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Length: 7808 (0x1e80) Types: TextFile Names: »FCOPY3.ASM«
└─⟦b445f10af⟧ Bits:30004389 CP/M Plus Source files └─ ⟦this⟧ »FCOPY3.ASM«
title 'FCOPY UTILITY DATE:840401' PAGE 43 ;************************************************************************ ;* * ;************************************************************************ MACLIB Z80 MACLIB PORTS CVERS equ 10 ;version 1.0 for CP/M 3.0 ; maxcount equ 2 ; max$trk equ 154 SECSIZ equ 512 ;size of sector ; TPA equ 0100h ;Transient Program Area LOADP equ 1000h ;LOAD Point for system BDOS equ 05h ;DOS entry point BOOT equ 00h ;reboot for system CONI equ 1h ;console input function CONO equ 2h ;console output function SELD equ 14 ;select a disk RETDSK equ 25 ;return current disk DRBIOS equ 50 ;Direct BIOS call function EIGHTY equ 080h ;value of 80 CTLC equ 'C'-'@' ;ConTroL C Y equ 89 ;ASCII value of Y ; MAXTRY equ 01 ;maximum number of tries STACKSIZE equ 016h ;size of local stack ; WBOOT equ 0 ;address of warm boot ; SELDSK equ 9 ;BIOS func #9 SELect DiSK SETTRK equ 10 ;BIOS func #10 SET TRacK SETSEC equ 11 ;BIOS func #11 SET SECtor SETDMA equ 12 ;BIOS func #12 SET DMA address READF equ 13 ;BIOS func #13 READ selected sector WRITF equ 14 ;BIOS func #14 WRITe selected sector utility equ 30 ;BIOS func #30 format / rd_trk / wr_trk rd$track equ 2 wr$track equ 3 ;******************* ;* ;* MAIN ROUTINE ;* ;******************* ; START: lxi sp,STACK lxi d,SIGNON call OUTMSG ; ;get version number to check compatability mvi c,12 ;version check call BDOS mov a,l ;version in Acc cpi 30h ;version 3 or newer? jc NOEXEC ; start1: call SOURCE ;find out source drive call DESTIN ;get dest drive jmp getsys NOEXEC: LXI D,REQCPM3 ;PRINT "REQUIRES CP/M PLUS" CALL OUTMSG ; MVI C,WBOOT ; JMP BDOS ; GETSYS: ;------ lxi h,0 shld track trk$loop: xra a ;zero out a sta RW ;RW = 0 to signify read LDA GDISK call GETPUT ;get or read system lxi h,RW ;load address mvi m,1 LDA PDISK call GETPUT ;to put system back on disk lhld track lxi d,maxcount dad d shld track mvi a,maxtrk cmp l jz done$exit jmp trk$loop done$exit: ;------ lxi d,DONE call crmsg ;print out end prompt lxi d,copymsg call crmsg ; call getchar cpi 'Y' jz start1 REBOOT: mvi c,13 call BDOS call CRLF jmp BOOT BADDISK: lxi d,QDISK call CRMSG ret ;======================================================================== ; Utility subroutines = ;======================================================================== BIOS: STA BIOSFC ;DIRECT BIOS CALL MVI C,DRBIOS ; LXI D,BIOSPB ; CALL BDOS ; RET ; ;========================================================================= GETCHAR: ; Read console character to rA mvi c,CONI call BDOS ; Convert to upper case cpi 'A' or 20h rc cpi ('Z' or 20h)+1 rnc ani 05Fh ret ;============================================================================= PUTCHAR: ; Write character from rA to console mov e,a mvi c,CONO call BDOS ret ;============================================================================= CRLF: ; Send Carriage Return, Line Feed mvi a,CR call PUTCHAR mvi a,LF call PUTCHAR ret ;============================================================================= CRMSG: ;Print message addressed by the HL ; until zero with leading CRLF push d call CRLF pop d ;drop through to OUTMSG OUTMSG: mvi c,9 jmp BDOS ;============================================================================= SELCT: ; Select disk given by rE mvi c,0Eh jmp BDOS ;============================================================================= SOURCE: lxi d,GETPRM ;ask user for source drive call CRMSG call GETCHAR ;obtain response cpi CR ;is it CR? jz DFLTDR ;skip if CR only cpi CTLC ;is it ^C? jz REBOOT ; cpi 'A' jz getc cpi 'B' jz getc ; ; Invalid drive call BADDISK ;tell user bad drive jmp SOURCE ;try again ; GETC: ; Select disk given by Acc. sta GDISK ;store source disk jmp GETVER ; DFLTDR: mvi c,25 ;func 25 for current disk call BDOS ;get curdsk adi 'A' sta GDISK call CRLF lxi d,VERGET call OUTMSG jmp VERCR ; GETVER: ; Getsys set r/w to read and get the system call CRLF lxi d,VERGET ;verify source disk call OUTMSG VERCR: call GETCHAR cpi CR jnz REBOOT ;jmp only if not verified call CRLF ret ;============================================================================= DESTIN: lxi d,PUTPRM ;address of message call CRMSG ;print it call GETCHAR ;get answer cpi CR jz REBOOT ;all done cpi 'A' jz putc cpi 'B' jz putc ; ; Invalid drive call BADDISK ;tell user bad drive jmp destin ;to try again ; PUTC: ; Set disk from rA sta PDISK ;message sent ; Put system, set r/w to write lxi d,VERPUT ;verify dest prmpt call CRMSG ;print it out call GETCHAR ;retrieve answer cpi CR jnz REBOOT ;exit to system if error call CRLF ret ; ;------------------------------------------------ GETPUT: ; Get or put CP/M (rw = 0 for read, 1 for write) ; disk is already selected SUI 'A' MVI D,0 MOV E,A CALL SELCT ;SELECT DRIVE lxi h,LOADP ;load point in RAM for DMA address shld DMADDR lhld track dcx h shld mtrack mvi a,-1 sta count RWTRK: ; Read or write next track lda count inr a sta count cpi maxcount rz lhld mtrack ;track no inx h shld mtrack SHLD BCREG ;set up PB mvi a,SETTRK ;settrk func # CALL BIOS lhld DMADDR ;base DMA SHLD BCREG ; LXI D,512*8 ; DAD D ; SHLD DMADDR ;SAVE NEW ADDR MVI A,SETDMA CALL BIOS xra a sta RETRY ;to set zero retries ; TRYSEC: ; Try to read or write current sector lda RETRY cpi MAXTRY jc TRYOK ; ; Past MAXTRY, message and ignore lxi d,ERRMSG call OUTMSG call GETCHAR cpi CR jnz REBOOT ; ; Typed a CR, ok to ignore call CRLF jmp rwtrk ; TRYOK: ; ok to try read write inr a sta RETRY lda RW ora a jz TRYREAD ; ; Must be write ; Perform write track operation lxi h,wr$track shld bcreg mvi a,utility CALL BIOS jmp CHKRW TRYREAD: ; Perform read track operation lxi h,rd$track shld bcreg mvi a,utility CALL BIOS CHKRW: ora a jz RWtrk ;zero flag if read/write ok ; ;Error, retry operation jmp TRYSEC ; ; ;**************************** ;* ;* ;* DATA STRUCTURES ;* ;* ;**************************** ; BIOSPB: ; BIOS Parameter Block BIOSFC: db 0 ;BIOS function number AREG: db 0 ;A register contents BCREG: DW 0 ;BC register contents DEREG: DW 0 ;DE register contents HLREG: dw 0 ;HL register contents ; ; SDISK: ds 1 ;selected disk BEGIN: dw 0 DFLAG: db 0 mtrack: dw 0 track: dw 0 ;current track count: db 0 CRNREC: db 0 ;current rec count SECTOR: ds 1 ;current sector RW: ds 1 ;read if 0 write if 1 DMADDR: ds 2 ;current DMA address RETRY: ds 1 ;number of tries on this sector SIGNON: db 'CP/M PLUS FCOPY - Version ' db CVERS/10+'0','.',CVERS mod 10 +'0' db '$' GETPRM: db cr,lf,'Source drive name (or return for default) $' VERGET: db 'Source on ' GDISK: ds 1 db ' then type return $' PUTPRM: db 'Destination drive name (or return to reboot) $' VERPUT: db 'Destination on ' PDISK: ds 1 db ' then type return $' COPYMSG:db 'Copy another (Y/N)? $' DONE: db 'Copy complete',cr,lf,'$' ; ; Error messages...... ; REQCPM3:db 'Requires CP/M PLUS.$' qdisk: db 'ERROR: Invalid drive name.$' FSPACE: db 'ERROR: Out of data space.$' WRPROT: db 'ERROR: Write protected?$' ERRMSG: db 'ERROR: Possible incompatible disk format.' db CR,LF,' Type return to ignore.$' ; ds STACKSIZE * 3 STACK: end «eof»