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⟦ef7fde8a0⟧ Wang Wps File
Length: 2941 (0xb7d)
Types: Wang Wps File
Notes: Spelunked
Names: »~ORPHAN60.00«
└─⟦de6a30002⟧ Bits:30006164 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0231A
└─ ⟦this⟧ »~ORPHAN60.00«
<…05…<…06…;…09…;…0e…;…01…;…05…;…07…:…0c…:…01…:…05…:…07…9…09…9…0e…9…00…9…06…8…0c…8…00…8…02…8…06…7…0a…7…0f…7 6…09…6…0d…6…02…5…08…5…0b…5…00…5 4…09…4…0e…4 4…07…3…0b…3…0f…3 2…09…2…0e…2 1…0a…1…0f……86…1
…02… …02… …02…
…0e… 2509A/ktd …02…CPS/OPM/001
…02…Issue 1…02… CAMPS
2.2.3 Initial Setup
1 Verify that the MSP is Figure 2.2.3-1.a.
installed and connected
and that the circuit breaker
and power switch are OFF.
2 Verify that he ribbon is Refer to Sec. 2.2-2.
properly installed.
3 Load the unit with Refer to Sec.2.2.2.
paper. …86…1 …02… …02… …02… …02…
Figure 2.2.3-1
MSP Power Switch ON/OFF…86…1 …02… …02… …02… …02…
2.2.3 Initial Setup (cont'd)
4 Turn the audio control Refer to Figure
on the front panel 2.2.3-2.a.
to the
loudest position.
5 Set all facility circuit Reer to Figure 2.2.3-1.a.
breakers for this set
to ON. Set the TCM power
switch to ON.
6 Verify that the POWER lamp Refer to Figure 2.2.3-1.b.
on the front panel lights.
7 Insert the security key in Refer to Figure 2.2.3-2.c.
thekey-lock and turn to
the ON position.
2.2.3 Initial Setup (cont'd)
8 Depress the LINE FEED push Refer to Figure
button on the TCM front 2.2.3-3.a.
panel for at least one Verify that one line
seond. of paper occurs,
by continuous line
for as long as the
FEED push button
is depressed.
9 Continue to depress the Refer to Figure
LINE FEED push button for 2.2.3-3.a.
single line feds until
the serrated edge of one
sheet passes the print-
head by 3 to 6 lines.
10 Depress the FORM FEED button Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.b.
on the TCM front panel. Verify the paper
to the same postion
the next sheet. This
operation establishes
the form feed position.
11 Depress the TEST push button Refer to Figure 2.2.3-3.c.
on the TCM front panel for Verify that the following
at least 5 seconds. is printed:
(Refer to Figue 2.2.3-3.c). NO ERRORS IN ROM
(Printer prints 66
lines barberpole
(There may be a time
delay between printouts).
2.2.3 Initial Setup (cont'd)
The MSP is now ready
to receive message
traffic from the
line. Arrange to
have one or more
messages sent to
the MSP and verify
message contnt with
the transmitting
station. During this
time, the key-lock
switch should be
tested by setting
it to the OFF position
and verifying printing
has stopped. The
CAMPS system is able
to verify when the
switch has been set
to ON.
12 Set Power swi