0x00000…00100 (0, 0, 0) Sector 02594130323539 ┆ YA0259A ┆
0x00100…00200 (0, 0, 1) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
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0x00340…00360 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ ┆
0x003e0…00400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1e ┆ ┆
0x00400…00500 (0, 0, 4) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x00500…00600 (0, 0, 5) Sector 02594130323539 ┆ YA0259A ┆
0x00600…00700 (0, 0, 6) Sector 421c402600415b ┆B @& A[' , X% % PO P ; 0 A 4 C g x g V WH O B :~ 3S 3006A g b < {C < { ; 6 s S8 s` sN u 9 8 :ST t xN i# 3 5 3G#E' ┆
0x00700…00800 (0, 0, 7) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01000…01100 (1, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x01300…01400 (1, 0, 3) Sector 0104ff00381341 ┆ 8 Aasmussen Niels-Erik Nielsen Bj]rn Stender Petersen Leif Thorsby Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE, ORP, ER[, LT, BJR, NEN, Conf. Mgmt., LU ILS Train.Mgmt. 840305 3 840305 C┆
0x01400…01500 (1, 0, 4) Sector 01051d00381341 ┆ 8 Aonf.Mgmt. 840305 <6 M1' R+/M )M2&MP'I:^=~ B;/IMC'!e=6 *(=~ RN/C}/:]=2#<:b= Rc/! <6 Ch/! <6 M)(:^=~ Bt/I:\=2#<C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'! "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~ R;/!/=6nM (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x01500…01600 (1, 0, 5) Sector 0106ff00381341 ┆ 8 A 1 3813A/rt CPS/TMA/025 BJR/840305 ii CAMPS STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE for MT/RST Course, Week 1-7 Issue 2 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x01600…01700 (1, 0, 6) Sector 0000fd00381341 ┆ } 8 A 830617 All Issue 1 of document 831228 Update of 'week 2' text 840305 All Issue 3 of document ┆
0x01700…01800 (1, 0, 7) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x01800…01900 (1, 0, 8) Sector 0109ae00380841 ┆ . 8 A No. 1437 in accordance with CPS Log. No. 22, 23 1437, 831021.g=6 !h=6 Ml+M;) RE3C#4: 2i=:g=~ JV3C/4!"<6 #6 MB&! =6 !,<6 :]=2'< AMD MB&!,<6 ! ┆
0x01900…01a00 (1, 0, 9) Sector 010aff00380841 ┆ 8 A 1 3808A/rt CPS/TMA/006 NEN/840730 iii CAMPS STUDENT TEXT BOOK FOR MT/RST COURSE VOLUME II, WEEK 1-7 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x01a00…01b00 (1, 0, 10) Sector 010bff00380841 ┆ 8 A 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 STUDENT TEXT BOOKS, VOLUME I AND II The two first volumes of the Student Text Books present descriptions of subject matter organized material. The level of descriptions is mostly at a deeper level┆
0x01b00…01c00 (1, 0, 11) Sector 010cff00380841 ┆ 8 A than presented during the course. The descriptions shall, therefore, be considered as back-ground information, enabling a deeper understanding of the function of the various modules etc. Abbreviations and acronyms are found in Volume I, and this ┆
0x01c00…01d00 (1, 0, 12) Sector 010dd200380841 ┆ R 8 Amay be at hand for easy reference during the course. 1.2 STUDENT TEXT BOOKS, VOLUME III The third volume of the Student Text Books is organized according to the progress of the course. This volume > systemdiskette ┆
0x01d00…01e00 (1, 0, 13) Sector 0000e000380841 ┆ ` 8 Ais used for collecting various Student Hand-Out, i.e. copies of visual aids, questionnaires, etc. The instructor will guide your use of this volume during the course, whenever Student Hand-Out is distributed. ┆
0x01e00…01f00 (1, 0, 14) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x02000…02100 (2, 0, 0) Sector 0201ff41380741 ┆ A8 A3807A kan bruges igen ILS 13 06 83 11 17 1 18 1945 22 06 83 11 07 05 27 13 06 83 15 49 08 03 85 11 11 0259A 1 1 26 4 2034 F' p*J 8 _┆
0x02100…02200 (2, 0, 1) Sector 02020100380741 ┆ 8 A DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / : : S S┆
0x02200…02300 (2, 0, 2) Sector 02034f00380741 ┆ O 8 A 1 :]=2#<:^=V V u:b=V V AH! Rv-! <6 C{-! <6 M1' Z -C7-:!<~ B -!/=6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x02300…02400 (2, 0, 3) Sector 00004a00380741 ┆ J 8 A 1 I:^=~ B[.Mr)Cp.:]=~ Bp.MP- Rm.> IM)-MI,:^=~ B~.> IMB'IM2& 9x2"<!Z="(=^#Vk"$<:]=2#<:^=~ J6.! <6 M8) R6.> I! <6 M8)I!h=6 ! =6 M")IM"):g=~ J /:h=2>=M?.Mj': < Zn.C / E*:=k 0wM% !;=4C┆
0x02400…02500 (2, 0, 4) Sector 0205c700380741 ┆ G 8 Ad of the list will include the additions. 1.2 STUDENT TEXT BOOKS, VOLUME III The third volume of the Student Text Books is organized according to the progress of the course. This volume Allerede p> systemdiskette ┆
0x02500…02600 (2, 0, 5) Sector 0000e000380741 ┆ ` 8 Ais used for collecting various Student Hand-Out, i.e. copies of visual aids, questionnaires, etc. The instructor will guide your use of this volume during the course, whenever Student Hand-Out is distributed. ┆
0x02600…02700 (2, 0, 6) Sector 0207ff00307441 ┆ 0tA STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE CAMPS MINI MODULE DRIVE EXERCISE The performance of each of the following steps is thoroughly described in MMD II. 1 Remove Mini Mo┆
0x02700…02800 (2, 0, 7) Sector 0108f900307441 ┆ y 0tAdule Drive from Slide Assy in Channel Unit rack. 2 Place the Drive on a worktable. 3 Perform Plus and Minus 5 Volt Adjustment. 4 Perform Power System Checks. 5 Mount the Mini Module Drive in the Slide Assy in Channel Unit Rack. MD. ┆
0x02800…02900 (2, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=( 2,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41380741}, f00=»3807A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/005 «, f02=»ktd «, f03=»JJD «, f04=»ST. TEXT BOOK Vol. 1 «, f05=13-06-83 11:17, f06=» 1 «, f07=»18 «, f08=» 1945 «, f09=22-06-83 11:07, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 11 «, f13=13-06-83 15:49, f14=22-06-83 11:27, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 3 «, f17=» 1 «, f18=»22 «, f19=» 48 «, f20=» 2018 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=100010000510462710110170aaca15050000000000000038030e00df}
0x02900…02a00 (2, 0, 9) Sector 020a0300380741 ┆ 8 A DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / : : S┆
0x02a00…02b00 (2, 0, 10) Sector 020bbf00380741 ┆ ? 8 A 1 CPS/TMA/005 /830617 CAMPS STUDENT TEXT BOOK FOR MT/RST COURSE VOL. 1-III, WEEK 1-7 Prelim. CAMPS (=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x02b00…02c00 (2, 0, 11) Sector 020cff00380741 ┆ 8 A 1 CAMPS STUDENT TEXT BOOK FOR MT/RST COURSE VOLUME I WEEK 1-7 CPS/TMA/005 CDRL Logistics Support No. 03A LINE ITEM 8.2.4-B ┆
0x02c00…02d00 (2, 0, 12) Sector 020df700380741 ┆ w 8 A Jesper Jan Damgaard Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (2), NCS (6), ORP, BSP, PBP, CL, BF, Conf. Mgmt., BJR, BPM, LU ILS Train. Mgr. 830617 1 830617 Conf.Mgmt. 830617 R ┆
0x02d00…02e00 (2, 0, 13) Sector 020eff00380741 ┆ 8 A 1 3807A/ktd CPS/TMA/005 JJD/830617 ii CAMPS STUDENT TEXT BOOK FOR MT/RST COURSE VOLUME I, WEEK 1-7 Prelim. CAMPS 1 ┆
0x02e00…02f00 (2, 0, 14) Sector 020fff00380741 ┆ 8 A 820923 All Preliminary Issue of Document Prelim. 830617 Cover Title Page,┆
0x02f00…03000 (2, 0, 15) Sector 0200b600380741 ┆ 6 8 A Revision Sheets Record, Introduction, and Table of Contents have been changed <2> I E*#<& "< DM L<M% :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x03000…03100 (3, 0, 0) Sector 03014c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 22.5 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ ANSWER QUESTION CORRECT ANSWER STUDY REFERENCE 1 1 a. MSO Oper┆
0x03100…03200 (3, 0, 1) Sector 03024c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 d above. 3 Complete this part by answering the self-test questions set up in the Section 21.4 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ: 4 Compare your solutions with Section 21.5 MULTIPLE CH┆
0x03200…03300 (3, 0, 2) Sector 03034c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 23 INCOMING MESSAGE ASSISTANCE SUPV: ┆
0x03300…03400 (3, 0, 3) Sector 03044c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 MSO : X 23.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE. After this section, you shall be able to modify incoming messages, which are sent for ass┆
0x03400…03500 (3, 0, 4) Sector 03054c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 Manual - section: Incoming Message Service Assistance (IMAS) 23.3 ASSIGNMENTS: 1 Locate OMAS in the fold-out diagram. 2 Study the referenced section and to the procedures┆
0x03500…03600 (3, 0, 5) Sector 00004c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 nic command above. 3 Complete this part by answering the self-test questions set up in the Section 23.4 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ. 4 Compare your solutions with Section 23.5 M┆
0x03600…03700 (3, 0, 6) Sector 0307ff00300641 ┆ 0 A MDCO: MSO : X 23.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE. After this section, you shall be able to modify incoming messages, which are sent for ass┆
0x03700…03800 (3, 0, 7) Sector 0100ff00300641 ┆ 0 Aistance. Time Frame: XX hours 23.2 STUDY REFERENCE MSO Operation Manual - section: Incoming Message Service Assistance (IMAS) 23.3 ASSIGNMENTS: 1 Locate OMAS in the fold-out diagram. 2 Study the referenced section and to the procedures┆
0x03800…03900 (3, 0, 8) Sector 0309ff00300641 ┆ 0 A 1 23.4 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ 1 Inhow manu different actions can the system split up a message presented from the incoming message service queue? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 ┆
0x03900…03a00 (3, 0, 9) Sector 030aff00300641 ┆ 0 A 1 23.5 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ ANSWER QUESTION CORRECT ANSWER STUDY REFERENCE 1 1 a. MSO Oper┆
0x03a00…03b00 (3, 0, 10) Sector 030b4600300641 ┆ F 0 Aation Manual - section: Incoming Message Service Assistance MSO : X 22.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE. After this section, you shall be able to modify outgoing messages, which are sent for ass┆
0x03b00…03c00 (3, 0, 11) Sector 030c4c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 Manual - section: Outgoing Message Service Assistance (OMAS) 22.3 ASSIGNMENTS: 1 Locate OMAS in the fold-out diagram. 2 Study the referenced section and do the procedure┆
0x03c00…03d00 (3, 0, 12) Sector 030d4c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 onic command above. 3 Complete this part by answering the self-test questions set up in the Section 22.4 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ. 4 Compare your solutions with Section 22.5 ┆
0x03d00…03e00 (3, 0, 13) Sector 030e4c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 , study the reference indicated, until you understand the material and is able to answer the examination questions. is part by answering the self-test questions set up in the Sect┆
0x03e00…03f00 (3, 0, 14) Sector 030f4c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 22.4 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ 1 A message is sent to outgoing assistance because of different reasons. Which one of the following possibilities is wrong? a. Known RI b. ┆
0x03f00…04000 (3, 0, 15) Sector 03004c00300641 ┆ L 0 A 1 MSO : 21.1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE. After this section, you shall be able to modify messages which are suit for assistanc┆
0x04000…04100 (4, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x04700…04800 (4, 0, 7) Sector 03082c00300641 ┆ , 0 A possibilities from the MSO position. 21.5 MULTIPLE CHOICE SELF-QUIZ ANSWER QUESTION CORRECT ANSWER STUDY REFERENCE 1 1 c. MDCO Ope┆
0x04800…04900 (4, 0, 8) Sector 0409ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 830617 WEEK SPECIFIC ABBREVIATION┆
0x04900…04a00 (4, 0, 9) Sector 040aff00313941 ┆ 19AS WEEK NO. 7 CAMPS 1 SLM CPS/TCM/005 (CAMPS SITE LEVEL MAINTENANCE MANUAL) MOM CPS┆
0x04a00…04b00 (4, 0, 10) Sector 040b3f00313941 ┆ ? 19A/OPM/005 (MAINTENANCE POSITION OPERATION entive maintenance on the CR80 modules 8 The preventive maintenance on the MMD disk consists of cleaning of primary filter at a quarterly frequency. 9 9, CPU/CACHE, DISK CTRL, FD CTRL, LTU┆
0x04b00…04c00 (4, 0, 11) Sector 00004100313941 ┆ A 19AMANUAL HWB CPS/SDS/017 (CAMPS H/W ASSEMBLY BREAKDOWN) S, LTUX-STATUS, TDX LTUS, TDX-LOOP, TDX-VDU-IO 11 If MAINT mode: The MAINT LED on the front of the module in "ON" and each command at the maintenance position VDU is terminate by a "*" ┆
0x04c00…04d00 (4, 0, 12) Sector 040dff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 830617 WEEK SPECIFIC ABBREVIATION┆
0x04d00…04e00 (4, 0, 13) Sector 040eff00313941 ┆ 19AS WEEK NO. 7 CAMPS 1 SLM CPS/TCM/005 (CAMPS SITE LEVEL MAINTENANCE MANUAL) MOM CPS┆
0x04e00…04f00 (4, 0, 14) Sector 040f3f00313941 ┆ ? 19A/OPM/005 (MAINTENANCE POSITION OPERATION entive maintenance on the CR80 modules 8 The preventive maintenance on the MMD disk consists of cleaning of primary filter at a quarterly frequency. 9 9, CPU/CACHE, DISK CTRL, FD CTRL, LTU┆
0x04f00…05000 (4, 0, 15) Sector 00004100313941 ┆ A 19AMANUAL HWB CPS/SDS/017 (CAMPS H/W ASSEMBLY BREAKDOWN) S, LTUX-STATUS, TDX LTUS, TDX-LOOP, TDX-VDU-IO 11 If MAINT mode: The MAINT LED on the front of the module in "ON" and each command at the maintenance position VDU is terminate by a "*" ┆
0x05000…05100 (5, 0, 0) Sector 0501ff00313941 ┆ 19A 15 1 Error report printed at the maintenance position 2 Isolate the error to a module 3 Replace module 4 Verify that the error is removed 5 Bring the system back to normal operation 6 Com┆
0x05100…05200 (5, 0, 1) Sector 0502ff00313941 ┆ 19Aplete paperwork 16 The purpose of the logbook is to store any abnormal occurence/operation of the CAMPS equipmentl. 17 The purpose of the failure report is to 1 Ease troubleshooting of the vailed module/item 2 ensure that all errors can be┆
0x05200…05300 (5, 0, 2) Sector 0503ff00313941 ┆ 19A centrally registrated 18 The Field Change Notice will be issued whenever a modificaton is necessary 19 The configuration control will ensure a unique id of the individual modules at each site, i.e the Serial Nos and the revision levels 20 Tas┆
0x05300…05400 (5, 0, 3) Sector 0504ff00313941 ┆ 19Ak when receiving a H/W error report: Trace the error to a module Replace the module with a spare module Verify that the error is removed Fill in a failure report Task when receiving a S/W error report Fill in a failure report Load New ┆
0x05400…05500 (5, 0, 4) Sector 05052800313941 ┆ ( 19AS/W when receiving it from depot 15 The following list contains a sequence of the corrective maintenance tasks Write the missing sequence, and make the sequences in right order by numb┆
0x05500…05600 (5, 0, 5) Sector 0506ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 830617 GENERAL ABBREVIATIO┆
0x05600…05700 (5, 0, 6) Sector 0507ff00313941 ┆ 19ANS CAMPS 1 DI Discussion DE Demonstration L Lecture GW Group Work T Test I In┆
0x05700…05800 (5, 0, 7) Sector 04085b00313941 ┆ [ 19Aformal Talk S Self Study EX Exercise LG Laboratory Guide OH Overhead/Handout ml ANSWERS TO PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 LT/831215 2 of 2 LESSON: 7:5:1-3 ┆
0x05800…05900 (5, 0, 8) Sector 0509ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:5:1-3 830617 1 ANSWERS TO PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x05900…05a00 (5, 0, 9) Sector 050aff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 1 CPU, RAM, MAP, DISK, FD, LTU, TDX 2 A H/W error report 3 Step 4000 4 Step 1035-1040 5 200-2100 6 The purpose of the preventive maintenance is┆
0x05a00…05b00 (5, 0, 10) Sector 050bff00313941 ┆ 19A to keep the equipment functionating 7 There is no preventive maintenance on the CR80 modules 8 The preventive maintenance on the MMD disk consists of cleaning of primary filter at a quarterly frequency. 9 9, CPU/CACHE, DISK CTRL, FD CTRL, LTU┆
0x05b00…05c00 (5, 0, 11) Sector 050cff00313941 ┆ 19A, LTUX-S, STI, WPU (LTU), TDX CTRL, MAP 10 6, STI, TDX-BUS, LTUX-STATUS, TDX LTUS, TDX-LOOP, TDX-VDU-IO 11 If MAINT mode: The MAINT LED on the front of the module in "ON" and each command at the maintenance position VDU is terminate by a "*" ┆
0x05c00…05d00 (5, 0, 12) Sector 050dff00313941 ┆ 19A If NORMAL mode: Each command at the maintenance position VDU is terminated by a " " 12 Yes, if an Off-line test program is booked into the PU an "-- " appears each time, it is possible to enter new command. 13 Processor Unit Off-line Trouble┆
0x05d00…05e00 (5, 0, 13) Sector 050eea00313941 ┆ j 19Ash. Tree 1000-2000 Channel Unit - - - 2000-3000 Watchdog Unit - - - 3000-4000 TDX - - - 4000-5000 Distributuion Equipment - - 5000-6000 ssage? b. What┆
0x05e00…05f00 (5, 0, 14) Sector 050fff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:5:1-3 830617 2 ANSWERS TO PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x05f00…06000 (5, 0, 15) Sector 0500ff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 14 1 Failure reporting (section 6 in CAMPS Site Level Maintenance Manual9 2 New S/W loading (Maintenance Position Operation Manual) 1 ┆
0x06000…06100 (6, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=( 6,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41380841}, f00=»3808A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/006 «, f02=»rt «, f03=»NEN «, f04=»ST. TEXT BOOK VOL II «, f05=13-06-83 11:18, f06=» «, f07=»01 «, f08=» 48 «, f09=08-01-85 09:47, f10=» «, f11=»39 «, f12=» 190 «, f13=15-02-84 14:42, f14=16-01-85 13:43, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 3 «, f17=» «, f18=»54 «, f19=» 36 «, f20=» 629 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=200010000510462710110170aaca15050000000000000038030e00df}
0x06100…06200 (6, 0, 1) Sector 06020300380841 ┆ 8 A DOKUMENTOVERSIGT Dokument nr: Dokumentnavn: Operat]r: Forfatter: Kommentarer: STATISTIK AKTIVITET DATO TID ANV.TID ANSLAG Oprettet / / : : S┆
0x06200…06300 (6, 0, 2) Sector 06034a00380841 ┆ J 8 A 1 9M% I:]=2#<:^=V V u:b=V V AH! Rv-! <6 C{-! <6 M1' Z -C7-:!<~ B -!/=6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x06300…06400 (6, 0, 3) Sector 0604ff00380841 ┆ 8 A 1 CAMPS STUDENT TEXT BOOK FOR MT/RST COURSE VOLUME II WEEK 1-7 CPS/TMA/006 CDRL Logistics Support No. 03A LINE ITEM 8.2.4-B ┆
0x06400…06500 (6, 0, 4) Sector 0605e300380841 ┆ c 8 A Niels-Erik Nielsen Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (2), NEN, LT, ER[, ALG, Conf. Mgmt., LU ILS Train. Mgr. 840730 2 840730 Conf.Mgmt. 840730 Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x06500…06600 (6, 0, 5) Sector 0606ff00380841 ┆ 8 A 1 3808A/rt CPS/TMA/006 NEN/840730 ii CAMPS STUDENT TEXT BOOK FOR MT/RST COURSE VOLUME II, WEEK 1-7 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x06600…06700 (6, 0, 6) Sector 0607ff00380841 ┆ 8 A 820923 All Preliminary Issue of Document 1 . 830617 Cover Title Pag┆
0x06700…06800 (6, 0, 7) Sector 0108ff00380841 ┆ 8 Ae, Revision Sheets Record, Introduction, and Table of Contents have been changed 2 840730 CPS Log. All Completely new update ┆
0x06800…06900 (6, 0, 8) Sector 0609ff00313941 ┆ 19AMPS central equipment contain a Built-In-Test program? 10 How many different types of Off-line TDX test programs exist? List the identification of them. 11 Is it possible by a visual check to verify whether the MAP module is in maintenance┆
0x06900…06a00 (6, 0, 9) Sector 060aff00313941 ┆ 19A mode or in normal mode. 12 Is it possible by a visual check to verify if an Off-line test program is booted or not? 13 The Off-line Troubleshooting Tree is divided into five main groups. List the groups. 14 What does the S/W maintena┆
0x06a00…06b00 (6, 0, 10) Sector 060b3800313941 ┆ 8 19Ance at site level consist of? (2 main points) 3139A 7:2:4-6 840209 1 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x06b00…06c00 (6, 0, 11) Sector 060cff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:5:1-3 830617 3 of 3 PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x06c00…06d00 (6, 0, 12) Sector 060dff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 15 The following list contains a sequence of the corrective maintenance tasks Write the missing sequence, and make the sequences in right order by numb┆
0x06d00…06e00 (6, 0, 13) Sector 060eff00313941 ┆ 19Aering. Isolate the error to a module Bring the system back to normal operation Complete paperwork Replace module 1┆
0x06e00…06f00 (6, 0, 14) Sector 060fff00313941 ┆ 19A6 Explain the purpose of the logbook 17 Explain the purpose of the failure report 18 Explain the purpose of the Field Change Notices (FCN) 19 Explain the purpose of the configuration control 20 Explain the difference between the ┆
0x06f00…07000 (6, 0, 15) Sector 05085700313941 ┆ W 19Atasks to be executed when receiving a H/W error report and a S/W error report 9A/aml ANSWERS TO PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 LT/831215 2 of 2 LESSON: 7:5:1-3 ┆
0x07000…07100 (7, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x08000…08100 (8, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=( 8,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41381341}, f00=»3813A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/025 «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CL «, f04=»CPS STUD.LAB.GUIDE «, f05=14-06-83 09:16, f06=» «, f07=»04 «, f08=» 152 «, f09=12-07-84 12:28, f10=» «, f11=»03 «, f12=» 51 «, f13=12-07-84 12:35, f14=12-07-84 14:53, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 4 «, f17=» 2 «, f18=»11 «, f19=» 24 «, f20=» 2286 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=200010000310462710110170aaca15050000000000000038030b00df}
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0x08d00…08e00 (8, 0, 13) Sector 080e7700307441 ┆ w 0tAwn terminal. - Finally, use the RESPONSE MESSAGE function and the DISPLAY OUTGOING MESSAGE STATUS function. the instructor. PROGRESS TEST, Week 5 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x08e00…08f00 (8, 0, 14) Sector 080fff00307441 ┆ 0tA 1 3074A 840618 5 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x08f00…09000 (8, 0, 15) Sector 0800ff00307441 ┆ 0tA CAMPS CONTINUE MESSAGE PREPARATION OBJECTIVE: Enable the students to use the continue preparation facility. REFERENCE: The CAMPS USER MANUAL, section 3.2.4 and the SLG, section 2:3:4-6, page 1┆
0x09000…09100 (9, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x1e800…1e900 (30, 0, 8) Sector 1e09f700313941 ┆ w 19A CAMPS 1 11. TDX 12. H/W 13. S/W 14. The prompt is "-- " 15. Disk and floppy disk eived at┆
0x1e900…1ea00 (30, 0, 9) Sector 1e0aff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:5:1-3 830617 1 of 3 PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x1ea00…1eb00 (30, 0, 10) Sector 1e0bff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 NAME: SCORE: 1 List the names of the seven Off-line M&D test programs. 2 Is the following REP-ID ┆
0x1eb00…1ec00 (30, 0, 11) Sector 1e0cff00313941 ┆ 19Aan identification of a H/W or a S/W error report: REP-ID: FMS 025 3 Identify the ENTRY POINT in the Off-line Troubleshooting Tree when an error report is received at the Maintenance Position: REP-ID: PER 001 4 It is possible to test ┆
0x1ec00…1ed00 (30, 0, 12) Sector 1e0dff00313941 ┆ 19Athe MAP module Off-line. List the steps of the Off-line Troubleshooting Tree which describe the boot and activation command of the MAP test. 5 List the steps of the Off-line Troubleshooting Tree which describe a test of the MIA-CIA connection. ┆
0x1ed00…1ee00 (30, 0, 13) Sector 1e0e4400313941 ┆ D 19A 6 What is the purpose of the preventive maintenance? ge on the Maintenance Position connected to the MIA: Error [[[9 by [459 MAP status [[8[ a. In which section of the SLM manual would you look to decode the message? b. What┆
0x1ee00…1ef00 (30, 0, 14) Sector 1e0fff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:5:1-3 830617 2 of 3 PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x1ef00…1f000 (30, 0, 15) Sector 0608ff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 7 Is there any preventive maintenance of the CR80 modules? 8 What is the preventive maintenance on the MMD disk? 9 How many modules in the CA┆
0x1f000…1f100 (31, 0, 0) Sector 1f01ff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 12. What type of error report is this: FMS [11 S/W or H/W? ┆
0x1f100…1f200 (31, 0, 1) Sector 1f02ff00313941 ┆ 19A 13. What type of error report is this: GQE XXXX S/W or H/W? 14. How can you tell at the Maintenance Position if an off-line M & D test program is loaded? 15. Two types of media contain the off-line M & D programs. Which? ┆
0x1f200…1f300 (31, 0, 2) Sector 1f030700313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:2:4-6 840209 1 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x1f300…1f400 (31, 0, 3) Sector 1f04ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A/aml ANSWERS TO PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 LT/831215 1 of 2 LESSON: 7:5:1-3 ┆
0x1f400…1f500 (31, 0, 4) Sector 1f05ff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 1. Off-line, standby, on-line 2. MAP, CPU, RAM, TDX 3. PU, CU, WD, TDX, Dist., Periph. ┆
0x1f500…1f600 (31, 0, 5) Sector 1f06ff00313941 ┆ 19A 4. 2000 5. 3450, 3600 - 3700 6. Supervisor report printer 7. By power up 8. CPU, MAP, DISK CTRL, LTU, LTUX, STI, WPU, TDX CTRL 9. TEST-led on the front is ON. 10. a. b. Parity error in data space at absolute l┆
0x1f600…1f700 (31, 0, 6) Sector 1f074900313941 ┆ I 19Aogical address [459, timeout detected by MAP. c. RAM module 3139A/aml 7:5:1-3 LT/831214 1 of 3 PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x1f700…1f800 (31, 0, 7) Sector 1e08ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A/aml ANSWERS TO PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 LT/831215 2 of 2 LESSON: 7:5:1-3 ┆
0x1f800…1f900 (31, 0, 8) Sector 1f09ff00313941 ┆ 19A D test programs that are needed to test modules in the PU. 3. Name the groups that the off-line Troubleshooting Tree is divided into. 4. Identify the entry point in the off-line Troubleshooting Tree when an error report is received at┆
0x1f900…1fa00 (31, 0, 9) Sector 1f0aff00313941 ┆ 19A the Maintenance Position REP-ID: FMS [11 5. Which step in the off-line Troubleshooting Tree describes the Reconfiguration Procedure for the Maintenance Position VDU and MSP?. 6. If the watchdog fails, the messages from the active PU hav┆
0x1fa00…1fb00 (31, 0, 10) Sector 1f0b7700313941 ┆ w 19Ae an alternative position to be directed to. Which? 7. How can the BIT program of a module be initiated? (HEX) M CPU 9 M DISK 7 M FD 6 M LTU 5 M LTU.12 C M LTU.34 D M LTU.5 1C M MAP 8 M PFTP A M RAM B M ┆
0x1fb00…1fc00 (31, 0, 11) Sector 1f0cff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A/aml 7:5:1-3 LT/831214 2 of 3 PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x1fc00…1fd00 (31, 0, 12) Sector 1f0dff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 8. Which modules contain BIT? 9. How can you tell that the BIT┆
0x1fd00…1fe00 (31, 0, 13) Sector 1f0eff00313941 ┆ 19A is activated? 10. During BOOT-up you receive this message on the Maintenance Position connected to the MIA: Error [[[9 by [459 MAP status [[8[ a. In which section of the SLM manual would you look to decode the message? b. What┆
0x1fe00…1ff00 (31, 0, 14) Sector 1f0fa600313941 ┆ & 19A does the message indicate? c. Which module will be in error? 11. What major block of the CAMPS does this error message point to: TMS[[9 o the proper section) to execute the tests in steps 1 - 10. FD BOOT COMMANDS BA 1[┆
0x1ff00…20000 (31, 0, 15) Sector 1f00ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A/aml 7:5:1-3 LT/831214 3 of 3 PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x20000…20100 (32, 0, 0) Sector 2001ff00313941 ┆ 19ATDX LTUX test for line No. 1 of LTUX No. 1 in CRATE No. 4. 7. Disconnect OPTO-cable of OPTO-adaptor No. 1 of LTUX No. 1 in CRATE No. 1 and mount OPTO Loopback Adaptor. 8. Execute TDX LOOP test for line No. 1 of LTUX No. 1 in CRATE No. 1. 9.┆
0x20100…20200 (32, 0, 1) Sector 20028500313941 ┆ 19A Disconnect OPTO Loopback Adaptor and re-connect line. 10. Execute TDX VDU IO for line No. 1 of LTUX No. 1 of CRATE No. 1. -6 840209 1 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x20200…20300 (32, 0, 2) Sector 2003ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:2:4-6 840209 1 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x20300…20400 (32, 0, 3) Sector 2004ff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 EXERCISE NO. 1 OBJECTIVES: To enable the student to locate a failing module in the system using the Site Level Maintenance Manual and the M&D tests. ┆
0x20400…20500 (32, 0, 4) Sector 2005ff00313941 ┆ 19AREFERENCES: Site Level Maintenance Manual. On the Maintenance Position VDU, the following on-line report appeared: PER[[6 ERROR LTU L 41 UNEXP CTRL LTU-LINE CLOSED Locate the failing module using the off-line PU. Assume that the on-line PU ┆
0x20500…20600 (32, 0, 5) Sector 20068e00313941 ┆ 19Ais in normal operation. Note your actions and observations on page 3. Call the instructor when you have located the failing module. Connect V-24 Loopback-plug to LIA Line 1 of LTU No. 1 10. Execute LTU LOOP test for LTU No. 1, Line No. 1 ┆
0x20600…20700 (32, 0, 6) Sector 2007ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A/aml 7:5:1-3 LT/831214 1 of 3 PROGRESS TEST WEEK 7 ┆
0x20700…20800 (32, 0, 7) Sector 1f08ff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 1. List the three states a PU can be in. 2. List those off-line M &┆
0x20800…20900 (32, 0, 8) Sector 2009b400313941 ┆ 4 19A CAMPS 1 Off-line M&D tests - Overview n 7:4:4-6 is practical troubleshooting or simulated errors in the CAMPS equ┆
0x20900…20a00 (32, 0, 9) Sector 200aff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:1:4-6 840209 3 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x20a00…20b00 (32, 0, 10) Sector 200bff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 TEST BOOTADDR. (HEX) M CPU 9 M DISK 7 M FD 6 M LTU 5 M LTU.12 C M LTU.34 D M LTU.5 1C M MAP 8 M PFTP A M RAM B M ┆
0x20b00…20c00 (32, 0, 11) Sector 200ce000313941 ┆ ` 19ATDX 4 M TDX.1 E M TDX.2 F M TDX.3 10 M TDX.4 11 M TDX.5 12 M TDX.6 13 M TDX.7 14 M TDX.8 15 M TDX.9 16 M TDX.A 17 M TDX.B 18 M TDX.C 19 M TDX.D 1A M TDX.E 1B M TDX.F 1D es ANSWERS OH 1-3 Master ans┆
0x20c00…20d00 (32, 0, 12) Sector 200dff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:1:4-6 840209 1 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x20d00…20e00 (32, 0, 13) Sector 200eff00313941 ┆ 19A CAMPS 1 EXERCISE NO. 2 OBJECTIVES: To enable the student to use the M&D test programs in system connection using the Site Level Maintenance Manual. REFERENCE┆
0x20e00…20f00 (32, 0, 14) Sector 200fff00313941 ┆ 19AS: Site Level Maintenance Manual (SLM), sec. 4.7. Use the off-line M&D test programmes stored on floppy disks and the SLM (page 2 of this exercise points to the proper section) to execute the tests in steps 1 - 10. FD BOOT COMMANDS BA 1[┆
0x20f00…21000 (32, 0, 15) Sector 2000ff00313941 ┆ 19A[1 (CR) BT FD5[[ (CR) BU [ (CR) BE 1. Execute DISK test for unit 3 2. Mount a scratch SMD disk 3. Execute DISK-RW test for unit 2 4. Execute TDX BUS test 5. Execute TDX STATUS test for LTUX No. 1 in CRATE No. 4. 6. Execute ┆
0x21000…21100 (33, 0, 0) Sector 2101e900313941 ┆! i 19A 1 1 Final talks on subject: Course evaluation Hand out certificates CONTROL ┆
0x21100…21200 (33, 0, 1) Sector 2102ff00313941 ┆! 19A 1 3139A 7:1:4-6 840209 1 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x21200…21300 (33, 0, 2) Sector 2103ff00313941 ┆! 19A CAMPS 1 EXERCISE NO. 1 OBJECTIVES: To enable the student to use the M&D test programs in system connection using the Site Level Maintenance Manual. REFER┆
0x21300…21400 (33, 0, 3) Sector 2104ff00313941 ┆! 19AENCES: Site Level Maintenance Manual (SLM), sec. 4.7. Use the off-line M&D test programmes stored on floppy disks and the SLM (page 2 of this exercise points to the proper section) to execute the tests in steps 1 - 13. DISK BOOT COMMANDS BA┆
0x21400…21500 (33, 0, 4) Sector 2105ff00313941 ┆! 19A 1[23 (CR) BM 1[[ (CR) BE (NNN) (CR) - see page 3 for boot entry 1. Execute CPU test 2. Execute MAP test 3. Execute RAM test 4. Mount a scratch diskette in the right floppy disk drive 5. Execute FD test for unit 1 6. Connect┆
0x21500…21600 (33, 0, 5) Sector 2106ff00313941 ┆! 19A a VDU in V-24 configuration to LIA line No. 1 of LTU No. 1 7. Execute LTU test for LTU No. 1, Line No. 1 8. Disconnect VDU 9. Connect V-24 Loopback-plug to LIA Line 1 of LTU No. 1 10. Execute LTU LOOP test for LTU No. 1, Line No. 1 ┆
0x21600…21700 (33, 0, 6) Sector 2107a600313941 ┆! & 19A11. Disconnect V-24 Loopback-plug 12. Connect VDU in V-24 configuration to LTU No. 1, Line No. 1 13. Execute LTU VDU IO test for LTU No. 1, Line No. 1 TION SLM Sec. Field Change Notice (FCN) is used whenever a 6.3.3 modification is issued┆
0x21700…21800 (33, 0, 7) Sector 2008ff00313941 ┆ 19A 1 3139A 7:1:4-6 840209 2 STUDENT LABORATORY GUIDE ┆
0x21800…21900 (33, 0, 8) Sector 2109ff00313941 ┆! 19A EX 1 1 The purpose of lesson 7:4:4-6 is practical troubleshooting or simulated errors in the CAMPS equ┆
0x21900…21a00 (33, 0, 9) Sector 210a0d00313941 ┆! 19Aipment pares Change Software Change RELATED OH 1 ECO NO INFORMATION Failure Report FIELD CHANGE OH 1 "IS" and "WAS" are used to describe the DESCRIPTION change AFFECTED OH 1 The affected document are listed with new DOCUMENT revision level ┆
0x21a00…21b00 (33, 0, 10) Sector 210bff00313941 ┆! 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:5:1-3 830617 PROGRESS TEST ┆
0x21b00…21c00 (33, 0, 11) Sector 210cff00313941 ┆! 19A T 1 1 PROGRESS TEST Remember to fill in your name Test time 45 minutes ANSWERS OH 1-3 Master ans┆
0x21c00…21d00 (33, 0, 12) Sector 210d5000313941 ┆! P 19Awers on overhead QUESTIONS Any misunderstandings? Any questions? 2 1 OH 3 LOGBOOK PUPORSE OF The logbook is issued to be used from the LOOGBOOK date of Site Prov┆
0x21d00…21e00 (33, 0, 13) Sector 210eff00313941 ┆! 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:5:4 830617 COURSE EVALUATION ┆
0x21e00…21f00 (33, 0, 14) Sector 210fc400313941 ┆! D 19A 1 1 Hand out course evaluation scheme tion groups are defined: A - Errors B - Preventive M┆
0x21f00…22000 (33, 0, 15) Sector 2100ff00313941 ┆! 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:5:5-6 830617 FINAL PROCEDURES ┆
0x22000…22100 (34, 0, 0) Sector 22010700313941 ┆" 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:2 830617 CONFIGURATION CONTROL ┆
0x22100…22200 (34, 0, 1) Sector 2202ff00313941 ┆" 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:4-6 830617 TROUBLESHOOTING EXERCISE ┆
0x22200…22300 (34, 0, 2) Sector 2203ff00313941 ┆" 19A EX 1 1 The purpose of lesson 7:3:4-6 is practical troubleshooting or simulated errors in the CAMPS equ┆
0x22300…22400 (34, 0, 3) Sector 22040d00313941 ┆" 19Aipment CONTROL OH 3 Change Control Board (CCB) will be responsible to all changes on the CAMPS equipment. a) Failure Reports wll contribute to changes b) As soon as an Engineering Proposal (ECP) is approved, an Engineering Change Order (ECO) wi┆
0x22400…22500 (34, 0, 4) Sector 2205ff00313941 ┆" 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:4:1-3 830617 TROUBLESHOOTING EXERCISE ┆
0x22500…22600 (34, 0, 5) Sector 2206ff00313941 ┆" 19A EX 1 1 The purpose of lesson 7:4:1-3 is practical troubleshooting or simulated errors in the CAMPS equ┆
0x22600…22700 (34, 0, 6) Sector 22070d00313941 ┆" 19Aipment 1 1 INTRODUCTION SLM Sec. Field Change Notice (FCN) is used whenever a 6.3.3 modification is issued┆
0x22700…22800 (34, 0, 7) Sector 2108ff00313941 ┆! 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:4:4-6 830617 TROUBLESHOOTING EXERCISE ┆
0x22800…22900 (34, 0, 8) Sector 2209ff00313941 ┆" 19A with number 1. IDENTIFICATION OH 1 - Type - MFG P/N - NATO Stock No. - Description - Next higher level - Parts Disposition Rework (H/W Change) CLASS OH 1 - Desireable - Mandatory TYPE I OH 1 Type of Information - Rework (H/W Change┆
0x22900…22a00 (34, 0, 9) Sector 220aff00313941 ┆" 19A) - Spares Change Software Change RELATED OH 1 ECO NO INFORMATION Failure Report FIELD CHANGE OH 1 "IS" and "WAS" are used to describe the DESCRIPTION change AFFECTED OH 1 The affected document are listed with new DOCUMENT revision level ┆
0x22a00…22b00 (34, 0, 10) Sector 220b6f00313941 ┆" o 19AAPPROVAL OH 1 The author of the FCN AUTHORITY SUCCEEDING OH 2 Information about the modification PAGES EXERCISE 1 CORRECT SOLUTION ┆
0x22b00…22c00 (34, 0, 11) Sector 220cff00313941 ┆" 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:3 830617 FIELD CHANGE NOTICE & LOGBOOK ┆
0x22c00…22d00 (34, 0, 12) Sector 220dff00313941 ┆" 19A L 2 1 OH 3 LOGBOOK PUPORSE OF The logbook is issued to be used from the LOOGBOOK date of Site Prov┆
0x22d00…22e00 (34, 0, 13) Sector 220eff00313941 ┆" 19Aisional Acceptance (SPA) SLM Sec. 6.1.1 The logbook mut at all times reflect the status and history of the equipment at the site. HEADING OH 3 Year - month - day TIME OF DAY OH 3 Start/stop time Start: the time when am actopm is commenced whic┆
0x22e00…22f00 (34, 0, 14) Sector 220fff00313941 ┆" 19Ah is not a normal operation Stop: the time when the equipment is returned back to normal operation SYMPTOM OH 3 A description of the abnormal action. ACTION GROUP OH 3 The following action groups are defined: A - Errors B - Preventive M┆
0x22f00…23000 (34, 0, 15) Sector 2200ff00313941 ┆" 19Aaintenance C - Verification of repairs from depot D - Load of New S/W E - On-Job Training F - Equipment Expansion G - Other access to the equipment ACTION OH 3 A brief description of the actions INIT OH 3 Initials of the originator ┆
0x23000…23100 (35, 0, 0) Sector 2301ff00313941 ┆# 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:2 830617 CONFIGURATION CONTROL ┆
0x23100…23200 (35, 0, 1) Sector 2302ff00313941 ┆# 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION SLM Sec. The configuration control ensures a unique 6.4.2 identification of the CA┆
0x23200…23300 (35, 0, 2) Sector 2303ff00313941 ┆# 19AMPS equipment. There are three functional areas: - Identification - Status Accounting - Change Control IDENTIFICATION OH 1 Serial No for identification STATUS OH 2 Revision Levels for Engineering Changes ACCOUNTING and implementation ┆
0x23300…23400 (35, 0, 3) Sector 2304ff00313941 ┆# 19ACHANGE CONTROL OH 3 Change Control Board (CCB) will be responsible to all changes on the CAMPS equipment. a) Failure Reports wll contribute to changes b) As soon as an Engineering Proposal (ECP) is approved, an Engineering Change Order (ECO) wi┆
0x23400…23500 (35, 0, 4) Sector 23055400313941 ┆# T 19All be generated. c) ECO is issued under cover of Field Change Notice (FCN) 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:1 830617 H/W & S/W FAILURE REPORTING S┆
0x23500…23600 (35, 0, 5) Sector 2306ff00313941 ┆# 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:3 830617 FIELD CHANGE NOTICE & LOGBOOK ┆
0x23600…23700 (35, 0, 6) Sector 2307ff00313941 ┆# 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION SLM Sec. Field Change Notice (FCN) is used whenever a 6.3.3 modification is issued┆
0x23700…23800 (35, 0, 7) Sector 2208ff00313941 ┆" 19A to a site/depot. FCN OH 1 The FCN will contain the following information: - Type of information - Tools, Parts, and Time required - Equipment to be modified - Instruction for implementing the modification HEADING OH 1 FCNs are commencing┆
0x23800…23900 (35, 0, 8) Sector 2309ff00313941 ┆# 19Aort Whenever a failing item is identified and returned to the next level of repair, a Failure Report must be issued as idenfication. FAILURE REPORT OH 3 Site and Depot dependent NO IDENFIFICATION OH 3 - Name of failing item - Type No. - Ser┆
0x23900…23a00 (35, 0, 9) Sector 230aff00313941 ┆# 19Aial No. - Revision No. PHYSICAL HWB CAMPS H/W Assembly Breakdown describes LOCATION Sec. 1.3 the exact physical location OH 3 TYPE OF ERROR - H/W Failure - S/W Failure SITE LEVEL OH 3 - Site name IDENTIFICATION - Originator's Initials -┆
0x23a00…23b00 (35, 0, 10) Sector 230b3c00313941 ┆# < 19A Completion Date REPAIR TIME OH 3 - Date of Failure 1a 1 EXERCISE 1 CORRECT SOLUTION ┆
0x23b00…23c00 (35, 0, 11) Sector 230cff00313941 ┆# 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:1 830617 H/W & S/W FAILURE REPORTING S┆
0x23c00…23d00 (35, 0, 12) Sector 230dff00313941 ┆# 19AYSTEM L 2 1 ERROR OH 3 - A brief description of the error DESCRIPTION ENVIRONMENT OH 3 If ┆
0x23d00…23e00 (35, 0, 13) Sector 230eff00313941 ┆# 19Aabnormal this should be indicated CONDITION TYPE OH 3 - Retrieval of date - Preventive Maintenance - Test of repaired modules - On-Job Training may be indicated in the "OTHER" field. ENCLOSURE OH 3 Further information type must be marked ┆
0x23e00…23f00 (35, 0, 14) Sector 230fff00313941 ┆# 19Ahere. PHYSICAL HWB Exercise: LOCATION Sec. 1.3 Channel Unit, Disk Controller slot 20. (Self-study) Find the physical location OH 4 Solution: 1A2A1A4 Exercise: TDX crate #11, LTUX-S slot 11 Find the physical location Solution: 2A4A7A11┆
0x23f00…24000 (35, 0, 15) Sector 23000800313941 ┆# 19A ^ ^ MAP STATUS A[[[ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2700 ^ IR 1A[1 ^ FFFF ^ ^ ^ ^┆
0x24000…24100 (36, 0, 0) Sector 2401ff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ 2710 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2715 ^ Remove, Insert LTU/slot 8 ^ TEST stays off ^ ^ ┆
0x24100…24200 (36, 0, 1) Sector 2402ff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Replace LTU ^ ^ ^ ^ Sec. 4.4 ^ ^ ┆
0x24200…24300 (36, 0, 2) Sector 2403ff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ┆
0x24300…24400 (36, 0, 3) Sector 24047900313941 ┆$ y 19A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ in the DIST. EQUIPMT. Subsystem PROCEDURES DIST.EQUIPMENT SLM - Explain the indicators, switchsettings and CONTROL AND Sec. 4.5 I/O ┆
0x24400…24500 (36, 0, 4) Sector 2405ff00313941 ┆$ 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:3:1 830617 H/W & S/W FAILURE REPORTING S┆
0x24500…24600 (36, 0, 5) Sector 2406ff00313941 ┆$ 19AYSTEM L 1 1 INTRODUCTION OH 1 S/W Maintenance on Site: See 4.3.1 The S/W Maintenance on S┆
0x24600…24700 (36, 0, 6) Sector 2407ff00313941 ┆$ 19Aite consists of "S/W Failure Reporting" and "New S/W Loading". S/W ERRORS The "S/W Failure Reports" are listed in SLM Appendix A. S/W LOADING OH 2 The "New S/W Loading" is described in MOM Section 5.6.4. NOTE: There is no development of S/W at ┆
0x24700…24800 (36, 0, 7) Sector 2308ff00313941 ┆# 19Asite level. In case of an error in the S/W (an error report is printed at the Maintenance Position). A failure report is filled in and transmitted to the CSSI site. New S/W is returned to the site and loaded by the CMOS command. OH 3 Failure Rep┆
0x24800…24900 (36, 0, 8) Sector 24099c00313941 ┆$ 19Aording to the steps in the instructor's version of SLG. When students have located fault, establish normal condition and verify normal operation. - Explain the contents of the TDX H/W ERROR REPORTS App. A generated error reports. TDX SYSTEM S┆
0x24900…24a00 (36, 0, 9) Sector 240aff00313941 ┆$ 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:2:4-6 840210 TROUBLESHOOTING EXERCISE ┆
0x24a00…24b00 (36, 0, 10) Sector 240bff00313941 ┆$ 19A EX 1a 1 EXERCISE 1 CORRECT SOLUTION ┆
0x24b00…24c00 (36, 0, 11) Sector 240cff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ STEP SEQUENCE ^ TEST ^ RESULT (pos/neg) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ┆
0x24c00…24d00 (36, 0, 12) Sector 240dff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ ^ 2005 ^ IR 1A[1 ^ FFFF ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2010 ^ ^ ^ ^┆
0x24d00…24e00 (36, 0, 13) Sector 240eff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ ^ ^ 2500 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2505 ^ CUCP: LTU 4 AEN ┆
0x24e00…24f00 (36, 0, 14) Sector 240fff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ ^ ^ set to BUS B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IR 1A[D ^ ERR [[[F by 1A[D ^ ^ ┆
0x24f00…25000 (36, 0, 15) Sector 2400ff00313941 ┆$ 19A ^ ^ MAP STATUS A[[[ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2700 ^ IR 1A[1 ^ FFFF ^ ^ ^ ^┆
0x25000…25100 (37, 0, 0) Sector 2501ff00313941 ┆% 19Areports. REPORTS DIST. EQUIPMT SLM Sec. - There is no System Troubleshooting Tree SYSTEM 4.3.2 applied to the DIST. EQUIPMENT Subsystem. TROUBLESHOOTING OH 3 (The DIST. EQUIPMENT Off-line TREE troubleshooting tree is always referenced from eit┆
0x25100…25200 (37, 0, 1) Sector 2502ff00313941 ┆% 19Aher the Channel Unit Subsystem or the TDX Subsystem). DIST. EQUIP- Section Go through the DIST. EQUIPMENT Offline MENT OFFLINE 4.3 Troubleshooting Tree (step 5000 - 6000). TROUBLE- SHOOTING TREE - Describe how to read the DIST.EQUIPMENT Offli┆
0x25200…25300 (37, 0, 2) Sector 2503ff00313941 ┆% 19Ane Troubleshooting Tree (the contents of the STEP, PROCEDURE and OBSERVATION/ACTION column). DIST. EQUIPMENT SLM Sec. - Explain the input to / output from the OFFLINE M&D 4.7.2 Offline M&D test programs applied in the TEST PROGRAMS DIST. EQUIP┆
0x25300…25400 (37, 0, 3) Sector 2504ff00313941 ┆% 19AMENT Subsystem. DIST.EQUIPMENT SLM - Explain the replacement procedures of REPLACEMENT Sec. 4.4 modules within the DIST. EQUIPMT. Subsystem PROCEDURES DIST.EQUIPMENT SLM - Explain the indicators, switchsettings and CONTROL AND Sec. 4.5 I/O ┆
0x25400…25500 (37, 0, 4) Sector 25055100313941 ┆% Q 19AAddresses of the modules within the INDICATORS DIST.EQUIPMT. Subsystem. dules within the WD Subsystem. DURES. WD CONTROLS SLM - Explain the indicators, switchsettings and AND INDICA- Sec. 4.5 I/O Addresses of the modules within the TORS WD S┆
0x25500…25600 (37, 0, 5) Sector 2506ff00313941 ┆% 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:2:4-6 840210 TROUBLESHOOTING EXERCISE ┆
0x25600…25700 (37, 0, 6) Sector 2507ff00313941 ┆% 19A EX 1 1 EXERCISE 1 SLG Insertion of fault in LTU to simulate error 7:2:4-6 in the link to other systems.┆
0x25700…25800 (37, 0, 7) Sector 2408ff00313941 ┆$ 19A Action Remove LTU in slot No. 4. Swap PROMS at positions C70/C71. Install LTU in slot No. 4. Connect a VDU in V-24 configuration at Line No. 1 of LIA to simulate connection to another system. Verify that the fault can be located acc┆
0x25800…25900 (37, 0, 8) Sector 2509ff00313941 ┆% 19A2 The troubleshooting of the TDX is described in SLM Section The relevant sections of the Maintenance manual are as follows: TDX H/W SLM - Explain the contents of the TDX H/W ERROR REPORTS App. A generated error reports. TDX SYSTEM S┆
0x25900…25a00 (37, 0, 9) Sector 250aff00313941 ┆% 19ALM Sec. - Explain the contents of the TDX System TROUBLESHOOTING 4.3.2 Troubleshooting Tree TREE OH 3 TDX SLM Go through the TDX Offline Troubleshooting TROUBLESHOOTING Sec. 4.3 Tree (step 4000 - 5000). PROCEDURES - Describe how to read the TDX┆
0x25a00…25b00 (37, 0, 10) Sector 250bff00313941 ┆% 19A Offline Troubleshooting Tree (the contents of the STEP, PROCEDURE and OBSERVATION/ACTION column). TDX BIT SLM - Explain the activation commands of the BIT PROGRAMS Sec. 4.8 tests in the TDX Subsystem. TDX OFFLINE SLM - Explain the input to / out┆
0x25b00…25c00 (37, 0, 11) Sector 250cff00313941 ┆% 19Aput from the M&D TEST Sec. Offline M&D testprogram applied in the TDX PROGRAMS 4.7.2 Subsystem. TDX REPLACE- SLM - Explain the replacement procedures of MENT PROCE- Sec. 4.4 modules within the TDX Subsystem. DURES TDX CONTROLS SLM - Explain ┆
0x25c00…25d00 (37, 0, 12) Sector 250d7a00313941 ┆% z 19Athe indicators, switchsettings and AND INDICATORS Sec. 4.5 I/O Addresses of the modules within the TDX Subsystem. 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:1:4-6 830617 TROUBLESHOOTING, EXERC. ┆
0x25d00…25e00 (37, 0, 13) Sector 250eff00313941 ┆% 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:2:3 830617 CORRECT. MAINTENANCE DIST.EQ. ┆
0x25e00…25f00 (37, 0, 14) Sector 250fff00313941 ┆% 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION OH 1 The DIST. EQUIPMENT Subsystem consists of the modules described in SLM Section ┆
0x25f00…26000 (37, 0, 15) Sector 2500ff00313941 ┆% 19A4.2.5. OH 2 The troubleshooting of the DIST. EQUIPMENT is described in SLM Section The relevant sections of the Maintenance manual are as follows: DIST.EQUIPMENT SLM - There are no DIST. EQUIPMT. H/W ERROR App. A H/W generated error ┆
0x26000…26100 (38, 0, 0) Sector 2601ff00313941 ┆& 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION OH 1 The Watchdog Unit Subsystem consists of the modules described in SLM Section 4.┆
0x26100…26200 (38, 0, 1) Sector 2602ff00313941 ┆& 19A2.3. OH 2 The troubleshooting of the Watchdog is SLM App C described in SLM Section The relevant sections of the Maintenance manual are as follows: WD H/W SLM - Explain the contents of the WD H/W ERROR REPORTS App. A. generated er┆
0x26200…26300 (38, 0, 2) Sector 2603ff00313941 ┆& 19Aror reports. WD SYSTEM SLM Sec. - Explain the contents of the WD System TROUBLESHOOTING 4.3.2 Troubleshooting Tree TREE OH 3 WATCHDOG (WD) SLM Go through the WD Offline Troubleshooting TROUBLESHOOTING Sec. 4.3 Tree (step 3000 - 4000). PROCEDURES┆
0x26300…26400 (38, 0, 3) Sector 2604ff00313941 ┆& 19A + App C - Describe how to read the WD-Offline Troubleshooting Tree. (The contents of the STEP, PROCEDURE and OBSERVATION/ACTION column). WD BIT SLM - Explain the activation commands of the BIT PROGRAM Sec. 4.8 leds in the WD Subsystem. WD REP┆
0x26400…26500 (38, 0, 4) Sector 2605ff00313941 ┆& 19ALACE- SLM - Explain the replacement procedures of MENT PROCE- Sec. 4.4 modules within the WD Subsystem. DURES. WD CONTROLS SLM - Explain the indicators, switchsettings and AND INDICA- Sec. 4.5 I/O Addresses of the modules within the TORS WD S┆
0x26500…26600 (38, 0, 5) Sector 26061100313941 ┆& 19Aubsystem. 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:1:3 830617 CORRECT. MAINTENANCE CU ┆
0x26600…26700 (38, 0, 6) Sector 2607ff00313941 ┆& 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:2:2 830617 CORRECT. MAINTENANCE TDX ┆
0x26700…26800 (38, 0, 7) Sector 2508ff00313941 ┆% 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION OH 1 The TDX Subsystem consists of the modules described in SLM Section 4.2.4. OH ┆
0x26800…26900 (38, 0, 8) Sector 2609ff00313941 ┆& 19Arror reports. CU SYSTEM SLM - Explain the contents of the CU System TROUBLESHOOTING Sec. Troubleshooting Tree TREE 4.3.2 + OH 3 CHANNEL UNIT SLM (CU) TROUBLE- Sec. Go through the CU Offline Troubleshooting SHOOTING Tree (step 2000 -┆
0x26900…26a00 (38, 0, 9) Sector 260aff00313941 ┆& 19A 3000). PROCEDURES + App C - Describe how to read the CU Offline Troubleshooting Tree. (the contents of the STEP, PROCEDURE and OBSERVATION/ACTION column). CU BIT SLM - Explain the activation commands of the BIT PROGRAMS Sec. 4.8 tests in the CU┆
0x26a00…26b00 (38, 0, 10) Sector 260bff00313941 ┆& 19A Subsystem. CU OFFLINE SLM - Explain the input to /output from the M&D TEST Sec. 4.7 Offline M&D test program applied in the CU PROGRAMS Subsystem. CU REPLACEMENT SLM - Explain the replacement procedures of PROCEDURES Sec. 4.4 modules within ┆
0x26b00…26c00 (38, 0, 11) Sector 260ca900313941 ┆& ) 19Athe CU Subsystem. CU CONTROLS SLM - Explain the indicators, switchsettings and AND INDICATORS Sec. 4.5 I/O Addresses of the modules within the CU Subsystem. e structure of App A App A - Describe the formats of the H/W and S/W SLM error rep┆
0x26c00…26d00 (38, 0, 12) Sector 260dff00313941 ┆& 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:1:4-6 830617 TROUBLESHOOTING, EXERC. ┆
0x26d00…26e00 (38, 0, 13) Sector 260eff00313941 ┆& 19A EX 1 1 CPU TEST SLM MAP TEST Sec. 4.7 RAM TEST FD TEST DISK TEST LTU TEST LTU LOOP TEST LTU VDU TEST TDX┆
0x26e00…26f00 (38, 0, 14) Sector 260f2100313941 ┆& ! 19A BUS TEST TDX STATUS TEST 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:1:2 830617 CORRECT. MAINTENANCE PU ┆
0x26f00…27000 (38, 0, 15) Sector 2600ff00313941 ┆& 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:2:1 830617 MAINT. WATCHDOG CORRECT. ┆
0x27000…27100 (39, 0, 0) Sector 2701ff00313941 ┆' 19A.2.1. OH 2 The troubleshooting of the PU is described in SLMSection The relevant sections of the Maintenance Manual are as follows: PU H/W SLM - Explain the contents of the PU H/W ERROR REPORTS App. A generated error reports. PU SY┆
0x27100…27200 (39, 0, 1) Sector 2702ff00313941 ┆' 19ASTEM SLM - Explain the contents of the CU System TROUBLESHOOTING Sec. Troubleshooting Tree TREE 4.3.2 + OH 3 PROCESSOR UNIT SLM (PU) OFFLINE Sec. Go through the PU Offline Troubleshooting TROUBLE- Tree (step 1000 - 2000) SHOOTING PROC┆
0x27200…27300 (39, 0, 2) Sector 2703ff00313941 ┆' 19AEDURES + App C - Describe how to read the PU Offline troubleshooting tree. (the contents of the STEP, PROCEDURE, and OBSERVATION/ACTION column). PU OFFLINE SLM - Explain the input to/ output from the M&D TEST Sec. Offline M&D test program app┆
0x27300…27400 (39, 0, 3) Sector 2704ff00313941 ┆' 19Alied in the PU PROGRAMS 4.7.2 Subsystem. PU BIT SLM - Explain the activation command of the BIT PROGRAMS Sec. 4.8 tests in the PU Subsystem. PU REPLACEMENT SLM - Explain the replacement procedures of PROCEDURES Sec. 4.4 modules within the ┆
0x27400…27500 (39, 0, 4) Sector 2705a600313941 ┆' & 19APU Subsystem. PU CONTROLS SLM - Explain the indicators, switchsettings and INDICATORS Sec. 4.5 I/O Addresses of the modules within the PU Subsystem. Course Certificates LAB. GUIDE ┆
0x27500…27600 (39, 0, 5) Sector 2706ff00313941 ┆' 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:1:3 830617 CORRECT. MAINTENANCE CU ┆
0x27600…27700 (39, 0, 6) Sector 2707ff00313941 ┆' 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION OH 1 The Channel Unit Subsystem consists of the modules described in SLM Section 4.2┆
0x27700…27800 (39, 0, 7) Sector 2608ff00313941 ┆& 19A.2. OH 2 The troubleshooting of the Channel Unit is SLM App C described in SLMSection The relevant sections of the Maintenance Manual are as follows: CU H/W SLM - Explain the contents of the CU H/W ERROR REPORTS App. A generated e┆
0x27800…27900 (39, 0, 8) Sector 2709ff00313941 ┆' 19AEDURES OH 3 (ENTRY to Offline Troubleshooting Tree) OH 4 - Introduce the five Offline Troubleshooting OH 5 Trees (one per Subsystem) - Explain the syntax used in the Offline Troubleshooting Tree. REPLACEMENT SLM - Describe the purpose of the┆
0x27900…27a00 (39, 0, 9) Sector 270aff00313941 ┆' 19A Replacement PROCEDURE Sec. 4.4 Procedure - Explain the structure of the section 4.4 CONTROLS AND SLM - Describe the purpose of the Controls and INDICATORS Sec. 4.5 Indicators (LED indication, switch setting, I/O Addresses). ONLINE ERROR SLM ┆
0x27a00…27b00 (39, 0, 10) Sector 270bff00313941 ┆' 19A- Describe the purpose of the Online Error REPORTING Sec. 4.6 Reporting OFFLINE M&D SLM - Describe the purpose of the Offline M&D TEST PROGRAMS Sec. 4.7 test program description OH 6 - Explain the syntax used in the Offline M&D test programs. ┆
0x27b00…27c00 (39, 0, 11) Sector 270cff00313941 ┆' 19A BUILT-IN TEST SLM - Describe the purpose of the BIT programs. (BIT) programs Sec. 4.8 - Explain the structure used in section 4.8. ERROR REPORTS SLM - Explain the structure of App A App A - Describe the formats of the H/W and S/W SLM error rep┆
0x27c00…27d00 (39, 0, 12) Sector 270dff00313941 ┆' 19Aorts, i.e. a specification of the App Bmnemonics used in the headlines of the error reports. OH 7 H/W error report OH 8 S/W error report - Identify for each error report the SLM subsystem/module in which the error is App A.2 deleted. ┆
0x27d00…27e00 (39, 0, 13) Sector 270e4d00313941 ┆' M 19A1 corectly CAMPS Classroom EX Lab. Guide 9 pages CAMPS Training System SLM structure of the WD Offline Troubleshooting Tree - the identifica┆
0x27e00…27f00 (39, 0, 14) Sector 270fff00313941 ┆' 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:1:2 830617 CORRECT. MAINTENANCE PU ┆
0x27f00…28000 (39, 0, 15) Sector 2700ff00313941 ┆' 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION OH 1 The Processor Unit Subsystem consists of the modules described in SLM Section 4┆
0x28000…28100 (40, 0, 0) Sector 2801cc00313941 ┆( L 19Agress Report". CAMPS Classroom Progress test (20 questions on subject covered during week 7) test time 45 min. 3 viewfoils - the identification and replacement of the modu┆
0x28100…28200 (40, 0, 1) Sector 2802ff00313941 ┆( 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 COURSE EV┆
0x28200…28300 (40, 0, 2) Sector 2803d500313941 ┆( U 19AALUATION 7:5:4 45 CAMPS 1 No formal check Course evaluation scheme ibution Equipment Subsystem The 3┆
0x28300…28400 (40, 0, 3) Sector 2804ff00313941 ┆( 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 FINAL PRO┆
0x28400…28500 (40, 0, 4) Sector 2805d300313941 ┆( S 19ACEDURES 7:5:5-6 2 x 45 CAMPS 1 No formal check Course Certificates LAB. GUIDE ┆
0x28500…28600 (40, 0, 5) Sector 2806ff00313941 ┆( 19A 1 3139A/ktd MT/RST 7:1:1 830617 CORRECT. MAINTENANCE OVERVIEW ┆
0x28600…28700 (40, 0, 6) Sector 2807ff00313941 ┆( 19A L 1 1 INTRODUCTION OH 1 Presentation of the corrective Maintenance SLM philosophy and the Site Level Maint┆
0x28700…28800 (40, 0, 7) Sector 2708ff00313941 ┆' 19Aenance Sec. Manual. 4.3.1 SYSTEM SLM - Describe the purpose of the system BREAKDOWN Sec. 4.2 Breakdown OH 2 - Introduce the subsystems TROUBLE- SLM - Describe the purpose of the System SHOOTING Sec. 4.3 Troubleshooting Tree PROC┆
0x28800…28900 (40, 0, 8) Sector 2809ff00313941 ┆( 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 TROUBLESH┆
0x28900…28a00 (40, 0, 9) Sector 280aff00313941 ┆( 19AOOTING EXERCIXE 7:4:1-3 3 x 45 CAMPS 1 Execute troubleshooting procedures on the CAMPS system The 3 modules that are error reported must be identified┆
0x28a00…28b00 (40, 0, 10) Sector 280bb800313941 ┆( 8 19A, the errors corrected, and the logbook and failurereport filled in correctly CAMPS Classroom EX CAMPS Training System Lab. Guide 9 pages SLM DISK, LTU, LTU LOOP, LTU VDU IO, TDX BUS, TDX STATUS, and understand t┆
0x28b00…28c00 (40, 0, 11) Sector 280cff00313941 ┆( 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 TROUBLESH┆
0x28c00…28d00 (40, 0, 12) Sector 280dff00313941 ┆( 19AOOTING CAMPS 7:4:4-6 3 x 45 CAMPS 1 Execute troubleshooting procedures on the CAMPS equipment The 3 modules that are error reported must be identif┆
0x28d00…28e00 (40, 0, 13) Sector 280ebb00313941 ┆( ; 19Aied, the errors corrected and the logbook and failure report filled in corectly CAMPS Classroom EX Lab. Guide 9 pages CAMPS Training System SLM structure of the WD Offline Troubleshooting Tree - the identifica┆
0x28e00…28f00 (40, 0, 14) Sector 280fff00313941 ┆( 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 PROGRESS ┆
0x28f00…29000 (40, 0, 15) Sector 2800ff00313941 ┆( 19ATEST 7:5:1-3 45 CAMPS 1 The result will be used in the Student's fubak assessment. The result of this test will be recorded on the "Student's Pro┆
0x29000…29100 (41, 0, 0) Sector 29011a00313941 ┆) 19A viewfoils SLM 2 45 CAMPS 1 Describe the TDX test procedure, i.e. - the structure of the TDX OTT - the identification and replacement of the modu┆
0x29100…29200 (41, 0, 1) Sector 2902ff00313941 ┆) 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 TROUBLESH┆
0x29200…29300 (41, 0, 2) Sector 2903ff00313941 ┆) 19AOOTING EXERCISE 7:3:4-6 3 x 45 CAMPS 1 - Execute the troubleshooting procedure in the Watchdog, the TDX, and the Distribution Equipment Subsystem The 3┆
0x29300…29400 (41, 0, 3) Sector 2904eb00313941 ┆) k 19A modules that are error reported must be identified, the errors corrected, and the logbook and failure report filled in correcly. CAMPS Training System EX Lab. Guide 9 pages CAMPS Training System SLM eshooting Tree - t┆
0x29400…29500 (41, 0, 4) Sector 2905ff00313941 ┆) 19A 1 3139A/aml 7:3:3-6 831011 1 of 1 LAB. GUIDE ┆
0x29500…29600 (41, 0, 5) Sector 2906ff00313941 ┆) 19A CAMPS 1 1. One of the following reports are printed out on the maintenance position printer: TMS003 TDX ERR STI X ┆
0x29600…29700 (41, 0, 6) Sector 2907ff00313941 ┆) 19ABAD STATUS XXXX...... 2. Choose the entry point to the trouble shooting tree. 3. After eliminating the error, the following is printed out: TMS008 TDX ERR BUS X FLW TIMEOUT XXXX...... and: PER005 LTUXL X UNEXP CTRLLTUX LINE CLOSED ┆
0x29700…29800 (41, 0, 7) Sector 28086000313941 ┆( ` 19A5. Eliminate errors and verify that the system is operating. 6. Complete paper work. and failure report filled in correctly. CAMPS Training System EX CAMPS Training System Lab. Guide 9 pages SLM ng Tree - the ide┆
0x29800…29900 (41, 0, 8) Sector 2909ff00313941 ┆) 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 H/W & S/W ┆
0x29900…29a00 (41, 0, 9) Sector 290aff00313941 ┆) 19AFAILURE REPORTING 7:3:1 45 CAMPS 1 - Describe the actions in the S/W Maintenance. - Understand the structure of the Failure Reporting System (section 6) ┆
0x29a00…29b00 (41, 0, 10) Sector 290b8700313941 ┆) 19A During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overheads Whiteboard 4 viewfoils SLM, HWB, MOM Execute the following tests: CPU, MAP, RAM, FD, DISK, LTU, LTU LOOP, LTU VDU IO, TDX BUS, TDX STATUS, and understand t┆
0x29b00…29c00 (41, 0, 11) Sector 290cff00313941 ┆) 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 CONFIG. C┆
0x29c00…29d00 (41, 0, 12) Sector 290dff00313941 ┆) 19AONTROL 7:3:2 45 CAMPS 1 - Describe the CAMPS configuration control system - Identify the H/W as a product of type Nos, Version Nos, Print Revisio┆
0x29d00…29e00 (41, 0, 13) Sector 290e9700313941 ┆) 19Ans, and Revision Levels During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overheads Whiteboard 3 viewfoils SLM og (WD) test procedure, i.e. - the structure of the WD Offline Troubleshooting Tree - the identifica┆
0x29e00…29f00 (41, 0, 14) Sector 290fff00313941 ┆) 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 FIELD CHANGE NOTICE & LOG 7:3:3 45 ┆
0x29f00…2a000 (41, 0, 15) Sector 2900ff00313941 ┆) 19A CAMPS 1 - Fill in the Field Change Notices - Fill in the logbook During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overheads Whiteboard 3┆
0x2a000…2a100 (42, 0, 0) Sector 2a01ff00313941 ┆* 19AMAINT. TDX 7:2:2 45 CAMPS 1 Describe the TDX test procedure, i.e. - the structure of the TDX OTT - the identification and replacement of the modu┆
0x2a100…2a200 (42, 0, 1) Sector 2a02b100313941 ┆* 1 19Ales/units/crates/cables within the TDX subsystem. During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overheads Whiteboard 3 viewfoils SLM osophy of the CR equipment. - Describe the structure of sec. 4 in the Mainten┆
0x2a200…2a300 (42, 0, 2) Sector 2a03ff00313941 ┆* 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 CORR. MAI┆
0x2a300…2a400 (42, 0, 3) Sector 2a04ff00313941 ┆* 19ANT. DIST. EQIPMT 7:2:3 45 CAMPS 1 Describe the Dist. Equipmt. test procedure, i.e. - the structure of the Dist. Equipmt. Offline Troubleshooting Tree - t┆
0x2a400…2a500 (42, 0, 4) Sector 2a05e900313941 ┆* i 19Ahe identification and replacement of the modules/units/crates/cables within the Dist. Equipmt. subsystem. During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overheads Whiteboard 3 viewfoils SLM ing Tree - the identi┆
0x2a500…2a600 (42, 0, 5) Sector 2a06ff00313941 ┆* 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 TROUBLESH┆
0x2a600…2a700 (42, 0, 6) Sector 2a07ff00313941 ┆* 19AOOTING EXERC. 7:2:4-6 3 x 45 CAMPS 1 - Execute the troubleshooting procedure in the Watchdog, the TDX and the Distribution Equipment Subsystem. The 3┆
0x2a700…2a800 (42, 0, 7) Sector 2908eb00313941 ┆) k 19A modules that are error reported must be identified, the errors corrected and the logbook and failure report filled in correctly. CAMPS Training System EX CAMPS Training System Lab. Guide 9 pages SLM ng Tree - the ide┆
0x2a800…2a900 (42, 0, 8) Sector 2a09d500313941 ┆* U 19Antification and replacement of the modules/units/crates/cables within the CU subsystem. During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overheads Whiteboard 3 viewfoils SLM ┆
0x2a900…2aa00 (42, 0, 9) Sector 2a0aff00313941 ┆* 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 TROUBLESHO┆
0x2aa00…2ab00 (42, 0, 10) Sector 2a0bff00313941 ┆* 19AOTING EXERCISE 7:1:4-6 3 x 45 CAMPS 1 - Execute the following tests: CPU, MAP, RAM, FD, DISK, LTU, LTU LOOP, LTU VDU IO, TDX BUS, TDX STATUS, and understand t┆
0x2ab00…2ac00 (42, 0, 11) Sector 2a0c7500313941 ┆* u 19Ahe meaning of them During practical exercise EX Lab. Guide 1 page SLM , BSP, BF, BJR, BPM, Conf. Mgmt., LU ILS Train. Mgmt. 830617 1 830617 Conf.Mgmt. 83┆
0x2ac00…2ad00 (42, 0, 12) Sector 2a0dff00313941 ┆* 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 CORRECT. ┆
0x2ad00…2ae00 (42, 0, 13) Sector 2a0eff00313941 ┆* 19AMAINT. WATCHDOG 7:2:1 45 CAMPS 1 Describe the Watchdog (WD) test procedure, i.e. - the structure of the WD Offline Troubleshooting Tree - the identifica┆
0x2ae00…2af00 (42, 0, 14) Sector 2a0fcf00313941 ┆* O 19Ation and replacement of the modules/units/crates/cables within the WD subsystem. During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overhead Whiteboard 3 viewfoils SLM . 830617 All Completely ┆
0x2af00…2b000 (42, 0, 15) Sector 2a00ff00313941 ┆* 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 CORRECT. ┆
0x2b000…2b100 (43, 0, 0) Sector 2b01ff00313941 ┆+ 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 CORR ┆
0x2b100…2b200 (43, 0, 1) Sector 2b02ff00313941 ┆+ 19AMAINT. PU 7:1:1 45 CAMPS 1 - Describe the corrective maintenance philosophy of the CR equipment. - Describe the structure of sec. 4 in the Mainten┆
0x2b200…2b300 (43, 0, 2) Sector 2b038d00313941 ┆+ 19Aance Manual. During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overhead Whiteboard 8 viewfoils SLM > S C_* ┆
0x2b300…2b400 (43, 0, 3) Sector 2b04ff00313941 ┆+ 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 CORR. MAI┆
0x2b400…2b500 (43, 0, 4) Sector 2b05ff00313941 ┆+ 19ANT. PU 7:1:2 45 CAMPS 1 Describe the Processor Unit (PU) test procedure, i.e. - the structure of the PU Offline Troubleshooting Tree - the identi┆
0x2b500…2b600 (43, 0, 5) Sector 2b06d400313941 ┆+ T 19Afication and replacement of the modules/units/crates/cables within the PU subsystem. During practical exercise CAMPS Classroom L Overheads Whiteboard 3 viewfoils SLM ┆
0x2b600…2b700 (43, 0, 6) Sector 2b07ff00313941 ┆+ 19A 1 3139A/ktd 830617 CORR. MAI┆
0x2b700…2b800 (43, 0, 7) Sector 2a08ff00313941 ┆* 19ANT. CU 7:1:3 45 CAMPS 1 Describe the Channel Unit (CU) test procedure, i.e. - the structure of the CU Offline Troubleshooting Tree - the ide┆
0x2b800…2b900 (43, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(43,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41313941}, f00=»3139A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/020 (R) (Week 7) «, f02=»ktd «, f03=»BPM/BF «, f04=»CPS Instructor's Man «, f05=09-12-82 15:37, f06=» 2 «, f07=»00 «, f08=» 8711 «, f09=13-02-84 13:29, f10=» «, f11=»01 «, f12=» 67 «, f13=13-02-84 13:32, f14=13-02-84 13:41, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 57 «, f17=» 10 «, f18=»11 «, f19=» 744 «, f20=» 37190 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=920010500010052710110180aaca1505000000000000004203f400df}
0x2b900…2ba00 (43, 0, 9) Sector 2b0a3900313941 ┆+ 9 19A + + + + + * * * * * ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ' ' & & & % % $ $ # # # " " " " ! ! ! ! ! V.| | { z ^ ^ V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.V.TIV.V.V.V.┆
0x2ba00…2bb00 (43, 0, 10) Sector 2b0bff00313941 ┆+ 19A 1 CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week 7 CPS/TMA/020 CDRL Logistics Support No. 03A Line Item 8.2.4-B ┆
0x2bb00…2bc00 (43, 0, 11) Sector 2b0cff00313941 ┆+ 19A Bent Pau Mortensen/Bjarne Frederiksen Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (2), NCS (6), ORP, PBP, CL, BSP, BF, BJR, BPM, Conf. Mgmt., LU ILS Train. Mgmt. 830617 1 830617 Conf.Mgmt. 83┆
0x2bc00…2bd00 (43, 0, 12) Sector 2b0d0c00313941 ┆+ 19A0617 (:e= R+/:]=2#<! <6 M1' R+/M )M2&MP'I:^=~ B;/IMC'!e=6 *(=~ RN/C}/:]=2#<:b= Rc/! <6 Ch/! <6 M)(:^=~ Bt/I:\=2#<C /:]=2#<! <6 M)(I:g=~ J /Mj'! "(=~ R*/!/=6jM (*(=~ R;/!/=6nM (*(=~ RM/!/=6iM (*(=~ R`/!/=6WM (*(=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x2bd00…2be00 (43, 0, 13) Sector 2b0eff00313941 ┆+ 19A 1 3139A/ktd CPS/TMA/020 BF/830617 ii CAMPS INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL FOR MT/RST COURSE, WEEK NO. 7 Prelim. CAMPS 1 ┆
0x2be00…2bf00 (43, 0, 14) Sector 2b0fff00313941 ┆+ 19A 820216 All Preliminary Issue of Document Prel. 830617 All Completely ┆
0x2bf00…2c000 (43, 0, 15) Sector 2b004500313941 ┆+ E 19Anew update of manual )M2&! "(=~~ BW2I! <6 M /M?.I*:="8=IM2&MP'Mc2! m"2< [MI !?=6 : #wI>K!8=>R 2!8=6 #4 E*8=k L<M% :8=F 28=I!#<:"<>R<2> I E*#<& "< DM L<M% :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x2c000…2c100 (44, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x30800…30900 (48, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(48,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41381241}, f00=»3812A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/024 «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CL «, f04=»CAMPS STUD.TEXTBOOK «, f05=14-06-83 09:09, f06=» «, f07=»15 «, f08=» 549 «, f09=02-01-84 09:56, f10=» «, f11=»00 «, f12=» 9 «, f13=02-01-84 09:55, f14=06-01-84 13:40, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 2 «, f17=» «, f18=»26 «, f19=» 16 «, f20=» 990 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=200010000310462710110170aaca15050000000000000038030800df}
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0x40000…40100 (64, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(64,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41300641}, f00=»3006A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/021 «, f02=»rt «, f03=»CLA «, f04=»OJT TRAINING MANUAL «, f05=11-11-82 08:50, f06=» «, f07=»22 «, f08=» 2307 «, f09=21-03-85 13:18, f10=» «, f11=»16 «, f12=» 7 «, f13=21-03-85 12:27, f14=21-03-85 13:34, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 86 «, f17=» 19 «, f18=»21 «, f19=» 956 «, f20=» 66901 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=020010000710052710110170aaca15050000000000000142032701df}
0x40100…40200 (64, 0, 1) WangDocumentBody
0x40c00…40d00 (64, 0, 12) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆
0x41000…41100 (65, 0, 0) WangDocumentBody
0x42800…42900 (66, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(66,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41313441}, f00=»3134A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/017 «, f02=»ktd «, f03=»ORP «, f04=»ON-THE-JOB TRAINING «, f05=07-12-82 14:11, f06=» «, f07=»47 «, f08=» 3117 «, f09=18-08-83 05:44, f10=» «, f11=»02 «, f12=» 31 «, f13=18-08-83 05:47, f14=19-08-83 12:20, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 9 «, f17=» 1 «, f18=»39 «, f19=» 120 «, f20=» 4366 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=700040000410056610110170aaca15050000000000000142032400df}
0x42900…42a00 (66, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x47800…47900 (71, 0, 8) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(71,0, 9), len=0xff, h3=41307441}, f00=»3074A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/009 (R) (Week 5) «, f02=»rt «, f03=»BSP «, f04=»CPS Instructor's Man «, f05=25-11-82 12:24, f06=» «, f07=»56 «, f08=» 1179 «, f09=03-10-84 10:15, f10=» «, f11=»06 «, f12=» 123 «, f13=03-10-84 10:22, f14=03-10-84 14:19, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 96 «, f17=» 38 «, f18=»52 «, f19=» 1516 «, f20=»116696 «, f21=» «, f22=» «, f99=690010210010052710110180aaca1505000000000000004203dd01df}
0x47900…47a00 (71, 0, 9) WangDocumentBody
0x48000…48100 (72, 0, 0) Sector 4801ff41307441 ┆H A0tA3074A CPS/TMA/009 (R) (Week 5) rt BSP CPS Instructor's Man 25 11 82 12 24 56 1179 09 07 84 10 24 00 14 09 07 84 10 27 10 07 84 10 26 0259A 96 38 25 1536 116395 x ! ' *J B ] _┆
0x48100…48200 (72, 0, 1) Sector 48026000307441 ┆H ` 0tAT H H H G G G G G F F F F E E D D D D C C C C 1 / / / - - , , , ]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r┆
0x48200…48300 (72, 0, 2) Sector 48034e00307441 ┆H N 0tA 1 I:]=2#<:^=V V u:b=V V AH! Rv-! <6 C{-! <6 M1' Z -C7-:!<~ B -!/=6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x48300…48400 (72, 0, 3) Sector 4804ff00307441 ┆H 0tA 1 CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week 5 CPS/TMA/009 CDRL Logistics Support No. 03A Line Item 8.2.4-B ┆
0x48400…48500 (72, 0, 4) Sector 4805e000307441 ┆H ` 0tA Erik [rving Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (2), LT, NEN, ALG, ER[, Conf. Mgmt., LU ILS Train.Mgr. 840618 2 840618 Conf. Mgr. 840618 (=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x48500…48600 (72, 0, 5) Sector 4806ff00307441 ┆H 0tA 1 3074A/ktd CPS/TMA/009 ER[/840618 ii CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week No. 5 Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x48600…48700 (72, 0, 6) Sector 4807ff00307441 ┆H 0tA 821011 All Preliminary Issue of Document 1 830617 All Completely new update of ┆
0x48700…48800 (72, 0, 7) Sector 4708cd00307441 ┆G M 0tA manual 2 840618 All General updates and changes in accordance with CAMPS log 1434, 831021 % :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x48800…48900 (72, 0, 8) Sector 4809ff41307441 ┆H A0tA3074A CPS/TMA/009 (R) (Week 5) rt BSP CPS Instructor's Man 25 11 82 12 24 56 1179 26 06 84 09 38 01 12 26 06 84 09 40 26 06 84 09 44 0259A 96 38 06 1560 115689 ! ' *J B \ _┆
0x48900…48a00 (72, 0, 9) Sector 480a6000307441 ┆H ` 0tAT H H H H H H G G G G F F F F E E D D D D 1 1 / / / - , , , ]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r┆
0x48a00…48b00 (72, 0, 10) Sector 480b4e00307441 ┆H N 0tA 1 I:]=2#<:^=V V u:b=V V AH! Rv-! <6 C{-! <6 M1' Z -C7-:!<~ B -!/=6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x48b00…48c00 (72, 0, 11) Sector 480cff00307441 ┆H 0tA 1 CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week 5 CPS/TMA/009 CDRL Logistics Support No. 03A Line Item 8.2.4-B ┆
0x48c00…48d00 (72, 0, 12) Sector 480de000307441 ┆H ` 0tA Erik [rving Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (2), LT, NEN, ALG, ER[, Conf. Mgmt., LU ILS Train.Mgr. 840618 2 840618 Conf. Mgr. 840618 (=~ Rt/!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x48d00…48e00 (72, 0, 13) Sector 480eff00307441 ┆H 0tA 1 3074A/ktd CPS/TMA/009 ER[/840618 ii CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week No. 5 Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x48e00…48f00 (72, 0, 14) Sector 480fff00307441 ┆H 0tA 821011 All Preliminary Issue of Document 1 830617 All Completely new update of ┆
0x48f00…49000 (72, 0, 15) Sector 4800cd00307441 ┆H M 0tA manual 2 840618 All General updates and changes in accordance with CAMPS log 1434, 831021 % :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x49000…49100 (73, 0, 0) Sector 4901ff00307441 ┆I 0tAhe Field Test Unit - Describe the Cable Config. - Describe the Rotary Switches - Describe the Toggle Switches - Describe the Keyboard Panel - Describe the LED Display The student should be able to identify and explain the use of the swi┆
0x49100…49200 (73, 0, 1) Sector 49029d00307441 ┆I 0tAtches and indicators on the FTU frontpanel. CAMPS Classroom CAMPS Trainingroom L, DE, I 15 viewfoils Field Test Unit FTU ules. STB I. Sec. 16-17 SLM Sec. 4.390-393 4.408-411 ┆
0x49200…49300 (73, 0, 2) Sector 4903ff00307441 ┆I 0tA 1 3074A/ktd 840618 1 ┆
0x49300…49400 (73, 0, 3) Sector 4904ff00307441 ┆I 0tA FIELD TEST UNIT EXERC. 5:2.4-6 3 x 45 CAMPS 1 Use the Field Test Unit Manual Perform Power Up Initialization pro┆
0x49400…49500 (73, 0, 4) Sector 4905ff00307441 ┆I 0tAcedure Perform Drive Selection procedure Perform Direct/Cont Seek procedures Perform Write/Read procedures Perform maintenance and replacement of parts. Result of Practical Exercises (after the exercise the Storage Module Drive shall be┆
0x49500…49600 (73, 0, 5) Sector 4906ce00307441 ┆I N 0tA connected in the Camps Configuration and shall be fully operational) CAMPS Classroom CAMPS Trainingroom GW, S, DI Field test unit Storage Module Drive Scratch-Pack FTU CAMPS 1 ┆
0x49600…49700 (73, 0, 6) Sector 4907ff00307441 ┆I 0tA 1 3074A/ktd 840618 1 ┆
0x49700…49800 (73, 0, 7) Sector 4808ff00307441 ┆H 0tA SMD AC/DC POWER DISTR. 5:3:1 45 CAMPS 1 - Describe the principles of the Storage Module Drive Power Distrib┆
0x49800…49900 (73, 0, 8) Sector 4909ff00307441 ┆I 0tA - Replace Disk/Floppy Disk Controllers - Perform maintenance and replacement of parts. Result of Practical Exercises (The Floppy Disk Controller and Disk Controller shall be fully operational at conclusion of lesson) CAMPS Trai┆
0x49900…49a00 (73, 0, 9) Sector 490a7300307441 ┆I s 0tAningroom GW, S, DI Video Display Unit Flopyy Disk Controller Disk Controller STB I. Sec. 16 L Lecture GW Group Work T Test I Informal Talk S Self Study LG Laboratory Guide OH Overhead/Handout j2:g=~ B}4C75! ┆
0x49a00…49b00 (73, 0, 10) Sector 490bff00307441 ┆I 0tA 1 3074A/ktd 840618 1 ┆
0x49b00…49c00 (73, 0, 11) Sector 490cff00307441 ┆I 0tA FD DRIVE EXERCISE 5:1:5-6 2x45 CAMPS 1 - Replace Floppy Disk Drive and test for malfunctions in drive oper┆
0x49c00…49d00 (73, 0, 12) Sector 490dff00307441 ┆I 0tAation - Perform maintenance and replacement of parts. Result of Practical Exercises (The Floppy Disk Drives shall be fully operational at conclusion of lesson) CAMPS Trainingroom GW, S, DI Video Display Unit Flop┆
0x49d00…49e00 (73, 0, 13) Sector 490e2800307441 ┆I ( 0tApy Disk Drive STB I. Sec. 16 I STORAGE MODULE DRIVE MANUAL CPS/TCM/010 SMD III STORAGE MODULE DRIVE MANUAL CPS/TCM/011 ┆
0x49e00…49f00 (73, 0, 14) Sector 490fff00307441 ┆I 0tA 1 3074A/ktd 840618 1 ┆
0x49f00…4a000 (73, 0, 15) Sector 4900ff00307441 ┆I 0tA FIELD TEST UNIT 5:2:1-3 3 x 45 CAMPS 1 - Describe the principles of the functional and operational use of t┆
0x4a000…4a100 (74, 0, 0) Sector 4a01ff00307441 ┆J 0tAf the Disk Controllers and connected Adaptors. - Explain the use of Controller Indicators. Perform maintenance and switch settings on controllers. - The student should be able to: Identify the Controller Indicators - Explain the use ┆
0x4a100…4a200 (74, 0, 1) Sector 4a02e700307441 ┆J g 0tAof the Controller Indicators. Perform switch setting. CAMPS Classroom CAMPS Trainingroom L, DE, I 14 view foils Controller modules. STB I. Sec. 16-17 SLM Sec. 4.390-393 4.408-411 ┆
0x4a200…4a300 (74, 0, 2) Sector 4a03ff00307441 ┆J 0tA 1 3074A/ktd 840618 1 ┆
0x4a300…4a400 (74, 0, 3) Sector 4a04ff00307441 ┆J 0tA FLOPPY DISK DRIVE 5:1:2-3 2x45 CAMPS 1 - Describe the principles of the functional and operational use of ┆
0x4a400…4a500 (74, 0, 4) Sector 4a05ff00307441 ┆J 0tAthe Floppy Disk Drive. - Explain basic Read/Write theory. The student should be able to explain the use of the Control Logic Module and the Read/Write Logic Module and to describe the functions of the lines used by the Logic Modules. ┆
0x4a500…4a600 (74, 0, 5) Sector 4a067600307441 ┆J v 0tA CAMPS Classroom CAMPS Trainingroom L, DE, I 16 Viewfoils Floppy Disk Drive FD I FD II 40618 ii CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week No. 5 Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x4a600…4a700 (74, 0, 6) Sector 4a07ff00307441 ┆J 0tA 1 3074A/ktd 840618 1 ┆
0x4a700…4a800 (74, 0, 7) Sector 4908ff00307441 ┆I 0tA FD & DISK CONT. EXERC. 5:1:4 45 CAMPS 1 - Enable and Disable Disk Controllers onto and from Mainbus A or B. ┆
0x4a800…4a900 (74, 0, 8) Sector 4a09ff00307441 ┆J 0tA 1 3074A/ktd CPS/TMA/009 ER[/840618 iii CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week No. 5 Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x4a900…4aa00 (74, 0, 9) Sector 4a0aef00307441 ┆J o 0tA GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS DI Discussion DE Demonstration L Lecture GW Group Work T Test I Informal Talk S Self Study LG Laboratory Guide OH Overhead/Handout j2:g=~ B}4C75! ┆
0x4aa00…4ab00 (74, 0, 10) Sector 4a0bff00307441 ┆J 0tA 1 3074A/ktd CPS/TMA/009 ER[/840618 iv CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week No. 5 Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x4ae00…4af00 (74, 0, 14) Sector 4a0fff00307441 ┆J 0tA 1 3074A/ktd 840618 1┆
0x4af00…4b000 (74, 0, 15) Sector 4a00ff00307441 ┆J 0tA DISK CONTR. & ADAPTOR 5:1:1 45 CAMPS 1 - Describe the principles of the functional and operational use o┆
0x4b000…4b100 (75, 0, 0) WangDocumentHead {hdr=WangSectHead {next=(75,0, 1), len=0xff, h3=41307441}, f00=»3074A «, f01=»CPS/TMA/009 (R) (Week 5) «, f02=»rt «, f03=»BSP «, f04=»CPS Instructor's Man «, f05=25-11-82 12:24, f06=» «, f07=»56 «, f08=» 1179 «, f09=20-06-84 15:07, f10=» «, f11=»53 «, f12=» 608 «, f13=20-06-84 16:29, f14=21-06-84 09:29, f15=»0259A «, f16=» 96 «, f17=» 37 «, f18=»30 «, f19=» 1744 «, f20=»115030 «, f21=» «, f22=»5 «, f99=690010210010052710110180aaca1505000000000000004203dd01df}
0x4b100…4b200 (75, 0, 1) Sector 4b026000307441 ┆K ` 0tAT K K K J J J J J I I I I H H H H G G G G F F F E E D D D 1 / / / - , , , ]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r]r┆
0x4b200…4b300 (75, 0, 2) Sector 4b034e00307441 ┆K N 0tA 1 I:]=2#<:^=V V u:b=V V AH! Rv-! <6 C{-! <6 M1' Z -C7-:!<~ B -!/=6'C*-:!<~ B%-!/=6WC*-!/=6)M2&*/=MM, > I!e=6 !Z="(=e*$<kas#r 9x2"<! <6 M8)I:^=~ B#.!#<6 ! <6 M&&:!<~ J#.:!<2.=M2┆
0x4b300…4b400 (75, 0, 3) Sector 4b04ff00307441 ┆K 0tA 1 CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week 5 CPS/TMA/009 CDRL Logistics Support No. 03A Line Item 8.2.4-B ┆
0x4b400…4b500 (75, 0, 4) Sector 4b05ea00307441 ┆K j 0tA Erik [rving Kurt Nybroe-Nielsen SHAPE (2), NCS (6), ORP, NEN, ALG, ER[, Conf. Mgmt., LU ILS Train.Mgr. 840618 2 840618 Conf. Mgr. 840618 /!/=6lM (*(=~ R ┆
0x4b500…4b600 (75, 0, 5) Sector 4b06ff00307441 ┆K 0tA 1 3074A/ktd CPS/TMA/009 ER[/840618 ii CAMPS Instructor's Manual for MT/RST Course, Week No. 5 Issue 1 CAMPS 1 ┆
0x4b600…4b700 (75, 0, 6) Sector 4b07ff00307441 ┆K 0tA 821011 All Preliminary Issue of Document 1 830617 All Completely new update of ┆
0x4b700…4b800 (75, 0, 7) Sector 4a08cd00307441 ┆J M 0tA manual 2 840618 All General updates and changes in accordance with CAMPS log 1484, 831021 % :#<F 2#<> I:g= Ro2M/2 Rl2> IC13!?=4~~ B|2> I:A=!┆
0x4b800…4b900 (75, 0, 8) Sector 00000000000000 ┆ ┆