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0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1 8 8 7 Q? > 7 | ] | N | T d N ~< v <+&4'>( 1c5 & & ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' U X% % PO P ; 7 A D C g x g V W> O B :1 H 0 S 3796A g b < {C < { ; 6 2p! 2p 2p> q h : 9 8 0 t x1 *y ^ \ @ B M O ┆
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0x25d00…25e00 (37, 0, 13) Sector 250ed900368341 ┆% Y 6 A power distribution board (PDB): 5.9.2 CAMPS PDB TURN ON: Main circuit breaker TURN ON: Miniature circuit breakers CHECKOUT: No fuses in the CAMPS PDB blown due to short circuit in the installation. $<6 !&<6 Mc&! "(=6 E '<M% ! "2<┆
0x25e00…25f00 (37, 0, 14) Sector 250fa000368341 ┆% 6 A 1 Figure 5.9.1 Front Layout for CCA Z=q#p!"<6 !&<6 ! "$<!#<6 ! <6 {M)(sC I! <6 ! "(= <q#p!"<6 !#<6 ! "$<!&<6$`i6 {M)(sM &M7 ┆
0x25f00…26000 (37, 0, 15) Sector 2500ff00368341 ┆% 6 A 1 5.9.3 Frequency Stabilizers and Disk Drives To examine that the 3 disk drives are supplied from 3 separate phases via the frequency stabilizers proceed in the below sequence: a)┆
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0x27f00…28000 (39, 0, 15) Sector 2700ff00379641 ┆' 7 ALocation J-No Module Rack Location J-No Illus Diag Notes W309 ASSY 8 A2A1 J15 PDP E A2A18 J3 173 224 DISCON/I W310 DAP-P A2A1A20 J1 PDP E A2A18 J4 173 224 DISCON/I W311 ASSY 7 A2A3 J15 PDP E A2A18 J1 173 224 CONN/I W312 ADAP-P A2A3A20 J1 PDP E A┆
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0x43000…43100 (67, 0, 0) Sector 4301ff00379641 ┆C 7 A TITLE PAGE .................................... i REVISION RECORD ................................ ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................. ii┆
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0x43200…43300 (67, 0, 2) Sector 4303ff00379641 ┆C 7 A.................... 2 2 MAIN SITE INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS .......... 4 2.1 SHIPMENT OF EQUIPMENT .................... 4 2.1.1 Disassembly and Packing .............. 4 2.1.2 Transportation to Site ............... 7 2.1.┆
0x43300…43400 (67, 0, 3) Sector 4304ff00379641 ┆C 7 A3 Receipt of Equipment at the Main Site 8 Receipt .......................... 8 Incoming Inventory/Inspection .... 9 Distribution of Equipment ........ 9 2.2 PREPARATION OF INSTALLATION AT THE ┆
0x43400…43500 (67, 0, 4) Sector 4305ff00379641 ┆C 7 AMAIN SITE ......................... 11 2.2.1 Preparations by CR ................... 11 2.2.2 Preparations by Site ................. 12 2.3 INSTALLATION OPERATIONS .................. 14 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE MAIN SITE ..............┆
0x43500…43600 (67, 0, 5) Sector 4306ff00379641 ┆C 7 A.. 18 3.1 TRANSPORTATION TO INSTALLATION SHAPE ..... 18 3.2 INSTALLATION PREPARATIONS AND SUPPORT .... 18 3.3 SHIPMENT CONTAINERS ...................... 20 4 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT ..................... 20 5 INSTALLATION OF MAI┆
0x43600…43700 (67, 0, 6) Sector 4307ff00379641 ┆C 7 AN SITE EQUIPMENT .......... 23 5.1 GENERAL .................................. 23 5.2 MECHANICAL RACK ASSEMBLY ................. 24 5.2.1 Unpacking of Racks ................... 24 5.2.2 Transportation to Installation Site. . 26 ┆
0x43700…43800 (67, 0, 7) Sector 4208ff00379641 ┆B 7 A 5.2.3 Removal of Upper Crates and M-Fans ... 26 5.2.4 Removal of Main Switches ............. 28 5.2.5 Mounting of Levellers ................ 28 5.2.6 Mounting of Gaskets .................. 28 5.2.7 Levelling and Bolting of Racks┆
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0x43a00…43b00 (67, 0, 10) Sector 430bb200379641 ┆C 2 7 A 1 3796A/ktd CPS/AUX/068 NPP/831221 # CAMPS INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 16 Issue 1 CAMPS > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x43b00…43c00 (67, 0, 11) Sector 430cff00379641 ┆C 7 A 1 CAMPS INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 16 CPS/AUX/068 Niels Peder Pedersen Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (4), GJ, KM, HAU, BHB, IJO, NPP┆
0x43c00…43d00 (67, 0, 12) Sector 430d7400379641 ┆C t 7 A, Conf. Mgmt., QA, PAB, CLA (2) Install. Mgr 831221 Issue 2 831221 \=2#<C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'! "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~ R;/!/=6nM (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x43d00…43e00 (67, 0, 13) Sector 430eff00379641 ┆C 7 A 1 3796A/rt CPS/AUX/068 NPP/831221 ii CAMPS INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SITE 16 Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
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0x43f00…44000 (67, 0, 15) Sector 4300ff00379641 ┆C 7 A 1 3796A/rt CPS/AUX/068 CAMPS INSTALLATION PROCEDURES NPP/831221 iii SITE 16 Issue 1 CAMPS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ┆
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