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CR80 Wang WCS documentation floppies

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⟦f44f167f1⟧ Bits:30006019 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0458A, 8" Floppy Disk

    Length: 315392 (0x4d000)
    Description: Bits:30006019 8" Wang WCS floppy, CR 0458A
    Types: 8" Floppy Disk


name artifact - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4787A S-90 PROPOSAL, PART III pan JHO COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL 02-04-84 08:05 12 1931 23-05-84 11:49 03 67 09-04-84 14:49 28-05-84 10:13 0458A 26 3 47 384 13788 4787A ⟦23202f8f8⟧ Wang Wps File, S-90 PROPOSAL, PART III
4791A S-90 PROPOSAL, Technical as/pan PGA/PM Part II, Chap. 1 - 3 02-04-84 10:53 2 25 12495 09-04-84 10:37 08 484 06-04-84 18:10 09-04-84 15:16 0458A 43 4 18 940 14479 4791A ⟦65fa7c20a⟧ Wang Wps File, S-90 PROPOSAL, Technical
4793A S-90 PROPOSAL, Technical pan PEL Part II, Chap. 4 - 5 02-04-84 11:01 6 12 19895 09-04-84 10:51 01 42 06-04-84 17:45 09-04-84 15:17 0458A 30 8 48 540 30544 4793A ⟦c404b36e6⟧ Wang Wps File, S-90 PROPOSAL, Technical
4811A S-90, PROPOSAL, TECHNICAL pan PEL/ILS Part II, Chap. 6 -11 04-04-84 13:40 1 47 8232 09-04-84 10:53 04 177 06-04-84 17:56 09-04-84 15:17 0458A 44 3 03 792 12748 4811A ⟦c11a06885⟧ Wang Wps File, S-90, PROPOSAL, TECHNICAL
4823A S-90 vhn TABLE OF CONTENTS 06-04-84 17:07 10 349 06-04-84 18:35 22 913 06-04-84 18:59 09-04-84 15:18 0458A 4 33 180 1281 4823A ⟦12cbdf9f0⟧ Wang Wps File, S-90
~ORPHAN01.03 ⟦014a76704⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN01.09 ⟦69d85da41⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
4787A S-90 PROPOSAL, PART III pan JHO COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL 02-04-84 08:05 12 1931 09-04-84 14:33 12 30 09-04-84 14:49 09-04-84 15:16 0458A 26 3 44 472 13721 ~ORPHAN10.00 ⟦b1e0485e2⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN10.15 ⟦3359caa44⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
~ORPHAN11.13 ⟦d522006c2⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked
4845A LKSAA - CR86T am] RH prel. data sheets 17-04-84 14:42 22 1732 27-04-84 13:22 00 6 27-04-84 13:15 30-04-84 09:03 0458A 10 40 120 2140 ~ORPHAN51.08 ⟦d2e68b9e0⟧ Wang Wps File, Spelunked

Disk picture

  Document Body
  Document Head
  Marked Free
  Content List


0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0)   Sector 04584130343538 ┆ XA0458A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x00200…00300 (0, 0, 2)   Sector ff00e080ffffff ┆  `                  ~ x                                               ~                                                                                                                                                                                        ┆
0x00300…00306 (0, 0, 3)   WangDocument {d00=0x47, d01=0x87, d02=0x41, ptr=( 9,0, 8), d05=0x00}
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0x0031e…00320             48 45   ┆HE┆
0x00320…00340             41 33 08 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ┆A3 @                            ┆
0x00340…00360             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ┆                                ┆
0x003e0…00400             00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1e   ┆                                ┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5)   Sector 86312020202020 ┆ 1                                                                                                                                                            8  8   7  Q? > 7                                      | Z d 0   | T d N ~< v   <&&4'>( 1c5 & &    ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6)   Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A['      {   X%   %  PO P    ;    G A J   C g x g V WD  O 8 :>    =  ( 4787A  g     d         < {C < { ; 7  C 0w!      x    lt  l           : 9 8bc   t       N  S 4934A4935A4936A4937A4940?OH5  ?OiNiOP *                                                 ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0)   WangDocumentBody
0x01300…01400 (1, 0, 3)   Sector 01048900462841 ┆    F(Ase decided. It is an option for NATO to have a general configuration management position for the message handling S/W in question. ibed in VOL II Part 1 paragraph .   The system does not limit, within reason, the number of messages which c┆
0x01400…01500 (1, 0, 4)   Sector 00004a00462841 ┆  J F(A 1                                                                                             QUESTION 2G-4   The terminal provides a function by which the user at any stage in paging or scrolling can return to the first page in the current display┆
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5)   Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8)   WangDocumentBody
0x01900…01a00 (1, 0, 9)   Sector 010aff00462841 ┆    F(Ad to", "replace", "delete" can be assigned to level II of IDL or can be used to create another level of IDL.  In addition, special consideration will be made for the possibility of using the "free form" update capabilities. Use of stored commands on┆
0x01a00…01b00 (1, 0, 10)  Sector 010bff00462841 ┆    F(A level II of IDL could involve database manipulation on selected items or relations. Definition of stored commands which involve database manipulation is to be approved by the Security Administrator and the Data Base Administrator, before the comman┆
0x01b00…01c00 (1, 0, 11)  Sector 010cff00462841 ┆    F(Ads can be executed.  Detailed analysis of each command and its uses must be completed during design review and approved by the security accreditation authority before it can be implemented. IDL provides for extreme flexibility; security procedures c┆
0x01c00…01d00 (1, 0, 12)  Sector 010dff00462841 ┆    F(Aurtail flexibility.  Hence, analysis of command (specific ones) must be done on a case-by-case, data element-by-data element basis.  Close coordination with the security group must be a prime element of the design phase to ensure accreditation.   In┆
0x01d00…01e00 (1, 0, 13)  Sector 010eff00462841 ┆    F(A section 2.2.3 of the Technical Proposal is a description of Interactive Update Facilities, which allows the user to update the database by means of preformatted screen displays, which is easy to use and allows for a well-defined separation on which┆
0x01e00…01f00 (1, 0, 14)  Sector 010f8a00462841 ┆    F(A data may be updated by which user.     QUESTION 2G-7   There is an execise label associated with this displayed or entered data.   e adjustable brightness control; the focusing is internal one-time adjustment, since this should be left to a technic┆
0x01f00…02000 (1, 0, 15)  Sector 0100ff00462841 ┆    F(A 1                                                                    1                                                                   QUESTION 2H-1   SHAPE funded the development of the applications program for CAMPS.  The CAMPS software can be ┆
0x02000…02100 (2, 0, 0)   WangDocumentBody
0x09800…09900 (9, 0, 8)   WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=( 9,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41478741}, f00=»4787A «, f01=»S-90 PROPOSAL, PART III   «, f02=»pan                  «, f03=»JHO                  «, f04=»COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL  «, f05=02-04-84 08:05, f06=»     «, f07=»12 «, f08=»  1931 «, f09=23-05-84 11:49, f10=»     «, f11=»03 «, f12=»    67 «, f13=09-04-84 14:49, f14=28-05-84 10:13, f15=»0458A «, f16=» 26 «, f17=»   3 «, f18=»47 «, f19=»  384 «, f20=» 13788 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=320000000110462710110060aaca15050000000000000138037b00df}
0x09900…09a00 (9, 0, 9)   WangDocumentBody
0x0a000…0a100 (10, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(10,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41478741}, f00=»4787A «, f01=»S-90 PROPOSAL, PART III   «, f02=»pan                  «, f03=»JHO                  «, f04=»COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL  «, f05=02-04-84 08:05, f06=»     «, f07=»12 «, f08=»  1931 «, f09=09-04-84 14:33, f10=»     «, f11=»12 «, f12=»    30 «, f13=09-04-84 14:49, f14=09-04-84 15:16, f15=»0458A «, f16=» 26 «, f17=»   3 «, f18=»44 «, f19=»  472 «, f20=» 13721 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=320000000110462710110060aaca15050000000000000138037b00df}
0x0a100…0a200 (10, 0, 1)  Sector 0a021a00478741 ┆    G A                                                             /   :   :             / /   :   :               :   :             / /   :   :                     :   :             / /   :   :                               / /   :   :                   ┆
0x0a200…0a300 (10, 0, 2)  Sector 0a03d000478741 ┆  P G A 1                                                                      S-90' - PART III                                     SYS/84-04-10  PRICE AND CONTRACTUAL PROPOSAL                         Page    <! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x0a300…0a400 (10, 0, 3)  Sector 0a04ff00478741 ┆    G A 1                                                                         S-90': Dnr 699/83-3       DOC. NO. S-90'/064/PRP/001  ISSUE 1     PART III   PRICE AND CONTRACTUAL PROPOSAL   1                                                               ┆
0x0a400…0a500 (10, 0, 4)  Sector 0a05ff00478741 ┆    G A          SUBMITTED TO: FORSVARETS MATERIELVERK   IN RESPONSE TO: S-90'   PREPARED BY: CHRISTIAN ROVSING A/S   SYSTEMS GROUP   LAUTRUPVANG 2   2750  BALLERUP   DENMARK    PRINCIPLE CONTACTS: Gert Jensen, Advanced Systems Operations Director   Telex ┆
0x0a500…0a600 (10, 0, 5)  Sector 0a06ff00478741 ┆    G ADenmark 35111 cr dk   Telephone: 02 65 11 44         c  Christian Rovsing A/S - 1984  1                                                                 This document contains information proprietary to Christian Rovsing A/S. The information, whether┆
0x0a600…0a700 (10, 0, 6)  Sector 0a07ff00478741 ┆    G A in the form of text, schematics, tables, drawings or illustrations, must not be duplicated or used for purposes other than evaluation, or disclosed outside the recipient company or organisation without the prior, written permission of Christian Rov┆
0x0a700…0a800 (10, 0, 7)  Sector 0908ff00478741 ┆    G Asing A/S.   This restriction does not limit the recipient's right to use information contained in the document if such information is received from another source without restriction, provided such source is not in breach of an obligation of confide┆
0x0a800…0a900 (10, 0, 8)  WangDocumentBody
0x0af00…0b000 (10, 0, 15) Sector 0a002e00462841 ┆  . F(A.  Details regarding the procedures and ty checks are repeated. Retransmissions are flagged as "possible duplicate". This procedure also applies to printers and terminals.   e. All terminals are automatically signed off, and the current transaction ┆
0x0b000…0b100 (11, 0, 0)  WangDocumentBody
0x0bd00…0be00 (11, 0, 13) Sector 0b0eff00462841 ┆    F(As of the object manager modules listed in para     QUESTION 2C-8   The recovery procedures from a system failure are as follows:   a. Main Memory is erased, and all software is reloaded from disk and initialized.   b. Current system c┆
0x0be00…0bf00 (11, 0, 14) Sector 0b0fff00462841 ┆    F(Aonfiguration is set according to disk resident configuration tables.   c. All communication lines are reset, requiring re-initialization at link protocol level.   d. All transmissions of messages are aborted. After recovery, each message is retransm┆
0x0bf00…0c000 (11, 0, 15) Sector 0b00ff00462841 ┆    F(Aitted from the beginning, and all security checks are repeated. Retransmissions are flagged as "possible duplicate". This procedure also applies to printers and terminals.   e. All terminals are automatically signed off, and the current transaction ┆
0x0c000…0c100 (12, 0, 0)  WangDocumentBody
0x1a000…1a100 (26, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(26,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41479141}, f00=»4791A «, f01=»S-90 PROPOSAL, Technical  «, f02=»as/pan               «, f03=»PGA/PM               «, f04=»Part II, Chap. 1 - 3 «, f05=02-04-84 10:53, f06=»   2 «, f07=»25 «, f08=» 12495 «, f09=09-04-84 10:37, f10=»     «, f11=»08 «, f12=»   484 «, f13=06-04-84 18:10, f14=09-04-84 15:16, f15=»0458A «, f16=» 43 «, f17=»   4 «, f18=»18 «, f19=»  940 «, f20=» 14479 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=100010000110462710110260aaca1505000000000000013803ed00df}
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0x22000…22100 (34, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(34,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41479341}, f00=»4793A «, f01=»S-90 PROPOSAL, Technical  «, f02=»pan                  «, f03=»PEL                  «, f04=»Part II, Chap. 4 - 5 «, f05=02-04-84 11:01, f06=»   6 «, f07=»12 «, f08=» 19895 «, f09=09-04-84 10:51, f10=»     «, f11=»01 «, f12=»    42 «, f13=06-04-84 17:45, f14=09-04-84 15:17, f15=»0458A «, f16=» 30 «, f17=»   8 «, f18=»48 «, f19=»  540 «, f20=» 30544 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=320010000110462710110260aaca15050000000000000138038f00df}
0x22100…22200 (34, 0, 1)  WangDocumentBody
0x23f00…24000 (35, 0, 15) Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x24000…24100 (36, 0, 0)  WangDocumentBody
0x30000…30100 (48, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(48,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41481141}, f00=»4811A «, f01=»S-90, PROPOSAL, TECHNICAL «, f02=»pan                  «, f03=»PEL/ILS              «, f04=»Part II, Chap. 6 -11 «, f05=04-04-84 13:40, f06=»   1 «, f07=»47 «, f08=»  8232 «, f09=09-04-84 10:53, f10=»     «, f11=»04 «, f12=»   177 «, f13=06-04-84 17:56, f14=09-04-84 15:17, f15=»0458A «, f16=» 44 «, f17=»   3 «, f18=»03 «, f19=»  792 «, f20=» 12748 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=100010000110462710110280aaca1505000000000000013803cf00df}
0x30100…30200 (48, 0, 1)  WangDocumentBody
0x31000…31100 (49, 0, 0)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(49,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41482341}, f00=»4823A «, f01=»S-90                      «, f02=»vhn                  «, f03=»                     «, f04=»TABLE OF CONTENTS    «, f05=06-04-84 17:07, f06=»     «, f07=»10 «, f08=»   349 «, f09=06-04-84 18:35, f10=»     «, f11=»22 «, f12=»   913 «, f13=06-04-84 18:59, f14=09-04-84 15:18, f15=»0458A «, f16=»  4 «, f17=»     «, f18=»33 «, f19=»  180 «, f20=»  1281 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=300010000110462710110060aaca15050000000000000138032900df}
0x31100…31200 (49, 0, 1)  WangDocumentBody
0x31800…31900 (49, 0, 8)  Sector 3109ff00484541 ┆1   HEA 1                                                                   Physical Specifications of monitor cabinet:    Height:   Width:   Depth:   Weight:    Angle of tilt with pedestal Base:    Angle of horizontal turn on pedestal Base: 360 o    1    ┆
0x31900…31a00 (49, 0, 9)  Sector 310aff00484541 ┆1   HEA                                                                 Diskette Stations   Number of drives: 1 or 2   Storage capacity per drive: 655 K byte   Rotational Speed: 300 RPM   Track Density: 96 track's per inch.   Transfer rate: 250 K bit/s   N┆
0x31a00…31b00 (49, 0, 10) Sector 310bff00484541 ┆1   HEAumber of tracks: 80   Diskette size: 5.25 inch.   Weight per drive: 1.5 kg.   Optional:  Winchester Disc   12/36/72 Mbyte unformatted.   1                                                                    General    Electrical Requirements:    Powe┆
0x31b00…31c00 (49, 0, 11) Sector 310cff00484541 ┆1   HEAr:  198 to 242 VAC    (108 to 132 VAC)          47 Hz to 63 Hz    Power consumtion: 80 Watt. (baseline)   Environmental Requirements:    Temperature: 10 o  C to 35 o  C    Relative Humidity: 20% to 80%                       noncondensing    Maximum ┆
0x31c00…31d00 (49, 0, 12) Sector 310d2d00484541 ┆1 - HEArate of   temperature change: 6 o C/h. runs on the CR86T is available.    SYSTEM OPTIONS   A special option unit is designed to include the options described below. The option unit is a selfcontained box connected to the Display Cabinet with one or ┆
0x31d00…31e00 (49, 0, 13) Sector 0000ae00484541 ┆  . HEA 1                                                                                                                        CR16/CR86T Keyboard Layout (standard version) al version with features for multilevel security applications.    esk, you will b┆
0x31e00…31f00 (49, 0, 14) Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆
0x32000…32100 (50, 0, 0)  Sector 3201ff00484541 ┆2   HEAd (standard)   Typewriter keyboard (option)   National Keyboard (DA,GE) (Optional)   Teletex keyboard (option)   Numeric keypad   19 special function (programmable) keys   with or without LED indicators.    Curser control keys   Special operations k┆
0x32100…32200 (50, 0, 1)  Sector 3202ff00484541 ┆2   HEAeys    Key repetion rate: 500 + 50 millisec.   Physical Keylock   Audio: Speaker for Sound Generation   3 tones generated simultaneous   Cord: Plugs into rear of monitor cabinet   LED indicators: 8 programmable LED indicators   Physical Specificatio┆
0x32200…32300 (50, 0, 2)  Sector 32035600484541 ┆2 V HEAns:    Height:  4.6 cm   Width:  48.5 cm   Depth:  20.4 cm   Weight:  2.3 kg    wing.     MONITOR, MONITOR CABINET   The monitor produces a sharp, easy-to-read image. It has been designed to provide maximum user-comfort and has the following feature┆
0x32300…32400 (50, 0, 3)  Sector 3204ff00484541 ┆2   HEA 1                                                                   Monitor, Monitor Cabinet   Screen Specifications:    CRT Size: 15 inch. diagonal    Format: 25 rows by 80 columns    Resolution: 640 x 400 pixels              (640 x 200 pixels,IBM┆
0x32400…32500 (50, 0, 4)  Sector 3205ff00484541 ┆2   HEA-PC               mode)    Flickerfree   Antiglare   Yellow characters on dark grey background (standard)   Inverse screen (firmware option)   Inverse video (standard)   Adjustable intensity   Adjustable contrast   Video repetition rate   Horizontal┆
0x32500…32600 (50, 0, 5)  Sector 3206ff00484541 ┆2   HEA spacing 8 chars/inch   Vertical spacing 3 lines/inch   Character set:    224 character ASCII (standard)   Teletex Character Set (option)   Bit matrix 8 x 8   Blink (standard)   Underscore cursor (standard)   Local Memory: 256 K byte RAM with parity┆
0x32600…32700 (50, 0, 6)  Sector 3207ff00484541 ┆2   HEA   Max. 768K byte RAM   Processor: 5MHz 180186 16 bit CPU    Interfaces: Serial interface port RS-232/MIL-STD-188c/   MIL-188-114 (standard)    RS232 printer interface (option)   RS232 with modem control (option)   Parallel CENTRONICS/IBM-PC interfa┆
0x32700…32800 (50, 0, 7)  Sector 3108a500484541 ┆1 % HEAce (option)   X-Net interface (option)   Communication: IBM 2780   IBM 3270 BSC   IBM 3270 SNA/SDLC   TTY   Baud Rates: to 9600 baud   Full duplex/Half duplex  Kb formatted capacity.   THE KEYBOARD   The CR86T keyboard is an ergonomically designed, ┆
0x32800…32900 (50, 0, 8)  Sector 3209ff00484541 ┆2   HEAlow profile, detached keyboard with 111 keys.   The keys are sculptured and respond to a light touch.   The full range og keys makes the keyboard easy to use for both data processing and word processing applications.   The keys are arranged in funct┆
0x32900…32a00 (50, 0, 9)  Sector 320aff00484541 ┆2   HEAional groups around a standard typewriter keyboard. A numeric keypad allows the user to enter numeric information easily. The keyboard includes system and cursor control keys, special operation keys for such operations as insert and delete, and spec┆
0x32a00…32b00 (50, 0, 10) Sector 320b4300484541 ┆2 C HEAial function keys for such applications as wordprocessing.                                                                    Issue 1.4 LKSAA - VOLUME II                                      SYS/84-04-24 APPENDIX C                                   ┆
0x32b00…32c00 (50, 0, 11) Sector 320cff00484541 ┆2   HEA 1                                                                   OPERATING SYSTEMS   The CR86T can use the following operating systems:   - MS-DOS   - Concurrent CP/M   - MP/M 86   In addition to CR supported software and applications, a wide ra┆
0x32c00…32d00 (50, 0, 12) Sector 320dff00484541 ┆2   HEAnge of personal computer software that runs on the CR86T is available.    SYSTEM OPTIONS   A special option unit is designed to include the options described below. The option unit is a selfcontained box connected to the Display Cabinet with one or ┆
0x32d00…32e00 (50, 0, 13) Sector 320ef000484541 ┆2 p HEAmore (optical) cables.   - Winchester disk   - Gate to local area network   - Crypto-option   - Security filter for trusted local area network.    TRUSTED CR86T   Special version with features for multilevel security applications.    esk, you will b┆
0x32e00…32f00 (50, 0, 14) Sector 320f4a00484541 ┆2 J HEA 1                                                                   seconds, revising reports instantly, making informed decisions, handling planning, budgetting, accounting, statistics, status reporting and a dozen of other tasks in a fraction of ┆
0x32f00…33000 (50, 0, 15) Sector 3200ff00484541 ┆2   HEA 1                                                                   SPECIFICATIONS     Keyboard Detachable   Light and medium grey keys with black engraving on light keyboard (standard), other colours are optional.   Keys: 111 keys   QWERTY keyboar┆
0x33000…33100 (51, 0, 0)  Sector 33017b00484541 ┆3 { HEAns are prepared to meet the increasing security requirements in data access, data transmission and data handling.    %<MMY !\<6 C 3M, !\<6 : =~ B 5: = R$3C/4!e=6 !f=6 !g=6 !h=6 Ml+M;) RE3C#4:  2i=:g=~ JV3C/4!"<6 #6 MB&! =6 !,<6 :]=2'< AMD MB&!,<6 ! ┆
0x33100…33200 (51, 0, 1)  Sector 3302ff00484541 ┆3   HEA 1                                                                   CR86T Components   The CR86T workstations are ergonomically designed and contain the following hardware components:   o Monitor Cabinet   o Keyboard   o Option Unit   The main char┆
0x33200…33300 (51, 0, 2)  Sector 3303ff00484541 ┆3   HEAacteristics of the hardware and software components are highlighted in the following.     MONITOR, MONITOR CABINET   The monitor produces a sharp, easy-to-read image. It has been designed to provide maximum user-comfort and has the following feature┆
0x33300…33400 (51, 0, 3)  Sector 3304ff00484541 ┆3   HEAs:   - 15 inch., antiglare monitor screen.   - Yellow characters on dark grey background.   - Alphanumeric mode: 25 lines with 80 characters.    Grapich mode: 640 x 400 pixels (640 x 200 pixels in IBM-PC mode).   A pedestal base is standard equipmen┆
0x33400…33500 (51, 0, 4)  Sector 3305ff00484541 ┆3   HEAt with the monitor cabinet. The base is compact, easily moved and allows the user to tilt and swivel the monitor.   The monitor cabinet contains the following system electronics as standard equipment:   - Intel 80186 real 16 bit CPU with a cycle spe┆
0x33500…33600 (51, 0, 5)  Sector 3306ff00484541 ┆3   HEAed of 5 MHZ.   - 256 K byte Random Access Memory (volatile).   - Memory expansion option up to 768 K byte on board Random Access memory.   - One serial interface port compliant with RS-232/MIL-STD-188C/MIL-188-114 standards.   - One or two diskette ┆
0x33600…33700 (51, 0, 6)  Sector 33077800484541 ┆3 x HEAdrives (Floppy Disk Drives) can be attached to the bottom of the monitor cabinet, a real good ergonomic feature.   22   1732 27 04 84 13 22      00      6 27 04 84 13 15 30 04 84 09 03 0458A  10      40   120   2140      `     F'   `*J         8 * _┆
0x33700…33800 (51, 0, 7)  Sector 3208ff00484541 ┆2   HEA 1                                                                    Each diskette drive is a 5-1/4 inch. Dual-Side, Dual Density (DSDD) drive providing a 600 Kb formatted capacity.   THE KEYBOARD   The CR86T keyboard is an ergonomically designed, ┆
0x33800…33900 (51, 0, 8)  WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(51,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41484541}, f00=»4845A «, f01=»LKSAA - CR86T             «, f02=»am]                  «, f03=»RH                   «, f04=»prel. data sheets    «, f05=17-04-84 14:42, f06=»     «, f07=»22 «, f08=»  1732 «, f09=27-04-84 13:22, f10=»     «, f11=»00 «, f12=»     6 «, f13=27-04-84 13:15, f14=30-04-84 09:03, f15=»0458A «, f16=» 10 «, f17=»     «, f18=»40 «, f19=»  120 «, f20=»  2140 «, f21=»  «, f22=»   «, f99=600010000110462710110460aaca15050000000000000038032600df}
0x33900…33a00 (51, 0, 9)  Sector 330a0a00484541 ┆3   HEA     3   3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1                                                          DOKUMENTOVERSIGT  Dokument nr:   Dokumentnavn:   Operat]r:   Forfatter:    Kommentarer:       STATISTIK  AKTIVITET DATO TID  ANV.TID ANSLAG  Oprettet  / /   :     ┆
0x33a00…33b00 (51, 0, 10) Sector 330bff00484541 ┆3   HEA 1                                                                                                                            Issue 1.4 LKSAA - VOLUME II                                      SYS/84-04-24 APPENDIX C                                   ┆
0x33b00…33c00 (51, 0, 11) Sector 330c5e00484541 ┆3 ^ HEA          Preliminary TECHNICAL PROPOSAL                                     Page        Bp.MP- Rm.> IM)-MI,:^=~ B~.> IMB'IM2&  9x2"<!Z="(=^#Vk"$<:]=2#<:^=~ J6.! <6 M8) R6.> I! <6 M8)I!h=6 ! =6 M")IM"):g=~ J /:h=2>=M?.Mj': < Zn.C /  E*:=k 0wM% !;=4C┆
0x33c00…33d00 (51, 0, 12) Sector 330db800484541 ┆3 8 HEA 1                                                                                                                     CR86T   TEMPEST Professional Computer  TEMPEST Workstation  (*(=~   RM/!/=6iM (*(=~    R`/!/=6WM (*(=~     Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~      R ┆
0x33d00…33e00 (51, 0, 13) Sector 330eff00484541 ┆3   HEA 1                                                                   Overview   The Desk Top PC is changing the way people work in the nations offices. Now there is a TEMPEST version ready for your unique needs.   With CR86T on your desk, you will b┆
0x33e00…33f00 (51, 0, 14) Sector 330fff00484541 ┆3   HEAe accessing, organizing, retrieving and communicating information in seconds, revising reports instantly, making informed decisions, handling planning, budgetting, accounting, statistics, status reporting and a dozen of other tasks in a fraction of ┆
0x33f00…34000 (51, 0, 15) Sector 3300ff00484541 ┆3   HEAthe time it used to take.   In addition to being a Desktop PC, the CR86T can be used as an intelligent workstation in systems, interfaced to one or more Host computers, directly or through data networks and local area network.   The CR86T workstatio┆
0x34000…34100 (52, 0, 0)  Sector 00000000000000 ┆                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ┆


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