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Notes: working notes Prog. Meet.
Names: »0249A «
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Working notes from the formal CAMPS 19801010 #
6th to 10th October 1980. CAMPS
…06…1…02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02… …02…
…02……02……02……02……02……02……02……02…Place of Meeting
…02……02……02……02……02……02……02……02…CR A/S
…02…Participants from Participants from Copies:
…02…Col. Woodruff…02……02…Lars Stig Nielsen
Col. Miller Gert
Ltc. Stoltz Boje
Maj. McDaniel Jens
Maj. Robb Kurt
Maj. Vargas Bjarne
Mr. Agusman Ole
Mr. Bodur Finn
Mr. Earl
Mr. Gardiner
Mr. Ludford
Mr. Marsh
Mr. Woodcock
R̲e̲f̲e̲r̲ ̲t̲o̲ ̲a̲t̲t̲a̲c̲h̲e̲d̲ ̲C̲R̲ ̲c̲o̲m̲m̲e̲n̲t̲s̲ ̲w̲h̲e̲n̲ ̲i̲n̲d̲i̲c̲a̲t̲e̲d̲.
C̲o̲m̲m̲e̲n̲t̲ ̲N̲o̲.̲ D̲e̲c̲i̲s̲i̲o̲n̲
1-2 A section 2.2. shall be inserted on page 3 to cover
Reference Documents:
R̲e̲f̲e̲r̲e̲n̲c̲e̲ ̲D̲o̲c̲u̲m̲e̲n̲t̲s̲
The following documents are listed for reference purposes
only. The listing does not constitute the contents
of the documents as System Requirements but is intended
to serve the Contractor in providing supplementary
information in cases of interpretation of the requirements
specifically stated in the System Requirements Specification:
ACP127 Nato Supp.3
Adat-P3 latest edition (Feb. 80). SHAPE will
provide a copy of the document to CR.
3 Page 92: Add new item f) Exclusive, crypto security,
and off-line encrypted messages must be distributed
automatically to position determined by supervisor.
Item f) p. 93 becomes item g).
Delete "special Category SIC's." on page 93 item f2).
4 Page 7, para 3.1.b.(3) line 1: Replace given to the
"Users of" by "available at".
5 a. No local distribution by SIC's.
b. Update page 64; Replace "TBD" by
"Format C2 with modification to include a local
distribution line as per VDU-generated messages.
c. Update page 61, shall be inserted:
"This also applies to OCR generated messages in
accordance with para
6 SHAPE withdraws.
7 SHAPE withdraws.
Update page 9, para Insert "is performed
9 SHAPE withdraws.
10 Update page 10, 3.1.1.(e): "line speed ....." changed
to "line speed is selectable up to 9600 bits/sec. However
testing will be performed at 2400 bits/sec.
Update page 228, notes: Insert note "5" for OCR.
11 Update page 14, para Reference ""
changes to".
12 Update according to CR comment.
13 Update according to CR comment.
14 SHAPE withdraws.
15 Update according to CR comment.
16 Update according to CR comment.
17 Update according to CR comment.
18 Update page 16 f, line 2: "PLA's or AIG's" changes
to "PLA(s) or AIG(s)".
19 SHAPE withdraws.
20 Page 18, Fig. 3.1 - 3A: Replace "originating office"
by "originating headquarters".
21 Page 19, Fig. 3.1. - 3B: "Empty" in "Fl4" to be replaced
by "No T instructions".
Change spelling of EXERCISE in same figure.
22 Update page 21, para line 3:
insert "and/or AIG's after "addressees".
23 Page 22, para, line 2: Insert "will
also" after "network".
24 Page 22, para line 2: Change "through
the PLA's" to read "(see para".
25 SHAPE withdraws.
26 Page 23; second column at the buttom: Replace "the
system uses ....." by "The system shall use SCD's specified
during preparation".
Page 24, second column at the top: replace "RI's by
"PLA's and/or AIG's".
Note: No internal distribution of outgoing messages
based on SIC's.
27 Amendment to section " ... (up to a few
days depending on traffic, assigned disc space and
allowed fill rate) .....".
Section amendment: " ... incoming messages
up to the allowed fill rate".
Page 144 top: Insert heading: "g) Supervisor assisted
Delete para "Specify that incoming messages .....".
Insert new item 10: "The supervisor shall be able to
modify the disc fill rate threshold".
Change existing item 9 to 11.
Page 167, item a: "Capacity exceeded "changed
to "Capacity threshold exceeded".
28 Insert "Station-of-origin" on page 28.
29 Inserted reference to replacing 3.4.5, page
30 Page 32, step 1: Delete "or, optionally .....", insert:
"and local distribution to staff cell INA".
Page 34 button: "E1" changed to "E2".
Page 36: Delete "INA" after "COORD. INT. ...".
31 Page 34: All text down to item i.4 replaced by SHAPE
proposal agreed by CR. (Reflecting that all release
positions have the same associated serial number, and
that only one RI is used for outgoing messages in Fl
32 Pag3 35, step 9 item 3: Add "(The message is stored
in a temporary disc-file)".
33 Refer to 31.
34 Change according to CR comments.
35 Page 43, top, item b: "b) M̲e̲s̲s̲a̲g̲e̲ ̲t̲e̲x̲t̲ The message
text (excl. introductory text as specified in CPS/ICD/0003)."
36 Fig. page 46: For encrypted messages insert
37 Insert "Parameter is mandatory".
38 Page 50: "AIG - A̲d̲d̲r̲e̲s̲s̲ Indicator Group".
39 No update.
40 No update.
41 Refer to 39. No update.
42 Update according to CR comment.
43 Page 52, top, item 10 to be replaced by:
"10) Message Handling Instructions.
The system shall prompt the user for selection
of the proper Handling Instruction, which will
be converted into operating instructions. A maximum
of 10 handling instructions will be converted automatically
by the system. A message handling instruction shall
have a maximum length of one VDU-line.
Page 66, add item 6):
"6) Operating signals derived from message handling
instructions shall be inserted in format lines
4 and 5.
Page 96, item b, add item b6):
"6) Message Handling Instruction as derived automatically
by the system from format line 4 and 5. Maximum
12 operating signals shall be converted automatically.
Otherwise the message shall be queued to message
servicing. The resulting message handling instructions
will be limited to one VDU-line".
44 Page 52, top, item 11; change to:
"11) I̲n̲t̲e̲r̲n̲a̲l̲ ̲H̲a̲n̲d̲l̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲I̲n̲s̲t̲r̲u̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲:̲ Parameter is
optional. This entry is optional. Text will
be incorporated as inserted by drafter".
45 Update according to CR comments.
46 No update.
47 No update.
48 Update page 66:
4) The originator designation shall be inserted by
the system depending on HQ. (refer to fig.
Change fig. to refelct originator dependency
on HQ.
49 Insert a new 1st para, page 76: "At the last permissible
line of a transmission section, the system shall automatically
separate the text and generate additional sections
as required by the length of the text".
50 Update according to CR comments.
51 P̲a̲g̲e̲ ̲8̲5̲:̲ Change item e2): "Non-standard End-of-Transmission-Sequence".
Add item f): "Messages with the standard end-of-transmission
sequence for preemption (ZPH) are dropped.
Change f) to g) and g) to h).
52 Insert ZPH for ZXC on top of page 80.
53 Page 86 and page 90: Exercise line shall only contain
54 Update: "Operating Signals". FL 5 on page 89.
55 Update according to CR comment.
56 Update according to CR comment.
57 page 93: Item 3 shall be deleted.
58 Page 93 item 2 from top: Delete "special category SCC's".
Change: " - special handling designators in format
line 4 except for EXCLUSIVE and CRYPTO SECURITY.
Change to fig. - 2 (page 94): Second entry
59 Refer to 178a.
60 Page 101, item 6) from top: "to users" shall be replaced
by "to all terminal positions".
61 No update. Agreement concerning precedence levels:
CR agrees to make allowance for 2 additional precedence
levels in the design.
The design shall be based on following inputs: Super-Flash
precedence messages shall not preempt FLASH messages,
but will be queued in front of these. The amount of
Super-Flash messages shall be covered by existing SRS
traffic throughput requirements for FLASH messages.
62 Update according to CR comments.
63 CR will provide a status information on request as
Update page 168, section, new item h): "A
queue Status Report shall be generated on Supervisor
request. The report shall contain the following information:
- for each internal delivery channel (incl. release
position and supervisor assistant positions): Total
queue length of incoming messages/transactions.
- for each external outgoing channel: Total queue
length for outgoing messages.
64 Withdrawn.
65 Refer to 63.
66 Update according to CR comments.
67 Update according to CR comments.
68 Update according to CR comments.
69 Withdrawn.
70 Update according to CR comments.
71 Change page 127, to reflect "page" mode
for "reading" procedures in accordance with IFB..
72 Page 127, para Change: " ... per precedence
and function. Will only be displayed for one active
function at a time".
73 Update according to CR comments.
74 Format S shall be included. No update.
75 Update according to CR comments.
76 Page 170, insert section " H/W Configuration
Status Display."
As a basis for execution of engineering functions the
following status information shall be displayed at
VDU's or display-panels:
- switching status of redundant equipment on crate-level
(refer to
- status of line interface equipment with regard
to parameters controllable via engineering functions
(refer to
77 Update according to CR comments.
78 Update according to CR comments.
79 No update. SHAPE accepts CR position.
80 Change to "Confirmation" not "configuration".
Otherwise SHAPE accepts CR position.
81 Update according to CR comments.
82 Update according to CR comments.
83 Deletion according to CR comments.
84 Refer to 27 (changes to page 144).
85 Page 146: Delete g) by "g) deleted purposely".
86 Update according to CR comments.
87 Updates to clarify that commands are given to the CAMPS
system n̲o̲t̲ OCR, PTR or PTP. Page 149/150 section
88 Update according to CR comments.
89 Update according to CR comments.
90 Update according to CR comments.
91 Page 155, top, item d: Delete "conversion".
92 Update according to CR comments.
93 No update.
94 No update.
95 No update.
96 No update.
97-102 Update according to CR comments.
103 Unique Reference Number has been dropped. No update.
104 Update according to CR comments.
105 Delete L.
106 Update page 193, insert section CTS and
CTS/A classified messages shall be kept in temporary
storage as required for all processing of
1) outgoing messages until dispatch to outgoing channel.
They shall not be subject to any kind of retrieval
(incl. rerun) except as implied by editing.
2) incoming messages until distribution has been finalized
(all copies delivered). Retrieval shall not be
107 Update page 3: Add items.
g) T̲r̲a̲n̲s̲a̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲ ̲I̲d̲.̲
Consists of Terminal Designator, serial number
and DTG.
h) R̲e̲l̲e̲a̲s̲e̲ ̲I̲d̲.̲
Consists of serial number and DTG.
108 Refer to 107.
109 Insert item 6 on top of page 178:
h) The time of re-entry to the system for automatic
message processing.
(also additional header on page 186: "Statistical
110 Update page 193, 194, 195.
111 Refer to 110.
112 Add on page 202: "Reconfiguration of the
units or modules of the system as a result of errors
shall be automatic when possible".
113 Withdrawn.
114 Withdrawn (Requirements covered by availability requirements
in SRS).
115 Refer to 114.
116 Withdrawn.
117 No update. (page 199, insert "description of" in 1)
118 No update.
119 Page 202, para Editorial inserted.
120 No update.
121 Update acc. to CR comments.
122 Update acc. to CR comments.
123 CR agrees to insert page 219, para 200 AIG's.
Insert on page 218, para
3000 RI's.
124 No update.
125 Update according to CR comments.
126 No update.
127 Footnote on page 225 (table): "Connected capacity figures
includes supervisory positions".
128 Update Table, page 225,:
Item 8 (KANNE): VDU EQUIPPED CAPACITY changed to 20,
as for item 8.
129 Table Fig., page 228:
For OCR: Baud Rate 2400, 4800, 9600
Notes 2,6,5.
130 Withdrawn. Refer to 135.
131 Update according to CR comments.
132 Update according to CR comments.
(Also on page 233 item h).
133 Update according to CR comments.
134 CR will delete drawing page 237.
Delete reference to fig. page 236, section
135 Update as follows:
Insert CR comment 135-1 as 3rd para in
Add CR comment 135-2 to
Change 1st sentence in to read: "All hardware
including opto/electrical interfaces must be individually
cleared by ACE COMSEC to ensure "TEMPEST" acceptance.
136 Dublicate.
137a Update according to CR comment.
137 b,c No updates.
137 d Insert as last sentence:
"For UKAIR refer to para plus".
139 No update.
140 Page 243, 244, 248, 250, 251: Replace "subsystem" by
141 No update.
142 Update according to CR comments.
143 No update.
144 Add page 205 item e): "with a minimum of operator action".
145 Delete para
146,147 No update.
148 Update according to CR comments.
149 Update according to CR comments.
150 p274, p275 remove "Intentionally deleted".
151a No update closed with CR's comment.
151b Update according to CR comments.
152,153,154 Update according to CR comments.
155 Delete sedtion
156 No update.
157, 158 Insert p.281 item c) "It shall be a design aim to
limit the number of modules exceeding 250 statements
to 5% of the modules".
159 Page 282 item d), delete sentence:"It shall not be
possible for local staff to modify software".
160 Update according to CR comments.
161 No update.
162 Update according to CR comments.
163 No update.
164 (DN No. 250, page 289), para 3.6.1
(a) OK as written in issue 1.1 of SRS.
(b) OK as written in issue 1.1 of SRS.
(c) Last line, delete the word "agreed" and insert
"specified in the Configuration Management Plan.
164a (DN 251, page 290)
Para Subpara (d), 1st line, "or" has been
changed to read "and". No update.
165 (Page 293, para
SHAPE agrees addition of sentence as per page 27 of
CR 19801004.
166 (Page 293, para
CR advises that they will research the NICSMA document
NCS-T Vol.I, issue 2 and will consider its implementation.
This is not an enforceable contract requirement. SRS
para (issue 1.1) acceptable as written.
167 (DN No. 256a, page 296) para
DN withdrawn SRS (issue 1.1) section 3.6.4 OK as written.
168 (Page 298, para
Acceptable as written in SRS issue 1.1.
169 (Page 299, para 3.6.5)
SHAPE accepts the addition suggested (para (f)) on
page 28 of CR 19801004.
170 (Page 301, para
Acceptable as written in SRS issue 1.1.
171 (Page 306, para
CR accepts the change requested by SHAPE i.e. in the
first subpara which appears at the top of page 306
(SRS issue 1.1), delete "contractor's test plan" and
insert "this Systen Requirements Specification".
172 Page 306, para
Factory testing. Update page 352 section refer
to App. B.
173 (Page 238, para
Add to the first line of subpara (b): "except UKAIR
where nominal value is 405/240 VAC".
177 (Page 316, para
CR to include reference to NATO Security Document C-M(55)15(final)
Vol 2, Enclosure D, Sec. V. After 1st sentence, add
"Nato C-M(55)15 (final) Vol. 2 Encl. D Sec. V defines
special security requirements.
174 Page 318, para
CR has accepted addition of wording requested in SHAPE
Document "C".
175 Page 320, para
CR to accomplish clerical correction.
176 Page 321, para
"Site Documentation".
178 Page 323, para, para (d).
To read "The test equipment and tool which are to be
supplied under this contract may be supplemented with
other items which will be listed in the Maintenance
178a DN No. 254, page 299, para 3.6.5.
CR will add IFB para 12.4 as a new subpara
179 Page 348, para 3.7.
"Document Precedence" CR agrees to delete the entire
180 Update page 250/251 according to CR comments.
181a Update according to CR comments.
181b Update page 353, section
182 No update.
183 No update.
184 Update according to CR comments.
185 Update page 356 section plus page 359
186 Page 357, para Delete "a reasonable
number of functional tests". Insert "as many functional
tests as possible.
187 Page 358, para Insert sigma sign in
definition of S2.
188 Page 359, para Delete "which are to be tested",
change last line to read: "test, analysis or presentation
of evidence of conformity .....".
189 Update according to CR comments.
190 No update.
Updates which have been "forgotten" or has to be i̲n̲s̲e̲r̲t̲e̲d̲
̲a̲s̲ ̲a̲ ̲c̲o̲n̲s̲e̲q̲u̲e̲n̲c̲e̲ ̲o̲f̲ ̲I̲C̲D̲-̲d̲i̲s̲c̲u̲s̲s̲i̲o̲n̲s̲,̲ ̲e̲t̲c̲.̲:̲
Page 59, item f3): Last word changes to "comment".
Page 90: Insert "12d".
Page 93: Item g2: Insert "Internal Handling Instructions".
Page 169 item e): Delete e1 and e2. Delete "Data" in
Page 142, Add "Indication for insertion
of accounting information "(FL10)".
Page 157, 2nd para 3): Replace "group count" with "accounting
information "and delete "with encrypted text".
N̲I̲C̲S̲ ̲T̲A̲R̲E̲ ̲I̲/̲F̲
CR informed SHAPE that the I/F would be handled as
Level 1 & 2 protocol: According to the EDC protocol
(refer to Annex 3C of IFB).
Level 3: According to ACP 127 - related procedures
Appendix B
F̲O̲R̲M̲A̲L̲ ̲A̲C̲C̲E̲P̲T̲A̲N̲C̲E̲ ̲T̲E̲S̲T̲S̲
- DSMT (Prototype) System Test
This test verifies all hardware and system software
CAMPS requirements (Ref. Contract Spec. Prov. paragraph
- Factory Acceptance Test
This test verifies that all hardware is functioning
according to requirements. (Ref. Contract Spec.
Prov. paragraph 17.4).
- In Plant Software Test
This test verifies the CAMPS functional and operational
performance in a simulated environment (Ref. Contract
Spec. Prov. paragraph 14.4).
- First Site Acceptance Test
Consists of:
o Functional Test
o Operational Test
(Ref. Contract Spec. Prov. paragraph 14.6.1, paragraph
- Acceptance of other Sites
An agreed Site Provisioned Acceptance Test
(Ref. Contract Spec. Prov. paragraph 17.1 and paragraph