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0x01300…01400 (1, 0, 3) Sector 0104d300322741 ┆ S 2'Abilities of the VDU itself will also be demonstrated. 5.26 SCENARIO 26 ELECTRONIC MAIL - MESSAGE/TEXT FILES Evaluation A waiver is asked for in this scenario. The scenario 24 will cover some of theserint results on one part paper on the Line P┆
0x01400…01500 (1, 0, 4) Sector 0000b100322741 ┆ 1 2'A points. 5.27 SCENARIO 27 ELECTRONIC MAIL - DIRECTORY INFORMATION Evaluation A waiver is asked for in this scenario. The scenario 24 will show some of these feature.ario's will execute the government-supplied programs. 2. Instructions for ea┆
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0x09e00…09f00 (9, 0, 14) Sector 090fff00321741 ┆ 2 Ate clearly the order of subordination. Parts, chapters, sections, paragraphs, figures, and tables will have breif descriptive titles. Major heading may be centered. Subordinate topic heading will be left-justified on the page. Run-in headings ma┆
0x09f00…0a000 (9, 0, 15) Sector 0900ff00321741 ┆ 2 Ay be used if further subordination is required. d. ILLUSTRATIONS AND DIAGRAMS. The illustrations and diagrams for users manuals will be prepared under relaxed format style. Illustrations and diagrams will be used in lieu of, and/or support of, ┆
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0x1d100…1d200 (29, 0, 1) Sector 1d02ff00322741 ┆ 2'A 1 TABLES OF CONTENTS 1 5. SUBPART E - FUNCTIONAL LIVE TEST DEMONSTRA- TION (FLTD┆
0x1d200…1d300 (29, 0, 2) Sector 1d03ff00322741 ┆ 2'A) CHARACTERISTICS ................ 5.1 FLTD DOCUMENTATION OUTLINE ............... 5.2 SCENARIO 2 SYSTEM PERMISSIONS ............ 5.3 SCENARIO 3 DBMS ACCESS PERMISSIONS 5.4 SCENARIO 4 RESTRICTED DBMS ACCESS PERMIS- ┆
0x1d300…1d400 (29, 0, 3) Sector 1d04ff00322741 ┆ 2'A SIONS .................................... 5.5 SCENARIO 5 CHANGE PASSWORD ............... 5.6 ACENARIO 6 DATA BASE DICTIONARY .......... 5.7 SCENARIO 7 LOAD PERSONNEL DATA ........... 5.8 SCENARIO 8 QUERY ┆
0x1d400…1d500 (29, 0, 4) Sector 1d05ff00322741 ┆ 2'ATEST .................... . 5.9 SCENARIO 9 QUERY TEST .................... 5.10 SCENARIO 10 REPORT WRITER TEST .......... 5.11 SCENARIO 11 SYSTEM ACCESS PROTECTION FEATURES ................................ ┆
0x1d500…1d600 (29, 0, 5) Sector 1d06ff00322741 ┆ 2'A 5.12 SCENARIO 12 CPU FAILURE - QUERY DEVELOP- MENT .................................... 5.13 SCENARIO 13 CPU failure - QUERY EXECU- TION .................................... 5.14 SCENARIO 14 CPU FAILURE┆
0x1d600…1d700 (29, 0, 6) Sector 1d075600322741 ┆ V 2'A - REPORT WRITER EXECUTION ............................... I - Subpart E 06 01 83 14 15 2 20 21469 02 06 83 08 27 04 45 27 05 83 11 29 02 06 83 08 38 0278A 28 8 22 464 33700 b F' *J B _┆
0x1d700…1d800 (29, 0, 7) Sector 1c08ff00322741 ┆ 2'A 1 5.15 SCENARIO 15 PRIMARY SYSTEMS DISC PACK FAILURE QUERY DEVELOPMENT ............... 5.16 SCENARIO 16 PERSONNEL DATA FILE FAILURE ┆
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0x1ee00…1ef00 (30, 0, 14) Sector 1e0fff00322741 ┆ 2'Aot be duplicated or used for purposes other than evaluation, or disclosed outside the recipient company or organisation without the prior, written permission of Christian Rovsing A/S. This restriction does not limit the recipient's right to use inf┆
0x1ef00…1f000 (30, 0, 15) Sector 1e00db00322741 ┆ [ 2'Aormation contained in the document if such information is received from another source without restriction provided such source is not in breach of an obligation of confidentiality towards Christian Rovsing A/S. g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
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0x1f200…1f300 (31, 0, 2) Sector 1f039900321741 ┆ 2 Al be issued text books, manuals, work books and handouts at the start of the course and students will retain these items upon completion of course ining and Handbooks section is responsible for the planning of the courses and the final outcome of tr┆
0x1f300…1f400 (31, 0, 3) Sector 1f04af00321741 ┆ / 2 A 1 FIG 7.1.2-2 LAY-OUT OF THE INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDE SHEET ┆
0x1f400…1f500 (31, 0, 4) Sector 1f05a000321741 ┆ 2 A 1 FIG. 7.1.2-3 LAY-OUT OF THE LESSON PLAN......... 7.1.2 Training .............................. 7.2 ADDITIONAL SUPPORT┆
0x1f500…1f600 (31, 0, 5) Sector 1f06b100321741 ┆ 1 2 A 1 FIG. 7.1.2-4 LAY-OUT OF THE STUDENT PROGRESS TEST REPORTtraining as described in the following: a. Equipment Operator Training b.┆
0x1f600…1f700 (31, 0, 6) Sector 1f07ff00321741 ┆ 2 A 1 TRAINING METHODS The students are given knowledge of the subjects in lectures, discussions and group work involving overhead projector, whiteboard and handouts. The st┆
0x1f700…1f800 (31, 0, 7) Sector 1e08ff00321741 ┆ 2 Audents' skills are enabled by demonstrations, hand-on training and studies. The students' ability to operate and maintain the system is verified in tests. The results of the tests are shown in the Student Progress Test Report. Refer to FIG. 7.1.2-4.┆
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0x26200…26300 (38, 0, 2) Sector 00009d00327241 ┆ 2rAhe procedures allowed in the ACCESS RFP, i.e. 2 inch tubes. Connections to remote site using encrypted lines can be established anywhere on an X-Net. rchial database, and these in turn are a subset of those required for a network database. Howeve┆
0x26400…26500 (38, 0, 4) Sector 2605ff00322741 ┆& 2'AMITTED TO: AIR FORCE COMPUTER AQUISITION CENTER (AFCC) Directorate of Contracting/PK Hanscom AFB MA. 01731 USA IN RESPONSE TO:Solicitation No F19630-82-R-0001 AFCAC Project 211-81 PREPARED BY: CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S SYSTEM DIVISION LA┆
0x26500…26600 (38, 0, 5) Sector 2606ff00322741 ┆& 2'AUTRUPVANG 2 2750 BALLERUP DENMARK c Christian Rovsing A/S - 1983 This document contains information proprietary to Christian Rovsing A/S. The information, whether in the form of text, schematics, tables, drawings or illustrations, must n┆
0x26600…26700 (38, 0, 6) Sector 2607ff00322741 ┆& 2'Aot be duplicated or used for purposes other than evaluation, or disclosed outside the recipient company or organisation without the prior, written permission of Christian Rovsing A/S. This restriction does not limit the recipient's right to use inf┆
0x26700…26800 (38, 0, 7) Sector 2508db00322741 ┆% [ 2'Aormation contained in the document if such information is received from another source without restriction provided such source is not in breach of an obligation of confidentiality towards Christian Rovsing A/S. g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
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0x2d300…2d400 (45, 0, 3) Sector 2d043600292641 ┆- 6 )&Aironment (data base, system configuraton) 6. icd 19830315/FLE/ja To: loren zemenich in care of ron needham software sciences united kingdom fm: Christian rovsing A/S, denmark flemm┆
0x2d400…2d500 (45, 0, 4) Sector 0000a400292641 ┆ $ )&A/003, para 3.1.2 a)2) can be interpreted as if sotf is included in the 100 intervening characters. kind regards CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S kurt nybroe-nielsen (*(=~ R;/!/=6nM (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x2d500…2d600 (45, 0, 5) Sector 2d06ff00328541 ┆- 2 AMS DIVISION LAUTRUPVANG 2 2750 BALLERUP DENMARK c Christian Rovsing A/S - 1982 This document contains information proprietary to Christian Rovsing A/S. The information, whether in the form of text, schematics, tables, drawings ┆
0x2d600…2d700 (45, 0, 6) Sector 2d07ff00328541 ┆- 2 Aor illustrations, must not be duplicated or used for purposes other than evaluation, or disclosed outside the recipient company or organisation without the prior, written permission of Christian Rovsing A/S. This restriction does not limit the rec┆
0x2d700…2d800 (45, 0, 7) Sector 2b00f600328541 ┆+ v 2 Aipient's right to use information contained in the document if such information is received from another source without restriction provided such source is not in breach of an obligation of confidentiality towards Christian Rovsing A/S. |2> I:A=!┆
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0x2fc00…2fd00 (47, 0, 12) Sector 00005900348041 ┆ Y 4 A, SCENARIO 1-5 - FLTD EXECUTION , SCENARIO 6-17 EVALUATION SCENARIOS: - NONEesults to line printer 13.g.2 Print on 1-part paper 1-part paper 14 Scenario 14: CPU Failure-Report Writer Execution 14.a Restart primary CPU 14.b Retrieve┆
0x2fd00…2fe00 (47, 0, 13) Sector 2f0eff00292641 ┆/ )&AMS DIVISION LAUTRUPVANG 2 2750 BALLERUP DENMARK c Christian Rovsing A/S - 1982 This document contains information proprietary to Christian Rovsing A/S. The information, whether in the form of text, schematics, tables, drawings ┆
0x2fe00…2ff00 (47, 0, 14) Sector 2f0fff00292641 ┆/ )&Aor illustrations, must not be duplicated or used for purposes other than evaluation, or disclosed outside the recipient company or organisation without the prior, written permission of Christian Rovsing A/S. This restriction does not limit the rec┆
0x2ff00…30000 (47, 0, 15) Sector 2d08f600292641 ┆- v )&Aipient's right to use information contained in the document if such information is received from another source without restriction provided such source is not in breach of an obligation of confidentiality towards Christian Rovsing A/S. |2> I:A=!┆
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0x39800…39900 (57, 0, 8) Sector 3909ff00386541 ┆9 8eA figure H-4). The Program Management and the System Engineering are basically left unchanged. The activities connected to providing a TEMPEST certified Local Area Network and LQP are on the critical path of the project not allowing a final LAN prio┆
0x39900…39a00 (57, 0, 9) Sector 390aff00386541 ┆9 8eAr to month 15, but in order to provide an early start up phase, CR is proposing to install a non tempest subsystem in month 7 after contract award. This subsystem will contain: o Local Area Network, supporting 10 VDUs o In addition the CR80 comp┆
0x39a00…39b00 (57, 0, 10) Sector 390bff00386541 ┆9 8eAuter equipped with the IDM 500 and a line printer will be installed. This allows some users to get some handson experience. o The system will be equipped with the basic System Software, and will be ready for installation of the total Data Base (no┆
0x39b00…39c00 (57, 0, 11) Sector 390cff00386541 ┆9 8eAne live). o The general Query Language and the Report Writer as demonstrated at the FLTD will also be installed. o Finally the Interactive System Language, ISL will be installed at this point. The ISL will be used as a common shell to all the ┆
0x39c00…39d00 (57, 0, 12) Sector 390dff00386541 ┆9 8eAvarious applications, and it will enable the set up of all HELP menus. Regarding software development and modification, CR's basic assumption is to initiate these activities by establishing a System Requirement Specification (SRS) as early as possi┆
0x39d00…39e00 (57, 0, 13) Sector 390eff00386541 ┆9 8eAble in the Project (see activity 2.1). The SRS will be submitted to AFCAC for approval. Once approved the Systems Design will be performed. The Software Development phase will include a Detailed Design Specification and a Coding phase. Coding and mo┆
0x39e00…39f00 (57, 0, 14) Sector 390fff00386541 ┆9 8eAdification of the applications has been subdivided in two subphases, in order to give a smooth installation. After installation the S/W is available for handson experience (see the activities found in month 12). Site Acceptance has been divided in ┆
0x39f00…3a000 (57, 0, 15) Sector 3900ff00386541 ┆9 8eAa unformal Functional part (CR only) and an formal Operational part (the Government only), where CR and RCA respectively will conduct/support the activities. The Functional Acceptance testing will be done after installation of the various applicatio┆
0x3a000…3a100 (58, 0, 0) Sector 3a01a800386541 ┆: ( 8eAause with respect to both of these concerns and to consider the possibility of a revision. (b) Also please clarify when we receive the replies to your actions. !f=6 !g=6 !h=6 Ml+M;) RE3C#4: 2i=:g=~ JV3C/4!"<6 #6 MB&! =6 !,<6 :]=2'< AMD MB&!,<6 ! ┆
0x3a100…3a200 (58, 0, 1) Sector 3a02ff00386541 ┆: 8eA 1 3 Regarding your letter paragraph 3 we agree to the status of subparagraph a, b, and c. 4 Additional issues. a CR asks for confirmation of our understanding from the factfinding m┆
0x3a200…3a300 (58, 0, 2) Sector 3a03ff00386541 ┆: 8eAeeting that it is the Air Force's intention to issue a single delivery order at the date of contract award which will cover paragraph b.2 of rfp. b In the material forwarded together with you letter June 30, 1983, clause H 17 has been deleted which┆
0x3a300…3a400 (58, 0, 3) Sector 3a04ff00386541 ┆: 8eA we appreciate. However, the reference to the H 17 in H 16 has been maintained. Please clarify. A part of H 16 seems to be inadvertently omitted (?). c AFCAC distributed during the meetings June 27-28 a draft clause entitled H-X on Release of Inf┆
0x3a400…3a500 (58, 0, 4) Sector 3a05ff00386541 ┆: 8eAormation. Christian Rovsing expressed initial reservations about the clause in that it could possibly be read to allow disclosure of certain proprietary or confidential portions of Christian Rovsing's proposal. The Air Force agreed to take the mat┆
0x3a500…3a600 (58, 0, 5) Sector 3a06ff00386541 ┆: 8eAter under advisement and to consider redrafting the clause so as to eliminate the possibility of the release of confidential or proprietary data. 5 All replies has been mailed to you via courier. In addition this cover letter, the answers to our ac┆
0x3a600…3a700 (58, 0, 6) Sector 3a07c100386541 ┆: A 8eAtions items 1(a) - 1(g), and those statements of Agreements which we have changed the wording on has been transmitted to you via FAX. Kind regards, CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S Gert Jensen78A 15 38 316 2562 F' *J 8 ` _┆
0x3a700…3a800 (58, 0, 7) Sector 3908ff00386541 ┆9 8eA 1 Action item 1(a) CR has reviewed the SAC desired schedule, and we have modified our original schedule (ref proposal II H page 26) in order to accomodate some of SAC's requests (see┆
0x3a800…3a900 (58, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(58,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41386541}, f00=»3865A «, f01=»AFCAC «, f02=»hho «, f03=»GJ «, f04=»M> ikke slettes «, f05=12-07-83 15:45, f06=» «, f07=»17 «, f08=» 1691 «, f09=14-07-83 11:10, f10=» «, f11=»06 «, f12=» 104 «, f13=13-07-83 15:30, f14=03-08-83 14:36, f15=»0278A «, f16=» 15 «, f17=» «, f18=»38 «, f19=» 316 «, f20=» 2562 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=010099900910462710110180aaca15050000000000000038035100df}
0x3a900…3aa00 (58, 0, 9) Sector 3a0a0f00386541 ┆: 8eA : : : : 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 ┆
0x3aa00…3ab00 (58, 0, 10) Sector 3a0b5000386541 ┆: P 8eA 1 # ]=2#<:^=V V u:b=V V AH! Rv-! <6 C{-! <6 M1' Z -C7-:!<~ B -!/=6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x3ab00…3ac00 (58, 0, 11) Sector 3a0cff00386541 ┆: 8eA 1 AIR FORCE COMPUTER ACQUISITION CENTER Directorate of Contracting Hanscom AFB, MA o1731 U.S.A. Att.: Lt. D. O'Brien 1983-07-12 FE/hho/LET/035 Gentlemen, ┆
0x3ac00…3ad00 (58, 0, 12) Sector 3a0dff00386541 ┆: 8eASubject: RFPF19630-82-R-0001 (ACCESS) negotiations of 26 and 27 June, 1983 Ref.: Your letter of 30 June, 1983 1 Christian Rovsing A/S hereby forward the replies to the action items formed in the referenced letter. The actions have ┆
0x3ad00…3ae00 (58, 0, 13) Sector 3a0eff00386541 ┆: 8eAbeen replied to in alphabetically order from 1(a) to 1(g) and attached to this letter. (Please note that we have changed you second action 1e to 1g.) In addition the statements of Agreements are returned signed by Christian Rovsing A/S. 2 Regardi┆
0x3ae00…3af00 (58, 0, 14) Sector 3a0fff00386541 ┆: 8eAng the action item to be closed by you (ref para 2) we have the following comments: a We agree that clarification is needed. During our fact 2(e) finding meeting Christian Rovsing pointed out that the two charges for purchased equipment could be d┆
0x3af00…3b000 (58, 0, 15) Sector 3a00ff00386541 ┆: 8eAeemed to be excessive and further noted that damages computed as "l/30th of the total monthly charge" were unclear in that the total monthly charge for purchased, as opposed to leased, equipment should be zero. The Air Force agreed to review this cl┆
0x3b000…3b100 (59, 0, 0) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆