref. 1.3.6, sec. Despatch to┆
0x26700…26800 (38, 0, 7) Sector 2508ff3a601241 ┆% :` A CNSS is performed. I.e. an AMOS- Message as defined in sec. is sent to CNSS. The event of despatch, to CNSS is logged by using the 'Message Journal'- Monitor with event code 'PRINT STARTED' ref. 1.3.21. CPIP Status is set to 'NARRATIVE ┆
0x26800…26900 (38, 0, 8) Sector 26099221601241 ┆& !` Ameout. No traffic has passed the link within a certain limit. A 'Keep Alive' control message is sent to CCIS in case the CCIS Link is open. Link failure supervision - Monitoring of Keep Alive Traffic. - Flow control of messages to CCIS. 3.4.2┆
0x26900…26a00 (38, 0, 9) Sector 260aa1dd601241 ┆& !]` A 1 FIGURE CPIP MAIN FLOW IO-system 2. Kernel, use of AMOS-Message functions and Critical Region Procedures. FIKS Ap┆
0x26a00…26b00 (38, 0, 10) Sector 260bff00601241 ┆& ` A 1 CPIP Timing Control To control the timing in the CPIP- Process (ACK/NACK- timeout, KEEP ALIVE- timer), the AMOS SETCYCLE/ZEROPHASE- event is used (ref. 1.3.(27 + 28). CY┆
0x26b00…26c00 (38, 0, 11) Sector 260cffc2601241 ┆& B` ACLE is set to be one second. The timers/timeouts are controlled by decrementing those with CYCLECOUNT (i.e. no. of seconds) each time a timeout event occurs. The timeout is awaited by using MON (WAITEVENT, BMDELAY part of event mask, DELAY = minimum┆
0x26c00…26d00 (38, 0, 12) Sector 260ddc00601241 ┆& \ ` A of timeouts). The actual time consumption is achieved by getting the CYCLECOUNT by the use of MON(WAITEVENT, BMZEROPHASE equal event mask). The timers are started/dismanteled by setting them to timeout size/-1. rresponding control message. This i┆
0x26d00…26e00 (38, 0, 13) Sector 260ece33601241 ┆& N3` A 1 CPIP Initializing As the FIKS MTCB/QACCESS- Monitors are going to be used MTCB INIT is performed. ref. (1.3.29 + 1.3.30). Answer ┆
0x26e00…26f00 (38, 0, 14) Sector 260fffa1601241 ┆& !` A 1 Processing of Narrative Messages (ref. fig. The following shall be fulfilled before a narrative message is despatched to CCIS. - The FIKS CCIS Link must be ope┆
0x26f00…27000 (38, 0, 15) Sector 2600ff37601241 ┆& 7` An. Checking for this is performed by inspection of CCIS STATUS in the Critical Region CONFIG. (ref. sec. - Neither the narrative or the control channel must be ACTIVE (I.e. a transmission has been started and not yet finished). When a m┆
0x27000…27100 (39, 0, 0) Sector 2701ff33601241 ┆' 3` As from CTERM about reception of control messages. Message Answer ^ Type = 1 ^ Word 0 ^ Type = 1 ^ ^ Mes┆
0x27100…27200 (39, 0, 1) Sector 2702ff33601241 ┆' 3` Asage type ^ 1 ^ Message type ^ ^ Channel no. ^ 2 ^ Channel no. ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ Message Type 1 :┆
0x27200…27300 (39, 0, 2) Sector 270325be601241 ┆' %>` A Message ACK 2 : Message NACK of the control message to CCIS, that follows the supervisor commands, is initiated by sending an AMOS Message to the CPIP - process with content as defined in sec. med both by checking 'Message Length' in the┆
0x27300…27400 (39, 0, 3) Sector 2704ff52601241 ┆' R` A 1 3.4.3 CPIP Processing CPIP Main Flow (ref. fig. The CPIP passes through an initializing phase. After this events to initiate some kind of processing is awaited┆
0x27400…27500 (39, 0, 4) Sector 2705ff2a601241 ┆' *` A. They may be: 1) Despatch of a narrative message from FIKS to CCIS. This is realized as an entry in the CPIP-queues. I.e. an AMOS- signal sent to CPIP (an AMOS-signal is also sent to CPIP when FIKS-CCIS Link is opened) or transmission of a previo┆
0x27500…27600 (39, 0, 5) Sector 2706ff69601241 ┆' i` Aus sent message (narrative/control) is completed. 2) Despatch of a control message from FIKS to CCIS. This is initiated by sending an AMOS message to CPIP or by completion of a previously sent control message. 3) Despatch completed. I.e. the CNS┆
0x27600…27700 (39, 0, 6) Sector 2707ff95601241 ┆' ` AS has despatched all packets belonging to a message and returns this event to CPIP as an answer on the former AMOS- message sent to CNSS (the despatch command). It is now time to start the ACK/NACK monitoring. 4) Arrival of an ACK/NACK. This event┆
0x27700…27800 (39, 0, 7) Sector 2608ff3a601241 ┆& :` A is noted as an AMOS message sent from CTERM. A new message may be despatched. 5) ACK/NACK timeout. An expected ACK/NACK has not been received within a certain time limit. This may be caused by a breakdown in the FIKS CCIS Link. 6) Keep Alive Ti┆
0x27800…27900 (39, 0, 8) Sector 2709ff3b601241 ┆' ;` ARIEVAL time at end of a Narrative Message. - On request generate all control messages to CCIS. - Supervision of ACK/NACK - timeout. - Link failure supervision - Monitoring of Keep Alive Traffic. - Flow control of messages to CCIS. 3.4.2┆
0x27900…27a00 (39, 0, 9) Sector 270aff00601241 ┆' ` A Interface Description Interface Overview FIKS Interface refer to 1.3.6 Refer to fig. System Software 1. FMS-System via the IO-system 2. Kernel, use of AMOS-Message functions and Critical Region Procedures. FIKS Ap┆
0x27a00…27b00 (39, 0, 10) Sector 270bffc2601241 ┆' B` Aplications 1. FIKS Monitors - QACCESS, MTCB, LOG-JOURNAL, SENDREPORT. 2. FIKS Critical Regions - CONFIG (item CCIS-STATUS) 3. FIKS-Queues - The CTERM-terminal queues (input queues) A1- and DT-queue (output queues) 4. FIKS-Modules -┆
0x27c00…27d00 (39, 0, 12) Sector 270da93f601241 ┆' )?` A 1 FIGURE CPIP INTERFACE OVERVIEW requesting the CPIP to generate and despatch the corresponding control message. This i┆
0x27d00…27e00 (39, 0, 13) Sector 270eff33601241 ┆' 3` A 1 Format of AMOS Message/Answer to/from CPIP Message from CTERM requesting despatch of control messages. Message Answer ┆
0x27e00…27f00 (39, 0, 14) Sector 270fff33601241 ┆' 3` A ^ Type = 0 ^ Word 0 ^ Type = 0 ^ ^ Message type ^ 1 ^ Message type ^ ^ Channel no. ^ 2 ^ * Channel no. ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ ┆
0x27f00…28000 (39, 0, 15) Sector 2700ff33601241 ┆' 3` A ^ Message type 1 : Message ACK 2 : Message NACK 3 : Open Link Request 6 : Close Link * Only at dispatch of ACK/NACK-then channel no of which ACK/NACK shall be performed. Message┆
0x28000…28100 (40, 0, 0) Sector 2801ff37601241 ┆( 7` Aut test upon return of agreement/rejection from CCIS is started. - Close Link The FIKS CCIS Link is going to be closed. The CCIS STATUS in the critical region 'CONFIG' is set to 'CCIS CLOSED' ref. sec. The event is immediately reported ┆
0x28100…28200 (40, 0, 1) Sector 2802ffc3601241 ┆( C` Aby of the SEND REPORT- Monitor Procedure (ref. 1.3.22) with type corresponding to the text 'CCIS CLOSE OK', ref. The change in CCIS STATUS is checkpointed, ref. + 1.3.6, sec. Note: The Link is marked as closed before retur┆
0x28200…28300 (40, 0, 2) Sector 2803d320601241 ┆( S ` An of ACK from CCIS. Despatch of the control message to CCIS, that follows the supervisor commands, is initiated by sending an AMOS Message to the CPIP - process with content as defined in sec. med both by checking 'Message Length' in the┆
0x28300…28400 (40, 0, 3) Sector 280469be601241 ┆( i>` A 1 3.3.4 CTERM Error Locations ge. (MON(IO,GETFILEINFORMATION), ref. 1.3.11). - Action and Info precedence must be correct. I.e. the corresponding items in the binary header must ┆
0x28400…28500 (40, 0, 4) Sector 2805ff52601241 ┆( R` A 1 3.3.5 CTERM Notes Storage Allocation: The CTERM-process has the following memory claim (approximately) in words: Program: 840 Process: 940 Performance Characteristics The┆
0x28500…28600 (40, 0, 5) Sector 2806ff69601241 ┆( i` A CTERM is very suitable for being executed as 'Background Task'. The size of program/process is less than required. Ref. 1.2.28, sec. 3.3.15. Preparation for Delivery: Do as stated in the file 'INFORMATION' in the last delivery of CTERM to FIXL┆
0x28600…28700 (40, 0, 6) Sector 2807a052601241 ┆( R` AIB. Ref. 1.3.34. Module Generation: The CTERM-module is compiled and linked by means of the AMOS SWELL Compiler and Linker. Ref. 1.3.35/36/37/38. sed (further processing stopped). The FIKS system is notified of the event via a 'LOCAL FIX UP'┆
0x28700…28800 (40, 0, 7) Sector 2708ff3b601241 ┆' ;` A 1 3.4 CCIS PRINTER PROCESS (CPIP) 3.4.1 Functional Capabilities The CPIP-Process has the following tasks: - Despatch all messages from FIKS to CCIS. - Insert of RELEASE and RET┆
0x28800…28900 (40, 0, 8) Sector 2809bc3a601241 ┆( <:` Ardinary message preparation performed at a FIKS MEDE. ref. 1.3.6, sec., case 2. - Checkpoint of the becoming enqueing to the MDS-process is performed. ref. 1.3.6, Message Answer ┆
0x28900…28a00 (40, 0, 9) Sector 280aff21601241 ┆( !` A 1 - The event of receiveing a message from CCIS is logged by using the Message Journal Log monitor (ref. 1.3.21) with event code 'MESSAGE RELEASED'. - As the CCIS in the FIKS Syste┆
0x28a00…28b00 (40, 0, 10) Sector 280bffdd601241 ┆( ]` Am is regarded as a FIKS Terminal, then also statistics concerning 'messages released' has to be updated to maintain consistency in the system. In the critical region 'STATIC' the items: NO OF MESSAGES, NO OF ANOS, NO OF CHARACTERS for the proper pre┆
0x28c00…28d00 (40, 0, 12) Sector 280dffc2601241 ┆( B` A to MDS is peformed by the use of the QACCESS- Monitor. ref. 1.3.30 + 1.3.6, sec. 6. - Finally an ACK is returned to the CCIS. ACK/NACK is returned to CCIS by requesting the CPIP to generate and despatch the corresponding control message. This i┆
0x28d00…28e00 (40, 0, 13) Sector 280e613f601241 ┆( a?` As performed by sending an AMOS- message with layout as defined in sec. to CPIP. xt 'CCIS OPEN NOT OK'. 'Open Agreement'- timer is dismantled and ACK is returned just as in the preceding section. - Close Link The CCIS STATUS in 'CONFIG┆
0x28e00…28f00 (40, 0, 14) Sector 280faf33601241 ┆( /3` A 1 FIGURE 3.3.3-3 PROCESS NARRATIVE MESSAGE FLOW eement'. ACK is returned to CCIS. - All other received control messages will b┆
0x28f00…29000 (40, 0, 15) Sector 2800ffa1601241 ┆( !` A 1 Processing of Supervisor Commands Only two commands can be received. They are processed as follows: - Open Link Request The FIKS CCIS Link is going to be opened. Timeo┆
0x29000…29100 (41, 0, 0) Sector 2901af37601241 ┆) /7` A 1 FIGURE 3.3.3-2 PROCESS CONTROL MESSAGE FLOW t this priority scheme is kept, the CTERM-AMOS message queue (ref. 1.3.27) is sc┆
0x29100…29200 (41, 0, 1) Sector 2902ffc3601241 ┆) C` A 1 Processing of Narrative Messages ref. fig. 3.3.3-3 The narrative messages coming in from CCIS is checked to fulfil the FIKS-SMF message layout as stated in ref. 1.3.6, se┆
0x29200…29300 (41, 0, 2) Sector 2903ff20601241 ┆) ` Ac. 10.1 (or at least for errors in the layout, that could cause a "catastrophie" in the FIKS- Network). The checking involves: - Total length of the message must be less than 9000 bytes. This is performed both by checking 'Message Length' in the┆
0x29300…29400 (41, 0, 3) Sector 2904ffbe601241 ┆) >` A binary header (ref. 1.3.6, sec. 10.1.1,8) and the length of the PDB-files, that contains the message. (MON(IO,GETFILEINFORMATION), ref. 1.3.11). - Action and Info precedence must be correct. I.e. the corresponding items in the binary header must ┆
0x29400…29500 (41, 0, 4) Sector 2905ff52601241 ┆) R` Abe less than 7 and greater than 0. - The classification of the message must not be greater than, that of the CCIS-terminal, defined in the terminal control block (TCB), ref. sec. + ref. 1.3.6, sec. 7.2. The message classification is obtain┆
0x29500…29600 (41, 0, 5) Sector 2906ff2a601241 ┆) *` Aed from the binary header. - Address List Offset, Signal Header Length, MSG-ID reference and SIC- reference in the binary header must be probable, i.e. less than total message length. - The message must not be of special handling type. I.e. the ┆
0x29600…29700 (41, 0, 6) Sector 2907ffbe601241 ┆) >` ASpecat. code in the binary header shall be 0. If one of these checks fails, a NACK is returned to CCIS and the resources concerning the message is released (further processing stopped). The FIKS system is notified of the event via a 'LOCAL FIX UP'┆
0x29700…29800 (41, 0, 7) Sector 2808ff95601241 ┆( ` A-error report with error code equal #2222, ref. sec. 3.3.4. If checking is ok, then the message is released to the FIKS Network. I.e.: - The MTCB - referring to the message is filled out just as if the message was going to be released after an o┆
0x29800…29900 (41, 0, 8) Sector 2909a269601241 ┆) "i` AIS OPEN' then a 'Open Link Request'- control message is despatched to CCIS in the same way as if it was initiated by a supervisor command. ref. on of message from CCIS. Message Answer ┆
0x29900…29a00 (41, 0, 9) Sector 290aff21601241 ┆) !` A 1 Processing of Control Messages (ref. fig. 3.3.3-2) The control messages coming in from CCIS must be one of the following mentioned. They are processed as follows: - Mes┆
0x29a00…29b00 (41, 0, 10) Sector 290bffdd601241 ┆) ]` Asage ACK/NACK The information about the event is forwarded to CPIP by sending an AMOS message to CPIP with the layout as stated in sec. - Open Link Agreement The CCIS STATUS in the critical region 'CONFIG' is set to 'CCIS OPEN', ref. ┆
0x29c00…29d00 (41, 0, 12) Sector 290dffc2601241 ┆) B` A1.3.6, sec. The 'Open Agreement' - timeout timer is dismantled, ref. + An AMOS signal shall be sent to CPIP (to start outgoing narrative message processing). Finally ACK upon the control message is returned to CCIS. - Op┆
0x29d00…29e00 (41, 0, 13) Sector 290eff3f601241 ┆) ?` Aen Link Rejection The FIKS Supervisor is notified by the use of 'SEND REPORT' with the text 'CCIS OPEN NOT OK'. 'Open Agreement'- timer is dismantled and ACK is returned just as in the preceding section. - Close Link The CCIS STATUS in 'CONFIG┆
0x29e00…29f00 (41, 0, 14) Sector 290fff33601241 ┆) 3` A' is set to 'CCIS CLOSED'. This change in CCIS STATUS is reported by use of 'SEND REPORT' with text 'CCIS CLOSE OK' and checkpointed in the same way as at 'Open Link Agreement'. ACK is returned to CCIS. - All other received control messages will b┆
0x29f00…2a000 (41, 0, 15) Sector 290011a1601241 ┆) !` Ae ignored. may be: 1) Reception of a message from CCIS. The event is noted as an AMOS message sent to CTERM from CNSS with layout as stated in sec. The message may be both a narrative and a control message. The type depends upon the '┆
0x2a000…2a100 (42, 0, 0) Sector 2a01ff33601241 ┆* 3` AMTCB-type (PSEUDO/REAL) ref. sec. Of all messages the control messages has the highest priority, and of those ACK/NACK's has the highest priority. To ensure that this priority scheme is kept, the CTERM-AMOS message queue (ref. 1.3.27) is sc┆
0x2a100…2a200 (42, 0, 1) Sector 2a02ffc3601241 ┆* C` Aanned by use of 'MON(INSPECTEVENTS), MON(SAVEEVENT), 'MON(RECOVEREVENTS)' each time an AMOS-message is received. The first one with the highest priority is processed. 2) Reception of a supervisor command. This event is realized as an AMOS message ┆
0x2a200…2a300 (42, 0, 2) Sector 2a03ff20601241 ┆* ` Asent from one of the supervisor terminal processes with layout as stated in sec. 3) Timeout upon 'Open Agreement' - request. The timeout test is started at reception of the request (ref. 2). To control this timing the AMOS SET-CYCLE/ZER┆
0x2a300…2a400 (42, 0, 3) Sector 2a04ffbe601241 ┆* >` AOPHASE - event is used. (ref. 1.3.27 + 1.3.28). This timer is the only one to be handled by CTERM. Therefore CYCLE can be used directly as timeout time. Dismantling (i.e. cancel of timeout test) of the timer is simply performed by setting CYCLE to┆
0x2a400…2a500 (42, 0, 4) Sector 2a051052601241 ┆* R` A zero. -Message Functions and Critical Region Procedures. FIKS Applications 1. FIKS Monitors - QACCESS, MTCB, LOG-JOURNAL, SEND REPORT. 2. FIKS Critical Regions - CONFIG (CCIS-STATUS)/STATIC (Statistics) 3. FIKS-Queues - The MDS - R┆
0x2a500…2a600 (42, 0, 5) Sector 2a06a22a601241 ┆* "*` A 1 FIGURE 3.3.3-1 CTERM MAIN FLOW rocess - At checkpointing. CCIS-Applications 1. CNSS-Process (Reception of Messages) 2┆
0x2a600…2a700 (42, 0, 6) Sector 2a07ff69601241 ┆* i` A 1 CTERM Initializing As the FIKS MTCB/QACCESS - Monitors are used, MTCB INIT shall be performed. ref (1.3.29 + 1.3.30). CTERM is responsible for reopening of the FIKS CCIS┆
0x2a700…2a800 (42, 0, 7) Sector 2908ff95601241 ┆) ` A Link after a 'SWITCHOVER' at the FIKS Node/MEDE. The status of the link as it was before SWITCHOVER has been checkpointed. This CCIS STATUS is retrieved by use of the Checkpoint procedure, ref. + ref. 1.3.6, sec. 8.1.4. If the status is 'CC┆
0x2a800…2a900 (42, 0, 8) Sector 2a09ff3a601241 ┆* :` A 1 Format of AMOS Message/Answer to/from CTERM Messages from CNSS about reception of message from CCIS. Message Answer ┆
0x2a900…2aa00 (42, 0, 9) Sector 2a0aff3a601241 ┆* :` A ^ Type = 0 ^ Word 0 ^ Type = 0 ^ ^ MTCB index ^ 1 ^ MTCB index ^ ^ (of MTCB ^ 2 ^ ^ ^ refe┆
0x2aa00…2ab00 (42, 0, 10) Sector 2a0bff3a601241 ┆* :` Arring to ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ message) ^ 4 ^ ^ The use and layout of the MTCB's is as for CNSS-interfaces. (ref. sec. Messages from TERMXX-process (Supervisor commands) (XX = ac┆
0x2ab00…2ac00 (42, 0, 11) Sector 2a0cff3a601241 ┆* :` Atual supervisor terminal no.), concerning FIKS-CCIS Link Open/Close request. Message Answer ^ Type = 1 ┆
0x2ac00…2ad00 (42, 0, 12) Sector 2a0dff3a601241 ┆* :` A ^ Word 0 ^ Type = 1 ^ ^ Command Code ^ 1 ^ Command Code ^ ^ ^ 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ Completion ┆
0x2ad00…2ae00 (42, 0, 13) Sector 2a0ebe3f601241 ┆* >?` A ^ Command Codes: Completions 0 : Open Link Request 0 : OK (Command Accepted) 1 : Close Link Command 1 : Unexpected Command Returned immediately after reception The message is not of special handling type. If the checking ┆
0x2ae00…2af00 (42, 0, 14) Sector 2a0fff33601241 ┆* 3` A 1 3.3.3 CTERM Processing CTERM Main Flow (ref. fig. 3.3.3-1) The CTERM passes through an initializing phase. After this, events to initiate some kind of processing is awa┆
0x2af00…2b000 (42, 0, 15) Sector 2a00ffa1601241 ┆* !` Aited. They may be: 1) Reception of a message from CCIS. The event is noted as an AMOS message sent to CTERM from CNSS with layout as stated in sec. The message may be both a narrative and a control message. The type depends upon the '┆
0x2b000…2b100 (43, 0, 0) Sector 2b01ff37601241 ┆+ 7` A 1 - Receive and process CCIS Supervisor Commands: 1) Open Link Request - Initiate despatch of an 'Open Link Request' control message and start a timeout test on return of the c┆
0x2b100…2b200 (43, 0, 1) Sector 2b02ffc3601241 ┆+ C` Aorresponding 'Open Link Agreement/Open Link Rejection' Control Message. 2) Close Link Command - Initiate despatch of a 'Close Link' Control Message and immediately set FIKS-CCIS Link Status to 'CLOSED'. - The CTERM-process reports to the FIKS┆
0x2b200…2b300 (43, 0, 2) Sector 2b03f720601241 ┆+ w ` A supervisor by using the SEND REPORT-Procedure (ref. 1.3.22) about changes in the FIKS-CCIS-Link Status. - The CTERM maintains the MEDE-Statistics (ref. 1.3.6, sec. concerning the CCIS-terminal in the critical region 'STATIC'. taken. ┆
0x2b300…2b400 (43, 0, 3) Sector 2b04ffbe601241 ┆+ >` A 1 3.3.2 Interface Description Interface Overview FIKS Interface refer to 1.3.6 Refer to fig. System Software 1. FMS-System via the IO-system 2. Kernel, u┆
0x2b400…2b500 (43, 0, 4) Sector 2b05ffbe601241 ┆+ >` Ase of AMOS-Message Functions and Critical Region Procedures. FIKS Applications 1. FIKS Monitors - QACCESS, MTCB, LOG-JOURNAL, SEND REPORT. 2. FIKS Critical Regions - CONFIG (CCIS-STATUS)/STATIC (Statistics) 3. FIKS-Queues - The MDS - R┆
0x2b500…2b600 (43, 0, 5) Sector 2b06ff69601241 ┆+ i` A,M,P,O,Y,Z - queues, Supervisor Al-queue, 4. FIKS-Modules - The TERMXX-process when the FIKS Supervisor issue of commands concerning CCIS. 5. CHECKP-process - At checkpointing. CCIS-Applications 1. CNSS-Process (Reception of Messages) 2┆
0x2b600…2b700 (43, 0, 6) Sector 2b075169601241 ┆+ Qi` A. CPIP-Process (Despatch Control Message Commands) Files 1. PDB- files ce the program memory claim. The CCIS-LTUX initializing processing has been extracted from the CNSS Main Flow and placed in a separate overlay. Performance Characteristics:┆
0x2b700…2b800 (43, 0, 7) Sector 2a08ab95601241 ┆* + ` A 1 FIGURE CTERM INTERFACE OVERVIEW Preparation for Delivery: Do as stated in the file 'INFORMATION' in the last del┆
0x2b800…2b900 (43, 0, 8) Sector 2b09b83a601241 ┆+ 8:` Aivery of CNSS to FIXLIB. (ref. 1.3.34). Module Generation: The CNSS-module is compiled and linked by means of the AMOS SWELL Compiler and Linker. Refer to 1.3.35/36/37/38. can handle at one moment, the status is set to 'LTUX BUSY', to prevnet ┆
0x2b900…2ba00 (43, 0, 9) Sector 2b0aff21601241 ┆+ !` A 1 3.3 CCIS TERMINAL PROCESS (CTERM) 3.3.1 Functional Capabilities The CTERM-Process has the following tasks: - Receive all messages sent from CCIS to FIKS - Separate Control-┆
0x2ba00…2bb00 (43, 0, 10) Sector 2b0bff00601241 ┆+ ` A and Narrative Messages from each other. - Process Control Message as follows: 1) Message ACK- forward it to the CPIP-Process. 2) Message NAK- forward it to the CPIP-Process. 3) Open Link Agreement - Mark CCIS-FIKS link as OPEN. ┆
0x2bb00…2bc00 (43, 0, 11) Sector 2b0cffc2601241 ┆+ B` A 4) Open Link Rejection - Mark CCIS-FIKS Links as CLOSED. 5) Close Link - Mark CCIS-FIKS link as CLOSED. 6) Other Control Messages - ignore - The CTERM is monitoring 'time-out' upon 'Open Link Agreement'. - Narrative Messages are c┆
0x2bc00…2bd00 (43, 0, 12) Sector 2b0dff21601241 ┆+ !` Ahecked to be valid FIKS-SMF-Messages by doing the following checks: 1) total length is less than 9000 bytes and does correspond to the length of the PDB-file in which it is placed. 2) action and info. precedence is valid (range 1-6) 3) cla┆
0x2bd00…2be00 (43, 0, 13) Sector 2b0eff21601241 ┆+ !` Assification code is in the valid range for the CCIS-terminal. 4) address list offset, signal header length, MSG ID reference, SIC-reference does not exceed the total length. 5) The message is not of special handling type. If the checking ┆
0x2be00…2bf00 (43, 0, 14) Sector 2b0fff69601241 ┆+ i` Afails, then CTERM sees to it that a NACK on the message is returned to CCIS. If the checking answers OK then an ACK is returned, and the message is released to the FIKS-Network. I.e. enqueued to the MDS-Process (ref. 1.3.20) and checkpointed (ref. 1┆
0x2bf00…2c000 (43, 0, 15) Sector 2b004969601241 ┆+ Ii` A.3.19). LOG JOURNAL (message released) is performed. ref. 1.3.21. 2222. If the error indicates disconnection, then the X25-protocol is (attempted) reinitialized as described in Link Failure In case a 'FODCCIS FAILURE' is discovered by ┆
0x2c000…2c100 (44, 0, 0) Sector 2c01ff3f601241 ┆, ?` Athe CPIP-process (ref. sec. an AMOS-signal is sent to CNSS. The CNSS will then perform reinitialization of the X25-protocol as described in sec. Unexpected Data If some kind of unexpected (corrupted) data are received by the CN┆
0x2c100…2c200 (44, 0, 1) Sector 2c02ff3f601241 ┆, ?` ASS, this is reported by use of 'LOCAL FIX UP'-error report with error code equal #2222 (ref. sec. 3.2.4). No other actions are performed. Missing Packets The CNSS keeps constantly track of the packets passing to/from the CCISLTUX by use of the L┆
0x2c200…2c300 (44, 0, 2) Sector 2c03ff3f601241 ┆, ?` ADU NUMBER in the data packets. Ref. 1.3.14, sec. + 6). If a LDU-number is missing, either in the incoming or the outgoing sequence this is reported as a 'LOCAL FIX UP'-error report with error code equal #B03. No other actions are taken. ┆
0x2c300…2c400 (44, 0, 3) Sector 2c04073f601241 ┆, ?` A 1 FIGURE PROCESS INCOMING PACKET n informs the packet is transferred to the LTUX, and therefore the corresponding buff┆
0x2c400…2c500 (44, 0, 4) Sector 2c05662a601241 ┆, f*` A 1 3.2.4 CNSS Error Locations oing Packet ref. If 'OUTPUT BUSY', i.e. the preceeding MON(IO, INITAPPEND) is not yet completed, processing is skipped. If 'LTUX BUSY', i.e.┆
0x2c500…2c600 (44, 0, 5) Sector 2c06ff69601241 ┆, i` A 1 3.2.5 CNSS Notes Storage Allocation: The CNSS-process has the following memory claim (approximately) in words: Program: 585 (max. overlay) Process: 1230 The FIKS Overlay Mon┆
0x2c600…2c700 (44, 0, 6) Sector 2c07ff69601241 ┆, i` Aitor, ref., has been used at the implementation of the CNSS to reduce the program memory claim. The CCIS-LTUX initializing processing has been extracted from the CNSS Main Flow and placed in a separate overlay. Performance Characteristics:┆
0x2c700…2c800 (44, 0, 7) Sector 2b08ff95601241 ┆+ ` A The way, the CNSS-process is performing IO-operation, imply that the CNSS must never exist as 'Background Process' in the FIKS system. Ref. 1.3.28, sec. 3.3.15. Preparation for Delivery: Do as stated in the file 'INFORMATION' in the last del┆
0x2c800…2c900 (44, 0, 8) Sector 2c09ff21601241 ┆, !` A just started, is finished and thereby releasing the buffers used. The OPC (Outgoing Packet Counter) is incremented with one. If OPC becomes equal to the maximum number the LTUX can handle at one moment, the status is set to 'LTUX BUSY', to prevnet ┆
0x2c900…2ca00 (44, 0, 9) Sector 2c0affdd601241 ┆, ]` Afurther packets to be despatched (flow control to the LTUX). If the packet was the last one in a message, then 'DESPATCH' - completion is returned to CPIP in the AMOS - answer as defined in sec. The channel is released (set not active) re┆
0x2ca00…2cb00 (44, 0, 10) Sector 2c0b9600601241 ┆, ` Aady for processing of a new message on the channel. MON(RECOVEREVENTS of the AMOS message-save-event-queue is performed (ref. sec. -processing. The CCISLTUX is now clear and well-defined and controlled start of the X25-protocol can take┆
0x2cc00…2cd00 (44, 0, 12) Sector 2c0dff3f601241 ┆, ?` A 1 Error Handling In the following is listed the most likely error cases that may arise in the CNSS -processing and the actions taken. Timeout from the TDX-system APPEN┆
0x2cd00…2ce00 (44, 0, 13) Sector 2c0eff3f601241 ┆, ?` AD of packets to the TDX-system may result in a #0607 error code (ref. 1.3.6, sec. This error is of 'LOCAL FIX UP'-type. The error will indicate a severe malfunction in the CCISLTUX-TDX-system. Recovery from the error is performed by reinit┆
0x2ce00…2cf00 (44, 0, 14) Sector 2c0fff3f601241 ┆, ?` Aializing of the CCISLTUX concerning both the TDX-system and the X25-protocol. Ref. sec. Link Events If the CNSS gets an EVENT from the X25-protocol (ref. 1.3.14, sec. indicating a failure in the link, this is reported to the ┆
0x2cf00…2d000 (44, 0, 15) Sector 2c00ff3f601241 ┆, ?` AFIKS system as an LOCAL FIX UP error report with error code equal #2222. If the error indicates disconnection, then the X25-protocol is (attempted) reinitialized as described in Link Failure In case a 'FODCCIS FAILURE' is discovered by ┆
0x2d000…2d100 (45, 0, 0) Sector 2d01ffc3601241 ┆- C` Ated via the MTCB-monitor is used. (It is the first packet of a new message, if the preceeding packet on the same channel was the last packet, derived from the more bit in the X25.3 packet header). The packet is simply added to the end of the message┆
0x2d100…2d200 (45, 0, 1) Sector 2d02ff20601241 ┆- ` A-file after stripping off the header. If the packet is the last one in the message, then the message is transferred to the CTERM-process by sending an AMOS-message with layout as defined in sec. The AMOS-answer upon this message is handl┆
0x2d200…2d300 (45, 0, 2) Sector 2d032ebe601241 ┆- .>` Aed as a dummy event (no actions taken). sec. and decremented at reception of a TX-completion. No data packets are dispatched unless the OPC is below a maximum value, i.e. 'LTUX NOT BUSY'. - A data packet received from CCIS - ref. sec. 3.┆
0x2d300…2d400 (45, 0, 3) Sector 2d04aa52601241 ┆- *R` A 1 FIGURE PROCESS INCOMING PACKET n informs the packet is transferred to the LTUX, and therefore the corresponding buff┆
0x2d400…2d500 (45, 0, 4) Sector 2d05ff2a601241 ┆- *` A 1 Processing of Outgoing Packet ref. If 'OUTPUT BUSY', i.e. the preceeding MON(IO, INITAPPEND) is not yet completed, processing is skipped. If 'LTUX BUSY', i.e.┆
0x2d500…2d600 (45, 0, 5) Sector 2d06ff69601241 ┆- i` A the LTUX is not ready to receive more packets for outgoing transmission (ref. sec., processing is skipped. If packets belonging to the control channel is to be despatched, i.e. the channel is active, then this is chosen or else the narra┆
0x2d600…2d700 (45, 0, 6) Sector 2d07ff95601241 ┆- ` Ative channel is chosen (to maintain the priority scheme). If neither is active, then processing is skipped. The next packet is then read from the outgoing message file, the X25.3 packet header (ref. fig. is added to the front and the des┆
0x2d700…2d800 (45, 0, 7) Sector 2c08ff3a601241 ┆, :` Apatch to CCIS is initiated with a MON (IO, INITAPPEND) - command using the 'REQUEST OUTPUT' - command format as defined in sec. The status 'OUTPUT BUSY' is sat to prevent upstart of further MON (IO, INITAPPEND) - operations before the one┆
0x2d800…2d900 (45, 0, 8) WangDocumentBody
0x2dc00…2dd00 (45, 0, 12) Sector 2d0dff3a601241 ┆- :` Athat two sides of the link get connected at level 2. If the X25-initializing at any point of the procedure is not possible (no V24-signals, no active CCIS-X25-protocol, etc.) then the initializing is also haltet. The initializing is resumed the mo┆
0x2dd00…2de00 (45, 0, 13) Sector 2d0e243a601241 ┆- $:` Ament the obstruction vanish. ^ ^ message) ^ 4 ^ Completion ^ Channel: Completion codes: 0: OK -1: Link failure 0: Control Message re┆
0x2de00…2df00 (45, 0, 14) Sector 2d0fff3a601241 ┆- :` A 1 Processing of Incoming Packet ref. fig. 3.2.3-2 The incoming data packet may either belong to the control channel or the narrative channel. Which channel to be handled is┆
0x2df00…2e000 (45, 0, 15) Sector 2d00ff37601241 ┆- 7` A determined by inspection of 'CHANNEL NO' in the X25.3-packet header (ref. fig. The packet is to be placed in a corresponding message disc file. If the packet is the first of a message, then a new file has to be allocated. PDB-files crea┆
0x2e000…2e100 (46, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x3b000…3b100 (59, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(59,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41601241}, f00=»6012A «, f01=»FXA/SDS/001, Issue 3 «, f02=»pan «, f03=»APE/850521 «, f04=»EJ SLET «, f05=13-06-86 15:31, f06=» «, f07=»04 «, f08=» 196 «, f09=21-01-86 08:41, f10=» «, f11=»07 «, f12=» 47 «, f13=10-12-85 16:35, f14=18-08-87 16:18, f15=»0500A «, f16=» 92 «, f17=» 5 «, f18=»47 «, f19=» 1164 «, f20=» 15187 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=500000000120052710110480aaca15050000000000000138038101df}
0x3b100…3b200 (59, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x3b800…3b900 (59, 0, 8) Sector 3b09ff41601241 ┆; A` A6012A FXA/SDS/001, Issue 3 pan APE/850521 EJ SLET 13 06 86 15 31 04 196 21 01 86 08 41 07 47 10 12 85 16 35 20 02 86 15 37 0500A 92 5 47 1164 15187 P ' *J 8 _┆
0x3b900…3ba00 (59, 0, 9) Sector 3b0a5c3b601241 ┆; \;` A ; ; ; ; : : 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 / / / / . . - - - - , , , + + + + + * * * ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ' ' ' ' ' & & & & & % % % % $ $ $ H)H.H"H&F+F. ┆
0x3ba00…3bb00 (59, 0, 10) Sector 3b0bc752601241 ┆; GR` A 1 FXA/SDS/001 (3) SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION APE/851101 FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK APE/840620 FIKS-FODCCIS s#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3bb00…3bc00 (59, 0, 11) Sector 3b0cff2a601241 ┆; *` A 1 1 SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK FXA/SDS/001 ┆
0x3bc00…3bd00 (59, 0, 12) Sector 3b0dc82a601241 ┆; H*` A ALLAN PETERSEN APE, REV, PBH, LU, NMC (6), FMK (2) 3 851101 iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x3bd00…3be00 (59, 0, 13) Sector 3b0eff3b601241 ┆; ;` A 1 FXA/SDS/001 (3) APE/851101 2 SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK APE/840620 FIKS- ┆
0x3be00…3bf00 (59, 0, 14) Sector 3b0fff95601241 ┆; ` A FODCCIS 6012A/500A 1 Iss.1 840308 All Original issue of document -------------------------┆
0x3bf00…3c000 (59, 0, 15) Sector 3b00ff95601241 ┆; ` A----------------------------------------------- Iss.2 840620 Minutes of All Issue 2 of document with Meetings with a 3 byte packet 1 84032┆
0x3c000…3c100 (60, 0, 0) Sector 3c01ff20601241 ┆< ` AS-CCIS LINK OVERVIEW ...................... 22 3.1.1 FIKS-CCIS Data Interface ................. 27 Narrative Messages from CCIS ......... 27 Narrative Messages from FIKS to CCIS . 28 Control Messages to/from CC┆
0x3c100…3c200 (60, 0, 1) Sector 3c02ffbe601241 ┆< >` AIS ........ 29 Other FIKS Data Interface Updates .... 31 3.1.2 FIKS-CCIS Link Protocols ................. 34 FIKS-CCIS Link X25.3 Protocol ........ 34 FIKS-CCIS Link Message Protocol ...... 35 FIKS┆
0x3c200…3c300 (60, 0, 2) Sector 3c03ffc3601241 ┆< C` A-CCIS Link Keep Alive Protocol ... 36 FIKS-CCIS Link Open/Close Protocol ... 37 3.2 CCIS-NODAL PROCESS (CNSS) .................... 39 3.2.1 Functional Capabilities .................. 39 3.2.2 CNSS Interface Description .........┆
0x3c300…3c400 (60, 0, 3) Sector 3c04d920601241 ┆< Y ` A...... 40 Interface Overview ................... 40 Format of AMOS Message/Answer to/from CNSS ......................... 42 CNSS Interface to the CCIS LTUX ...... 43 FXA/SDS/001 ┆
0x3c400…3c500 (60, 0, 4) Sector 3c05ff20601241 ┆< ` A 1 Page 3.2.3 CNSS Processing .......................... 44 3.2┆
0x3c500…3c600 (60, 0, 5) Sector 3c06ff20601241 ┆< ` A.3.1 CNSS Main Flow ....................... 44 CNSS Initialization .................. 47 Processing of Incoming Packet ........ 49 Processing of Outgoing Packet ........ 51 Error Handling .............┆
0x3c600…3c700 (60, 0, 6) Sector 3c07ff69601241 ┆< i` A.......... 53 3.2.4 CNSS Error Locations ..................... 54 3.2.5 CNSS Notes ............................... 55 3.3 CCIS TERMINAL PROCESS (CTERM) ................ 56 3.3.1 Functional Capabilities .................. 56 3.3.2 Int┆
0x3c700…3c800 (60, 0, 7) Sector 3b08ff69601241 ┆; i` Aerface Description .................... 58 Interface Overview ................... 58 Format of AMOS Message/Answer to/from CTERM ........................ 60 3.3.3 CTERM Processing ......................... 61 ┆
0x3c800…3c900 (60, 0, 8) Sector 3c09ff3b601241 ┆< ;` A8,840409, header ZCZC + NNNN excluded 840503 from text and several minor corrections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iss.3 851101 All As-built document (final issue). ┆
0x3c900…3ca00 (60, 0, 9) Sector 3c0a153b601241 ┆< ;` A #4*.;:i=>B#4IM?.IM?. MD ! m":="<=!;=4!A=6A:g= RK4Cg4:^=~ BV4C75:g=~ Bf4 ZMo Ck4 KMo Mj ~ B 4:g=~ J 4Cq5M")IMy,M1' R 4 'M, CV4:g=~ Bg4M73~ B)4Cq5! ="(=*(=N#FMC 2.=M ':>=V V u:A=!>= AH1 R^4 ]M, C 4:>=2A=Ms!:g=~ Jr4Mj2:g=~ B}4C75! ┆
0x3ca00…3cb00 (60, 0, 10) Sector 3c0bff3b601241 ┆< ;` A 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Pa┆
0x3cb00…3cc00 (60, 0, 11) Sector 3c0cff3f601241 ┆< ?` Age 1 GENERAL .......................................... 7 1.1 SCOPE ........................................ 7 1.2 INTRODUCTION ................................. 7 1.3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS.......................... 8 1.4 ABBREVIATIONS┆
0x3cc00…3cd00 (60, 0, 12) Sector 3c0dff33601241 ┆< 3` A ................................ 12 2 SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS .......................... 14 2.1 OPERATOR INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS .............. 14 2.2 SUPERVISORY LINK CONTROL ..................... 15 2.3 HIGH LEVEL MESSAGE HANDLING ........┆
0x3cd00…3ce00 (60, 0, 13) Sector 3c0effa1601241 ┆< !` A.......... 16 2.3.1 Distribution of Messages, CCIS to FIKS ... 16 2.3.2 Dispatch of Messages, FIKS to CCIS ....... 16 2.4 LEVEL 2 PROTOCOL REQUIREMENTS................. 17 2.5 USE OF V24 CIRCUITS .......................... 18 2.6 H/W EN┆
0x3ce00…3cf00 (60, 0, 14) Sector 3c0fff3b601241 ┆< ;` AVIRONMENT OF ONE FIKS/CCIS I/F ......... 20 2.6.1 LTUX-M Front-End Module .................. 20 2.6.2 LTUX-M CPU Module ........................ 20 2.6.3 Additional RAM Boards .................... 20 2.6.4 Fan Unit, Power Supply, Crate &┆
0x3cf00…3d000 (60, 0, 15) Sector 3c00ffc3601241 ┆< C` A Cables ... 20 2.7 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ..................... 21 2.7.1 Nodes of Installation .................... 21 2.7.2 System Load and Bit Rates ................ 21 3 PACKAGE SPECIFICATIONS ........................... 22 3.1 FIK┆
0x3d000…3d100 (61, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(61,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41601241}, f00=»6012A «, f01=»FXA/SDS/001, Issue 3 «, f02=»pan «, f03=»APE/850521 «, f04=»EJ SLET «, f05=13-06-86 15:31, f06=» «, f07=»04 «, f08=» 196 «, f09=05-12-85 10:32, f10=» «, f11=»17 «, f12=» 115 «, f13=09-12-85 09:30, f14=09-12-85 16:02, f15=»0500A «, f16=» 92 «, f17=» 5 «, f18=»25 «, f19=» 1288 «, f20=» 14897 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=290084000120052710110480aaca15050000000000000138038101df}
0x3d100…3d200 (61, 0, 1) Sector 3d025c3b601241 ┆= \;` A = = = < < ; ; ; : : : 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 / / / . . . . - - - - , , , , + + + * * * * * * ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ' ' ' ' ' & & & & & % H)H.H"H&F+F. ┆
0x3d200…3d300 (61, 0, 2) Sector 3d03c752601241 ┆= GR` A 1 FXA/SDS/001 (3) SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION APE/851101 FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK APE/840620 FIKS-FODCCIS s#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3d300…3d400 (61, 0, 3) Sector 3d04ff2a601241 ┆= *` A 1 1 SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK FXA/SDS/001 ┆
0x3d400…3d500 (61, 0, 4) Sector 3d05c82a601241 ┆= H*` A ALLAN PETERSEN APE, REV, PBH, LU, NMC (6), FMK (2) 3 851101 iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x3d500…3d600 (61, 0, 5) Sector 3d06ff3b601241 ┆= ;` A 1 FXA/SDS/001 (3) APE/851101 2 SYSTEM DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR THE FIKS/FOD-CCIS LINK APE/840620 FIKS- ┆
0x3d600…3d700 (61, 0, 6) Sector 3d07ff95601241 ┆= ` A FODCCIS 6012A/500A 1 Iss.1 840308 All Original issue of document -------------------------┆
0x3d700…3d800 (61, 0, 7) Sector 3c08ff95601241 ┆< ` A----------------------------------------------- Iss.2 840620 Minutes of All Issue 2 of document with Meetings with a 3 byte packet 1 84032┆
0x3d800…3d900 (61, 0, 8) Sector 3d09ffdd601241 ┆= ]` Aon status) STATUSTYPE = Logical Data Unit, 0 to 255 RESULT = error code 1 to 255 PARAMS = undefined Interrupt Status Response BUFFERTYPE = #7 CONTROLTYPE = #2 (interrupt) STATUSTYPE = #0 = RX protocol connected #┆
0x3d900…3da00 (61, 0, 9) Sector 3d0a8700601241 ┆= ` A1 = RX protocol disconnected #2 = TX protocol disconnected #3 = V24 error RESULT = not used PARAMS = not used ts. Command Format: BUFFERTYPE = #7 CONTROLTYPE = #3 (report status request) STATUSTYPE = #11(read V24) SPARE┆
0x3da00…3db00 (61, 0, 10) Sector 3d0bffc2601241 ┆= B` A 1 Channel Status Response BUFFERTYPE = #7 CONTROLTYPE = #3 (channel status) STATUSTYPE = #1 REOPEN #2 SET UP LINK #3 DISC LINK #4 SET UP LINES ┆
0x3db00…3dc00 (61, 0, 11) Sector 3d0cff3f601241 ┆= ?` A #5 DISC LINES #6 SET-V24 #11 READ V24 #12 STATISTICS RESULT = 0 OK 1 Protocol not disconnected. 2 Protocol not connected 3 Parameter error 4 Illegal command PARAMS = Refer to sections thru ┆
0x3dc00…3dd00 (61, 0, 12) Sector 3d0dff33601241 ┆= 3` A3.5.4.8 REQUEST OUTPUT Command Format: BUFFERTYPE = #3 (request output) CONTROLTYPE = Logical Data Unit number 0 to 255 STATUSTYPE = data byte SPARE = data byte PARAMS(1..126) = data Transmission Status R┆
0x3dd00…3de00 (61, 0, 13) Sector 3d0eb6a1601241 ┆= 6!` Aesponse BUFFERTYPE = #7 CONTROLTYPE = #0 (transmission status) STATUSTYPE = Logical Data Unit sequence number, 0 to 255 RESULT = #0 TX ok PARAMS = undefined play retransmissions PARAMS(3) = reset/display received I frames PARA┆
0x3de00…3df00 (61, 0, 14) Sector 3d0fff37601241 ┆= 7` A 1 Interrupt Status Response BUFFERTYPE = #7 CONTROLTYPE = #2 (Interrupt) STATUSTYPE = #1 = RX protocol disconnected #2 = TX protocol disconnected #3 = ┆
0x3df00…3e000 (61, 0, 15) Sector 3e00ffc3601241 ┆> C` AV24 error RESULT = undefined PARAMS = undefined CLOSE LINK The command is used when closing the link for cleaning up buffers pending in the LTUX FW. The LTUX will return all buffers pending in the LTUX to the CR80 thereby enablin┆
0x3e000…3e100 (62, 0, 0) Sector 3e01ff20601241 ┆> ` Ag a system restart without masterclearing the CR80 and the LTUX. BUFFERTYPE = #7 (Control command) CONTROLTYPE = #5 (Close command ID) STATUSTYPE = undefined RESULT = undefined PARAMS = undefined No answer is returned to the CR80. ┆
0x3e100…3e200 (62, 0, 1) Sector 3e02ffbe601241 ┆> >` A Example The following buffer is sent to CLP: BYTE VALUE INTERPRETATION 1 #3 REQUEST OUTPUT COMMAND 2 #FE LDU number (modulo 256) 3 #45 1st data byte 4 #58 2nd data byte 5 #41 3rd data byte ┆
0x3e200…3e300 (62, 0, 2) Sector 3e03b152601241 ┆> 1R` A6 #4D . 7 #50 . 8 #4C . 9 #45 . . undef. undefined 130 undef. undefined The following answer is returned: pes distinguished by the BUFFERTYPE field: data or control. Control responses ┆
0x3e300…3e400 (62, 0, 3) Sector 3e04ff2a601241 ┆> *` A 1 BYTE VALUE INTERPRETATION 1 #7 STATUS RESPONSE 2 #2 Interrupt CONTROLTYPE 3 #2 TX protocol disconnected 4 undef. undefined . undef. undefin┆
0x3e400…3e500 (62, 0, 4) Sector 3e05ff69601241 ┆> i` Aed 130 undef. undefined The response indicates that the REQUEST OUTPUT command failed to be executed as the level 2 protocol was unable to transmit the data. Note, that the status type responses do not identify which command caused the error ┆
0x3e500…3e600 (62, 0, 5) Sector 3e061095601241 ┆> ` Ato occur. TYPE = varying - explained below RESULT = varying - explained below PARAMS = varying - explained below PARAMS : ARRAY(1..126) OF BYTE; END; An answer is generated which will have the following format: TYPE CLP RESPONSE = ┆
0x3e600…3e700 (62, 0, 6) Sector 3e07ff3a601241 ┆> :` A 1 3.6 FIKS SYSTEM UPDATES The FIKS Terminal Process (TEP) (ref. 1.3.25 + 1.3.26, SFS- and MES- subsystems) shall be updated as follows: To new supervisor (assistant) procedures ar┆
0x3e700…3e800 (62, 0, 7) Sector 3e08ff21601241 ┆> !` Ae implemented: - Open FIKS-CCIS-link - Close FIKS-CCIS-link They are activated when a supervisor keys in 'OPC/CLC' as response on 'PROC ' The commands shall result in despatch of the AMOS- messages defined in sec. to the CTERM- proces┆
0x3e800…3e900 (62, 0, 8) Sector 3e09ffdd601241 ┆> ]` As. This will involve updating of the 'Supervision'- module in the SFS- subsystem and update of the 1 - CRT-table , ref. 1.3.6, sec. 8.6 - PTT-table , ref. 1.3.6, sec. 8.6 - SYNR┆
0x3e900…3ea00 (62, 0, 9) Sector 3e0aff00601241 ┆> ` AEF-table , ref. 1.3.6, sec. 8.5 The QACCESS INIT- module (ref. 1.3.18) shall be updated as follows: If the CCIS-STATUS word in the critical region CONFIG (ref. sec. indicates, that the FIKS-CCIS Link exists┆
0x3ea00…3eb00 (62, 0, 10) Sector 3e0bffc2601241 ┆> B` A, then the SIGNAL- module in entries in the CCIS- terminal queues shall be changed from PIP to CPIP. The SEND REPORT MONITOR (ref. 1.3.22) shall be updated so that it is capable to handle the new N/M Alarm texts defined in sec. Po┆
0x3eb00…3ec00 (62, 0, 11) Sector 3e0c963f601241 ┆> ?` Astscript: The above-mentioned updates are regarded as ordinary FIKS System routine updates (error corrections, monor changes, etc.). Thereforenot connected 3 Parameter error 4 Illegal command PARAMS = Refer to sections thru ┆
0x3ec00…3ed00 (62, 0, 12) Sector 00008c33601241 ┆ 3` A, when detailed and other information is needed, refer to the appropriate documents, (Product Specifications, Release Descriptions). to 255 STATUSTYPE = data byte SPARE = data byte PARAMS(1..126) = data Transmission Status R┆
0x3ed00…3ee00 (62, 0, 13) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆