Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

CR80 Wang WCS documentation floppies

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about CR80 Wang WCS documentation floppies

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦c2e2a9200⟧ Wang Wps File

    Length: 10483 (0x28f3)
    Types: Wang Wps File
    Notes: Spelunked
    Names: »~ORPHAN66.00«


└─⟦0c861a53d⟧ Bits:30006079 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0122A
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »~ORPHAN66.00« 


A…0d…A…07…@…0b…@…0f…@…01…@…05…@…07…?…0a…?…0d…?…02…?…06…>…08…>…0d…>…02…>…07…=…0b…=…0f…= <…08…<…0b…<…0c…<…00…< ;…09…;…0e…;
9…06…8…09…8…86…1                                              …02…           …02…   …02…        



                 T̲A̲B̲L̲E̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲C̲O̲N̲T̲E̲N̲T̲S̲

   1  SCOPE AND PURPOSE ............................ 

   2  CONTRACTS ...................................  


     3.2  QA & CM .................................. 
     3.3  MANUALS .................................. 
     .4  TRAINING .................................  
     3.5  MAINTENANCE .............................. 
     3.6  INSTALLATION ............................. 
     3.7  SYSTEM ENGINEERING ....................... 
     3.8  HARDWARE ................................  
     3.9  INCOMING INSPECTION ...................... 
     3.10 SYSTEM TEST AND INTEGRATION .............. 
     3.11 REPORTS .................................. 
     3.12 SYSTEM SOFTWARE .......................... 
     3.1 APPLICATION SOFTWARE .....................  
     3.14 SOFTWARE TEST AND INTEGRATION ............ 
     3.15 CAMPS REMOTE TERMINALS ................... 

   4  DOCUMENTS FROM OTHER SOURCES ................. 
     4.1  CR ELECTRONIC DIVISION ..................  
       4.1.1  CAMPS HARDWARE ....................... 
       4.1.2  DSMT System .......................... 
       4.1.3  Processor Crate CR8125/225PC ......... 
       4.1.4  CR80D Main & Control Bus ............. 
       4.1.5  PU/CACHE CR8003 .....................  
       4.1.6  RAM CR8016 ........................... 
       4.1.7  MAP CR8020 ........................... 
       4.1.8  STI CR8021 ........................... 
       4.1.9  MIA CR8071 ..........................  
       4.1.10 TIA CR8073 ........................... 
       4.1.11 CAMPS Channel Unit ................... 
       4.1.12 Channel Unit Crate CR8125/425AB ...... 
       4.1.13 CR80D Data Channel ................... 
       4.1.14 Disk ControlCR8044 ..................  
       4.1.15 Standard Floppy Disk Control CR8047 .. 
       4.1.16 LTU CR8066-/010AB .................... 
       4.1.17 DCA CR8084 ........................... 
       4.1.18 SFA CR8087 ........................... 
     4.1.19 LIA-N CR8082 .........................   48
       4.1.20 CIA-A/B CR8081 ....................... 
       4.1.21 Power Supply CR8050-/010 ............. 
        50…86…1   …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02…                             
       4.1.22 Channel Unit Control Panel (CUCP)
                 CR8042 ............................ 
       4.1.23 MBT CR8055 ........................... 
       4.1.24 Fan Unit CR8105M ....................  
       4.1.25 Floppy Disk Station CR8308-/216--/00 . 
       4.1.26 Watchdog Processor Unit .............. 
       4.1.27 Minicrate CR8115-/005P ............... 
       4.1.28 WCA CR8076 ........................... 
       4.1.29 CCA CR8091 ..........................  
       4.1.30 CCA CR8089 ........................... 
       4.1.31 CAMPS TDX Unit (TU) .................. 
       4.1.32 CTX Crate CR1053/000/00 .............. 
       4.1.33 TDX Controller CR1070 ...............  
       4.1.34 BSM-X CR1074 ......................... 
       4.1.35 LTUX-S CR1060 ........................ 
       4.1.36 BSM-X Panel CR1066 ................... 
       4.1.37 Power Supply CR8022 .................. 
       4.1.38 X-Net Outlet C2510 ..................  
       4.1.39 Fan Unit CR8105S ..................... 
       4.1.40 V24 Monitor CR80111 .................. 
       4.1.41 BP-8 CR1100 .......................... 
       4.1.42 Main Switch CR8108 ................... 
       .1.43 Test Programs ........................  

     4.2  ABACUS ................................... 
     4.3  ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP ................... 
     4.4  BAKKEJORD ................................ 
     4.5  CAPTOR ..................................  
     4.6  CCITT .................................... 
     4.8  CONTROL DATA CORP ........................ 
     4.9  DELTA DATA SYSTEMS CORP .................. 
     4.10E.H. ELEKTRONIK ..........................  
     4.11 ELECTRONIC ENCLOSURES .................... 
     4.12 PAD ...................................... 
     4.13 METRIC ................................... 
     4.14 TREND/MICOM .............................  
     4.15 MULTIKOMPONENT ........................... 
     4.17 NATO ..................................... 
     4.18 RACAL-MILGO .............................. 
     4.19 SPCTRUM .................................  
     4.20 TRACOR INC ............................... 
     4.22 VERSITRON INC ............................ 
     4.25 BURROUGHS ................................ 
      93…86…1         …02…   …02…   …02…   …02…                          
                1̲ ̲ ̲S̲C̲O̲P̲E̲ ̲A̲N̲D̲ ̲P̲U̲R̲P̲O̲S̲E̲

   The scope of this list is all documentation pertinent
   to the CAMPS program. It encompasses all documentation,
   whether produced by the CAMPS team or receivd from
   other sources, with contractual impact or in other
   ways important or pertinent to the program.

   The purpose of the list is to keep the CAMPS team informed
   about all documentation which shall be taken into consideration
   during program develoment as well as to avoid duplication
   of development efforts.

   The list will be updated from time to time, and it
   is the responsibility of all CAMPS team members to
   let all pertinent documentation register by the Configuration
   Manager (CM).

                         2̲ ̲ ̲C̲O̲N̲T̲R̲A̲C̲T̲S̲

D̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲I̲S̲S̲U̲E̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲R̲E̲M̲A̲R̲K̲S̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲ ̲T̲I̲T̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

CE-80-9009-INF                                                       Main

CE-81-9118-INF                                                       Remote

ED-SD/801218                                Internal Order Agreement
                                            for CAMPS Between SD
                                            and ED.

                    810312                  Contract Between CR and
                                            CRC on Supply of LITSYNC
                                            Protocol Software.

                                            Contract Between CR and
                                            CRC on Supply of Test
                                            Drive System

                    810304                  Contract Between CR nd
                                            DELTA DATA System Corp.
                                            on VDUs.

                    810430                  Contract Between CR and
                                            ELECTRONIC ENCLOSURES
                                            on Supply of EMI Racks

                    810711                  Contract Between CR and
                                            TRACOR on Supply of Medium
                                            Speed Printers

                    810505                  Contract Between CR and
                                            VERSITRON on Suppy of
                                            Optical Modems

                    810929                  Contract Between CR and
                                            ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP
                                            on Supply of V24/V28
                                            L/L Adaptors and Filter

D̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲I̲S̲S̲U̲E̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲R̲E̲M̲A̲R̲K̲S̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲ ̲T̲I̲T̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

                    810626                  Contract Between CR and
                                            ABACUS on Supply of Frequency

                    810911                  Contract Betwen CR and
                                            TREND on Supply of Statistical

                    810708                  Contract Between CR and
                                            CAPTOR on Supply of Power
                                            Line Filters

                    801031                  Contract Between CR and
                                            BAKKEJORD on Civil Works

           3̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲S̲ ̲P̲R̲O̲D̲U̲C̲E̲D̲ ̲B̲Y̲ ̲S̲Y̲S̲T̲E̲M̲S̲ ̲D̲I̲V̲I̲S̲I̲O̲N̲

3.1           P̲L̲A̲N̲S̲ ̲O̲F̲ ̲G̲E̲N̲E̲R̲A̲L̲ ̲A̲P̲P̲L̲I̲C̲A̲B̲I̲L̲I̲T̲Y̲

D̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲I̲S̲S̲U̲E̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲R̲E̲M̲A̲R̲K̲S̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲ ̲T̲I̲T̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

CPS/PIP/001   2.1   81017                   Program Implementation

CPS/QAP/001   2     820118                  CAMPS Quality Assurance

SD/STD/005    1     801020                  Software Design Guidelines.

CPS/PLN/001   2     801031                  Subcontractor Management
                                            Plan and Procedures.

CPS/PLN/002   1.3   810521                  System Dvelopment Plan.

CPS/PLN/003   2.1   810220                  Logistics Support Plan.

CPS/PLN/004   2.1   810527                  Reliability and Maintainability
                                            Program Plan.

CPS/PLN/005   3     810826                  CAMPS Installation Plan

CPS/PLN/006   2.1   820122                  CAMPS Maintenance Plan.

CPS/PLN/0071.1      810106                  CAMPS Transportation

CPS/PLN/008   2     810903                  CAMPS Documentation Plan.

CPS/PLN/010   3     820712                  Integrated Training Plan.

SD/PLN/006    2     810219                  Configuration Management
                                            Plan.…86…1              …02…
                                                …02…      …02…    …02…      
D̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲I̲S̲S̲U̲E̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲R̲E̲M̲A̲R̲K̲S̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲ ̲T̲I̲T̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

CPS/AUX/006   1     810901                  CAMPS Engineering ChangeProcedure

CPS/AUX/007   1     810701                  List of Critical Docuents
                                            on the CAMPS Program

CPS/AUX/019   1     820205                  CAMPS Program Plan

CPS/AUX/020   1     820414                  CAMPS Master Plan

CPS/AUX/022   1     820610                  Customer Price List for

3.2           Q̲U̲A̲L̲I̲T̲Y̲ ̲A̲S̲S̲U̲R̲A̲N̲C̲E̲ ̲&̲ ̲C̲O̲N̲F̲I̲G̲U̲R̲A̲T̲I̲O̲N̲ ̲M̲A̲N̲A̲G̲E̲M̲E̲N̲T̲

D̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲I̲S̲S̲U̲E̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲R̲E̲M̲A̲R̲K̲S̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲ ̲T̲I̲T̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

CPS/STD/001   1     801022                  CAMPS Design Standard

CPS/ST/002    1     801103                  CAMPS System Design Specification


CPS/STD/001   1     801022                  CAMPS Design Standard

CPS/STD/002   1     801103                  CAMPS System Design Specification

CPS/PLN/011   1     820526                  CAMPS SW Configuration
                                            Management Plan…86…1    
                                                     …02…     …02…      …02…
                                               …02…           …02…      
3.3           M̲A̲N̲U̲A̲L̲S̲

D̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲I̲S̲S̲U̲E̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲R̲E̲M̲A̲R̲K̲S̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲ ̲T̲I̲T̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

CPS/INM/001   First 820907                  CAMPS Installation 
              Draft                         Manual for Site 01

CPS/OPM/001   Pel   820907                  CAMPS User Manual

CPS/OPM/002   1     820909                  Supervisor Operation

CPS/OPM/003   Prel  821007                  MDCO Operation Manual

CPS/OPM/004   Prel  821021                  MSO Operation Manual

CPS/OPM/007   1     820928                  CAMPS VDU Operator's

CPS/OPM/008   1     82122                   Stat.Mux. User's Manual

CPS/OPM/009   1     821118                  MSP 8000 Operation Manual

CPS/REM/001   1     820928                  CAMPS VDU Reference Manual

CPS/REM/003   1     820930                  SMD Hardware Reference

CPS/SDM/001   2     821104                  CAMPS System Description

3.4           T̲R̲A̲I̲N̲I̲N̲G̲

D̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲N̲O̲.̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲I̲S̲S̲U̲E̲ ̲D̲A̲T̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲L̲O̲C̲.̲ ̲R̲E̲M̲A̲R̲K̲S̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲D̲O̲C̲U̲M̲E̲N̲T̲ ̲T̲I̲T̲L̲E̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲
 ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲

CPS/TCN/019         801211                  Requirements to User

CPS/TMA/001   3     820831                  Training lan: Military
                                            Technician Training Courses

CPS/TMA/002   3     820831                  Training Plan: Resident
                                            Site Technician Training

CPS/TMA/007   Prel  821008                  Instructor's Manual for
                                            MT/RST Course, Week 4

CPS/TMA/008   Prel  821008                  Instructor's Manual for
                                            M/RST Course, Week 13

CPS/TMA/009   Prel  821011                  Instructor's Manual for
                                            MT/RST Course, Week 5

CPS/TMA/010   Prel  821012                  Course Log Book

CPS/TMA/011   Prel  821013                  Student Log Book

CPS/TMA/012   Prel  821022                  Instructor's Manual for
                                            MT/RST Course, W